Here's Everything the Porsche Dealer Found Broken On the Cheapest 911 *THEY FAILED*

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welcome to who fees garage the dumbest automotive channel in all of YouTube well not only is it really dumb but it's also a horrible influence on the automotive community because last week I unveiled my latest purchase this six thousand dollar Porsche 911 I bought it for only six thousand dollars that a dealer wholesale auction sign unseen I couldn't test-drive it I couldn't go inside these auctions if I wanted to because they're all closed it's all online only I rolled the dice and I actually got lucky it is they running and driving 2000 Porsche 911 with a hundred and seventy five thousand miles on it for only six thousand dollars and it does look a little rough around the edges the black wheels there's a lot of scratches and dings and things but overall pretty good and me being so excited about this purchase last week probably inspired you to go shopping yourselves to go make a similar purchase like this and I'm here to say don't hopefully you watch this video too because today I am taking this Porsche to my local Porsche dealer for a pre-purchase inspection or actually a post pre-purchase inspection well I should have done has had this thing inspected before I bought it but I didn't because I'm a complete now normally I take my cars to my faithful mechanic the car wizard for his opinion but since a lot of you don't have a car wizard I decided this time I should take it to my local Porsche dealer their labor rate is a hundred and ninety dollars an hour so whatever they find is gonna be expensive so that is what I'm doing one hundred ninety dollars for a Porsche mechanic to look over this car top to bottom and we'll see what they say wish me luck [Music] oh yeah so as I said earlier about this thing for only $6,000 175,000 miles line and it drives really well I was pleasantly surprised I expected some big major thing to be wrong with it but there isn't but it doesn't take something big to have a repair bill add up fast most of these old imports have a lot of little things and the parts are very expensive and it's very hard to work on them so the prices just add up quickly and this one does have plenty of little problems I'm sure it has tons of deferred maintenance that needs to be done the airbag light is on the front suspension feels a little worn probably need some breaks why need some front tires definitely need some front tires I imagine there are a few minor leagues and I can kind of tell that the engine needs motor mounts when I sit idle delight ooh just so you can feel it vibrating through the whole car so so they have plenty of things to find and they'll probably find even more we'll see all right I'm gonna say it I'm mad I'm probably the first person in history to ever be mad about a dealer not finding enough wrong with their car but that's that's exactly what they did and I bit my lip on my local dealer it's a luxury group that owns a lot of luxury brands here in Wichita for a long time because they invite me to these fancy parties and they are a lot of fun but I think it's I think it's time to ran but let me give you a little background first and this is all my opinions and my guesses and off the best of my memory which may not be totally accurate but it'll paint a pretty good picture for you so years ago I was a car dealer and I was two doors down from the actual luxury dealership here in town they had all in one building Mercedes Acura Porsche Jaguar and then right next door were the same owners they had Lexus and they hired on a guy that had a giant vision of building a giant automotive campus kind of like what you would find in Scottsdale Arizona or Laguna Beach California here in Wichita Kansas and he talked the owners into doing this and it was a massive undertaking and they built a dedicated multi-million dollar building for every single brand Mercedes got its own building and they acquired BMW and built its own building a cura AO D they acquired howdy they acquired Land Rover and now it is a giant campus the problem is Wichita can't support a dealership like that it is giant tens of millions of dollars into this thing there's just there's no way there's not enough people in Wichita not enough people with money in Wichita support a business like that so they struggled and this guy that they brought in to run this new giant campus got stressed and he started changing the page structure to where it scared off a lot of the good employees that had been there for a very long time and a stress was definitely showing because when one group of mechanics left and started their own independent shop years ago when they were building the buildings they put the brick of each employee that had been there when the place was built and this was this manager this the CEO was so angry that he dug up these people's bricks and threw them in the dumpster that's how petty and how stressed out he was but these cost cuts didn't affect the sales initially so it probably did some good made it good enough to where the original owners that had owned this thing for for 40 50 years were able to sell it to an outfit out of Minnesota and their background was Nissan dealerships and they decided to take their nissan dealership philosophy and apply it to this luxury campus which included no-haggle pricing which it just doesn't work most of the cars in their inventory are just super overpriced and friends and family members will go there and they'll test-drive the car they'll get this price they'll go and do five minutes of research and buy one Oklahoma City Kansas City Dallas four five ten thousand dollars cheaper not only that but they've screwed over a friend of mine and a family member that I know firsthand one ordered a new Range Rover custom ordered he wanted everything black it showed up the wrong color it was a black metallic that was kind of a rainbow sparkly one he hated it they didn't want it but they told him to take delivery