Mistakes New Players Make in FFXIV's Economy

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well hello there if you're new player to Final Fantasy 14 today I have some Guild saving methods for you that are going to avoid you figuratively putting your money on fire right in front of you so let's get right into it my first tip is regarding the retainers which you get some part into the msq these are what you'll use to sell things on the market board what you can do is talk to the retainer vocates and they will tell you about the mark attacks the market tax is a seller's tax specifically and you can see that we have a normal tax rate in limsug rodania ulda meanwhile the attacks is reduced in ishgart kugane chrysariam and Australian now what this means in practice is that in when you're selling an item instead of paying five percent on whatever you sell you're now only paying three percent now this might not sound like a lot but if you're going to sell 10 million worth of things on your Market board over the course of you playing the game which is entirely realistic for the average player then you're going to essentially burn 200 000 worth of Gill for no reason at all all you have to do to fix this is to go to whatever city has a reduced tax rate and then select dispatcher retainer to whatever City you're at by talking to the local retainer vocade and this doesn't affect um where you can access your retainers or anything we're currently alimsa my retainers are in Australian so I can still go here sell items and you see we still benefit from the reduce tax rate the next mistake that I see a lot of people make and I think we're going to find some evidence of that right here is people selling things on the market board at a price that is below the vendor price or buying things on the market board that they could get from a vendor somewhere else you go to the market board and we search for demi material for example we'll find a list of items that have a relatively high price we can see the price if you hover the item for example this one sells for 500 Gil if we click on this one for example we already see a bunch of people selling this item at a price that is below the vendor price this person right here is effectively losing uh 201 Gill not to mention they're going to have to pay a sellus tax on top of this but very often you can find items that are worth more if you just vendor them another thing you should be on the lookout for is if you're buying gear if you really have to use the market board to do that which I don't recommend in the first place unless you're buying the latest crafted gear at high level if you hover over an item you'll get a shop selling price in a lot of cases if this item is sold in a shop so for example we can see the Saiga skin code offending right here has a shop selling price of 43 713 Gil if we bought this on the market board for more than that we would be losing money you can see a lot of people actually put this up for a lower price if we go into the price history I'm willing to bet that some people overpaid this is a less dramatic example this one right here has a shop selling price so 41 000 there's currently one up for 220 000 these are people trying to fleece you this is an item that you can get in a shop look for what prices these are selling for the next tip I want to give you has to do with the stack sizes if you want to sell let's say the stack of 73 self green die of course you could put up the entire stack of 73 self green die but let's be real here who is going to need a stack of 73 self green dye they must have something really extraordinary planned because if they if they are buying 73 soft green dye I want to see what they come up with realistically most people are going to buy five parts 10 pot maybe they'll pay for 10 parts even though they might not even need it but there is an upper limit nobody's going to buy 73 of silk green dye an entire stack pretty much and just have it wrought in the inventory so what you want to do is you want to go put up for sale and just put up smaller stack size put up five of them 10 of them and just sell them in these quantities instead of selling them in an entire stack this is true for different items in the game think about which items this is useful for which items are usually bought in smaller quantities and keep in mind there are also things that are bought in larger quantities like cheap crafting materials this way I promise you you're going to sell things faster and you can probably put them up at a higher price as well another tip if you're trying to sell on the market board is regularly updating prices on your retainers what you want to do is you want to go and select adjust price compare prices and we can see that somebody has undercut Me by some gill now what we want to do is we want to undercut him in return my item is still profitable I don't care if I sell at this price it doesn't really matter to me I can put this up for 800 98 kill and we've undercut him by one kill now would you want to pay attention to is that you don't start undercutting by hundreds thousands ten thousands hundred thousands because what you're doing is effectively crashing the market and let me tell you there are some people who if you undercut them buy too much Gill they will flip out and they will crash the market forever we can keep reducing the price of this by one kill you know every day whenever we update the prices and it doesn't really matter to me okay this item is still profitable eventually someone's going to come in and buy up all of the stacks and we're just gonna start the whole thing again because the price is going to rise again so just undercut responsibly something else you want to keep in mind is that you're gonna have to sell at the price that other people dictate if you know that an item is historically worth more than it's going for right now on the market board just take it off of the market board you can store it in a retainer in your inventory for a while just put it