FGHT Dallas: The War of The Worlds

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hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] capital out a pen before I'm gonna see it before speed Wow baby boy yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] no more shackles no more chains no I am free he made me free in about a free on tonight no more shackles no more chase [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] no more no more cheese no more pundit I am free he made us [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and lift those hands tonight everybody [Music] in the presence of the law or come on lift those hands in presume it's more than just lifting them in the air praise a manís thanking God for His goodness for His grace hallelujah well come on from your heart through your lips all the way up to God's ears tell them something that nobody can tell him with you he's so worthy of all of our praise thank you Jesus oh that's it now come on put those hands together let's praise the Lord let's thank him for every testimony we heard tonight oh we heard some powerful words thank God for brother Jeremy tonight come on put those hands together amen and I'll tell you it's a wonderful joy and a privilege to be here in the sanctuary and maybe tonight it wasn't your time to testify and it wasn't your night to do let the redeemed of the Lord say so but you can encourage somebody why don't you take a moment to go shake somebody's hand somebody tell them you love them with the love of the Lord [Music] that's it come on [Music] come on say the cheese's and me loves the cheese's cheese's love the sheets [Music] welcome oh sorry easy [Music] he is it Allah come on say the cheese's me laughs the cheek laughter gee is it [Music] come on one more time everybody say the Jesus that's the cheese the cheese oh that's it come on Jory's it [Music] sorry is [Music] all right come on clap your hands real happy [Music] sorry easy Shari's [Music] all right here we go [Music] yes [Music] [Music] come on now [Applause] sorry one more time you read come on [Music] all right come on crap clap your hands [Music] god bless you take your seat if you can we're so blessed to be here tonight I'm glad to be in church hey man I'm glad to see you in the house of the Lord amen I'm glad that God loans you to life another day gave you a strength amen to be here gave you a mind to want to be saved amen kept you safe and from the will of the enemy and we praise him for it tonight and we always like to thank God for our first lady think awfully to Danielle and we think God for dr. Shirley Marie a man think God for pastor and sister Dimas with us amen tonight put those hands together for them even I told her garland Church the other night and I think I mentioned it here thank God for pastor Dimas a man they are joining for a gospel they will be the pastors of the Full Gospel it's in the church of Garland number two so we'll have two churches in one city and the Lord all right amen so we bless the Lord for them amen and to all of you my guest a man and Friends maybe I know you maybe I don't but you're welcome to hear amen in fellowship with us please come as much and as often as you possibly can look at somebody and tell them me but there is a word from the Lord Amen or tell somebody else that I am a lover of the Word of God amen I love it tonight I love mine enough to brought it with me I hope you got yours they man thank God for the word because everything else is going down but what but the word you got to believe that even everything else is going to let you down sooner or later everything else is gonna disappoint him everything else is gonna start to crack and fracture it's not strong enough for you to build a life on the only thing that's strong enough stable enough solid enough and enduring is the word of the Lord we've been in the book of Revelation a man and I don't see why we shouldn't continue in that way the book a man of the revelation of Jesus Christ the man revelation we often say is the apocalyptic gospel it is defined as the revealing the uncovering of the things that Jesus spoke to John and said would shortly come to pass we've heard amen so much out of Revelation and even I want to talk to you tonight from the nineteenth chapter Revelation chapter number 19 amen and I want to call your attention to the 11th through the 21st verses praise the Lord it's Revelation chapter number 19 verse 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 and 21 and when you have it say Amen read what the Bible says and I saw heaven open a white horse and he the Bible says that sat upon him he was called faithful and true faithful and true to his covenant faithful and true to his promise faithful and true to his word his eyes his eyes were as flames of fire ah ha were many crowns and he had a name written that no man nobody knew it but he himself nobody knew his name that was written but he himself read he was and he was clothed in blood and people have theorized what was this blood was it was it the blood of his enemies that he always conquers or was it his own blood the precious blood of the Lamb he had a vesture Bible says dipped in blood read his name is called the Word of God he had a name written that nobody knew but the name that they called him was the Word of God clothed in fine linen white and clean and remember we heard that white linen represents the righteousness of the saints and he the Bible says shall rule them with a rod of iron he had on his vesture and on his side a name that was written I thought y'all would have got happened shouted he had on his vesture and on his thigh a name that was written and that name is king King there are other Kings but ain't no king like I came Lord applause there are other lords but there is no Lord like I will Lord uh-huh really