FGHT Dallas: Sunday Morning Service (Sept. 25)

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the magnify the name of the Lord I mean certain things that really did come to praise and magnify his name come on I'm not talking about that once I came to stare at me I'm talking about the one that came to enter into his case for Thanksgiving I need somebody that will be faithful unto God and touch the name of the Lord Our God for the Lord is good his Mercy is Everlasting thank you Jesus and his truth endures to all generations anybody do you know who God is do you know God can be faithful do you know God to be also do you know God to be a Healer I'm coming down your road do you know God to be a miracle worker do you know God to be a great maker do you know God to be a promised people if I ever touched you yet did anybody did God wake you up this morning but if God did something God worked that first miracle how to do that if he deserves the praise he deserves the glory he deserves the honor come on up to nothing bless him this morning Hallelujah open up your mouth and blessings Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah oh yeah Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah he's worthy of the glory come open together Hallelujah bless the name of our God he's great and greatly to be praised Hallelujah we come to Magnify Him today I'm just so excited Amen to be in the house of the Lord this morning hallelujah thank you Jesus can we just zip our hands in this presence today Hallelujah come on let's give him the Glory Hallelujah water you turned into wine thank you Jesus Open the Eyes of the blind there's no one like you [Music] you that's not like you said [Music] thank you that's not alive foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] there's no time the praise [Music] God [Music] this morning thank God you are worthy you're ready [Music] I'm always Hardware please [Music] foreign to you online foreign foreign foreign [Music] let's pray let's magnify Hallelujah [Music] both of them you are much up inside my way that way we forgive you all tonight [Music] my heart [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign he is worthy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Glory Glory Glory Glory Glory Glory Hallelujah my God is worthy he is worthy on this morning hallelujah it's all right somebody just reach up the presence of the Lord is here oh God from the depth of your experience give God the praise worship His holy name from the rising of the Sun to the going down of the same his name is worthy to be praised Glory Hallelujah it's okay take some time because my God has been good oh he's been good to me and I know he's been good to you give him the phrase that he deserves on this morning lift up his name magnet and fire here today lift up the name of Jesus on this morning oh that's all right it's been just that good it's okay you can let the world know that the god whose verse he is worthy he is worthy his name is wonderful his name is majestic his name is powerful his name is above everything oh hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Hallelujah hallelujah oh yeah I'm going to praise him this morning because he's been just that good hallelujah's Open Door he's made ways he's still thick bodies he's put together a broken hearted he's put together family restoring emotions oh he's left with all Hallelujah my God is a good God my God is a good guy oh you owe me about this morning you can stand there like you haven't done nothing for you but the reason you're standing here this morning is because God is faithful because God is good hallelujah hallelujah Glory Glory Glory Hallelujah if God is making just wave your hand in the air let the Lord know you appreciate what he has done for you Lord we honor you on this morning Hallelujah Lord we thank you Lord thank you for letting us see another day a day that was not promised to us God oh God you gave us a life you gave us health and you gave us strength and we said thank you this morning God a day that wasn't promised to us somebody wanted to be here God but they couldn't but your soft fit and your wisdom and your grace to let us be gathered here and we thank you for it right now God you are worthy of all the praise all the glory and all the under God oh God as we stand here God Let Your Presence touch God let it heal deliver and set free we thank you for our leaders this morning God the Apostle Herman Murray his wife lady Danielle we your glory for them God we thank you for the ministers God all the saints gathered here and we ask that you will continue to bless us this morning send forth your word as a mighty hand of God let it break up any fellow ground Lord in his Stony Hearts God those that are in need father send that word God to meet each and every need father Lord and we thank you in advance for it right now God we honor you on this morning Lord save heal and deliver as only you can move by your power God we thank you for your presence that we feel you have certainly been faithful to us God you have been good to us God oh God and we don't want a short change the Lord God we give you what's worth we give you what's due to you God oh God it's just what we owe you father oh God and we say thank you we say the highest praise which is hallelujah and we ask that you will continue to minister to us this morning don't let us leave here the same way that we came in father and we praise you and we magnify your name amen and amen Hallelujah we thank you Hallelujah at this time we'll have our morning reading and if you will pick up your Bibles or you can look at the screens to my left and to my right we're going to go to the Book of James chapter 5 and verse 11. and we're going to read verses 11 through 16 will alternate and verse 16 we'll read together amen amen James chapter 5. verse 11. behold we count them happy which endure ye have heard of the patience of Job and have seen the end of the Lord that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender Mercy congregation verse number 13 is any among you afflicted let him pray is any Mary let him sing Psalms congregation verse 15 and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if you have committed sins they shall be forgiven him verse 16 altogether confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man a veileth much amen this time we'll have our morning observations by Sister Howard well praise the Lord somebody praise the Lord on this morning certainly the presence of the Lord is in this place already and we can't wait to lift him up even higher and I like to start by saying happy hat day to everybody you look so beautiful all the ladies in their hats and fascinators give yourselves a hand on this morning and if you're here and you don't know why all the ladies have on hats and fascinators on this morning this is the day that we set aside to honor the Legacy and the memory of the great Dr evangelist Shirley Murray let's give her a hand amen she always wore hats and she always looks so beautiful in her hats and so we honor her on today amen and welcome to Full Gospel Holy Temple amen where our pastor is none other than the Apostle Herman L Murray Jr and our first ladies lady Danielle let's give it up for our leaders on today amen and if you are visiting with us for the first time would you please stand so that we may acknowledge you in the Full Gospel way on this morning