FGHT Dallas: A Place Called Hell

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] oh boy you and I yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] most of those heads it get autumn rae's today or it trust is planned for your life why don't you just lift those hands that's it just get him another surrender I trust your plan for my life hallelujah [Music] [Music] just [Music] yes [Music] [Music] the lift those hands that give it the best price you can give it today thank you Jesus Oh hallelujah [Music] oh come on I see your hands but I can't hear your voices let the redeemed of the Lord say so [Music] oh he is such a worthy worthy god would you put those hands together one more time that helped me appreciate the Lord for this choir even we certainly think of my first lady today leader Danielle and for dr. Shirley Marie a band I found it personally due to this wonderful host of ministry it's all of you my father's children god bless you take your seat in the presence of the Lord a man we are so grateful for this opportunity to be together amen and fellowship one more time we've had a great time all week long amen we have been in church a man literally since last Saturday night amen last Sunday morning was our homecoming celebration amen 58 years God had blessed four gospel holy temple to be here a man preaching truth and righteousness to this generation and we thank God amen certainly it was a time of reflection looking back over where God brought us from some of you know Amen four Gospels started Amen in the heart of our apostle 58 years ago he meant even before then the Lord picked him up out of Henderson Texas and told him to go to Dallas told his only had was $10 a man a beat-up car a wife and two babies and that's all he had coming to Dallas a man started full gospel in a barbeque pit old barbecue pit with six members and Sbarro chairs a man and from that we sit in this a bad place here today God is a good God - four gospel holy temple a man if you trust him he'll do what no other power can do and we thank God a man for the service is all week long amen preachers and our brothers and sisters from the other churches amen came in to help us celebrate and I tell you amen God was strong in this place the Word of God encouraged us and we're here today man still going strong he meant God is good to us I want to thank God amen for Bishop a man and firstly the Owens a man and we get it right from the manual temple systems of churches all right a man god bless you we appreciate the Lord for them come on Full Gospel put those hands together let's thank God a man I tell you there were many times I turned that television on a man and saw prophet amen Owens preaching the Word of God he preached a message a few years ago about Adam and Eve in the garden and how before the enemy can get you he has to fascinate you a man a man and I recorded that and I watched it over and over until they came and replaced my DVR and took that sermon a man but I appreciate the Lord for your being here a man Michigan a man then Las Vegas a man my good friend and sister Kimberly ray a man a man told me they had a great time amen with him with you all and I appreciate the Lord for your being here what an encouragement a man to see you in the house of the Lord for gospel one more time let's thank God for this great men and woman of God a man preaching the gospel of the kingdom look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the word of our God I love mine and I broke mine you got yours come on hold that power up faint God because everything else is going down but what if we think but the word of our God a man and I tell you in times like this when it seems like the Word of God is optional even for believers so-called believers Amen we still need the benefit of the word of our cup I don't count smart you get they meant how many degrees you have you'll never be so smart that you don't need the word of the Lord to guide us and to lead us on life's highway amen the same gospel the sixteenth chapter Amon and I want to call your attention to the 19th through the 31st verses that Saint Luke chapter number 16 and I want to begin reading amen verse 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 and 31 and when you have it say Amen and the Bible gives us this intelligence there was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day there was a certain beggar named Lazarus which was laid at his gate full of sores desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's people moreover the dogs came and licked his sores and it came to pass was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bazoo the rich man also died and was buried and in hell he lift up his eyes the Bible says being in see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus into his bosom he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue for son remember thou with that lifetime receivers that good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art permitted and beside all this between us and you there is a great gulf fixed so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot neither can they pass to us that would come from bits but he said I pray thee therefore father that I would have sent him to my father's why have five brethren and he may test them lest they also come into this place a prophet Abraham said unto him they have Moses the prophets let them yeah he said me father Abraham but if what they were they said unto Him neither will they be persuaded even one rose the Bible says that came a day when the beggar died he was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom but then it tells us that the rich man who sued but inhale he lifted up his know y'all go get quiet but I won't preach about this today a man inhale he lifted up his I want to talk to you today about a place called hell yeah to just look at some bad until if there is a place called hell you know one of the sad commentary is about time it's the fact that we go to church quite a bit you know church is a one stop shop now you can go to church for everything seminars and symposiums and all kind of things we we come to church and I know for us Amen it's it's it's four times a week at this location three times at the other location and their churches that have some of them four and five services people are going to church we've got some of the largest churches we have ever seen in the history of this country churches that number thousands as far as the capacity that they can hold that's a whole lot of people going to church a whole lot of people hearing the word a whole lot of people with memberships amen in the body of Christ but you know as much as we come to church and we hear about the reality of the heaven we really don't hear a whole lot amen in some places about a place called hell it's almost as if that has been washed out of the mind a mint of even those that say they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ I know somebody else added company here learned about no hell today but listen it is still a reality and you know I think what happens is that some people in some ways successfully corners so many in the valley of holy rollers y'all in the Word of God to the church what is the basis of such a belief they can't even really tell you they just believe that I believe when we get the help God is go away against our pathways the path then we get to go to heaven because you know I'm the kind of person I'm sincere and I don't want to do nobody in there you're going to go to hell you're going to have to be saved [Laughter] go Oh [Laughter] [Music] we housing people that is a place called I was reading this morning one Chapman owner on a troop ship was asked by the people on the ship he says love then he is justice he's more love that heals wholly yogin cried but can I tell you some whatever he is [Laughter] but he's a holy God - he's a just God [Applause] otherwise called the injustice of human beings because because we only have the foolishness to understand it goes and see how much food the talks oh it's a whole are you [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] if you don't that's the end of us what we call so sleep you know is to be present with the Lord your body repels your body [Music] or he talks about Matthew 25 and 21 he says there is eternal fire can you imagine a place where you because the Bible says even though it's fire of darkness the [Music] because I got five of them kind of living just as bad and scary and if don't nobody reach them Bay coming here the other night then I'll ask you hoes inhale trying to get you a message close down that saying somebody go tell them tell me got to do different now son you are going to remember every you go remember every time somebody talked to you and you rolled your eyes and said I'm that's the reason why don't nobody want to hang around you that's the reason why the family don't want to come to your house all you talk about is heaven listen when you get to hell it's gonna whip you more than anything understand because even though they have Moses and the prophets the books of Moses he said but in spite of the fact that they got the writings of Moses and the writings of the Prophet somebody rose from Nazareth because they know he died and if he comes from the dead surely they'll believe somebody that rose from the dead and I'm telling it ain't true cuz somebody did rise from the dead and they still don't believe him they still want to do whatever they want to do is consider your ways consider it I want you to spend today consider your ways I know that it's Bible is right and you know I know that there are a lot of people that are gambling with their soul they don't heard somebody say some stuff about God just making this stuff up and because it sound like what you really want to be the truth you hold on to that God wouldn't do that God is opening up the ground and swallowing people just sending them straight to him he's throwing hailstones out of the sky brimstone raining down come on now and you meana tell me God wouldn't do this he said I am a consuming fire Oh God is a God of love and we sing songs about the love of God Oh people have written songs about the fact that he's a nothing nobody writing songs about the fact that he's a consuming fire people write songs about the fact that God is a holy God I just start that won't tolerate sin but the thing about it is he gives us an opportunity he loved us so much I will say that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him you don't have to go to hell you don't have to be one of them yeah what even created for us that means if you go to hell you broke in and there are people every day that are breaking into hell but that don't have to be your story well I don't want to get saved just because I'm scared cuz Johnny and you mean that may not stay save long okay why you can see if you can say for real why do I care why I'm just glad you saved cuz you could can save and then look up and Jesus flip them clouds you're even got time to backslide what are you talking about see that's the devil trying to hold you on your seat and trying to keep yeah but today you have an opportunity to