IMPORTANT Blue Unlock Quests in FFXIV

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hey buns so if you are new to polymer z14 you might be drowning in blue unlock quests and the game doesn't tell you which ones are really important and which ones you could easily put off to later so today we're going to go through level by level using this fxv gamer escape article as a reference and this link to this article will be in the description box down below i'm going to just tell you which ones that if i were you which ones i would do now as i was leveling what i would put off what i think you might be actively screwing up your playthrough by not unlocking remember many blue unlock quests are gated behind main story progression so if you're at the right level for something but you don't see it check your main story quest level because you need not only your character to be the right level but your main story quest needs to be at that level or at least maybe beyond it i will not mention things that you automatically unlock just from doing the main story quest are your class and job quest because that is your top priority and i'm just going to assume that you are doing that stuff first and getting all the unlocks that you get naturally just from going through the story doing your class and job quests for side features that i choose to skip i'll explain at the end of each expansions section why i consider those features optional and why i think it's fine to just put them off until your max level or whenever you feel like it that does include all of the crafting and gathering content because i mean you can always get your hand jobs later again please refer back to this fxv gamer escape article for the quest unlock info the purpose of this video today is not to just give you all of the all of the information about all the quests and stuff because that's here on gamer escape i'm here to show you which quests are important and which ones you can put off to later at level 10 you can unlock the other classes that you had seen at character creation that does include rogue which turns into ninja later so i guess it's easy to miss level 15 the challenge log is super important do not miss this because not unlocking it is like flushing xp down the toilet like it is a weekly log that gives you big big xp just for doing stuff you'd probably do anyway like doing dungeons giving commendations to other players things like that at level 15 you can also unlock a glamorous dies and the esthetician obviously these are not required but it's stuff that i would personally consider to be urgent and uh the npc who does the dye and glamour unlocks is right next to the waking sands where you're gonna be returning anyway uh a lot so i mean it's on the way you know frankly nobody needs a good glamour more than she does like this outfit and the esthetician is of course the barber to change your hair's cut if you have a hair level 17 retainer access super important because this is your bank and it is the way you put things up for sale on the market board for other players to buy though if you are on the free trial you cannot hire a retainer also at level 17 the retainer ventures these are little missions you can send your retainers out on to get them to level up it can take a while for them to level up so might as well get started on that palace of the dead now this is the deep dungeon that people often go to to level alt jobs in especially under level 40. your first goal here will be getting through the first 50 floors there's a story that goes along with it and i suggest to grabbing like three friends for it you can also solo it but it's not for the faint of heart i will drop a link in the description box down below to a guide that i always use for palace of the dead but once you've cleared the first 50 floors you will then be able to queue for floors at 51 through 60 at the npc with a matched party and that's usually what people spam to level alt jobs at level 20 you get your first amount of finally this is right after you pick your grand company through the main story quest and the company seals that you need to buy your chocobo issuance quest to item to get the mount will be given to you by i think the next main story quest you really don't want to forget this unlock because if you do you'll be out of cluck at level 29 there is a quest that will allow you to go out the back gate of gradania so i mean it takes five seconds might as well do it it is final fantasy so you have to throw a wide the gate you'll get it later at level 30 you can and should unlock pvp but you cannot pvp if you are on the free trial that said pvp gives a really good xp especially the daily frontline roulette but i would say go to the wolves den first and set up your bars before you queue in because you'll be in for a rude surprise when you queue into the match and your bars are completely borked and unrecognizable it'll be like a pv ui rather quick shout out to the pvp revival discord by the way if you're wanting to do more pvp they have plenty of events happening all the time at level 30 you also unlock fighting i mean yeah you get your joke about a fight alongside you and i mean depending on how bad you are at the game it could be really really helpful like i definitely needed it a lot while leveling paladin level 35 the sunken temple of karn dungeon access and you can't pass that up i will typically recommend that you unlock these psi dungeons that become available as you were leveling because they are there to help you with xp level 38 cutters cry dungeon access level 44 demo dark hold dungeon access there's two ways to unlock it either from far to fear or shadows on cast level 47 the rm veil dungeon which the final face 14 official twitter says is a great dungeon and they wouldn't lie see you at level 47 you also unlock the adventure squadrons i love this feature because these are a team of ai bots that will pretty much carry you through realm reborn dungeons and you can level them up so they become very strong and they don't care if you just sit on your butt and do nothing while they do all the hard work of clearing the dungeon for you but do not take them through hard mode dungeons don't do that uh you do need second lieutenant rank in your grand company to unlock the adventure squadron so i'll put a link in the description box down below that explains how to rank up in your grand company if you don't know level 50. so first off at level 50 know that if you own the stormblood