FGHT Dallas: Even So, Come, Lord Jesus

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the man [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] hallelujah if you're gonna lift your head crazy it means you gotta say something wonderful to the loan or come on that's it hey Jesus don't shortchange the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so if it regimes we got a right to praise if you don't know what else to say just throw your head back and shout out what a great night that we bless him thank God amen for the fellowship of the believers think of everything that the Lord has done in our midst tonight let's think of every testimony we heard God's delivering power amen his faithfulness to those that are faithful thank God my sister relevant tonight come on praise the Lord for her maybe it wasn't your night to testify and it wasn't your turn to say something by way of the word but there's something you can do why don't you take a moment go shake somebody's hand look somebody tell them you love them tonight [Music] that's it come on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I should take you seated the presence of the Lord hallelujah your way they don't tell somebody I love you and I'm praying for you a man thank God for the Fellowship of the believer I'm glad to be here tonight anybody glad to be in the house of the Lord one more time a man you ought to be glad because it didn't have to be this way you know a man you could have been in jail but you in church yeah it could have been on other side of the world where the bombs are falling people don't have peace and then leaving their homes trying to find a safe place to live but look at you God's been good to you even if you don't praise him like you should it don't change the fact God's been good to you brought us on from such a mighty long way and I praise him tonight and I'm just so so glad to be here I know you had a great time on the weekend a man I know later Danielle preached a band Sunday morning here I got calls about it this and if she never preached again and I hope she will she preached this time man that she does every time and I tell you and I I'm so grateful that God is the kind of golf that can move everywhere Amen we went garland a mint this Sunday morning me man leader Danielle and I just switched this weekend he meant she needed to be here a man to rally support and I went over to the garlotte location a man this past Sunday morning and I tell you we had a great great time in the Lord the Lord saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost a man just like we asked him to do a man and he's just faithful like that and we're here tonight a man and listen it I was on the way from out of town this evening and I was on the phone with pastor Dean but said we thank God for pastor Dean was being here with us tonight even as a matter of fact this Friday night at 7:30 at the garland location he meant we're doing the launch service he meant we're doing the service amen in honor of the official beginning of the garland for gospel holy temple number two a man pastor William Dimas and so amen that's Friday and we were talking today and I told him you know coming down to the end of of this series you know we've been here I think it's been something like 10 weeks so it's been a while you know when we get through with this the Word of God is always in order amen but we have certainly at least I have enjoyed our time amen in the book of Revelation and and it's it's it's it's a man down on to the wine now Amen we're in the final chapter tonight and we'll give you what the Lord has given to us look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord and Telamon I am a lover of the Word of God I love mine and I broke mine you got yours come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of how God he meant what arrestee our Bibles I guess y'all so used to us just moving on yo he is it that you didn't hold it up or you didn't bring it now wait a minute we knew we were coming to church tonight didn't we are we Bible readings Bible believing where you ought to be Bible carrying - and listen don't come back to church without your Bibles are y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you where the pastor told me I can't come back to church that ain't what he said he said you can't come back without your Bible this ain't the time to take nobody's word for what God is saying not when I trust your possible thank God I tried to carry myself in a manner that makes me trustworthy but you can't take nobody's word for what God is saying amen so now the rest of y'all don't don't do that no mama make you stand up and take your names and check your Bible next week make sure you got it revelation the 22nd chapter or we've come a long way revelation the 22nd chapter me man and I want to call your attention to the 12th through the 20th verse is amen and if you don't if you're here tonight and the reason you don't have a Bible is because you just don't have one is anybody here just don't have a Bible you you anybody else just don't have a Bible we're all right every day alright alright well you can listen cuz feet come back hearing somebody don't go and and tell them yes brother Williams get get my sister here Bible that's from me to you I want you to to follow a man a man that just told me the rest of you just didn't bring yours amen revelation 22 verses 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 and 20 and when you have it's say a man read what the Bible says and behold and behold I come quickly I come quickly and my reward Jesus said and my reward is with me is with me uh-huh to give every man according as his work shall be he said I'm going to give to every man according as his work shall be that means that he really is concerned about what we do he's going to reward us he said according as I will works shall be Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end ha ha the first and the last first and the last read blessed are they that do His commandments that they may have right to the Tree of Life that they may have right to the Tree of Life and may enter in through the gates into the city enter in through the gates into the city Reed