Surviving the Snakebite - Dallas FGHT

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God didn't let us survive that today in this do I have any witnesses it tell them I didn't survive that to die in this but I believe Amon Perez God God has every intention of bringing me into my purpose into what he wants me to be although I may have to go through some things God say that I can also survived the shipwreck those things that I have to go through everybody survived the shipwreck now they find out that they're in island called my leader and now they're in this land with these barbarians these barbarians are known to be violent in nature and to kill off all human forms and these barbarians have a cannibalistic nature and they're also known to eat human flesh how but this time they were cooking a man present up a fire but not to kill them or to eat them up but they may be able to warm themselves by the fire because the present conditions was told and rain huh and I found out that wonder him the God is upon you people that seek to do you evil they cannot do the evil that they were projecting to do upon your life that's why the Bible tells me and Isaiah 54 and 79 that no weapon that is formed against me shall be able to prosper tell somebody it won't work it won't work I don't care how they plot planting schemer how they trying to come against me what they say I pound me God said that no weapon that is formed against me I shall be able to prosper which means I'm going to come out of this I'm going to survive this although there is a position although people are coming against regards that I'm going to be able to survive this now it's important to know that over eight thousand people per year or bitten by snakes that's a lot of snake bites isn't it over eight thousand people per year are bitten by snakes I receive poisonous snake bites and that's just in the United States huh now some of the so-called harmless snake bites I can set up infection or cause an allergic reaction now and cause people to die and people who frequent wilderness areas or people that is dwelling snake in haunted areas are succeptible to snake bites so before I move forward let me give you some preventive measures to help you avoid the snake bite and if we can't help you avoid the snake bite are we gonna help you survive the snake bite so now the American Red Cross says to prevent snake bites you need to follow these five simple steps huh step number one huh leave snakes alone many people are bitten because they are not qualified but they tried to kill a snake or they get too close to a slick huh turn ever neighbor rule number one leave snakes hello rule number two stay out of tall grass because the grass is not greener on the other side don't pick up rocks but rather be like David said Lord lead me to the rock that is higher then I don't gather firewood unless you're properly dressed ie make sure you have on the whole armor of God rule number three huh keep hands and feet out of areas that you cannot see stay away from places that you do not belong snakes may be lurking within striking distance and you might not even know it rule number four be cautious and alert at all times watch and pray that you fall mat and sanitation because snakes live in cold dark wet areas number five a snake can never be a bit don't play with sneeze Cobra snakes they call those the Brownback snakes the ones that like to stand how the arrogant ones are I call those the quarry they call them copers but I call them the chorus those are the arrogant ones that know more than anybody else but they also have lips than anybody else it's bad when somebody trying to give you advice on something and they don't have anything y'all know talk back to me here some people trying to give you man advice and they don't even Lord head let him sell now there are also rattlesnakes rattle snakes like the sound of that gets everything that gives leadership whatever leadership say the rattlesnakes and I found it on two things that have a rattle even it's a baby oysters man y'all Eagle talk back to me and our lord have mercy let me move on and then we have the copperheads the copperheads the copperheads say just warn attention the Copperheads don't do anything they just want to draw our pigeon to themselves don't have any way that there start a bunch of stuff but they won't finish nothing got an oil some copperheads in my channel or embers and then we got the cottonmouth leaves or the water moccasins snakes a hanging out in ditches and vitaveggies bad coming in and they always go on to the wrong place huh Taylor never be careful of the company that you keep because you might be hanging out with some cottonmouth water - of people that don't mean the ministry oh lord have mercy here again I wish I had some help here and then we got the coral snakes the course makes art the British snake sir the one with all the nice bright vibrant colors huh but those are the ones that are pretentious and they have their only the clip that they had the only the cook you can't roll with us because you how they gonna talk back to one of us should not lock us up I tell him back at Homebake a view in the clique than you and the clack the other will talk back to how am I trying to be in the clique or the clacker I'm just trying to make my way to heaven love Hammerson tell you that the beat watch out for snakes watcher I thought the posture total that we're living in the snake Atlanta and some of them have worked their way