FGHT Dallas: Exiting the Struggle; Entering the Promise!!

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a man's cars coming to with us honestly says God is a man a powerful guy remember the Kerry Neal has come up with the choir this time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how many know he's powerful I said help me to know he's powerful has he done anything for you oh he look powerful God I'll bless your name Jesus come on and put your hands together for Jesus oh I said put your hands together for Jesus we serve a mighty God come on a cloud for God on today Oh hallelujah he's such a powerful and an amazing God holiday that song is them in amazing song Amen that we can sing and honor God for what he is and I like it took a God to do everything in our lives none of us did anything for ourselves a man and he's a powerful God how many know he's a powerful guy yes he is when you think back over your life and think about the things that God helped brought you through you know it took a powerful God to do the things that he did for you some of you maybe you were hooked on drugs it took a powerful God and some of you were just deep in sin you knew what you wanted to do but it took a powerful God to change your mind am I telling the truth in the building I know it took a powerful God to give me where I am today and I honored him for that I don't take it lightly because I know what it did for me don't you know what he did for you Amen well come on and put your hands together for Jesus we bless your name God you may be seated on today amen I honor God amen for being in the house of the Lord I honour God for being saved sanctified and filled up with his precious Holy Ghost I thank God for what I am and what he has done in my life amen and I'm so grateful to be before you all this morning Amen this is first Sunday and we have enjoyed the Youth Congress choir come on and give them a hand hallelujah and I normally am in garland but apostle allowed me to switch with him today and I'm thankful I haven't been able to speak to you all in seems like a minute and I feel honored to be able to stand before you on today he switched at me because I had a few things I needed to take care of in Dallas I love the Dallas Saints a man I do and he allowed me to switch and so let's thank God for him let's thank God for our pastor Amen I know that he's preaching up a storm in Garland and so I'm under God for him I honor God for dr. Marie come on and put your hands together but dr. Marie this first lady I know and I always like to say that I am blessed to have her we are blessed to have her don't you feel like our favorites for gospel I don't know I just feel like we're favored and I know there are many other churches that are just as blessed as we are but I think God favors us because we've had the best leadership anybody could have and I earn a god for it and I think I for this opportunity I love y'all and I'm so excited to be here today amen so let's get in the scriptures really quick I won't be before you very long Bolivians chapter 1 verse 3 through 6 and I'm just gonna take my time Philippians chapter 1 verse 3 through 6 verse 3 says I thank my god upon every remembrance of you this is Paul verse 4 sin always and every pair in every prayer of mine for you for you all making a request with joy and verse 5 says for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now but let's concentrate on this verse 6 verse 6 says being confident anybody confident in the building I'm not talking to any confident people it says being confident in this very thing that he which has begun a good work I'm in a--not God has begun a good work in you he which had begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ come on and put your hands together for Jesus who I felt something when I read this scripture I'm gonna read it again because I like the way it made me feel being confident in this very thing that he which has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day she of Jesus Christ come on and clap your hands again you ought to be glad about it right there because he has performed a good working you help me to know God have performed a good work in you he started a good work in you and he's gonna finish it look at somebody say he's gonna finish it he always finishes what he starts don't you love God because he's a finisher touch somebody say God is a finisher he don't leave nothing half done if you think you gonna be annoyed that guess what before you get out of here you're gonna be full of the unknowing sin anybody confident in God on today oh thank you Jesus I thank God let me calm down coz that scripture just and I preached from here before but something just happened you know God is so good because he'll take a scripture or the word that he already blessed you wit and bless you all over again well the Word of God is good look at somebody say the Word of God is good anytime you feeling bad about yourself get into the Word of God the scripture says that he that had begun a good work in you will perform it so I'm talking to somebody today you may have a good work started in you and you know it but you're going through some things and some obstacles or you're facing some obstacles but look at him until he which had begun a good work he will perform it not you it's not you it's God how many trust God Amen God will perform and I hope you catching on to this right now because a lot of people want to they want to fight in their own strength but I want God to fight all of my battles will you take it Jesus