FGHT Dallas: Sowing Discord Among the Brethren

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oh come on come on and magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name - Kelvin our God is a great God come on credible Khan deserves an incredible praise hallelujah thank you Jesus or he's a great guy and we bless him tonight amen for His goodness and His mercy towards us I'm just so grateful to be here I'm glad to be saved anybody glad to be saved tonight hey man just glad that one day God sanctifies your heart to the truth would you just take a moment lift your hands up and in a very personal way just say something from your heart through your lips all the way up to God's ears come on just thank him for being so mindful of us oh yes Lord hallelujah come on that's it that's it he's so mindful of us kept us all day long he's worthy of the praise hallelujah thank you lord who wouldn't serve a god like ours I tell you he is an amazing God would you clap your hands and thank God for the temple worship was tonight thank God for the testimonies thank God for evangelist Keith HANA a man telling you what proud will do he meant God is faithful god bless you take your seat in the presence of the Lord I'm just so glad to be here tonight amen Tuesday night special verse a man that's our family night service he meant mothers bring your daughter's fathers bring your sons and let us worship the Lord together I believe serving God should be a family affair amen and I'm grateful tonight that God have loaned us to life another day kept us he meant from the will of the enemy amen and brought us into the sanctuary amen and allowed us to lift our hands and praise Him in the beauty of holiness hey man I'm just grateful tonight every time God allows us to come together I tell you these these three months when we could be here he-men taught me to better appreciate the house of the law yes it did a man it taught me to better appreciate it even not that I ever didn't appreciate it a man but I tell you my mind went back over the children of Israel when they were carried away into a strange land hey man and the Bible said they wept when they remembered Zion a man and I tell you having been disconnected and he-man not able to come like we desire to be here a man it was it was some kind of ordeal but look how good god is he man God brought us together one more time and you know I say it often and I'll say it again a man just like we were talking the other day and heard one young lady say it every morning you wake up if you got a mind to live holy you ought to thank God a man that you still have a mind to live holy because people now don't seem to have that mind even people now don't don't value the things of God and every day that God allows you to see Amen when you recognize that you are awake a man and you realize you have the activities of your live that's a day that you ought to thank God that he kept your mind stayed only him it is a blessing to have a mind a man that wants to do the will of the Lord Amen and I'm here tonight amen to preach this gospel to you amen look at somebody close to you just tell him me but there's a word from the Lord a man there he is and I'm a love of the word I broke my you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what everything but the word of our God a man this is all that we need people now looking for something new you don't need nothing new hey man and this don't need to be rewritten they they changed it a whole lot that has to do with this little subtle words but it changes the whole dynamic a man but we don't need to rewrite this amen we need to go back and build ourselves more firmly on the foundation of this word Amen is that mother Thomas mother Thomas that's you since I was looking for you just a second ago I appreciate the Lord for mother Celestine Thomas amen thank God for her and brother Thomas a man informed me a man that she feels this is the right time for her to step down as our our head mother of the mothers board a man but we appreciate you mother Thomas for God's holy temple can you think god this woman of God did an awesome job or come on let's praise God for mother Celestine Thomas amen we appreciate you so much mother Thomas for all that you have done amen you have done a phenomenal phenomenal job and we thank God for you a man and all that God have allowed you to do would you hope this this is mother Thomas's brother Thomas we have a something for you tonight just to say thank you for all of the many years that you have served and labored in the vineyard of the Lord a man thank God for you the book of Proverbs I figure that's a pretty good book to breach from don't you a man proverbs a lot of wisdom there a man they see the son you know think we can get out of here before the Sun go down somebody said no you probably right a man just wanted to know what was on your heart proverbs 6 a man proverbs the sixth chapter I want to amen read just four verses of scripture in your hearing it's proverbs 6 even verses 16 through verse 19 he meant proverbs chapter number 6 verses 16 17 18 and 19 amen when you have it say a man read what the Bible says wait a minute amen amen I wanted to hear you these six things read these six things does the Lord hate yay yay seven or an abomination which indicates that even this is not an exhaustive list this this is not not all that he hates or detests a man it's it's it's it's definite that he does hate these things but that's not all a man so the list could grow these six things that the Lord hate the a seven AHA or an abomination an abomination unto Him with you when you when you look at that it talks about people's whose eyes are lifted they have holy eyes that proud look and if you didn't know God hates pride he hates it anywhere he sees it he hates it in any form he hates it in anybody the preacher can't be full of proud pride and artillery leader cannot be full of pride hey man amen your family can't be full of pride amen it doesn't matter how God uses you you got a battle against that because the Bible says this is what the Lord hates he hates a proud look it was pride that turned Lucifer