FGHT Dallas: Behold I Give Unto You Power

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I'd say so come out you've been redeemed and you're glad about it why don't you give him praise up in here tonight are we not there yet come on come on if you don't know what else to say come on give it the highest praise look at those hands like pumping over five the name of the law come on clap clap clap clap clap the hands are you people shout out to the Lord with the poisel tried we serve a good color Amen let's give this choir great big round of applause tonight thank God amen for the choir that's saying under the power of the Holy Ghost god bless you you may be seated tonight in the presence of the Lord I'm so glad to be in service one more time anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord amen I tell them there's no place I'd rather be Amen then in the house of the Lord it is always a privilege and an honor amen every time God gives us an opportunity to come together in fellowship and I don't take it lightly and I hope you don't either amen I came to hear what God got to say in this hour amen thank God amen we appreciate the lord for all of our guests and our friends that are here with us amen tonight god bless each of you wants you to know you're welcome to hear at all times he meant look at somebody and tell em neighbor there is a word from the Lord or tell somebody and I am a lover of the Word of God amen I love mine I broke mine you got yours don't you Amen come hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of the Lord the book of Acts the Holy Ghost in action a man I want to go to an old familiar passage of Scripture and I want to talk to you tonight amen and I'll give you what the Lord has given to me now this is special deliverance night isn't it Amen that means whatever you stand in need up God's got the power to meet you at the point of your need amen but now there's some things you got to do to qualify for what God is doing amen he's handing it out but you got to be in position to receive whatever it is that God is given I know the Bible said Amen we get all things back grace they meant but that's wonderful but you still have to in yourself to receive what God is handing out he meant to his people and I know he meant there's so many needs that are here tonight you got people that are sick and their bodies got some matter who's fighting in their mind people that are battling in their families amen seemed like everywhere you look there's trouble some that is going through something somewhere Amen but if we would get our lives together and get ourselves in position amen how many of you know tonight God can meet any need that we may have Amen so let's position ourselves to receive tonight acts the first chapter and I want to call your attention if you would amen to the 8th through the 6th through the 8th verses excuse me and all familiar passage amens acts 1 amen verse six seven and eight amen and then I'm warned to go to Luke st. Luke's Gospel the tenth chapter a man and I want to begin reading at the 17th through that 19th of verse is that's acts 1 6 through 8 and then let's go to st. Luke chapter number 10 verse 17 18 and 19 and when you have that see man read what the Bible says when they therefore uh-huh we'll come together we they ask of him saying they asked of him saying Lord Lord will thou at this time best the pine restore again the kingdom today as you were going to restore the kingdom to Israel everybody is here focus on what he can do for them in the natural and you know it's like that now it meant so many people only use God to serve God as a means to an end people now want to know what am I going to get out of this what are you going to do for me and that's what they're asking him is this the time that you're going to restore the kingdom to Israel and he said unto them and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons uh-huh which the father had put in his own power worried about the wrong thing uh-huh but ye shall receive power look at what he does tell him he says but ye shall receive power after that the Holy gold that that the Holy Ghost is come upon is come upon you Samaras a power after uh-huh power that the Holy Ghost has come upon that Yuri and ye shall be witnesses and he shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem in Jerusalem and in all Judea and all Judea and in Samaria Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth AHA now let's look at this power Luke the tenth chapter verse number 17 through 19 Reed and the 17 returned again haha with joy saying Lord nor even the Devils are subject Greece pounds out that even demons have to come subject to us through thy name through that name Reed and he said unto them and he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven huh behold the whole I give unto you I give unto you what power power AHA to tread on serpent to tread on serpents and scorpions scorpion and over all the power of the enemy hand over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you and nothing shall by any means the Bible says hurts you look at somebody just say behold I give unto you power that's what I want to talk about tonight behold I give unto you power now when we talk about power we are talking about God's now we're not the black power white power economic power because all of that power pales in comparison we're at a point now in a time when people need the real thing they need to know hey man that God tells that God is so concerned about their each and their every need and I want you to know tonight that I don't care what it is that you're facing on this special deliverance night that God still has enough power to deliver you but now he does not simply want to use his power amen in a way that's external to you but you remember when Jesus talked to the disciples he says to them he said I've got to go because if I do not go then the comforter will not come God's cold Amen in the life of every believer is that we live a life that's full of power I don't hate men just being the power to shout or the power to run around it but I mean God's power is the