FGHT Dallas: All Things New

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on she clapping those heads everybody better than that for the law [Music] [Applause] he is the Lord of lords he's the king of kings he's an incredible savior and he deserves the very best praise that we can give him so why don't we give him the best that we have come on [Music] he meant certainly we praise him tonight he's a good car and is greatly greatly to be praised certainly we've enjoyed those testimonies tonight clap your hands and let's take up with him hey come on let's give brother Floyd round of applause certainly we enjoyed him tonight maybe it wasn't your day to testify and over the microphone maybe it was at your time that do let the redeemed of the Lord say so but you can do something why don't you take a moment go shake somebody's hand hurt somebody and tell them you love them [Music] the cheese [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they can see that you can hallelujah thank you Lord lead over telling somebody I love you and I'm praying for you man I believe God the very best that God has is on its way to you hey man that's my prayer for you that no matter what you're in right now that every little thing is gonna be alright I just feel like it is y'all talking already just just look at somebody tell them I got a feeling every little thing he's gonna be alright I believe I believe that no matter what you know everything's gonna be alright look at somebody tell them there's a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the word of our God you got your back come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but the word of our God almost through almost done it has a little bit more that is mr. Wineman says we can extrapolate from the text 1 2 all that extrapolate revelation the 21st chapter chapter number 21 I want to get the reading if you would at verse one verse we'll just take the rest as we come to it but purposes of our text tonight Revelation chapter number 21 let's consider verses one two three four and five and when you have it say man somebody read what the Bible says and I saw a new heaven and I saw a new earth and the new earth for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away right read and there was no more sea and there here is the there was no more sea yes we're returning we heard about rivers in that wonderful land Isaiah says I can't remember I think it's 50 27 or something like that but the wicked are like the troubled sea so it's something about the sea that God sees as unnecessary for these purposes so when he creates this this this new heaven in this new earth it does so but he leaves out the scenes three and I John and I John saw the holy city I saw the holy city New Jerusalem New Jerusalem coming down from God AHA out of the heaven read it prepared as a bride dawned for us I saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God as a bride adorned to meet a husband really and I heard a great voice and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of God have an uncle of God is with me is with men and he will dwell with them breathe and they shall be his people they shall be his people and God Himself God himself shall be with you shall be with them and be their God and be their God what a promise we have already on track like y'all already in New Jerusalem I'm trying to tell you where we are that way - he says he's going to dwell with them and they shall be his people God himself shall be with them and be their God 3 and God and God shall wipe away all tears shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death no more death neither sorrow neither sorrow nor crying nor crying neither shall there be any more pain neither shall there be any more hey have you ever had to cry sometimes crying said to simply be released of all the pain and sorrow and grief but the Bible says when we get over there in this holy city there will be no more sorrow there shall be no more death and there will be no more crying for the former things are passed away God everything that made you cry is gone everything that broke your heart is gone those former things are passed away and he that sat upon the throne said behold behold I make all things new I make everything new breathe and he said unto me mmm right right for these words are true and faithful for these words are true and faithful verse 5 says that he that sat upon the throne said to me behold I make all things new just look at some of that and just tell him all things new that's what I wanted talk about night all things new we have most certainly taken a very interesting journey through the book of the revelation now we've got to start to ask ourselves as we come to the close what do we take from this what we learn what are some of the highlights that require our attention what should we focus on one thing that we should take from it is that although we currently see a time when men don't like to retain God in their knowledge God will always be in control of this world look at somebody tell them this is God's world and it doesn't matter how people would love to expel God out of it reality is this is his world people tried to get him out of the public conversation they don't like to hear about him they don't like you talking about him but it doesn't change the facts this is his well can't when he gets ready he can do whatever he wants to do they used to sing the song that said he's sovereign that means he's in control he's large and in charge he is the master of the universe not only should we remember that this is his world and that he's always in control we should always understand that knows