let God do it am I telling the truth amen so our our text is coming from verse six being competent in this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ is there anybody here trying to understand and why you are where you are have you ever been there where you was trying to figure out I know that I'm a good person and I'm doing everything that God have called me to do and I know he has a plan for my life anybody ever been there way you really know that he has a plan for your life and you know the enemy is trying to confuse you about the plans that you know God has for your life am I talking to somebody in the building he has a plan for your life but you in a place right now where you just don't know what to do you don't know where you are you know you're doing everything you call you to do but remember you got to be competent in this very thing that he which had begun a good work in you he is going to perform it it mean you feel like you have greatness I'm not the only one that just feel like I'm bubbling over with greatness I feel it I feel it it it may not be well it may not be what I think it should be but I feel it anybody right there you know that there is greatness that lies on the inside of you you know it is and maybe it has not come to fruition yet but in your mind and in your and your heart and in your spirit you know God is doing something great in your life am i talking to somebody today amen the greatness is on your life you have greatness potential look at your neighbor we don't talk today because we got to encourage ourselves look at your neighbor and say I have greatness potential amen but for some reason you haven't arrived in your destination and when I was studying this I began to think about when we're on an airplane I mean a lot of us have been on an airplane you already know the speech that they give you and I thought about that if we as God's people will take our trials and struggles like we take a flight am I telling the truth you take it like you take a flight then we would reach our destination you know you're going to get there it may be Rocky it may be bumpy but at some point you're gonna get to where you're going am I telling the truth in the building I mean you may not you may not be where you want to be but at some point you're gonna get there hallelujah calling it clap your hands for Jesus amen and out of all the years I flown I have never seen a pass and just say that this ride is is too bumpy or it's too much going on too much turbulence let me out have you ever noticed anybody to ask while they're in mid-flight to get off the ride amen so look at your neighbor say you and me it's light you can't get off the ride right now you gotta go through the turbulence you gotta go through the bumpy ride you gotta go through being jolted up and down out of your seat because nobody ever gets out the ride in the middle of a flight you die if you get off the ride in the middle of the flame but you're trying to reach it to victory you're trying to make it to your destination am I telling the truth so I've never seen in all the days of my life anybody say let me offer this ride right here in midair it has never happened Amen so you need to think it's time now for taking the easy way out look at your neighbor and say it's time now for taking the easy way out we live in an advanced time where people want everything to come to them easy I was there I was one of those people saying oh this is going wrong and Danis going wrong I just wanna I just wanted to work out real easy but it's time out for that but it's because anything worth having is worth fighting for am i telling the truth how many fighters we got in the building on this morning we got any roaring fighters in the building do we have any Eagles in the building do we have any lions in the building the lion is over the jungle and we're all Alliance and lioness in this building you got that living down on the inside of you but you just gotta resurrect it look at your neighbors they resurrect that lion on the inside of you stop trying to get out of stuff the easy way go on and go through it the hard way because when you go through the way God intended how many know the victory is wonderful what God had for you is wonderful and you come out shine and when you go through the way God intended timeout for trying to go through your way he was had begun a good work in you he will perform it he's going to perform it you gotta believe that God is able to perform it can't God prepare a table in the wilderness yes he can am I telling the truth in the building don't ask dumb questions like that you already know he's able to do it can't God heal your body yes he can God make away yes he can yes he can you gotta believe in a God that you serve believe in the God that you sir hallelujah put your hands together for Jesus we gotta stop taking the easy way out you gotta stand flat-footed and firm and say if it's a fight you want it's a fight you gonna get I don't care if it's the enemy fighting you or if you have an enemy on your job you got to tell them if it's a fight you want it's a fight you're gonna get don't you lay down and take the devil's take your tactics don't lay down and let them just walk all over you and my tell am I talking to somebody don't let the enemy walk all over you be firm be strong be very courageous hallelujah it's time out for taking the easy way out the easy way does not yield best results you want the best results possible for the stuff you've been going through you want interest on the stuff that you