and I saw an angel and I saw an angel listen at this the angel standing in [Music] there's got to be some kind of he stands in the Sun Reed and he cried with a loud voice they cried with a loud voice fly in the air gather yourself together unto the supper of the Great God breathe you are about to eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of captain the flesh of captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and the flesh of all men both free and bond both small and both small and great and hear this now this is gonna bless you gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and the Beast was taken and the Beast this wicked beast this man of sin was taken and with him the false prophet that worked miracles I have before read it with which he deceived them these miracles with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast three and them that worship breathing these both were cast alive heywhat cast both of them alive into a lake for y'all hearing this he didn't just kill he took them alive and cache him that's a that's a pretty a word Oh folk would have said he threw him in there he cast him alive into what into a lake of fire burning with brimstone they went to the lake a fire they went straight to the lake yeah we missed you know the Bible says death and he'll are going to be thrown well into the lake of fire they bypassed hail and winch young and cried hidden name and went straight into the lake of fire breathe and the remnants and the remnant were slain was slain with the sword which sword proceeded out of his mouth all the birds of the air that the angel did to come and to the supper of the Great God all of the fowl were filled with their I want to look tonight well I tell you we could happy just reading the script you might I'm almost going look if you would at verse 15 people says and out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword that with it he should smite the nation's and he shall rule them with an earlier a rod of iron he shredded the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God he comes the Bible says to smite the nation's I want to talk to you tonight about the War of the Worlds we have often discussed the fact that there are many peoples some theologians some YouTube experts and others who argue over whether or not what we read in the book of Revelation should be taken literally some theorized that this is not a serious account of actual events but rather that it's symbolic of times and issues that will arise at the end but I told you a few weeks ago with what you read and Revelation is not real then what you read an exodus you've got to wipe that off the table - because if he will not judge sinners at the end of the day then he really didn't kill Pharaoh's army there was not real flies the water didn't turn the blood there was not really lice that infected everything that was no dark as these are all symbols of other things but they are not to be taken literally brothers and sisters let me sell the issue now if the Bible was right then if it was real judgment that fellow them did it's real judgment that would foul all sinners at the conclusion of time if Jesus just fictitiously or symbolically killed people in the flood then maybe but if people really did die if he really did killed 23,000 fornicators and one day then he really is a God righteous judgment meaning that what he does he does it righteously he does not judge us a man because he's not a just God what he does is that he judges us according to justice according to what is right and so many times I look at this and we look at the Word of God we see the scripture and we wonder how it is the things that are so clear and so playing to us or tripping other people up we wonder how it is that we can look at the written word of God and we can see how the Bible is fulfilling itself every day we can look at it and we can find our own day and time in the pages of the Word of God we can see Amen the things that are coming up on the face of the earth are the things that the Lord declared would happen we see prophecy given and we see prophecy fulfilled but yet in sphere there are those that will look into this and they cannot see they cannot discern they cannot tell the time they look at it and they're clueless as to what this means what minute these words brothers and sisters I will posit to you once more the Bible is clear to those of us but have a heart to know the Word of God those of us that are filled with the Spirit of God the things that are spiritually given are spiritually discerned for us and we can see clearly what other people cannot see at all when we look at this we understand we have a greater amen understanding of what God is able to do and others will look at the same Bible they will read the same scripture that we read but still cannot grasp the full truth of the word of God and that's how I know that seated it's just what the Bible says that he is that's the reason why you know nobody got you paranoid you know yourself how late the day is now you know that Jesus is soon to come you've read the record you have a watch you have seen he meant not only the pages and the words that are renewing the pages but you have seen these pages of these words come to life and we're seeing it every day in the newspaper we're seeing it on the television on the news every day everything is telling us that Jesus is coming just like he said he would but people cannot seem to grasp it they can't see it look at us and they call us foolish they look at us and they call us crazy they say that we just don't know how to cope with the difficulties of life so we invented this card and we are now subject to a god that we invent it no man wrote this Bible couldn't have a man and those that did write were inspired to write it by God anytime you got that minute