FGHT Dallas: Living A Life of Integrity

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[Music] you're in [Music] [Music] Jory's [Music] I'm real good about it [Music] right [Music] [Music] you're either [Music] sorry one more time is it praise somebody amen God is a great car and we praise Him god bless you take your seat if you can a man what a fellowship what a joy divine glad to be in the house of the Lord one more time glad to be where the Saints are a man's no please I'd rather be that in the house of the Lord even pries it the God of my salvation and I thank God for the privilege of being saved oh I think about the honor a man of being called to serve Him I tell you it is a great great honor as a matter of fact it's the greatest honor of our lives he meant to be called out of darkness into his marvelous light and to be able to serve Him in sincerity and in truth and I think God for every one of you amen I thank God for you and I celebrate the Lord amen for the goodness that he has shown in your life not just mine he's been good to all of us and I'm just so grateful amen to be able to come and see and hear and experience he meant just how good god has been to you and I think out for those that are watching amen those that always tune in when we're lying would you clap your hands for them amen all come on let's appreciate the Lord for them amen they're people that that have never been here he-man but they watch and they pray for us and they worship with us Amen I got a chance the other day a friend of mine have called me somebody I've never met myself but he called me and he talked to me about a good friend of his name brother Joel and he said brother Joel watches apostle Marie all the time every day's watching and brother Joel is sick and and as his sickness progressed he told him I thought I would have been able to meet brother Herman on this side before I left for the other side and and when I landed Saturday afternoon honestly and I'd already told brother Chad I said maybe Monday we'll have to fly to Kentucky so I can go in and see brother Joe and I got a call when I landed that his condition had worsened and then it didn't look like brother Joe would be around too much longer but I got a chance to call his wife and speak to her and she said he's listening to you had a chance to speak to brother Joe Saturday afternoon a man and I appreciate that and I told his wife sister Michelle it's always a great thing when we hear from we haven't seen them never met him in the flesh but they watch and they art in service with us and they they call people Bishop Miller told me he called him over to the house sometimes and say hey come over he said what you got going he said nothing my wife is fine fishing we don't watch it brother Herman and he didn't fight people to come over and fry fish and watch brother Herman and so I never ever want to take for granted those that watch and those that are standing with us and praying with us amen that believe in what we preach that believe in what's going on here in four gospel holy temple Amen I hadn't got a chance to talk to brother Joe's family since Saturday so I don't know what's going on right now but in case they're watching can you clap your hands and thank God a man for brother Joe sister Michelle and the family and let them know that we love them amen and that we are I'm certainly praying with them look at somebody and tell them NEMA there is a word from the Lord he won't tell somebody and I am a lover of the Word of God I love mine and I broke mine you got yours come on hold that power thank God because everything else is going down but what everything but the word of our God if you know a friend of mine sent me an article I believe it was yesterday I believe it was from charisma magazine and it talked about why preachers now need to go back to preaching holiness I said well there's something and finally figured it out that holiness is still right a man you can't go nowhere else a man you came straight and expect a man to receive the fullness that God has to offer but I think God a man that he gave us this word and this word is strong enough a man in which we can build our whole lives proverbs is gonna be tonight proverbs the eleventh chapter the third verse proverbs the 19th chapter and the first verse proverbs the twentieth chapter and the seventh verse Joel the 27th chapter and the fifth verse y'all gonna coordinate that over there with much a man proverbs 11 and 3 proverbs 19 and 1 proverbs 20 and 7 and then Joe but 27 and 5 we need to make another pass all right proverbs 11 3 when you have it's a man read what the Bible says the integrity of the upright shall guide them shall guide them it means something to live a life of integrity integrity of the upright shall guide them when you have integrity it informs your actions decisions that you make everything that you do when you're a person of integrity is informed by integrity breathe what's the perverseness the way witness of transgressors aha shall destroy them you don't have integrity if you one that is that to go out the perverse ways he says that way of living will destroy you the integrity of the upright shall guide them but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them chapter 19 verse number 1 better is the poor better is the poor walk it in his integrity that walks in his integrity then he that is perverse then he that is perverse in his lips uh-huh and is a fool and is a fool integrity is worth you got some people that are rich but don't you ask him how they made that money you got people whose children on private