his end he knows he understands his eternal faith the Bible says that he comes down with pretty rod because he knows that he has but a short time to work so he understands that one day is going to be over for him and that's why I told you I believe it was last week that you can never ever ever believe what began two feet that Satan has any type of honor at all he hates you he cannot stand you and if it were up to him he would have wiped you clean off the map before you came to know the Lord and that's why I tell you every chance I get you've got to keep your hand in God's hand because the reality is that Satan is angry at the fact that you came to the Lord in the first place and if he ever gets another opportunity he's going to try to make sure that he never loses you to the gospel ever again I feel bad for people that have gone outside of the safety zone they're out there and they're out there and they honestly believe that what they're doing is going to matter in the long run but brothers and sisters I want you to know only what you do for Christ is really going to last anything that you do outside of price will only make it convenient for the enemy to destroy you and to wipe you out he understands that this comes a time when he himself is going into the lake of fire but you know what he's that satisfied do it he's not satisfied going by himself amen the devil wants to take as many people as he can with him that's why the Bible declares that the god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don't believe lest the light of the gospel because the house of God is requiring my name is over the world doing all this people think that the permanent role is the Tres rule but brothers and sisters listen I can go mad and scratch your name up the tracks rule it's not the church road you gotta be concerned about you've got to make sure that your because think you can spirit soul hey man we've gotta make sure that our name is there if not Satan is going to drag so many people to hell and I told you say this not going to hell as the king of hell he's going to hell as a victim like everybody else Amen he's gonna be right in the leg of fire as a victim he's gonna be pronged in it he's going to burn he's going to sit down and feel the unmitigated a wrap of our God amen and you know what he wants before he gets there huh he wants to know that you don't take life very seriously because he wants to look around and see you that's not good and it's not going to ease his pain but he just wants to know that he's scratched at God because you are made in God's image he wants to monitor image of God he wants those who sit at the pinnacle so brothers and sisters he knows his faith even if he is successful in the minds of the masses and you know what else we should take from what we have already studied in the book of the revelation we should take that God's Will shall be done in earth I want you to know last week we talked about the millennial reign of Jesus our Christ we talked about eight men how he put down the armies of Satan bounce for 1,000 years he was confined to the pit and after 1,000 years he was released and when he was released the people said it didn't take him along he amassed an army that would then come back and try to attack God all over again I think it is worth noting now remember even though Satan was in the pit of hell for 1,000 years he was perfect towards God but y'all him and what I'm trying to tell you Jesus the Bible said will rule with a rod of iron that means he's not compromising they're not spitting on him nobody's gonna slap him this time amen but he's so powerful he reigns in such power that people would not dare oppose his reign and you know what I found out I found out that you got people with you that are not necessarily for you they just see you as the moment that they think they have a way to overturn you they'll turn on you y'all get wide and their side because they're opportunists and Satan is going to connect with those whose hearts were not pure towards God just a moment is gonna be over and see that is going to be cast into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet would already be brothers and sisters we see that God has through Jesus Christ vanquish the enemy and whose hearts were not pure towards God and you've got to know that at the moment that Satan is confined to the lake of fire at the moment we're men who were ungodly who did not have purity and holiness and godliness seated in the heart at the moment that they are no longer on the scene the you know becomes a very different place it becomes a place now that's just right for a recreation and you've got to remember that in Revelation the 20th chapter and around the eleventh verse the Bible says that with the earth and the heaven saw him that sat on that great white throne heaven fled away and there was found no place for him remember now the place where Satan she dares Amen the rules as the power of the air those away from the face of the one that sat on the great white throne and the paper declares there was found no place for them now that that o heaven and that o earth have passed away and the Bible told us that they would remember Peter even declared that it would melt with the fervent Heat and the first Earth was coming up out of the water this new creation is coming up out of the heat and so now the Bible says that now that the Oh heaven and the earth have passed away he recreates it and he brings for now a new heaven and new earth look at what the Bible says the Bible says and there were no more seas now you've got to understand when God brings this new earth about and we're going to understand