into Satan it was pride that caused a met him to repel against God and he spots out the list by saying he hates a proud look read a lying tongue Lord he hates a lying tongue because God is a God of truth amen and he hates a lying tongue it doesn't matter who it is that's the reason why a revelations 21 and eight says all Liars every one of them don't have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone amen you keep going around telling these look what you call little white lies if you won't do a little white lie they'll get you sent to a big black hell because all Liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone that Paul a SIL one occasion brethren like not one to another you know what happens when people lie they try to distort the truth and change reality he meant to fit their own design but God says not only do I hate a proud look I alanda read and hands that shed innocent blood and that shed innocent you know the Bible says among the ten commandments we see thou shalt not kill which literally means thou shalt do no murder now what he does give space for a man is for the government the state to exact a mint punishment on those that have broken its laws you read it in the Old Testament he said Amen with innocent blood is shed the land cannot be healed except by the blood of that it and so he says Amen those that are innocent and don't deserve to die he hates the fact that their toes a meant that will hasten to shed innocent blood you know we see it it's going on in the streets now Amen so sad and and I don't know what's going on the enemy a man is on a rampage now we're seeing young kids a man being killed a man right there on the streets that Pyatt a men have done no wrong to anybody hands that shed innocent blood not only that a meant but we see children being killed a man I mean from the womb on up to 18 years old he says their hands that shed innocent blood read and heart that devises wicked imagine he hates the idea that people will spend their time with a wicked imagination you know there's some people a man be they could do good but their mind just conceives of different ways to do evil I told you I think it was last Tuesday night Romans the first chapter talks about people who were inventors of evil and that's what you still got you still got people that have been evil and he said those he meant people that devises wicked imaginations just like you can think of a way to hurt people you can think of a way they help people it's terrible to use your mind ain't been in a way that brings about mischief amen away that brings about a wicked imagination do you know you can use your mind to figure out a way to bless people rather than trying to find ways to undermine people he said I don't like people with hearts that divides wicked imaginations read feet that be swift and running to miss feet that a quick get in the stuff Lord you got a lot of folk a man feet just quick to jump into stuff stay out of stuff you don't have to get involved with everything you know you got people now all they gotta hear is the fact that something is going on they don't care who it is they don't care how long you're gonna be cold you just tell them hey make up and they just quit the run after everything they look at Amen for some live action the Bible said their feet are Swift and running a mystery a false witness of false witness that speaketh lies that speaketh lies willing to get somebody in trouble behind Abel read and he then saw a discord he that soweth discord discord among the Brethren among the Brethren or goes from the eyes to the mouth to the hands to the heart to the feet he deals with the whole man false witnesses and then finally those that sow discord among the Brethren I want to talk about tonight so in discord among the Brethren it is vital do we see it a man throughout the pages of the Word of God God calls us to operate in a spirit of love and togetherness you know the enemy loves to disrupt that unity that harmony that should exist especially among those that are called by the name of the law Amen stuff that we're seeing now among the believers this stuff we used to only see out there among people that didn't even know God and I'm trying to understand how now amen do we believe that these things are okay and that they cool and should characterize the lives of believers do you know that God when he called us out of sin and shame called us to live at a higher level he called us to be different he called us to be other bad what we see in the lives of people that don't know the Lord and it is a shame before God for those of us that have been so-called a mentor now start to do the things and say the things and act in the ways that we see other people act amen what caught desires of us a man is that we show the world his ways through our actions in other words when they look at us they ought to see what God intends for a life to be lived a man how a life should be lived if they want to know what is in accordance with the Word of God they ought to be able to look at the life of the children of God amen and know that our lives have lined up with His Word and if they were ever in a doubt if anybody ever needed to know what it means to live the kind of life that God is pleased with amen oh they should have to do is look at us and one of the main characteristics that we should have Amen is love one for the other y'all don't got quite you know that Amen what the world needs now they used to say it's love they meant what we need now Amen we need a spirit of togetherness and it seems like what the enemy isn't on doing is tearing us apart one of the things that is so sad about this error that we're living in now a menace that it's all about division we are fighting division with division now and don't even realize that the Bible is right a house that is divided against itself cannot stand amen instead of fracturing and splintering somebody's gonna have to come together and there's nothing that can bring us together like the word and the wielder of the law hey man you've got to know that God still expects for us to show the world Amen what it is that he desires