FGHT Dallas: Give God Another Yes

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[Music] ha [Music] you dummy I raised with my ball [Music] praise you with all [Music] brains you oh I [Music] we've already helped me say [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] would ya [Music] Oh [Music] we [Music] I'm [Music] without you all the loans to you all my brain [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh God [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] I was [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] brains for Jesus I'm great mother bring the ledger aids me you have so many great things you for you have so many great me [Music] I'm gonna praise you so many great I'm gonna praise you all I'll give you another yes love I'll give you a willow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Music] yes along [Music] I'll obey [Music] oh man always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you rested on your feet you could get a better phrase than that there's anybody got a yes in their spirit wanted to take a moment just lift up your voice and tell the Lord yes hallelujah Jesus yes god yes - you will yes to your way wherever you need me God yeah god I love babe you wanna give God a y'all don't sound like y'all praising them to me does anybody got another yes if anybody got another yes does anybody have another yes that's God doing anything to you you know got a praise hallelujah Jesus Nika yeah I'm on my site i yeah you've got a praise of his place I need a pre convocation yes I need a yes that's going into the convocation yes going in yes coming down yes going up hallelujah Jesus I'll feel his presence down bless your name Jesus oh come on don't give up there quickly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all sound like God's been good to you you sound like you're going into this thing with an attitude of expectations you know God's got a way of meeting expectations can I get a witness in the house you go in with faith believe in God for something how many know God would do it just like you're believing him to do it oh my god I feel this presence already hallelujah we wanted to put your hands together and clap your hands for Jesus come on and celebrate the Savior and with those same hands I want you to put your hands together for leadership on this morning can you bless our apostle Herman Elmer you come on you could do it much better than that they've gone for the man of God and from lady Danielle come on put your hands together for her and dr. Shirley Murray a man I certainly thank God all those that are praying for me and one more time to put your hands together for yourself you've made it to the house of God a man god bless you you may be seated in the temple yes Lord yes Lord [Music] it just seems like this life is just a reoccurring yes it seems like every time God is asking you to do something all you can mess up the energy to say yes God it seems bigger than me but yes God it seems greater than me but yes God I don't know how it's gonna happen but yes God I may not have all the money [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well too quiet in here for me [Applause] yes Jesus come on we give God a praise for you yes you've got a grace for your guests you've got a phrase in this place does anybody remember where you were when you told God yes do you remember where you were when he steals your heart to the truth do you remember how you felt when you told God yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on appraiser to this place come on and praise Him in this place crazy you've got a yes at his place but a new season [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is anybody gonna praise you back or y'all too quiet for me come on get on a place with those names together it's celebrate Jesus in this place hallelujah hallelujah now God yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on Oh put those hands together as fast as you can come on and celebrate Jesus in this place [Music] I believe God is already doing it for somebody I believe somebody's already getting what they need from God you know you don't have to winter Friday you can praise God now if your feet says so you can receive it now we totally encourage somebody to the neighbor it's all according to your faith we can do it now if you need to [Music] it's called it's on the other side of that yes phrase it down Harlan y'all act like y'all wanna have church this morning [Applause] y'all act like God's been good to you I've know God's been good to me this is what we came for the presence of God so god this fool is of joy anybody want a fool joy this morning hallelujah one more time positions we gotta take your seat if you can [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bless your name Jesus he's already doing it for you you know I was as we were going through the consecration in preparation for this convocation and just praying and asking God what areas can I say yes you know it takes a mature Saint that sometimes when God tells you no you turn around on the other side of God to know and tell God yes and God was telling me and he was just speaking to me and he was you know it's amazing how God would just bring you full circle sometimes it's amazing how God would just speak to you directly to your situation and he will tell you exactly what you need to do in order to take that next step in him is anybody believing God for it yes this week is anybody really believing him for it my god I know he's going to do it for you there's some things I want to share with you just briefing on this morning I promise you I'm gonna be in the way and out of the way because God has already moved in this place but there are a few nuggets that God has laid upon my heart and I believe God's going to encourage all of us there by if you have your Bibles and I know you do I'm gonna ask you to turn with me to the book of Matthew that's the book of Matthew chapter number 26 we're gonna look at a very familiar passage of Scripture it's Matthew 26 and 36 and we're gonna read through verses 46 amen so that's Matthew chapter number 26 beginning at verse number 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 and 46 if you haven't signified loudly by saying I have it a man if I can get a read on this morning Jesus called Gethsemane go ahead to the disciples sit ye here while I go and yonder go ahead and he took with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy then said he unto them my soul is exceeding so you know as a believer how many y'all know that sometimes we're gonna go through life experiences that are going to be exceeding sorrowful you know sometimes we get a misunderstanding of this life in God and sometimes we think that it's gonna be all rose-colored glasses and that this thing is gonna be easy in scripture does say that take my yoke upon you from our yoke is easy and my