it better in just a moment amen now down on those seas and people say what happened amen to all of the Masters that are going to be saved you've got to realize he meant that the seas the oceans they cover the majority of the surface of the earth so now that there are no seeds there'll be plenty more room a man for all of those that God would bring amen into the New Jerusalem and he says look I heard a voice from heaven saying that the tabernacle of God is with men now we've got to remember our teachings now the tabernacle was the original symbol of the place where men went to meet with God now in eternity God dwells with me and man dwell with God you got to know that when we get over into eternity now we will be in a very different situation where we are now we have faith even as we are going to dwell with God in this world you're wondering this is a [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] question that I'm here's and he's mine because I'm gonna dwell with him let me hasten close tabernacle of God is with me it was God dwelling in the midst of his people but in eternity men came is going to dwell with him look now and what verse 4 says and I was listening a few years ago and there was a preacher there and I'm still trying to figure out how he came this conclusion because the Bible says and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes he said the Lord told him that Jesus would be the one crying and I'm reading this and I'm trying to understand how did he come to that understanding whatever he sees all the people who were lost Jesus is gonna be crying and when the Bible says he's gonna wipe the tears he's really gonna wipe Jesus as tears oh the Bible says and God thank you shall wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away brothers and sisters I thought about this and I I used to hear it told a minute and you know that this is a powerful scripture because it tells us what will not happen in heaven what God will not allow in heaven and it's not that it's a sin to cry but the Bible tells us that heaven is a place of joy it is a place where all of the greatest joys are fulfilled and it says that God is going to wipe away all tears from their eyes and hi I heard you know I'm inclined to believe that there's some of us now who may look around and I used to hear system ever say don't be surprised because some of the people you think don't be in heaven ain't gonna be there and then there's some people you don't think going to heaven they gonna be there but you've got some people that you have been praying for people you've been witnessing to people that you have been talking to about the goodness of the Lord and you know you see people now you hand them a tract and you're just telling me I want to give you this and let you know that God loves you you know people now we're Paul it up and they won't even wait for you to leave they'll throw it on the ground while you're looking to let you know they don't care nothing about your religion they don't care nothin about your god they're gonna be some people searching for mothers and aunts and uncles and cousins husbands and wives is going to wipe those away [Laughter] when throwing figure they'll wait until their when three years then decide they want to do something different they want to be look for another way I come to tell you listen this way that will is a straight path it's difficult it's tedious sometimes [Music] [Laughter] that is going to wipe all your tears away now you know when you were little please I know when I was little it just made you feel good when somebody came into kids you don't look kids I don't care how they hurt they scrape they need mama can kiss that knee and I guess it's just childhood faith they believe once I touch that knee the guns start running again like it was a miraculous healing just took place can you imagine cc1 thing I used to think about my mother she used to make sure we were ripe coming out the house and and sometimes she would be sitting there you know she would just take care of us I don't know what got into it she got it on this vaseline fit and we've come to church I was shining and you know just she just rubs it you know just make you feel good mom hey you about eight years old stand up tell your friends what you know your she said rubbing Vaseline on your face just to make you feel good to be cared for can you imagine being in heaven and don't cross your mind and then your eyes what up and gotcha [Laughter] [Music] [Music] one time he'll wipe them all away look at what he says he said then that should be no longer than I wanted to use I think sometimes and you know in our in our our human frame some things are not even able to be comprehended have you ever with your natural mind trying to think about how long forever is if you try to think about forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever you can keep going until after while your natural mind we hit a wall it'll come to an end and when you think about being in a state where you will never see what I love about heaven what I love about heaven is the fact that when we get there I don't care if we get that a hundred years old he's got to be able to renew our strength you will never get weaker in heaven you'll never lose strength in hell see that's why he gotta give us a different body so you remember when when we came at the grave in the rapture we already talked about that a juror number the Bible says the souls of them that slept he brought him with him with him but the dead in Christ rose so that means that the body has to rise from the ground we will have what is called a glory Jesus so you can praise don't