FFXIV Alt Job Leveling Guide to 90 - Tips For Beginners

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hello everyone today I want to talk about the most efficient ways to level all of your jobs to max level as someone that has leveled all of them I have some regrets in the way that I approached things and I think a lot of people even those who already have a few characters leveled will benefit from this video so in summary what I would do differently is instead of going for the most efficient leveling method I would go for a variety of leveling methods that also provide other rewards the reason for that is simple many of these things you're going to want to do in late game anyways because this is the core content of Final Fantasy 14. and second of all by doing different things you keep it from becoming boring and stale and burning yourself out you know what they say variety is the spice of life and this is definitely true here alright let's make sure we have our bases covered the most important thing that I completely underestimated are bonuses the first thing we have is rested XP you get this whenever you're in a sanctuary you can see if you're in a sanctuary by looking at your XP bar there's a little half moon symbol whenever you're getting rested XP just always make sure to log out in the sanctuary and don't worry about anything else this will provide you additional XP and let you level up faster next up is the food bonus especially when you're doing the story right now you're gonna get food thrown at you but alternatively you can buy any cheap vendor food the stats are completely irrelevant for us all we care about is the three percent XP boost just use this whenever you're doing any kind of content where you're defeating enemies next up is the free company XP bonus this isn't guaranteed but I think most free companies are going to be running this basically this has to be used by the SC leader just join nefc and ask them if they're running the XP bonus this bonus is pretty massive so make sure you find an FC if you want to level your art jobs quickly something else to consider is whether there are any preferred worlds if you're just getting started you might want to join a preferred World instead of a normal world because the XP bonuses you get there are absolutely huge basically everything is going to be leveling up twice as fast and the minimum time you're going to benefit from this is 90 days as long as you're in a preferred world and the world is still designated as preferred you're going to get the bonus of course for a lot of people it might already be too late or they already have some friends who are playing the game on a different world but if you have the chance to I would highly recommend playing on a preferred world as a beginner unlike me I had to do it all the hard way the last thing you want to look out for is the challenge lock you get this unlocked very early and this will encourage you to do different kinds of content for example completing a set number of dungeons will give you a bunch of bonus XP which is really nice I don't think anything in here is really worth targeting specifically because the XP you get is just decent but it's good to keep in mind and check at the end of the week to make sure that you're not like one dungeon short of like a huge XP payout but overall this just plays into our strategy of a variety of content instead of hyper focusing on some grindy content all right we're not going to go through the leveling methods that I recommend not all of these are completely unconditional and always worth it but I'll try to make it obvious when they are useful let's get started with the hunting log this will have you hunt down specifically marked jobs around the world and whenever you complete a rank by defeating the enemies listed in the hunting logs rank you get a massive chunk of XP so this is what I would recommend to Target always Target entire ranks and never just do like a few mobs here and there and call it a day for an easy way to find the mobs I have a list down in the video description in my opinion hunting log is fairly slow fairly High effort because you have to find the mobs that you want to kill and also fairly boring I would only recommend to use this after level 20 to get your characters into the zones where you can do other stuff next up are Fates these are basically events that spawn all around the world this can be used for decent XP all the way to a Max Level it's not very time efficient but it's decent for variety you want to check the level range of the fade on the map make sure you're somewhere close to it and then just participate in whatever the Fate asks of you usually this involves killing some monsters collecting some stuff killing more monsters you know how it goes I like this early on especially up to level 20 in combination with the hunting log mostly because it helps me not do as as much of the hunting log right here is a hotspot list that you can check which will help you find appropriate zones for the level range that you're in whenever you get to shadowbringers and end Walker you'll have access to so-called shared Fades these have a special menu basically in the shadowbringers and and Walker zones you have a shared fade Rank and you can increase this Rank by doing Fates in these zones by doing shared Fates you get a currency called bi-color gemstones these are used to buy a variety of things such as minions but also crafting materials that go for decent kill on a market board very often FCS will do fed fate farming events so either join your FC if they do this kind of content or look out in those zones if you see a