praise God for you all over the temple amen we see you praise God for you welcome to Full Gospel Holy Temple you may have your seats at this time and we always say that you may come as a friend but you're going to leave here as family on today and we invite you to join us again in worship amen and for the benefit of our guests we have multiple Services during the week and they are as follows on Sunday morning service begins at 11 A.M with entry into the temple at 9am for uniformed workers and 9 15 for everyone else Sunday school is held in the main sanctuary Sanctuary only at 10 A.M amen Sunday Saturday and Tuesday night services begin at 7 30 PM with entry into the temple at six o'clock for uniformed workers and 6 15 for everyone else prayer service is Tuesday and Saturday at 7 pm and Wednesday mornings at 11 A.M We are continuing to practice safety by social distancing mask or not mandatory but are encouraged the water fountains are currently not in use and in our coming and going please let us mind be mindful of large Gatherings and continue to be safe also by way of our announcements on this morning our thoughts and prayers are with the following bereaved families sister Doreen Randall in the passing of her brother sister Kathy Holbert in the passing of her loved one Elder Melvin Davis in the passing of his loved one Yolanda Chambers in the passing of her sister Miss Edna Faye Stafford her services will be Tuesday at 11 A.M at the Mansfield few a funeral home Chapel 1556 Heritage Parkway in Mansfield Texas please visit the church announcement app under the bereavement tab for additional details and Arrangements on Friday night we're scheduled to be with the Commerce Full Gospel holies Temple Church for the appreciation of pastors Jesse and evangelist Johnny kitchen we're also scheduled to be with the Carthage Full Gospel for the appreciation of Pastor von Eric and evangelist Tara McKee if you would like to send a love offering leave it here at the church and we'll ensure it's received by the Commerce and Carthage Church families all Dallas and Garland ministers we will have the Evangelistic outpour today at 6 30. come on out and support the ministers as they share a word of God they have been phenomenal and it's just so encouraging to see them go forward say man to the parents of children ages 6 through 17 who actively participate in the children's and Youth Department be prepared to attend a brief meeting concerning the youth Department's Christmas production immediately following service down front in the middle section the junior Usher board will rehearse this Thursday September 29th at 7 pm all current members and children ages 5 through 17 who would like to join are invited new members please see Sister joycelyn Moore in the lobby after service for additional information and who's ready for homecoming 2022 amen we're so excited this year it will be held Sunday October 16th at 11 A.M followed by our dinner on the grounds and our Revival will begin on Tuesday October 18th through Friday October 21st services will begin at 7 30 p.m nightly and this concludes this morning's observations again welcome to Full Gospel Holy Temple where we believe in excellence Pursuits and Holiness personified God bless you enjoy the rest of the service [Music] this morning [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] boys oh yeah every chance and Jesus [Music] we are here love me come over here foreign he's a manager oh come on if you know he's a good God I want you to put your hands together everybody clap your hands [Music] oh come on inside a real safe divide in the house this morning thank you hallelujah hallelujah for we came to praise him this morning I said we came to praise him did anybody come out to the house of lost his father to praise him I want you to put your hands together praise this good father does anybody feel like praise you this morning I said this Innovative feel like breathe this morning I need you to put your hands together Hallelujah [Music] and he's still a good good father anybody know to be a good father in the house this morning Hallelujah right here nobody home yeah Glory [Music] Hallelujah now everybody as fast as you can put those answers together and give our God a praise in the house this morning well come on I said as fast as you can together and give our mighty good for God a good praise in the house this morning truly my soul does magnified the name of the Lord clap your hands one more time it's worthy of all the praise while you're clapping while you're standing help me thank God for the angel of this house the Apostle Hermann L Murray Jr let's think I'd find First Lady Lady all married and to all of you my father's children God bless you take your seat at this time in the presence of the Lord amen for truly the Lord is that spirit I said truly the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty what a joy what an honor a privilege and a pleasure to be a civil in the house of God one more time many of us can Echo the sentiments of the psalmist when he declared I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord we thank God that God has blessed and fed us [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh God [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] let it goes [Music] [Music] to you practice [Music] [Music] I see you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what you've done it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] come back please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] praise the Lord everybody hallelujah amen we are so grateful Amen to be here this morning amen and we are honoring amen our founding first lady amen the Legacy amen of Dr Shirley Murray can we put our hands together amen we're seeing all the women of God wearing your hats you look absolutely beautiful and so we wanted to reach back amen and get this song that simply declares on Christ a solid rock I stand all other ground is sick and saying can I get a witness in the house anybody standing on that rock this morning y'all pray for it thank you [Music] [Applause] for nothing less than Jesus good and righteousness I dare not trust the sweetest friends [Music] when darkness builds his loving face I rest on his unchanging Grace [Music] [Music] [Applause] he will make me strong on Christ the solid rock I stand before [Music] foreign [Music] in Jesus Christ [Music] [Music] and I belong Standing on the Promises of Jesus Christ [Music] forever Standing on the Promises of Jesus Christ my savior glory is the highest I will shout and save me praise God forever Standing on the Promises of Jesus Christ forever [Music] my Solid Rock [Music] s [Music] every time foreign [Music] praise today come on everybody in the room Hallelujah come on if you really love him put those hands together give him glory Hallelujah come on I see your hands I don't hear nobody [Music] I see your hands I can't hear you come on let the redeemed of the Lord say so if you've been redeemed and you're glad about it come on and give it praise and glory oh come on come on come on your hands all ye people Triumph how the Lord is good until you hear us greatly greatly to be praised this time I just want you to lift your hands and I want you now to say something personal to God something that nobody can say but you out of the depth of your experience with him knowing how he's been strong for you and how he has