for without outside dogs or evil people that's the word the use of the scribe those that are evil people he says for outside of the city outside of the gates or evil people listen there don't let no matter food you there steal some but that ain't going to help young get quiet amen there are still some people and he's opening up his arms and said whosoever will let him come but at the same time while he's giving the invitation we must all be aware of the fact that there are still people that will not make it to heaven he's not within that innocent parish but wants everybody to come to eternal life but it doesn't say is the fact that there are still people that will not make it to heaven and so he says outside anybody that's not in the city a man is not supposed to be here outside a man of the city are dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and whosoever love it and make it and make it a lot Lari I Jesus have sent mine angel uh-huh testify unto you these things in the churches I am the root I am the Rudy says and the offspring of David AHA and the bright and Morning Star II and the spirit of the bride the spirit the Holy Ghost and the bride the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in this in this sum the spirit and the bride says come with the spirit inspires the body utter it's almost like when you're filled with the Holy Ghost you speak you other but it's as the spirit y'all get quiet here you're going to speak but as as the Spirit of God gives the utterance it's a partnership he's just not going to throw you down no it's a partnership when he inspires we must speak and so he says now the spirit and the brought together say come breathe and let him that hear it let him hear it mister heareth say come say come and let him that is athirst he that is athirst come let him come and whosoever will and this is for everybody and he's saying now you don't have to be excluded whosoever will that means you and you and you and you and anybody that has a desire in the matter that has a wheel he meant to come after the Lord who said whosoever is athirst free let him take the water let him take the water of life freely of the life of life freely breathe for I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book If any man shall add unto these things and a man shall add unto these things God shall add unto Him the plagues that are written in this book 3 and if any man shall take away from the words of the book if anybody shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the holy city from the things which are written in this book he would testify these things said he which testified speaking of Jesus now he testified these things saying surely I come quickly I come quickly ha ha amen amen even so come Lord and the response is Amen even so come Lord Jesus somebody lift your hands and just say even so come Lord Jesus that's what I want to talk about tonight even so a man just what you said even so according to the words that you have just spoken but Lord Jesus you you said you were coming quickly a man I co-signed it is so and even so as you have declared come Lord Jesus clap your hands and give God some praise everybody in the house of the Lord than tonight brothers we remember John crying in anguish at the beginning amen of our journey through the book of the revelation of Jesus Christ he cried because he came to a place where it seemed as if they could find nobody that was worthy to open the book after he had been promised such a great revelation promised that he would be shown the things that will shortly come to pass came a point where they searched and they sought someone who was worthy to open up the book and they couldn't find anybody and John began to cry out because it seemed as if this great revelation would not be his to have but if they found one that was worthy and that was the Lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world and now we come to the end of the book and child amen is describing what it is that he has seen he a man has been so blessed and so honored and that after one was found worthy to open the seals amen and declare the contents of the book God now has a loud shine to see a greater revelation that anybody had ever seen up to this point it is now a meant in the 22nd chapter where we find John after John a man had seen the destruction of the world he had seen evil even incarnate he seen a member judgment of the beast now he has seen the judgment of the false prophet he has seen a member judgment and the confining of seeded in the lake of fire 21st chapter it's now in the midst of a vision that a celestial city that we know as New Jerusalem he takes us in the 21st chapter Amen and he talks to us about what a beautiful place heaven is he talks to us amen about hey man those streets that'll go he talks to us amen about the foundations are in the city he talks about the gates that a one big pearl he met in the city that is built for a square when you look at chapter number 22 as we began he meant to wind up this final installment he meant in the book of Revelation we see the 22nd chapter it's about to bring this vision to its consummation John now begins the 22nd chapter in the midst of what he was talking about in the 21st chapter happened amen and that beautiful city that we call New Jerusalem and John is now a man still receiving revelation from one of the angels that poured out of the vials a man of the Last Judgement Amen that God brought upon at this world so chapter 22 is a continuation of what the angel says to John in Chapter number 21 amen he sees that New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven as a bride does when she is adorned for her husband as we hasten tonight he declares a man that in this beautiful city if you would go to verse number one let's read hey man the 22nd chapter he talks now what at all he sees in this beautiful city he talks a man what does he say verse number one and he shows he showed who is he the angel that spoke with him aha me a pure river showed me a pure river of water of life and it was containing the water of life this now is the river of life clear as crystal clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God proceeding out of