out of all of us hey man they should be able to look at us and see how we interact with one another how we deal with one another how we resolve conflict amen how we interact amen with those that don't even like us amen they ought to be able to see him in our lives as a matter of fact his first John four in seventeen says as he is so are we in this world you got to know he left us here as a representation Amen of who he is and what it is that he requires and so you've got to know brothers and sisters that while we are here he's giving us clear and direct instructions and he's letting us know amen in various certain terms the things that please him and the things that we ought to stay away from you got to know there's some things that are going on in the world God does not approve up Amen there's certain relationships that are built on foundations that God does not approve of Amen as a matter of fact we always talk about the love of God but did you know that there are things that God actually hates yeah hate what he hates I don't hate nobody he meant but I hate anything that's contrary to the will and the way of the Lord and the Bible tells us those things that God be pissed those things that God a man is not pleased with we've got to find ourselves steering clear of those things and staying away we can never a man gain favor of God Amen by doing those things that God frowns on you've got to know God don't give us passes and you got people Amen but he'll hold to the tenets that God understands that's how I lived a life amen I can do it because God understand such an individual not somebody else but that we serve is a holy God praise God for being a holy God think you can spirits you've got to know Amen that we've got to steer clear we've got to be very careful amen because what the enemy is trying to do in this hour Amen he's trying to bring about a division that God is not pleased with and it's not just you know it's not just black against white it's not Democrats against Republicans Amen this is a fight of faith is good against evil and you got to know that the devil is not above can feel treating the body of Christ he's not above amen coming into the house of God and trying to stoke those divisions right up in the house of God and so what we've got to do now we've got to guard ourselves and make sure that every day that God sends us we are on guard against the spirit amen that's trying to bring about this unity in the body of Christ you know it's a sad thing that you see now Christians are fighting one another amen those that are saved are talking about each other as this is nothing when I came in the house of God God is bringing us people together we are all one flesh we are all of one blood but y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you we are the children of God and what the devil wants more than anything is for us to be fractured and for us to talk against each other Amen for that'll be disunity because he knows that if we could ever get together if we are ever with one man one spirit one vision removing step he knows that there's nothing that shall be impossible to pop your hands and give him praise think you can spirit as a matter of fact in Romans 13 chapter love is actually the fulfillment of the law you got people trying to keep the law hey man I don't do this I don't do that but did you know he said if you hate your brother payment you are in danger of hellfire the Bible says if we love him that begat we should also love him that is begotten can we love God and don't love God's children well y'all don't got quiet tonight hey man I'm trying to hurry and let you know I said how can we love God and don't even love God's children we have never seen God we've never put our eyes on God but we love with God here we are Amen see our brothers and our sisters every take a minute won't shake well now don't even speak to no patty you see your sister wants to help out you know what some of our hearts say they should the best with me they just repeat what they sowed understand it's about a women been through it you know I have white friends oh I got black friends and we in church try to qualify this and all the thing that matters here is that we the children of God that's our God God don't see color you know what all the colored I saw was black because that's what color you saw was a man the only thing that God want to know is do you want to be saved Amen are you tired of your sin and the Bible said when cleanses us he brings us nothing here each other we ought to celebrate each other and not get jealous of God is elevated and using one another position position the reason why God hates these things because they hate that because it causes us to deal with our brothers and our sisters in a way that doesn't speak to the fact that they are children of God listen if Jesus was here I'd be hard-pressed to think some of us would have some of the attitude with him but then again some of you I don't know cuz that guy oh no that's God son you you don't fool with him don't don't do that no that's God son you know you don't lie on him that's constant God or get you but then I read in what is that sounds 105 and 15 he says what touch not mine anointed do my prophets know did you know Amen the Bible said now are we the sons of God you gotta be careful how you deal with your y'all don't got quiet enough you gotta be careful how you deal with your brothers and sisters because that is a child of God and do you know that God will catch you you did what I'm saying - yeah but that don't give you no excuse to treat it no don't get quiet I'm just trying to hurry up and get out of here tonight that don't give you no excuse to treat people in it right away I'm safe today safe I'm gonna help can I tell you yes you will and okay I say if you say you are the Bible said if you don't love your brother you don't even know God because God is I don't care amen if you glad to be over your artillery drops you're glad that God gave you promotion you don't talk to people in a kind of way you don't have to focus on shucks all folks kids amen you don't treat people like that just because you got