done for you and no other power can do how he's captured oh when the enemy tried to tell you apart [Music] kept you together held you [Music] or are we bless you empathy Hallelujah for being so mindful of us oh we give it praise come on come on come on we've given praise Hallelujah Hallelujah thank you Jesus oh he's been good to us he's been battle that we've been served Adriana him today certainly nobody can do us like Jesus can you believe that on your way to your seat give him another praise God bless you today what a fellowship what a joy divine grateful to be in the house of the Lord one more time I was glad when they said unto me it's time to go to church amen I'm telling you there's no place I'd rather be than where I am right now amen among the people of God I say it so often amen you're among people that understand you amen we understand your praise we understand the fight and it means something to come together Amen in times like this amen where we can draw strength from one another and we're so grateful and thankful for all of you that have joined us today amen thank God for all of our guests and our friends that are here amen with us amen the Full Gospel Holy Temple we have Ronnie price from Dallas Texas God bless you amen penidra I hope I'm saying that right Rogers from right here in Dallas Ira Emerson amen from here in Dallas generation amen I hope I'm saying it right Freeman from Jacksonville Florida amen for Siobhan Blinn from DeSoto Texas amen and maybe we don't know your name or where you're from but we want you to know that you are certainly welcomed here at all times this is the place where you come as a friend but you leave as family amen we're so grateful for what God is doing I tell you man we had a great time I was is in amen Anniston Alabama amen this week met so many wonderful amen brothers and sisters amen leader Danielle was in Texarkana I believe on Friday night amen and I tell you God is blessing everywhere we go we're meeting people a man that are watching Full Gospel being fed by the word of God Amen they are supporting us they're praying for us amen and many of them making that trip Amen to Dallas to be with us and I want to take some time to thank God for all of those that are watching Full Gospel in the house would you help me thank God for four gospel on the other side amen of those cameras we certainly appreciate God Amen for you and look forward Amen to the continued fellowship and you've been hearing the announcement amen homecoming is amen just a few Sundays away amen the third Sunday in October is always our homecoming celebration and you owe it to yourself to be here amen all of you that have been watching amen and promising you gonna make it to Dallas this is your time come on Amen let's have a great time at homecoming 2022. look at somebody and tell a neighbor there's a word from the Lord amen and tell him and I am a lover of the word of God I got mine amen I love mine you got yours come on hold that power up thank God Hallelujah because everything else is going down but what amen but the word of our Our God Amen and I want you to know in times like this we still need the benefit of the word of God you know people now even figure we got screens in the church you know and we got a lot of stuff they don't put the scriptures on the screen listen you need a Bible for yourself amen I don't care if they got 10 screens you need to know that what the preacher is preaching really is in the word of God you got some folk living by somebody's opinion and don't even know they made it up amen they writing best-selling books amen and we living by books and don't even realize people made that stuff up amen but when you come to the house of God bring your Bible so that you know that what's being said really is the word of God if it's just my opinion you can take it or leave it that's all I'm preaching is opinion you can walk right out of these doors and say I I appreciate his effort but now if it's the word of God and you intend to go to heaven you're gonna have to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord that's what my pastor taught us amen he told us you keep the word between you and the people so if they get mad let them get mad at the word amen they got to come through the word to get to you amen but if you intend don't go into heaven hey man you're gonna do what God has commanded his people to do second Corinthians the 12th chapter and I want to call your attention to the first through the 10th verses amen second Corinthians 12. amen the 12th chapter verses one two three four five six seven eight nine and ten I want to talk to you for a few moments this morning amen somebody needs some encouragement and somebody needs some instruction and isn't that wonderful that the word of God gives both encouragement and instruction this tells us how it is we're going to survive you got some people they're trying to level best to just survive amen but listen we don't we don't wrestle with flesh and blood and the weapons of our Warfare are not carnal if we're going to win and we've got to have the benefit of the word of God this is it and I'm coming to tell you ain't nothing else coming after this amen we got the word of God ain't nothing else coming after this if you waiting on God Amen to send you something special he didn't already sent you everything that he's going to sin ain't nothing coming out after this word right here the Bible declared that God who had Sun through times and endowments speak unto us by the mouth of the prophets hat in these last days and these last hours spoken unto us by his son once his son has given us the complete revelation amen amen that's coming after this you have to live by what God is already ordained second Corinthians 12 beginning verse one when you have it say Amen the Bible gives us this intelligence it is not expedient for me this is power talking now doubtless to Glory I will come to visions and Revelations of the Lord he says I Know a Man in Christ above 14 years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth such a one Dakota to the third heaven and I know such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth how that he was caught up into Paradise and heard unspeakable words which is not lawful for a man to utter but Paul said I've experienced some things I have seen some things and Paul said it's not even lawful I I I can't even put in the words what it was that I experienced up there and if I could it's too wonderful to waste in a conversation down here I told you last time that that make me doubt a lot of these other accounts that people done had because Paul said he was caught up in the third heaven he saw stuff he experienced stuff and he didn't even talk about it he's talking about something happened 14 years ago you got folk I told you they passed out by the water fountain and they went nowhere get up write books Paul said it's not even lawful for a man to talk about the stuff that I saw of such a one will I Glory yet of myself I will not Glory but in mine infirmities for though I would desire to Glory I should not be a fool of what I will say the truth but now I forbearless any man shall think of me above that which he seeketh me to be or that which he heareth of me Paul said rather than talk about all that stuff I want you to look at my life don't let that be the measure of how Godly and I know that I am the step that I can say that I've seen