power that gives us what we need in order to live the life that he has called for us to live that seems like in the day and the time that we're living in now people are clueless and have no real understanding as to the nature of the power of God that's why you have people who boast that they can live in a kinda way amen and still enjoy the benefits of God's power but we don't read that anywhere in the word of the Lord as a matter of fact that you're going to enjoy the power of God then you first got to come out of sins you gotta leave it alone hey baby you've got to be delivered and you got to be set free y'all get quiet tonight amen but we're at a point now amen when salvation doesn't even mean what it used to me there was a time when people realize Amen that to be saved meant to be rescued or to be delivered from sin and brothers and sisters that is still a reality in the time that we're living in now amen God's highest goal for you is that you come out of sin so that can live the life that he's calling us to live I want you to know that sin will always be a hindrance to you being who God desires for you to be amen it's always going to be something that holds you back or something that holds you down on keeps you from reaching that place that God is calling you to and that's why I don't care what nobody tell you in this hour God is doing the gospel of the kingdom out of sin until we gonna say because God Amen God and so when it comes down to been saved is out of darkness into his marvelous life in the world and so he requires of us [Music] it's more than you do that anymore it's deep that God is faithful and just you wouldn't know it to look at him but all around us here tonight Paul said and such were sorry you sometime folk come to church and they look they thank church folk don't understand is the power of forgiveness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] because the and sometimes he knows if he can break it down oh here get you get you just right to where your experience all the way down through the eyes of [Laughter] God's got the squeeze I'm broke this is what you call salvation when you're saved that means you clean that's the reason why some people really get saved I mean get it like the Bible says everything everything feels no because you're clean inside hey God to wash your mind hey God to purify your emotions he meant just pick and watch over and make a new all over again that's just the first step of grades salvation is wonderful but that's just the first step of grace Jesus prays to God you could read it John the 17th chapter that's really the Lord's Prayer that that's Jesus praying and he's praying for us he's praying for the disciples and for all of those that would come to know him and the Bible said that he prays for God and he says to his father he says to him captain while I was here you remember when the waves started roaring they thought they were going under thought they were about to die the Bible said Jesus stood up and went up to the bow of the ship and just a black piece B steel yeah you remember the Bible says that they were looking to throw Jesus over the cliff don't kill him one day Jesus just walked straight through the midst of him looking for him and he right there just walking they paints him oh he had some supernatural ability Lazarus died Jesus walked up to the 2mins I'm only gonna call you one does Lazarus come out of there look at last ones coming out that tomb after being dead before that Jesus had some kind of power he said it was through that power but I kept him while I was here but then he says I gotta go and for somebody who's been leaning on him for three and a half years there's got to be some tap water here Jesus say to them y'all been fine but I gotta go but you're going he said listen if I don't go because he says I will not leave you to the Father Jesus said I will pray to the Father but he's not going to be go to sleep he's gonna give you power so the Bible says that after Jesus rose from the dead for 40 days he won't [Music] walk with the disabled then show them great signs and he would talk to him and teach him things concerning the kingdom giving them last instructions before he was taken out of here but then the Bible said one day well walkin and he looks at him and they say to him before you leave just tell us is this the time it happened for us and that shows you that people can walk close to us really still not get everything you're trying to tell and they said at the time for Israel to rain again Jesus said listen you missing it it's not even for you to know the times or the seasons which the father put in his home power he said the only thing you need to know and listen to me when I tell you this family the only thing you need to be concerned about is the fact that he wants to give you if I go to church and get saved if you don't heal me do all of that but that ain't your concern if you ain't saved what you really need to be focused on is getting your heart right with God because even if he heals you and you're not saving died from something else you're still don't be lost if I get saved am I gonna get a raise on my job can I use salvation as a benefit to me tell me what's gonna happen when I get saved all the good stuff he gonna do for me when I get safe and you know listen that ain't no reason to serve God so many times people are serving God as a means whoo I'm here only because they're sick and you know what everybody gonna tell everybody gets saved God if you get me out of jail I'll serve you I'll start preaching this is you don't call yourself the breeze just cause you in jail hey man you preach because that's what God has anointed shooter do Amen but it's so much more than all of this when you get saved and filled with the Holy Ghost along with the greatest the Spirit of God walking up in powder boom big inside that's why Jesus said to wax that you see me do he said you can do these same things and greater works and this shall you do because I go to my father what happens when he went to the Father he said you know that I made it back because if I go I'm those sitting the comforter you