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me come on i put on the whole armor of god i am victorious against my enemies principalities against his powers against the rulers of darkness come on the enemy's been trying but he can't against the rulers the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places it says no weapon someone needs to say this no weapon formed against me shall prosper for my righteousness is of the lord come on come on come on concerning our families let's say this together husbands and wives together let's say lord we thank you that we submit ourselves to one another in the fear of god lord i thank you this is the husband's usually this is where it gets quiet but let's be loud husband come on come on it said lord i thank you that as as a husband i love my wife even as christ loved the church and gave himself for her i lead my family in the path of righteousness in truth for greater is he that is in me than that he that is in the world come on somebody wives let's hear it lord i thank you that as a wife you have fashioned me i am anointed to help my husband i am victorious victorious and i am fearfully and wonderfully made let's hear together singles let's do this together lord i thank you that you are mindful of me i thank you that in my singleness i am not alone but i am unique separate whole and complete in you i am singled out and set apart for your purpose purity is my priority i set my affection on things above and pursue what you have pre-destined for me are you all ready this is everybody together i need to hear everybody because we're declaring this lord i thank you that our children walk in obedience to their parents and honor them always they have the blessing of long life on earth and great is the peace of my children for they are taught of the lord financial are y'all ready can you guys declare this with me lord i thank you that redemption operates in the multiplication anointing and the spirit of debt freedom come on somebody redemption will experience the miracle listen here of debt freedom every member every partner in jesus name come on somebody i bring all the time stay with me i bring all the time into the storehouse that there may be food in god's house you o lord will whit open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing that i will not have room enough to receive come on someone needs to believe that today when i give it will be given to me good measure pressed down shaken together and running over for whatever measure i use will be measured back to me are you already together concerning redemption concerning your house it says lord i thank you that redemption operates in the multiplication anointing and it multiplies in every area of ministry say it with me i thank you that people are coming to redemption from all across this nation lord thank you that this ministry is multiplied in the favor of god and with favor with men lord i thank you that i am a part of taking this city san jose california for the name of jesus every business say with me every school every neighborhood will be infiltrated with believers i am a missionary sent from this house to the loss of the bay area i thank you lord that you have changed the spiritual climate of this city and now stay with me and i take the bay area for the glory of god come on in jesus name let's put your hands together in jesus name no redemption somebody give god a shout of praise if you know we get ready to take this city in jesus name if you've got power and authority somebody release a shout like a warrior in here [Applause] oh i think we're almost ready to fight i said if you know we're about to be everywhere that our foot shall tread god has given us new territory somebody open up your mouth and shout in here we get ready to worship the king of kings and the lord of lords the alpha omega beginning and the end is there anybody that loves themselves of jesus i want you to show your public display of affection to your king of kings your lord of lords your waymaker your promise keeper the light in the darkness your protector your provider come on somebody give god some praise yeah yeah let's go we came to sing the word of the lord today yeah everybody clap those hands like this we're going to keep god's promises in our heart today come on let's sing it together church stay right before [Music] is and this is what the word of the lord says this is jesus speaking to us he said i am the vine you are the francis he who abides in [Music] [Applause] [Music] no one gets to the father except that he comes to me so let's keep his promises as he says [Music] [Music] three come on let's quote the words of jesus as he says [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] down in my foreign i keep your promises down in my house [Music] yes i keep the promises and because i keep your promises is what [Music] [Music] all your stress is [Music] [Music] no matter what it looks like oh [Music] again everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] somebody said [Music] the [Music] i won't believe the report in the room [Music] is [Music] is [Music] everybody [Music] oh together and give him [Music] he's never lost the best [Music] that's why i can put my trust in him because he's never lost him sickness [Music] somebody throw your hands up [Music] i put [Applause] [Music] [Applause] trust in the lord with [Music] [Music] somebody [Music] i want you to know whoever you trust in your life is who you make responsible over your life when god says put your trust in me he says you can put your weight on me i won't i won't let you fall i won't let you be embarrassed and i know we got a lot of heavy things around us but i dares for the next 15 seconds to let the enemy know that he took his best shot but i'm still going to trust him i'm still going to give him glory i'm still going to worship nothing can stop my praise nothing can keep me from god we got to get out of here but i want to say it in a bit trust in the lord [Music] can we say this one body sick trust in the lord saying i trusted doctors i trusted medicine they could do nothing for me but the only one that could help me is he'll trust in the lord [Music] somebody said one more time [Music] to your own understanding [Music] if you're holding it and if you're standing on the promises of god can you release a shout in here this morning yeah yeah yeah i said if you're standing on the promises of your savior even though everything around you is like seeking sin can you can you worship god because you you know that you're standing on the silent rock yeah yeah yeah and i don't know about you but i just came to wage war against the enemy i'm not gonna let him shut me up i may have a mask on but my praise is not silent i will not be silent i will use every ounce of my being to give god the glory can we make hope in 19 a liar for about 10 seconds they said you thought you were gonna silence me but here i am still still giving god the glory here i am i still gotta shout i still gotta praise i still gotta fight that still but i still got the fight [Applause] i will hide his word in my heart i will hide his promises in my heart and his promises are this if i be for you i want to remind you the promises of god he says if i before you who can be he's the greatest power somebody say he is the greatest power i want to bless you with this song i want to remind you of how much of a champion your god is he says and because god is the greatest power [Music] we declare [Music] never be defeated can y'all help me say that let make sure we got it and [Music] and [Music] never moments [Music] defeated [Music] we shall never [Music] i shall rise i shall be [Music] against me who will [Music] i shall go [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] i can hand it over to you jesus cause you will find for me [Music] [Music] against me [Music] is the greatest [Music] [Music] [Music] i'll never be defeated [Music] i'll never be defeated can you help me [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] i [Music] god is exhausted [Music] me [Applause] somebody tell your fox [Music] [Applause] somebody tells us [Music] [Music] god told me to tell you redemption i know you know that victory is coming but god told me to tell a couple of saints don't wait till the battle is over but he says i wonder would you praise me like the victory is here right now he says if you give me a crazy enough shot i'll make sure we'll never go through another shutdown again i will make sure you will never go through foreclosure again i will make sure you will never lose your job again if you if you worship me like the bad like the victories are already right we got to get out of here we got to get out of here but i want to make hell just a little bit more angry can we say it because god [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all excuse me i just want you to know this is not just a song for me my mom was diagnosed with colon cancer [Music] and when we went to the doctor they said there's no sign of it we don't know where and where we don't know it so i want you to know that you may not believe in this wonder working power but i want you to know that there is power i believe there's somebody believing for healing right now i dare you to get to this altar and get what god has for you there is power in the name of jesus there is power in the name of jesus he will break every chain [Music] [Applause] he will break everything if you knew the god i serve you'll be going crazy in this building he will break every [Music] take it one more time we gotta get out of here there is power in the name of jesus the power is not just for me it's for you redemption can we sink it together there is fire here [Music] come on say it like you got authority say there is [Music] i want you to sing like you sing it to this pandemic we gotta get out of here but there is power say it out loud [Music] but i want you to know the chairs is is come on last time we gotta get out of here you know foreign again what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is [Music] you gotta know there's somebody in this room bigger than you right now do you feel his presence in this room if you do just lift your hands right where you are if you do just lift your hands where you are we welcome you holy spirit the spirit of god that breaks every chain the spirit of god that we can make our list and no matter what's in that list you can come and break it the spirit of god who brings freedom for where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and i thank you god that you're not just in this midst but you're in us and we live as a people who've been set free and we live as a people who are free where your spirit is this liberty oh god i thank you for what you're doing in this building i thank you for what you're doing in this place i thank you that i feel your presence so strong i've been where you are and i've been where you are not and it is so much better where you are and the presence of the lord is fullness of joy and at his right hand and pleasures forevermore we have opened our mouth and praised you and given you space and you have come and dwelt in the midst of us and we honor you most gracious god we we honor you most high god you might be saying pastor i wonder if he can break my chains [Music] i don't have the kind of problems that you talk about publicly i i'm i'm bound up with stuff i don't want anybody to know about i got private chains i got twisted chains i got perverted chains lord these people don't even know i'm sitting on this road and it was all i could do last night not to take my life they don't know the chains they don't know the chains that are in my home the chains are in my marriage they don't know the chains of the prescription drugs in my pocketbook right this minute and and i've got a good job and i make a good living and people look at me and think everything's fine because i have hidden my chains i'm talking to two groups of people where jesus is there's freedom because he who the son of god jesus sets free is free indeed and then the holy spirit comes once you are saved and where he is there's liberty are there any two more attractive words in a world dealing with a pandemic than freedom and liberty but that's what he brings that's what the holy spirit brings if you don't know him i know how bad i want you to experience him and what he brings but he wants to bring that to you even more there's another group of people i want to appeal to not just those who have never accepted christ but those who have walked with god those who have known god but life came and one bad decision led to two and two led to five and five led to ten and ten led to twenty and you let yourself get separated from god in a week led to a month and a month led to a year and a year led to five and you're looking at this place you're saying how in the world did i get this far away and you're saying this gap is too big let me tell you something that bridges the gap it's called grace [Music] grace bridges the gap [Music] if you've never known jesus if you have known him at some time in your life but you say pastor i'm a long way away grace will bridge the gap right now because he's not a god that's far away he's a god that's near to you right now and with head bowed knives closed all over this room if you fall into either one of those two categories and say but i want to change that right now pastor you just slip up your hand right there and say that's me you're talking to me that was for me i said three four five six seven eight nine ten ten hands have gone up ten eleven hands are going up twelve hands have gone up thirteen hands have gone up come on 14 hands went up 15 16 17 hands went up hallelujah i saw 17. we need to stop and clap right there right there we got a clap for that right there [Music] [Applause] let's say this together everybody in concert at one time i really feel like we're getting this we say it loudly you say well pastor i got saved 24 years ago that's all right you might need to ask forgiveness for something you might have messed up at least one time in the last 24 years amen so i don't think it's going to hurt anybody to pray the sinner's prayer hallelujah let's pray it together because the person that raised their hand may be intimidated maybe in an atmosphere like this for the first time and they may be sitting right beside you let them hear your words let's sit together and say i thank you jesus that you are mighty to save i thank you that grace makes up the gap between where i am and where you want me to be i believe you died and rose on the third day for my salvation i ask you to wash me i ask you to come live on the inside of me be my lord and savior from this moment forward i thank you that i am saved that's all it takes right there come on the loudest praise you've given god yet 17 lives at nine o'clock in the morning on a sunday just got their heart rate with god we're gonna lift the lights you got about two minutes to make some friends i want you to turn around in your circle make eye contact and encourage somebody say this is a great day say i'm glad you came say it's good to see you just encourage somebody [Music] come on redemption family can we make some noise for jesus come on can we make some noise for jesus isn't god good hey listen do me a favor just look at