schools live in gated communities but you you better not ask him how they honey honey earn that money but he said Amen Canada is the poorer that walks in his integrity then he that is perverse in his lips and is chapter 20 verse 7 the just man the just man walketh in his integrity his children his children according to the scriptures living will even positively impact your children oh they learn by watching you but what are they learning by watching you amen you see all these little crooks running around is because they've been looking at some big crooks amen integrity amen will cause your children to be blessed after you with you live that pleases God the kind of disciplined life that God is calling for now he met you said an example for your children y'all can get quiet tonight amen we need more positive examples now because people are showing young people understand I was I was in service she said I was preaching all the young people preaching the Word of God is all about we would start to do the things that please the Lord but anybody come to the house of God and shout Sunday and son into the flow of his power in the house there are no salutes you can see right and wrong what you can see is that this this behavior is inappropriate and this is a more appropriate behavior but you can't say that it's right and that it's wrong but do you know that integrity payment bills itself the fact that there is an absolute right or wrong it is me standing with what I know pleases God I'm okay from the point of view as a child of God now you know people ask the question would Jesus do this question every day and we ask what what you know that's why questions are so powerful because you don't even have to verbalize the answer but the fact that someone asked you means that in your mind you've already had to contemplate what is a proper response if I asked you what color shoes do you have on right now you'd say nothing but I know your mind went there because questions have a way of causing your mind to confront reality and when they asked what would Jesus do it was a reminder that we are his representatives he meant that's what it reminds herself that we are the representatives of the Lord he meant he told the disciples I've got to go away but when I go away when I did while I was here is what I want you to do when I'm gone because you it doesn't matter and so we're doing that's not going to close to what like living themselves people can look and see a distinction between you and the world are you representing God that we will what y'all sure got quiet in the get quiet here that's all I'm just [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles or convictions integrity it's defined as moral it means to do thank you kind what God commands us to do it means following your moral or your ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances even my god even if nobody is watching you see see at a point now where people feel the eyes of the preacher more than they fear the eyes of God where people can do stuff and they feel comfortable just so long as the preacher ain't and the preacher walk around a corner or in effort Boyan got quiet on me or in every place and beholding the good and evil you've got to know that God requires a member saving life out of us whether we are at church or whether we own that job whether we're driving down the friggin quad cuz you know some folk get in traffic and they morph Amen they transform hate men into something other than can I preach everywhere on the job and get a promotion they don't know having integrity him it means that you are true to who you are and that you would never do anything that this demeans or dis honors you if you are a child of God you should never be found doing anything that would demean you or that would dishonor the sad reality is in this world there's not a lot of people that choose to live lives of integrity everybody now seems to desire to take shortcuts you know and these are the people that's we're going to do whatever to gain advancement but sometimes those are the people that did that I really just opportunity show up on time doing everything the way they planned but the moment they gotta wait on God they've taken the first train smoking what happened to integrity when people understood their value and they knew anybody to demean or dishonor who they letting people hey man get 60 and 65 inch to prove your heart is the best person to get the job even if the best person wedding deal but because people just won't it y'all getting quiet tonight yeah you got something folk they say they say that's what the old folks used to call Sanchez it mayn't the Saints them the saint you see they won't you auxilary they'll start a room on you and Carter pass I don't know if you heard about not didn't cuz you started it you just not called it integrity it's missing so bad in this power that people that say they love you and let's say that that children of God they don't mind helping you look bad just so they can get ahead boys out and got class oh god forbid god forbid then I should justify you ring till I die I will I will not remove mine integrity from me what I'm not gonna pacify you I'm not going to justify you some things though even warrant the cameras the kind of response for waiting on from you but job said will not remove my integrity from me so job said till I die even if I'm going to die holding on to my integrity and this takes courage and I want you to think that it don't let me hasten because they don't want to be all night it takes courage to live lives of integrity he meant because it