be up this shouting gotta pull over Lord when you get the heaven and the Bible said the righteous shall scarcely be safe you know what's canceled it mean that why you ain't going to now that doing twirls and and skating and doing figure eights and none of the Bible says you can stance me when you and realize that in spite of all the traps that the devil set for you along the way when you get and you remember all those time the enemy says you can't it's too hard let it go let it and you said I can't I been here too long I love him too when your captain and your pallet make it you just scarcely be safe you talk about a praise no more death no more sorrow see so he's going to make us truly a family when we get there and get me we'll never say goodbye again I have said on this side and waved goodbye to a whole lot of people I've done some of the hardest things in the world anybody could ask me to do I have sat and watched people look to the Lord and be dismissed I've been at the bedside of Saints whose family college that momma says she won't you here and I had to go and sit there and watch mama pass say goodbye I've seen people lose loved ones I've seen how it breaks up the family I've seen how families collapse I've seen how people get hysterical but the Bible says there'll be no more sorrow we'll never have to say goodbye no more sorrow nothing else is gonna break your heart know what some of y'all should have really jumped up and shot at then it broke up as you are sitting up in there nothing else you got you've got it bad by yourself they left me and here you are 30 years later still thinking don't nobody want you cuz they left you well just going to heaven hold mind in the things of God but when you get there I want you to know tonight your heart never be broken you see how bad it feels when people leave us and walk away from us you see how bad it feels to be betrayed by people when folks start lies and create scandals and don't believe it and when you see people that should know you better believe the worst about you how'd it break your heart when you when you've invested so much in the people then they turn around and act like you ain't done nothing you see how that preacher when we get over that they told me that's a place where the wicked shall cease from troubling and whether we're gonna be at rest no crying neither shall there be any more pain that arthritis got your knee doing that spring action migraine I want you to pray my foot got this my elbows kind of pain thinking about doing surgery on this he said when we get there people who can't do nothing without pain some people came right they joints are swollen but when we get there there are some things that are only going to happen in time they can't happen touch the mat and tell them it's only a matter of time that's all it can't cross over nd turn that's a matter of time you already deal with that in time and he says when you get that's not going to be any more pain even the smallest pain would not be there cutting yourself burning yourself on the stove that none of that is going to be there a pain-free experience and I don't just think he means physical pain because he's able to heal us everywhere that we heard some of us are broken emotionally some people have emotional pain they carried around with him all the time people told me what I'll never be they told me what I'll never have she told me I was like my no-good daddy and holiday and you've been broken emotionally when you get down I want you to know you not gonna walk the streets of heaven fractured you are not going to walk the streets of heaven all broken up God is going to make you whole let me hasten my time look at what he says for the former things are passed away that means everything that would have made you cry everything that would have brought you sorrow everything that would have cost you pain it ain't here the only things over there are the things that contribute to the joy of the Lord and he sat upon the throne and I heard him say behold and make all things new brothers and sisters he's going to change things for the better did you hear what I said he says I make all things new I told you at the beginning I got a feeling that everything is gonna be alright you know as children of God they they look at us and they say that we invented God we invented religion as a coping mechanism because we didn't know how to handle life and those that call themselves so smart say that that's the reason why we are religious and we give obeisance to to this this this man in the sky that nobody has ever seen but we are so sure that he's up there because we don't know how to handle life lives are so messed up that it messed us up so bad that we created somebody up there so that we can blame this life and everything going wrong on the fact that one day we'll get it somewhere else and that's what holds us hostage that's how they say people have used relate to keep us pound to keep us hostage so that we never ever saw better days down here so if we were disenfranchised and hurt if we were broken if we were subjugated then they kept us down by telling us don't worry you'll get it in the sweet by and by but I want you to know I'm gonna enjoy some good things down here but when I get there yeah I can come out of a trial tonight and I can be in another trial next week but when I get there he says behold I make all things new they will change for the better and all those who believe that their complete existence would only be heartache and pain because you got people like that that think that my life is only gonna be hotter my life is only gonna be pain some day if you're holed oh yeah things are