your neighbor and say i'm blessed come on look at your neighbor and say i'm blessed i'm blessed coming in i'm blessed in this city i'm blessed in the field i'm blessed when i go to work i'm blessed when i come home come on so god is so good that's amazing we're favorite of the lord and uh listen we just wanted to welcome you and say hello good morning you guys look wonderful with your beautiful smiling faces and we're so excited that you're here come on yeah we're so thankful and we don't want to hop into what's next without doing this moment right here if if i could get the pastoral care to stand to their feet on this moment right right now uh pastor just said we had about 17 hands that went up and and raised our hands online as of this morning we got 190 salvations someone needs to put their hands together that by 9 a.m come on that's bigger than some churches pastor jonathan come on man and that's uh and we want to let this we don't want to let this moment pass you by because this bible is the word of god and we believe that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes out the mouth of god and that this is a light unto your feet a lamp unto your feet that helps you guide but on in the inside we have a connect card where we would love to get connected with you we'd love to do life with you alvin we got growth track we got live we got so many things so many things going on that we want you to be a part of and and and that is why we want to place this bobbin and you say you know what pastor jonathan alvin i don't know if i don't know if i want to raise my hand in front of everybody now that everyone's eyes are open well we have a yes to jesus booth right outside in the foyer where we'd love to connect with you with pastor roseanne with the team please do us the favor don't leave without letting us give you an elbow if you don't mind and just connecting with you seeing you face to face being able to see your beautiful smile be found behind that mask you know what i'm saying alvin are you are you glad to be in the house of god today bro and i'm so excited to be in the household lord and listen if it is your first time if you are a first time guest here at redemption we are so honored that you're here we've prayed for you we've prepared for you to be here in the house of the lord and listen we would love to connect with you after service so please don't forget to stop by the first time uh guest booth in the foyer and uh so we can stay connected with you we don't want to bog you down with a whole bunch of emails and text messages and calls but we do want to stay connected yes okay and listen one of the things that i love about our church pastor jonathan is that we have something for everybody here there's so many things going on at our church we're so active and alive and that's one of the things i love and so we're so we're so blessed because of that can you do me a favor can you touch your i mean look at your neighbor look at your neighbor and say god is up to something here god is up to something and we're right in the middle of it and you're right in the middle of it okay let's let's turn our yeah yeah let's let's do that do me that favor turn your attention to the screen and make sure you get connected with everything we have here in the house hey redemption i'm beady and this is in the loop [Music] are you ready to leave it all in the water getting baptized is an important moment for us as believers it represents us leaving behind our old way of life and coming into a new creation in christ if you're ready to take the next step register for our water baptism happening on september 26th by going to and clicking on events here's the video to recap our last baptism [Music] [Music] down [Music] iron sharpens iron have you joined a life group yet we're better together so be sure to get connected with amazing people and join a life group by going to we'll see you there on october 10th we will be celebrating 30 years of ministry and having our annual expansion offering our first focus of the expansion offering is on the renovation of our campus building in san jose we believe this church building is going to stand for generations and we want it to last and continue to be a place where lives are changed where miracles take place and where we see a move of god so powerful that it does not just impact our community but our global community as well go to my redemption dot cc forward slash expansion to give today we can't wait for this year's hope conference and we're only one month away get ready to be blown away because pastor hope is bringing us amazing speakers spectacular worship and fellowship with our friends registration is filling up fast so be sure to go to the registration booth in the foyer so we can help sign you up here's what you can expect god loves to take old broken things and to reshape them and conform them into his image it's that pushing every single day to become better so that we can look like jesus and bear his image and we have got to learn how to stay steady we have got to learn how to stay committed we have got to learn how to praise through our pain he's still god when you're sick he's still god when your marriage is on the ross he's still good when you broke he's still good when you lose your job he's still god when people let you down he's still gone when you lose your chuck he's do god when your children cut you out he's still gone when your spouse steps out on you he's still gone now if you tell a generation long enough that they came from nothing that they live for no reason and they're going nowhere why would you be surprised when they begin to live like they came from nothing they live for no reason and they're going nowhere but i've got some good news you didn't come from nothing you are created in the image of almighty god you are filled with god-given destiny our guest today has impacted more leaders than probably anybody else alive he's won numerous awards he's he is known as the expert on leadership in the business today we're talking all things leadership with john maxwell when we get selfish with our possessions and say wait wait wait wait a minute these are mine what's mine is mine and i'm going to keep it we forget that god's the source we have nothing without him every good and perfect gift comes from above there are times when you take god and you taste of his presence you taste of his blessing you taste of his protection and when you begin to see the goodness of god in all these areas of your life i have seen too many victories i've seen him lay too many of my enemies at my feet i've seen him come through in a dark place way too many times i've seen him forgive me of too much i've seen him turn me around i was about just going to sit down and watch that i saw i must have missed that service for hope i ain't seen her move like that in like 15 years jumping up down all over the stage i'm so so so glad that you are here and um i just want you to know i see the people i know the restrictions that have been reapplied i want you to know we are still spraying the buildings i want you to know we got we got so much lysol in that children's building the only thing they could get would be lysol poisoning that's the only thing they could ever get we're doing everything we can to make you feel at peace i have always held to the fact number one i'm gonna believe god to take care of me now i don't tell you that's just the way i'm if i don't do that i'm a hypocrite because that's what i preach i believe thou o lord our shield about me you are my glory and you are the lifter of my head i've also told you faith without works is dead i don't believe faith means checking brains