and experienced that's not it if you want to know my walk with God look at how I woke up rightly before you you got a lot of folk hey man they're trying to get you with big words say hey man a bunch of hype y'all done got quiet amen everybody want to have this love this speech but Paul says look at the way I have lived and behaved among you I don't care how good you talk if you ain't got Christian Capital Behavior you can keep all your visions and all of your Revelations and all your books y'all got quiet if you get through with your Revelation and you still got knowledge in your heart towards somebody I don't want to hear nothing about y'all ain't saying nothing cause you can't convince me you've been to heaven when everything about you say you go into hell he said look at my life stuff that I live the way that I've walked up right before you look at what he says unless I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the Revelation there I was given to me a thorn in the flesh the messenger of season to Buffet me lest I should be exalted above measure for this thing that I besought the Lord Thrice I went to God and kept praying about this stuff I talked to God I asked him three times that it might depart from me I prayed and God answered me but he didn't say what I thought he was going to say [Applause] sometimes you praying and you didn't already see you don't projected your voice onto God that's why a lot of folks hey man they just run ahead and do stuff it wasn't God talking amen you just gave God your voice and answered your own prep I asked God and God said yes and then amen just a few weeks after that everything falling apart you told me God said yes can I tell yourself brothers and sisters every time you talk to God God is not going to respond the way you expect that he will sometimes God is going to answer you in the opposite way that you expected that the answer would come he said I prayed three times that God would take this forward away from me and God sent me a word and look at what he said unto me my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength and somebody today you looking for strength and I come to tell you he's showing us how amen we're going to get to that place hey man where we can keep moving and go forward he says for thine strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ May rest on me therefore I take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches and Necessities in persecutions in distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak then am I strong oh God and I said God I need I need help I need relief in somebody today that's all you asking God for is just relief I just I've been under this burden a while now I just need some relief that's all you ask people you're praying about money look at y'all hey man everybody ain't praying about houses that they've been asking God he meant in front of the Bible said all that kind of stuff you just said God I need can I have a respite but you know after you've been traveling for a while amen every now and then you just asked God Amen can I have a break is there anybody in here just need a break hey man been going through for a while I just need a break every day can be a fight everything can't be a struggle I hide right and what does God say in reply God says my grace oh you thought God was going to tell you all this is your day you're coming out God said my grace oh God just say the word and I'm gonna leave him God said my grace got quieter I wish I could talk to somebody here I just say the word God just give me the cue and I'm gonna set my grace Lord that's what somebody did want to hear you wanted to hear that God was getting ready to end your trouble today that all your enemies was getting ready to die and all of that God said no I'm in my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness and look at what he says in that 10th verse for when I am weak then am I strong just look at somebody and tell them when I am weak then am I strong look at somebody else until I win I am weak then am I strong I wish I could find somebody that would clap your hands right there right there um when I'm weak that's when I am strong oh here let me let me preface Paul is telling a man with a lot of people that are ridiculing his call to the apostleship they are saying about Paul that all he preaches is Doctrine Paul amen is giving them the meat of the Gospel he's he's preaching to them the word and showing them how Jesus is the Christ he is the promised one of God he is telling them that salvation amen comes through Jesus Christ alone and he is ready now to present Christ to the world Amen he's not coming to them with lofty speech he's not coming to them a man with heightened rhetoric like so many people amen would do now hey man he's not talking to them in a manner that they require dictionaries amen encyclopedias to understand his his talk amen Paul has given them the plainness of the scripture with Paul you will always notice in his writings that there is no middle ground Paul does not give us great areas but Paul hey man it's either right or it's wrong oh amen people can be sincere but Paul amen is very clear to point out to them amen that even in your sincerity you are sincerely wrong amen Paul is hitting people between the eyes with the gospel amen people who were in error he was taking the scripture and power amen was using the word of God to convince those that are listening of the supremacy of faith in Jesus Christ While others were boasting about what all they had experienced they had this Revelation and amen they had gone up amen and God showed me a vision and while you have people amen pushing Vision Paul was sticking with the scripture amen and while they were trying to ridicule it because he was so Doctrine heavy he comes back and he says to them listen amen I don't like to talk about that hey man by the divisions and Revelations amen or what you're holding to then I too have been there and I understand it but Paul said what I I don't want to do I don't want to come and just present to you amen visions and Revelation because anybody can say I've been to Heaven anybody can say the Lord spoke to me y'all got quiet you know that's one of the problems that everybody amen is talking about God spoke to me and said this and a lot of what they're saying now amen you cannot verify it you cannot validate it amen with the word of God but Paul is always very careful he meant to make sure that everything that he says everything that he does Amen lines up with the clearly stated doctrine of the word of our God and so he said I don't want to just get up and talk to you amen of that Revelation because anybody can say that and you've got a lot of people that want to look big amen they want to look more spiritual they want to look as if they're more connected to God Amen because every time you turn around honey I was caught up into the third heaven I I was hovering above the bed y'all insane and I was walking and I started levitating came and down the side well and now he remember using that to prove how holy or how connected they are to God but I love it because Paul said listen I can talk about that because even more than 14 years ago I was caught up into the third heaven he said the stuff I saw a pair amen I think so wonderful I can't even talk about it he said I saw when I heard things and amen that I can't even discuss with you he said but