thou shalt not sin the Bible you know a man didn't write that come on now no man go rape to avoid fornication let every man have his own way for an eternity with the Lord and your Savior Jesus the praise Jesus Christ is the same merciful car the same cop that shows us preach now the false prophet and the armies of this world let us not forget where we have already come from it's been a long journey amen so let's not forget where it is that we have come from we have seen amen up to this point the rapture of the church took place at the beginning that triggers the tribulation I keep telling you the church will not see the tribulation don't let people lie to you you know you got people that are stacking up food right now amen they got water because they plan to survive the tribulation I feel bad for you why don't you come on and go on up with us now hey man because we will not be here for that tribulation it's an opportunity for people to get right it is God's pain of dealing with those that rejected him but when he comes to church it's already gonna be because the Bible says he's going to present to himself a glorious church that does not have a spot or wrinkle or any such blemish well apostle the church is gonna go through the Great Tribulation though we will have tribulation don't mean we're gonna go through the Great Tribulation well we're going up in the middle well that means you know exactly when Jesus is coming so hey man why don't you just wait so we've already come through the rapture the Great Tribulation we see the man of sin become the head of global government peace treaty will be signed between him and Israel we know not only allows for national security of the people of God and the Holy Land but it also gives them opportunity to rebuild if you were the third temple on the holiest site of the Temple Mount amen it allows them to start a worship again as they build this temple the people said feed himself and that man of sin will presume to sit in the temple of God hey man in the Bible also tells us into his he's going to break it and he's going to wage war against the nation of Israel against the name of our we have seen we have seen the wonders cannot sell they cannot enter treat and cover us because they do not have the number of his name the number of the bees hey man is 666 it that's something Amen God is perfect god it's always a seven and even though Satan desires to be God God has already knocked emotion ever hopeful is 666 wouldn't it be something if he could attain seven seven seven but God says don't always show up a day late there's always be a dollar short hey man you'll never be seven seven seven the most you could ever hope to be is a six again quiet and so now we see his system unraveling we have seen the systematic slaughter of those that whip the Beast remember that was so many martyrs during this time but they cried from under the altar asking God you avenge those that have spilled their blood and we remember the Lord says to them just give it a little while others that are going to be martyred others gonna be slain and they got to come just just rest a little while just as we come to point Amen in the Great Tribulation where the kingdom of the Beast begins to unravel amen we see that his reign is now about to come to the sixth bowl of judgment or the vow the Lord causes remember the river Euphrates to dry up get that for me that's Revelation the sixteenth chapter let's begin at the 12th and let's conclude at the 16th verse you didn't close your Bibles did you Revelation 16 and 12 upon the great river Euphrates and the water and the water thereof was dried up read hear this now so that the way of the kings prepared the angels rise up he's given the power of God through the bowl judgment to try up the river Euphrates why did God do this to prepare the way of the kings of the East other words God now has just set the stage for an invasion he tries up the river now it was what you would call a natural barrier it the way it's separate once the water is gone that's nothing that now but a dry riverbed walk across it up two kings from the east influences read what the Bible says working miracles these spirits these demonic influences the people said they go forth as the spirit of Devil's working miracles wait a minute the spirits of Devil's working miracles see that's the reason why hey man we talk to you and we get you to see that just because something enamors you oh wow [Music] to see this man get wounded the wound looks fatal then all of a sudden he resurrects as if he came back from the dead people are gonna look at that and say that's the Messiah I don't care what nobody say they've been talking about Jesus homeless I didn't permit in but I saw him rise again the Bible said they're going to go and they will influence the nation's this is the angel that has poured out the sixth bull judgment you see the six bold judgment come the past in the scripture cuz hopefully you're being heaven with me in the Lord at that time but if you see the sixth Bowl judgment then you know that he's coming rapidly what's gonna happen is going to happen quickly it's going to go pretty fast from that point forward it's not gonna be here's what you see this happened what's that six Bowl has been poured out it's almost over now things are gonna start to happen rather quickly once that six bowl is poured out read what the Bible says blessed is blessed is he that watch and keep me this go and sleep with his garments lest he walk naked let's see well naked and they see his shame breathe together and he gathered them together them together into a place into a place here is now called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon he gathers them together in the place that is called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon that's a word that the