at the door i don't believe in that so i want you to know we as a staff are spending a lot of extra money doing a lot of extra things that's why we have to stay pretty tight on this schedule to give enough time even between services uh to do the sanitation things that we want to do i'm saying that not just because i want to see a church filled again and i do but for these upcoming conferences it ain't just that we've gone to great lengths and great investments because we believe you deserve the best it's because i believe people need it so bad i i'm getting calls from from even pastors and leaders all over america i'm so dry i'm so i'm so empty i'm so isolated i'm so lonely i need to connect i need to be with somebody i miss my brothers and sisters and you can get word on the computer you can get worship on the computer but the bible says let us not forsake ourselves assembling together he said as some are in the habit of doing he said and let us spur one another on to good works there's something you can't get on a computer a spur is something on the back of a cowboy's boot and when he puts it in the side of that horse i don't know if you've noticed but it motivates him and he said let us spur one another on so there's something i can't do on a computer it's when we get together the blessing of god on you inspires me the fact he just gave you a breakthrough inspires me to believe full breakthrough i may be down but when i'm down my brother's going to be up when my brother's down i may be up there there's something we bring each other and we've not seen a full building postcode but i would love love love to see us going into these conferences and just pack this building out because i'm gonna tell you uh i know that hope has gone to great lengths to find the right fit it's not just the biggest names just the right fit where are we what do we need to hear who's attending who's the audience and and and we pray over this and we do a lot of we spend a lot of time thinking and talking about it i know with 212 i have brought in two of the most sought after speakers in the world in the world these people speak all over the globe and one of them don't even speak at churches anymore he's doing us a favor because he cares about what god's doing right here so i want you to make effort to come we're going to spray it down real good we're going to keep it clean bring a friend especially uh that night john maxwell's here if you have anybody aspiring leadership entrepreneurs he just tends to be geared in that direction even when he preaches he he preaches through that filter and it's just amazing last time i spent a whole day with him i cried about half the day because just all of the stuff he was pouring into me that i needed so bad and i want you to plan now and know these next two months are huge look at your neighbor on the right and left even if it's your spouse and say the next two months are huge come on tell them the next two months are huge how are you doing wave at me if you're doing all right this morning you're happy to be in church i'm happy to see you i'm glad that you're here how about that praise and worship and all these salvations we already last week we wrote a number a record for salvations in our virtual audience and i got a text last night after our saturday night service that we've broken this week's record we broke last week to last night so there was over 200 salvations online before we had a service that's a great day guys that's a great day the sunday eighth christine kane friday night the ninth will be john maxwell saturday night he's be staying over till sunday morning because he wants to speak at our 30th anniversary service the day that we have our expansion over and for those of you know what that is i'm getting to the offering just hold on but we do it one time a year one time here we do believe this building was built for generations i don't know if you know it this building is impressive i go around and most of these walls are solid concrete uh the last buildings i built were made out of stucco they were that styrofoam would spray on it it looked like concrete these walls were concrete i thought myself when pastor dick built this building he planned on it going nowhere and uh but it has to speak to every generation [Music] and we're responsible for that and some of you that may be my agent up you're like looks like me yeah but you're already here i'm not trying to reach you you're saved with anybody else to say you're gonna go you're gonna love god with anybody else loves god or not there's another generation that it needs to speak to many many things we're gonna do as that offering comes in all the carpet is original that's a long time ago it's a big ticket item we want to change it all all the seats on the floor we want to go to stadium seating that's a huge ticket item all these lights are antiquated meaning we can't even find bulbs anymore because they don't make them because these lights are 30 years about four generations old and led lights would cost about eight percent to run of what these would but it's a hundred and fifty two thousand dollars to yank all that out redo all the dimmer packs the infrastructure everything that it would take it's just a lot and we've got a list my wife just got through meeting with architects we want to refund the whole building you know the part over here with the roll-up door where the lounge is we want that look all the way across from one side all the way to the other where a 25-year-old can ride by and say i want to go to church right there that's what we want to do a lot of things we have planned and in store oh we got the renderings i didn't even know we had that so you know the way that the lounge looks on this side right here this is where we want to go with the front just got these i didn't know they already had them render for us in the graphics praise the lord and then we want to go with the other side and match our sign out front our sign i have come out here on saturday night to pray and see that sign laying on the ground about three times yeah on the corner out here we have applied permits to have a big bigger nicer sign with graphics a graphic screen 127 thousand dollars if you own to sign company and you can beat that come talk to us hallelujah do you see what i'm talking about uh no no million dollar items but a lot of them that would add up to that and we would love to do this all in one sweep last year we redid that children's building it's one of the best in america i'm just telling you i'm so proud of it we didn't borrow a dime we did it all out of this offering 100 of what you give at our 30th anniversary service 100 goes to these items that you've heard me list and there's a longer list but these are some of the top ones so i just believe god's going to bring the increase amen stand on your feet is tithing offering time hallelujah i believe in talking to each other let your neighbors say god's up to something just say god's god's up to something [Music] our east coast location friday night they were having a care pastors and elders gathering and so hope and i facetimed then and they threw it up on the tv and we got to speak to all them and then last night we had the band and praise and worship team over at our house and everybody broke all of their dietary rules last night everybody i saw vegetarians tearing meat up last night i mean it we all broke our dietary standards and i try to do this without crying because i'm a softie i i tried to tell the groups i was talking to said i'm carrying something and it's the job of a visionary of a leader to communicate that and communicate it clearly the bible says make the vision plain