FGHT Dallas: Daddy Issues

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we thank God for the father's Amen in the house that's moderate man we're gonna sing this song kind of go back a little bit song simply says a brand new life I moved from my old house and I moved from my old friends and I move from my old way of strife thank God I moved out anybody glad to it moved out come on Lane y'all pray for us [Music] [Laughter] from my own house [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] cut off those hats the evidence rates in football [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Wow [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] transferase [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the room oh my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name [Music] did you take a moment lift those hands right where you're standing [Music] yes Lord yes long oh oh come on come on don't just lift him lippy Hanson freezer or his holy name [Music] last long [Music] Oh and [Music] is holy blessed Paul [Music] take you see that we can and when you get there help me say he has done [Music] great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] bless his well or one more time would you help me just lift your hand [Music] [Music] I will I will every chance I get [Music] [Music] [Music] I wanna see [Music] this holy man Oh [Music] [Music] oh god oh Oh [Music] Oh Paul used to be a hold of this church you can say that without somebody getting excited [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Trinity [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Blessed Trinity [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] teehee give God some praise right where you are [Music] Pauline ooh thank you God dad I serve a holy God this I love amen I love him today and certainly we appreciate God for His goodness and His grace his kindness and his favor that he continues to show to every one of us amen you see people shouting man they got something to shout about that's that's a testimony just look at some that again until him the law it's been good to me I mean extremely exceptionally good extraordinarily good to me a man and I praise Him a man because he's been just that good to me we want to welcome you a man to Full Gospel holy temple and you know today is a great day paint man it's Sunday hey man we thank God a man for the first day of the week also happens to be Father's Day oh now listen that ain't the kind of praise God for fathers hey-oh come on come on come on sisters man you gotta give it as good a man as you got it on Mother's Day come on come on thank God thank God for great fathers a man thank God for grandfathers who stepped in a whole lot of times a man when fathers a men were not there thank God the man and and and thank God for good stepfathers a man that I've stepped in and raised somebody else's child and treated them just like they were your own thank God for you a man thank God for fathers who determined that no child would be left behind a man will appreciate the Lord for you and for your sacrifice we honored mothers amen last month and this is Father's Day it's it's it's your time to show your appreciation to your father's a man mother's a man on Mother's Day they get all the good stuff a man they stopped the stores for Mother's Day a man a man they got everything on sale for Mother's Day you can get anything for Mother's a man but on Father's Day a man they got sales on t-shirts and socks a man and stuff like that a man if that's what you like for Father's Day a man go and get you the amount of new pair of socks a man but we appreciate the kind sentiments and the words a man if you haven't done so call your daddy you know getting quiet : hey man why you got him call him I wish I could call mine better I don't think he'd answer the phone he wouldn't want to know what's going on back here now a man I talk to something bad I told you know you you appreciate that kind of stuff and more so when it's gone my father's been going this year 23 years a man 23 years I've had to survive without my father but I tell you what for 23 years I've survived because of what my father taught me while he was here a man he put it in me a man while he was here thank God for my grandfather say man I had two great-grandfather's a man had one that taught me how to fish and one taught me how to clean it a man think thank God a men for my grandfather's thank God for my uncles a man I paint God a man for my brother a man got three ball hits a man doing a good job with his sons appreciate the Lord for him I think God for brother Stuart amen married my momma and I let him I thank God for him man I'm thankful he came along after I was already grown because I don't know how I could deal with somebody that's trying to raise me but I thank God for him a man and I appreciate the Lord for all of you a man I'm so grateful for this day and you know you can't stress the importance of fathers and I was reading last night and they had a blog a question should Christians celebrate Father's Day and I'm trying to figure out under what circumstance would it be inappropriate or improper to celebrate Father's Day a man fathers are gifts from God okay what nobody say hey man we we thank God for mothers amen but a mother can't take the police of a father y'all gonna get quiet a man a man and let me say this I don't care if you raised them children by yourself and your woman you ain't they father ain't no happy