the throne of our Qadri end of the land and of the lamb in the midst of the street of its and the midst of the street of it and on either side of the river and on either side of the river was there the tree of life was fat here it is now the tree of life which bare twelve manner of fruits haha and yielded her fruit every other to have fruit every month and the leaves of the tree and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation for the healing of the nations now John says when I look I saw issuing out of the throne of God a river he said this is no ordinary river but this now is the River of Life this this issue's from the throne of God and of the Lamb that we know that anytime a man we want to know if I please you know me just in another Rover I guess up to Mars to spy out the land and looking amen no doubtful living organisms and one thing that they always declare is that if you can find water water means that there is also life contained in that atmosphere water equals life or y'all hearing me and they always talk if this world is destroyed amen is there another world and we could possibly get to they supposedly found one not long ago that resembles the earth and what they look for they look for the presence of water because that means that is life-sustaining when you talk about heaven John says I saw in the vision that there was a river that issued and here this issued forth out of the throne of God and of the Lamb brothers and sisters this is because issues are flows to the goodness of God there is a river flows out of the city it flows through the it flows through everything that we enjoy that we receive comes is issued from God and he says in the heaven he said listen is the fountain again which is the paradise of our brothers and sisters I want you to see it now when God is going to bring us to flow to us us take frame the Tree of Life the Bible said that this tree now there's 12 matter of through 12 matter of fruit amen but it also I was in the world look at what he says in verse number three he says and there shall be no purse in other words what he's going to do now he is going to reverse the curse and do away with him Amen that same purse that we experience as a result of Adam's sin now is calling that to be taken away he's giving us some kind of promises here sons and daughters Amen that will be a tree of leaves on the tree for the healing of the nation will be no purses get me Zeke your forty seven and twelve because even as far back as the Old Testament we see amen prophetic pipes of the river hand of the Tree of Life this is something that he has promised to us and even in Ezekiel 48 seven amen and 12 even though he's talking about a natural River amen it gives us an indication of God's will and of his purposes because if God can bring them out this type of miracle and blessing and favor in the world amen he's also going to bring about a man that scribal incalculable amen blessing and benefit when we get on the other side is if you're 47 and 12 read what the Bible says and by the river by the river upon the bank there are three on this side and on that side shall grow all trees for me to grow all trees for me whose leaf shall not fade ha ha neither shall the fruit there I'll be consumed me it shall bring forth new fruits it shall bring forth new fruit according to his month breathe because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary I had the fruit thereof shall be for meat time to leave there off for medicine you've got to know that God now amen is going to heal everything Amen that plagued humanity and verse three says that there shall be no more curse brothers and sisters that means that every peril every kill every malady every evil consequence that comes with being outside of the will of God is going to be over your show got quad he meant everything that is contrary to us is absolutely going to be over when we get there we won't have to worry that is going to be behind us it's over now he says that shall be no more curse and as a result of the curse we see all that happen to this world when we see all of this convention hall of this division that comes as a result of the curse when we see all of this sickness all of these diseases and you know they still coming up with stuff we thought we don't see them as sickness we could possibly see but they're still discovering strains and Oh God [Music] [Music] [Music] it is because that is the place [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] quite here and it says not only will he give us life but we shall reign with him now with everybody that was a whoremonger a liar a thief he father odds people in the lake who we go rain over does that mean record person don't be in the lake and I dare you to get out there and try to tell me what to do but when he says we shall rain what is telling us is that we should all be royal afferent one of listen and this is good news for people who other folks over you and with nothing see down here people in the past you look over you that talk about you but when you get a pass you will be royal like you got a symptom yeah now I said when you get up there Bible said will reign as kings and priests in that city now let's hasten look at what he says now he says that these sayings are faithful and true and the Lord God of the Holy Prophets cities angel John to show you the things which must shortly be done so here we go again John receives confirmation these things have not already happened these are the things that will shortly be done this is actually going to happen and John this is just a mental part of the blessing the revelation that God bestowed on you you get a chance to see what God is getting ready to do and look at what he's Jesus says hold and he said is coming quickly the fingers UK reckon time the way God reckons that the Bible says that people with mark in the latter times and see where is this promise of his coming for since our fathers hey don't wait on the Lord Lord but once it takes a look get you some burial insurance but why you waiting on the Undertaker you better be looking out for the hopper taker because he said I'm coming quick and he said all of us mostly not all of us everybody go by the grave