put in am I telling the truth you don't you know you know you don't invest and not get interest you have invested your tears you have invested heartache you have invested trials why don't you just go ahead and get out the interest that you put in hallelujah you want to heal the best results Amen so in a fight the captain says the flight attendant prepare for take out please he the fight attended to prepare for takeout so you getting ready to go through whatever you're getting ready to go through it's time to buckle in so in the spirit God is saying them I'm about to prepare you for greatness anybody being prepared for greatness come on and shout hallelujah if you being prepared for greatly I hear a bunch of great people in the building I hear a bunch of business is getting ready to flourish in the building that's greatness I hear on unknowing to know somebody's life that's some greatness am I talking to you in the building anybody inspired today to be great hallelujah so he says that he wants the flight attendants to prepare for takeoff that's the captain talking and how many know God is I captain amen in hell so he's getting us ready because it's not gonna be easy so he wants you to know from the beginning you putting his seatbelt on because this righteous might get bumping anybody been on a bumpy ride I've been on one I'm on one right now but I am great I help greatness potential am I talking to somebody you feel what I feel in the building amen and so we're getting ready for takeoff and he tells them to prepare amen so I just believe it that God did not bring me through all that I'm going through just for me to come out regular not to come out mediocre am I talking to somebody you are on this ride because you're gonna come out only if you do it right if you follow the recipe if you do just what God is telling you to do if you have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying when you're going through what you're going through when you come out you're not gonna be mediocre you know business me and businessmen in the world and in the real rich people and those who are billionaires they didn't just they didn't just plan to come out regular they put in the work they got a bunch of nose and they didn't take the nose and and just swallow anything they took the nose but they let the no work for anybody ever had somebody to tell you you couldn't do something and then inspired you to do greatness but that's exactly what God is doing for us he's he's allowing us to get on this ride and telling us it in this ride there is gonna be some turbulence and you're gonna go through some things but if you follow the plan of God you're gonna come out on the other side and you're gonna come out with the victory am I talking to anybody in the building Romans 8:28 says and we know that all things work together for the good to them they love God and to those who are called according to his purpose anybody being called according to his purpose if you know that it's his purpose that you are following after it's gonna work out for your good no matter what you're going through it's gonna work out for your good look at somebody and say it's working for my good and you might say but lady Danielle this is too hard for me I can't handle this I've been there and I've said that but you know what I thank God that he gave me the spirit that I have right now because I'm never gonna say what's too hard for me anymore because I know that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly is able to do more than what I can do for myself and if it's his purpose and if I'm a yielding vessel if I am willing to do what he has asked me to do it's not it's not up to me how I come out it's not up to me whether or not I'm going to win because if I do what the what God tells me to do guess what imma win look at somebody say i'ma win I don't care what the enemy is saying to you you cannot fret the bumps in the road to many people giving up and quitting for one little bitty bump in the road don't you know when you went for every bump there is a victory and if you stop at the first bump bump you'll never get to the victory has anybody ever tasted victory before I have and that's something you wanna chase whenever you taste a little bit of victory isn't that something you wanna chase no matter what the bump in the road is I know that if I get this victory there's another bump coming but I can make it just like I made it the last time if he did it before he can do it again if he brought me out before he's well late for somebody say he's well able because we serve a God that can do anything but fail hallelujah amen but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able any man so the temptations that we go through in life the things that make us want to quit and throw in the towel he's able to bring us through those things and as I was studying that particular scripture it said that we need not perplex ourselves with the difficulties in our way I like the way this writer said that we need not perplex ourselves with the difficulties in our way when God will take care that they shall not be too great for us to encounter there is nothing that can happen to you that God is not able to bring you through and so we're still on this plane the flight attendant the flight attendants tell us why we're in fight ladies and gentlemen the captain has turned off the fasten seat belt sign and you may now move about the cabin so now it's you able to go to the restroom are you able to stand up and stretch your legs but however when you're