father day to you you had your day you still that boys mama hey happy Father's Day to me I don't know I'm sorry you did a good job but you can't be that boy's daddy you can't be that girl's daddy a man a man it takes fathers who understand the will of God for them and for their family amen to bring a family up in the way that they should should go look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the Lord a man and I am a lover of the Word of God I appreciate the Lord today you got your Bible I got mine come on hold that power up thank God because everything else is going down but what everything but the word of the Lord a man and I told you this is Father's Day I'm not going a man hurry this message but I don't plan on being before you very long a man I'd get you to Lubas before the Baptist's turn out amen st. Matthew's Gospel the 12th chapter amen and the 29th verse Saint Matthew 12 and 29 and and and also I want you to dare to come with me if you would to proverbs the 22nd chapter amen in the sixth verse that st. Matthew 12 and 29 proverbs 22 and verse 6 method 12 29 when you have it's a man the Bible says or else how can one enter into a strong Mans house and spoil his Goods except he first bind the strong man and then he will spoil his house men represent the door should I say the doorway into all things that relate to his family amen you are what allows things to come in you should be what keeps things out a man if something is going on in your house you got to get up and stop being lazy don't don't don't send your wife to him let a man if you're a strong man then you set the pace for your family and for your home it's a sad reality now that you got a man in the house who's not the man of the house Lord and a whole lot of us a man we don't understand that because we had an example amen we had a true masculine father that told us what real responsibility was all about but there rose a generation of people that see that as a foreign concept they don't understand what real manhood and fatherhood is all about and because they don't it's affecting the next generation the Bible said if a strong man is proud then somebody can come in and spoil his house and that's what we're seeing we're seeing a lot of young people who have been spoiled because a strong man was not in place and look at what proverbs the 26th chapter and the 6th verse says he says train up a child the way he should go that means the responsibility to see after the welfare and well-being of a child a man is there instead of the parents you have the responsibility to train them up the way that they should go and when he is old he will not depart from it I want to talk today about this because there's so much going on in this society the one that we're in now and it has presented a great challenge to the concept of manhood and fatherhood there's a lot going on now amen and so many people are fallen prey to this attack on the family this attack on fatherhood now amen and because there's not a strong man there that's able to stand up weather the storm that's not a strong man there to push back against this attack amen that's another generation coming up that's being negatively affected by what is going on listen it matter what happened what people did amen what they didn't do what you didn't have what they lacked what they didn't know to teach you I want you to know Amen that down is still I hope for you do not deal with a lot of young men and I've heard young men say very often I'm scared to be a father I'm scared to get married because of what I didn't learn who didn't teach me this my father wasn't there and if I jump into this situation how do I know that I'm going to have what it takes to build good father to be a good husband because and I heard one young man say my daddy taught me everything not to do but he never taught me what to do and there are people that are 40 50 60 years old and they're still dealing with that Amen what happened what they didn't tell me how they mishandled me how they walked out on us and we're blaming amen a generation previous two hours for what's going on in our lives at 40 50 and 60 years old hey man I want to talk about daddy issues today because a whole lot of people got him just look at somebody tell him daddy issues for many years I hate son today for many years we were told a man that the father was a necessary ingredient to the recipe for a successful home environment they told us they even gave a science to back this up they told us statistically speaking Amen that fatherless halls were more likely to produce criminals and young people that engaged in deviant behavior they told us a man that fatherlessness I was a contributor to gang activity Amen and to the witness of our youth they told us that fatherlessness was one thing that would HIGHLY contribute a mentor young ladies having babies out of wedlock a mentor young men going into jail we would populate prisons many times with but people who did not have fathers there to correct them to teach their help to train them to discipline them in the things that are right and the things that are proper but we are at a point now where there is an assault on family and the absence of a father is said to be a good thing a man that fathers don't need to be there anymore amen and even if they are they shouldn't act like fathers they shouldn't a men handle the family like traditional fathers fear now you know back in the day when we had real fathers Amen we know what real fathers