that they that read it may run with it it's hard for you to run with what's ambiguous and vague to you i get that as a leader but sometimes god will give you something that's so big and so powerful you don't have a vocabulary for it i'm telling you something for this area that god has had in the works for generations we are the ones that are going to reap that and i don't know what it looks like i can't really explain it i wish i could describe it to you but i do know this this moment right here that we're coming up on this tithing offer anything that has a great impact has great resources you can't make a great impact without great resources what's your greatest resources money and people if you've got plenty of resources and you've got plenty of people committed to the cause you can shake a world you can shake a world [Applause] a way with viewing this moment is paying the utility bill this is the moment where we are resourcing the house of god to shake our world and leave a mark on our generation [Music] i just believe these moments like this right here if everybody begins to believe together in one accord that tag you are it god's not waiting on somebody else to do it he brought you here because tag you're it if you know that tag i'm it and tag your it great things can happen says you approach this moment i ask you to do it with cheerfulness and generosity this is our tithe and offering moment lord bless the gift and bless the giver i can feel it in my soul i know it in my heart [Music] it may be different than anything we've seen before but if it's from you i embrace it with everything i have so lord we give right now because we believe our god is going to use us to make a difference in jesus name man i feel the spirit of god in this place amen and amen and amen and amen you know what to do text to give on the app online giving stations come on praise team let's light it up i cannot see i jesus you if you see the light coming somebody make some noise in here yeah yeah come on let's sing it y'all ready come on say it i can see the light says always can somebody give god a shot right there this is [Music] always this one see your word will come will come everybody [Music] man that feels good in here today we're about to have some more fun amen let's get ready for the word guys in the back help me out [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right here we go we are about three weeks now into this uh loving your neighbor part how many of you admit you've had somebody in your life that has been a challenge to love i mean at least one person okay some of you didn't raise your hand i need to let you preach today we did this good called this good god bad neighbors it's certainly not that all neighbors are bad but the fact is the golden rule that jesus taught love the lord your god with all your heart all your mind all your soul and all your strength uh even though that is a level of love and a very high bar to set when you talk about what those four categories entail it's not really as difficult as it is loving your neighbor god's easy to love it's easy to love somebody like god who says he's rich in mercy and he's slow to anger i mean you know god is love you know it's easy to love love but sometimes uh you can love god your father but some of his children just get on your nerves you know what i'm talking about and uh i've always said that you know sometimes god will i think on purpose put place people in your life that are hard to love because those those people really are like sandpaper they rub the rough edges off of you and uh and it also teaches you to love it's very easy to love lovable people but the love of god is revealed for people who didn't deserve it yeah it got real quiet right there didn't it you and me did not deserve the love of god we were the aliens from god we were rebellious toward god uh but god loved me the greatest he could love me not after i got saved before i got saved and so he loved me when i was unlovable and he loved me at the highest level and so we started off this entire series with love the lord your god with all your heart but then love your neighbor as yourself we have shifted into that neighbor part and uh it's a little bit more challenging turn in your bible with me to ephesians 2. i had ephesians 2 in ephesians 4 last week and i'm going to jump back there and start from that place i'm not going to re-preach it but i'm going to start there just a moment so bible app your bible your smart device however you get there i want us to read these things together ephesians 2 then ephesians 4 and then i'm going to end up today and what i what i feel like is the most challenging verse in the whole bible i got about 2 000 pages in my bible and i'm going to read today what to me is the most challenging verse in the entire bible and i'm going to break it down so after this first five or six minutes we're going to spend the rest of our time in that one verse let's read ephesians 2 if we could for he himself remember this from last week is our peace he has made both one you know when you see them come in our door everything's branded where many become one when you're in this place you're one we're one we're one voice if we could ever think the same thing speak the same thing get on the s get the same language get the same faith if we could ever begin to sacrifice and serve the same way we can change a world he said we've made the 2 1 broken down the middle wall of separation let me be contextually accurate this verse right here he's speaking to the jew gentile racial divide jesus came through the hebrew family the jewish family but jesus was the savior of the world the hebrews wanted him to be the savior of the hebrews but jesus for god so loved the world he sent his son jesus well there was a lot of his own people that had a real problem with that so everybody in the bible that is not a jew was all wrapped into one category called gentile so jews and gentiles this is the this is what he's speaking to basically he's speaking to racial and cultural and socio-economic divides these are man-made they don't come in 2021. i'm now reading you documents that are 2 000 years old and they're dealing with them then just like they deal with them now that they had every man-made category in class and everybody got stuck in a certain class and then he says hey do you not know that go back to that last verse verse 14 he said do you not know that he is our peace that word peace means right relationship he is the one that doesn't just make you right with god but he makes you right with each other i believe that's why jesus died on a cross the cross is horizontal and the cross is vertical vertical and it's horizontal so in other words it reaches god and it reaches my brother there could have been many executionary style deaths that jesus died but he died on something vertical and something horizontal because jesus not only makes me right with my heavenly father he makes me write with my brother and my sister he said he's made both one broken down the middle wall of separation verse 15 having abolished in his flesh the hatred that is the law the commandments contained in the ordinances so as to create see back then what separated them was their belief systems he said god took on and jesus took on in his flesh the thing that separated you from your brother said jesus didn't just take your sin in his flesh but he took the walls that called you not to have unity with your brother and sister and other cultures and other races and other people and people with a different last name and raised on the other side of the town and people that didn't even share your value system he said he broke that law