FGHT Dallas: His Love and Compassion Is a Winning Combination

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oh that's it why don't you clap your hands why don't you celebrate jesus in this place oh you could do it better than that come on and let's exalt him in this place i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall does anybody gotta continue a phrase deep down on the inside come on and glorify him in this place we prepared to go before the throne hallelujah glory to your name father we thank you lord father we thank you for this day thank you for how you've kept us all day long father we thank you that you've been a good god father we stopped by on tonight but for no other reason but to glorify you and lift your name high truly you're the god of all creation you're the god of our salvation father we thank you lord god we're a grateful people on tonight father we pray lord just thank you for the service father we thank you in anticipation for what you're gonna do in the midst of your people lord father we thank you lord god that your spirit is already here your anointing is already here lord god faith is already here lord god in the mighty name of jesus father we pray that you begin to go now lord go in the pews lord god begin to work miracles and blessings lord father heal lord god father god save and deliver lord god whatever the need is lord god father you're a need meeting god and we glorify you all tonight father we thank you for leadership thank you for our apostle thank you for lady danielle thank you for the anointing that rest on their life lord father we pray that you keep him and take him higher lord god this is our prayer tonight and father we pray now lord god that you touch this service father being every prayer be in every song be in every hand clap every foot stump father be in the preach word lord god father we pray now in the name of jesus let some miracles take place let deliverance take place come see about your people all tonight lord god don't leave us the same oh god we'll be so careful we'll be so careful to give you all the glory of god and praise because you do just that in the matchless name of jesus we pray every glad heart said amen why don't you clap your hands on tonight praise team why don't you go forth lord i just want to thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you i wanna thank you for being so good to [Music] wanna me you [Music] lord i just wanna thank you for the lord i just wanna thank you lord i just wanna thank you i wanna thank you for being so good to me [Music] lord i just want to thank [Music] i you wanna thank you i wanna thank you for being so good to me so good to meet you thank you thank you thank you thank you cheers [Music] thank you jesus for the lord that you brought me foreign thank you [Music] looking [Music] and [Applause] they look at me just like that one my mind foreign i gotta tell you thank you thank you [Applause] every time i see it can i get one left thank you i know thank you [Music] thank you oh come on and clap those hands in the temple if you got a grateful heart if you gotta thank you jesus deep down on the inside hallelujah come on and give god some praise in the temple hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you [Music] i've never been [Applause] but i got the same deep down in my heart he can't make but thank god thank you just a few more seconds hallelujah thank you jesus bless your holy name why don't you take a moment and stick a praise right there with the grateful heart why don't you give thanks hallelujah hallelujah bless your name jesus he's worthy yes he is he's worthy hallelujah it's special deliverance night in in the temple on tonight is anybody expecting god to do anything on tonight hallelujah you got an attitude of expectation listen god's got a sneaky habit of beating you where your faith is and if you've got the faith enough to believe it how many y'all know he's a big enough god to do it you ought to encourage somebody including them tell them tonight is your night oh sit with some fate telling tonight it's your night oh hallelujah on your way to your seat why don't you clap your hands give him some praise hallelujah listen first weekend is youth weekend here around full gospel and how may y'all know that we support young people that's it clap your hands on for that amen we support young people amen it's not their church of tomorrow they're the church of today so amen somebody amen we got an anointed young lady who's going to give us her testimony tonight why don't you put your hands together and welcome sister mackenzie spencer bless you [Applause] praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody looking back over the year 2020 and 2021 surely i have a thank you jesus down in my spirit all i can say is thank you jesus every day first given unto god who is the head of my life to my leaders apostle and first lady danielle to our founding leaders to apostle lobius mary and dr shirley murray to all of you underneath the sign of my voice to the pulpit conductor i'm glad to say that i am saved sanctified filled with the holy ghost fire baptized and i am young y'all i'm glad to say that i am young and i have that testimony you can you're looking at a young lady that grew up in this many i was born and raised in this ministry so i thank god for my parents god-fearing parents that taught me rights to how to be a woman a young lady in the gospel i thank god for my own brother he taught me some things about jesus i thank god for children church for going to the vbs camp i thank god for um yes lmca thank you lmca i thank god that i'm here tonight to tell you that all through middle school through high school i'm able even through college that i still have that testimony that i am saved you know i remember thank you i remember growing up when i first when lsd had first closed down and i went to a different school i thought okay well if i go to a different school i