a title Amen on your name on the door you got to learn how to treat people with love respect people because remember you're still gonna reap what you sow you might be at the top today but you might be down tomorrow and you sure better have put some good seeds in the ground so that good seeds come up when you need them to come up we're at that point now that people need to see his love in us and if they came to look at the church and the children of God and see the love of God then where can they see it amen why would people want to come to the church if they're bad in the church fighting each other see see wisdom is still the principal thing it's still the principle as a matter of fact the Bible said he that winneth Souls is wise we're trying to win the world but how can we win them if all they see is contention and discord and disunity and disharmony we've got to show them that this is the better way when used to be a time when win-win-win-win folk had unsaved spouses wisdom kicked in they didn't go home talking about all the folk in the church they don't like it and that went over there I can't prove it but I thought she rolled her eyes at me she got one more time to do it I'm coming to church I understood that it would be the house of God you is just my job amen to lay it out for you so that we know have a responsibility as the people of God get me Psalms 133 in 1 because I find that now according to the Word of God there are some things that just shouldn't even be named among us as becoming the Saints we've got to be on guard because the enemy would love to bring that kind of spirit in but that cannot be the story of those that belong to God we can't belong to him but act in the as if we don't CHUM's 133 1 3 behold oh how good and how pleasant is how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together to dwell together in unity in you how good and how it is it is pleasing in the sight of the Lord you imagine how beautiful that must look to God when we come to church at everybody know they plays play position amen everybody's fulfilling their role Amen nobody get away nobody get another time that's gotta be a beautiful sight in the sight of God deep in the sea has people dwelling together in the unity going after the same goals with the same vision in mind but when we come to the house of God in their own different directions what does that look like what this is all about but it's good when God sees us coming together and we are here for the same purpose to see lives change to see people saved to see those delivered another power of God God wants us to live in unity and listen to what he wants us to do he wants us to build each other up rather than being the ones that are busy tearing each other down we've got to use our words sons and daughters to help build people up and to establish people you know what they used to tell us I guess the tenant kids this stuff no more hey you to tell us if you don't have nothing good to say then don't say nothing at all but you've got people now they so caught up hey bender this freedom of speech honey I got freedom of speech you got it hey man you got the power to say whatever you wanna say hey Ben but do you realize the Bible still tells us that even if everything is lawful everything is not expedient just because you could do it don't mean you should do it do it you need to do it in the hands of the devil because he said blessed are the peace makers in the house of the Lord you don't need help you just don't keep strife going but because they haven't done it in more than us and we bid to him but it's the enemy that's trying to keep us apart because if we ever come together if we ever come together and what with each other instead of working against each other or we gonna see some results if we could ever realize it's not about me then we can get some results if we can ever let go of jealousy and envying and strife and then we can get somewhere oh but how do we get there when every time God elevates you and take you two steps forward the enemy is saying they don't deserve those two steps and now here we go on a campaign to try to show God what he missed that we know about them you know what we've got to learn to do just what the Bible said we got to learn to rejoice with them that do rejoice Oh sometimes God working for people and people are sitting there grinding their teeth we got to learn how to celebrate what God is doing in the life of y'all don't want this tonight get me get me st. John 17 and 22 and the glory and the glory which thou gave his name which dog gave us me I have given them uh-huh that they may be one wait a minute that they may be what that they may be together this is what Jesus prayed he asked God to anoint his people to be one people let him be together even as we are one even as we are one he helped them God to come together bring the hearts together bring their minds together let them be of one mind of one spirit of one goal let them be one just like we are what if there is no division in Christ that's what power lasts them he said his Christ divided he meant because even then back then you had people in the church he meant they were trying to be a splintered I'm appalled I'm of Apollo's I'm of dis when I'm a backward you came in five years ago it's all about him forget about everybody else do it because it's right in the sight of God so he said Christ is not divided and if he's not and we can't be divided either we gotta be strengthened by unity Oh God let me hasten one of the problems that were seeing now in this social media generation is that everybody feels like they have something to say have you have you noticed everybody now got a TV program it's called Facebook live here better now I got their own television show and everybody feels like they have something to say and the problem is if you can start talking the devil will cause you to start saying stuff you ain't got no business and that's why the Bible said a fool is known about multitude of words can I tell you something no this is this is one of them like Pasadena say that's a 10,000 pound nugget there did you know you can read a post