sitting in that seat what does he tell you keep your seatbelt fastened okay so God has given you a little break he's giving you an opportunity to catch your breath but don't get caught off guard who am I talking to in the building on today you may be experiencing a break right now but when you get back in your seat fasten your seat belt and while your seat belt is fastened what should you be doing while you fasten into your seat belt you ought to be praying and saying God what else are you getting ready to take me through though I helped me to go through it no I helped me to come out on the other side lord help me to bring this thing into fruition what you have for me that's what you should be doing while you and your seat belt don't ever let the devil catch you out Gord thinking then because you experienced one victory that everything is about to go your way is that how it works in life it don't work like that in life just as soon as you get your head above water the enemy is trying to get you back under again he's trying to take you under again am I telling the truth Amen joe said but he knoweth the way that I take when he had tried me I shall come forth ants gold and may God knows the way that you were taken all you gotta do is stay on the ride and understand that on the other side of this is my victory you find yourself in a bit of turbulence or trial but but you have to stay buckled in or stay connected to God because he has ordered your steps but at some point in the fight or trouble arises but guess what it has to come to an end on this flight of whatever you're going through you may be experiencing a whole lot of trouble but God is not the kind of God that will let you only experience the bad he'll give you good - to balance that out but but he's like I'll always let you go through good he'll let you experience some bad times amen but you gotta understand that God is still in control amen and when it's time to land the captain says we're getting ready to get off this flight when it's time to land the captain says ladies and gentlemen as we start our descent anybody on your descent anybody on your descent you getting ready to come out of something he says please make sure your seat belt or your seat belt in your tray tables are in full right position your seat backs and your table trays are in upright position why because you get ready to land and when you're landing sometimes some things begin to go wrong but you're on this fight and you know that you are just about at your destination how many people the baths getting ready to come through your circumstance touch your name and say race for it because you're getting ready to come out tell them again brace for it you getting ready to come out of it and in the spirit God is saying it's time to put away all trouble and excuses and get ready for your purpose in your destiny how many people ready for your purpose and destiny amen am I am I talking to any distant people today Amen we are getting ready to go walk into our greatness we're getting ready to walk into our season touch somebody say I'm getting ready to walk into my season anybody ready to exit this plane anybody fired up to exit this plane what you gonna do when you get off of this plane a man what are you getting ready to walk through when you get off of this plane a man the captain then tells us make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins cuz on this ride some stuff got tossed around and on that journey that you've been on some stuff have happened in your life some stuff have been tossed around something you don't even have those things anymore you lost some stuff some stuff was destroyed amen but you gotta make sure that when you get rid of the land everything that was destroyed it's not gonna walk into your future with you everything that was broken when you get home and start unpacking stuff and if it's broken you don't just keep it hanging around there is oh I remember when if God begins to take things out of your life and destroy things and and extract people from your life don't go back looking for those people don't go back looking for those things if God delivered you from kracko if God helped saved you a man you used to be a whoremonger or you used to be out on the streets doing everything God don't go back looking for your victory in your old world in that hallway if God have delivered you from something leave that stuff alone because that stuff don't go into your greatness it came go with you into your future it's not gonna yield you any good fruit if you take it with you that's why it was destroyed in the flight am i telling the truth in the building he destroyed it in the flight Amen because he didn't want you to have it it was no good but where you were going am I telling the truth Amen so when God begins to take things out of your life accept it when he begins to remove people out of your life accept that Amen because if God is moving there maybe he's taking you somewhere where they cannot go Amen if God is taking you somewhere some people can't go where you going and maybe you can't take all your old furniture into your new house am i telling the truth Amen you got to get some brand-new stuff to going that brand new house that God have given you and then I'm not taking that old couch that was beat-up and busted into my new place you don't get to come with me when I get ready to walk into my season am I talking to somebody in the building fasten your seat belt and take this journey that God is taking you on and accept what God is doing in your life