have a new start nobody knows me here so i can just pretty much do what i want to do and not feel the blame for it or feel repercussions of it so i remember there were some students in my classroom and they were using profanity and i thought well maybe if i use it too then they'll send me in their crowd but how do how many of y'all know when you're called to be god's child you're gonna stand out regardless of what you try to do so i remember i remember i went that day and i was like well what word can i use and i didn't even know how to use it in the sentence but i remember i said the word to them and they looked at me confused and they said ken so we don't even know who you are but you don't even sound right saying that so i thank god because although i wanted to be different i was already different i was already different y'all so y'all i do have two testimonies actually the first one was this year back in february with a snowstorm or as some people call it snowmageddon i remember it was one night we well during that day we had made a fire as you know of course it was cold so we made a fire that day and then night time came and we got rid of the fire the fire already cooled down so my mom she put the ashes in the trash can and we all went to bed so it was around maybe 11 o'clock we heard the doorbell ring we said well we're not expecting nobody amazon definitely ain't running right now so we got up and we started we looked out the window to see who it was and it was our neighbors from a different street so then we started going towards the door and they just started banging on the door so open the door we was like what's wrong what's wrong they said your house is almost on fire so the ashes that was in the trash can lit the fire up in flames y'all like it was a tall fire it was almost touching the roof of the house so i thank god because what could have been what was innocent could have been a tragedy because if that fire would have caught hold to the house who knows what would have happened so i thank god because he protected me and my family through it during that time he protected us through all of 2020 and 2021 god has definitely been a protector he's been a provider he's been a waymaker y'all he's been a healer he's been a restoration y'all i'm so grateful to god he has shown himself so much in my life so some of y'all may know i started substituting earlier this year so last month i applied for a position at a different school and then i went there the first day sometime last month and then at the end of the day the principal came up to me he said hey i've been watching you and i really like what i've seen he said he asked me he was just making small talk he said are you in college i said yes sir i'm a junior he said so what are you studying i said i'm studying i'm actually studying education to become a teacher he said oh great well how would you like to become a permanent sub here he said the teacher next door to you is going on maternity leave and she won't be back until sometime later on this year but he said even when she comes back you can still say if you want the job so god y'all i'm so grateful because he qualified the unqualified so i am grateful to god that he chose me to be in that position the students loved me it was one teacher she didn't even know who i was i don't even know her name i still don't know her name but she said i don't know what it is about you but you just have so much joy and i can see i can tell you were raised right and he said you're just going to be the piece that we needed this school because i don't know what's going on with the students for yours teachers that are y'all those teachers out there y'all know how the students are this year they're out of control so i'm just grateful that i'm able to be there and use my light but it's t for the teachers and the students they see it they always come to me they say miss spencer can you pray for me i don't know if i can but i sure do but so i'm so i'm so grateful that god is using me in every type of way and i just asked the right she want to pray for me come on and clap your hands for sister spencer that's a wonderful testimony beautifully saved god will keep you if you want to be kept somebody say amen amen at this time we're going to turn it over to dr tk stillman in this lovely praise team come on and put your hands together for them and welcome them as they come [Music] do we have any free worshipers in the temple on tonight do we have any free worshipers in the temple on tonight and if you're not free it's special deliverance night you can get that freedom so that you can worship him in spirit and in truth hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] free to dance [Music] [Music] friends i'm i thank god i'm free [Music] and i'll never be bound again again again thank god i'm free [Music] i'm lord i'm free [Music] before you're free yes hallelujah i'm me is oh come on lift your voice all over the building anybody glad to be free tonight hallelujah slip those hands up in the atmosphere hallelujah hallelujah come on come on come on from a grateful heart open your mouth from the fruit of your own lips hallelujah let him know how much you're grateful how much you love him how much you adore him hallelujah come on come on i can see you but i can hear you somebody left your voice in the house somebody raise a praise in this place hallelujah hallelujah so glad i'm free hallelujah thank you god slip your hands up in the atmosphere somebody open your mouth and tell him thank you come on somebody open your mouth and tell the lord thank you tonight [Music] truly he's worthy of all the praise we can give unto him god bless you take your seats you've been in the presence of the lord amen for truly the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty it is such a joy and honor amen a privilege and a pleasure to be assembled back in the house of god one more time how many came out tonight with expectation on