that you don't agree with and not respond somebody already shot you didn't it you felt like you had to say something I don't know where they got that from did you know that there are situations that you encounter that you don't have to get involved in you can cry now you don't have to say something just because you feel like you have something as a matter of fact I get me get me a first Thessalonians 4 and 11 because a lot of what's going on now a lot of the disunity is behind people saying stuff and talking stuff ain't got no business talking and the Bible is still saying for you that God hates those that sow discord among brethren among people anytime that you use whatever you can to bring this unity God got a problem with you and if you know this is going to start something then don't say something don't say nothing why would you give the enemy a platform to create confusion and division and then the next thing you know you got people who should be talking about how we both serve the Lord glad to be on the long side now you got them aiming guns at each other how the world can you get as a minister give a platform for disunity our job should be to start bringing people together not always firing shots up you got something everything they say is controversial and contentious they come in for everybody they calling you crazy come on now and the world sitting back looking at us like they watching a tennis match watching us live insults back at each other we 1st Thessalonians 4:11 and that and that ye study to be quiet no don't don't sing until you're spri but look at somebody on one side of you and tell him he told Mathieu he meant you when he wrote that Paul was talking to you when he said that right there that's the reason it's in the Bible because he was talking to you do you know what he said read that again and that ye study to be quiet and that she study to be quiet I don't endorse all these other versions of the Bible but the Herman version says shut up sometimes and that ye study to be quiet because the enemy would love to use your mouth to cause confusion and you got some families you know what a husband and a wife take it all and somebody don't know how to shut up and the devil to use your own mouth to keep confusion going and to dig up how kind of stripe and how kind of division you got a spot he said it's a it's a discipline it's some you gotta you you got to put some effort in it is study to keep your mouth closed you know some time to get a degree it take four years of experience in that discipline some of us need a master's degree in shutting up started to be quiet and what and to do your own business Lord Lord and mind your own business he's talking about busybodies now starting to be quiet and do your own business and do what to work with your own hands to work with your own hands stop talking about what somebody else is doing and you haven't even started doing none yourself work with your own hands got to be quiet and mind your own business you better get it tonight there might be a pop quiz tomorrow study to be quiet you know what the Bible says about your tongue it's a little number Oh God look number but the Bible says your tongue is set on fire no sharp words your careless words that's why he says steady to be quiet because some things are better left how many people spoke where it's at and hate it the moment they said it they wish they could have took it back just like that that's somebody that needs to started to be quiet because once your words go out now all kind of contention all kind of division look at what happened and you can't say you didn't mean it because people don't believe that if you didn't mean it you wouldn't have said it oh I wouldn't think of you know I was just mad and you know when you're mad it's almost like you're temporarily insane but what they say a drunk man speaks a sober mind sometimes people sit up down there listen to your words and you can't take that stuff back I keep telling you and I don't say this to be funny but y'all laugh every time I remember a few years ago we was at the hotel for one of our convocations y'all remember that and and and there was a preacher that got up and when he got up he went to announce the scripture and and and I guess he didn't put enough glue on his upper set and they came out he going on the glory down so he don't care that I'm telling you this and when they came out his mouth he caught him with his lip and he hurry up and pushed him back in and I was sitting right next to his wife and she said that's all right baby that's okay and when he did he moved on like nothing happened I think about that quite often and sometimes I figure we wish we could do our words like he did his upper dentures which why we speaking and we could use our lips to reach that then grab him and pull him back in but once the words crossed your teeth they out there and people have said for years sticks and stones may break my bones but your words will never hurt me that's a lie a word will break your spirit the people that a fifty years old right now still wrestling with stuff that folks said over them when they were 13 years old don't you wish sometimes you could just catch your words and push them back in your mouth that's why he says you gotta study to be quiet because sometimes careless words will cause great divisions you've got people that are divorcing right now because somebody said some careless to him and they cannot for the life of them believe that you just said that that came from your heart you gotta watch it because the enemy will use words to sow discord among us get me James one in nineteen James 1:19 wherefore my beloved brethren aha let every man be swift to hear do you hear this be swift to hear slow to speak and slow to speak be swift to hear and be slow to speak where the Herman why are you talking about talking so much because that's one of the main ways that the enemy uses a men to bring division it's our words because he said he that's so it and when you see the word so it it gives the indication almost like farming like people are planting seeds they're sowing discord and the thing about