expansion you can already go and unlock samurai and red mage and also i would suggest unlocking the hunt at your grand company because uh well it's a big game feature keep in mind that rom-reborn hunt mark bills do not grant xp but starting in heaven's word and beyond you will get xp for the hunt mark bills but you need to have unlocked that realm reborn hunts before you can unlock the future expansion it's okay at level 50 you may notice that there is a butt load of a side content now unlockable this is uh can be very stressful but just know that you can safely skip most of it for now all you actually need is the hard mode versions of ifrit titan and garuda trials earth wind and fire and you also need the crystal tower raid series in its entirety do that and you are good to go straight on to heaven's ward i will show on the screen for a minute though all of the side dungeons trials and raids that are able to be unlocked by level 50 so it's just a bit easier to make sense of all of it and like i said you can do all this whenever so don't be overwhelmed by this list but i personally would recommend lost city of amdapor dungeon and tamptar a hard dungeon i really love those also do not do the trial earth's fount or any extreme trials in the duty finder use party finder for that and also do not attempt the binding coils of bahamut in the duty finder it is extremely hard if you like i don't think you'll even get a cue for it it is worth doing binding coils unsynced with some friends maybe just you can see the cut scenes because it's a very important story and one more thing that is definitely optional but it would be a crime for me to not tell you to at least get started on is the hilda brand quests i mean not quite mandatory but worth worth doing they're fun now before i actually move on to the heavensward section i want to go over some of the features that i skipped on our way up to level 50 and why if you don't care feel free just go on use the video chapters and skip to the next section so the level 10 guildhest unlock now i skipped this because the buff to rom reborn xp makes these alternate sources of xp less important than they may have once been also how good a guildhest xp is is super conditional like it is great for the first time completion bonus if you're around the same level of the guild house beyond that it's kind of crap xp and so maybe for all jobs but then you actually need to unlock leave quests first before you can unlock guildheads and leaf quests are another thing i skipped because while they're great for leveling crafters and gatherers the xp is not super good for battle jobs and now again not super necessary with a buff to main story xp gain so it's all a bit of a hassle and while maybe i would unlock guildhess for all jobs i'm not gonna tell people it's a rush to get that done all the housing area unlocks i'm skipping because they're really unnecessary and buying a house is expensive time-consuming and tedious emotes and minions obviously not urgent level 15 gold saucer unlock this is just a side content mini game area fun but again um not urgent i guess it does kind of fall similarly in the category of hildebrand but i didn't want to get carried away with like oh this is fun so you should do it we're trying to keep this as concise as possible uh all material unlock quests material is not important at low levels sightseeing log optional but doesn't give xp for anything treasure hunting fun but not urgent definitely can do that later robbery born beast tribes that's the sylphs the sahagan and the amalga beast tribes also ix all but that's crafting so skipping that i skipped those because the xp for these beast tribes is not very good and the quests might be easier after you get flying and realm reborn anyway the rubberbourne relic is just for glamour and it is a highly tedious process that is best done at max level i also skipped over the blue mage job that you can unlock when you're level 50 as long as you finish the ultimate weapon main story quest that's because blue mage is entirely side content and not a real job heavensward so at level 50 when the main story takes you to the heavensward city you can then unlock the heavensward jobs astrologin machinist and dark knight then at level 51 there's a new dungeon side dungeon the dusk vigil also at level 51 you can unlock flying in the kurthus western highlands heavensward zone though unlike in rom reborn where you got flying just from doing the main story quest from now on you will now need to get ether currents to unlock flying in a zone each zone has 15 ether currents that you need one comes from the main story quest four come from blue unlock quests in the zone sometimes like a peripheral zone to it like a hub and there are 10 ether currents you need to hunt down and click on to unlock flying in the zone you can check your progress on this in the travel menu under ethercurrents anytime and as a reminder make sure that you are caught up through the appropriate level of your main story quest so for curtis western make sure you're caught up through level 51 of the main story at level 53 you can unlock your daily hunts for heaven's word these are the ones that start giving you the extra daily xp if you do them level 53 dravanian 4 lands flying yes we want that level 55 churning miss flying level 56 the rank 2 heaven's word hunts level 57 sea of clouds flying yes we want that level 59 we have two more zones we can get flying in gervani and hinterlands and as a slav at level 60 you can unlock the elite weekly hunts for heaven's ward and you can also unlock wondrous tales which i strongly recommend doing it gives a ton of xp if you own shadowbringers you can unlock a dancer and gunbreaker as soon as you reach level 60 and just like with realm reborn when you hit level 60 and you finish your heavensward story you're going to be flooded with a ton of blue unlock quests yet again but good news you can safely ignore them and move right on to stormblood as before i will show you a list of all the side dungeons trials and raids that you could unlock at 60 you know at your leisure personally i would suggest the warring triad that's the three bosses with the containment bay names before moving on to stormline because it's not required but it's pretty sweet for dungeons i love a lost city of amdor so i also of course like the hard version side note hard versions are not hard i don't know why they're called that it's just different it's a different layout could also recommend