when I came down I realized that none of that really matters if the life that I'm living does not speak to the fact that I walk with God brothers and sisters it is more amen that these are Revelations it's born amen that dreams that you had you know you got people that are trying to push every dream off on you amen can I tell you some dreams ain't nothing but a drink look at y'all done that quiet amen people are trying to control your hundred and Lord show me a dream about you why I keep showing you y'all ain't saying that I wish I could preach here you got vote now amen they think that if God did show him a vision he showed it for them to go and tell people they meant for them to look big I saw a vision I had a dream last night you died and I set up disappointed on the man wants to die my question is did he show you for you to tell me what did he show you for you to pray he always saying nothing I'm gone y'all didn't that cry honey the Lord showed me there's a spirit in your house there's some going on a devil is walking your hallways and you got the nerve to come tell me that what in the world or he showed me there's a terrible demon walk in your house well then you come home with me because he showed you because obviously you can do something about it come get him out well you always saying nothing and you got vote now he man they'll try to use vision and they'll try to use Revelation he meant to try to coach you to follow them and post it that's what you're doing he said but you've got to realize amen that's a real man of God I too have experienced those things but that's not the mark of a band that works with God it is the way you live out your everyday life brothers and sisters you can quote scripture and put your tongue start glowing in the dark how can I tell you when you get through quoting scripture you're gonna have to walk right before man you're gonna have to live a holy I wish I could talk to somebody here don't tell me about your dreams and all of your Revelation if after you get through talking about it you still can't speak to your brother you still can't get along with the Saints the devil is a liar the Bible said if you love him that big cat then you want to love him that is begotten I wish I could get somebody to say man and [Applause] then that's what they think that's all a dream and a revelation is for prove that you gotta a greater walk than everybody else God showed me this and what do you say I can't tell you I had a had somebody call me when I was engaged to later Danielle call me on the phone and she said listen the Lord showed me some stuff about Danielle I said he did she thought he showed me some things about her and I said well what do they show you can't tell you can't tell you I don't want God to think I can't hold water I ain't gonna tell you but what you bring it up first look at y'all y'all ain't saying nothing and 24 years almost y'all ain't saying nothing I'm still trying to figure out what they saw y'all ain't talking to me I'm trying to tell you hey man this thing is more than about people bragging and posting about spiritual experiences can I tell you some brothers and sisters you don't even understand you've got people that think that kind of work and that kind of life amen comes and it's just so free amen there's nothing you gonna listen but can I tell you amen for the way God is using you and the way God is anointing you and the things that God is showing you you're gonna have to pay a coast for that oh God the church ain't saying nothing here cause you got something that just want to be powerful at God pay amen they just want to be high and mighty but the Devil is a Lie you don't realize Paul said because of the multitude of the Revelation that was given unto me Thorn In My Flesh I wish I could get somebody to look at your name and tell a neighbor a poem come with it I always said that I want to lay hands on the sick I want God to use me you don't know what you're asking for cause I'm gonna tell you a thorn comes with it you think you just gonna walk in liquid Glory The Devil Is Alive you're gonna have to pay for that annoying paper salvation was free but because of the greatness of how God is using you you gonna have to go through some stuff [Applause] Paul said lest I should be exalted above measure that's why I tell people you got to be careful about going around saying God I want you to use me like you're using sister so and son I want to preach like Bishop Lee and I want to preach like Bishop kill and I want the anointing you placed on his life and her life and how one of you look at you y'all you got to be careful because you don't know what people have to go through and honestly you don't know what they're in right now I wish I could preach to somebody here I heard a preacher preacher years ago and he said somebody came up through the prayer line and the answer they said listen I want God to give me your anointing I won't tell y'all get quiet I won't got to use but I can use it you and he said he thought it was just a prayer to pray and the preacher said I laid hands on it and when I started praying I pray that God would bless him to lose everything he has I pray that his mother gets sick Yahweh I wish I could preach him I pray that he has to spend nights at the hospital with family members probably Peter between life and death I pray that he goes through in his body I pray for the greatest trials to come upon him that seemingly is gonna break him in half ha he said while he was praying the man jumped back and said what are you talking about he said how did you think I got this anointing how did you think I got to this place you've got to realize a thorn is going to come with this lest I should be exalted about measure [Applause] you think you just gonna walk in that time to power [Applause] and look at what Paul says he said that was given unto me oh God I I wish I could find the Amen Corner y'all help me hurry up and get through it and unless I should be exalted above measure that was given unto me look at somebody and ask him who gave it oh God who holds the one-handed not these Thorns I wish I could preach for a minute here who's the one that allowed me to go through this stuff who is it that didn't keep me from these trials he said that was given unto me how Thorn In the Flesh Our God blessed I should be exalted above measure can I tell you the more God uses you the more he puts his hand onto you the more you're gonna have to go through because you cannot have a life of ease you can't have a life with no trial that's going to make a witch out of God and it's gonna make an arrogant child of God but the more God begins to use you the more God damn elevates you he's going to show you through the circumstances of your life that you didn't get to this place leaning on your own power you didn't get here by might you didn't get here by your own strip but you got your name and depending on the Lord I come to tell you God's gonna show you a finger too [Applause] God's getting ready to show you that the trials that you're facing thank you kind spirit although undesired unchosen they still work for you every one of us if we were to be honest today would say to God I didn't ask for this I didn't ask for this trial I didn't ask for this sword but you gave it to me anyway and some of us don't understand the thorn that God has given you you think it's God neglecting you because you're still in the