FFXIV - Gatherer Leveling Guide 1-90 Endwalker 6.08

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[Music] yo people hope you're all doing well and welcome to another guide in this video we'll be going over the best ways in which to level up your gatherings from 1 to 90. i'll be mentioning the ways in which i leveled up my gatherers and why i chose to use those methods and i will also be pointing out the quickest ways to go through each level category despite the route that i took so as you may be aware gathering classes are used to obtain the raw materials for crafters you have a botanist a minor and a fisher so if you already have your crafters leveled then leveling the gathering classes would be very beneficial to have if you want to maximize on a profit you make if you have a limited investment pot for crafting then instead of buying the mats from the market board you can simply just go and get most of them yourself on the other hand even if you don't have any crafters leveled you can still live with your gatherers and make a lot of guild by just selling the materials you obtain at later levels you will have access to gather railroad materials which can let you a lot of gill for pretty much no investment costs the only thing that you will need to really invest in is your gear so with that let's get into it so before starting out there are some things to take note of that will help to make your journey to max level a lot quicker number one xp buffs there are three ways we will be using in this guide to get you some xp boosts which all stack together the first would be the three percent xp boost that you get from any foods it would be best to stock up on some cheap ones such as borrowed x for the early leveling process these can be easily purchased from vendors which you can find in any of the three starting seas if you have extra gill to spend then you can use hq or high quality mushroom sautes which will also give some bonus that boosts and can help a little at lower levels however they won't be necessary so don't worry if you can't afford to use them the second xp boost would be the 150 boost you get from survival manuals these can be purchased from your grand company for seals and i would highly suggest stocking up on these when you can if you have the grand company ranked required then you can also get the level 2 version and i would go for these instead you can also get an fc buff called earth and water which boosts your xp by 10 whilst gathering so if you're in fc then maybe just ask if you can actually use that buff for the day or if you have your own fc then just make sure to have that buff active second tip would be to stock up on cordials i personally purchased these with gill from the market board as any seals that i had were spent mostly on the survival manuals these grant you back some gp when using specific skills whilst covering and are very important to have as they can help to speed up the leveling process you will also want to have ishgard restoration unlocked which you can unlock by completing a quest in ishgard i have a short section on where to unlock this in my crafting guide if you want to check it out i would also highly suggest having at least one combat job high enough to access the zones in end walker this is essential for the level 80 to 90 process which we will touch more on later so in order to get started you will need to pick up the starting quest in the respected city for that specific job for example if you want to start mining you will need to head over to order and enter the mining guild and speak with the guild receptionist to start the introduction quest once completed you will be given a primary tool which you can now use to unlock the class at level 1 i wouldn't really worry about any gear just wear anything that you can to make sure you're not mining ores but naked unless you're done bad okay so now you're ready to level the first job that we will touch on will be fishing leveling fissure from 1 to 90 will be quite different to leveling the botanist and the minor jobs and that's mainly because of a method we can use for fishing called ocean fishing so ocean fishing is an expedition that you go on in an instanced area and essentially catch fish with other people you can begin ocean fishing from level one and just need to have completely the first introduction quest from the fishing guild when completed you will just need to head over to this npc in limsa and speak to them at the departure time the departure time for each ocean fishing trip is every two hours so it will be good to try and head out there whenever you can it is easily the best way to get your fischer all the way to 90 and you can also get a pretty cool shark minion and mount if you get over a specific amount of points on the expedition what i personally did was i leveled my botanist on my miner simultaneously and then every two hours i would go on an ocean fishing trip this is a good way to just break up any boredom from constantly hitting the notes whilst gathering and can also be pretty fun especially if going with friends once you really get into ocean fishing and you want to start hitting the max points then there's some really good guides out there which can help you i'll put a link in the description for a guide that i actually used which is a spreadsheet and it's pretty detailed so just take your time and read for it if you're interested so the xp for ocean fishing is so good that you can literally just do this all the way up to level 90. i wouldn't bother doing anything else but if you did want to then i will touch on leaf quests later which i will talk about for the mining and botanist so if you did want to break it up you can also do those so now let's go over some basic fundamentals of gathering i'm gonna just show you an example of how together and then we'll take it from there so when gathering you should always have triangulate sneak and truth of the