party and see if you can team up with people doing Fades with others is always a good idea because it makes it easy to get goal participation and if you fly from fate to fate you're going to get through them much quicker there are also XP bonus Fades especially if you're doing msq in a certain Zone have a look out for these you can see them on the map marked with this symbol right here this will provide additional XP and they might be an opportunity for you to just hop in on an art job do the fate and then continue with what you were doing before the next way to get XP is something that again you'll probably want to do anyways the XP is just decent but it sucks if you have everything at level 90 and then you discover you have these left what I'm talking about is class quests job quests and more specifically in my case roll quests class quests you want to do up until Level 30 whenever your class turns into a job and then they're just called job quests from level 30 to level 80. in addition to that there are roll quests from level 70 to level 90. and these are actually held off on because I wasn't sure what the reward was but now in hindsight it's just free XP that you can get on whatever job you want again I have a link in the description for you guys so you can find the real quests that you're looking for I'm not saying these are amazing XP they're okay but again you're going to want to do these anyways next up are the Beast tribe quests this is final fantasy's version of daily quests and these all give decent XP but most importantly whenever you finish a b stripe or you get close to finishing them you get a mount reward so not only do you get to level a drop of your choice but you also get a man reward at the end which is pretty motivating I wish I'd started these earlier because I personally just finished doing Beast tribe dailies meanwhile I've been max level for a while so I must have missed out on millions of XP so do these while you're still leveling up again there'll be a link in the video description if you want to find the appropriate daily b-stripe quests next up are weekly and daily hunt marks basically inside every expansion once per week you'll get a weekly Mark and every day you'll get daily marks this is basically like bounty hunting you get a little thing in your inventory that tells you the location of whatever you're looking for and then you can fly around the zone until a message appears which tells you that the mob that you're looking for is nearby alternatively you can find the mobs online as well just Google the name and you can find the possible spawn locations go there say the hunt Mark and you get a decent chunk of XP that's nothing to scoff at in addition to that you'll get Allied seals Centrio seals and sacks of nuts which can be used for various rewards for example you can get etherite tickets which you can use to eliminate all teleportation costs in my opinion this is something that a lot of people are sleeping on an easy way to get XP and additional rewards in the process next up are command missions this is a feature of the so-called Adventure squadrons which is part of your grand company if you go through the whole grand company questline stuff you'll eventually unlock these the requirement here being level 47 your adventure Squadron are various NPCs that basically are led by you you sent them on missions but there's also the option of doing command missions where you take three of them into a dungeon now this is some of the best grindable XP between level 20 and level 60. whenever you have all of this unlocked just go to an appropriate level dungeon select who you want to take into the Command Mission and then just complete the dungeon with a bunch of NPCs this will give you really good XP for some reason and again this is something that you're going to want to do anyways I think you need at least 10 of them to achieve the highest rank in your grand company next up is as deep dungeons now if you've been consuming some Final Fantasy 4D content chances are you've already heard about deep dungeons right now there are three of these in the game Palace of the Dead Heaven on high and Eureka authors explaining these in detail in the span of this video would take too long but long story short you start on the lowest floor and then fight your way up you queue with other players who are going alone if you're feeling brave and Tackle up to 200 floors for Pals of the dead and 100 floors for Eureka orthos as well as having on high defeating them in sets of 10. your lover progress inside the Deep dungeon is separate from your level progress outside of the deep dungeon so for example you can be level 50 inside Palace of the dead but outside you're still Level 20. this is great because it allows you a preview of whatever drop you just took into the deep dungeon to see how the abilities feel at a higher level the XP overall is not amazing but it's pretty good and again there are plenty of reasons to do this content at this point even without just targeting the XP first of all you're gonna level up your ether pool arms this will happen more or less naturally as you play and it basically just makes you stronger inside that specific deep dungeon so if you're gonna have to grind this at max level anyways to get your ether pool arms up you might as well make use of the XP now if you're overwhelmed by this right now just check some other guides I promise it's actually not as intimidating as it looks next up is the boss jar field operation there's another field operation in this game called Eureka but this actually can't be used to level however ball strap is really great from level 70 