FFXIV VERSUS - Black Mage vs Red Mage vs Summoner (Endwalker, Caster DPS)

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[Music] hey everyone mr happy here and welcome to final fantasy verses this series is dedicated towards discussing the pros and cons of each job within each role in final fantasy 14. this video will be focusing on the caster dps just a couple of reminders one i won't talk much about role actions unless a job has some sort of distinct advantage with them and two every job can do every content no questions asked so no matter who wins or even potentially loses this video play what you enjoy and you will have no issues first up let's start with the og black mage introduced as the immobile turret mage way back in the day the job has largely kept its identity intact for almost 10 years now it's gotten new additions from each expansion that's given it more burst more movement and more boom but that being said the selfish caster has often been a roller coaster of either being undertuned or players just being afraid of approaching its higher skill ceiling so how's it faring an end walker fortunately black mage right now is a powerhouse ranked up there with the various melee dps for its outputs it achieves this through its use of fire and ice phases when a black mage is in astral fire they can blast off several powerful fire spells at the cost of completely halting their mp regeneration fire 4 is their bread and butter spell during this time while fire 1 and fire starter prox to use fire 3 instantly are used more to support the forms duration buff or for movement at the end of it all they can dump their mp on despair for one last burst of damage before entering recovery mode recovery mode would be umbral ice this rapidly regenerates mp and is largely used to prepare the next fire phase blizzard 3 enters the phase in a snap while blizzard 4 grants them umbral hearts to reduce their fire for mp costs when the time comes you'll also often see thunderspells a powerful dot applied during this phase if possible though reapplying thunder during fire phases when the need arises is perfectly normal they also recently gained paradox a spell that is available after swapping between the phases under certain conditions during astral fire it replaces fire 1 for more damage and will be used to extend astral fire's phase during ice it deals high damage but it's also instant cast making it an amazing addition for their mobility finally they top it all off with polyglot a stacking buff they gain every 30 seconds that maintains their fire and ice forms each stack allows you to access either xenoglossy or foul powerful single target and aoe instant cast spells awesome for bursting bosses adds or simply for movement to support this constant dance of fire and ice they also have a few personal buffs to manage sharpcast allows them to instantly proc a fire starter for an instant fire three cast or thundercloud for an instant thunder 3 or thunder4 effect by casting the requisite spells great for movement and damage triple cast makes their next three spells instant cast not much to say about that but this is important because fire four's recast time is actually lower than its cast time so triple cast is actually a dps gain on that spell so knowing when to use triple cast for damage movement or optimally both separates the good black mages from the greats then they have mana font which grants the black mage 3000 mp you'll usually use this after despair or flares to get a couple of extra casts at the end of your fire phase leylines is a personal buff that places a ring of power on the ground standing in it greatly increases their spell speed so ensuring this is dropped during a time where you can remain inside for the duration is essential finally they have amplifier which instantly grants them one polyglot great for burst windows or for extra movement they do of course have an aoe rotation that focuses on swapping between fire and ice almost identical minus one interaction between high fire 2 and flare thunder has an aoe equivalent as well in that of thunder 4 so it feels super easy to rotate between single target and aoe when needed their remaining abilities focus on rounding out their phase maintenance defense and mobility when needed transpose allows for an instant swap between fire and ice though the transition won't enter them at full power they'll only have one stack of these buffs transposing to fire can be all right if you happen to have an unused fire starter proc already locked and loaded transposing to ice can be useful to instantly access paradox for more mobility though it takes some adjustment to properly weave back into fire smoothly it's often used when combined with their next gill umbral soul this skill simply buffs umbralise by one stack and extends its timer it also generates umbral heart so it's your go to downtime spam skill use this when running between bosses and dungeons or during boss attacks when there are no targets it requires already being in ice phase though so transpose to get you there if you have to their final few skills help stay alive and also helps ensure they can keep slinging out spells man award grants the black mage a 30 max hp shield great for helping with isolated attack damage or when your party seems to be running behind on healing finally ethereal manipulation lets them dash to an ally side this is awesome for quickly zipping around the arena ensuring that you can save your mobility tools for damage or other mobility phases it does require a teammate to be in a proper position ahead of time though so don't be worried if you accidentally ethereal manipulate to the wrong target and have to desperately run to the correct spot it happens to the best of us they can even use between the lines as a similar style teleport to the center of their ley lines if they're active zipping around the arena with these two will both impress your party members and help you keep the damage pumping so pros for black mage number one pro is big damage tons of big numbers firing off all those neurons and pumping those endorphins the job also has a very different