world knows world war one was ravaging the face of this earth they nicknamed World War One or mageddon you've seen movies with the title Armageddon it has even into popular language now so that whenever it seems as if there's the threat of coming world disruption P Oh theorize that Armageddon is on the way this is not a word that shrouded in mystery people know what this is all about Bible says he causes them to gather together into a place that is called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon it is the the mount of Megiddo amen it is the valley of Jezreel and you know I told you when we were over in Israel and and some of you asking when are we going back we will pick a time standing on the mountain looking over taking pictures in a place that one day is going to be the scene of the greatest war ever waged in the history of this world huge to look down on it you can understand why people are coming there's a place that's central to trade if you're gonna get things through to other countries you've got to come through that strength that that place that and that's why it is so strategic armies can't get through that because if you own that piece of property if you are the landowner then you'll get a chance to keep everybody nobody can be nobody can sneak through nobody can control you as long as you're sitting there and you maintain power over that valley and to sit there and see this huge expanse you understand how this could be the scene of a great war as a matter of fact the Bible declares what is that in the book is that Daniel in the Book of Daniel that people are coming the kings of the north the kings of the south they're going to push them get that fund what is that Daniel 11 Daniel 11 and 40 yeah and at that time of the end of the end of the South push push at him and the king of the north shall come against him shall come against him like a world like a world when I told you now it's Kingdom is about there on arrival Reed with chariots they're coming with chariots and with horsemen and with many ships and he shall enter into the countries and shall overflow and pass over each he shall enter also into the glorious land AHA and many countries many countries shall be overthrown but these shall escape AHA out of his hand Edom and Moab AHA chief of the children of Hamelin he said the kings of the north the kings of the south they're going to bring their armies and they're going to push in and this is what you will see the Battle of Armageddon this great war that's going to ravage the whole world when you look at it you spot to see that the Antichrist is losing his control now are the nations of the Kings armies poised to challenge his control and his authority the paper talks about the kings of the north but king of the south the king of the east with an army that numbers here this 200 million people are going to march to try to take over dominance and wrassle the authority from the hands of the beast but that's what they think they're coming for but the papal says remember that were flowers that were demon spirits that help and the true reason why they're gathering it's not so but they can just rule over the Antichrist into one area so they can really fight against the Lord and against his armies 200 million coming from the east and I was looking reading this do you realize that in the year 100 AD when John writes this the population of the world it is now was a hundred and seventy million people he's speaking of an army that numbers 200 million and they're not even 200 million people in the whole world when he wrote it in the 14th century the world population exploded to 385 million between the years 2015 population of the world from 900 billion now we can see an army of 200 million people coming from the east do you realize there are a billion Chinese oh they could raise an army of 200 million no problem John said they're going to Mirage and when the angel pours out the sixth Bowl that your freeze dries up and it gives opportunity for 200 million people to make their way God's Word is right his word is true now that gathered in displays the Bible says it's called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon this area is synonymous with warfare many battles have been fought here it was here where Gideon fought against the Amalekites and the Midianites it's here that deborah and barak got victory over Sisera it is right here where King Saul was defeated at the hands of the Philistines it is here that Josiah was killed by the Egyptian military under the rule of Egyptian pharaoh nico it is here that napoleon spoke of when he says that place is the greatest and most strategic battlefield in the whole world the valley of megiddo hill of Megiddo this is very strategic and the wild knows it it's the perfect battlefield and God not only chooses his battle but God chooses his battlefields Bible says he draws them know they think they're coming to overthrow the Beast they think they're coming to challenge his rule over the world they think their only path to make war with him just like they did the great we talked about the judgment of the great even the kings that she father kated with chapter 2 - oh it was fun while it lasted you always say nothing but once the fun was over they did not miss the opportunity to overturn her and to smile and her own demise and now the same wild that held him up is now trying to challenge him trying to overthrow him he's losing control and they've been startup to come and fight against him but the Bible said they were only influenced by evil spirits that wanted to gather them in one place because they know Jesus is coming the Bible says Satan will come down with greed wrath when he understands that his time is short and what you're seeing now you're seeing this man of sin intent on taking over now he has become so