middle of something you think that it's God he's been turning a death into your prayer I come to tell you God is always answering prayers are you always saying nothing here he's just no answer the way we want to all the time amen but you got to realize sons and daughters that there are some trials that you're going to go through that God is going to allow he's going to allow you to be there and even though it's not the trial of your choosing it's something that you've got to go through it's something in it that God is using to mold you and to shape you and you got to know that today amen what you're in as anointed as you are I come to tell you there's nobody so anointed that you ain't don't go through a trial I don't care how you lay hands on the sick you're not that anointed that you're never going to suffer you are not that anointed that the devil's not gonna Buffet you and you gotta expect this stuff to happen because that's just the devil and God's going to allow the enemy to sometimes put his hands on you but it's not to kill you and it's not to discourage you it's not to turn you away but God said I'm doing that I'm allowing it so that you won't get exalted above measure sometimes we think it's us doing that we preach so good sometime until we can call it the Gift of Gab and just being a word Smith but when you understand that I can't just preach I want to see God move I want to send back up as a word that you start to realize that it's not my love to speak I got to depend on God because sometimes when you're preaching say everybody else God's Gonna use you to preach to yourself look at y'all getting quiet and you think I'm faking it with yourself you can't talk big for yourself you gotta get down where the coach can get it you gotta go down there amen and talk reality to yourself I wish I could preach here cause even though you're laying hands on sick people and they can heal sometimes you're gonna travel your body and you better know that for the power that you're depending on it's greater than your own power you better realize that while you want to lay hands on everybody else you're gonna have to go through some stuff we want to cast out Devils we want to rebuke disease I don't nobody wanna go through but the devil is a liar you gotta know that a story comes with this [Applause] lest that should be exalted above measure the sometimes God is going to let you go as low as you thought you could possibly go oh but this is not to turn you away sons and daughters that's not what this episode is about look at somebody and tell them that's not what this episode is about he meant this is not to turn you away this is not to push you away from God look at what Paul said Paul said I prayed the God can I ask them three times to take this Stone away from me brothers and sisters can I tell you today there are some trials you don't want it and you're gonna pray but God is not going to pull you out of that look at y'all ain't and I don't care how you jump up seven times and turn all the way around and do all this stuff sometimes you're gonna have to sit in the middle of that Shrine until God works something out in you there were some trials you can't pray in a way look at somebody and tell them neighbor you just gotta into his head I tell them you just got to endure it there are some trials you won't get out of like why am I still praying about this stuff four years or later can I tell your brothers and sisters the reality of the matter is God's got to get you to the place where you stop seeing trials answer the front to his will for your life you've got to see that God is going to use the stuff you go through to build you and make something out of you I wish I could talk to somebody here you got to you're gonna have to go through the valley of the shadow of death before you realize that God is with you look at somebody close to you and tell them the neighbor I can go through the pilot of the shadow of death to know that I don't have the funeral because it was found that I found out that he's with me is there anybody here that knows that God is with me in my trials and anxiety in my heartache in my low times like a children got quiet you've got to learn this lesson that God is trying to teach her and I come to tell you that these trials May remain but there is always so my help that's coming to you can I tell you brothers and sisters as I hate them to get out of here that Paul said I pray three times to God I kept getting down on my knees and I kept talking the code and the only thing I kept hearing God tell me he didn't tell me that I got three days left he didn't tell me about this time three days from now everything's gonna be good but I heard I've heard I've heard God say that my grades it's sufficient for you I wish I had somebody that would look at your neighbor and tell them neighbors I hear God saying that his grace is sufficient for you it's amazing grace can I talk about it I said God's Amazing Grace you know that Grace that can look past and meet you at the point of your knee I wish I had somebody that would lead all your names God's grace it's sufficient to carry us through even though the trials remain there's a Grace that's always there let's go help you make it through this and that's what God is wanting us to know today that even though trials remain there's a Grace that's always is gonna be there that happened you don't understand it seems like I come to the edge of my strength and I can't make it another father that when you come down to the end of your strip look at somebody and tell them I wish I could preach him I got to hurry and get out of here but I come to tell you that when you come to the edge of your strip look out what do you mean I heard a speaker say it he said it years ago and he said sometimes life knock knock sit down he said but if you gotta go down make sure you land on your backpack cause if you can look up you can get up I wish I had somebody to the hill from what's coming my health I wish I could preach here I said all of myself it comes from the Lord look at that name and tell them he'll help you he's gonna help you he's gonna help you overcome it he's gonna help you endure it he's gonna help you to walk over it he's gonna help you in your marriage he's gonna help you in your case he's gonna help you with your children he's gonna help you on your child I'll let him say it my grace is sufficient for you I wish I could find somebody to lift your hands up the best friends you can give him now you shut up [Music] sometimes [Music] I feel like [Applause] [Music] I can't make it sometimes I feel like I don't have the strength to keep going but I wish I could find somebody that wasn't sick of me yet so look at your name and tell a neighbor just because I feel like I can't make it that don't mean I'm not gonna make it happen I just realized I can't make it in my own shrimp I need somebody that's able to walk with me to Hold Me Together I need somebody to be strong for me and I wish I had enough about 37 of you gotta look at three people and encourage their heart and tell them we'll be strong for you here help lift you up I heard you said that with my soul is he said marriage that's a Lifting for me somebody gotta know today not to cut you serve is able Bishop I can't take the time yes you can but I ah a I can do all things through Christ that stranded to me can overcome is happening I cannot last it past greater is