quickly keeps the same of the prophecy prophecy he's trying to let you know don't allow people to fool you and think this is just an expression this is just a simple no he said this is a prophecy something will take place and I John saw these things and heard them and when I had heard and she helped out to worship before the feet of the angel which showed me these things John said it was so great it was so awesome that when I heard it and I saw it it was so reverent that I fell down and I worship before the feet no he didn't he worshiped the angel it said he worshipped before the feet of the angel but you see even that was something that the angel could not allow he says see now do it not for I am your fellow servant and of that brethren the prophets and of them which keep the sayings of this book and look at what he says he says just worship God amen you see great things John you you've seen the end of the world you've seen the rebirth you've seen New Jerusalem coming down and John said when I consider what I had just experienced I felt powered and it caused me to worship but the angel said don't do that look at what he says and he said unto me this now he says John don't seal up the sayings of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand when you look at what is that Ezekiel no that's Daniel Daniel is at eight or twelve and four then you're twelve and four Daniel says but now o Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end but now the angel says to John don't seal this book Daniel had a long ways to go he said but now what you have seen leave it open I this this is for production don't don't seal this produce this get the word out and let them know this is the time of the end and hear what he says for the time is at hand brothers and sisters I want you to know now that the time is and here when you see Matthew the 24th chapter we talked about it he asks on what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the age he asked two questions and Jesus said I'll give you signs and you see these things come to pass look at all of those things coming this [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] yeah [Music] you better get it together get it together now he said I'm going to watch I put it to you wax that means he's watching what you're doing now he's listening to what you saying right now he's watching your activity right now and he says for everything that you do there's a reward for it even though secret boy you don't get quiet even those secret things that we don't think nobody sees that don't nobody know about - Shh my reward is going to be with me he said I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I'm the first and I am the last and look at what John says he says blessed are they which do his commandments that he may have a right to the Tree of Life and he may enter in through the gates of the city and I come to tell you don't come through the gates you ain't climbing in the window if you don't come through the gate you ain't gonna be there he said that's a blessedness and being able to walk into the gates of the city and he reminds us once again that just because heaven is a beautiful place don't mean everybody's going there give me revelation 21:8 he gives us a list in Revelations the 21st chapter he comes back in Revelation the 22nd chapter and he keeps telling us keep reminding us that everybody is not gonna walk in New Jerusalem like John can I say this everybody to go to church won't walk in New Jerusalem everybody that's seeing in the Gua walking nude everybody that wear collars and hold microphones they won't walk in New Jerusalem not everybody read revelations 21:8 but the fearful the fearful and unbelieving the unbelieving and the abominable the abominable and murderers murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers sorcerers and idolaters that's da litter and all Liars shall have their part shall have their part in the lake in the light which burn it with fire and brimstone I just there is no real hell there's no no literal but come on now you want to go to literal heaven but then you're gonna tell me there's no literal hell it's got to be somewhere for wicked people to go gotta be I'm told you the wicked people in heaven heaven a heaven happen to be hell he said there was a lake death in Hell will be thrown into the lake of fire and all of these people will not walk the streets of New Jerusalem then he comes back in the 12th the twittered 2nd chapter and he says for without these people who can't come in this city he said a dogs that's that I'm gonna sound like insult the injury they outside the gate they burn it in the leg and he said a dog's which means they're evil people evil workers people who loved iniquity and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers idolaters and whosoever loveth and make it a lie I listen to people preached now that God don't care about this and God don't care about that and you see the mass is flocking in that direction I mean people who grew up with the truth of the word of God are now just it's like they're losing their natural mind and they have honestly convinced themselves but they can do anything and still be all right with God they disguise the truth and and and they hate truth tell us but he said the surest way for you to miss heaven is to love or make a lie that means not only people who read this word and still go contrary to it because somebody's saying this but God go come after those preachers that made the life y'all get as quiet as you want cuz you got people now they'll leave a church that's preaching the truth and go somewhere just because who said I love the way they praise the Lord then over they shout and you know they roam the past is a man his wife was a man I know where you have a pastor and a First Gentleman oh but I went in and I'm telling you how the praise was so thick so is the flames it doesn't matter because people that grew up in truth by turning and except the neck and he said listen it's not only those that made the light but those that loved it so God's going to clean up and that's the problem now everybody that go to church and going to heaven listen it takes the truth in order to make you free