did for us real fathers didn't let you get away with anything amen real fathers would whip you after your mama whip sure Amen because it wasn't right until the father had his infant and you know what we didn't say Amen we didn't talk about being abused we didn't talk about Amen being mishandled we thought because we understood the love of a father and a father's role in disciplining us to make sure that we grew up to be productive citizens in society have you noticed that with all of this education and all of these degrees all of these smarts that people boast in now amen they're not putting out good children like they put out here's ago y'all get grad and I know it's real hey man you look a few years ago people a man may produce some children you give me a mint children that wouldn't cousin for the old people Amen children that wouldn't call grow about it listen if you wanted to commit a cardinal sin if you called a grown person by a first name Yahweh and Santa you get so tied hey man I'm trying to figure out how your pastor you call me pastor hey many of yo kids calling me Herman you always said and I'm trying to understand now hey man where did this neglect come from we don't have what we used to have and people are telling us there's a better way to raise them have you noticed that everybody is so smart man they they can tell us the better way to raise kids I don't touch up a man who are you you don't chastise them that's abuse amen him over in a corner amen and give them a timeout and I told you they sitting over in the corner some of these kids hey man in the corner trying to figure out how they gonna kill everybody in the house you just y'all sit over there until I tell you to come out you better get him out and talk to him so you can see what's going on in that head hey man now what no time ideas ago I tell you what a time that was that was the time between when you first said something smart and you woke up I always say you woke up back in the day those were real people hate men who realize that the world is a cruel place can I talk to a man the world is a cruel place and what be I sought to do was that they sought to teach us those lessons that we would need so that when we left out of the house amen and engage them in the world families of our own amendment we would know that we would know how to live successfully in society but because now there is a lack of discipline in the whole there were children who think the world is supposed to operate just like the house does Amen that's the reason why they getting up in front of police officers amen and talking crazy pointing a finger spitting on them y'all gonna get quiet it's because nobody in that house popping up Amen that you respect authority hey men and y'all ways don't say that I'm just trying I'm looking trying to find whether a man section is hey buddy you got a situation now where our young people are running amuck amen and it's because something was lacking at the house and I want to think that for good fathers but now hey man we've got to come on up a step amen come on up a level of two because we're dealing with a situation where if we don't intervene now we going to lose another generation and I don't know about you but we can't afford to lose another generation of our sons and our daughters Amen you look at what's going on now amen look at what they have going on in the world that we live in now when I'm trying to figure out how we didn't see this stuff here's a coke hey man I wasn't looking he meant have to lose the other day and I told you they had on there now what they called drag kids have y'all seen that hey man we're young kids dress up in drag him and boys with lipstick on and eyeshadow and make up and then skirts and listen I love everybody hey man but now come on now we've got the box why the Bible said you train a child see what society wants to do now amen they gonna hinder our ability to train but the devil is alive he meant they wanna hinder our ability to discipline our children but I don't care what nobody tell you God made a man and God made a woman and we've got to train them up in the way we love everybody we don't hate nobody come on now we don't train them become a law unto themselves and if they came buy cigarettes before they 18 because they're not mature enough to make that decision if they those truths that other people are scared to say when we deal with a situation where fathers are scared of their own kids we're in trouble what you always saying nothing here I said whenever we come to a place where fathers are scared of their own children we are in trouble because there's nothing about this next generation that's going to correct itself amen no we've got to step out now and be the strong man that God is calling us to be you know back in the day Amen children respected adults we don't see that anymore hey man you see in church now the less you can tell a kid to be quiet hey maybe he'll sit down and roll his eyes and talk back to us where's your mama she right over there gone and go get her why you [Applause] [Laughter] there's a result the sixties was a bad decade for masculine and and men because you had the the sexual revolution then you had the rise of radical femininity where women started blaming men for a whole lot of stuff and and and and didn't want constraints no kind of way didn't didn't want to live in what they called traditional women's roles and and and boy y'all getting quiet now and and and they started fighting