arrogant that this is the opportunity that he has identified to make war against the Lord and his armies listen can I tell you something about the devil the devil hates God he hates you and his hatred is so strong that it clouds his judgment yaghan glad but devil is a fool that he could throw over the kingdom of God you know the Bible said that he fought against Michael and his angels see we always heard demon people would always say stuff like Oh God God fought the devil and now the Bible didn't say God got his standard he meant Satan throat against Michael and his angels and they expelled him out of heaven and he's still trying to kick God off of his throne that's the reason why he hates you because on the throne of your heart sits the king of the universe are you in the image of God we don't god off the throne the Bible says things work together [Applause] and the Bible says he's been deceiving they have sided with Satan thinking that he could protect them thinking that he can do good for them into them so much so remember when God was pouring out judgment instead of the people turning and saying he's greater than the beasts the Bible said they got mad at God and start blaspheming his name she didn't deceive them so greatly even though God and sided with Satan and didn't even realize that Satan was setting them up he knows how this story's gonna end he know he's going to the pit but he's deceiving the masses because he's trying to take us minute down with him as he can but y'all getting quiet and see that's why I encourage you to keep your hand in God's hand because people act like the devil got some kind of honor can I tell you something that Rosco ain't got no kind of honor at all he'll catch you in a place you feel comfortable and he'll turn on you because you were fool enough to believe the lies that he told I'm in the people to devil and convince them you gonna get away it happened to everybody else but you gonna be the first one in the history of the universe to get away with this he's a deceiver he's a deceiver and people are so easily deceived because the Bible said the mind is prior and he blinded they can't even see it aren't you glad that you sober in the spirit now aren't you glad you got good sense now what I'd ever had some of us out there doing some things Lord and you ashamed of the stuff you didn't see growing up and I dated myself when I say stuff like this I told him we didn't grow up with cell phones we didn't grow up with with with Facebook you know so a lot of stuff we did back then is under the blood and it's only contained in people's minds that were there ain't no record of it see and for you young people that that that's that's alive and you you still young now listen these older folks do some of the same stuff you're doing now we just didn't have phones that that you could video and send it around the world but God can deliver you too yeah yeah and but not have we saved and sober Lord here you are with Joe Holy Ghost filled tongue talk himself hey you know what the devil do it is him I know it's him they just smell like him he'll get somebody you ain't seen in a long time maybe they've responded ain't said none of your love that and their tags you didn't wanted them old pictures every night that and then you know Facebook that tell you you got a memory now you go in the club with your eyes halfway open bloodshot a red with a drink in your hand I almost bitter and you own that witnessing and talking to people about the goodness of the law sees now aren't you glad that you're sober now aren't you glad that now you got good sense and you ain't trying to let the devil make a fool out of you a second time around it takes being sober in Christ to really recognize the weapon that the devil was trying to use against you all but while you out there it seem like it's so much fun it seem like it can't go wrong until it do go wrong and then the devil got your coat of how many people will happen and the devil said just try it ain't nothin gonna happen and they hit that stuff one time and lost a whole man how many how many people thought I can control this [Laughter] and he's a disable - he's gathering the world and they're thinking that they can serve him they honestly think that if they give that devotion and their loyalty to him life is going to be better down here and they don't understand this is a part of his plan to take the masses into a burnin hail look at what the Bible says the Bible says that they get let me hurry my time is going they get there revelation 19 and 11 let's go back we've read the sixteenth verse the sixteenth chapter where it talks about these spirits working miracles going throughout the world gathering people the Bible said he gathered him into the place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon and now that they're gathered there it's time for war Wow they are there they fight and I think if I'm not mistaken I think it's Zechariah that talks about how the war is even going to spill into the streets of room they're going to be fighting everywhere and then here comes the Lord verse 11 says and I saw heaven opened and a white horse and him that set upon him was called faithful and true righteousness the Bible says it's in righteousness he doth judge and make war and do you remember when the bowl was poured out and the rivers and the streams and all the fresh water and the Seas turned to blood when the angel cried out to God and says even though you gave me charge of the Seas and you have turned the water into blood I have nothing to say because he doesn't deserve it but when they rejected Jesus they asked for it so his judgment is never it's never never unwarranted whatever he's doing how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation has Jesus Christ so the Bible says his eyes were as a flame of fire on