inside of the church kick automata and you got to be careful up there huh because they don't mean you any good because remember rule number five huh snakes can never beat bedtime and you don't want to ever play with the snake huh can I get a witness here huh because nothing ever good came out of fooling with a snake huh now talk back to me huh and when you sneer see a snake huh you should want to kill the snake huh and you want to give it before it gets you do I have any witnesses in try to pin one if you want to do I have a witness's and I said I'm kidding so now define I've been on Maleeva huh there this island there with these barbarians but all of a sudden God has changed the nature of the barbarians the barbarians don't want to do them any harm but now the barbarians are providing fire that they made me warm up because it is cold because it is raining so Paul says you don't help us I'm gonna help you Laura I'm going to go and gather some sticks together that I might put on the fire and the fire might continue burning huh I just want to do my part to make sure that we stay warming that we live past the shipwreck I don't have any witnesses here ah and I found that as long as you're standing still the enemy will not bother you but as soon as you get active and moving god I want to do something and God here comes the soup and rearing up his ugly head talk back to me here if you're not doing nothing if you're not an active in ministry active in church huh they're never gonna leave you alone because he feel like he already got you doing huh what he wants you to do which is nothing huh but as soon as you set your foot the new ministry where God as soon as you want to get busy mature beard piling together I am a supporter of the ministry huh here comes a serpent rendus you I try to catch you off before you can be everything that God wants you to be but terrible you can't survive the snake bite that I could come out so what Paul is getting together the sticks huh to put on the fire he counts together the six huh and at the Bible said that when he took the sticks and threw them on the fire the heat came this dinner must be shop and onto his hand huh and the shoving about Holy Ghost in fire if you want to know who got real power you'll see the Holy Ghost fire burning in their mouths after all that Ghost is in you ha ha reminded people don't want to be around you turn around the people don't want to hang out with you I have because your spirit your piling standing here because your spirit reminded ah and the best way to weed out people that are not really huh they don't mean the ministry if it is huh he talked spiritual huh and see what they have to say huh they so worried about one who had on water and now they go talk back to me but I'm not worried about who's wearing what huh who walked in with who I'm trying to get to heaven huh the best way I know ha ha ha to come for friendship I come back in shiver a cup of fellowship ER but I came for worship ah I came to give God the best praise if I can because he's worthy Gloria and is worthy of the honor huh and I realized I could not make it without God on my side sure that he got stirred up here comes the Viper out of the fight not song to the hand palm cover things jump out to me right here first thing is I wonder why nobody came to help us want the snake Billy well we're those people that say they got your back we're those people that we friends to the I don't read what not one person came a hill Paul get the Viper off of his hand you know what the Bible said they stood then they looked at of a great long waiting for him to die i'ma have to drop some news or you might not be favorable to you but there are some people watching you and waiting for you to die some people have already counted you out said she ain't gonna make it oh lord this is gonna break her heart Shango beavers about this she's not gonna be able to come back from this she's not gonna be able to bounce back I planned out people sterile I'm waiting on you to lose who's tougher way no you to fall down huh so they say AHA see I knew she wasn't gonna make it I knew she wouldn't like I knew she couldn't hold I gotta go talk back to me here but I wanna nice all my haters and critics keep watching me huh and I can watch him in huh gods don't continue to bless me tell it because if you don't like me now you sure ain't gonna like me later tell something I'm just getting warmed up what you talkin about just get along w hey hey no me now because a little stuff I got now you turn up your nose in the little stuff I got man see what the product the problem in you don't know what I've been through you don't know how long I had it in the layaway you don't know what I pay for the who gave it to me you just see me in and you just can't stands can I wonder what shoes a win today how what do you think they got that off the rack experiment listen either way I'm blessed huh gotta go talk back to me huh whether Taylor hand-stitch though I picked it up off the rack either way I'm blessed can I get a witness here huh now where were you when I had holes in the bottom of my shoes where were you when I was wearing a hand-me-down well why would I have to do superglue huh just a hole my wardrobe said I let me give you this here's the other thing that jumped out to me that women the Beast came out of the fire I'm almost done why didn't it latch on to his leg why did it bite him on the foot somewhere else on his body why did the venomous beast call