against the idea of masculinity and and and and the rule of a father in his home that this this radical femininity has sought to render manhood and fatherhood and masculinity as unnecessary well y'all y'all getting quiet if you started hearing woman can do anything a man can do mmm about it a man come on now a man God gave us traditional roles and and I told you a couple of weeks ago he made us differently I'm sorry to tell you you're not a woman trapped in a man's body God made you differently you're not a woman trapped in a man's body God made you differently come on now hey man you've got to know that there's a plan for you just like you up and don't tell me to accept you for how you are if you can't even exception for how you are a man he made a man different than he made a woman because there was something he meant you know and this thing is coming for supper now because we're growing up with children who don't understand amen we've got to understand God called us to train them up in the way that they should grow and if they're going to be useful in this next generation amen that we've got to get on a job right now we've got to teach them mentally he meant emotionally how to handle this world we've got to show them by example hate men what a man is what a man is supposed to do deals with situations came to the rescue just like a men but my dad wanted to deal with it himself he told us quiet hey man when the lights out hey man we slip around the fireplace look at y'all getting quiet here hey man we had our survival hey man lessons from my father he told us y'all gettin quiet he taught us how to make it and this is what we need now we need men that are going to teach our children how to survive the world is a cruel place and if we don't give it to them now when they get out it's going to swallow them up Carla mantilla radical feminist once wrote an article entitled kids need fathers like fish need bicycles in the article she says sure there can be some good from these things meaning the values that men tend to emphasize but they are mostly damaging to kids and to other living things they certainly made my son suffer and isolated and tortured exist until he began to see that there was a way out of the trap of masculinity the trap of masculinity so teaching little being how to grow up to be big man is a trap it is an evil thing and you started to see a man who was that Jeanette put the commercial out a man about toxic masculinity hey men have men with just a man just too toxic listen let me tell yourself we need some masculine men see the article for the armed services into the what are we going to do [Applause] that's just aggressive [Music] [Music] [Applause] half because I'm at and asking where the doorkeepers where are they because it's sad that you got a man in the house who's not the man of the house okay we are raising the generation we are not raising ruin I'll tell you all the time I don't care what church they go to go to your church you don't send your kids home with everybody sad I need a break without your crazy father who's not just a man but a man of God that's not just a man you want to be a man of God but children are being told that fatherhood and masculinity are evils and they're believing this to be true running away and now they're leaving an entire generation to suffer but being a man is not something to be sorry for neither's being a master a masculine man because God made you man he gave you hear me not only the honor of being a man but he also gave us an example of what a father should be like oh yes he did he gave us an example of what a father would be like when we read the scriptures he teaches us care and concern for his children according to the Word of God and not just the Word of God but our examples he provides for us so in there what the Bible said I once was young bonamo never have I seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread he takes care of his kids you know and and that's what a good daddy will do let me put a bullet point here because of good dad it takes care of his children can I say this even if him and the mother don't get along see now some of y'all getting quiet cuz you've been using that excuse well his mother just ain't the kind of woman nobody want to be around well I mean you wanted to be around there for them four and a Half Men let me cuz you had at least a few minutes where you didn't mind being around it now y'all getting quiet on me amen you found some commonality for a few moments and now all of a sudden y'all can't be around each other well whatever it was that had shower and light step for them minutes that don't change the fact that that's fear your child let me come back over here they feel like there's a massive amount of guilt over on that side over there we we're at a point now where fathers of finding reasons not a good job [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] and she just won't call me she told me she needed nothing why don't she have to so you don't know kids eat every day you forgot that kids wear clothes everything you forgot famously everything so so you took campus three weeks ago you must not have kept that child when y'all ways cuz because anybody know pampers ain't will last that long you can change a baby and put a new pump on turnaround throw that word in the trash she crying turn around and I'm done it again and that's your solution three weeks ago let me tell you something why should she have to put you on child