know how it is you know our parents are I don't care how groans you are when you're not real real real grown you know you can leave the house at nine o'clock with your 25 year old self in and still say well when you get home call me so I'll know you're safe you're like I'll you know I'm like almost the same kind of grown you are now yeah [Applause] [Applause] listen to what the Bible says the Bible says in its sat upon each of them as cloven or split tongues like as of fire set on everybody and the Bible said they were all filled with the Holy Ghost everybody in the house was veiled with the Holy Ghost see in people who say stuff to you like the Holy Ghost was only for the twin how does that make sense it was more than twelve people in the upper room and pinnacles he don't require us to have it no Peter said you Allah is for your son your son as the Lord I don't care what you are you need the Holy Ghost that's what it means to have the Holy Ghost peace he shall receive power hold it because some people don't understand what this power is they think the power that God gives us in the Holy Ghost it's just the power to speak in tongues now I believe in speaking in tongues you know I'm in school I was in Spanish the other day and I was I was denying the teacher said but I want you to take sentence number one and no I was I was hitting him ours and all she said muy bien we had a bond she said you must have had practice with other languages I said you have no idea look at y'all getting quiet I'm already popping what I'm trying to learn the third one the Holy Ghost is more than the power [Applause] everybody got a tongue half we're living soul speaking in some now and some of this stuff just don't bear witness with your spirit you just you hear something stuff it almost scare you cuz if I got the Holy Ghost and and you got the Holy Ghost with women when the Holy Ghost get around the Holy Ghost gotta be some bear enough some witness some laugh but everybody got a tongue now but they still shacking up they still sniffing coke you know he's saying nothing here they still fornicating but speaking in pop listen if you got a tongue but you ain't living holy you don't have the Holy Ghost how you got wasn't pong but jesus said when you get the holy ghost you shall receive ha we focus it on the tongue and saying whether power it'll come later no it don't work like Daddy so rather than focus on the tongue focus on the power and the tongue will come with it that's what apostle used to tell us he told us when he went to the shoe store youngnam he said he went south and shoes he told him i like that past she was right there box him up for me he said he didn't mentioned nothing about the tongue but when he got home and unpacked them shoes guess what was in the shoe the tongue right there the top he didn't go that ass for a tongue and then get home and expect to find the shoe he asks for the shoe and the tongue came with it you can't seek the tongue you gotta see the power and touch the mat and tell them and the tongue comes with it yes that's how you know you've got the Holy Ghost not because you speak in tongues because the Bible said when they would speak as the Holy Ghost gives them the utterance then they will feel he never said you couldn't speak Nietzsche said when you get the Holy Ghost you speak as the spirit gives the other words you can speak as you want to utter that stare don't mean you got the Holy Ghost you gotta have some power what kind of power does he give us if it's not the power to shout there's not the power to run around the church what kind of power is this the harlot goes give me good sons and daughters is the power to live holy we want to lay hands on the sick and raise the dead and still use weakness as an excuse if it's strong enough to call somebody back to life shouldn't it also be strong enough to rein in your carnal passions your wanna lay hands on somebody can get them up out of a wheelchair but then make an excuse even though I got the Holy Ghost Tech God knows I still have some tendencies the devil is a liar y'all get quite either you're delivered or you're not either you're saved or you're not there is no middle ground the Bible said that the son would make you free then you are free indeed so look at what Jesus says to them the power that I gave you Wow they came to him said Lord when I tend found out demons was subject unto us through that name you know the Bible said God gave him a name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue shall confess that he's Lord they came back and said Lord even demons and Devils came subject to us through that name that's wonderful jesus said listen I saw Satan do you think you saw so I saw him like a lightening poured out of him get thrown from up there he didn't even slip and fall out of heaven there was an ability that expelled him from those heavenly places and Jesus said that same power that got him out of that atmosphere up there we'd get him out of your atmosphere in your house I [Applause] give you y'all gettin platic here he said behold I give you white boy that was the weakest power I didn't heard the long time let me try it again act like you got it he said I give you what I'll give you power how to do what shraddha pose happens and over Spa pions and what over power the power of the enemy that means that addiction that he's trying to bind you to don't you know if you get the Holy Ghost you can say no the dog y'all can cry like ain't nobody ever been delivered from smoking - don't you know that if you get the real Holy Ghost he'll give you power over your flash over those screaming power oh the power how many didn't know you're still got it in me you still got a demon you still got a devil that's been on taking you back to hell yes if you get the Holy Ghost they said I'll give you power you can only get sheep but if you get the Holy Ghost you can stay shame all these for running around now telling you Jack ain't no matter live right I'm sorry none of us can live holding they lying to you in the world you got the Holy Ghost if he can't keep you living holy then you didn't get no holy cows but when