FGHT Dallas: An Appetite for Righteousness

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to me come on here i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord and if that's how you feel about it come on and give jesus some praise up in here ah come on this is you tonight the bible said if we wait on him he'll renew our youth so i'm gonna try it one more time come on and give jesus some praise hallelujah thank you jesus up in this house come on let's bow our heads on tonight dear kind heavenly father we want to thank you for your loving kindness your tender mercy and your amazing grace lord we want to thank you for how you bless us in this morning service as we clap our hands right now we want to thank you god for watching over us all day protecting us from all hurt harm in danger lord we assemble here to again tonight to give you praise to give you glory and to give you honor father we pray that you would come in on tonight and move in this service every song every testimony but most of all anoint your preached word of god lord have your way in our souls and we'll bless you back the lord we want to thank you for leadership and tonight on the person of our pastor apostle herman l murray yes lord and lady danielle we want to thank you for the memory and the legacy of the apostle lopez mary and dr evan shirley murray lord watch over those that are on their way leading safely and guide them in jesus name we pray let us all say amen come on song sis jesus i'll never forget what you've done for me jesus i'll never forget [Music] [Music] jesus i'll never forget how you set me free jesus i'll never forget how you how can i forget you went way down [Music] you gave some jesus i'll never forget lord i'll never forget [Music] [Music] you gave them joy and peace [Music] [Music] jesus i'll never forget i i oh [Music] i wanna [Applause] i foreign oh [Music] oh yes come on lift those hands toward heaven and give god some praise in the house on tonight now on your way down come on and give jesus a great big hand because he's worthy of all the praises on tonight god bless you saints you're looking beautiful out there on tonight how many love good testimonies and how many know that good testimony build faith won't you put your hands together tonight but brother paul taylor jr as he comes and gives his testimony for the glory and under god on tonight god bless you praise the lord everybody excuse me i thought this was a glorious church i said praise the lord everybody first i want to give under the god who is the head of my life the leader and the captain of my ship i want to thank and i honor god for my wonderful leaders apostle hermannell murray lady danielle and dr shirley murray and of course uh apostle obama i thank each and every one of you for coming out on tonight i just want to give this testimony to the glory and honor of god um i just want to say that i'm free on tonight i'm saved and i'm sanctified and i'm holy ghost field and fire baptized on tonight amen hallelujah like i was never that wasn't always my testimony um you're looking at a young man who grew up in church you know i knew how to lift my hands i knew how to worship and one thing i did not know was god for myself i always saw god from someone else's perspective of course i live in the house with the uh minister paul taylor senior and you know he always give reference unto god he was always you know the man of god of of the house you know my mom always brought us to church you know i already knew what to do while i was in church but i never understood why i was there i never understood why i'm lifting my hands i never understood who i was talking to oh but i knew that god had a plan for my life hey man um i remember when i first got saved when i was a freshman in high school um it was such a surreal experience for me i've never experienced that love in that way but one thing i did not i did not get was power i didn't get the holy ghost power and i knew that you know if i didn't if i don't got the holy ghost there's no way that i can live safe so throughout the years and throughout the months you know i would always talk to people about god you know telling people you know god is an amazing god and people always be like you know something is weird about you you know something something is quite off about you i didn't understand what they were talking about but throughout the years i always felt like i was left out you know i i i was the kid who always wanted to be amongst people i was always the kid who wanted to felt accepted not knowing that what i had was far much greater than what everybody else could see so um it was sad and very unfortunate that i i began to develop some of the habits that they developed because of course i told you i wanted to be accepted and i didn't know you know that i was supposed to be called out you know i only think i knew was that i knew jesus and that was a great feeling for me but i didn't have the holy ghost so throughout the years i would pick up and develop those habits and it led to me you know going back on god and as my mother would say i lost my mind but the bible says that he's faithful and he's just to forgive us to cleanse us from all unrighteousness and i got to the point where i was sick of myself to while i was disgusted why why on earth would i ever leave somebody this great this is powerful and i knew early on this year apostle was preaching about the holy ghost power and how he's able to give you power not only to uh keep you safe but that you can have power and have authority over the enemy and i was like i need that i want that so what i did was i you know i i prayed and i got down on my knees and i talked to god you know i was telling god you know and i i want to