80-90 Alt Job/Classes Leveling Guide - FFXIV Endwalker (6.08)

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hello and welcome my name is pro-rugby you can call me ben today we're going to look at the different ways you can quickly level your classes in final fantasy 14 from level 80 to 90. so before we jump in please consider hitting that subscribe button drop a like and let me know in the comments below what your favorite area is in endwalker and why just for a bit of fun you can also follow me over on twitch at twitch.tv forward slash pro rogue bear and you can join our discord as well if you would like links will be in the description below with that all out of the way let's get right into it so there are a few different methods somewhat better early 80s and others start to make more sense from around 85 plus i may do a leveling 180 at some point but this is purely for end walker so please be aware there will be spoilers in terms of locations and so on so if you're not done yet and that's important to you you have been warned let's start with doing your daily roulettes these reset in the afternoon at 3 pm gmt every day you then have 24 hours to do these roulettes which throw you into random dungeons or trials based on the roulette itself and they usually carry extra bonus xp tomes and gill this can be great to do each time you're logged in for a good boost of xp as well as seeing some content you may not have seen in a while in my opinion the best free roulettes for leveling are the leveling roulette obviously the alliance raid roulette and the frontline pvp roulette main scenario is a great option for xp but i find its return on investment of time not as worthwhile at the level 80 plus it can be great for those 50 to 70 classes but the 25 45 minute commitment plus queues especially if you're a dps can be a pain doing roulettes as an adventurer in need can net you even more xp in gil as well so keep an eye out for that i like to level several classes at the same time so i can hop around to what is in need at any given point picking back up on pvp because i feel that leads quite nicely onto this please please don't sleep on this it guarantees you 249 000 xp regardless of win or lose they are relatively quick and you could theoretically just spend the whole time dead and still get the reward this is even better for lower classes but the quarter of a mil xp even at level 80 to 90 is still a nice boost once per day as of today the level 81 to level 89 dungeons got a buff on the xp gained in 6.01 this nice buff meant that the dungeons are a very nice way to level and you can do them two to three times per level i find averages out doing them around five times will get you to the next dungeons so you know five lots of the tower of zot will get you to the tower of babel at level 83 and then you can do that five times and you should get to vanispaddy around that point you'll kind of just build up doing five of these at a time to get to the next step this can be great especially if you're a healer or a tank as your queue times will be much lower and you can jump straight in dps your queues will be longer and you could use a trust system if you want or see if there's anyone else you can party up with and do it together for quicker cues usually for trusts i find adding 10 minutes onto the dungeon time gives you a rough idea of how long it'll take but if you're waiting 10 minutes for a queue anyway it may not be the worst idea from old charlene you can go to the hunts board and pick up your daily hunts these reset every day at 3 pm gmt just like the roulettes and these are super quick to get maybe 30 minutes to complete all three of them you can use a website like final fantasy 14 hunt dot com if you want to make it a bit easier and show you the locations and optimize paths and all that kind of stuff this can make it much quicker for you as well i tend to like doing the hunts while waiting in those dps queues that i mentioned previously each completion gets you around 210 000 xp per months to page completed that means each hunt page there are free have around 1 million xp each and that means 3 million xp per day just from doing your hunts don't sleep on these you can also accumulate nuts at the same time which you can use to buy mounts material materials and much more from the hunt masters next to the hunt boards in australian or the crystarium similar to hunts another thing i do in dpsqs or for a bit of a break from dungeons are fate farms fates in end walker zone net you around 230k xp per fate completed these can be very quick and you can chain these quite quickly one after another picking up any forlorn maidens you see at the same time can boost this xp to around 350k xp sometimes too you can also work towards your fake completions in each zone where you need 60 of each to unlock the gemstone trader in old chilean where you can then work towards mounts materials unlocks etc with those bi-color gems you accumulate this is very much a two birds in one as the xp is nice but you also make progress elsewhere in the game very worthwhile to do from time to time now i'm by far the last person to tell you to do your beast tribes in fact i haven't even picked many of them up at all myself however ilmag b's tribe the pixies are incredible for xp you can pick up really quick quests they give you around 300k xp as a level 80 plus character and these are these are great for those level 71 plus characters too um the xp caps for level 80 and above but it's still around 1 million for every free quest that you do and they take around 10 minutes they hardly take any time at all you can do this every single day as you level up your reputation with the beast tribe you unlock extra quests and you can take more of those and you get new variations as well i try and ensure i do this each time i log on as literally the quickest xp in the game in my opinion more of a weekly thing now rather than daily make sure you go to idle shire and pick up your wondrous tales from chloe she will give you a journal that you need to get nine stamps by doing various activities these can be retried using second chance tokens and even if you get no lines on the journal kind of like a scratch card you'll still get half a level of xp for the class you hand the journal back to her with so just to reiterate that you can do the entire journal of nine stamps in one class or many classes but the class you are using when you hand the journal back you will be rewarded with half a level of xp this means for value the higher the class the better technically please please never hand it on level 90 unless you've already got everything maxed out for you as well you're literally just throwing xp away the one two three lines are nice to get some extra bonuses but they're kind of separate from what we're talking about today there's no extra xp rewards or anything like that for getting the lines