down too the wall with god has been broken down and the wall with man has been broken down thus one new man from two thus making peace [Music] one new man from two you know what has been the hardest thing to get people to buy into when i preach the kingdom especially during times of racial tension is we clap when we read these verses but when these verses are tested culturally we run back to our corners and i said do you not understand that you're no longer white and black and poor and rich and brown and red and purple and middle income and and lower middle income and poverty you're not all those are man-made those are all man-made god didn't make those he says let me tell you what category you're in one we are many members one body he's broken down everything that separates us took the hatred that men have for each other on in his flesh and made peace peace here again makes right relationship peace in the old testament means shalom may it be well with you peace in the new testament means you and me are making every effort to keep the pipeline pure it's real quiet in here am i doing all right i needed you here last week preaching and shouting for me baby that he might reconcile them both to god in one body through the cross thereby putting to death the enmity the hatred my god that's good go to ephesians 4 and this i'll be finishing up my review and we'll jump into the new stuff so he goes to two scriptures later after he's doing this beautiful dissertation of how god has made everything one there's one body there's one kingdom let me tell you something jesus even says you're a part of a new nation you're a citizen of the kingdom how do you become a citizen you're born in that country when you get born those 17 of you guess what you didn't just pray a prayer you got born again you are now a citizen of heaven you're visiting here the bible says this life is a breath compared to the one you just got hallelujah do you see so i'm a part of a new nation a new write what is the culture it's the culture of the kingdom the culture of the bible so i belong i'm born as a citizen into a new kingdom i'm a part of a new nation he's taken all the divisions and made one people out of it therefore i the prisoner of the lord beseech you to walk worthy of this which you were called he says you gotta leave church and flesh this thing out it was about this quiet last week he says when you leave you've got to sit and you've got to walk this out he said because this is your calling i told you he sets a high bar [Music] he sets a high bar what does this calling look like what does this walk look like here we go with all lowliness and gentleness with long suffering bearing bearing with one another in love don't you love that he used the word bearing because they some people you just [Music] get me out of this room jesus lowliness that means you appreciate it with approach with humility mutual submission considering someone above yourself not considering your own needs you can't walk into it selfish it can't be about you gentleness i don't understand people they don't know just how to be kind i don't get it people that just feel like they are born to be mean gentleness long suffering that means there is a weakness that is being displayed and you are willing to persevere through that for a long time because no matter how long it takes you believe god can change it prayer with one another in love you don't have to clap it's hard to clap with somebody standing on your foot verse three endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of right relationships he said so here's what you've got to do the word endeavor means to make every effort i want to ask you have you made every effort have you gone to the end of yourself to keep unity by keeping the relationship right this is what he's saying he's saying for the sake of spiritual things keep the relationship pure because one thing the kingdom can't do is advance when there's division a house divided cannot stand jesus said that defilement never comes from without it always comes from within endeavoring to keep the unity of the spirit well i'm going through review but i can preach it again i feel it next verse verse four and i'll quit because there's one body one spirit called with one hope of your calling next verse if we got it one lord one faith one baptism one one one one one one one that's what we are now we gotta walk that way it's easy to come in here and say we believe that way yeah pastor yeah but when mr i can't stand to be around him comes in the room that's when you got to walk it out oh somebody come on loosen up just laugh with me a little bit you know there's some people that's just very difficult to love so lord bless this in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen i'm going to uh go to second corinthians 5 and 17 in just a second guys and i'll probably stay there the rest of the time that we have i ended last week with the fact that you receive people the way that you perceive them when i asked how many of you've ever heard christine kane or how many of you heard john maxwell uh a third to half maybe a little more than half on one or the other hands went up that means i have the daunting task of creating before you the proper perception of these speakers because you receive someone the way you see them okay if you see me as a genuine authentic man of god with your best interest in mind who is given his life getting in the presence of god getting the word of god and comes in here every sunday and delivers every sunday because i care enough about god and about you then you have the capacity to be impacted on a deep level by my life but if you're sitting back saying oh hey ain't nothing i don't have the ability to bless you and it's not because i've changed it's because of the way you see me if i'm telling you we got the greatest leadership mind maybe ever sitting in here the fact is when you're in here no matter where you have to take a seat and what size the crowd is your life can be turned around in a night and the thing that's made you that's kept your million-dollar company from going to a billion dollar company you may get in one sentence and he may have the ability to bless you on a big level but if you sit there and say i never heard this guy i ain't coming dealing with that crowd you know then the window is small for him to impact you your god blesses you on the way you see him some of you your god is this big you know how i know your god is this big because your problems are all you talk about and when all you have is your problems you let me know your god and your life is not very big and so you receive him the way you perceive him jesus was with the woman at the well i uh talked about this a little bit but i want to get down more into the principles that are going on here he was at the woman at the well and it was just he and it was the woman and i believe when jesus showed up you know i believe jesus was led by the spirit just like us honestly he knew he had to go to samaria it was out of the way it was the long way his disciples said why are we going that way this is a straight shot he said i don't know i just need to go by samaria i believe he really didn't know i believe he just i don't believe god showed him everything but like us just showed him the next thing and then when he got to the well can i just be honest with you i think he just wanted some water he had been traveling all day his feet were dusty the air was dry he was tired he went to the well there's a woman there may i have a drink okay then the woman just you got to read it and this is not a shot against all women but this is this woman let me she just [Applause] you got