live safe of course i want to experience whatever it is that i'm seeing in this church i want to be able to experience what my dad was experienced i want to be able to experience what my mom talks about so often and what god did was he honored that prayer and the lord sanctified me he filled me up with the holy ghost this year and i think and i honor god for that i honor god for that and now i have power not only that but i i've seen god change my life in such a great way not only just here but at school when i'm sitting at the table by myself i'm reading my word i don't care who looking at me i don't care who don't like me cause like apostles said earlier this day it don't matter who don't like me but it's the fact that god loves me and that god is pleased with me not just that but even on my job i may have the ox court in my hand the only thing i might be playing is daryl coleen hills but i don't care because people will come out and be like you know what there's something different about that young man there's something there's something just a little off about the young man i say that's not of me because my sufficiency isn't of myself but i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but it's christ that lives in me and god is a keeper if you want to be kept god has shown himself mighty in my life and i think and i honor god because without him i don't know where i would be i asked all the righteous want to continue to pray for me hey man come on let's get brother paul taylor great big hand wonderful job young man god bless you come on put your hands together for dr steven and the temple worshipers [Music] hallelujah praise the lord everybody praise the lord everybody hallelujah man this is youth weekend so we're going to ask sister kaisha jemison amen to come and give us a soul of own choice can we put our hands together for amen [Music] when i give glory and honor to god who is the head of my life to apostle herman murray and his wife first lady danielle and to our founding apostle and first lady asked that y'all pray for me as i sing this song [Music] so [Music] even the sparrow has a place [Music] you've given me everything and you give me everything you give me everything i need oh [Music] so you can see my heart with your hands and you tell the seasons and it's time for them [Music] you give me everything on me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are everything i need you give me everything you give me everything you give me [Music] you give me everything [Music] you give me everything [Music] you give me everything give me everything i need so [Applause] oh come on let's celebrate sister jemison tonight come on church let's make some noise for he gives me everything i need anybody know god to be a need manager tonight did he make a way out of nowhere did he open doors on tonight lift your hands and praise him in the house help him celebrate god tonight for making a way out of the way glory to god he gives me everything i need why because he promised to supply every need hallelujah come on clap those hands tonight glory to god glory to god god is a good god tonight praise the lord amen let's clap my hands and sister jemison on tonight thank god for that wonderful selection praise the lord let's get brother paul taylor jr hand clapped on tonight thank god for the powerful testimony of deliver us amen come on clap your hands to leadership on tonight thank god praise the lord me draw me lord and now come running me lord oh thank you lord i'll come running after you would you help me say it come what's gonna happen i'll come running after you thank you lord i'll come running after you ah this is the worship hour this is it this is it this is the worship power come on come on come on me that's my prodigy love caterpillar i'll come running after you [Music] that's come on i'll come running after you nobody but you lord [Music] after you because you can [Music] jesus i love you yes i am [Music] any praise on this evening can you help us give him some glory and honor hallelujah [Music] [Music] yes you are [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] i'm so brave each and every day together [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is jesus [Music] oh nobody is love you is oh is wow ain't nobody hold me like this i love jesus [Applause] somebody ought to go ahead and give god some praise on tonight somebody ought to go ahead and give god some praise on tonight if he's been faithful in your life he's been peace for you if he's been joined for you you ought to find a reason to praise him [Music] i see i don't need somebody to tell me i can just look back over my life and i can see where god has been god in my life you see you don't have to ask me to lift my hands some strange reason my hands will just go up i start to cry out to god thank you jesus hallelujah i love your lord y'all don't want to praise god on tonight [Music] anybody love the lord on tonight no i said does anybody love the lord on tonight i'm looking for somebody that really loved the lord or tonight you want to go ahead and give him the best praise that you got [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah can i find one sanctified person to shout with me say hallelujah [Music] i'm gonna come over here can i find one sanctified person to shout with me hallelujah okay this i don't want to participate can i find one sanctified person to shout with me hallelujah praise god praise god you may take your seats on tonight sometimes it gets like that [Music] it gets like that sometimes you just start thinking about how he's been good to you riding down the highway you have to put the car over to the side of the road and give god that little quick praise how he kept you