burden is light but how many are no on the same side of that scripture also says all that live godly shall suffer persecution and I want you to understand that sometimes you're gonna go through life experiences and sometimes you're gonna go through a hard place and it's going to feel exceeding sorrowful you know and we would love to tell you that you could read a fairy tale type novel you know and tell you that everything is going to be perfect and it's gonna always work out exactly the way you plan exactly the way that you wanted to is gonna work out exactly in a way that makes life easy for you but how many all know that God's promise to you it's not that everything would be easy and it would work out perfect but what he said is that I would never leave you nor will I forsake you yeah what he said is that whatever you go through he said and lo I'll be with you always even unto the end of this earth so what God is trying to tell us is that even though you may go through some things in life that may be exceeding sorrowful when he promises that in general in your moment weakness God strength will be made perfect see God's not after a perfect situation he's not after perfect credit he's a good go get good credit if you can but he's not after that perfect bank account in that perfect career in that perfect business and that perfect is what he's after is to give you strength in the midst of sorrowful and exceeding sorrowful news can I get a witness in the temple so what Jesus is telling us or what the text is telling us is that even Jesus our example is at the end of his ministry and what he's feeling at this point is he's feeling exceeding sorrowful neskowin 38 and fell on his face yes if it be possible nevertheless not as I will my god go ahead this is the part I like go ahead my god what could you not watch with me one hour poor Peter this quick text says that he went and came and found all the disciple asleep but for some reason he singled out Peter you know there's an old saying that says the nail that sticks out is the one that gets hammered and how many y'all know that Peter was the one that was always verbose he was always the one that was saying something he was always the one that was doing something when Jesus and and was on the Mount Transfiguration and it was Peter James and John and they saw Jesus transform it was Peter that said should we built a temple to you and to Moses and Elijah it was Peter that when Jesus appeared to them on the Sea of Galilee he was the one jumping out of the boat you know wanting to walk on water it's always Peter that's opening up his mouth being so rambunctious but you know what how many know that God can use a Peter he may be singling out Peter but there's a purpose for Peter because I also recalled in the book of Acts that it was Peter that stood at Antioch and preached the first message it was Peter that the first message of deliverance he was Peter that preach the Holy Ghost and all those that were anti-cop receive the Holy Ghost by evidence of speaking in tongues see sometimes you may have that rambunctious faith and sometimes you may have that radical faith and sometimes you may have that that go-forward attitude and sometimes it may seem like you're sticking out sometimes but how many y'all know that God could use even a Peter he's said unto Peter you said what could you not watch with me but one hour verse number 41 go ahead sing o my father if this cup may not pass away from me hmm I drink it thy will be done thy will be done and he came and found them asleep again uh-huh for their eyes were heavy mm-hmm and he left them and went away again and prayed the third time saying the same reading the same words verse 45 go ahead then cometh he to his disciples uh-huh and saying that to them sleep on now yes and take your rest take your rest behold yes betray the Son of Man is betrayed go ahead into the hands of senator ha wise let us be going behold he is at hand that does betray me so verse number 39 it says o my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless not as I will but as thou wilt verse number 42 I'm first number 42 he says o my father if this cup may not pass away from me except I drink it that I will be done and then verse number 44 a third time he left them and went away again prayed a third time saying the same words three times jesus prayed three times he asked God if you can let this cup pass from I would love to not have to die on the cross I would love to not have to bear this burden I would love to not have to feel this most devastating cost but he said nevertheless not thy will my will but thy will be done three times he told Jesus chance I want to piggyback on the convocation theme if y'all bear with me on this morning I want to come from a thought that simply says give God another yes oh come on in Courage somebody close to you and tell him neighbor give God another yes yeah you may have given God a yes before but God's gonna challenge you on this week to give him yet another yes how many y'all know that another yes is a deeper yes how many all know another yes is a further yes so you've seen where you are right now but there's greater things that God is carrying you to and your faith was good for where you are but God's gonna give you faith for where you're going and with that yes you are invoking the faith in the power of God to take you to your next step see somebody may have told you that where you are that is the end of your narrative somebody may have left you with the impression that where you are it's not gonna get any better than that but no I came to serve encouragement to somebody I came to insert protocol to somebody and let you know that your next step your next glory in God is on the other side of it yes oh yeah it's just a yes away so we're looking at our text this morning and I'm hastening we're looking at our text in Jesus is he is in the Garden of Gethsemane the Garden of Gethsemane it rests at the base of what is called the Mount of Olives and it's it's interesting because when you look at the illustration of the Mount of Olives in the Garden of Gethsemane I when I was studying that it really brought to light you're a mountain top versus your Valley experience how many you know sometimes in this life you're gonna go through mountaintop experiences and then sometimes you're gonna go through Valley experiences yeah we would love as believers to always be on the mountaintop we would love to always be in face-to-face communication with God we would always love to really feel God's presence we would always love to be on the mountaintop where we can hear God most clearly we would always love to be on the mountain where God is revealing himself to us in new ways and we're seeing things in God that we've never seen before and everything in this walk is wonderful and it's excellent and it seems like on the mountaintop everything in your life is going right all the