causes you to stand against things that other people could get out of because they don't have no conviction but here you're always said have you ever been backed into a corner amen y'all I ain't saying nothing tonight because you got convictions there's a easy way out of this if you wouldn't know conniving compromise but because you got conviction what y'all are you saying that they did I've known people that have banked another folks come on got out looked at the damage look rhyme didn't see nobody get back at that car and drive off and here is people who may be struggling come out and see they car damaged nobody saying that nobody did nothing about it but here you are your insurance that elapsed and you back into somebody but because you got conviction and because you're a person of integrity can I tell you what a person of integrity we're doing a situation like that just in case some of you don't know write your phone number down your license plate y'all ready saying up come on now that's what a person of integrity what I'm looking trying to find the integrity section tonight does I'm preaching and folk blinking fans like they got a bad understanding hey you know what and I saw I saw a UH a situation where where a man hit a car and he said that he was right now stuff and when he wrote it out he put the piece of paper on the windshield and when the person who owned the car came and opened up the sheet of paper it said I hit your car sorry but that will hold out of people looking so I'm writing stuff like I'm actually giving you my information if they don't show up sometimes it's your integrity that's gonna put you at a disadvantage but you don't do the right thing because it's easy you do the right thing because the right thing is always right to do what is the root of what we're seeing now and and say that it's selfishness if people got it injure you they just want what they won't people who don't live with integrity don't care what they leave behind them boy y'all gettin quiet you got some men like that they don't care they just prey on unsuspecting women no integrity at all and you know what you used to have to just cite the men but now you got to talk about the women Chadd they've been doing women like this for years they deserve this if she doesn't date a woman dated the man forget how long engaged getting ready to get married and then he looks up and she's wiped out all of his accounts took all of this money honor that and now they can't even find her she was only bad using him as a means to her in these are the people we did it with not no integrity what so ever people that sit down wait let your heart get all tied up tangled up and twist it up then walk off and leave you like like like they never really I really really had no plans in the first place and the next thing you know they out there with that other one over there you don't paid light bills and gas bills and water bills and the milkman and everybody and here he is then left you and then when found somebody else and now she paying they wanna be other light bill the gas bill the milkman you got some folk don't have no integrity and they don't even care that every time they walk off they leave somebody damaged they leave somebody broken with all kind of issues they leave people whose minds have been fractured but because they just selfish and want what they want they don't care they'll just use you to get what they want out of you and once they got what they want them go these are people that have no integrity how do you decide whether a person has it not some you can see on the outside unless you're looking at a person's actions integrity has to deal with the inside done it has to deal with the inside integrity deals with your motives not just what you did why you did it because you got people that are do the right thing but they did it for the wrong reason and you got to ask why did you do that that's what integrity is all about it deals with ideas and it deals with what the book called quiet things like keeping commitments oh it's you doing what you're supposed to do some of y'all show looking sideways at me and I figure this cause you ain't got no integrity to touch the matter telling straighten up your face straighten it up straighten it up you got people now I was telling somebody you talk to people in their own story they are never the villain they're always either the hero or the victim the Bible said every wherever man is right in his own eyes you talk to people long enough they'll have an excuse for everything they'll never declare themselves to be wrong young and cry always the victim always the hero but never ever ever the villain always pointing at other people then don't want to live by the same rules they set themselves oh no they'll never admit to that get fired off the job it's always somebody else's fault ain't nobody but the man trying to put his foot on me what time you get the whip they around 10:15 what time you spoke at that 7:30 but HAP listen see you got to talk about this stuff because people act like they don't know what what living with honor is all about one of my business partners tells me all the time his father worked at the post office I think he said it was about 4045 years something like that he was never late never missed a day he said on his way to work one morning he had a flat he got out changed the flat put the old tire in the trunk drove to the tire shop got a new tire put the new top back on the car went home took a shower got dressed again and still made it to work on time you see the response I just got from this congregation that