tonight i said how many came out with a spirit of expectation on tonight i tell you we thank god for what we have felt what we've heard so far let's thank god for sister spencer amen that powerful testimony amen of god's amen deliverance his provision amen is cared for his people amen we thank god let's thank god for the temple worship was on tonight amen they're coming back momentarily henderson and the youth congress so [Music] [Music] all the blood shed on calvary is oh oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] is oh is [Music] is come on [Music] [Applause] highest oh together one more time for the lord on tonight hallelujah how many know the lord we serve it's great hallelujah can you shout great jehovah tonight come on shout out like you mean a shout great jehovah hallelujah we come to praise and magnify the name of the lord tonight hallelujah [Music] come on put your hands together everybody come on can you clap your hands tonight can we sing to the father tonight come on with one voice right here everybody say great oh great job is is tonight oh is one more time right here foreign oh whatever oh foreign tonight up oh oh [Music] oh he's is oh great job [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah how do you know that god can work in the midnight hour hallelujah you all got a praise for what he's able to do [Music] for what he's willing to do and by faith what he's gonna do come on give god a praise hallelujah [Music] because he is worthy of all the praise that we can give him hallelujah why you yet standing come on put your hands together for our wonderful leaders pastor hermannel murray ladies and gentle ministers elders give honor to my beloved wife visitors and friends you all may be seated truly we do think and praise god for being in the house of crown tonight thank and praise god for his goodness yet having the testimony of being saved sanctified delivered filled up with the precious gift of the holy ghost truly god is a good god we thank him praise god tonight's special deliverance night saturday night at four gospel holy temple we just want to encourage you on tonight build your faith by the word of god but i just want to encourage you all tonight and let you know we as the people of god we have great benefits when it comes to god we that are saved we that have given our life to the lord for the bible say bless the lord oh my soul and forget not all of the benefits that we have in serving god and when we know that we have these benefits what we have to do is go after those benefits we want to get everything that god have for us but we must understand that we have to come looking and expecting the bible say but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that coming to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him i if you want something from god you gotta put forth some resistance if you want something from god you gotta be willing to fight for it if you want something from god you gotta be willing to go after it i hope i'm i want to encourage you tonight to go after whatever you need from god see because he's able to do whatever you need him to do but you got to furnish the faith you got to be willing to put forth the effort you got to be willing to get in the mud you got to be willing to the tussle you got to fight i believe jacob he fought until he got his a blessing huh and you got to be willing to fight till you get what you need from god jesus told them he says according to your faith be it unto you if you can furnish the faith if you can fight if you can put forth resistance if you can lay claim and lay hold on the need or whatever it is that you need from god you can expect god to do it so we're gonna go to the word of god on tonight don't plan on being before you alone we're going to go to the gospel of saint mark chapter 1 verse 40 through verse 42. that's the gospel of saint mark chapter 1 verses 40 through 42. if i could have a reader and there came a leopard to him beseeching him and kneeling down to him and saying unto him if thou wilt thou can't make me clean and there came a leper to him we knew it know at that time that leprosy was a uncurable disease it was a bad disease it was a contagious disease knowing this man wanted deliverance knowing that he wanted to be set free knowing that he wanted to be normal knowing that he wanted to have a life like everyone else and he's seen an opportunity the gospel presents opportunity to our lives it presents opportunity it makes a deliverance it makes healing it makes all of these all of the goodness of god available and there came a leper to him beseeching him and kneeling down to him he came right he came hungry he came almost begging and i don't let the bible say he was kneeling down to him which showed his humility shando understanding when you come to god he that coming to god must believe that he is if you really believe that god is able to do what you need him to do if you if you're able to believe that god has the power that the bible presents and that we preach about when you come to this type of god you got to come humble you can't come as if you already got everything in order but you got to come knowing how i need what you have and you're big enough and you're great enough to to to give me what i need and the bible said he was nearly down to him but he asked the question if thou wilt i know you have the power i know you have the authority i believe that but are you willing if thou wilt can thou makes me clean come on reed and jesus moved with compassion and jesus was moved with compassion showing his love showing his humanity shandoro koshi and it's the same way today if you come to god right and if you come to him with humility and if you come to him knowing that he has the power if you come to him in faith the bible say jesus was with compassion back then and if you come with it today he'll be moved with the same compassion come on reed put forth his hand put forth this hand