support oh uh I don't know who's gonna hurt this bandage if you were real daddy March yourself down to the office take them your check stub and your ID yo ain't saying nothing but y'all will send a man on Mother's Day when a today ya was preaching now y'all gettin quiet watching you got to put your own child support you don't know that's your child touch the matter tell them you better say a matter they don't think he's talking about you put your cell phone I mean I don't hear nobody pray put yourself on child support what a plaza is easy for you to say that I got eight sons well your daddy should have told you better than [Applause] your daddy should have taught you better than that what you think you just that just drop them and leave but y'all y'all gettin quiet so that's all is that what your daddy taught you is that what you learn wonders man told me on one occasion the only lesson that is daddy ever really gave him was don't let a woman take your heart that's it do what you want to with her just don't let her take your heart don't don't don't get emotionally involved and and that's how a lot of young men have been raised that's their daddy issues they don't know responsibility so they go and they have kids and they walk off and then one city they got eight different children by eight different women who happen happen do you know each other what kind of life is that one of your children meet each other and fall in love let me hush and keep on talking what this stuff top this stuff is happening we just so free this sexual revolution have made things so free now until you can just go it's like The Addams Family up in here do what you want to do say what you want to say live how you want to live play how you want to play this this is a messed up generation those are those that are daddy issues and because fathers are not there look at what's happening to the home can I tell you something that woman has given it everything she got but she can't be a father in this house a father will provide but you know what else a father would do a father will protect and that don't just mean if you hear a bump in the night that means you're protect them from everything from negative influences even in the school it's sad that this young lady has not been validated and it's so bad not that she running into the arms of the first thing that show us some attention girl you sure we was fine and she just that's all it took to get into her secret place what y'all gettin quiet now so starved for affection and attention and validation that the first man that gives her a compliment she finds herself sleeping with everybody who just thinks she got a nice fry do today how did they become so starved for validation that not any slick-talking young man who got every dime he owned in the world in his own pocket he come by he by I mean come on I don't take much now hey man just extra value meal and and this thing is done we we're good yo yeah a lot you you bound chick-fil-a now that's it daddy ain't never said that I never gave him nothing and you can you can just walk by and compliment him and they think that's what you won't why are they so easily dominated by some Joker on the street because nobody said and I love Israel when he was dying he laid hands on his children and he blessed them he validated them he told them what he thought of it and it didn't matter what nobody else listen power does you have the power to bless your children lay hands on your kids tell them how successful that going to be [Laughter] [Applause] this young man is so stop as that is attention he'd rather go out there and shoot somebody just to hear somebody else laughing approval he'd rather don't rob somebody and here's somebody else validate him oh man you and he feels good because now for the first time he feels like he belongs to something you always say nothing when you walk out of the house yeah you may won't get into what you perceive as freedom but what message does that leave behind in your wake out of the chaos out of the nights what this child is going to wonder who do I belong to why did he leave daddy don't like me baby you go and marry somebody else that got six kids and take them but you won't even come back him up on the weekend no wonder that growing up daddy issues and sometimes it's simply because the unlearned or the untaught sometimes we're like we are because nobody said anything to us and what we're in is a cyclical situation it's just it's a cycle that goes around and round and it never stops but listen you can stop this cycle today you can stop it today I'm not finished but I'll quit many seek to follow their own way and you can tell by what they produce god never intended for you to have children that you didn't raise are y'all hearing me he never intended for you to father children that you didn't intend to be a father to our sons our daughters need the loving environment of a family even though it's so common now to be a single parent that a lot of people see it as unnecessary you know that almost what is it 3/4 of babies born to certain demographics are born without a father in the home look at these young ladies you see them walking up and down the street they look like they're 14 and their stomachs are way out here and it's almost like they don't even have the strength to carry a child it's just they just walkin and then got the strength to heart and make it and they sitting there laughing ha ha ha ha ha and look at him and now you've seen one of the