let me know that the light better not stay red too long what's wrong with this you know it's just people who claim that habit actually they have no integrity at all you sitting up working and what you say you working did you hear the supervisor on the floor the super and also you start scrambling and doing stuff the front that you had to scramble and start doing some there's a testament that you really want working if you were working why did you care he snuck up on you if you knew he was that if you were doing what you were supposed to do you didn't have to get busy all of a sudden you know what that says that says you've been stealing that money you get paid and you're not even really working robbers our integrity boy y'all sure getting quiet I don't walk up on people sleep I stir that took pictures and video I was in the picture never woke up let me shut up let me hush I mean as God is my witness and my judge I took pictures and video never woke up come on now when you sign that employment form you promised to work and fulfill the duties required to maintain employment at that company you ain't never said nothing to say I'm just gonna work hard enough to keep him from firing me and he only paying me hard enough to keep it from quitting work integrity says that you do it because it's right let me hurry up I'm supposed to be done in a minute the truth is we are children of God and as children of God we represent and it's not just a church you represent God if people know you say he's on your job you represent because the world is just looking at point they think I thought sounds funny saying it's what they teaching y'all over there that's the kind of stuff y'all do over there holding it you represent God everywhere and because you do we can never put a stain or a blot on the name of God what at second Timothy 2:19 say nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal but the Lord knows them that belong to him and let every one that name the name of Christ let them do what if you go name his name if you carry his name didn't carry it with some integrity depart from iniquity don't go around tell them hope you saved sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost you not living a life of integrity that puts a stain on the name of the Lord but if your gonna name the name of Christ depart from iniquity do what is right to do come on we bear his name and we as his children should never put a stain or reproach upon it but it's not only his name that we should be concerned with we should be concerned with our own name too what do people know about you another because the Bible says a good name is to be preferred chosen above a good name is something that you should go what do people know about you listen you can't stop some folk from trying to Mar you and tell you to listen but if it's what they say let it be a lie don't let people's interaction with you prove that you're just as crooked as everybody said you were you can't stop fro from lying on you you can't stop people from being jealous of how God is using you and everybody talking about oh how you spoke with you saying and God just move and you know there's some folks that can't stand hearing that kind of stopped like hearing compliments and your name on everybody's lips and that's some poop that's gonna try to take shine here but you just may think but I don't mind what they were saying the other night I heard even if they try it like what they say be a lot that it's not being a person of integrity with everybody that you meet from the household of faith the people on your job two people in a restaurant y'all getting quiet now see you got some folks they treat they treat waiters and waitresses like they less than human they waiting on your table you ain't look at them yeah who do you think you are I mean you got folk I mean anybody that that has to have to serve or has to work under them they just treat them like dirt you're gonna ran these people back into the kitchen 16 times but if I see someone I see it's my age to get some mistake ain't done right can't send this back you ought to give me enough corn on that side can you go back there and scoop me up another spoonful of corn and put that on that running people all over the restaurant and then leave out they look at the receipt you don't rather to check up to the nearest dollar she don't even think about this kind of stuff but the Bible said the laborer is worthy of his hire you running people all over a restaurant and being don't even have the decency to tip but now y'all gettin quiet I thought I was gonna hear about some miracles or some demons or something like this man talking about tipping that's a person of integrity hey man you treat people right people with don't ever forget it you are going to reap what it is that you shall I remember years ago when they first built that Papa doze in DeSoto in Duncanville I went up there the guy that waited on me every time I would have there became he became one of the one of the managers and when I got in there I always tried to treat people right I would walk in and you know I'm a creature of habit I get the same thing everywhere I go I don't try new stuff I walk in elder and in five minutes my food was on the table and I didn't even order he just knew what I wanted got the same thing every time I would go up there two or three times a week and every time I go nobody would come to the table what you want to eat today five minutes my food was on the table if you treat people right people will have a problem reciprocating and kind but I'd be scared to walk into the place acting