to read what's happening on here well sir the well is deep and you have nothing to draw with i just want some water yeah but you jews don't even have anything to do with us samaritans unless you need something because you think we're a second-class people look lady i'm just thirsty i'm just thirsty if you knew who you were talking to you'd ask him and he'd give you living water well i wish you would show me where this living water is i ain't got to come back here to this whale every day i mean jesus realizes he is with a woman that has had a series of bad experiences with men so she don't see men in a very good light and here jesus is another strange man so what do you do you take what happened from the last one and make the next one pay for it that's free that's marriage conference stuff that's free that's where i just threw that out there don't cost you a thing so here jesus is catching everything that the last several men have done jesus knows he's getting nowhere because of the way she sees him she has not changed the fact that he's the son of god she has not changed his anointing jesus is no less god but he's not god to her he's just another man so he says all right i'm done with this go call your husband go read the story john 4 today when when he says that you can feel it change um i don't have a husband jesus said you are correct you've had five and the one you're living with now is not your husband listen to the next verse go read it today sir she goes for me sir i perceive thou art a prophet so he knew he had to first shift perception so that he could bring her the living water he was wanting to bring her if you go down in john 4 verses 42 through 46 she leaves the conversation runs around the town and says come and see a man who told me everything i ever did for those of you don't like that don't like women preachers the first preacher jesus ordained was a woman at the well who went out into all the city and says come see a man who told me everything i ever did hallelujah jesus was the greatest in empower of women that has ever lived on the face of the planet come see a man so in other words she allowed him to prophesy but she had to see him as a prophet and when she saw him as one then she let his gift impact her [Applause] the bible says we have this treasure in earthen vessels what is earthen we're made out of the dust of the earth dirt god said i take treasures and hide them in dirt and here is the key to life how good of an excavator are you because anybody that looks for gold precious gems understands you got to move a ton of dirt to get an ounce of gold people are no different a marriage is no different don't shout me down a friendship is no different people you work with oh my god you've got to understand god puts a treasure in the person but it's whether or not you can receive the person as to whether or not you will unlock the treasure i know it's rough i know it's true tell me you never say it's rough it's rough today it's rough today somebody said it's my first time back since covet not picked a bad day to come i picked a bad okay we put this treasure in earth and vessels the fact is a lot of teaching here today god i don't i've brought my board out here because i was gonna be fancy but i don't think i'm gonna need it hallelujah god uses the principle of representation yeah let's use my board why why are you lost those 17 people that accepted jesus today how did you get lost adam i was born and they're still cleaning me up on the birthing table and i need a savior i ain't even had time to screw up i ain't had time to be rebellious i ain't had time to look at my mom and daddy say no which is the first word kids learn and i need a savior why because adam represented me when adam sinned the bible is clear romans 5 everybody sinned because everybody was in adam you've got to understand there's only two atoms adam and jesus you're either in one or you're another that's it get yourself out all them other classifications you're in covenant or out of it you're in the flesh adam or you're in the man of the spirit adam jesus that's it you were lost out of the principle of representation somebody represented you how did you get saved how did you get saved you didn't die on a cross jesus died on the cross and if you accept him you're saved you got saved through representation he represented your sin in his body his resurrection is your resurrection when he died your sins died with him when he got up all things became you in your life you became a brand new creature you didn't dial a cross you didn't pay for your sins but you were represented in jesus christ and if any man be in christ he is a new creation all things have passed away and all things have become new unto you let me see if you can keep clapping right here what is the tithe what is the the tithe is the principle of representation okay i ain't got near as many degrees as some of you but let me give my shot at this why did god say bring me ten god don't want your money god wants your heart your heart and your treasure in the same place god knows he does not have you until he has your resources he can have your clap he can have your dance he can have your attendance he can have but he knows he does not have you until he has your resources because where a man's treasure is there shall his heart be also jesus said the two are always tied so what is the tithe why didn't god tell me to bring 37 percent why didn't god be like the american government tell you just bring basically all of it [Applause] why why'd he say bring me ten because under numeric system you can't count any higher than ten tens as high as you can go if you can count to ten you can count to six trillion just get to ten and start over ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten thirty one two three four five it's just ten when you bring god to ten he sees it as the whole when you brought him 10 you brought him everything the tithe is the principle of representation so god sees you bringing that israel and that's what god wants you know what he wants everything he don't want pockets of you he wants all of you and so the tithe is representative of that look at what jesus said he said if you have seen me you've seen the principle of representation they said we want a sign from god we want to see god jesus said if you've seen me you've seen god you're looking at him i came from heaven down i am god in the flesh i am emmanuel god with us if you've seen me you've seen god because i represent god matthew 25 jesus said they said when did i see you hungry and feed you when were you in prison and i visited you when were you thirsty and i gave you a drink jesus said when you've done it to the least of these when you be kind to somebody who cannot bless you back when you give to somebody who does not have the ability to give back when you make something happen for somebody that does not have the ability to turn around and help you back god said when you do it to these he said you are doing it to me that person that you handed a little bit of gas money that person that you opened the door that person that you said i'm gonna go ahead and hire you even though i don't have the money when you did it to them that was jesus standing there with his resume oh somebody shout hallelujah representation representation representation representation matthew 25 representation so god operates out of the principle of representation which means when you need something somebody's going to show up god i need you i just need a breakthrough i just god i just need a bro okay somebody is going to show up god i just need an answer to these prayers somebody say pastor i need more proof okay i got one