all weak how he kept your mind how he kept your heart he kept your family you see i don't need somebody to tell me how good god has been to me cause i haven't forgot about it [Music] [Applause] i've got [Music] when you want to have a good time i'm coming to church because i know i'm going to have the best time i ever had with jesus to go ahead and go ahead and praise the god on tonight i think we got a little time to praise it [Music] so [Music] so hallelujah hallelujah [Music] go ahead and give god some praise on tonight go ahead and lift your hands and praise god for how good he's been in our lives i'll go ahead and give him a personal praise on tonight go ahead and talk to him from your heart [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus you may take your seats on tonight praise god we thankful thankful for how good god has been in our lives to all of us we all have a reason to praise the lord praise god i do want to give honor to god who's the head of my life and praise god to our leaders the apostle herman mary and first lady danielle mary go ahead and give them a hand clap on tonight because i got until my own wife on tonight thank god for her and praise the god i'm just after to listen to your prayers on tonight you know anytime you get up any time you get to speak for the lord it's always one of those things where there's just a little nerves but you know with prayer i believe i can get through it on tonight so we're not gonna prolong the time on tonight we're gonna go ahead and go to uh the book of matthew we're gonna go to the fifth chapter and we're gonna go to that sixth verse that's the book of matthew the fifth chapter and we're gonna start reading at that sixth verse how many love the word of god how many love the word of god praise god we thankful for the word when you have it just say i have it i'm going to go ahead and the bible says blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled again jesus is speaking here and he says blessed or they which do hunger and thirst it's their desire for righteousness and he said he's not going to disappoint them for they shall be filled i just want to talk from a simple topic on tonight an appetite for righteousness an appetite for righteousness the other phrase that says show me what you eat and i'll show you who you are you may have heard it like what you eat is who you are you are what you eat it's a phrase that's basically used to uh express the importance of and watching of being concerned with what we put into our bodies it's meant to get you to see that what you choose to consume is directly related to who you are and another aspect it also shows uh what you engage in and what you partake in reveals your values and what type of world you actually want to live in and just like naturally it's important for us to watch what we eat and what we consume spiritually we must also take account and be concerned with what we take into our spirit as well i believe it's romans chapter 8 that says for there for they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh but they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit so basically what he's saying is if you're going to choose to live after the flesh there's going to be some consequences that are going to come with that so we have to be aware of what we put into our spirits when you look at what paul is trying to describe here he's basically explaining to us that there are two types of people in this world there are essentially two types of people people that are out of the flesh and then there's people that go after the spirit uh what he's telling us is those that do mind the things of the flesh that's their desire that's the craving that's what they go out there because they're going after everything that this world and this world only has to offer uh when you go after the flesh what happens is those things begin to affect your mind it begins to occupy and take over uh even your thoughts and even sometimes down to your emotions i remember seeing a survey one day and it talked about how people after they would go watch football games on sunday if their team lost the next day they will be on borderline depression you can see how the things of the world begins to affect you not only just spiritually but it'll have a natural effect on your body as well and i know sometimes we'll start to hear scriptures like this and we start to think about how that's not me i'm saved and i don't uh i'm not cornerly minded and that's good but we often we also have to even be mindful of the things that we may not participate in physically but we're still giving our time and attention to uh what we take in with our eyes what we take in with our ears uh things that we uh conversations that we participate in we have to be careful of what we give our time and our attention to uh just because you're not physically doing the act just because you're not physically participating in the act doesn't mean that it doesn't uh have an effect on your spiritual appetite or the longer you participate in those type of things those carnal things those fleshly things what you will see is you'll start to create a certain craving for those things in your spirit and proverbs teaches us that can a man take fire in his bosom and not be burned or can he walk on coals in his feet not be scorched and i understand that that portion of scripture is talking about adultery but i still think the principles apply when he's talking to the father is talking to his son is that you can't take place with foolish things and not expect some consequences to happen in your life [Applause] uh in romans he begins to list all the things of the people that that chose not to retain god in their knowledge all the things that