and you can let it naturally fill as you do your roulettes and kind of naturally cross stuff off or you can quickly farm it in unsynced level 50 extremes there's usually one or two at least that you can kind of choose from use a level 90 character and you can normally smash those out in 30 seconds to a minute depending on the boss's uh invincibility uh buffs that it gets at certain points of those fights either way bear in mind expires there are two week deadlines you can pick up one per week but only hold one at a time do not miss out on these and finally we have budget content now this is in two areas both the southern front and zadner both give similar xp around 230k xp per fate and around 500 to 600k xp in critical engagements the zadna gives you more metal from what i can see which you can use for progress upgrades resistant ranks and so on if you're new to bhaja you've got to start in the southern front anyway roger is notorious for being great at leveling classes from level 71 and although the xp is capped at level 80 this is still an incredible amount of xp you can quickly amass until i'd say around level 84 or level 85. at that point i'd swap over to vanaspari and spam those dungeons as i mentioned earlier in the level 85 dungeon this is because the cost benefit starts to swap to the dungeon focus at this point rather than in baja the other word of warning is that even swapping between both zones personally i find bonjour is a bit of a slog you can use it for a few classes but you'll find especially going from 71 to 84 or 85 over and over again that'll suck a lot of the fun out for you even if it's statistically quicker i know some people will find the same thing just doing the dungeons over and over again which is why i've tried to in this video put together as many different options you can do so you can kind of mix and match kind of like a experienced buffet as you were now if you have stuff to do in budget anyway that's your idea of chill with a playlist on you can join a group in there and just farm for a few hours here and there you'll just make great progress on the subject of groups it's highly advantageous to use alt plus h as your shortcut to change to shout chat and type lfg into that it's really important that you can join up as a party party damage is what the fates consider as completed contributions if you're on your own and everyone else is in a party you risk not having the highest completion award and getting like a silver or a bronze and that just means your xp is lower your metal is lower and just generally it's um it makes the whole process slower grab some friends or ask when you're inside to join a party and start grinding those fates so this next one is the challenge log so this resets every week the class that completes the challenge gets the xp so if you're doing this on like a lower level character your xp will be lower whereas if you then are completing this on a 80-89 character the xp reward will be higher and basically by using that logic if you are tactically choosing the right classes then you can get 788 000 xp for completing the third dungeon on a judy roulette as a level 80 plus character completing five dungeons will net you half a million your guild tests alone aren't actually worth a lot but every third and tenth guildhest so the third and tenth guild test that you do each week do that on your level 80 to 90 character and you'll get 260 000 for doing the third one and 525 000 for doing the 10th again dishing out the fifth command on your 80 to 89 character will get you half a mil of xp and this also applies to fates as well doing the fifth fate and the tenth fate will get you 788 000 each time something where if you're doing your dungeons and your fates with your level 80 to 89 character anyway then you're gonna pick these up by doing the other methods that i've talked to you about in this video already so yeah make sure that you're checking off as much as possible with the challenge log because it's just bonus free xp that you're probably going to pick up anyway along the way final thing you want to say is to ensure you have buffs on at all times food gives you three percent xp buff and that adds up make sure you have oranges or orange juice active at all time when leveling even boiled eggs and stuff they don't have to be super expensive just hover over the item and see if it gives you a three percent food buff if you're in a free company make sure heat of the battle is active there are also similar actions you can get from your squadrons if you're not part of a free company these will give you a 10 xp buff please note neither of these work in baja content though so just bear that in mind i haven't mentioned the deep dungeons such as palace of the dead or heaven on high these are great lower levels for xp but they cap and their time input compared to xp received is not as great but still work if you want to switch it up a little bit um again i will focus more on these in a level 1 to 80 guide but i don't find they're really relevant from level 80 to 90 in this video basically there are a lot of different things you can do maybe even a few things i've potentially not put on here these are some great ways to get a lot of xp quickly to level from level 80 to 90. if you want to do the least budget as possible at least recommend doing budget for level 80 to 81 and then you can just spam your dungeons and mix in some fates and some hunt logs in between all of that and you'll be a level 90 in no time and just to mention as well this is primarily for your second class and onwards your first class should have been leveled from 80 to 90 just by doing the endwalker msq alone you can pretty much get to 90 with little to no side content just by following the story quests so this is purely for your second class that you have got at level 80 and you want to get that up to 90 and all your subsequent classes after that anyway that's all from me today remember to hit that subscribe button and drop a like really helps me out and appreciate you watching let me know in the comments what else you'd like to see around final fantasy 14 and remember to come catch me while live over on twitch links will be in the description thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ProRogueBear
Views: 4,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leveling FFXIV Endwalker, fastest leveling ffxiv endwalker, fast leveling ffxiv endwalker, ffxiv endwalker alt leveling, ffxiv leveling alt jobs endwalker, ffxiv endwalker faster leveling, ffxiv endwalker leveling changes, ffxiv, ffxiv leveling, endwalker leveling, rdm leveling, smn leveling, gnb leveling, rpr leveling, sge leveling, leveling guide, ffxiv guide, ffxiv content, ffxiv endwalker reaper leveling, ffxiv endwalker summoner leveling guide
Id: Vr-Se1laslk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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