worst pictures I've ever seen what were girls in the bathroom at school and all of them got their shirts up with their stomachs exposed and it looked like it's about 8 or 9 of them and they just posing in the mirror how did that become the norm where are the father's that would tell their children if you're gonna be on their friend me so I can see everything you post it online see you got a lot of these people don't even understand your job is to protect it's not just physical I get it you strong I got it somebody walk up to you you're gonna handle it but is that the only way they need protecting is that it you don't care you don't say anything you don't talk to him so yeah they know as long as they don't mean about it gonna break in and get him but you let him sit up on the computer on the video game and talk to people all day and hear him know who they talking to you don't know what's going on is that really protecting them and it's sad now that this is the norm when a father was in his place and he saw something online that he wasn't supposed to see what father would be content looking at his daughter's flesh poor Yongin quiet what father would be content I was contacted once by a young lady and when she sent a letter it was almost as if she was starting out pure and in her heart you know what I've seen this and I've seen this and you're this and blah blah blah and then think and then she said I'd like to get to know you better I'm saying Lord she'll even notice she got a deal with a whole lot more than me and that any worth it you know he won't that be not good enough and so I sent it back to her and I said you can google me find out everything you need to know on Google so I went to Google mine own self no no who is brave and and it was a young lady who was a swimsuit model and who's here she was a swimsuit model and she was she was a model in one of these male magazines and the first thing that came up was the fact that her father was her manager so they come up she dances at all these parties all these clubs and every information contact her dad that's what dad is doing daddies uncover their children this is what daddies do how did you get comfortable as a father looking at your daughter's flesh why would you want other men looking at a flesh is that what you think about your daughter but that's how she has to offer somebody what's going on this is why they got daddy issues this is why they're so sick and twisted the absence of a father has allowed the enemy to wreak havoc and it's not because everybody's absent from the home you can be absent in the home and because you've checked out they're wreaking havoc on this family let me close a strong man must be subdued before his house can be ruined a strong man has to be done away with and this is what they're trying to do they're trying to bind the hands of a strong man you're too toxic you're too hard you require too much you're not necessary you do more harm than good by being there why don't you get out the way and just let these kids grow up without a father it's a trick the forces of evil are trying to take over an entire generation an entire nation and if they can remove father's from the whole being children become gullible and susceptible and they can take over this next generation if a dad is not there but as long as they're strong father's that protect that provide that discipline that correct they cannot do it they can't push that agenda and I'm saying today every strong man oughta rise with a rise to this occasion somebody clap your hands and praise God [Applause] strong man stand to your feet I gotta I gotta quit I'll finish it next Father's Day running away from responsibility because that's what daddy taught them don't stay run oh you had the kids but they'll be all right that's not your call and it's sad there are a lot of men who don't even love him enough to give him their last name what are you sure that boy had this big as your head and you talking about you not sure one ear hanging lower than the other one just like you knows cricket just like you ain't sure come on now God marked that child you ain't no ever be able to do the Angels can see there's your child they just yep but still gotta walk through this we're wondering does he really belong don't give him nothing don't give him attention don't give them financial support won't even give them your name they grow up isolating it scared to trust anybody because their experience have taught them don't get too close just when you feel like they're gonna stay they don't walk out I only ever saw was you coming home when you felt good and wanted some attention y'all can laugh you don't get laugh but there's a generation that's growing up to thinking that's all but there he is that's all there is and so and and so that that's their first that's the first mind when you come that's what it just meets you and they already invite you over to the house I mean just a couple of hours ago and now what you doing tonight wait a minute but what did they learn this they learned it because that's all that they saw that their father wanted and now that's what they see they figure that's what everybody want and so in order for them to get what they want they use that but they pass strings on it and that's the reason why the moment you follow for that and start sleeping with him they want you to pay for this what now y'all get it class that's already it's it's a transactional relationship you made the mistake you thought