it is once you're so you give it time it's gonna come up and sometimes people are sowing words and those words are going to come up and that's what the enemy is going to use so he says be slow to speak and all of your getting get an understanding sometimes but we've got to learn to do a step back and see how this is getting ready to affect other people if we started thinking before we said a bunch of stuff about the consequences of our words how are they going to take this can anybody take this the wrong way what are they gonna feel about this we would stop a lot of this foolish talkin if we would just think about what we're saying first and this is what a lot of people don't do and so the Bible says discord is sold it's like the planting of seed and you've got to be careful because there's some things that can disrupt the unity even let me say this even in your math you know you've got to watch because the devil is not just the church the devil one is so discord in your family yes he does that's the reason why he'll send somebody else amen in that acts as if they are the authority in your home and now they got people in the family fighting because the children don't want to listen to the parents now the enemy is sowing discord even this and can I tell you you gotta be careful even as husband and wife because the devil got some people that have been ordained to try to even tell husbands and wives apart and I want you to know God hates those that's so discord among the Brethren you got some people right now that are plant seeds in your mind and that's what listen and we said when we talk about marriages according to Christ that's why you've got to learn how to keep folks out of your business amen because you got some folk that are not happy that you found somebody because they got saved two years before you did and they still hugging the pillow and I hear you all come in and jump the line and already got somebody and they hate the fact that you look happy and you got folk that have come up to you try to help you see stuff girl I don't know but that is did you see what she just did to him now you ain't never even talking about your husband are you looking at him when she didn't shake his hands funny and now I'm based on one thought that they planted in your head not a ton broke the trust in your home you're going through his cell phone while you sleep boy y'all don't got quiet you know they got smart they stop doing it fingertips and all that and then they got facial recognition and now you holding this phone up in front his face why do you sleep trying to open his phone cuz somebody that planted a seed in your mind the devil will not be satisfied until he tears you apart you got to watch because there are people that have been dispatched by the enemy to do nothing but sow discord they're breaking up homes behind foolishness that's cord stop desam did you hear what he said we can imaginations some of this stuff is just imagination but the enemy sowed that he planted that imagination and not here you are getting divorced behind foolishness behind discord you gotta watch it it's not just in families you got the enemy trying to sow discord even in churches do you know the devil has sent people into church it's foolish to think everybody in church got here because God sent him Jude said others crept in unawares they were ordained of old unto this condemnation those are people that the enemy sent in and he sent a man to disrupt the unity he knows that you love the word he knows you can't wait to get to church he knows you love the fellowship of the saint and he got to break that up and he starts by printing thoughts in your mind and you got to watch the people that he'll use girl it just sounded like the pastor was talking about you I don't know how you keep coming back after he just keep pummeling you night after night after night and that's stuff that ain't got nothing to do with you now you're offended by that the devil has sent somebody in to bring discord and disunity you've got to watch that God said don't let how that's and let me say this you can't be the one that he uses a possum Mary used to preach a message don't be a tool in the hands of the devil you know what I wouldn't do i wouldn't come to church just for the devil to use me as a tool to help somebody else down no you saw it a minute ago he said you study to be quiet and you know what what gets me is the fact that we're all saved that I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb why are we so quick to teach other what is that Malachi maybe I think it's 2 in 10 he said if we all got the same father then why do we deal so treacherously with one another the devil in oh you come to church and you save it speaking in tongues and you still got the testimony I love them but I don't like them can I tell you something I'm so busy trying to get the health I don't know nobody that I can't get along with I don't know nobody I can't sit next to I don't know nobody I can't have a conversation with I'm not gonna keep that stuff going and then get to the gate and then use me to bring discord and use me as a tool and then God say what do you think you going we gotta get this stuff cleanse we gotta get this stuff right because he's coming soon and if the enemy can get us in subtle ways then we mess up and we forfeit what God is getting ready to do you've got the enemy down trying to sow discord between the members and the pastor trying to sow discord between the members and other members you gotta watch it because that's how the devil watch and he knows that if he can come in then there's some people that are so unspiritual minded all he's got to do is start it and they'll keep it going and don't even realize you just became the one that sold the discord that's what I'm telling you it's worth not talking just because you got something to say get me get me a proverb 17 and 9 I'm almost done he then cover it he that covereth a transgressed transgressions seeketh the long wait a minute why you got to talk about everything you know about people the devil is using you as a tool to bring this court everything you hear is a