Ferrari 512BBi Project - Have I Discovered Why It Was Abandoned For 12 Years ?

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hey guys a warm welcome back to the channel in today's video we're going to be testing the boxer now at times all ferraris can be very testing i'm sure this one is going to be no exception to the rule well let's find out so grab yourself a beverage of choice kick back and enjoy cheers [Music] now before we start i want to say a huge thank you to everybody who's bought a hoodie a t-shirt or donated in some way you guys have really really contributed towards building this boxer let me show you some of the stuff we've got already for this car so we've got most of the service kit we need here we've got two oil filters we've got two cam belts here we've got our auxiliary belts over here three of them uh two air filters we've got two fuel filters and i need to get a couple of tensioner bearings i'm gonna get a set of spark plugs and a few other bits plus we have two of these now let me show you what these things are and these rubber sleeves are our little bits that have perished extremely badly down here so there we go that's good and there's something that's sat outside for 12 years so we've got the sleeves and the other fantastic bit of news is well these two rear air boxes are probably one of the most rusty parts i've found on the car so far and i've just received this message these are the air filter boxes for the ferrari 512 bbi that we're about to send to scott so i'm stefan from uh red bay cars and this is a donation for his restoration project of this wonderful car as you can see these boxes are really in excellent shape they really look like new there are no holes everything is just in perfect condition ready to be reused excellent thanks very much bye bye now red bay are a fantastic company they basically keep cars like this alive ferrari no longer make all the parts for many of these models and people like red bay who recycle parts who provide parts the older parts that we just can no longer get just really really uh worth their weight in gold they provided me with parts on my 308 project i've bought stuff from them from the tesla roster project so all of these have red bay parts in them so check out red bay and thank you very much stefan that is a very very kind thing to do so let's roll our sleeves up get the tools out and start cracking on with business now that we have successfully managed to get a good set of working keys on this car let's do some tests and see how bad it is so we know all the lights work on this car horn was a little bit uh horse like me at the moment with a sore throat right okay so straight away i've got a high-pitched noise back there we're gonna do some investigation on that in a minute but let's see what got working in the car so uh let's try let's try some easy stuff fans right we got one there we've got two fans on this car left and right left and right fans are ago that's cool let's try ac now that looks really bad at the back there and uh whoa we got some ac fans anyway somebody's doing something uh we got the light there we've got this little switch down here no way check that out i want to do that again i like that so that's working as i said in the last video all of this is a great sign that our fuse board here and our relay board which is down in uh passenger footwell it's got a great great chance there it's all good there uh what else can we try on this one how about some windows now these windows in this car are notoriously bad even when they're meant to be good tesla rossa 308 all work on the same system it's a cable operated system in here uh so the chances of these actually working after 12 years is very minimal here we go ready oh my gosh that works let's try this one ready here we go that is better than my other cars that honestly is better that's faster now i'm not going to go any further because they're caked up so i'll just move that a little bit but uh right that's amazing okay uh let's try another thing let's try these uh mirrors this is electric mirrors here so yeah it's so dirty out there you can't even see let's try that one oh man that works this one this one's got a broken lens 12 years or 14 years outside actually and it still works amazing all right so i have moved the windscreen wiper up you can't really see it let's uh show you outside it has started to rain but there you go it's uh just out the way because it's just full of debris on it still it's still all got that moss and stuff and it needs new blades but let's see if this [Music] look works that guys unbelievable right and uh one other thing let's stop that we've got that very annoying noise in the background we're gonna investigate that next but let's see if these washers work unbelievable right let's try uh let's try the radio now unfortunately with this car aftermarket radio so um we are gonna have to try and uh fix that this car needs to go back to being a factory spec so i think let's try it seems to be jammed on uh it won't let me seek anything anyway i'm not bothered about that let's find out what that noise is back in the engine okay so if we fire that up let's trace that back it comes over here and it sounds like it's coming from this here see if i can get a closer one for you guys now that is the electronics as far as i'm aware for the engine now that is not good because i'm pretty sure that is going to be super rare super expensive and i'm convinced it is not meant to make that noise i might be wrong but uh i very much doubt it anyway um let's investigate to see what that is it's out the car it's on the testosterone workbench and here's what we have it's a magneti morelli unit and it says here electronic limiter rpm value 6600 now looking around it i don't know if there's much we're going to be able to do with this one now i have also another theory i've done a little bit of research on this as well and it seems some of these do make a noise now if you have a boxer or i think a ferrari four one two i believe use the same unit just let me know uh if this is something um that a lot of these suffer with now i don't know with the test rossa when you turn the ignition it makes a strange noise sometimes and then it fires up and then the noise just cuts out so it could be that this is just a common thing that happens with these things but i'm hoping basically that this works because like i say ferrari don't make them anymore anyway i'm going to take some of these screws out and we're just going to just have a little look and a little cleanup on it with all the screws removed these just pop off again that is a sealed unit so there's nothing really i can do apart from clean up the pins there and the same here on this side and this one let's do the same with this all sealed looks quite good but you never know with these things obviously 1983 so i'm going to give this a little cleanup with some contact cleaner and we'll just see if it makes any difference at all right moment of truth it's all back in the car let's see if we've managed to do anything with this i don't think so here we go no no fix there okay so a little bit more research needed on this one i am convinced that is not normal but can it be fixed that is the question and is that the cause of why this car was parked up for 12 years who knows now with a project like this boxer there is a lot of investigation work that really has to happen and it makes sense to do as much as possible while the engine is still in the car many people say why haven't you taken out why haven't you just thrown a load of parts