bills are paid everything on the mountaintop it seems like everything is going right with your family your your kids are a Loeb and it seems like everything's going right on your job but how do you all know you can't stay on the mountaintop because your ministry is in the valley yeah you can't stay on the mountaintop because when you go down from the mountaintop in the valley that's when God begins to use you see we would love to sit here and say you know and I love call back you know when I first got saved and it was Eldon McMurphy he had worked with me and I was at one point soon after I got saved I felt like something was wrong with my walk with God because I really didn't feel the same way you know but you know you can't base your relationship with God on your feelings you know your feelings will lie to you you know your feelings what have you running around doing crazy things you don't run this life based on your feelings but I went to element Murphy and I said you know is everything okay you know because I got saved a few weeks ago but now things are feeling a little bit differently and he told me he said brother he said the best thing you can do is remain faithful you know because sometimes we were not always on our mountaintops what he told me he said look at Elisha on one day he was on his mountaintop and on a mountaintop he called fire from heaven and he was able to defeat 400 prophets of Bill but when he came down from his mountaintop the very next day he ran from one woman see on your mountaintop you may have a wonderful experience you may have this awesome demonstration of God's power but it's not if you come down from your mountaintop that when the rubber really meets the road see you can't look it's wonderful to be on the mountain but unless you come down from the mountain you've got two other that's when you're gonna start to do real ministry see if Abraham had stayed on the mountain in Genesis 22 he went on a mountain and sacrifice Isaac super says that the angel the Lord stayed his hand and he did not kill the promise that God has given him but if he had stayed on the mountain he would have never come down from the mountain and been the father of many since he had to come down from the mountain in order for him to feel he'll his ministry we just talked about Elijah even though Elijah was on the mountaintop he called fire from heaven but if he had stayed on the mountaintop he would have never come down and giving birth to the Ministry of Elijah we even look at Moses Moses was on the mountain top he was on Mount Sinai receiving the word in the commandment and the Covenant of God but he could not stay on the mountaintop because he had to come down and deliver the coven of God to the people of God Jesus is on the mountaintop he's on the Mount of Olives and even a mountain of Transfiguration where he revealed himself to Peter James and John but he could not stay on the mountaintop he had to come down so that he can reveal himself to all of us she encouraged somebody close to you until her neighbor you got to come down from your mountain so that you can do ministry that's when God's gonna begin to use you it's when you come down and it's and you know we'll for whatever reason we don't want to go down you know it's something about going down that that seems to have a negative connotation you know apostle Murray has been teaching from the text of the Good Samaritan and scripture says in that parable that that that there was a certain man who went from Jerusalem to Jericho it says that he went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and then it says he fell amongst thieves you know it's something about going down for whatever reason that seems to have the negative connotation I'm going down so something must be wrong I'm going down so God must not be pleased with me I'm going down so I must have missed the voice of God I'm going down so something may not be right in my walk with God but I came to encourage you saw somebody you may be down from your mountaintop but you may be in your valley but I came to tell you here exactly where God wants you to be know you're in your valley but God wants to use your valley you're in your valley but God's trying to manifest his power in your Valley you're in your valley and all God's trying to get out of you is another yes that's what he wants out of your Valley he's trying to get you the same another yes see you were in your mountaintop and it was easy to tell god yes on the mountaintop opossum Murray was preaching to you on the mountaintop you heard the voice and his presence so clear but then you had to walk out of the temple of God and you had to take the presence of God to your home you had to take the presence of God to your job you had to take the presence of God to your business you had to take the presence of God to our family members and all of a sudden you didn't feel the presence of God so readily you didn't feel them that thing but what God is trying to help you understand is you told me yes in the temple you told me yes on a mountaintop you told me yes in my presence but now I'm trying to get a yes out of you after you've left the house of God is it still yes is it still yes when you leave here is it still a yes on Monday is it still yes when bills are getting tight is it still yes but you don't seem to understand is it still yes when they're repossessing your car is it's still yes when you're getting it is it still yes when they laid you off from your job can you give God can you give him another yes God didn't want that easy yes he'll take you but he wants that hard yes he wants that yes in spite of your situation he won't say yes in spite of its blessings he won't say yes in spite of his right hand what God is trying to get out of you he's trying to get that authentic yes that true yes because this is gonna come a point in time when you're gonna have to minister to somebody and that fluffy yes isn't gonna get it done somebody's gonna need your ministry somebody's gonna need your testimony somebody's gonna need your example somebody's gonna need your ministry it's only yes that they're gonna get that deliverance that they need reach over encourage somebody until i'ma give God another yes yeah god bless you sit down if you can't he's he's he's after going from the mountaintop to that Valley experience that text says that was in the garden of gethsemane and I'm just about done in the garden of gethsemane Gethsemane means oil press or olive press yeah how many y'all know that in the Mount of Olives is where the olives grow on the trees and I've never been there but it says that the olives still grow to this day actually and olive farmers would go and they harvest the olives from those trees and they'd take them down they'd take them down the mountain and they'd take them to the Olive Press and it's with the Olive Press that they're able to extract the oil that is inside of the