so it tells us again there's some people that's not going to heaven they can't go up there and then Jesus said I Jesus have sent mine angel to catch the pie unto you these things in the churches have the root of the offspring of David I am the bride and the morning star had been he said the spirit and the bride say come the spirit and the pride says it's more than just the preacher more than just the church it's the Holy Ghost the preacher the spirit it's the Holy Ghost and so so it was just the word of the preacher that had you almost want to know what you felt was the convicting and the drawing power of the Holy Ghost it is the spirit and the bride because in the final chapter of the Bible he's still said I don't want you to miss this come on the spirit and the bride is saying come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is athirst come and hear this whosoever will let him take up the water of life freely that means that this is an open invitation for you and you and you and whosoever will let him come and drink of the water of life freely listen you don't have to be lost you don't have to give yourself over to that I told you I had a great friend but when I was growing up and I remember one night there and we were just I was standing over his house and in the middle of the night he was over in his bed and I was over in my bed and he just let out in the middle of the night you know I know when Jesus comes I'm gonna be left behind and I told him I wanted to call my mom until a little get over here now and get me and you got a whole lot of people maybe somebody's here tonight you're not saved and you have believed that lie he didn't told me what's gonna happen after the rapture so now I got a road map and I can I can probably work my way through for seven the spirit and the bride is saying come whosoever will let him come and drink of the water of life freely listen you can be saved and there's some people they've already resigned themselves to missing the rapture and I know it's gonna catch me I know I'm not gonna be right when it happens and I'm already ready to deal with the consequences no you're not that's the reason why the spirit is telling you to come now he knows what you don't know and he said come on now you can do this you don't have to wait you don't have to be laughs the spirit and the bride is saying come on you can you can drink free me you can know tonight that you're ready to go with him when it comes some matter tonight don't even have that kind of assurance and somebody tonight the enemy has convinced you that this ain't all it's cracked up to be I was changing the channel a few years ago and I was looking at the channel guide I couldn't find and I kept scrolling and kept scrolling and there was a I guess it was a movie I didn't look at it I just saw the title on the screen and it says hope they serve beer inhale and I said these days they really don't understand what what missing heaven is all about and all my friends gonna be down there gonna be no party just cuz all day out at and and I was I was talking to Pastor Dimas and and and he made a statement and it it made perfect sense he said even the demon said they didn't want to go to hell even the demons don't tell me before time to please don't send me down but you got people who gonna take a chance and think that hell is something to play with when demons don't even want to go down the spirit and the bride is saying you can come and drink of the water of life and you can do it freely it don't cost you nothing but the sin in your life to come and look at what he says for I testify unto every man that heareth these words of the prophecy of this book he keeps calling it a prophecy If any man shall add unto these things God shall add unto Him the plagues that are written in this book we have heard some things in this book and he says if you tamper with this sacred text if you water it down you try to change the meaning of it he said I had to you the plagues that are written in his book and and there's nothing here to keep you up at night but he said I'll add that to you personally for tampering with such a sacred text this is a text that sending warning this is a revelation this is a text that's trying to call men and women back to the knowledge of the one true God and he says you mess with this I'll add to you the plagues that are written in this book and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy God shall take away his part out of the book of life God said don't play with this don't water this down don't take away from it don't don't try to decrease its importance because if you take from this book he said I'll take your name out of the book of life and we know that whosoever was not found written in the book was cast into the lake of you will end up in hell if you discount or tried to discredit the words that are written in this book and out of the holy city and out of the things from the things that are written in this book he which testified these things Jesus says finally you look verse 12 he says behold I come quickly consummation he says in verse 20 surely surely that means there is no doubt surely there's no way this is not going to happen surely you know you can stake your life on it surely quickly John says in response to the words of the Christ amen it is so Ben he says what you said you said behold I come quickly now you say surely I come quickly amen according to what you have said even so come Lord Jesus you said quickly John says I can't wait hasten the day when your will shall be done bring to pass the words that are written in the prophecy of this book even South Lord do what you said you were going to do John is praising the fact that God's reckoning of sin and his reward of the believer comes quickly and the Saints all over the world are looking for what we call that blessed hope even so come Lord Jesus this is the hope of every believer this is the end of the book this is the final chapter this is how it all ends it all comes down two kids when he comes at you filthy you'll be filthy still if you're righteous let me write just steal but he says John don't steal this one Daniel sealed here's you don't have time to seal yours because