and touched him and touched him and saith unto him i will be thou clean he said i will you don't have to answer you don't have to wonder you don't have to worry you don't have to inquire in your mind if i'm if i will jesus say i will be thou clean come on reed and as soon as he had spoken uh-huh immediately the leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed and he was cleansed from the leprosy come on put your hands together for the reading of his holy word and i'm just going to speak to you from a subject topic his love and compassion is a winning combination his love and compassion is a winning combination and on top of that he's willing and able see when we understand who god really is when we understand the power source that connects us to god when we understand that he already paid the price so that we can receive the goodness of god we understand that he was the perfect sacrifice he came down over 2000 years ago and he made available the power of god in our lives in other words what he did he opened up the door what he did he made opportunity available for each and every one of us to receive from god and because of what he did that's a winning combination and now as the people of god as those seeking help and seeking deliverance we have to understand not only is it a winning combination that he has love and compassion but yet he's willing and he's able that's what i want to speak from her willing and able a winning combination see because when we think about god when we consider god when we consider his love we don't really understand how much god really loves mankind see it hurts god when men continue in sin it hurts god when men look to man and when men look to worldly elements when men look to worldly vices as they're helping as their source but when the people of god come back to god when the people of god really put their trust in god it brings short to god it brings peace to god whether you realize it or not i hear the word of the lord saying it's the father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom i see god have many things in store for his people but what we have to do we have to furnish the faith we have to believe that god really loves us we have to believe that god is really concerned about us and when you really believe it you understand that the same god that performed miracles back then even in 2021 he's still willing and he's still able to do the supernatural and the miraculous there's nothing too hard for god it's a winning combination so when we come to god we have to base our faith on the word of god and when we leave this portion of scripture when we read this portion of scripture he wanted to know are you willing and see many times as a child of god maybe those that don't say we hear of the testimonies we read in scripture but somewhere in our mind because of the natural mind and the fights of the enemy we wonder god are you willing to do it for me are you willing to heal my body are you willing to meet this need are you willing to save me because with the condition that i have or what i'm doing i've been doing it a long time and there seems to be no help there seems to be no care and i'm not sure but i want to know if you are really willing to do it this man had leprosy it was an ugly death sentence sooner or later he was going to pass but before he died he had to look ugly he had to feel ugly many people look upon him make people feel sorry for them even some was pushing them out of the way they had to make it known when they was among people imagine how he felt but then opportunities shut down opportunity presented itself the word of god came up on the scene the son of god manifests in the midst of this young man and he came to him if you will can you make me clean and i want to encourage you tonight whatever your condition may be he's willing to do it i say he's willing to do it you say hi is he willing because of what he's what he's done because of his love because of his compassion see then he was showing love through his actions through his works but he went a step further to show us his love he died on calvary he took the stripes for our healing [Applause] we have a greater short love than what pac-man did but if he had enough faith in the power of god what about us we should come looking and expecting and knowing that god lord wants to heal wants to deliver want to set you [Applause] free his love shutting down on coast it's such a powerful love and his love makes him willing the bible says greater love had no man than this that he would lay on his life for his friend in other words he had such love in his heart for mankind that he was willing to die and i've heard apostles say if i was the only one in the world i believe that same love would be manifested to me and when you really understand how you're a special child of god your name may not be in the eyes of society nobody may not know your name you may not feel that you're recognized but you're gonna understand that when it comes to god there's no big eyes and there's no living use i want you to understand that god loves you [Music] his love compels the bible said god is not willing that any will perish shandotto but that all will come to repentance his love is concerned for mankind not only presents itself as salvation but because of the price he paid we have benefits healing shut down koshi deliverance ways made doors open he's able to do it and he's willing but we have to trust him we have to believe him for it and when we come with expectation when we come in the right spirit san doro kosi when we come in the right attitude when we when we come on board knowing that he done paid the ultimate price his sacrifice is good his sacrifice pleased god he paid the ultimate sacrifice it's done it's established and because of that we're able to receive of his goodness but we have to know that he's willing to give it to us and when you really know that he's willing then we have to wonder is he able