olive now I don't have time today to go into all the different uses that oil is used for but there's one thing that I do want to tell you about oil oil is used for the anointing come on y'all say Amen in here the oil is used for the anointing so whenever the people of God got ready to consecrate the vessels of God whenever they got ready to consecrate the different vessels that they would use inside of the temple for Holy Sacrament they would use oil to anoint the holy vessels not only there was an oil used to anoint vessels but the oil was used to anoint people yeah whenever a king got ready to be put in place of office they would anoint the King with oil whenever a priest got ready to be put in to the priesthood they would anoint the priests with oil whenever a prophet got ready to step into the office of a prophet they would anoint the Prophet oil was used to anoint it to establish Authority and all I'm trying to help somebody understand is that you may be in your valley experience and you may be in a crushing experience and you may feel that the oil that is inside of you it is starting to flow but it's only because God is trying to anoint you this only because God is trying to establish Authority in your life it's only because God is trying to move you to a place where he can use you in a greater way you think about olives in the hen house soft they are you know you can take an olive in you can mush it with your hands and you can get all the insides to come out just by using your hands but when you study olive presses it talks about how they use a millstone that thing weights some to 3,000 pounds but why would it take all of that to get oil out of something so soft that any person can just mush with their hands and I read that and it blessed me because you know sometimes we go through millstone experiences in our own life we feel like life is just crushing us and we feel like god I can't take no more we feel like God why am I going through all of this god is it necessary that I go through all of this they're talking about me they're scandalizing me they're say things about me everything of my life seems to be going disarray and it seems like God is putting you through just a very unnecessary press you're feeling you're feeling crushed and you're saying God I'm already I've already got the oil God you can't get no more out of me and God is just allowing that there's more oil in there God I've already lost my home [Applause] God I've already got laid off from my job God my car got repossessed and he's yeah all God is trying to do is he's trying to leave you in a situation and you think that you can't handle the situation you think that you've already gone as far as you go you think that you reach the end of your wit and what God is trying to tell you is that there's more oil in you so you have no idea they anoint thing that's inside of you you have no idea the ministry that he's face inside of you you have no idea what you can stand and all God is trying to tell you is that I can get another yes out of you I can get another yes out of you I can get another yes out of you yeah you're under the Millstone but I can get another yes out of you you thought it was over but God is allowing you to stay in the press and it seems like God is allowing you to go in a hard way and it seems like God is allowing you to go in a way of neglect but I wanted somebody on this morning I try to tell you that you're right where God wants you because you feel like you're just going in the circles of life and you seem like I'm trying to come out of this situation and every time I come down here and the bad man of God lay hands on me and I'm believing God for this and I'm believing God for that like I'm just going in circles and it seems like I'm ready to come out but God won't let me out and it seems like maybe God is upset with me made God mad at me maybe God is punishing me and I'm trying to tell you God's just trying to anoint you God's just trying to use you God's just trying to get the whole out of your life God is just trying to get another yes out of you my God God loves you too much to leave you where you're at you have no idea what you're capable of you know when I think about when I think about what you go through in the Garden of Gethsemane when I think about what you go through with with the mill stone in the press the crushing you know I think about I think about personal trainers you know that even when you think that you've reached the last rep you know your personal trainer said something crazy you like five more I'm sorry what we were done two reps ago ain't no five more but was the old personal trainer trying to tell you it's that it's in the press it's in that bread it's when you've reached the end of your limit that growth begins see you knew that you can get 10 reps but what you don't understand is that you can get 15 reps so you knew that you can withstand this storm but what God is trying to tell you is that you can under you can withstand a greater storm see what God is trying to help you understand is that you're way more dynamic that you fully understand there's way more power and you then you can understand there's way more anointing in you that you can ever imagine and all God is trying to get you to a place just give me one more yes just give me another yes so here Jesus is he's in his press you know I hate to I hate to tell you this you know I really really do but I want to let you know that God is actually pleased by your crushing know that that does that just adds insult to injury right there you know it's one thing to go through but it's another thing for God to just sit back on heaven and the throne of heaven and say that's my son right there I'm so glad he's going through that's my daughter right there I know she don't understand I know she's crying I know it hurts right now but I'm pleased to see them go through the crush scripture talks about when Lazarus had died said that Jesus tarried in the city two more days and after he I got there it says that Lazarus is dead and what did he say and I'm glad see God is trying to get you to a place where your faith is going beyond what your faith one was and he's trying to kick you to another place of faith he's trying to get you from this yes to your next yes God is glad to see you in your crushed place because of what's coming he's trying to get another yes out of you see there's a place that God is trying to carry you to and God can't use you where you are God can't use your faith where it is God can't use your anointing and if you can just get another yes out of you that's what you're gonna move to that next dimension in God that's what you're gonna move to that next blessed place you're already wonderful there's great things that God is doing in your life but once when you think that you're at your wits end once you think that you're at the end of your son it God is like mmm there's