his hat were many crowns Lord he I told you you talked about a victor he's never lost a battle he always wins the war are you hearing what I'm telling you he will never lose nobody can beat him no one can be thrown he reigns supreme he's undefeated on his head and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed he's coming but he's prepared for what looks a whole lot different from that baby wrapped in swaddling clothes don't he oh he ain't coming to no manger this time oh when he came the first time they told him you can't come in here in a room for you to the world [Applause] can you see Jesus soon up this bastion blah can you imagine seeing somebody coming down out the sky with blood dripping yoke and quite you know good whale somebody walked through that door right now and they come down an island it close with drifting blood and dripping blood everybody's get away got something wrong with that fellow either he doesn't kill somebody but he doesn't kill something or he is injured and he needed doctor real quick but Jesus is coming with a vesture dipped in blood he's coming to let you know that he's taking no prisoners everybody that comes against him he's going down Bible said his name is called the Word of God he is the Word of God that's why he's faithful and joking class that's why he's faithful because God's Word never fails his word is never cast to the ground his word cannot go out and not accomplish what he said [Music] and if that were created the world and if that word sustains the world in that word can do whatever he wants to do in this world he's come and look at what they say the armies of heaven followed him upon the white horse and look at them they are clothed in fine linen white and clean the armies of heaven the armies Angel armies the armies of the saints yaghan class i'll miss follow him clothed in white white and clean thank you law he started way back in the Old Testament when he said come now let us reason together though your sins be like crimson be like scholar I make him as wool though they be red like crimson I'll make him white as snow he's yelling quiet he's cleaning people up now yes he is that's why when he comes he's coming back for church without a spot Lord white linen is the righteousness of the shake you've got to be cook now is that straight he's coming back for church that's clean holy look at what he says out of his mouth let me get through out of his mouth go with a sword uh-huh the Bible says sharpen with it he should smite the nation's he shall rule them with a rod of iron you know what I noticed they came to fight against the Lord and his armies but when he comes he comes with the brightness of his coming and he comes with a sharp sword that proceeds out of his mouth so the armies don't come to defend him they come to escort him y'all didn't quite look at some matter tell him the king is coming he the kid he just got a whole bunch of address and say they not coming because he need help with this war go fight y'all getting quiet now he's gonna fight this battle just to him [Applause] he's not coming to waste no time it's gonna be over before they know it let me hasten the Bible says he's coming and he's gonna rule them with a rod of iron that's very different from that sweet little lamb of God well not Islam is turned into lion this time look at something I tell him this time and nobody gonna spit on him this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] they then I go pluck his beard out this time they won't beat him this time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with him he's coming on business this time he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God you know his best journalist eye on his armor on his coat of armor he has written king of kings king of kings and Lord of lords thank you lord thank you lord king of a free other king other Kings Kings [Applause] [Music] [Applause] look at thank you lot and I saw an angel standing in the Sun that angel started bidding come hither to the fowls of the air saying to them come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the Great God that he may eat the flesh of kings well yeah as great as they are when he gets through with them the only thing they'll be good for is to be eaten by the fowl of the air the wicked the Bible said shall not go down in peace Kings that build tombs and monuments to themselves they won't be numbered among kings they'll be feasted upon by the birds of the air birds who died as usually worms insects roaches but that day they'll eat the flesh of kings presidents potentates they will devour royalty the Bible said of mighty men they're gonna eat horses and then that's it on him and the horse of all men free and bonds small and great get me y'all want me to set up but cannot cut it give me in just a few moments give me a few give me just a couple come with me to Matthew 24 I believe that's the 27th verse Matthew 24 27 through 29 if I'm not mistaken yes for as the Lightning coming out of the east cometh out of the east china and shine unto the West so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be read that twentieth verse for wheresoever the carcase is there will the eagle's be gathered together o wherever the carcasses be that's where the Eagles will be gathered together they just asked him at the beginning tell us what should be the signs of your coming and of the end of the world he already told him the signs of his coming now he's talking to them about the end of the world and he says to them whatever the carcasses be that's where the Eagles are going together and I've had people to try to make this be America in Bible prophecy have you wondered why we are in Chapter number nineteen and you haven't seen America yet where is America if we are so great and so powerful where are we and I've had people