forest skills active once you have them unlocked sneak allows you to be in stealth mode so enemies have a harder time spotting you and triangularly and the truth of the forest are both used to be able to spot nodes on your map as a botanist you will see nodes marked as the button is symbol on your mini-map when you're nearby if we head over to here and we right-click the nodes a new menu pops up in this menu the main thing to focus on is the level of the node and the top line showing the percent this line indicates the success rate of gathering item so if you hit it once then you will see an amount of your yield bar being depleted you will also see another message showing that you've successfully gathered the item so this bar will just gradually deplete after every gathering attempt until you have fully exhausted the note you can also check the enable quick gathering option which pretty much just completes the gathering attempts for you without you having to actually keep clicking the percent number underneath indicates the chance of gathering one more of the item on an attempt so for example if this was at 100 it means that every gathering attempt to you to get two instead of just one for the later levels go becomes important since your percent for successfully gathering items will be lower if your gear isn't good enough likewise your gathering yield bar will deplete quicker so for late game it's essential to have good gear to be able to successfully gather materials so just as a quick note your gathering start raises your likelihood of receiving an item whilst gathering and the perception raises the probability of triggering gatherers boone which increases the item yield by one so gathering stat would affect top line where perception would affect the bottom line okay so now let's start with the leveling process for levels one to ten on your miner i would go to central thanolan and form some copper oil and bone chips to be precise i would get as many copper oil as you can until your leveling starts to slow down a bit and then aim to get around 50 bone chips you need 10 copper ore and 50 bone chips for your level 1 and level 5 job quest respectively so once you hit level 5 and have those amounts of mats then go back and hand them in once you hit level six plus i would then go to western thanolan and farm some tin ores soiled femurs and also some zincos you can do this all the way up to a level ten four levels one to ten on your botanists i would first go to central shroud and farm latex and maple saps you need 10 latex and 50 maple saps for level 1 and level 5 job quest respectively once you hit around level 5 and have all the mats you can then head back and hand in your job quests at level 6 i will then head over to central shroud and farm ash logs and mistletoes up until level 10. now that we've reached level 10 i'd suggest just grabbing some cheap vendor gear from any of the three main starting seas you can get them from any of these npcs and they're really cheap to pick up you will probably spend around 10 to 15k for a full set including a tool for each job once you've got your gear you're now ready to head over to the diadem which is in the firmament the diadem is arguably the most efficient place to level both of your miner and your botanist up to level 80. you can also make some decent gear on the process the reason this method is good is because you don't really need to upgrade your gear until you hit around level 50 to 60 meaning you hardly spend any guilt in the process inside the diadem your level skills and your gear doesn't really make a big difference you'll be able to continuously gather items at 100 rate so just make sure that whilst you're in there you're making use of your xp buffs to access the item you need to head over to the firmament and speak to this npc you will then be teleported to the diadem and can now gather here for a certain time you can go around to the different islands and just exhaust all of the mining and botanist nodes that you come across once you are done and you have a bunch of materials gathered you can head back over to the npc and hand them in to be approved you will then get back some approved grade materials which you can either sell on the market board or you can save them to use for your ishgard restoration recipes on your crafters if you plan on leveling them so with the diadem you can actually farm this all the way up until level 80. they've made some changes to the experience that you get so it is actually now viable in end walker however you could also stop at level 60 or 70 and focus on the next method that i will mention which is what i did although diadem is the easiest it's not actually the fastest way to level up and for me personally i got pretty bored of the item so if you farm it all the way up to 80 then that's good on you but if you decide that you wanted to maybe try something different after you hit around over 50 60 i'll explain what you can do next so if you've decided to stop at level 50 or 60 from the diadem then i would suggest now getting some gear upgrades the best way would be to just buy some vendor gear if you're at level 50 then you want to head over to ishgard and buy your gear from here make sure to grab a main and off hand tool for your classes just to know you don't need enough hand for fishes so as mentioned before at level 60 i stopped with the diadem and i focused on doing all of my job quests up to my current level this nets a lot of xp in a process and you can simply just buy the required items needed to hand in from the market board or if you have time to spare you can easily just go and gather them yourself bear in mind that for some of the fishing quests you will be required to actually catch the fish yourself so just be careful before buying anything from the market board for the fishing quests and just make sure that it says to hand it in rather than to catch it completing all job quests up to