they participated in all the things that they started to do and he gets down and he says that these people are worthy of debt but you know what he says he said even those that take pleasure in the ones that do it so you have to be careful what you participate in what you give your time to what you consent to what you give your uh your your time and your ability to you have to be careful what you put in your spirit because i don't want to create something in me that's going to take hard or hard time to get out i don't want to be be mistaken for someone that takes pleasure in the things of the world i don't want to be confused with somebody that's not going after righteousness i don't want to be mistaken or confused with somebody that's not hungry for the things of god so i'm going to watch what i put in me as you start to uh give heed to those things and give your attention to those things you will build up a craving for those things that you're trying to get closer to god and it'll begin to affect you trying to draw closer to the lord i used to hear something growing up and whether it was on tv and things like that you would hear a kid come up to their parent they'll start to talk and they'll say how they're hungry and it may not have been time for dinner or anything like that yet now uh look for some of those stacked those those snacks that we love to grab those snacks that uh taste real good those cookies and those chips and all those types of things but what you'll hear them the parent usually come back and say is you can't have that because that'll spoil your appetite and whether intentional or not you could be trying to grow in god but at the same time you could really be affecting your growth by spoiling your appetite you're wondering why you don't want to spend time in prayer anymore you're wondering why you don't have the same excitement about coming to church you're wondering why you don't have the same love for god it's because you're spoiling your appetite somewhere are you starting to create a craving on the inside for things that are not like god so now when it's time to come to church now when it's time to hear a word from god now when it's time to listen to the testimonies we're not as excited about those things because we all have spoiled our appetites we don't want to hear those things now because it's something that's been corrupting us something that's been uh corrupting what we're going on and sometimes the the corruption you will you will be surprised it can even come from uh uh the circle that we're in paul tells us he said that evil communications corrupt good manners heard somebody say it like this that bad company corrupts good morals so what he's trying to get us to see that even sometimes the circle that we end we have to evaluate it because it could be it's spiritually affecting us uh it may not seem bad now it may not seem harmful now but any relationship that's causing spiritual lack i have to evaluate it because i don't want anything to come between me and my relationship with god so that means if i have to cut off friends if that means if i have to cut off family members i'm going to do it because i'm trying to get closer to god and what good would it do me to have all the friends in the world and i lose my connection with god he said that he that walking with wise men shall be wise but a companion of fools they shall be destroyed i don't want to find myself destroyed with the fools so i'm going to watch the company i keep if i have to chunk you to do something chunky to do because my mind is made up that i want to get closer to god i'm going out the righteousness i'm going at the holiness i'm trying to draw closer to the lord [Applause] and that a lot of times when you start to pull away from people that's having a spiritual effect on your life they'll start saying look at them acting funny look at them acting boujee and i want to tell you on tonight when they say that just look at him say i'm not acting i'm trying to get away from you because i'm trying to get closer to god if you have an effect on my life you're not good for me i want to get closer to the lord and i don't care who has to go if i gotta kick you out of my life i'm gonna kick you out of my life because i want more of the lord in other words what i'm saying is who you run with can have an effect on your wall sometimes not even just our circle uh but we can have our worldly responsibilities i can begin to influence us spiritually as well uh in the parable of the sower and the seed the bible talks about jesus talks about how a sword went out to sow and he sold on different ground he sold into different soil and that was once all in particular he talks about when the seeds were thrown it fell amongst thorns and i noticed that i looked at that it didn't say that the soil was bad he said that it just fell among storms and when it tried to grow up the thorns choked it out and when he said he give us what these thorns or he said that these thorns are they're the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches so you see what he's trying to get us to understand that worldly worries can have a spit an effect on my spiritual appetite i'm spending all day trying to go out the things i'm spending all day trying to get more things i'm doing all uh everything but i'm not making any time for god you see materialistic things can become a hindrance on your walk with god if we allow our daily routines and the pursuit of more uh to keep uh go unchecked that can hinder us and where we're trying to go in god and what would good would it do me if i obtained everything in this earth but then i looked up and i had no relationship with the lord the bible says what would it profit a man to gain the