gonna get better we suffer on this side there have been people who were burned at the stake their lives ended horribly on this side but he said that's coming a day what I'm going to make all things new life as you know it is gonna be completely different and Ben look at what he says in verse 6 let me hasten he says it is done and he said unto me it is time and he said unto me it's done this speaks to the permanence of that new state and our new situation that means that once he rectifies everything it's going to stay that way forever you will never go back to hurting you will never go back to an inferior state of existence and look at what he says look at what he says he that overcometh shall inherit all things did he say all things are yours if you're overcome you will inherit everything and I will be his God and he shall be my son Josh like a wife and here is everything the husband gets those of us that are part of the body of Christ everything that's his it's ours as an inheritance and look at what he says but the fearful now he's going back to tell us who's not gonna be here Phil you know who those people are the unbelieving those people who couldn't make up their mind to serve the Lord see this is the life of faith the way you're gonna live this you gotta live it by faith but there are some people who refuse from all the evidence in the world but their unbelieving and he says so first of all the fearful the unbelieving those that commit abomination murderers whoremongers sorcerers it's gonna get you sent a big old black and red lake every ayah because people like to put degrees on this kind of stuff he simply says whoremongers abominable fearful unbelieving but then when it come down to it he said an outlier that means those alive from the pulpits those that tell what they call little white lies if it's a lie he said you're going to have your part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone and let me run quickly through this my time is going and his hair starting in verse nine then one of the seven angels which poured out one of the vials are the bowls the seven last plagues came and said come here and I will show you the bride the Lambs wife and he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God o Jerusalem it's passed away we've seen where the old Jerusalem was called Sodom it lost its glory I'm telling you it is a beautiful place to see all of those buildings made out of white limestone it's just beautiful it's literally a city on a hill and it is absolutely magnificent to see all of those ancient structures and made out of the same kind of stone and it's just absolutely gorgeous now Oh Jerusalem has passed away and now he says I see the bride coming down out of heaven from God and this is what makes it so magnificent the fact that it is a place where the glory of God shall dwell you remember in the old temple the Bible said that after they pray that fire and smoke fire and glory came down the Shekinah glory of God descended and it was so thick that people could not stand but you think about New Jerusalem it's a place where the raw glory of God shall dwell that's what makes it the place to be because it is the place it is the actual location what God has chosen to pour his glory into the city and look at what the Bible says and her life was like unto a stone most precious even like a Jasper stone clear as crystal verse 12 and had a wall great and high grade in high breathe and had 12 gates and had 12 gates and at the gates mm-hmm twelve angels twelve angel and names written thereon and names written thereon which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel the twelve tribes of the children of Israel forever marked and referenced in New Jerusalem on the east three games oh they each they have three gates on the North three games read on the South three gates and on the west three gates aha and the wall of the city had twelve and the wild of the city had twelve foundations read and in them the names of the twelve apostles and the name of the twelve apostles so we see the twelve tribes of Israel but we also see the twelve names of the Twelve Apostles this shows us now not just natural not just the natural people of God people of God and the church those chosen of God in them the names of the Twelve Apostles of the Lamb read and he that talked with me and he that talked with me had a golden read to the measure of the city to measure the city and the gates thereof breathe and the wall thereon and the wall thereof and the city lieth Foursquare this city is like a cube it's four square it is it is a perfect square r-e and the live is large is as large as the breath as the breath and the measured and he measured the city with the reed twelve thousand furlongs twelve thousand furlongs when you look at it and some people give different measurements they say that's between twelve to fifteen hundred miles a perfect cube fifteen hundred miles that way fifteen hundred miles that way and the height fifteen hundred miles oh it's plenty of room for those better that are right and ready to go with the law boat ain't that much room for people who ain't so I told you before you got to make sure you got reservations because space is limited the Bible said hell has enlarged herself without measure but heaven the Bible says is a perfect square it's cubed 1,500 miles Wow that's no Jerusalem you thought it was as big as Jupiter 1500 miles well y'all show you better get them out of you just make sure you're there here I've got enough space to hold as many people they want to go it's in large enough step without measure but New Jerusalem 1,500 miles you better make sure ain't nobody else