way of using mp with the values constantly jumping from zero to full and back again this makes recovery from mistakes especially death much smoother it has a ton of mobility tools a simple rotation and lots of room to grow in terms of skill this gives it a very rewarding feeling when you find yourself improving day after day the con side mostly comes down to the job being a knowledge check first you need to ensure you understand the job well enough but then you need to make sure you understand the fights well enough knowing when to save mobility tools not use triple cast during your burst to save it for movement later properly manipulating to allies making use of ley lines as both a teleport location and trying to make sure you have as much uptime with it as possible positioning two minute timing the job just takes a special approach to play well but it is well worth the effort it also is the only caster with no combat raise so if you're not running double caster be wary of this you're going to see both your healers die at some point and maybe consider swapping jobs in that moment however the job strengths really shine when you improve on it and it's definitely worth a shot even if you suck at first next up is red mage the job was introduced as the third caster back in stormblood and has had a huge impact on the game since then being a mix of melee and ranged gameplay made for a big fan base alongside the classic job aesthetics and the utility that it brings this has remained true forever even when the job's damage output was considered lower than expected which is even now kind of a little bit there's no questioning whether or not it's good in end walker though because even at its worst it's always been one of the most desired jobs for any party since implementation the job focuses on balancing white and black mana through its gauge its single target and aoe spells generate different manas as you cycle through them occasionally procking stronger spells in the process when you have more than 50 of each or 60 for aoe combos you unleash a flurry of melee attacks on the enemy after you follow up with some insanely powerful aoe spells you'll then do it all over again i could detail every individual spell but honestly they all just serve the purpose of getting you to this 6 part melee spell combo it's simple to understand and easy to execute it's flow friendly to new casters the only thing to really note is you don't want both of your manas to be the exact same value two of their melee combo attacks verflare and verholi gain bonus effects if you have one mana lower than the other it's up to you to know which is which and to use either verflair or verholi correctly to gain an extra spell proc every time you get to them in your rotation to help facilitate this is their other primary job mechanic dualcast upon finishing a spellcast the next one then becomes instant the job has some spells with normal cast times and others with really long ones so you generally only use dual cast procs on spells with really long cast times instead you can also utilize swift casts like the other casters can but bear in mind that a swift casted spell will not proc dual cast so do not do this aimlessly ensure it's part of a set rotation or being used for a specific purpose like movement they also have acceleration to grant them another instant cast spell though it only works on their spells with longer cast times for arrow for thunder and impact it also ensures that any spell procs you can get you will get making it not only great for movement but also for damage and managing white and black mana you even get two charges of it at max level they also have some other tools to assist in damage flash is a single target off global damaging skill while country 60 is an aoe off global they even have a ton of movement skills that actually have damage tied to them cora cord dashes towards the opponent and displacement swings your sword before jumping away from them in the case that you don't want to or can't really afford to backflip away they also have engagement which has the same damage shares a cooldown with displacement and serves for your damaging purposes exclusively these skills are part of your big burst windows but you also want to manage them for any bosses that might require mobility making them super versatile speaking of versatile the big reason the job is so popular is for its insane utility first off it has vercure which is just straight up healing you might save a party with the cure itself sure or use it for soloing but it's so much more important than that during boss downtime make sure to use vercure to prepare a dual cast proc before the boss becomes targetable again so you can get back into the action as quickly as possible in the same vein you can also use dual cast on vrays their combat raised spell thanks to dual cast red mage can sling out raises one after the other after the other but beware the toll this will take on your mp is not insignificant you won't be recovering from this easily if you have to do it too often for their burst damage windows they have two other tools to assist manifecation instantly grants 50 of both manas and increases the damage of the next six attacks at level 90. that is basically five percent more damage on your entire melee spell combo which you also just instantly got access to thanks to the 50 mana you'll want to use this alongside embolden their five percent buff to the party's damage and five percent to their own damage as well this will really help pump out the numbers finally for one last utility they have magic barrier this reduces magic damage taken by the party by ten percent and increases the healing that any of those party members receive by five percent amazing for big boss raid wides especially multi-hit ones with lots of healing so red mage has a lot of pros all of which we've kind of discussed throughout this entire thing simple to understand simple to play lots of utility and solid damage even if it is less than black mage and summoner not to mention you just look good as a red mage the cons are really just preferential for the most