he that's in me let me hear that symbol here foreign [Music] is made perfect in your weakness there's a lot of people glorifying God for the weakness [Music] but brothers and sisters there's a difference between glory and weakness [Applause] and glorifying the weakness you got people that's bragging about what they can do it's okay to be weak it's okay to act like that because God knows you just flesh but they didn't read it right he says the stuff you can't do on your own see let me let me say this to you the power of God has a goal to it it has an end in mind what is the goal of the power of God to be perfected in your work boy they don't got quiet now [Applause] the power of God wants to be perfected in your weakness you know what that says that says you've got to lean when you feel like you can't make it another step that's when you that's when you learn to lean up look at somebody tell them I learned to leave depend on Jesus he said I won't let you fall [Music] [Music] and can I tell you when you lean on him [Applause] that's a greater guarantee of victory that it is when you're standing up straight on your feet his strength is perfected when you lie that you can't do it without it foreign why am I here Bishop Mary tell me why am I still in this trial because you got to realize that the stuff you cannot do don't mean that it can't be done with man it is him but tell somebody not with God why because with [Applause] [Music] I ought to sit you down and read another scripture and preach another sermon because I just heard some in my spirit look at somebody tell them with god oh y'all ain't saying nothing the stuff I can't do by myself with God outside his strength is perfected [Music] what I realized that I'm at a place that I can't get myself through I'm in a situation I'm not smart enough I don't y'all ain't saying nothing here I'm not rich enough I can't think my way out of it I can't buy my way out of it but only thing I can do is depend on his grace and he said my grace is enough oh why are you praying and asking God to get you out of it the only thing God says to you my grace is enough oh they talk about that Amazing Grace that has brought us safely this Lord y'all ain't sinner they used to tell us if Grace brought us this far then that same Grace is going to lead us [Music] it's gonna lead us on but look at what happens to Paul stand to your feet I'm done sort of Paul said because of my phone get me out Lord do something about this Jesus a lot and he got up but Paul said I had to go back to him again Lord I Thank you for keeping me despite the thorn I I'm ready to come out of this now Paul said I got up and I I had to go right back to him and say Lord now Jesus this storm I got this it's a bit much for me and you you don't realize God said that's the reason why I hadn't gotten rid of that thorn yet cause it keeps you coming back to me [Music] it it it it keeps you depending on me y'all ain't that's going to teach you on your name it keeps you in my mouth [Music] and if it wasn't for your thorn a lot of us wouldn't pray like we pray if it worked for your son because when he talked to God but God's Got a Way [Music] of allowing even our thorns cause us to depend on his power if you could have got yourself out you would have by now but to understand how sufficient his grace is [Music] my grace [Music] my grace [Music] is enough sometimes we don't even understand it we we here so we hear it but we don't understand it and it's for he says my grace is enough whatever trial you find yourself in my grace [Music] is enough [Music] I'm done with this [Music] really [Music] you didn't understand that the purpose for his power [Music] the goal of his power is to be perfected and I looked that word weakness I've been incapacity it means not capable when you are not capable [Music] of dealing with this on your own God said I'll give you a measure of Grace through our heart is true I can't be the only one in here today I I can't be the only one that's that's ever been in that place what you felt constricted felt like you couldn't do it you just you couldn't move like you were between a rock and a hard place God comes in and [Music] he shows you that you can [Music] but not on your own if you depending on you I come to tell you you'd have already lost the race before you start running what if you can come to the point of understanding that even if the trial remains this grace is always present it's always there look at somebody to tell them I can do this I can I can do it I can do it can't do it on my own but I can do it yes I can cause he's gonna help me [Music] I keep telling you that's what God's grace really means it doesn't mean get out of jail free it means help that's what the grace of God means it means that God is giving you the help you need foreign look at him that's still coming [Music] his help is all that you need come on they're still coming come on come on somebody's here you don't know God in the pardon of your sin I want you to come on you're the risers I'm waiting for you to get here come on [Music] Hallelujah if you need the Holy Ghost come on come come his power is real come on somebody needs the power of God if that's you come this is your time come on going to church ain't enough you can have the real power of God young lady come on young man would you come Hallelujah they're coming come on come on look at him somebody give God praise I need your praying come on he's drawing him to this house come on thank you Lord that's still coming that's still coming brother Herman I can't take it I can't deal with this God has sent my grace is enough [Music] it's sufficient for you [Music] you don't have to give up you don't have to walk away you don't have to be overcome Grace is efficient and can I tell you it's available to you Paul said because I got his grace I can glory and mine infirmities I don't care what I go through I know that the heart of this trial the more impossible it looks [Music] that's the tower the grace of God is going to stand up in me [Music] and the wow will know [Music] that if it had not been the Lord on his side he couldn't have done this [Music] I was reading second chronicles 16-9 that the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout all the Earth to show himself strong on the behalf of those whose heart are perfected towards him isn't that something he's going to help you look at this look I I want you to remember this Isaiah 57 and 15. for thus saith the high and lofty one the one that inhabiteth eternity the one whose name is Holy hear what he says I dwell in the high and holy place with him also hear this sons and daughters that is of a contrite and humble spirit he said I will revive the spirit of the humble I will revive the heart of the those who are contrite though he sits in the high and holy place he's there to help those that are humble and contrite I'm trying to take his grace is enough his grace if your heart is perfected towards him he's waiting to show himself strong on your behalf yes there's enough come on if there's somebody else you got a couple seconds to get here come on come on come on somebody needs his grace today if you would you can come those of you at this altar come on there are they come come on look at him God is still touching he's still are you praying I said are you praying they're coming they're coming they're coming somebody's coming they're coming come on come