another yes in this person there's another yes in my vest so I'm gonna allow them to go to it pleases me and scripture says it pleased God to see Jesus bruised it pleased God for him to go through that crush experience because had God not had Jesus not been bruised for our iniquities and he had had his chastisement you would never have peace you would never have power you would have never been saved if Jesus had not gone through a crushed experience my god God is trying to get another yesterday you I'm hating on tonight I want to encourage somebody because whenever we go through something like what we're going through with the convocation I want you to understand that oftentimes the enemy will test you as soon as you get out of an event like convocation see if you're new in God or if you just join recently and you haven't had that much experience I want to encourage you right now in serve protocol some of your greatest tests come right on the other side of a convention it comes right on the other side of an experience with God see in this text scripture talks about how Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane and he was praying and he was trying to align his heart with God but scripture goes on after this text say that he hadn't even left the garden of gethsemane before the Centurion soldiers came to arrest him as soon as he got out of God's presence immediately he met his enemy immediately he began being tested and you know I'm just reminded and I'm not trying to teach too much scripture on tonight but I want you to understand Luke chapter number 22 not chapter chapter 2 excuse me it talks about how the people of God assembled in Jerusalem for the Passover Feast Schuster talks about that after after the Passover Feast that Mary and all of Jesus's family had left Jerusalem and left Jesus behind and how many times do you leave a great event like the Passover Feast Andrew how many times do you leave a great event like convocation and you are so far removed from the presence of God that you forget where Jesus is and it's when and see it is that separation from the event it's that separation from that dynamic presence it's that separation and now all of a sudden you find yourself right dab in the middle of an enemy you find yourself right down in the middle of an attack and I want to encourage somebody and let you know that well as you're going into this thing ya get all you can for the princess of God but watch out for an enemy watch out for an attack of the enemy watch out because your first jess is gonna come it's gonna come soon after so you ought to give God another yes even after you have left the convocation I want to talk to you tonight run this morning real quick in verse number 38 Jesus is speaking to Peter James and John and he says tarry ye here and watch with me tarry ye here and watch with me I read that and it blessed me because scripture talks about how Jesus went into the Garden of Gethsemane with the disciples then he left the majority of the disciples and then he went further with Peter James and John and at this point he's talking to Peter James and John and he's saying tarry here with me and watch with me and what scripture talks about is it says that Jesus went a step further prayed came back and found them sleep they were supposed to be tearing with him they were supposed to be serving with them they were supposed to be supporting him in his hour of need they were supposed to be according him in this guest cemani experience they were supposed to be helping him out and isn't it amazing see I look at a text like this and it is not the most perfect illustration on how ministry can be a lonely experience see that's what I want to encourage sometimes in this walk with God your service with God is sometimes a lonely experience see if anybody would have understood Jesus was it would have been Peter James and John because it was in the Mount of Transfiguration where he revealed himself to them see they had an understanding of Jesus that other people didn't have they had privileged exposure to who Jesus was and if there's anybody back that Jesus would have expected to go the full distance with him he would have expected Peter James and John but what scripture says is that even those who knew him best even those that were closest to them even though people who expected to do the most even they left him in a place where he could feel lonely feel isolated and you know sometimes you go through this life and you're feeling lonely in this life sometimes you're serving God and you feel isolated you were expecting family to help you out you were expecting people to stand in your corner you were expecting people to have your back and you're thinking maybe I did something wrong no no I want to I hope you understand that if you go through a lonely experience in God you're still right where God wants you to be see there are things that God wants to do in your life and he can't do it while you're in the company of everybody else your anointing is gonna come in a place of isolation your poor anointing is gonna come in a place where you're by yourself see when you're by yourself God can speak to you one-on-one and not other the distraction of people who are closest to you and you're by yourself that's when God can get the most to you he's not trying to do something to you he's trying to get something to you and it's in that lonely place it's in that isolated place see he had to move Moses out of the house of Pharaoh and take him out into the wilderness and prepare him to be the leader of the people of Israel he had to isolate him in order to use him and order him to use Abraham he said get out of from the land of thy kindred and go to the place that I will show you in order of him to use Abraham he had to move into a place of isolation in order for him to use Elisha Jupiter says that he moved him into the wilderness I believe he was in the wilderness for some 40 maybe even 80 years scripture says that he while he was in the wilderness God sent Ravens to feed him while he was in the wilderness it was in his isolation that God prepared him and set him aside and anointed him to do ministry see you may have thought something was wrong because you felt lonely you may have thought something was out of place because you felt isolated you may have thought that you missed the voice of God and maybe you went them to the wrong turn somewhere but I want to tell you that you may be in your against cemani you may be in your press you may feel isolated oh but you're right what God wants you to be yeah God God God is trying to get it to you and he's gonna get to you exactly what you need in order to move forward in him he's gonna get you exactly what you need in order to get another yes there are two responses and I'm hasting there are two responses that you will give God when you are in your guest cemani or when you are in your place of isolation one