crazy and then tell them take this thing back then cook it over glad me come on steak shy your steak and beyond up against the wall keep talking crazy to people better stop hey you don't see videos I'm telling you if you're a person of integrity if they meant to get it right it's fine go ahead and eat that steak I asked you well doc take it back ain't paying for this rather manager where's your integrity you causing a scene and the restaurant if everybody and they gonna tell them to take your steak back it's too tough put it right down that stump only by 405 time listen I told mr. the poor nah he caught it go I think it's getting too dangerous out there folk licking ice cream head of a song about that deaf night keep talking they like stereo tee with a finger bring it you better learn how to treat people right then going in there with your church clothes that a fool got the devil pin on your lapel take that out for you going in restaurants amen if you know you're not gonna act right let everyone that name the name of the Lord depart from iniquity you can't you can't treat people like then thank you right you're not right if you're gonna name his don't give him a bad name amen if you can't act in accordance with what is a right and proper and don't do that in Kirby Brown was going through the airport wasn't they and I had my ministers cut on it and they messed up I flake he turned on me take that cut off of your neck I can't do what I need to do cuz you stand up it looking like a preacher when you live a life of integrity ain't nobody but me a man he but it's not just the name of God is your name what people say when they see you coming yeah I had your wallet had your purse what people say when they see you come in what kind of integrity you're getting quiet what kind of integrity do you have what don't you have because a good name the Bible said you should prefer a good name even about money if you ain't got no money people stare ought to be able said may here good brother and that's a good brother about you what kind of conversations do people have but your concern because every one of us has a name and I don't mean your first name I mean a name a characteristic by which you are known every one of us has a name what is the name that people know you by because integrity will preserve you but if you walk in the ways of perversion a perverse way the Bible said it'll swallow you up it will never turn out and I'm trying to tell you because you're a child of God I'm a child of God we are children of God and because we are we've got to live like that that should weigh our actions blood should have an impact on everything that we do Oh we cannot be perceived as people who do what's right for me or what's right in the moment you better do that which is right in the sight of God how do we live lives of integrity the truth is it's a day-by-day requirement and what it requires us to do is this side to live an amount of pleasing the God not me and I can live by convenience and please men or if I get with you I can be the way you are I can compromise my own integrity just to get a laugh out of you just to feel like we're closed just to feel like I finally got a friend and so I'm morphing I'm changing into something else just to get close to you but you ain't that important and how many people have changed who they were just to curry favor and then find out the person still gonna tell you something you can't make a person like you if they don't like you there's nothing you can do to make you can give a money you can sell what you own and bequeath it all to them if they don't like you they don't like you so it's better not to change who you are just be who you aren't God will send somebody that they can accept you just the way that you are that's why you don't have to compromise sisters don't compromise to get a husband brothers don't compromise to get away if you are who you aren't you all who God called you to be gotta send somebody that love you with your long skirt and your dry face come on live a life of integrity number one do good because it's right not because it's easy Jesus said in Matthew was at five and 46 if you love men that love you what reward you got if they're one of the people you love or the ones that I already love you back he doesn't being but when you can do something hard but stick it out because it's what's necessary God said then you working on something now well if you can do good to people that despitefully use you you working on something now when you can talk decent the folk that talked about you like a dull you doing something then it's not easy but it's right to do see if you're not careful you'll do stuff simply because it makes you feel better when they hurt me and I'm gonna show them how I feel everything you do is a sowing you gotta be careful even if you call yourself helping them reap what you just did was a sowing and you now gotta read what you just did so you don't do it because it's easy you do it because that's what God told you to do and it's not all the time gonna be the case that you're able to just walk in there's no conflicts sometimes it is but integrity says God wins out even over my own self what I want to do God is going to win out efforts when I want to give him a piece of my mind God wins out every time done you dare to church my dad you see them on the side of road with a flag you notice then just reaping what they sow okay you go reap what you sow - not because it's easy but because it's number two be a person of your word the Bible says brethren not not one to another and you would think church