on come on that's it my sister his grace is enough they're coming look at them they're still walking his grace is enough come on come on come on they're still coming [Applause] I know his promise to me I can endure because I know his promise there's a Grace that will always accompany me as I go through my trials those of you that's still coming those of you here you have to know that wherever you are his grace will accompany you if your heart is perfected towards him he's looking to show himself strong for you maybe there's somebody at this altar that wants to be saved you need God you need the baptism of the Holy Ghost would you lift your hands is that one come on come on God bless you come on come on if you need his power come on I'm ready to give him my whole life come on come on [Applause] come on Hallelujah hallelujah thank you Lord come on don't be ashamed this is this is the first step to the great things that God will rest on your life lift your hands those of you that are here God bless you I want you to talk to God and I want you to mean this from the bottom of your heart if you are serious with God God will be serious with you I want you to talk to him and just repeat you gotta put meaning with this open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done that wasn't like you ask him Lord come into my heart and deliver me from everything that wasn't pleasing in your sight ask him Lord baptize me with the Holy Ghost for you by the rest of my life come on now you've got to believe it come on believe it Elders would you pray with them believe me Hallelujah foreign [Music] name a tree Deliverance to take oh great Hallelujah that Amazing Grace yes Lord Hallelujah oh Grace oh yeah these Amazing Grace foreign [Music] it down Amazing Grace in the name of Jesus it's sufficient for me sweet Grace great well [Applause] pray to God sweet Grace thank you Jesus then it hurt me foreign [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] your hands Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Grace [Music] is sufficient God bless you take your sweet momentarily [Music] look at somebody tell them I may not know how I may not know what don't know when don't know where but tell them but I know who can't be for us [Laughter] [Music] somebody shot God's grace Hallelujah it brought us safely this far [Applause] some of you thought it was over yesterday but you're still here and if Grace brought you this far I'm trying to tell you this ain't the first time you thought it was over this ain't the first time you thought it was over but never told you that before but God brought you out and I did he did it back then that same God it's gonna pull y'all to what you're in right now Hallelujah somebody ought to lift your hands and give him how my God tell somebody I've been here before I've been to the edge of my strength before I've been back into a corner before but the God keeps making wax oh man all of them [Applause] foreign thank you Jesus I've been here before I said I've been here before I go that's when I needed it stopped in and gave me his grace gave me another Touch of strength when I felt like I couldn't go on depends on Jesus still carrying me through I said he'll Carry Me oh Lord have mercy on it [Music] foreign lift your hands up and just say thank you thank God for Grace foreign [Music] [Music] oh you gotta remember those times [Music] I told him the other night we've been there times when we didn't have everything we wanted but God always Made A Way [Music] you remember when your sandwiches didn't even have meat on them [Music] butter sandwiches look at y'all ain't sending syrup sandwiches sugar sandwiches didn't even toast the bread just put butt on his sprinkle sugar put them together [Music] oh yeah oh you've been there before don't act like you ain't [Music] there they told me in necessity it's the mother of invention making syrup out of Grease y'all ain't saying nothing you remember that time your Grandmama used to watch her fall off and use it again she saved bacon grease in a coffee can yeah y'all ain't saying nothing you didn't have no steak you fried bologna until it bubbled up in the middle y'all don't know nothing about that guy and what what did you do when it bubbled up before that's how I know his grace is enough because if it brought me through those times what I mean now is no problem but my God it's a fiction y'all sit down yeah foreign [Music] [Music] hey hey [Music] I got a feeling yeah everything's gonna be hard go ahead and praise Him mother Praise Him [Music] cow oh my God [Music] [Music] everything that's a yes sound gonna be all right y'all take your seat for a moment here foreign [Music] [Music] watch it watch it foreign [Music] bye [Music] woman go ahead and patience thank you thank you thank you we wonder ah Jesus thank you Jesus [Music] foreign foreign [Music] this brother Maurice is coming becoming a memo today say the Lord saved him and filled it with the Holy Ghost Hallelujah my sister stand to your feet and give us your name and tell us what the Lord has done for you glory shepherd He fill me with the Holy Ghost and renewed my mind Hallelujah and me and my family are gonna join today wonderful [Music] Hallelujah my brother give us your name and tell us what God has done for you my name is Derek Peterson and my Christian experience I've been saved all my life I've been visiting Full Gospel for about 15 years God say it's time so obedience is better than sacrifice [Music] God bless you my brother give us your name and tell us what God has done for you my name is we commit my life to Christ and name of Jesus become a member today [Music] my sister give us your name and tell us what God has done for you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and she's becoming a member parents remember the youth product action Christmas meeting down front in the middle meet sister now you should thank you thank God today for my September graduates brother Elijah Brown Joshua Brown Malachi brown Tanya Brown Natasha Hill Sean Weisner Jaden Wisner Kim Gates Diamond boy Sherry Bush Derwood Bush Kim Montgomery if just hold your hand up these are all about amen new members amen that have gone through them new member courses thank God for each and every one of them and today God saved five and baptized nine with the Holy Ghost can you give God praise I want you to know today his grace is enough it's sufficient to carry it through let us stand our feet father we thank you for this service but how you move by your power and your spirit thank you for every song everything that went forth to your glory and to your honor but most of all for your word that always comes to challenge and change us father I pray that as we leave this place but never from your presence that you would go with us and lead us guide us and direct us as we travel over the highways rebuking the accident demon at every turn bring us back at the appointed time and on time with our mindset to lift you in the beauty of Holiness and we'll be very careful to give your name praise glory and all the honor it belongs to you and nobody but you if you're glad about it lift your hands and give God the best praise we'll see [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 14,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 15sec (8595 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2022
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