this is coming quick let him that keepeth the commandments of this book be blessed for his obedience and his adherence to the words written therein even so as you have declared come Lord Jesus stand to your feet in the air we win sometimes if you reading a book and you tire of the suspense I have been guilty I'll flip it to the back of the book read the last chapter because you can miss me with all the drama in the middle I just want to know did he die did he make it at the collar did they get married what happened the end of the book tells you whether everything you read from the first to the last was really worth it sometimes you're disappointed by the end they could have did better than at it you see sometimes the middle there's a whole lot better than the ending and you actually put that at the end just a lackluster conclusion but when you read the end of this story it is terrifyingly exciting because you see how far God is willing to go to put sin down but you also see how gracious he is to the believers that endured and made it through to the other side having read the last book in this Bible I'm convinced living holy it's worth it I am convinced that everything that I thought was so hard really pales in comparison and from people who say stuff like when I got saved that's when I started going through no you were going through before you got saved the devil just didn't tell you he made it fun you had that but you even know how close you were to dying give me another shot give me another shot you don't even know three more shots and you out of here he was killing you and you were laughing he was about to destroy your life and you enjoyed it but what this says to me as a believer is that if you think is hard living with God don't try living without him I want to be with him that's why when he appears in the air go up to meet him there New Jerusalem the city from that day forward shall be named the Lord is there and I think sometimes about all those people that we know that on the other side you know and I say this a lot of times at home going services we see people laying there across the front of the church and then we say stuff like they written the piece but do we stop the thing they really are somewhere else and one day all the saints of the ages are going to get together we'll have eternity to worship God and because he's an eternal God there'll always be something for I will just be up there playing harps and just saying Hosanna all day listen he'll have a whole lot less to do up there but I think about the fellowship that we enjoy down here and I think about and sometimes it's so quick we gotta move on from people know they pass away we left here one day we'll all come back together and the good thing is we recognize each other up there y'all can stop by my mansion sometimes or stay long we'll fellowship and to talk to Paul and Silas and Elijah and Jeremiah and we talked about how we made it over the things that they in do it being Solon has been killed being quartered some of the Saints we don't have those testimonies but he tells us to n do it to the end if they could survive the trials that they went through if they could hold their testimonies don't you allow anything to turn you around how you gonna get the heaven and trading stories and they said almond or me oh I came early I was only about 32 they cut my head off because I wouldn't do that Christ and then you get up there where I didn't come back the church because they was looking at me and the pastor was talking and when he talked he kind of looked at me and I thought he was trying to be funny so I just left so they died and in heaven because they were faithful but you gonna be there y'all getting quiet leaving your church because the devil running you and I don't care if you ran to this church that's the one you really supposed to be leaving churches and and backsliding going home and sitting down because your friend got offended cuz the past they had to rebuke them and now you can't live holy but you gonna get up there with people who were sawn and half and what kind of testimony you got he said be thou faithful unto death and I'll give you a crown of life Saints we got somewhere to go we got a goal to meet we got a charge to keep and we have a God to glorify the spirit and the bride say come somebody here tonight may not be saved the invitation is still extended to you who so ever that means he's not gonna make you go if it's something you wanna do whosoever will let him come come on if there's somebody here tonight that's not saved you don't know the Lord and the parting of your sin I want you to come tonight I want you to walk that out and make your way to this altar if there's another come on gotta get it together don't see that heaven is such a beautiful place but in order to get there you don't have to live holy follow peace with all men and holiness without which no man shall see the moon you can come tonight come on there's another come if you need the Holy Ghost come on come on if you're sick in your body you need somebody to pray with you come on hallelujah thank you lord thank you Jesus Oh hallelujah hallo yeah come on that's it wanna be where you are water me [Music] come on that's it believe it [Music] come on somebody just beat the get ready [Music] behold I come quickly [Music] yes ma'am [Music] or lift those hands and praise the Lord everybody macking wannabe gotta be you wanna be where where you gotta me [Music] wannabe where you are [Music] oh well you gotta be way you who are with those hands in praise hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] hallelujah god bless you take you see if you can these are the things that must shortly come to pass pray that you able to escape these things that must take place keep living right keep walking up the king's highway don't you let nothing at nobody turn you around that's a matter tell them I came over here to stay
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 13,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: LAgU3r_I3bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 22sec (5842 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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