get it right and if you're here I want you to step out of that row step into the aisle and make you wait to this altar you'll save you he'll deliver you he'll set you free if there's one here today why don't you come they're coming come on I just want to be right when he comes I don't know when he's coming he could come the day I just want to be right that's all come on that's it they're coming come on young man you can come we offer Christ to you all mine we offer Christ to you he will you see we are look at a vessel coming [Music] [Music] - cries we offer Christ to you Oh [Music] look at the best steel company we offer price - oh he will yes he will come on if your frame wraps up bad about the hand and ask him if they'll walk to this rate they'll do [Music] come on come on come on oh come on that's still coming come on to follow you you those of you standing at this altar I can tell you now what a great decision you're making but you won't really fully understand it until you're standing before God like everybody will and you hear him say to you well done the enemy is a deceiver he'll give you every reason in the world not to give your heart to the law but today I know beyond the reasonable doubt that you have made the best decision in coming to this halt and surrendering everything that you are to the Lord some of you have tried it the enemy is frustrated but that's why God gives us the Holy Ghost because that's the power to do what he's calling us to do and if the day well you have a moment of clarity you'll say brother Harmon I'm ready to give my life to the Lord I want you to lift those hands right where you're standing that's it come on just lift those hands right where you're standing and while your hands are lifted I want you to talk to God and I want you to mean it from your heart because it's not about repeating it's about repenting I can give your words but I can't give your meaning you've gotta mean it from your heart open your mouth and say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done but it wasn't like you come in and deliver me and set me free I need the power to live like you're calling me to live ask your blood that ties me with the Holy Ghost and tell me what you're doing today I'll live for you for the rest of my life come on that tell him for the rest of my life if you believe it he's doing it for you now hallelujah come on that's it believe it believe it pray with the bat couple oh just let him have his way [Music] oh that's it couple just ripped up to the Lord we offer Christ to you come on let me give you why yes we do we offer cries - he will yes she we have come on and believe it that should come on come on yes Jesus oh that hallelujah [Music] yeah come on Jesus [Music] [Music] you can pop the gun Piper blood running warm in your veins come on Oh [Music] oh come on - cries or get slow or come on - cries or hallelujah [Music] somebody lift those hands up give it please oh come on come on - cries - cries OH one more time come on come on come on that lift those hands that glorify you hallelujah god bless you take your seat momentarily oh it's good to know hey man that you're on the Lord's side I'm just so grateful today I'm not just living holy because I don't want to go to hell I don't wanna go that's some strong encouragement I want you to stay rooted and grounded in the word of the Lord people not try to change all the doctrines amen of the church they raised said this they're taking that out come on we keep going to church ain't gonna be the church amen we've got to stand for everything that the Lord said was right Jesus talked about it I tell you there's no hell because by the time you figure out they lying it's gonna be too late I believe everything that the Word of God says and he came he said that I may have life abundantly I don't have to go that way and you don't either amen you don't have to go to that some people have just resigned in their mind well I know I'm going to hell no you must not understand what hell is I tell the other night I was flipping the channel went in and there was a prompt on the guide on one of the channels and the title of I guess it was a TV show or movie or something and it says I hope they serve beer in hail understand even water down this rich man said that's not even water down there and you got people saying stuff like I hope they serve beer it's real gotta be real it's gotta be a place he loved you so much and if you tell him honestly that you don't want him he loves you so much he'll send you somewhere where you don't ever have to worry about him again amen place where you can feel his presence you can hear his voice you can't see his goodness if you honestly tell him by your actions and your life the Bible said heaven is a city built Foursquare I keep telling you space look at something out of telamon space is limited up there you better make some razor I made some reservations because I don't want to get that and he's all filled up even or no it's just a limited amount of space a man and I'm going there I think God today we appreciate the Lord for all of you think God for those that gave their hearts to the Lord and that God filled with the Holy Ghost today and we thank God for those that have joined us amen for my new member orientation Full Gospel would you thank God my sister Felicia Jackson brother changed to him
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 15,912
Rating: 4.8801842 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 0sec (4620 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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