he's making a great person out of you he's making a great woman of God and a great man of God out of you but you got to learn how to let God do it amen let me get off this ride hallelujah when you exit the plane don't look for the devastation that you suffer don't look for the things that happen while you were on the plane if you get out with your life you get out running for whatever it is that God has for you if you come out of what you're going through come out running because God is getting ready to bless your life he's not gonna put put more on you than you can bear and he's not gonna keep putting pain and suffering on you we don't serve a god like that look at your neighbors like we do not serve a God like that God loves us somebody needs to know in the Builder that God absolutely loves you and then somebody is thinking that because you're going through what you're going through God is not learned about you and God does not love you but God absolutely loves you he's putting his arms around you right now through this message and letting you know that what you're going through you're not gonna be in that always but God has a way for you to escape but you gotta be confident and this one thing that he that have begun a good work for me am I talking to somebody in the building he's getting ready to perform it in your life don't don't get don't feel sorry for yourself get up off of your feet or do nothing and do something about what you going through if you don't like the situation change your situation am I talking to somebody in the building hallelujah put your hands together for Jesus you have struggled long enough and it's time to see the promises of the Lord he which has come on let's say it together go to this scripture with me verse three go with me there and let's read it together so that everybody is clear what you believe let's go to it together verse six says being confident of this very thing that he brought to him that he which had begun a good work in you touch your neighbor and say in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ who am I talking to today talking to today he which had begun a good work I don't say your mama which had begun a good work how to say your boss which has begun a good work I don't know your best friend which has begun a good work I didn't say your enemy which has begun a good work I said he he which had begun a good word they don't matter what nobody else say about it but he has begun a good work in me if you don't see how great I am I don't care what you think I don't care how you feel he was happy gone I could work in me he will perform it make it personal I could work in me he will perform it it ain't got nothing to do with you he will perform it hallelujah crap for Jesus tell somebody else don't give up now God is just about to reveal why this way has been so hard for you why you've been going through the test and the trials why you can't seem to catch a break he's getting ready to tell somebody just why he to get through come on it encourage the neighbor he's getting ready to tell you why he took you through I'm finished but I didn't give you my topic and man my topic was exiting the struggle and entering the promised touch of neighbors they get ready to exit the struggle and come on and get ready to enter into your profit if you need God to do something for you all today maybe you want us to touch and agree with your greatness I want to touch and agree with somebody's greatness Oh because if two of us are touching what if God's gonna do what if that don't do I agree with you touch somebody it's like I agree with you I agree with you I agree with you I agree with you it's something you need God to do for you maybe the enemy is playing with your mind and telling you that what God promised you is not gonna happen Pete live from the beginning he is the author the devil is a liar and he's already defeated if you need to be saved I'm asking you to come so that we can pray with you because that's the first thing to get out for this plane you need to receive if you get ready to walk into your victory season you need to be saved because you know what you gotta know how to handle where God is getting ready to take you you got to know what to do with what God is getting ready to do in your life those of you at this also that need to be safe I want you to come front come up front and we're gonna pray that God will just oh but take you with him anointing in his Holy Ghost power and I want you to be for real about what you're getting ready to say to God I want you to say it out loud so that you hear yourself saying me I want you to say Lord I'm sorry you got to let him hear you but everything that I've done that was not like you know what I'm asking you that you would come into my life no it changed me save me deliver me and fill me with your precious Holy Ghost meaning women of God let's begin to pray the prayer faith and power down on those that are in this line those of you that are looking for something from God because you know that he has something for you he has greatness for you I want you to know that you need to begin praising him right now while these are being safe come on and let's create an atmosphere of praise and worship creator atmosphere a praise and worship because it's getting ready to do something for you [Music] come on you're not praising him enough but what is getting ready to do boys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's remain [Music] ooh [Music] oh yes [Music] somebody said I got it somebody shout I got it what