fractal continuum because it has a really nice soundtrack like before with romney born i'll now mention stuff that i skipped on our way to level 60. heavensward beast tribes xp rewards are still not the best but they're cool so i hope you will do these beast tribes later that's the bath vanu vanu and moogle but moogles are crafters the heavensward relic path now that's the animal weapons they are for glamour and really best done at max level there's more sightseeing log more hildebrand all optional stuff and a stone sky c that is for checking dps but you should not be worried about that while leveling all right storm blood so the first major unlock i would point out is the storm blood at one star hunts access then level 63 we have two star hunts access have it on high very similar to palace of the dead only for level 61 plus here people tend to spam floors 21 through 30 in a matched party for xp when leveling alt jobs level 64 flying in yansha level 66 azm step flying and little 66 is also the three star hunts you can upgrade your hunts there level 67 fringe is flying yes obviously you need to fly level 69 the peaks flying yeah you'll be flying over the peaks all right never mind so level 70 is the phlox flying and stormblood elite hunts access as before with reaching the level cap and finishing that expansions story you are once again faced with a plethora of unlocks for side dungeons trials and raids but as before you do not have to do any of this now you are safe to move right along to shadowbringers and you know do the side stuff when you feel like it but for me what stands out here if you're just looking for suggestions is the evilest raid storyline it's required for your shatterbringer's relic weapon if you plan on doing that and maybe the omega ray it's a normal mode just for the story um the writer for shadowbringers who's also doing the main writing for and walker suggested that you do omega for red walker so i'm just throwing that out there on our way to level 70 i skipped the housing unlock for kugane the residential district because trying to get a house will sidetrack you massively i would recommend actually waiting to landwalker when the ishgard housing district comes out because i think that will make a lot of new housing plots available the minion and emote unlocks are of course not urgent the stormblood beast tribe quest i skipped because they're still not giving great xp here that is ananta cogen and namazu uh with namazu being for crafters and gatherers though um i know i'm skipping all the crafter and gatherer stuff in this video but navizu quests are really funny like if you decide to do crafting later definitely don't miss the namaz request one last thing that i skipped over was the eureka unlock that you get at level 70. this is a series of four different instanced zones that are involved in the acquisition of the storm blood relic weapon and it's also how you get your diablo job gear from storm blood although this is fun and i love the baldessian arsenal raid it is definitely side content that you can do after you reach max level okay so shadowbringers level 70. now it is the time to start grabbing nutsacks because yes you'll see what i mean when you go and unlock the base hunts for shadowbringers level 72 you can get flying in lakeland level 73 we have ill meg flying yes very important plus the two nut hunts i'm still hunting for my tunas actually i know up to this point we have been skipping the beast tribe quest but you do not want to skip pixies because they give insanely good xp definitely worth level 75 raktika great wood flying and level 76 three nut hunts unlocked by my favorite quest name in the game how do you like three nuts level 77 amarang flying and level 79 kalusha flying level 80 the temp is flying look if you know someone that has a multi-seater mount that can just take you to the ether currents you're gonna have a better time and a level 80 also elite hunt access also here you can unlock stone sky c that is a way to sort of figure out what your dps is kind of like helpful since there is no other way to check i don't know any other way to check that i don't know for chatterbringers there are two side dungeons that you should absolutely do right away because they are freaking amazing the twinning and academia and niner do not even hesitate to go do those asap there's also the eden eight man raid series that you can do and uh the near 24-man alliance raid series the sorrow of weir-lit trial series and the bhajana southern front stuff which is the bhajan southern front stuff is all related to you getting your relic weapon for shadowbringers so um yeah there's a lot here once again but now that you're max level you can just freely pick any of this at whatever you want to dive into first i would suggest maybe start with sorrow of we're lit those trial bosses because the story is really good as for stuff i think it's safe to put off on your way to level 80 well obviously i skipped to the other beast tribes because they're for crafting and gathering and i put all the crafting gathering off uh you can do that at max level of course emotes and sightseeing log i skipped it though do you get around to the great serpent unlock because it would be wrong to skip it grace turpin is beloved by the community so that's why i suppose do that and oh and get your uh get your lolly huh then i guess you're just going to be catching up on all the stuff that you put off up to this point i think you're going to be very busy for a while buns i hope this video was helpful for you i decided to not overwhelm you even more with a ton of quest unlock info in this video i just wanted to direct you to this article so that you can check the quest requirements there i didn't want to clutter the screen too much i didn't want to like overwhelm you with information just wanted to in the most concise way i could try to show you which things are important and which things you can actually skip if you like this video or you found it helpful please consider supporting the channel on patreon or on twitch you can also support the channel for free by clicking the subscribe button or by sharing this video with your fellow warriors of light thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: Zepla HQ
Views: 846,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jKWDAe9g1N0
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Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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