whole world and then lose his soul he's saying that on one end you can have all of this but it still wouldn't be good for you if you turned around and you lost your soul you ought to find somebody and say neighbor what good would it do you if you turned to god you gave up god but you had the big house you had the nice car you had the fancy job but you didn't have god what good would it do you and i'm not saying you shouldn't strive for better i'm not saying it's wrong to want those things but what i'm saying is when you lie those things to become the focal point of your life uh that's when it begins to affect you and it begins to have a bearing on you you have to make sure that you keep the main thing the main thing and the main thing is my my relationship with the lord god doesn't want us worrying about all these work uh uh material things but he wants to make sure that we continue our walk with him as a matter of fact over in uh matthew six he talks about he says be not anxious don't be anxious about all these things because these things they'll have a their thought to enslave your heart they'll start to it take over your mind they'll start to take over your will so he says don't be anxious about those things he says i don't want you to worry about those things he says that if the fouls don't sow or reap but the heavenly father feeds them he said consider the lilies of the field how they grow even that they don't toil or spin wherefore if god so clothed the grass of the field he said uh even so much more that he shall clothe you oh ye of little faith you see when you begin to go after those things and you're not making time for god what you're actually doing is showing your lack of trust and your lack of faith in god so he doesn't want you worrying about those things he doesn't want you worrying about what you're going to eat or drink but he tells you he says seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and everything else shall be added i just love the promises of god because they are yay and they are amen he said that if i continue to seek out to him he says everything else he said he'll give me what i'm looking for you know there's plenty of books out there that talks about success and how to be successful uh there's plenty of books out there that talks about how to win friends and uh the man's meaning such a meaning in life but i just want you to understand and read that and look at that how jesus in just a few sentences gave you the keys to success in this world he said if you want to get better if you want the nice health if you want the better job you want the nice car he said seek god you see a lot of times we have in reverse what we're doing is we're going after the things but i should be going after god sometimes your success is directly related to your willingness to go out to god what we're doing is we're reversing that and we're doing everything we can to go after the things and get the things and we're missing an opportunity to grow in god we're not realizing that god said if you're willing to give me your time if you're willing to give me all your effort if you're willing to put all your effort into seeking me he said i'll give you what you're looking for you're going after all the materialistic things and you're missing what god is trying to do in your life so matthew 5 and 6 says after jesus had been going through galilee and teaching and healing he comes to a hillside and mountain side he starts to teach his disciples the bible says he sits down and he starts to teach his disciples and this is the beginning of a discourse that we now call the sermon on the mount and it takes place through chapters 5 through seven and jesus is teaching them things that that we still use today and as i was studying this part it says that uh this is one of the most misunderstood messages i don't know how but it says it's one of the most misunderstood messages that jesus ever gave and it says that one group of people say that it's god's plan of salvation and that if we expect to go to heaven we must obey these rules and then there's another group of people that say it doesn't apply for us today but may apply for some future events like during the tribulation but i love the bible because the bible always answers itself it never leaves you wondering uh about what it's talking about so i believe that the purpose is we can find it in verse 20 or that same chapter he says for i say unto you that accept your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven so the whole sermon uh i believe is is a call to true righteousness you see when you look at the religious leaders of those days they uh they had what we would call an artificial or uh external or external righteousness in other words their heart wasn't actually in to serving the lord what they had was just lip service as we would say a power of a form of godliness but denying the power thereof and what they were trying to do is get people to have a certain conduct but without changing their their character and so what they they had conduct but no real character not realizing that conduct actually flows out of true character so if you expect a person's conduct to change what you need to do is get their heart to change uh what's on the inside the bible says not what goes into a man that defiles him but it's what comes out so if i want to see a change in a person what i need to do is get their heart to change so when we look at verse six we begin to notice two things that he's talking about here in verse six he starts out with uh these uh uh these proverbial blessings i guess to say that uh he calls you he first how he calls you blessed he starts to talk about it and he says that he gives a word here that comes out and it