folk not each of them them centrist but if it's in the Word of God is down for a reason don't lie to one another I told you a couple weeks ago if you say you're gonna do something to what you say you're gonna do I pay you back Friday tried to come around you running be a person of your word that's why I tell you if I say service starts at 7:30 it better start at 7:30 because I don't want to say it's coming be here service start except then you get in service start at 8:12 you know what that's gonna teach you next time I say several 7:30 that's gonna teach you that's just a suggestion he really don't mean that you teach people how to treat you and that's the reason why some of us have no no no capital with people we don't have no current I word has no currency with nobody we've been people who have said all kind of stuff and haven't done none of it no come on now we've got to be people of our word if we say we're going to do it integrity says be truthful and be a person of honesty don't lie to each other and if you don't know you can do it say that upfront but don't have people holding their hopes on you because after a while your word don't mean nothing - no I don't seen people get up and they get up so many times I was wrong I'm sorry I was wrong I'm sorry I was wrong I'm sorry and bet I've done that so much and now they can say they're sorry and it means nothing to people well I never did you see him two months later same thing over and over and now I'm dad get up and they tears all in their eyes trying to give you a heartfelt apology and now people sitting there saying I don't heard this before you can't believe nothing they say it's sad that people now speaking in tongues but what they say in English don't mean nothing to nobody integrity means being a person of your word that way no sometimes you're not gonna be able to put everything off but let that be the exception and not the rule sometime I've better places people tell me stuff and I just walk away sir okay because I already know where this is going ain't nothing coming from this and that's sad when we can't even believe each other's words because we're in church claiming to go to heaven but we can't boast that we live with any type of integrity number three seek to live every day above reproach the Bible says we ought to abstain from the very appearance of evil you want to live a life of integrity to keep yourself away from every evil way oh you want to live a life of integrity don't hang around people that will cause others to see you in a bad light sometimes we don't even realize it's the folk we got right up under us amen that's giving us a bad name and we don't even know it you got to seek amen a God for the right people because the Bible tells us we abstain from the very appearance of evil every day and I keep saying it you work hard he's not trying to keep yourself clean don't yolk up with folk that's gonna dirty you up you're doing all you know to keep your name clean hi I don't like mess I don't like getting a mess but you hanging out with messy people seek to live every day above reproach come on if you're gonna do it do it and don't get people standing of what you just did you got something that's trying to strive let fence trying to get as close as they can to that line seek every day to live above reproach don't let people take try you - holy no I'm just trying to get as far away from that line as I can I don't want to accidentally step across that line I want to know every day that I am in the will of God when I put my head on the pillow tonight I got to be able to testify that I've been saved all day and no evil have I done seek to live a barber approach and it's not hard listen just stop trying to take the shortcut live above reproach number four here we go denounce deceit and dishonesty about seven of you sound like you got some integrity what red stuff yeah denounce this seat and dishonesty don't claim children on your taxes that ain't show us the claim okay you got six kids give me one denounce deceit and dishonesty for y'all get caught you know Gucci purses don't cost $50 your nephew come over to your house lifting up that trunk you ought to know something wrong right then come in come in Hulse a man in your family come in and you sit over there I always wanted a Gucci purse girl don't don't tell me that I don't want to hear what you got it bro don't tell me nothing and then you turn around and ask them come go to church with me Sunday Hank you know it's stolen it got somebody's initials right down the side of it don't I don't want to know where you got this press from don't don't say nothing to me denounce deceit and dishonesty for your gain quiet tonight denounce deceit and dishonesty because if you never dishonest life it's gonna come back to bite you after a while the integrity of the upright the preserve that man but those that follow after perverse ways they're gonna be swallowed up by that perversion don't be partakers in somebody else's you know you got folk language Fokin somebody rear-end Impala you ain't even heard going to the hospital you better be careful you better be careful with that kind of dishonesty because after Wiles you don't know God may give you the very thing you plan like you got all the time walking around here with neck braces on sitting in wheelchairs with with with the blanket over your knees like you can't walk and the only lasts until the case is over they stamp you with that $15,000 check next thing you know you come to just shot in every Johnson we got to put you on TV and let them see what kind of crook you are where is your