more god had this bush in exodus 3 burning listen to what god said i have heard the cry of my people i have seen their affliction i've heard i've seen i know i know their sorrow i god i god have come down to deliver them come here moses god didn't say i'm gonna send somebody when they see moses when moses showed up god showed up the 450 years that they were in egyptian bondage praying for their deliverer he was a 40-year fugitive from justice running from the law living on the backside of nowhere with the egyptian government chasing him hiding and so god hides a treasure in an earthen vessel the jewish people don't even like moses he was raised in pharaoh's house took on egyptian culture and they hate him for being a traitor the egyptians want to kill him because he killed one of their soldiers so he's been hiding for 40 years i have seen their affliction i know their sorrow and i god have come down to the living room i bet that was good news when that hit the streets the ghetto streets of the hebrew people we heard god's coming to get us we've heard god has finished we've got a message today that there was a bush out there and god said he was coming and here comes moses here comes moses his 80 year old self pharaoh has the greatest military machine on the planet moses i how many of you saw the old uh ten commandments with charleston testing back i mean big tall six for some barrel chest let my people go i told hopelessness it's amazing what the movies will do with something moses was 80. he didn't say let my people go again go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he was not an intimidating imposing character but if they don't receive him as a deliverer they stay in bondage because god came and moses showed up the principle of representation which leads me to second corinthians 5. start at verse 14 guys instead of 17. i'm gonna back it up a little bit and i'll end right here which leads me to this i have already proven scripturally god hides treasures behind people regular old flawed get on your nerve people i have got to receive that person and perceive them correctly to extract the treasure okay unless i receive them right i mean perceive them right i don't receive them right because god will always show up represented by somebody so here is how we have to function very challenging verse for the love of christ compels me now i want you look what he says he starts right out of the gate and he says what i'm about to tell you to do you can't do within yourself he says that thing you've been touched by is the compelling agent that allows this to be attainable you don't have this within your normal fleshly carnal ability because we judged us perceive judge regard he said because of the love of god this is how i see people that if one died for all all died in other words all that stuff i don't like about you when jesus died it died he he said this is the way i live so if you live that way you can resum receive something from everybody let me go on and if he died for all and he died for all that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and rose again verse 16. therefore here we go from now on i want you to never say from now on say say from now from now we regard we judge we perceive no one after the flesh there's a treasure and there's dirt and for me to love my neighbor as myself the love of god that touched me now compels me to view my brother and my sister in their greatest light are you getting this we regard no one do you know how hard that is for me because you can ask my wife i can't stand a hypocrite i mean i can't stand it i just even if i screw up i just come tell everybody you know what guys i screwed up i don't want people to think one thing and there'd be something else going on i hate lying and you sit here and it says we regard no one after the flesh that means israel has got to receive moses as god's man with the treasure of deliverance to a nation even though they can't stand him but if they don't change the way they see them bondage will continue because they have to see him properly to receive him properly this is good good good preaching go ahead and bring something even though we've known christ according to the flesh yet now we know him thus no longer therefore if anyone is in christ he's a new creation old things have passed away old things have become new give me about three minutes you know that story i refer to very often because there's so much revelation in it of mary and martha when jesus visited their house jesus visited the house and martha nothing around what martha's doing she's cooking she's cleaning she's dusting she's fluffing pillows because jesus is coming mary is sitting there that's getting on martha's nerves martha is up cleaning the whole house preparing it for her greatest visitor and mary's just sitting there at his feet martha gets mad and says jesus he tries to leverage jesus authority to get his wife to get his uh sister to help i am sitting here doing all this stuff and she's not doing anything jesus said martha you are worried about many things but only one thing is needful i never understood the scripture till i understood ii corinthians 5 16 and 70. and mary has chosen the greater portion in other words jesus is all man but jesus is all god jesus ain't half and half he's all in all he's fully man and he's fully god so when jesus walked in the room there were two people to minister to so martha is fluffing pillows dustin and cooking the meal because she's ministering to his humanity [Music] mary is postured at his feet in worship she can't take her eyes off of him and he says there's nothing wrong with what you're doing martha but mary has chosen the greater because while you are making my humanity comfortable her worship is making my deity comfortable stand up with me if you would all over the building so when jesus walked in there was a choice at what they would regard do i regard him after the flesh do i regard him after the spirit nothing will change the power of god except your perception say power is a pastor that's just man that's so tough jesus went to his hometown nazareth i don't know about you i played sports if there's ever time you want to knock a home run or score a touchdown it's in front of your home crowd when you're on the road but man when you come for a home crowd you want to knock it out jesus has ministered and cleaned out hospitals in every city and he's coming home and the bible says he could do no mighty work there [Music] why because they said this ain't this joseph's boy this he ain't no god we watched him grow up i remember when his mama was nursing out he ain't no messiah i saw him build furniture with his dad and because of the way they saw him they were the only city that didn't have a revival did they change his anointing no that's because of the way they saw it loving your neighbor has everything to do with the way you perceive your neighbor it is the commandment of god love me and love them but if you don't see them right you'll never love them right [Music] can i bless you may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face shine upon you may god establish you and may he give you peace may this be the greatest week of your life in jesus name and everybody said amen and amen god bless you enjoy your week we'll continue with this next sunday i'll see you then make a friend as you leave [Music] so cause no one's gonna love me [Music] i
Channel: myRedemption
Views: 39,163
Rating: 4.0234113 out of 5
Id: XUuflakSMBE
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Length: 107min 35sec (6455 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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