for fame what now the ham in the bottle represents a many different things our hope open-hand God had open him toward you represents a favor of God my clothes hanging or clenched fish represents the wrath of God on this three things that the human handle the hand of man represents I wanna move through those real quickly reason number one line the Viper bit him on the hand is that it did not want him to work because a man needs his hand to her increase acid mine attendant what so as I found out him to do do it with all down mine so this is the fiber bit him on the hand because it did not want him to work and some people y'all lord have mercy do I have to go there some people are not working in the church today because they've been sleeping lord have mercy aah they can't do anything because they've been snakebit down the talkback man there's some people can't go there there's some people that's still holding on to bad experiences and things that I've happened to them how and it's hitting the work with God I don't have a witnesses here ah those bad experiences you had years ago you're still holding against the church huh you're still holding against people when we cannot be gradual I'll examine here huh if we're going to be successful in Ghana and some people cannot work huh Shiva the cuz they've been sleeping huh she'll even get them on the hand so they can be unable to work on how to perform the task of doctor can I get a witness here ah people that are say clean out their reclusive huh that shot they don't want to do anything for God now but telling evidence if I have to sneak by reason number two the reason they had the Viper bit of all the hand I did not want to work huh second reason is worship enemy don't want you to worship he does not want you to version he does not want you to worship huh and we note your worship God we need our hands to be able to worship the word in the Hebrew yah oh yah ha ha means the praise of the hands huh truth in anything bite you on the hand huh he can hit your worship because your worship you can't fake worry about there's some people that can shout out and you can think it's real because they can go right over left and left over right huh but you can't take worship Yama Hey I'll talk to me here ah you worship the God they give expression to God no God I am inferior and you are superior that's why I worship you huh that's why I lift you up ah so if your snake in half you're unable to worship God freely huh and when you come out you can't praise the like this because you've been snake bitten huh but an exodus 14 and 8 huh the prime said when the children of Israel came out of Egypt they came out with a ha they came out of worship in Ghana and thanking God that the seat brother after brother witness here somebody shot yes number 3 and I got to move on work my way to other clothes huh he does I want you to work huh he does not want you to worship huh number 3 he does not want you to write down pay that he taught you the right time that's why he then I'm on the hand huh huh back up - and - huh just right to fish and make it play huh so the enemy's trying to cut off your body you on the hand if you can snake bite your snake ha can I write the vision huh but God has given you know your net he's drama you huh then cut off your future huh even I want you to write what Dom has given new ha ha ha the state backed up to have anybody here that can survive the snake backup katana ma huh when the fiber billion over here huh the browser they looked at him a long time and thought that he should die huh I'll deal with all the dude he ship off the viperox into the fire and I want to tell you been sneaking huh if it's about to snake back up hallelujah ha still never can you shake the snake I know it's been doubting you huh your passes better thing Eva but can you shake the senator can you shake up that thing huh - scary - can you shake up a finger but as you're worried then you set off the thing huh powder you can survive the number one of a snakebite is blurred vision that I never see these clearly not even their own room ask your name are you suffering from blurred vision y'all I go talk to you later ask him are you suffering from blur addition if you've been snake bin then you have an increased appetite but it's not for God's words nursey obviously now you more concerned on what's going on outside of the door then you are inside oh they don't ask you that aren't you snake big snake bit on so causes I lost some muscle control and coordination and strength it also caused weakness it causes fainting numbness huh and you caused you to become desensitized there's a loss of feeling out of the trunk back to me huh and lower that's a lot of people that they have they become desensitized to the word back can I get a witness here a should be time when people had a conviction huh when they knew they weren't living right on doing the right huh as soon as all become was amazed before that you could get out of there my let me run down to the altar with hands up lift it up summer fall on their knees and repent to God and get back in the good graces of God not something we almost got the primer for their Sita because they don't want to move can I get a witness here they know they're wrong they have a loss of muscle coordination huh they're expensive experiencing weakness and numbness shock and they are fainting huh can I get a witness here the vows in the last Asia double your great falling away huh people a beginning