is a perfect response and one is a less perfect response see we see this this these two responses Illustrated between Jesus and the disciples somebody get me Luke chapter number 22 and I believe it's verse number 45 two responses to your guest simony experience Luke 22 45 if you got it go ahead and read it because you're looking at your guest cemani experience and often times in your isolation the scripture talks about how Jesus when he went through this he was exceedingly sorrowful it says that he had exceeding sorrow and see when you are sorrowful like that that is literally a place of desperation that is literally a place of depression you know and what's amazing about that is that sometimes even though you are going through a mental and psychological experience it can have physical manifestations so that's when scripture says that it says their sweat began to beat up on his brow as blood and sea we talked about this and neo commentators they go into all these type of illustrations on whether or not Jesus was having a certain type of medical condition you know all I want to tell you want this morning is that Jesus was in the place of desperation and devastation and that's something that all of us as believers can identify with we all go through times and I'll walk with God to where we feel devastated to where we feel depressed sometimes you feel in a very low place and you're feeling exceedingly sorrowful and you're in that press and I want to let you know that there's two proper responses that you get do you gotta Luke chapter number 22 Luke 22 and 45 get that for me and when he rose up uh-huh yes everything Jesus rolls up from prayer I want you to understand Luke 22 it is a parallel text to Matthew chapter 26 so the same account that Matthew was giving in Matthew 26 26 Luke is giving in chapter 22 this is Luke's version of the guests M&T experience look with Lucas say in verse 45 he found them sleeping for sorrow now understand Jesus was exceeding sorrowful but his disciples of well they were going through a sorrowful experience see because they knew that Jesus was getting ready to leave them they knew that Jesus was at the end of his ministry they knew that Jesus was preparing to die and sea-thing had been so close to Jesus they had gotten used to Jesus and now because they understand the brevity of his ministry they're like man he's getting ready to leave us and they're sorrowful they're depressed just like Jesus is but look at their response their response is they went to sleep G is a response is that he prayed those are your two responses you can either pray in the midst of your sorrow all you can go to sleep see I want you to understand something what God is trying to get you to a place in your place of sorrow this is a call for prayer see this is a call for open dialogue and communication with Jesus we used to grow up singing a song said I must tell Jesus all of my sorrows I cannot these burdens alone and in my hour of need he's going to help me see that's what God is God is after your prayer he's after your communication God is after your face-to-face relationship with you that's what God is after so when you have that exceeding sorrowful yeah your proper response is to prayer don't be like these disciples who turned around and fell asleep you know I'm not a psychologist but it's often times psychologists will tell you that when people cannot properly handle a traumatic experience sometimes they just deny it and they act like it's not there and they just ignore it they put on these psychological blocks if you will and they just act like what I didn't go through anything what are you talking about no you just you just had a traumatic experience right there and that's what the disciples are trying to do they're trying to go to sleep they're trying to ignore what God is trying to do in their life but what I'm trying to encourage you onto on this morning I'm trying to encourage you to a place of activity I'm trying to encourage you to a place of action I'm trying to encourage you to a place of faith don't go to sleep in the mists of your situation don't go to sleep while you're being crushed don't go to sleep while you're in your garden they can simile because there's something that God is trying to say to you there's something that God is trying to get to you there's something that God is trying to place inside of you and the enemy would want nothing less but for you to ignore your situation and act like it's not there no no no God's gonna get another yes out of you and he's gonna get that yes out of you when you wake up and you get on your knees and you start praying to God and you start activating faith you started activating putting raw works with your faith putting one foot in front of the other and saying God I don't understand but god I'm going to do what you've told me to do God I don't understand but God I'm gonna stand in the way anyhow he's trying to get another yes out of you don't go to sleep on Jesus don't go to sleep on God's program we understand that you're going through a press place but there's a blessing on the other side of this place I'm hating on this money and I'm just about through in verse number 39 we are talking about the cup oh my god I don't want to say this and I want to get out of here because Jesus is saying o my father if it be possible he said let this let this cup pass and you you read commentaries and in the other these theologians and everybody go all in left field about what the cup is supposed to mean you know I'm saying well what I want you to understand is that Jesus was sent here to die he was sent here to die on the cross so that he could be the Lamb so that we can believe on him and be saved Jesus was fully God and Jesus was fully man he understood the pain and the trauma of dying on a cross he understood the Devon the devastation of what he faced Jesus understood that he was going to go through a painful experience in order to die on the cross and he was saying God if it be possible that you can redeem man without me having to go through this experience in my flesh please let this cup pass from me you know what I love about this text because I like to believe that the only thing that held God to the cup was in fact that he loved you the only reason why God was willing to drink from the cup is because he loved you the only reason why he died on the cross is because he loved you he went to the garden because he loved you he went to the cross place because he loved you he would do all of this just so he could redeem you back to himself Jesus I you know you may have not heard it today but just in case somebody's heard it touch your neighbor and say neighbor jesus loves you yeah jesus loves you he doesn't hate you he's not mad at you he's not he's not trying trying to be in a place of separation from you he's trying to get close to you he's trying to draw you to him he's trying to open up the lines