part some people just don't jive with the simple rotation and want something a bit more exciting or maybe you're just tired of being asked to raise so frequently the only real con i'd say is the job is surprisingly the least mobile of the casters i know that sounds crazy given black mage's desire to turret but dual cast procs are only good if you can stop to cast a spell in between so bosses with long mechanical dances where you need to keep dealing damage require a lot of planning for red mage well-timed melee combos gap closers and gap creators acceleration and swiftcast uses are all important things to learn in endgame content that being said if you are new to caster this is my number one recommendation you just might find your new main job in the process finally we come to summoner yes finally we're not talking about blue mage anyway summoner was introduced back in a realm reborn in patch 2.0 and has always been a rollercoaster ride i think of all the jobs in the game it's probably the most reworked most adjusted most loved most hated most played least played it's everything and then some and walker saw the largest rework yet taking the job from being a dot-centric caster with a side of pets to a job that utilizes the pets non-stop to access powerful new skills in a steady flow so how's it faring well it's fairly largely ok now after a few adjustments the job starts by entering dreadworm trance and summoning bahamut dealing a huge burst of damage right away after muhammad is gone it rotates between ifrit garuda and titan phases to deal its damage each starting with a giant summon animation and attack titan is the steady and highly mobile dps phase if it is the slow and hard hitting phase and garuda is the rapid fire face with one long cast time spell in there after using each your next summon will be just about ready with phoenix this phase functions largely similarly to bahamut with a few small differences such as the addition of an aoe regen for the team for the duration and a targeted heel buff for an ally then you rotate through the three summons again back to bahamut and so on and so forth there isn't that much else to say about it to be honest they do also have some other tools to balance on top of the constant summons energy drain and energy siphon can be used as single target and aoe options respectively to get two stacks of ether flow per minute which they'll then use on fester or pain flare for single target or aoe they also have searing light to provide a small damage buff to the team for 30 seconds once every two minutes a combat race and a personal shield though the shield is only usable when carbuncle is out this is a lot of the time basically anytime a different summon isn't out but be wary of your timing if you're trying to use this on special attacks seriously that's it so i guess it's pros and cons time summoner's pros are actually pretty similar to red mages plus a couple it's incredibly simple has a combat raise and a damage buff it has great mobility minus a few spells during efreet and garuda so you'll have to plan around those timings its single target damage is solid too even slightly better than red mages in most cases and its aoe damage is absolutely bonkers the cons are once again just a bit preferential the simplicity can be unexciting for some and the occasional disjointedness of the e-freet spells i know can be a bit jarring going from almost entirely mobile in most phases to having to plan mobility for e3 its combat raises fine also but summoners have to struggle between using swiftcast for ifferent mobility or holding it just in case i see a lot less summoner raises than i used to that's for sure it has no utility either other than its rays and the heal ability on phoenix which you should definitely consider using it smartly when it comes around just isn't going to turn as many heads and it's not going to be the reason anyone takes you into their group that being said if you're looking for a job that does solid damage has high mobility has the summon aesthetic and it's not too difficult to play then summoner is a good job for you alright as you know we need to pick a winner while black mage is my favorite hands down i have to give it to red mage while the job has the lowest dps of the three casters it's such a reliable pick in all facets of the game from casual to hardcore even at its worst it's still a popular pick and that's for a good reason it's easy to play has lots of utility and is more than efficient enough to get the job done even when it's ranking below summoner and black mage for second place i am going to give it to black mage though the damage the job pumps out is just so insane and it has such a satisfying learning curve that really makes you feel stronger even when you haven't picked up new gear play black mage well and people will take notice of you that is for sure now summoner honestly it could contend for second place as well but the job just feels like it's missing something it's simplicity isn't quite like red mages it's almost too simple with not much room for learning or improving it is great for people who want as little involvement with their job as possible and to perform at a really consistent level but often some other mains that i know shy away from playing it unless necessary just for these reasons that being said being the second strongest caster means it ain't no slouch and that's gonna be a wrap for this episode of final fantasy versus if they make any adjustments throughout end walker that warrants a re-issue of this versus then we will do that but if not hopefully you enjoyed it be sure to like favorite subscribe and share and i will see you all in the next video until then take care [Music]
Channel: Mrhappy1227
Views: 114,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Square, Enix, Mrhappy, Game, Games, Gaming, MMO, RPG, MMORPG, FF, Final, Fantasy, Final Fantasy, FF14, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, Guide, Tips, Tricks, How To, Lets, Play, Lets Play
Id: zcEwAB0JVT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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