level 60 will get you just over 4 mil xp so i'd highly suggest completing them at this stage after completing job quests i found leave quests all the way up to max level the max level was level 80 at the time that i leveled my gatherers so you could also wait until level 70 before leaving a diadem if you really wanted to so leave quests are short quests that you can pick up and complete based on your level you get a bunch of xp for handing them in whilst also getting xp for actually gathering items in the process you have a leaf cap of 100 and are reimbursed with three every 12 hours so if you have a lot of these stacked up then this will be a good method to use at this point i personally did this because like i said before i got bored of sitting and died in all the ages farming leave quests can be picked up in the relevant city based on your level so for level 60 we'll be getting these from this npc in kagane you can complete leaves all the way up to level 70 here similarly if you're level 50 you can pick them up from ishgard and complete them all the way up to 60. and one to 40 you would get them from the three main starting seeds i wouldn't really suggest using them so early on because from levels 80 to 90 i would suggest keeping around 30 to 40 leave quests as this is going to be the main method that we will use so how you would want to do these would be to grab all three available for your current level and then all three for your miner these should all be in the same location and if we head over there we can pretty much just do all six at the same time you can then return to kogane and hand them all in for some big xp you want to rinse and repeat this process all the way up until level 70 where you can then head over to the crystarium and then pick up the leaves from there so something to mention here before we move on is if you're tired of doing diadem and you also don't have enough leaves to use before level 80 then i would suggest focusing on the next method that i'm going to mention you can actually start doing these from level 50 onwards despite my advice of starting them at level 78 once you hit level 78 i will suggest taking some time out to start saving on some white scripts if you have been doing your ocean fishing during this time then chances are you are collecting a good amount of scripts anyway the way which will be doing this through botanist and mining however will be through gathering collectibles you can unlock the collectible vendor by first completing a quest inscrutable taste in foundation followed by the quest go west craftsman in modona gathering collector balls works a little different to the previous methods mentioned the nodes that you need to gather actually have a specific time of the day that they pop up so if you look in this window you can see the level required for each item to be gathered and also a collectibility rating to check the time that a node becomes active just right click on the name of the item and then hit search by gathering method if you then hover over the item name you should see two times keep in mind that this is in aosian time and one eosin day is 70 minutes so the nodes will show up every 35 minutes the easiest way to actually track these all would be to use a third party website a good one i recently used is ff14clock.com and i will post a link in the description for the website just to show you how to use it quickly what you want to do is make a list of the items that you want so at level 78 you can just set five to six nodes to focus on all closest to your level and add them to your list on the website every time that these nodes are active an alarm will trigger to let you know collectible nodes are different to normal gathering you'll be shown a different menu when trying to gather them and you will need to use a combination of skills to get the required collectible rating in order to be able to hand them in the higher the collectibility rating the more bonus scripts and xp you will get depending on if you hit the next collectible tier bracket the outcome of the collectibility rating that you're able to reach and also the amount of items that you'll be able to gather is dependent on your gear so it will be good to just test this out and see what works for you you will want to farm this until you are able to get a full set of level 80 gabra gear including the tools for each shop once you've done this then you are ready to move on to the final stage so 80 to 90 this is where i will just use up all the leaves that you have left if i remember correctly it took me around 30 to 40 leaves to get from level 80 to 90 using the same methods that i mentioned earlier collect three of the highest level leaves that you can for botanist and minor and then just head out to the zones and complete them you can unlock the level 80 to 90 leaves by just speaking to this npc in old charlene this would also be a good time to finish off your job quests as there are two skills which you get at level 68 and 70 for each class which become really useful for endgame gathering if you don't actually have any more leaves to use then the best thing to do at this point would be to just farm the collectible notes that i mentioned before this may take slightly longer but it is still a viable method to use so congratulations on reaching level 90. i hope you guys enjoyed this guide and i hope it helps you to reach level 90 with no issues if you benefited from the video then please like and subscribe to stay tuned for more content also if you found other effective ways to level your gatherings that i didn't mention then feel free to share below in the comment section on that note until next time peace
Channel: Ozario
Views: 29,202
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Id: 2DSqLst7rlA
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Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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