in your family got a seat at the table you better make sure you there if everybody else you know decide they don't want to go you better make sure that you got a place that you talk about real estate this real estate is the most expensive in the world it costs you everything but you better make sure you got a home up there read let's hurry and he measured the wall thereof ha ha and a hundred and forty and four cubic read according to the measure of a man read that is of the angel and the building of the wall of building of the wall of it was of Jasper ah ha and the city was pure gold like unto clear glass now what kind of goal is this you can it's like clear glass go so fine it's gold but it's transparent and the whole city I don't see some beautiful things in my day but a whole city made out of gold so fine its transparent but I guess I better stop talking like this I'll make some of y'all want to go to name so fine you can see and the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones the first foundation was jasper jasper the second sapphire sapphire the third a colonial close read the fourth and emerald and emerald the fifth sardonyx uh-huh the sixth sardius read the seventh of crystallite mm-hmm the eighth a borough aha the ninth a topaz the tenth chri sop ras us read the eleventh a jacinth the twelfth an amethyst and the and the twelve gates were twelve pearls and listen the twelve gates were twelve pearls and read what he says every several gate was of one purl one Street can you hear this the gate saw one pearl not big that pearl gotta be you listen I don't care what you have seen where you have gone in this world and I tell them every year I want to go somewhere new that that's that's my goal every year I go somewhere new I told him God put a whole lot in this world and I'm gonna see as much of this as I can see before I die and then I'm gonna die and go up then see what I already got but I don't care where you go you ain't never seen them like this the guy is one power weight and the street of the city was pure gold as it were transparent glass and I saw no temple there in I didn't see no church I didn't see those I didn't see no quashed and no pulpit I didn't see a temple that city like this you know they told me certain things belong in cities if God is gonna be there why is there no church dad let me ask you if God is gonna be there why you need a church there he told you the tabernacle of God is with me and he he's dwelling with you see down down here we come here to churches and to sanctuaries because this is the place that is dedicated and it wears and bears the name of our God we come here corporately to worship God we know that if we can't find him nowhere else we can come here together and when we come together and praise the Lord remember two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them now he says to us in this world forsake not the assembling of yourself this is what we assemble I didn't see no church I didn't feel steeple what know Christ and what no pulpits around why not John read for the Lord God Almighty Allah God Almighty and the lamb and the lamb are the temple of it we don't need a church because we'll be in constant with God we don't have to weigh mother sings together because it's the temple oh we gonna hear that now we we gonna praise going on because we understand each other read what the Bible says and the city had no need of the Sun Lord a whole city don't need the Sun can you imagine a city don't need like remember what makes this city so glorious is that the glory of God is there see the glory of the Lord is that and according to the word didn't need the Sun read neither of the moon it didn't need the moon to shine in it come on now reason for the glory of God did lighten it lord have mercy and the lamb is the light thereof missing them can you imagine a city that has no shadows you go around corners there are no shadows you go inside mansions your houses those dwellings and there is no electricity nobody has to turn on the light because he's so glorious but he's just illuminated everything just just close with the glory yard and got quiet here everything is glowing with the glory of the Lord no shadows that's the reason why they used to sing the song that said every day will be Sunday and the Sabbath will happen the wind now we know the Sabbath this Saturday but we understood what they were trying to say every day it's gonna be bright every day it's going to be a sunshiny day Oh y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you but it's not gonna be the su-lin it's gonna be the read and the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and walk in the light of the city and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honor into it bring the glory and their honor into this city and when I was studying it it started to lewd to the fact that that those that were great and had great glory and honor in this earth but when they get into this New Jerusalem the glory of the city is going to swallow up the glory of anything and anybody that we have known before we got to that state it doesn't not a millionaires and billionaires that would be there and you know I've seen some people's houses I've seen them have gold faucets and you've seen gold toilets you got people who are sitting on gold toilets but when they get to the city when they get to new loosen up all of the glory that they have known before then it's going to be swallowed up only saying of it in the glory of there's no place wait let's let's hasten and the gates of it shall not be shut at all don't you think about that haven't got gates gates keep people out what any