all they wanted was a good time they did what they wanted that's how they've been taught they have to deal with people like you so they realize and they think that that body is only good for that and that's what they use to get out of you what they won't and so you just went over one time last week and they already called on you saying hey ya ain't got enough money for my rent okay they were fine been living on they own all this time but the moment you touch them now they need your financial support y'all get quiet because they have been told to get everything you can out of them while you can because they ain't gonna be around long these are the issues they still deal with abandonment issues lack of love look at these young men now that twisted in their mind daddy issues some of them I hate men they can't get along with nobody cuz they're still angry they don't even know why they fight with everybody in a party because they don't like Authority they haven't seen no matter a wield real Authority the proper way and so now all they had was a bunch of million trying to tell them what to do and they should grow up you ain't my daddy you ain't my dad come to church the pastor say God said this and they go home you don't they say about the pastor hearing my dad fighting against our authority daddy issues police said stop get out on the ground who are you talking to he ain't my daddy don't even know how to handle it thought we were on our way to church a few weeks ago and car started stopping on the freeway we saw cars swerving over on the side so I'm thinking it's an accident right in front of us and this car swerved on to the side to miss a car in front of him and I'm thinking we close next thing we see cars on either side of the freeway stop and I think chata Kobe somebody said man ain't running how about three or four boys jumped out of a car on the other side of the middle of the freeway police right behind them they jump over the median over the wall in the middle of the freeway run right in front of my car and the police got the gun out running behind him and we think we committed to see somebody get shot down just running the police and stop and they just run it he was paddy couldn't even run fast he's just jogging stopped and the police had the gun on in the heart we can't afford to lose another generation we train the child in the way that they should go but you got to beat at a trainer you got to be around fathers I salute you thank you for staying thank you for choosing to stick it out and if nobody called you after you leave Church I want you to hear from all of us we are proud of the work that you are doing as a father it's not easy but you're giving it the best that you got then we honor you for that we salute you because what a strong man is there the enemy can not spoil his house every hit not if there's somebody here today that's not saved you don't know the Lord and the parting of your sin I want you to come today maybe maybe you're a man but you realize the importance of being a man of God I don't just want to do this I want to do it right train up a child in the way he should go if even says father's provoke not your children to wrath but bring them up in the fear of the admonition of the Lord and you teach them the ways that are right and proper we can only be as good as we can be when we realized we're not the final authorities I don't ever want to tell the children that I am the final authority No I'm telling you this because this is what God told me to tell you God is always going to be our final Afar name we're going to give him the honor give him the praise and we're going to line up with his will in his way somebody else needs to come and maybe today father you're saying I'm trying everything I have with everything I have I'm I'm giving it my best shot and and I've done what I thought was right to do I want you to come come on come on hallelujah is there another if you want to come I pray with you now but maybe that's somebody here today you're still dealing with some things and you say apostle I got daddy issues and I ain't been able to get over it I'm I'm about to ruin my marriage because I'm still dealing with some stuff and I think all men are one way you can't judge your husband by what your daddy did it's not fair to him all my daddy did this this that same old stuff I saw my dad I do know that sometimes it's just one element and it reminded you of something that your daddy did and now you're running away and you're about to ruin this man's whole family his whole life because he did one thing never mind that you are your daddy and now you're about to run because you think this situation is gonna turn out just like the last I want you to come if you've made a mistake I want you to come you can move beyond that but it's a choice that you make it's something you got to do do you really want a relationship with your family do you want a relationship with your children you can start today God can make all things new will you come if there's one it's come if you need proud want you to come elders would you pray with me somebody wants to be saved somebody wants the power of God hallelujah that's it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 13,656
Rating: 4.9050131 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: ktyGvrVbiO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 54sec (6114 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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