do you have somebody think I got the victory somebody say I've got the victory over all of my circumstance how many coming out with the victory today I'm looking at a victorious group of people we came in one way but we're gonna leave another touch your neighbor and say we don't leave another [Music] hallelujah thank you Jesus who God is simply amazing he's simply amazing when he changes the way you think oh lord have mercy I'm Chuck he changed the way I think he changed my woe is me into I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me who somebody got to take it take you got to take responsibility for yourself if you want to break through if you want God to work through you if you want to receive what it is he's trying to give you you gotta take it you got a 1 in anybody wounded I want all God help me I'm not leaving nothing I'm done tackled I'm not leaving nothing untouched I'm not leaving anything I'm gonna go out of here with I was having no potential I'm gonna die with having no potential you know why because all the potential that he gave me I'm gonna push it out and I'm gonna make it work for me it's working for my good my bad is working for my good I can't let it work for me because I'm gonna be great I'm gonna be what he said I could be I'm not gonna be what you said I could be I'm gonna be what he said I could be hallelujah and that's greatness anybody full of greatness a man you may be seated oh we got to change the way we think if we could only I'm not saying you're not gonna go through nothing but you know what it do it hardness as a good soldier who am I talking to in the building don't don't get in this race thinking it's gonna be easy and just because it's not easy you don't throw in the towel I come to tell you that the heart of the fight is the bigger the blessing or the greater the anointing if you ain't fightin I don't know if you gonna have any type of anointing and God if you ain't goin through somethin if you haven't been through nothing but all this stuff the devil is trying to do to the people of God you gonna come out empty-handed the devil is alive all this stuff we have to go through we coming out with something we coming out with some joy coming out what am I saying Jesus coming and coming out with the victory he's just a liar I know you don't talk to the devil Oh but I'm hoping for it in my boys a change in my heart I am victorious I'm not the tail and I'm talking me you've gotta change the way you think that's uh nobody I'm great full of greatness [Music] that you can do about it nothing you can do with me but God is on my side somebody you gotta tell somebody Thank You chief thank you lord oh the brain tonight Oh together he's doing right things doing great [Applause] right hallelujah they get ready to do it me ah happy no he's doing great about it [Music] about it you ought to be praising God if you're glad about it you oughta put a price on it so I'm gonna put a price on it they put a price yes Oh [Music] this [Music] you see oh he's a wonder in my soul oh my soul cries hallelujah oh who wouldn't sir but God like this such a night was like what wouldn't you serve a God like this the joy that I have that this joy the hell [Music] Wow didn't give it to me and aware of pain take it away oh Jesus God is doing great things and we ought to be glad about it hallelujah oh yes God he's doing great things he's doing it and guess what he's doing it every day all day long the enemy wants you to focus on the bad stuff but he you know what he woke you up this morning another opportunity to be great if your morning was rocky oh but your afternoon might be smooth sailing say smooth sailing hallelujah you may be seated on on today I thank God I wish I could see oh he's a wonder in my soul oh thank you Jesus Lord we bless you on today we honor you on today God for what you have done for us anybody get a thinking differently today about your situation the thing about it is they don't matter what your situation is he is a miracle worker he can do it but you all he asked you to do is believe only believe oh you gotta do is believe that he's able and when you walk out of those doors you still telling the devil you a liar every time he says that it ain't gonna happen you say you are a liar every time he says your son or your husband is never gonna be saved you say you are a liar the only reason why the devil would win over any of us and we didn't is if we didn't fight don't go out of here without a fight if he wants to bring it then you need to bring it you got a fight you may not always come out with the victory that you wanted but if you know you gave it your all you got a fight and let God do the rest because you're always gonna come out on top when God is in it amen I thank God for this opportunity I have truly enjoyed myself I didn't have to stand up here with this mic I've been over there and uttered by sister shiny cuz the Lord was speaking to me and I loved him because if you do what God is telling you to do if you be willing and obedient you coming out on top you should eat the good of the land how many of us want to eat the good of the lien I'm gonna have just what he said that I can have any man I just wanted to talk to the ladies this morning we're gonna hurry there are
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 19,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: N0_dr6erXfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 31sec (3811 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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