integrity insurance fraud going on with the saints Sanchez I can't sing in the choir for a couple of months God is no kitchen denounce deceit and dishonesty number five do not lend your ear to gossip and slander you know what a sad point now when Satan is poisoning the saints against each other through lies and showing confusion don't lend your ear to that be a person of integrity come on my child I know his mama and I've been throwing on my life the fruit don't follow that far from the tree you can't judge people about what somebody else has done let everybody stand on their own merits don't lend your ear agasa and slander because everybody can have something bad to say about everybody and you know what my grandmama told me years ago any dogs gonna bring the bone to carry a bone they'll come talk to you about somebody else then they leave you go to them and talk to them about you don't lend your internet and then you've got all this division and confusion right up among the Saints because somebody's been listening to some stuff and I'm telling you now you can't win with some people some people believe everything they hear about you that's why you just got to go out and be who God called you to be just go ahead and live the life God calling you to live cuz in some people's book you will never be no good if you hang around women in your womanizer if you don't hang around no women then you're gay you can't win with some people so you just gotta settle your mind and just be who God calls you to be and do what God called you to do and not allow Satan to poison us against each other and listen certainly don't spread stuff that you don't know to be true and even if you know it's true pray about it instead I don't know see this is that Facebook and Twitter and Instagram generation that tells everybody your opinion matters to the world do you know you can disagree with people and not say nothing child I'm gonna go back and reply today you don't have to say something about everything but now all people believe their opinion is so important and even if they know something that's true rather than talking to God they try we got expose this we got to do this don't be a tool in the hands of the devil ripping people apart because some folk have a bad understanding about this if you don't have a good understanding don't say nothing you can pray about it and let it in what God showed me this if God did show you he showed you for you to go and blast people or did he show you for you to turn around and pray about it don't tell me you prayed about the first things you did was going post on Facebook and try to out everybody because you know some don't nobody else no but they need to know this why did he show you I can't believe he showed you for you to tell people now the Bible said let no corrupt communication come out of your mouth that don't mean just cuss word it does mean cuss words but not just cuss words your words trying to be used to elevate people not to tan know about it down can I tell you what proverbs says he says God hates those that's so discord among the brother Oh God is enough can I tell you what proverbs says he didn't say that God hates this court he hates those boy y'all getting cried he loved everybody the Bible said God hates those that's so discord among the Brethren totally in your ear the gossip and slander put that stuff down the just man walketh in his integrity and his children are blessed after him job said I will not justify you the one thing I won't do is separate myself from my integrity as long as I'm there till I die I'm gonna live a life of integrity extend to you free I remember hearing apostle Mary talking I'm grateful and you know I don't say it all the time you know I called him a possum earlier because of the respect that I had for him then and the respect that I have for him now that was my grandfather I had the awesome privilege of being able to live with him for my teenage years and I would listen to him talk and listen to him his testimonies he talked he told all of us that we're here were privileged and blessed and honored to sit under his leadership he told us about the time when he and sister Mary came to Dallas and they didn't have anything to eat he would walk by fruit stand and the devil would say to him steal some of that through your children are hungry yeah your wife needs he'd steal that fruit take it home to your family and he said someone who look like the best fruity I've seen in his life you know how it is where you need need stuff never make it look irresistible but he said he couldn't do it even though he had to go home and not know how his kids were gonna eat the one thing he would not do is steal that fruit because that was wrong he wouldn't do wrong even if it meant supplying what are the most basic needs he was not going to do he talked about how that first winner he didn't have the money to pay for the milk that the milkman would bring and he told him I don't have the money to pay you mid man said with these kids need milk we can't just leave you all here and he left milk for them that entire winter and in the spring when Apostle Mary found work again he paid that man every dime that he owed him we've all heard that we're here then how even that old beat-up Ford that he said he came to Dallas in the one that hung up in high gear halfway between Henderson and Dallas and they drove half the way in the middle of the night and high gear he said got a little ways the hood blew off the hood blew off the car he stopped and put the hood listen stop and put the hood back on the car and kept on coming