try to prove that this is America because it says wherever the carcasses be that's where the Eagle and the Eagle is the symbol of America but the Eagle that the Bible is talking about it's not the bald eagle go back and look it up see what happens in the English language we changed the meaning of words over time but when it was written that word eagle is the same word for vulture what carcasses fall vultures are going to be gathered there and in this battle let's run revelation 14 14 and 19 yes 14 to 19 and the angel trust hear me I'm trying to hurry in his sickle into the earth read read and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God read it and the winepress was trodden the winepress was trodden without without the city and here it brothers and sisters blood came up to the horse's bridle that's a whole lot of blood you know why because a whole lot of people are gonna die blood to the horses read what the Bible says by the space of a thousand and six hundred a thousand six hundred furlongs is two hundred miles from the Mediterranean I believe to them Euphrates two hundred miles that's gonna be a lot of War a lot of blood a lot of fighting everywhere two hundred miles worth of blood when the armies gather for the War of the Worlds he's gonna destroy get me that 19 verse listen let's hurry those closing closing verses I'm 19 and I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse and against his army that's what they prepared to do they thought they could fight him what kind of war you think they were fighting bullets don't work on this on me cuz some of them died already some of these were martyred already and already down the valve said it's upon them in ain't gotta die no more bullets don't work on this man on this white horse he just him firing nuclear weapons and and I guess they're gonna get it together I've been hearing lately about a space force space forces trying to defend Earth's integrity against these alien invaders but when he comes the Bible said they are preparing then the next thing we hear he's already grabbed the Beast the false prophet these deceivers that deceived the land he grabs him and the Bible says the Beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him their deception is not going to go unpunished which with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped His image these both were cast into the fire burning with brimstone and the remnant all these armies all these other people the Kings and the mighty men the Chiefs the Bible said they were slain with the sword of him that set up on the horse you don't see the army fighting he killed her they postured themselves as his enemy and he killed them all the same way you will not escape if seeing is found in your life that see that makes you an enemy of God they won't escape because they position themselves as an adversary against him that sitteth upon this horse the Bible says and the fowls were filled with their flesh the Beast the false prophet taken alive but he throws them into the lake of fire they'll already be there their punishment is going to be harsh because they deceive the whole world and I ain't gonna preach it now but when you look at that Twitter chapter we'll talk about that next time the Bible says and I saw an angel come down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand and he laid hands on that dragon and not like I'm getting ready to do some bad at this altar he laid hands on that dragon that all serpent which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years and cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him but he should deceive the nation's No More till the thousand years be fulfilled and after that he must be loosed for a little season the next thing you go see is the devil in handcuffs an angel is coming to arrest him for his crimes his way of running out here on the run cuz God got a warrant for his arrest he gonna catch up with him after a while put them cuffs on him lock him up and throw him into the bottomless pit and the Bible said he's gonna shut him up stand to your feet or look at somebody tell him neighbor I can't wait for God to shut him up all this trouble he been causing all this stuff he's been doing I'm looking for God to shut him up the water world's Jesus will rain quickly if there's somebody here tonight that's not saved you don't know the Lord in the partner of your sin I want you to come make your way to this altar or you can come down his presence is here he's a deliverer he's away maker he'll fill you with the Holy Ghost a night you can have him if that's you step out of that gross step into that I'll make you wait - this all - we're coming to the Lord hallelujah that's it come on if there's another come on now [Applause] hallelujah come on you still got a chance to come if you want to come this is your opportunity let him do for you what he desires to do notice would you pray with hallelujah thank you Jesus or the king is coming I said the king is coming the king is coming he's coming in power he's coming in majesty hallelujah would somebody lift your hands and praise the Lord while he's working thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh my soul love you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Granite Lord yes Jesus thank you Lord lift those hands one more time with you how great is our God sing with me how great is our God Oh will see how great whoa man how great l'épée hands which is our God for mine oh mine take your seat if you can how grave [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 21,139
Rating: 4.8847737 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: J79d3iOlZ5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 0sec (5640 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 17 2018
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