literally means blessed and he starts each one of these off by saying that if you do these or if you're like this that you are blessed and i want you to understand that that no matter what's going on in your life if your desire if you have a deep longing a hunger and a thirst for the righteousness of god that no matter what's going on in your life that you are blessed you see the devil will try to teach you and or try to trick you and get into your mind to uh make you think that this doesn't look like a blessed place no matter whether you're in the pit like joseph no matter whether you're in the fire like the hebrew border on the then uh like daniel it doesn't matter where you're at in your christian walk i want you to understand that even if you're still going after the things of god that you are blessed you see the devil wants you to think that you're not blessed because of where you're at in your situation or where you're at in your walk with god but no matter what the circumstances is no matter what uh the situation that's going on in my life i realize that i'm still i'm still blessed another thing that i learned this he says that uh if you hunger and thirst after righteousness he says that you shall be filled i like that because god doesn't leave me hanging he's not saying that i won't give you what you need but if you hunger and you thirst after the righteousness of god he said then i'm not going to leave you hanging i'm not going to leave you once and he says but i'm going to give you what you're looking for so if you begin to think about it and you start to thirst after the things of god and you start to want the things of god god is saying that i'm going to fill you up with more righteousness i heard a song one time and the song said lord it said that bring me bread of heaven feed me till i want no more but i wish i could remix that song and i'll say lord feed me and then feed me some more god i don't want to just be filled up once lord god but if you can give me more joy then give me more joy lord god i want more peace lord god i want more righteousness i want more of your joy lord god i want more of your holiness lord god whatever it is for god don't just feed me and then stop lord god but it's keep feeding me and keep feeding me and keep feeding me and keep feeding me i don't want just a little bit but what i'm designing is i'm desiring everything that god has to offer but in order to get this more in order to get this righteousness i have to be able to create in myself an appetite for the things of god and you may say i have found myself lacking i found myself not going after the things of god like i should but how so how do i create that hunger how do i create that thirst for the things of god i heard the bible say draw not to god and he'll draw not to you he says wash your hands and purify your heart i have to conclude myself of everything that's not like god i have to start evaluating my life looking over my life and start taking things out that's not like god because i want god to draw closer to me as i draw closer to him you see my desire is more righteousness my desire is more holiness my desire is to see god work in this world you see you can have the stuff but give me jesus you can have the car but if i don't got the car i'm so glad that i still have jesus i'm so glad if i don't got the house i still got jesus because i found out when i got jesus i got everything that i need so you can give you can have everything else but give me jesus he tells me he says lay aside every way and the sin that's so easy will set you and sometimes when people what they'll do is when they begin to start diets they'll do a detox stage and what that is they're trying to get rid of any toxins that they have in their body that's preventing them from reaching their goals and what i want you to understand on tonight if you want to go get god you want to get closer to him what you're going to have to do is pray like david prayed say lord purge me with his soul get everything out of me that's not like you lord if you got to create in me a clean heart because i don't want to miss god i don't want to go around here seeking out the things i don't want to go around here seeking out the stuff and i found out and i look up and i miss god that god created me a clean heart lord god make me over if you got to make me over god take me through the washer if you got to take me through the washer but whatever you do lord clean me and make me new i want to have a appetite for god i want to have an appetite for righteousness i want to experience god in a new way lord if you feel me on monday lord fill me again on tuesday lord with two that come through me again on wednesday lord with they come fill me all over again because i'm never tired i'm always hungry i'm always thirsty for the more of god lord created me an appetite for righteousness go ahead and stand to your feet on tonight [Music] praise god that's where god wants us to be god wants us to go after him a lot of times people will go after everything else and they'll miss they'll miss god along the way but he's like he said if you come after me seek ye first the kingdom seek ye first the kingdom of god he said that he'll add everything to your life where people will begin to look at you and say how did you get that how did you accomplish that i know what they make and how did they get that house because god has i sought god and god sprinkled a little favor in my life i went out the righteousness first i sought god first and god came through and he blessed my life so we're going to make an altar call on tonight first we want to ask if anybody needs to be saved you've been going out of the things of the world you've been living your life according to the