you get the real thing Jesus said it will keep you from every trap every trick that the enemy has laid in your way stop sitting accepting weakness as an excuse why would God accept an excuse for weakness when he said I'll give you power so you don't get to heaven and tell God I wanted to but I just couldn't God said no you could have I sent power but now we want to come to church and just shout that's good you better have some if you say no I mean no when you're sad you said I'll give you power over hold the power nothing said really means hurt you that's what we're needing this hour more than anything else we need a return to power what we're seeing we're seeing people boasting weakness but I'm looking for somebody that got the real power God operating in their life see people are telling us now what we can't do I can't nobody do this and can't nobody do that now tell me what I can do if I have the power of God operating in my life and so Jesus says to them what you need more than anything else you need more than anything else you need some power o come to the altar how aren't you to pray then I get this job I've been petitioning for all you say no do you want to be saved not right now so you just want God to work for you but you ain't willing to give your life over to it that's not how this works if you gonna come to God you got a lid all on the altar and say to god I'm coming because first of all I want to live for you and then ask him that you know they used to tell us he's a keeper if what if you wanna be anybody wanna be cat let me tell you this keeping power and guess what he called him he called him the holy cows he's a he's a guide and when you have the Holy Ghost you don't have to be tricked you don't have to be bamboozled y'all getting quite the devil can't pull the wool over your eyes when you have the Holy Ghost because the Bible said he'll leave you and he'll guide you into all truth so rather than living a powerless existence refuse to come to church and shout and then take a weakness back home with me the devil is alive you got to come and leave that at the altar hey give that over to the Lord let some power to replace that weakness and that tendency that happen he's able to do it you know Baba talks about him that is able to keep us from fouling don't you know that's why he gave us the Holy Ghost to keep us until he could come back and get us again he didn't leave us without power he said I want you to have it but you gotta have this holy goes yeah that's what we need if we don't live right we gotta have the Holy Ghost we can't do this by ourselves that's what people are feeling that's why they're trying and that's why they walk away with the testimony I gave it not that shot I just couldn't do it listen it ain't hard to live holy you just need the holy cows it's hard when you trying to do it on your own but when you got the Spirit of God on the inside of you step you can do by yourself you can do it when you have the Holy Ghost power all these people in here late roads down how did they do that you know you got some folk they trying to lay it down and big drag for a long time but you got some folks sitting right around you and here just came to an altar gave the heart to God ask God by the Holy Ghost and when he gave him that power he put them drugs down and haven't went back to him since it takes power to do that I listen to some people talk about how they had $1,000 but they have it and I've always asked the same question what did you find a thousand dollars every day to satisfy you have it still I think I must purse you know you bad when you go over somebody house and every don't lock doors a names froze how locks on him got luck just you ain't getting the none that's how people were heard one brother Chester by him him and his mother went to church his father took the TV when dick got home from trash the TV's going at the house to support a habit but God saved him and God delivered him and God set him free and he didn't have to go back to that you know why because he got power all of that stuff people are bound by now you know what they're trying to do that trying to substitute for the power they don't have that's what it is and some of it is the fact that the enemy have made a slave out of them every time the devil say do it they got to do it because they're powerless I used to hear people testify about how they shot dope everywhere they had a vein and then when they couldn't find veins they were shooting needles all between their toes now you know you got to be bound to do some leg Danza somebody's talking shooting a needle in their navel and in other places that I can't even mention over this microphone you know you got to be bound to be in that shape shooting drugs in your arm and crying at the same time because you don't want to do it but just don't have the power to stop and you have a whole lot of folk just like that they want to quit doing what they're doing they just don't know how to stop it now they're gonna die if something don't happen but they just don't have the power to leave that stuff down and Jesus it's still saying they ever receiving huh the hold I'll give you power you won't live alright I'll give you the power to do it you want to lay that stuff down I'll give you the power you want your self-respect back I'll give you the power to get that back but you got to turn your life over to I know you can't just take this problem and go out there and use it once and then leave it on nah it don't work like that you got to commit your life to him tonight and if you do that you'll never be the same again Lord we heard Sister Sister Sister Carter's testimony a couple of months ago sister Carter's gonna hold your hand up that's just the Carter right there since the Carter testified that she stole so much meat they were gonna charge over cattle rustling I didn't even know I didn't know that was a reality at a time like this she says she tried some everything went to a treatment center because she was tired of doing drugs and wanted both of them got to the treatment center they used methadone to treat her to win over one drug they gave her