subject of conversation the devil is using you to sow discord the Bible said he that covereth a transgression seeking love you don't have to talk about everything you know a person did wrong you know what you gotta watch that because people take huh I ain't missing I'm just telling you so you can pray now they telling you cause it's branding them and they can't keep it to themselves I just got to tell you what the Lord showed me why he showed you know some things God is showing you you just busy and everybody else's business how did you know apostle God is showing me because I figure the people don't show you anybody here to show you crooked self why God showing you I just want to tell you this and the promise that he that covereth the matter you don't have to talk about everything some things leave that between you and God are y'all hearing me because people have dropped stuff in you and in your spirit and in your ear and the next thing you know you have gone and talked about it and it was a lie and you didn't even know it and now you don't cause the lie to be spread about your own brother and your sister in Christ be quiet oh I heard this did you hear that I heard this he that covereth the transgression seek it love you don't have to talk about everything just because you heard it read what he says but he then repeated the matter Lord hear this he that repeated a matter separated very friends what do we feel the need to talk about stuff and what does that say to your brother and your sister you got a hold out of people that give you all kind of stuff and then and he'll post all this stuff on social media and here is he talking about one of the brothers and sisters and you chime in I can't believe he did that and now what does your brother think about you for co-signing the life oh I can't believe she did that to you Lord God is gonna get him in due time what if they line and now the devil just got you to speak out about your own brother and your own sister and they saw what you said what do they think about you now you gotta watch it because there are those that will solve that kind of discord in the body of Christ and the devil to use that to tap people down and to get some people who are already weakened to walk right out of God because they just don't see that those that say they save every lie to pee here he that covereth the transgression seeketh love but he that repeated a matter separated very friends you can cause people who were good friends to follow that with each other behind your mouth and God hates those that's so discord among the brother watch it cuz you got people like that there calls you to be skeptical about everybody mister you ain't never even comforted in people and you're already skeptical of them how did that happen because some that is so dis cold at some points you got to let people stand on their own two feet you got to go based on what you know about a person instead of what people are telling you about somebody do you realize there were people that God wanted to use to bless you to encourage you to build you up but the devil got to you first and because they sow discord now you're skeptical about the people that God wanted to use to build you up and you're holding on to liars and gossipers and Shannon and skeptical about people that God wanted to encourage you in the way you gotta watch it because the enemy is subtle like that get me get me Romans 16 and 17 because you gotta watch this how amen the devil has seen people in and they'll cause that kind of confusion romans 16 17 and 18 now beseech you brethren aha mark them which cause divisions listen to what he says watch out for people like that if somebody's trying to plant seeds in your head watch out for people like that mark them take notice to them we in offenses and offenses contrary to the doctrine which he have learned oh I don't believe in that I don't think that's right I heard what they said you gotta watch people now that always want to talk to you about what we believe I told you Sunday nights you got folks been so cows saved for thirty years and they still haven't found it over into holiness and every time somebody preaches every time a word goes out they want a challenge that word with you and so seeds of doubt in your heart can I tell you something if the word preach was strong enough to deliver you from that crack addiction then don't you sit up in now and listen to a bunch of their patters try to tell you that it's not right and it's not real God hates those that sow discord among the Brethren Martos that cause divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine which he have received which he have learned read in a boy and he said apply them you know what that means don't talk to him don't sit next to him don't answer that cow don't we for they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus grace don't serve His purposes read but their own belly they serve their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple now you're not simple are you think you ought to be able to see through that not allow the enemy to bring you into that place of subjection to mess and but look at what he says in proverbs 6 and 14 god's gonna deal with people like that and that's the reason why you can't be in that number that's the reason why you've got to keep yourself clean you can't be among that crowd because God is going to deal everybody that's so in discord God's gonna deal with them read 14 and 15 for witness AHA is in his heart he devises mischief continual haha he saw at this school he shows discord there for a half-shell his calamity comes suddenly God said he'll bring his calamity upon him suddenly God's got a way of rooting out everybody that seeks to so disco oh you've got to do is keep your heart pure and do things according to the Word of God what brother Herman you don't understand every time I turn around they got lies out about me they got mess going on you know how women listen you can't stop people from talking but you can make sure that what they say it ain't true you know what they used to tell us they used to tell us Allah has an expiration date but