to level 80. basically this is a unique Zone with a little bit of a storyline attached to it that you go into and there will be special Fates that spawn this gives decent XP and they spawn at a rate that allows you to basically always be fighting in addition to that sometimes special events will spawn these can be like little trials that you have to participate in which will be a nice boost to your XP as well again all of this is content that you're going to want to participate in anyways eventually be it for getting a relic weapon for farming kill but also for unlocking the lubrum Reginae and the Lumen Reginae Savage which is kind of the boscha end game next up and this one is super important is wondrous Tales this requires UB level 60 and it has to be unlocked through a bunch of quests again I will put a link in the video description for you to find all of this essentially Chloe aliapo here will give you a book with certain duties that you can do for her and as you complete the duties you will get little stamps on the right side your goal here is to ideally get three lines which is very rare but either way you're going to be rewarded with special resources at the end of the week that you can choose from and also half a level worth of XP on any job that you turn the book in with so ideally you want to get this at the start of every week and then just continue doing all kinds of content that you naturally do throughout the week without specifically targeting anything and then at the end of the week it's very easy to fill the last few stamps that you need by using the Second Chances basically there will always be two trials that should be relatively easy to do if you have a Max Level job you can go into your duty finder select unrestricted party and then just solo these this only takes like 10 seconds in Duty because of how fast the bosses die and then you'll be able to use the second chance to do the same Duty again so this is an easy way to get all nine stamps and basically no time at all this is something that I'm still doing despite not needing the XP anymore because the rewards you can get for three lines are just great so just take your chances once a week and also get half a level worth of XP which is massive if you're in a higher level the next one is for all the PVP enjoyers there's Frontline crystalline conflict and also rival Wings all of these will give you ok XP and also mod rewards as well as PVP series rewards I don't think the XP is amazing but it's great to mix this into your regular gameplay to do some PVP if that's what you enjoy lastly we have duty roulette and I saved these for last because I feel like most people know about these I still want to talk about them for a moment and talk about which ones are good and which ones I tend to avoid so first of all we have leveling roulette this is one that I still do every day for the rewards even though I don't really need the XP anymore it gives decent Gill if you're playing as Adventurer in need and it gives you a decent amount of tomestones as well next up is the alliance raid roulette I used to do this pretty much every day but I got a bit fed up with doing the crystal tower rates pretty much every day so I've stopped doing them however these are amazing XP the other two three roulette that I highly recommend is actually trial roulette this gets really good XP for the amount of time that you spend on it plus by doing travel roulettes you actually get to see some of the more interesting fights which is a nice change of pace from a boring leveling roulette all the other roulettes also provide decent XP for the time that you spend on them however I usually skip them because they're either too time intensive or they just don't provide enough variety for me to be interested in doing them every day next up I have two honorable mentions that I think are not very efficient that you can do if that's the kind of content that you enjoy the first one being side quests these are all the side quests you can find out in the open world that are on mainstor requests or or blue quests these are generally not XP efficient okay these take a long time to do and the XP you get from them is usually pretty pathetic however I think that there's a certain type of player who really likes the lore of the game or just enjoys seeing characters talk and just reading quests and for those people the side quests are still an option just remember that they are relatively slow one and the other thing is Guild hasts these I would only recommend doing if you're new to the game because they teach you some game fundamentals otherwise they're not really XP efficient not even with the duty roulette bonus and in my opinion when you've done them once they're extremely dull if this video was helpful please leave a like down below so other people can find this too and also if you enjoyed this video you might be interested in this one where I teach you how to level Crafters with the same methodology that we applied to this video thanks for watching and I hope I'll see you in the next one lolly ho
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 97,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, leveling, leveling guide, alt jobs, level, ffxiv leveling alt jobs, ffxiv leveling guide, 1-50, 50-60, 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, tips, tricks, guide, tutorial, bozja, roulettes, pvp, command missions, wondrous tails, hunt marks, best way to level, how to level jobs, fast leveling, how to level alt jobs fast, how to level alts
Id: uxh0jmEljjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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