gates in heaven usually when you live in one of them kind of neighborhoods you get gates messed up your good house look real nice but you have to put bars all on the window because you were scared some matters gonna sneak in and carry your TV but when we get there the Bible said the gate is just decoration it's just because the gate won't be closed who's left all the wicked people in the lake you ain't gotta worry about it locking doors and no you do that down here but when you get up there ain't gonna be no thieves up there can you imagine put your crown down so you can shout real good then you get through shout and look around your crown gone somebody carriage your coat off and your shoes missing and all that kind of stuff not up that either said the gates shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be no night there and they shall bring the glory and honour of the nation's into it and look at verse 27 as I close and there shall in no wise enter it anything that defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defile it and I used to ask the question is it possible then we gonna get up there and somebody gonna mess up and start this process all over again because forever is a long time for people to do right seem like food can't do right for two straight weeks down here but we expect them to do right forever I just think how do we know somebody not gonna get up there and see how this gold then who y'all thinking about your cousin's kuan them how do we know but the Bible said that's not don't worry and don't come down don't worry there's nobody coming in here that's going to fail this place Harold J Chadwick Chris black brought me a book years ago a book entitled wish I judge angels and in the book Harold Chadwick says that in heaven we will understand what Satan did not understand when he was there that you cannot force God to do anything if you get anything from God you only get it because of the riches of His grace that's why the Bible says when we get up there he's going to heap on us and lavish on us the riches of His grace so we're gonna know what Satan didn't know when he was there you can't make God give you anything no you try to force his hand that's what you mess up the only way you get some from God is that you've got to get it by grace God has to and that's why God is just going to give it you imagine just I mean just you up that living like you're the king and God I said here take some more just just this is yours not because you asked and not because you're forcing me not because I have to just want you to get this and that leaves no room for pride that leaves no room for anybody to think that you'll get up there and you're gonna try to take over now you're gonna know when you get there that's not how you get nothing from God you don't get anything just it's gonna be by grace and by grace alone he said nothing that defiles it nothing abominable nothing that makes a life but here it is again but they which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life we've heard it again chapter 20 verse 15 tells us whoever was not found in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire we see it at the end verse 27 of chapter 21 now the only people that are there are those whose names written in the Lamb's Book of Life that's a book y'all touch the man to ask him is your name in it and they said no one asked him if they want you to walk them down and I because I've come to declare of you tonight if your name is not in that book he'll write your name tonight or he'll do it the book still got room on the page for you stand to your feet if there's somebody here tonight that's not saved if you don't know him I want you to come is your name in the book Punisher is a beautiful place I mean you talk about beauty that's a beautiful place go transparent like glass Bible said the fruit on the trees twelve different fruit on one tree leaves are for the healing of the nation's and I was reading this and it was very interesting Nations it found it so hard to get along in this world the trees gonna bridge the divide they'll heal the nations no more chaos no more war you talk about a beautiful place I can't prove it but I believe that's going to be a part of that agony of those that are in the lake when they think about the joys that the righteous are enjoying well they are being tormented in the police that burns with fire and brimstone is what you want I think about it is it's forever brothers and sisters we can spend eternity with the Lord in a place this beautiful some people may never travel to see a lot of the beauty Danny I know people that terminus I've never been out of Texas I've never been beyond Fort Worth apostle you may never see the ocean you may never see waterfalls flatland we have in Texas you may never see mountains that's fine just make sure did you see that Golden City make sure even if you never get a chance to go to old Jerusalem just make sure you make it to the new to get there your name must be written down if there's another I want you to come come on if you need to be saved this is your time this is your hour you can make it right now hallelujah if you don't have that assurance some of you trying to guess whether or not your name is written down there we'll go ahead and pray with them trying to guess about it you can't make this and don't make this guess you got to know I want to walk in Jerusalem like John
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 13,346
Rating: 4.8965516 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 6sec (5466 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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