methadone and she ended up getting hooked on the methadone winter treatment center and found a new drug to get hooked on but she came to church one night and after all and that other stuff didn't walk and somebody here tonight you don't try some everything and none of that stuff worked oh you got it all you need his problem that's all you have the wheel to stop you just don't have the power to stop but if your wheel will connect with his power you can leave out of here change creature a change man change woman a new person in Christ and he'll give you the power I tell your salvation is like been washed but the Holy Ghost is like Scotchguard it'll keep you clean it'll keep you holding it'll keep you walking upright maybe you do have a tongue but if you ain't got no power you need to hold it goes because the tongue ain't gonna get you into heaven but the Holy Ghost was the last thing that came out that's the only thing no it's way back and you better have it before Jesus come before he call you home you need the Holy Ghost he said behold I give unto you power you don't have to buy it you don't have to beg for it I've seen a lot of people begging for it how all they do is just screaming Jesus family Jesus him he didn't say that he said he gives the Holy Ghost to them and ask if you will ask him and believe he can fill you with the Holy Ghost tonight it wasn't just for the twelve that don't even make sense because it was more than twelve people that got it on Pentecost and the Lord and when Peter came at that up a room and preached 3,000 souls were added to the church and you can't get me to believe that on the same day that the Holy Ghost fell he didn't feel none of them or no they got it just like the Bible said they got power maybe your deacon maybe you're not sure I'll ask you like they asked him an axe the 19th chapter have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe these people were saved Jesus pray that in John 17 he said I kept them they saved because I kept while I was here but they didn't have the Holy Ghost so according to the scriptures you can be saved and still not have the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost is the second step of Greece Jesus told God I kept them they are saved but now they gonna need some power to stay saved and that's why I'm asking you to give them the Holy Ghost in the book of Acts 19 they said listen ha he said have you received said soup these were believers people who believed but they still said no we got the Holy Ghost as a matter of fact we haven't even heard whether that be a hold it goes and there are some people that are saved and living how they know to live but they keep messing up keep falling down keep giving in you might be saved but have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe now if you would just don't get saved and die and go straight to heaven you wouldn't need the Holy Ghost but if you go live down here in a lift the time you're gonna have to have the Holy Ghost if I was gonna do and save you and your next breath you'd have been in heaven fine but if you're gonna live in this world you're gonna need some power to stay safe and that's why he said to believer has to have this Holy Ghost you got to have it and tonight if you don't have it he's here he's waiting on you every night extending tonight I want you to know he's still saying I'll give you power not the power to shout your shout as a result of it but that's not why he gives us the Holy Ghost he don't give us the whole to go so we can sound good to ourselves speaking in tongues he gives us the Holy Ghost so that we can live the life he's calling us to live so that we can remain holy everything else is a benefit it comes along with it when you have the Holy Ghost you can lay hands on the sick and that power God will go into action you're saving the liver God will set the captives free people getting out of wheelchairs of course that power can even raise the dead but that's a benefit of it he sends the whole it goes so that the Holy Ghost will keep us holy in this world that's what he says in John 17 I'm leaving them but I need you to keep them he said I'm not asking you to take them out of the world I'm asking you to keep them while they are in the world that's the plan give them something that's going to keep them while they are here keep them doing the right thing keep them living holy I need you to give them something that's gonna keep them while they're here every head bowed every eye closed to me if there's somebody maybe you came because somebody told you when you get there you could get saved and filled with the Holy Ghost or maybe you've been seeking that power maybe you have tried to live it on your own you couldn't do it and you'll never be able to live it on your own if you could he'd have never had to send the Holy Ghost but he sent it send us that power so that you live the life that he's calling you to live and if that's you I want you to step out of that row and step into that aisle and make your way to this altar I'm standing here waiting on you come on that's it come on hallelujah they're coming somebody needs the Holy Ghost for real come on hallelujah you can have it tonight or they're coming come on somebody gotta praise the Lord [Applause] or yes law that's it that coming when Jesus comes in a new like wheel began you will never be the same there's somebody else come on the halitosis here if you need something matters do grab a matter hand ask him if they'll walk you this way about do it come on this is your opportunity [Music] you never be the same [Music] the same okay god bless you listen I want you to know those of you standing at this altar this is the absolute best decision you have ever made in your life the decision to serve God and to receive his power is the absolute best decision you could ever make
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 22,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: W56lBpmnUIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 34sec (3574 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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