way the devil wants you to live and it's been treating you bad but i want you to know tonight god is a deliverer he can set you free he can make you new and he can give you the appetite of righteousness that you're looking for [Applause] so why don't you come if you need to be safe if you need to be uh delivered why don't you come maybe you say that's me i've been lacking i've been putting things in my spirit that are not like god i've created a craving for things that are not like god [Applause] and i want god to fix that in my life why don't you come and watch god do it [Applause] why don't you come and watch god help you watch god make you over we're going to go ahead and pray with thee [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so oh more [Applause] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is is [Applause] [Applause] is [Applause] oh [Applause] jesus christ [Music] heard today oh come on lift those hands and just thank god for the word that you heard tonight hallelujah and let's give the man of god a great big round of applause amen certainly amen he took his time and spoke to us out of the word and on your way to your seat just tell somebody don't lose your appetite amen hold on to it hallelujah just because i mean as much as you want god's got that and more man he'll fill you until you he then he fills it up and then he'll fill you all over again amen there's always more to god and he that hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled i'm glad god makes those kind of promises to us that means seeking god is never wasting your time amen if you seek after righteousness god said you will be filled some people just really don't want it bad enough yet amen you know when you when you really want something you'll get out of your bed and go get it hey man you got some folk they just got a taste for something but they ain't got appetite for it because when you get appetite for it i don't care how late it is amen amen you you'll get out of your bed and go get it they came up with a word a few years ago they called it a craving and that that was that was how some of the fast food companies had disguised what it really was it was an addiction they called it cravings you know how some folk have an addiction to alcohol and i one brother told me once he said i used to walk to work he said because i was such a drunk that even on the way to work i'd walked through the park and i had liquor stashed all in the park trees under trash cans and all he said by the time i got to work i was already drunk amen that that that that's that's some people's addiction amen you heard people testify and he said he he he'd go home on lunch and come back and if he was sober when he left by the time he came back from lunch he was drunk yeah y'all remember hearing these testimonies he said he was so so so so addicted to it he had liquor all on the on the nightstand i remember hearing him he said he just sometimes at night he'd just wake up and just reach over there and grab something just just drink and look at that that was an addiction and he said one night he didn't even know what he grabbed the baby all on accident and and drunk half the bottle of baby oil and by the time he realized he drunk that he said he didn't get up and go to the go to the hospital didn't call poison control he said he just reached over and grabbed the lick and chased it down amen some folk just got addictions like that amen and that that's the way amen they call them cravings but they're really just that they're food addictions amen that's what got these little kids crying because you won't take them to go they addicted to that amen and when you understand how powerful that is in the spirit he says that that's what you have you have to have that hunger that that that addiction that craving to the word of god and to righteousness because when you really get it like that you won't take no for an answer you got some folk they take you to leave it you you weren't hungry you just had a taste for something but when you really get hungry enough amen you'll go after it with everything you have and god made you a promise that if you hunger and thirst after righteousness he said you will be filled you can be saved you can be delivered you can grow with god you just got to have a hunger for it and if you picking and choosing church nice to come to you ain't hungry you just got a taste for god but when you really get hungry oh you'll be waiting on the doors to open with when you really get hungry for god you'll get on your knees and pray when you really truly get hungry for god you know god you you'll look up and you would have been in your word three four hours when you really get hungry for god but people that just read two or three scriptures because you know you need to read scriptures you ain't hungry for god he said you'll seek me and you'll find me when you seek for me with all of your heart that's a hunger the man of god told us tonight you got to be hungry for righteousness amen not for accolades not for attention hungry for righteousness at the end of the day it's all about hearing god say well done amen that's what it's really all about hearing the lord say well done amen we thank god they amen all day today god's been moving and saving we had seven saved and six baptized with the holy ghost oh clap your hands that's 13 souls added to the battlefield hallelujah and amen i understand calvin sanders and andrea penn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 5,392
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: k0sSBvaZRwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 25sec (4405 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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