snake bitten every day huh and leaving you holding this shop that's why the pastor I marvel at you but you're so soon moved by another gospel I come to find out there is no other gospel huh and this persuasion huh coming not from the one huh that call it you huh now the people today huh being lured out of the church ah can I get a witness here huh and the father not be anything and everything huh and you wonder what happened to the best friend huh you look down the road he's not there anymore but for your favorite sister you don't see it anymore the answer is simple they've been snake bitten huh can I get a witness here and they cannot survive the snake bite time now when they carried you as I work my way toward a close-up that you can huh sir found the snake can I get a witness at all they they look at Paul and thought in a second now huh he's won't get out please don't fall out he's don't quit he's gonna die but grab some powder by the hand tell him we shall not grab somebody else's that we shall not just about I don't live come on don't leave Genesis 15 20 huh but you thought evil against me but God miniature on too deep can I get a witness here huh they looked at Paul listen any second now he's gonna any second now please don't get out but they kept looking and it kept standing huh they kept looking ha and it kept standing then I come to tell the enemy that I'm still here and it's by the grace of God I know he's brought his all like me after items don't destroy me huh but that's something turn into a stepping stone that thing he thought was don't kill me huh only made me stronger huh have a witness here that thing that I went through you know the one people wrote me off me out then they looked up that says he's still here she's still standing up for sure that was a knockout punch up but what you don't know that was in my spirit I head back back up within my spirit cap give me buddy in here got bounced back in your spirit what the devil tractor tell your neighbor don't come back from this this is not the death of me but Dad some balance in my wheel ha shabby after they let that ha for Queen Wawa and companies and aha the Bible says that they look God Almighty huh which means I don't have to do anything huh but God nah if don't change that the mind of the enemy those that sought to do me harm God don't make those you will become my servant I get a witness huh those are ones ha now a militia stop spreading rumors spreading gossip spreading my son both will be the same ones come back to you how it's easy anything any for me to do cos I'll take you in a ninja make them your foot stupa God Almighty back home the Bible says in first Peter 20 and 28 the philtrum set up ambush attack against favor time and they said baby sir the god of the heels huh but not the God in the in the for me if you ever been matchmaker watch the biter with soap and water but the key thing Berger said nothing but the blood gonna wash away oh my scene sir can I get a witness here if you want to be the limit and set free can it ever get out of the blood of countless cross where crosses on the veterinary and keep it low my heart Kingdom bird who said huh oh my gosh fills up the matter him the dog but he might exalt you in due time where cross it cover it with a clean moss pressure committer my swelling and discomfort ah the William brother say it's my cooling water from Grandma from grandmas well can I come and tell you although the snake may be lurking I can down one trade ever nine-one-one not on your home phone your cell phone but I can down in the scripts of those songs not you on that anyone P that way in the secret base of the channel they tell you for him if you faked it but change my said in among you sick any money afflicted time let him call for the elders of the church if you confess your sins confess your vows he will forgive you and the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much if you go to the doctor huh give me a hammer don't talk so give you a hand Camilla damn I don't that you need there's a Holy Ghost that's 138 to put II stammer see after the whole adore shot has come upon you how can i it's about the slingback kill your neighbor neighbor huh give more power not green power not racial power well hole they don't care about it Holy Ghost power make a crackhead trouble paper to make a streetwalker get out the street singham out your hand but stand up and shake the demo for your lap take never get up get up get up tell him get up this is national joke you know shake it out shake out your planet shake up your town the snake miser shake it over come on stop shake it off shake it off shake it off shake it off shake it off I wish some Raisa give them praise that's it that's it I mean so much fun second of your that's a chicken off your back brazen hey the frame shake it off and weekend no combat I said shake up a beginner come back in the firm she'll back Trump feel the UH Norton is this in this room got cameras for you you get a restoration
Channel: FGHT Houston
Views: 43,559
Rating: 4.8634539 out of 5
Keywords: Houston FGHT, Elder Andre Lee, pastor Andre Lee, Amy Lee, Evangelist Amy Lee, First Lady Lee, Holiness, Church, Praise break, Apostle Lobias Murray, fght houston, bishop andre lee, full gospel holy temple, pastor andre lee, apostle herman murray, apostle herman murray jr, houston fght
Id: eczEab_lvv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Fri May 27 2011
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