of communication Jesus said I'm going to endure this come he said I don't want to enjoy this cup lips from me but nevertheless I almost preached this message called nevertheless I was almost going to you because that that is the tension of the text right there that nevertheless you know how many y'all know that as believers we all have a nevertheless moment we all have recurring nevertheless experiences see we're not going through this wall blind we understand that there's a place where God wants us to be there's a place where we need to be in order to be what God needs us to be to do ministry there's a place that God wants to use us there's a place that God is taking you to and you understand the call of God on your life you understand the sacrifice of your life you underst that this thing is not gonna come with so much ease but it's gonna come with responsibilities and burdens and you can see very clearly what God is doing in your life even though you know there's a responsibility to this you say nevertheless I'm willing to be inconvenience nevertheless I'm willing to sacrifice nevertheless I'm willing to do it God's Way see that's that place that God is trying to get you to he's trying to get you to that place I've never the less where you might have one foot in his will and you might have one foot where you're questioning in your heart it's like in God this is gonna be a traumatic experience but how do you all know that in those traumatic experiences God's not gonna leave you right there but God is gonna stand with you in your traumatic experience I read the word in Luke chapter number 22 that when Jesus prayed Sheila says that God sent an angel down to strengthen him see what God is trying to get you to a place where you can stay in the way and even though you know what God is taking you hold on to to your strength comes hold on until the angel comes to give you the energy that you need to go further in God see what God is trying to get you to oh he's trying to get you to another yes he understood that nevertheless if I don't do this thing the way God is trying to get me to do it the man will never be saying if I don't do this thing if I don't feel the call and the purpose that God has has for me then so many people will be lost he was willing to drink from that cup there's one thing I want you to understand about the cup and about the the nevertheless and when we talk about this we're talking about going through the press in order for you to receive the anointing of God how do you know that God doesn't anoint you just for you to be anointed the anointing on your life isn't for yourself you know the anointing on your life is for the people that God is gonna place in your life for you to minister to see the anointing and the power that God has on your life it's so you can be used to be a blessing to other people you don't need the anointing of God for you to handle your own situations you don't need the anointing to pay your bills you leave the anointing to get up and go to work in the morning you don't need the anointing the startup business or you this time with you no but you need the anointing to minister to other people's situations somebody's sick and they need prayer somebody needs a word from God and you need to articulate the Word of God right to their situation so that you can minister and bring them out of where they are you need the anointing of God for that you need the anointing to pray here on one side of the city so that that prayer can be felt on the other side of the city you need the anointing to serve God day in and day out and be consistent in your sacrifice and be consistent in your prayer life and be consistent in devotion why so that you can be used by God in order to be a blessing to somebody else God anoints cabarrus God anoints burden bearers God anoints people who are willing to be used God anoints people who are willing to give god yes God annoys people who can stand right smack in the midst of their situation and tell God nevertheless not my will but thy will be done you just set yourself up you're a perfect candidate for the anointing of God God can use it yes God can anoint yes God can raise up but yes God can use you because your heart is in the right place I want you to understand this and I'm just about to get out of here because I want you to understand that what Jesus was going through as he was bearing this Cup is that he was going through an unseen traumatic experience see nobody understood what Jesus was going through better than Jesus Jesus was fully God and he was fully man she was says that he came down from heaven with no other purpose but to die on the cross he understood that this was the culmination and the fulfillment of his purpose here on earth nobody understood it better than him scripture says that he thought it not robbery to come down and he counted among men that means that he was in heavenly places he was in a place where he's being worshiped by the angelic hosts 6 means seraphim's down sit dancing around the throne room of God singing praises unto him he was there in creation he was there when God framed the earth he was there when God called the beginning from the end called the end from the beginning he was there he witnessed it all came down from heaven to put on flesh and now he's but himself to be counted among men scripture says that at the beginning his ministry he went into the wilderness to be tempted of the enemy what did the enemy do he tried to tempt him with great kingdoms he said I will give you these riches and I will give you these fame how many all know that a temptation is relative to who you are see the enemy knows how to tempt you because he knows what your soft points are if the enemy was trying to tip Jesus but even in the midst of his temptation Jesus was able to his food he was able to stand against the attack of the enemy and say I know you're trying to attack me I know you're trying to tempt me with this but he's saying nevertheless he's gonna tell him that he's gonna refute him with the Word of God and see what I want you to understand is that even though Jesus may have been in heavenly places and came down to put on flesh and even though he may have been a place where he was seen in heaven now come on earth to be unseen now he was willing to endure the cross no matter what it took no matter what it looked like he went through this internal experience he went through this internal situation to where he would want nothing less but for people to see him for who he was he would want nothing less for people to understand who he was in God that was his whole point in coming down here to communicate to man that I came from God and I came to do the will of him that sent me me and the father are one and he came down in order but he preached this message so that people could see him for who he was and all this time he's standing there and people are still misunderstanding