the truth just keep marching oh it doesn't matter what people say they every ditch they dig under your feet that's gonna cause them to fall in it you don't have to worry about it just make sure that you don't contribute to the discord that's why he says when they were reviled he said don't revile that when they hate you don't sit then argue I don't care how tempted you are sometimes you just got to leave your reputation in the hands of God and let God deal with people you get in trouble going all over the church trying to go and undo every lie that people told on you you ain't got that much time so just let them do what they do the Bible says after while God is gonna cause them to suddenly fall into calamity Reed suddenly shall he be broken without remedy suddenly he shall be broken without a remedy there used to be a time when people would tell you don't put me in that mess folk came to them with stuff they tell them not keeping me out of that don't bring me into your mess because when judgment falls I don't want to be nowhere around but now we slow to hear and Swift to speak I feeder running to mischief but you got to be careful you got to be careful because jesus said upon this rock I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it if the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it then you don't want to be found as somebody that appears to be coming against the unity of the church because if you are God is your enemy don't be a tool in the hands of the devil he hates those that sow discord among the Brethren and if people come to you with it dismiss him from your presence if they come trying to show you stuff about other people that ain't got nothin to do with you you ain't gonna believe this I don't you tell nobody well why are you kidding me if it's supposed to be such a secret and you gotta watch it because just as sure as they brought you a bone they don't care everyone and the next thing you know your name tied up in stuff and folk got a bad understanding of you and not a rolling their eyes at you and you tryin to figure out how you got in it the Bible says evil communications corrupt good steer clear Jesus is coming soon and mess away you doubt meso keep you heavy step to your feet you know there's some people every time you hear stuff certain names always attach to it how in the world is that every time some ordeal is happening you already know who to ask that's a oh I know it again I know who to call to find out behind the world you know everything God wants you to be a peacemaker he wants your words to build he wants your words to be constructive not destructive use those words to strengthen people not to lay traps in people's way use your words to build and to edify to encourage rather than to sow seeds of discord that are going to grow too many times become a stumbling block in people's way I'm not saying that's right but I've seen people down through the years run off behind a bunch of stuff that people said a bunch of words that they spoke wasn't even true I don't know how true it is where that means don't say nothing else after that I came verified but not it came the minute that means don't you say nothing he that covered the transgression seeketh love but he that repeated the matter separated very friends you can cause people to follow that with each other behind your words you can cause husbands and wives to have trouble behind your words you can cause people's spirits to be broken behind your words and I even tell the people all evoke this close to me we've all had these conversations and I tell them all I said listen don't let your problems become my problems because when your problems become my problems we got problems I've had people around me in the past that have done so much wrong until folks left the church because they said ain't no way they that close to him and he don't know what's going on you gotta make sure that you're honorable don't put that stuff out there in the atmosphere be a peacemaker that brings people together not somebody that sews discards that puts stumbling blocks in somebody else's way every head bowed tonight if that's one here that's not saved you don't know the Lord in the pardon of your sin tonight is a good night to know him if you would would you come maybe you need the Holy Ghost I want you to come tonight if there's one I can't make you do nothing I'll give you an opportunity to make him Lord of your life if you hear come quickly come now hallelujah everybody's well in the house of the Lord tonight you know I know better than that don't you I just pray that God wouldn't continue to keep his hand on you deal with you one day is gonna be over the last opportunity is gonna be hand if you're coming come on anybody tonight hallelujah praise the Lord is there anybody that has a need there's something you need God to do for you you need prayer tonight just lift your hand right where you are father in the name of Jesus as we stand in this house tonight I thank you for your sons and daughters that stand in your presence I pray God that you look down and take note of every need that's represented here tonight lay your hands on them father we rebuke sickness we rebuke poverty we come against every spirit that comes against them and lose your peace now I lose your anointing God that makes the difference go to the home bring unity back into the marriage go God to the hospitals to the jail houses whatever the need is lord I pray that you would be sufficient even now in this hour to honor every right desire and to meet your people at the point of the need we will give your praise glory and all of the honor in the name of Jesus with pray somebody lift your hands right there right there lift your hands and give him praise and glory hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Lord while you're standing hey men as we prepare to dismiss
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 19,376
Rating: 4.9095316 out of 5
Id: lgqsgwjZ2wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 42sec (4542 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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