to do it for me you may have seen your neighbor receive healing you may have seen your neighbor get the job that they want shondura koshi you may have seen your neighbor get his heart's shondu but i want to encourage you here tonight that god is no respecter person if he done it for one he can do it for another and you got to make up in your mind i'm willing to put forth the faith if god say i can have it i i'm gonna punish the faith i'm willing to fight for it even if i have to ask lord lord i believe but help my unbelief i'm really willing to ask god to help my unbelief and when you hear the word of god what god is doing he's having your unbelief when the word is going forth god is saying i'm sending help but i want to encourage you here tonight that god is sending help so you can come out of the state you're in like listening to help her so you can be delivered i listen in health so you can be set free [Music] his help is manifested through his word the preaching of the cross it's to some policies but for the child of god it's the power of god i believe it was paul that said i'm not ashamed of the gospel of christ because it's the power of god unto salvation you gotta believe that he's able my belief in god will separate me from the unbeliever my belief that god will separate me from those who don't believe shane dodo cosi are you able to make me clean jesus the bible say put forth his hand and touched him and said i will be thou clean i will make you hold in your body i will meet your need i will supply the knee shot dodo kochi i will not just give you enough shundo but i give you more than enough if you can believe god it'll separate you it'll move you from the state that you're in you won't stay where you at today if you can believe god i'm walking the walk of faith the bible say the just shall live by faith can i walk by faith and not by sight he's willing and he's able a winning combination as i close matthew 9 27 through 30. that's the gospel of matthew chapter 9 verses 27 through 30. and when jesus departed thence blind men followed him crying and saying thou son of david thou son of david have mercy on us the bible say crying and saying unto him thou son of david came in the right attitude came in humility shaun dodo koshi the son of david have mercy on us come on reed and when he was coming to the house the blind man came to him and jesus saith unto them believe ye that i'm able to do this do you believe that i'm able to do it they said unto him do you believe that i'm able to meet your need see you got to be taking it personal right now do you believe that god knows what you're going through do you believe that god knows what you're dealing with do you believe that god is able to meet you at the point of your need i'm talking to you all tonight do you believe that i'm able to do it [Applause] come on reed they said unto him yea lord then touched he their eyes saying according to your faith be it unto you he says according to your faith be it unto you if you believe that i'm able to do it you can get the performance of god manifested in your life and that's what i want to encourage you here tonight as i get ready to close willy and evil it's a winning combination anytime you come before god you gotta come in the right expectation you gotta come with the right mindset knowing whatever my problem may be i don't care how big or how small the god that i serve he's yet willing and he's yet able i hear the word of the lord saying that jesus christ it's the shame yesterday today and forever [Music] and he can do more he can perform in your life and he can do more but according to the power that works in us it's not that god don't have the power it's not that he's not willing and it's not that he's not able but according to the power that works in us i'm to praise the faith and i'm going to watch god i'm going to do my part and i'm going to watch god i'm going to serve for this faith and i'm going to watch that whatever i'm going to give given out the him i mean they'll tell it on the mountaintop when god blew it how many they'll tell the world he's safe come with the right mind knowing he's willing and he's able hallelujah nothing is too hard for god maybe you're here tonight maybe you're not shaped maybe you haven't experienced the power of god in your life [Music] maybe you haven't been filled with the holy ghost you know what he's willing and easy he told him to go into jerusalem in terror [Music] hallelujah until you being due with power from on his shadow come with the expectation come looking and expecting for god to meet your need i don't care what it is on tonight is anything too hard for god [Music] he's willing and he's able [Music] hallelujah come on praise the lord chance if you know he's willing and able praise god for your brothers and sisters [Music] praise god for those that's on the threshold of receiving a miracle from power my miracle is at the door [Music] my miracle is across this threshold [Music] come on believe god if you're here tonight and you need to be saved if you're ready to give your life to god if you need to be filled with the holy ghost we're gonna ask that you step forward hallelujah hallelujah if you need the baptism of the holy ghost come on step forward first things first come on lift your hands up to god come on repeat after me say father forgive me for all of my sin come into my life save me deliver me fill me with the holy ghost and i live for you for the rest of my life if you want it if you wanna he's got everything he's got everything you need he's got everything if he's got everything you need he got everything you need is us is believe what you whatever you is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 6,481
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: azFIbIEUqX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 0sec (4560 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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