up again in a week in a week or two if you know that the item isn't worth as much anymore just reduce the amount you have on the market board wait for a better time sell less and just come back a different time the next thing you want to use is the market board favorites list you click here you can select favorites and you get a list of items that you can sell on the market board and the way that I use this myself is as a crafter and gatherer I put up items that I know I can gather or craft really easily and just use this to track their price over time so for example I know that I can get a ton of Moonville tree bark really easily and I've put it up here so I can track the price and know whenever it is profitable all you got to do to add an item is go up here search for Whatever item you want to add and then just right click add to favorites now these last two tips are for people with level crafters and gatherers and they are at max level but it's free Guild nonetheless that some people are just missing out on and this has to do with using your leaves what you want to do is go into your journal and at the bottom right it will say allowances these are Leaf Quest allowances basically Harmony leave quests you can do and ideally you never want to let these cap because these are essentially just free to go there's a quest here in Australian where if we talk to this guy we select tradecraft leaves there's a quest here called the mountain steeped where we have to turn in three side to renew and we get 10 000 Gill it says 5000 here but because we turn in a high quality item we're gonna get ten thousand now tied to renew we could craft it but in my opinion it's a waste of time the better way of doing this is by simply buying it on the market board on the market board if we buy three of these we're going to pay roughly you know five thousand yields for three of them um of course it depends on the market board the second I make this video there's going to be some people putting this up for more so keep that in mind just make sure you're profitable and you take this T and you accept the quest and all you got to do is run over to this guy and turn this in and we're going to get ten thousand ten thousand girl right here so you see we just doubled our Gill and all it costs us is the allowances so make sure you use your allowances whenever they come up I just come here every now and then and do like you know 10 of these whenever I'm in a queue or something and it's really not that bad you don't have to do all 100 of these in one go um you can just come back whenever the leaf quests were set and this is just free Gill that is stable you have to rely on the market board and again I advise against crafting this yourself because it's a fairly low margin item the last tip here is for those of you who are gatherers and you don't even have to be a Max Level gatherer for this basically we're going to collect treasure maps if you click down here onto your timers you'll see that you have a daily map allowance and mine is available right now this isn't anything to do with doing the treasure maps this is about Gathering a treasure map basically every player can gather a treasure map once per day and the way you want to do it is if we want to get a level 70 treasure map a level 80 treasure map or level 90 treasure map we just go to a node corresponding that level so at this node we're going to get the level 70 treasure map we're gonna see we have one right here what you want to check is that it's an eight player one because these usually go for higher prices so if you don't see the item right away just keep using lack of the pioneer on different notes until you get the one that you want this is going to uncover hidden items we got this one automatically we go and gather it and that's our treasure map for the day and these go from anywhere between 20 000 Gil to sometimes up to 70 000 kill let me show you so here we are back at our retailer I'm gonna put this item up on the market board you can see this is currently going for 37 000 Gill so basically in like one minute we've made 37 000 how much was it 398 kill and this oil I don't think these are going to stay in your inventory any amount of time these are going to sell within a day pretty much all the time what's important is that you don't just want to do the max level treasure maps because very often the ones that are more profitable are actually the love 60 70 and 80 Maps what you can do is for example use the tip that I gave you beforehand with the favorites list to favorite the treasure maps just figure out which one is the most expensive in the day and then just go and gather that and it's just a free thirty thousand forty thousand fifty thousand Gill every single day and and that can be huge for a player that only has a limited amount of time to play doesn't want to craft or gather too much at a very low time commitment and it's just super easy these are my most important tips lastly I have a big question for you guys this was a more low effort video than the ones that I usually make I basically did this one completely without script and recording it as I go basically I want to dial back the amount of scripted content that I do a little bit because people have said that they enjoy the more casual style a bit more it does lead to slightly longer videos but also I think I can talk more freely and often it just creates some funny situations that I can edit in which I don't really get whenever I write a script so let me know your thoughts on this down below if this was helpful leave a like and I hope I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Jolsn
Views: 32,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, gil, saving, making, methods, crafting, gathering, gatherers, crafters, new players, sprout, beginner, economy, how to make gil, gil making methods, endwalker, mistakes, guide, tutorial
Id: xajiuv6_tQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 28 2023
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