he got to Dallas and even that car he said he couldn't pay for it didn't have the money you know what he did I know some of you don't cuz you've never done nothing like that you got people right now older people that money for that car no they parking a car they momma's house and then the mama garage he got in his car drove that car back to hinders in Texas took it back to the dealership where he bought it from and said I can't afford this car you got to take it back I can't afford it I can't pay for some of us yeah who's that in Ohio they want this car didn't come get it they said but he drove all the way back to him listen to drop a call because he couldn't pay for it that one just a man that was a man of God integrity if your money don't be hiding from people not answering phone tell them I ain't here they hear you in the background got some of y'all can whisper tell them I'm not here what kind of integrity is that we're children of God let our ABA and I may be named let's be true died were true to our commitment true to our convictions let us speak no evil let's not here to even let's not set in if we could think no evil thing before our eyes let's live the lives of integrity God is calling for us to live and when we can do that it will be able to reach people you don't wanted excuses people use that more than anything I know people to go to church to do this oh I know plentiful to say they save and they do this I know folk they're saying in the choir and they do this you know what they're trying to tell you I know people that make a good confession but have no integrity all they do is talk they came back it up with their lives but God is calling us to live lives of integrity and we ought to want to do it because we bear his name and because we don't want to shame the name that he's given us if we had bowed every eye closed it that's one hit it's not saved you don't know the Lord in the part of your saying I want you to come I want you to come I want to be a person of integrity the enemy wants you to have [Music] if there's another I want you to come maybe you can have him tonight [Music] you don't have to compromise who you are God can bless you why are you holding onto your integrity the job said he'll lock down the hold on to somebody here tonight you just need to hold on to elders would you pray hallelujah thank you thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah somebody give him praise I want my life to have some kind of meaning I want my words to carry some kind of weight things that do the right thing somebody say every day and at all times I'm going to do the right thing that's what integrity doing the right thing every day and at all times perhaps our lives should be lived without reproach before the eyes of a world that otherwise couldn't see him it means something want to be approved unto God I don't get with me and say because integrity means you have conviction and that's what you live by your convictions it's not about convenience it's about convictions that's why I say some things because I know nothing starts out big it's just those small conveniences that lead you to bigger things and after a while you disregard any type of order you know parking in handicapped space you know you ain't handicapped let me just run in here see it's those small conveniences the Bible said the little foxes mr. and sometimes we didn't think about this stuff oh there he go again yah here brother hammer time I parked in the parking space is wrong I'm telling you that the moment you start to make excuse for small conveniences you find it easier to make excuses for the big ones you know what I don't like to see and I tell you again cuz I don't know if it's you or somebody else but when I go to the store empty spot right up front just as you're getting rid of attorney they go a shopping car raining you got to get out in the rain and take the shopping cart and take it one parking space over where the corral is and put it in that because somebody couldn't even walk it ten feet that way no it's the small foxes that destroy the van and once your mind gets okay with making those small conveniences next time it's gonna be something a little bigger than that or look bigger than that look bigger than that and then after a while it ain't gonna be that you just parking in a handicap parking space because you running in here real quick and coming out now you're gonna go and buy a fake winter hanging put it up there try this I don't walk all the way across these pockets if you're not careful nothing stays small that's why God calls us to live with integrity do the right thing at all times because that gives and even stuff like that that may not be necessarily something that a sin into the eons of eternity to burn but a gift Satan a foothold in your life and it gives him an opportunity to come back later on and say but this is not that bad either you gotta watch it we don't think about stuff sometimes until it's too late amen but it's worth thinking about because God calls us to live lives of integrity a man that lives by his integrity it will preserve him the Bible says that it will god bless you let's get our oh end don't forget Amen Saturday night water baptism we asked him all the candidates so please bring an extra change of clothes
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 18,284
Rating: 4.8273921 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: -X8tVrREIg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 28sec (5488 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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