there and hope for the best it makes more sense while it's in here having all the wiring connected to be able to really diagnose and investigate to see what is working and what isn't one of the things that we discovered already was the end cap on our starter motor was completely obliterated we've got one of those on order and that is the next job we're going to be doing on this car so we have our replacement solenoid cap that's just arrived in the post that was 22 pound and we're going to try and fix this starter motion there's two reasons i'm going to be doing this first of all is obviously to save a bit of money get this car running but also to retain originality so all of this we're gonna try and keep and uh if needs be i can send this off and get it all refurbished but obviously there is absolutely no way this can be restored so we're gonna try and do that now i have got to do two things here first of all we need to unsolder these connectors and they go in this part here and in this part here so there's two pins and that was the pin holding on the old one here now i am not very good at soldering but this man mr stewie is much better than me so uh you guys are going to watch stu do this on time lapse [Music] [Music] now that we've fixed the obvious broken part on our starter i'm going to run a quick test before putting it back in the car we want to verify really that it's working so i'm going to just do a little bench test here this thing's been out of action for 12 years so before we put it back in let's make sure it's all working so we're not chasing our tail later on down the line so what i've got here is just a standard battery charger we've got it earth and i've got a little jumper down here on the solenoid now if i apply power to this terminal let's have a look there we go so if you watch the uh this as i put it on again we're all good okay so that can go back in the car something else i wanted to test on this car was the oil now i had a quick look down here when we collected the car but to my surprise the oil was at the bottom of the tank now there's nothing there on the uh on the dipstick let's just put that somewhere safe but let's see if i can get some light down there let me show you guys let's try this other light here might be a bit better can you see anything down there if i shake the car a little bit no i don't think you can alright so let's try something else let's put that down there what i'm going to do is that dip stick is obviously not long enough but what i've got here is a metal ruler a nice clean metal ruler and look at that wow it's dripping everywhere but uh oil looks pretty good anyway it's obviously gonna need to be uh changed but uh and it's a dry sump but it's still better than seeing a load of horrible guns down there now that we do have some new air filters for this i'm going to uh take this off and see what has happened inside this air box in the last 12 years okay screws around just gonna be careful with all this here we go ready i can feel stuff under there already whoa look at that what the heck is that thing wow looks like a tea bag or something in there let's take that out as well shall we wow check this out guys this is fantastic look we've got a little bit of kind of oily residue here but this is not rotten right you would expect if we had a load of ingress of water coming in here obviously came through here came through here you can see the state of this this is just absolutely toast no good at all the rubbers perished completely when they perished who knows but it certainly wouldn't have been when this car was parked up so you know at some point some stuff was gonna get in here but the fact that this is perished has hopefully saved all of this because this is really clean and check this out this is the top of the fuel metering unit we've got free movement on that now that is something i didn't have when we were doing the 308 project that all was really really stiff now if this was rotten that would be a bad bad sign but the fact that it looks very clean in here that could be a huge huge thing when we're talking about the metering unit here now if you have a look also at the underside of this apart from the spider everything like that even this is all very clean so very very nice good signs here hopefully the other one is exactly the same so a little peek on this one same story looks good let me get that out very carefully hold on and it's a similar story over on this side as well guys look we've got an oily little film there the air box though no rust and let's very carefully check this fuel metering unit movement on that as well so that is a massive thumbs up from me really happy obviously we're going to have to dig further down into the metering units but the news there so far is definitely a positive i'm going to clean these up obviously not going to be putting the old filters back in and um yeah just seal this back up because i still haven't cleaned the engine i know i know i know it's coming guys it's coming now back in the 70s and 80s era it was considered glamorous sexy and very cool to smoke especially if you were in a sports car and this ferrari was no exception [Music] not only do we have one ashtray for the driver we also have one in the passenger sill how cool is that nowadays however the poor glamorous ashtray has become a little bit redundant it's used for two things either one of these a phone charger or one of these our emergency tyre inflator kit this one's out of my trusty nissan truck but today we're gonna use this to see if the lighters are both working on this car we've had such success with all the electrics let's see if these work but i also need to pump the tyres up and that's why we're using this [Music] 43 psi these babies are gonna be moment of truth let's see if our lighter works in the car wow guys look what has just been delivered by dhl our shiny replacement air well they're not air boxes either yes they're air diffusers thank you so much red bay cars stefan that is uh fantastic look at this that is the old one here let's see if i can show you the underside of it look at that how rusty it is in there and then we have these beautiful ones to now go on the car guys make sure you check out red bay cars for all your ferrari needs i am so so happy with that such a kind thing this is going over here pride of place well guys i think that's a great place to end the video today we've had some good discoveries some bad discoveries and some very ugly discoveries i'm going to go away now and research a little bit more into those engine ecu's and find out how much of a headache that's going to cause me moving forward while i do that you guys can head on over to my instagram channel and find out what i post on a daily basis around this place anyway guys thank you so much for watching i'll see you very shortly in the next one ciao for now [Music] hmm you
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 436,858
Rating: 4.8911839 out of 5
Keywords: Ferrari, ratarossa, 512bbi, boxer, 512, bbi, bb, barn find, abandoned, rare, i bought, rescued, restoration, diy, rebuild, rotting, driveway, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, gas monkey, rattarosa, goonzquad, SamCrac, legit streetcars, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, chris fix, tavarish, vpn, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, cost, price, how much, how, much, dde, doug demuro, supercar blondie, shmee150, salomondrin, salomondo
Id: NBvYbS5uGxE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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