him people are still not seeing him people are still not receiving him and he would want nothing less you know sometimes we as believers when we're going through a press we want people another to understand what we're going through we would love to be seen we would love to tell everybody man I'm going through this and I'm going through all of that and I'm going through this and I've been hearing now I'm hearing all this stuff and you know yes testimonies build faith but how many know sometimes what enemy would try to use your need to be seen in order to distract you from where God is taking you yeah God will you know the enemy will try to use that desire to be seen and to be to be to be patty Cates in to interview all this stuff in order for you and in order to move you from where God is trying to take you but I want help somebody understand that if you're gonna get another yes from God you got to take your of your situation you gotta take your eyes off yourself you gotta take your eyes off of what you're going through and you like to place your eyes on God see if you're gonna get another yes to God it comes from a posture of prayer and it comes from a posture that is focused on the things of God God promised you that he's not gonna leave you in this situation he's not going to forsake you in this situation what the scriptures say in the Book of Isaiah he says that he gives power to the faint into them he'll die without mine he can't increase his strength it says to those that uh what is it what does it say in first I like give me that Isaiah chapter 40 I should have got apostle to preach it go ahead as a or 40 give you that oh come on comfort comfort you my people my god yes speaking comfortably to Jerusalem yes to the good parties accomplished my god that her iniquity is pardoned for she had received of the Lord's hand double of all her sins oh my god she started from the beginning of the chapter yeah I'm so sorry I should have gave you first first number 38 right $20 he giveth power to the faint yes sir and to them that have no mind that then they have no mind he increased the increasing strength even that you even the you shall faint and be weary some faint and be weary and the young man and the young men shall utterly fall but they that way that's the good part I was getting to say it one more time but they that wait upon the Lord go back and see it just one more time for me but they that wait for thay that wait upon the Lord shall renew that shall renew their strength they shall mount up be some mounts up as Eagle says eagles they shall run they shall run and not be weary shall not be weary wall they shall walk and not say how many y'all know that God's gonna increase your strength you may be weary right now but God's gonna increase your strength you may feel like you're gonna fail but God's gonna increase your strength he's gonna give you wings as Eagles that you can mount to over your situation God's gonna take you higher in him and cover somebody tell them neighbor it's on the other side of another yes the corner rests on your feet on this morning put your hands together for Jesus oh come on you can do it much better than that [Applause] give God another yes you may have been in the way a long time and you may have told God yes in the beginning but along the way God had to get another yes out of you in another yes out of you and another yes out of you god I can't do more and more he's getting another yes out of you and this morning there may be some people they say that I want to give my life to the Lord I haven't given God that first yes but I'm ready to give God a yes I'm ready to receive God we want to open up this altar and there's anybody that a desire to be saved or baptized with the Holy Spirit if there's anybody that wants to give God I guess I need all the saints praying there's anybody that says I'm ready to give God that yes I'm at a place right now where it seems like I've constantly told God no but now I'm ready to turn that no into a yes I'm gonna do it God's Way I've tried it my way now it's God's turn I'm gonna do it God's Way put your hands together for him they're coming anybody want to be saved baptized with the Holy Spirit I'm movin up this altar there any needs on this mornin anybody in the desires prayer anybody wants anybody to touch and agree with them and say I just need a little bit more strength so if I can give God another yes I want to invite you down to this altar there's something that God wants to do in your life I just told you that you're another yes begins in prayer you're another yes begins on your knees it's communication I'm gonna put your hands together they're coming God wants to do it God will do it he's taking you there amen we're gonna leave this altar open we're gonna pray for these [Applause] [Music] I'll say yes Lord yes to your weird [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all come on for those hands together for the word that you heard today we can do better than that wow you're clapping why don't you tell the Lord thank you hey man for speaking to us in such a wonderful way god bless you think you see that you can I know I know you were blessed by the way didn't the man of God preached to us today a man I love it and I'm telling you a man you heard some word today so how God wants a man is another yes and I'm telling you what we are geared up and ready to go convocation is right on our heels and it just seemed like God gave us a foretaste a man of glory divine and we're gonna have amen a great time basking in the presence of the Lord all week long amen and I want you again I want you to call up as many people as you can and get them to these services we'll have service starting tomorrow night amen at 7:30 and morning services start Tuesday morning amen Tuesday amen to Saturday we're having morning services amen our evening services begin tonight through frying tomorrow night through Friday night amen then of course tonight we have our pre-convention concert and music oh we're gonna come out and worship the Lord in soul amen so I want you to invite as many people as you can to convocation now for gospel Holy Temple I say to you every year a man we are the host Church is that all right amen but this is God's house and so we're gonna treat everybody the way we need to treat them is that Alright one of the things that I love to hear people say Amen I hear it I forget where I was somebody came up to me and they said listen I came the full gospel and I really did feel like family they were wonderful I felt like I knew everybody it was a great atmosphere and I tell them everywhere that's the way we want it amen I don't
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 17,924
Rating: 4.9299998 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: vtIuSxpcPSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 15 2018
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