of the Range Rover anyway this is when you couldn't get them you had to order them and they were almost a year out nice to take it we'll treat it as a lease will give you this value when you trade it in ten eleven months from now when the next one shows up and when the next one showed up about a year later they said the market had changed and they could no longer honor that value that they initially told him which is why he took delivery of that car in the first place so it was $10,000 I think less than what they said he had to eat it he took the car and they said he'd never buy a car from them again another friend of mine he got a gt2 RS allocation and he was buying it for sticker and they negotiated made that deal before the new owners took possession of the dealership and they realized they could mark this thing up ten twenty thirty fifty thousand dollars and still sell it so they yanked it away from this loyal Porsche buyer he's bought every single rare Porsche ever he's kept some of them he sold a lot of them he's lost money on some he's made money on some he got a Carrera GT every single GT Porsche 911 that you could get he just paid sticker for them and they yanked it away from him now that has nothing to do with what happened here today where I don't think I got a very good inspection but all of this has led to a brain drain at the dealership employees have left this dealership in droves not everybody there's a few good people left over there but they're they're stuck in a bad situation and they're stretched so few and far between that the sales and service is it's just it's just slipping and I know these guys are going through a hard time right now and I hate to to kick them while they're down and know the economy's in the toilet people aren't selling cars but but if I'm gonna pay a hundred and ninety three dollars for an inspection they better do a good inspection and and they clearly didn't so get into it I'm sorry about this ranch and I'm sorry I'm probably never going to get invited to these parties but I kind of feel like these people need to know because they don't live here they don't know that that among the automotive community they've become such a joke we joke about them to the cars and coffee you know how laughable their prices are and how bad their service has become in so many instances and let me show you now the prices here are pretty standard prices they're not overpriced and the stuff that they found is not out of line with a Porsche that has deferred maintenance but you'll see they'd recommended I change the pollen air filter the engine air filter brake fluid service serpentine belt engine oil service spark plugs hood struts front tires alignment clean out the radiators and that's all normal maintenance stuff that you would expect on a deferred maintenance Porsche 911 that's pretty much automatic if you have no history of it you should do it so for him to put this all down it took him you know all five minutes now he said the airbag light was on but he did not diagnose it for me to diagnose it would cost another 1.5 at $190 an hour that's two hundred and fifty sixty dollars for him to plug in his computer and say your airbag light is on because of this now maybe they'll do a little investigation to see why but usually the code is pretty telling it tells you hey this is the fault and this is what needs to be replaced there's not much investigating to ten minutes at the most and they want 1.5 hours for that two hundred and something dollars hey then talks about cosmetic things like the rear bumper and the inner parts broke as it hit a curb my headlamps are melted they look that way new but I get what he means the headlamps are melted on the inside a few bulbs are out finally he got to a few issues my rack and pinion slide opf leak and low on fluids so my steering rack needs a couple of seals 3.5 hours on that my Widow regulator is broken he did catch that this rear window regulator and it is four hours to change this window regulator it must be really difficult because it sits in with the top you put the top of the service position take a bunch of things apart so that is quite expensive so 700 dollars in labor and parts wise that one window regulator is $1,000 at the Porsche dealer $1,000 for that window regulator so a few minor issues is what he found in a lot of deferred maintenance and he gave an estimate of 6500 to $7,000 to surrett this Porsche before taxes for deferred maintenance and a few little items now that's a lot of money that's the big shock that I was going for but in my opinion missed out on a lot it's pretty obvious that this front end this front suspension is pretty tired there's a lot of creaks and noises and it just feels kind of loose I think if you look really closely at the front suspension you would find that there's a lot of warrent component same with the motor mounts in the back it's so obvious when you sit here and idle I don't know I'll start it up for you right now see if the camera shakes at all can you tell are you shaking a little bit I can see the camera shaking that's because the motor mounts they feel really worn now if maybe spark plugs the motor mounts may be fine but I really think that this tech he just rushed through it and didn't do a very thorough job when you're paying top dollar for service you should get top dollar service and the way they presented these repairs they didn't even find all the parts for me they just they just rushed through and they didn't organize it all and break it down like when I had my Cadillac at the Cadillac dealer last year they did such a good job breaking down all the issues what needed to be done what should be done and what could be done what would be nicely even showed me video of underneath the car showing me the leaks that I didn't get any that none of this is organized at all there's there's tons of typos in here I have to add up how much this is all going to cost myself one point two times one ninety one point five times one ninety same with the parts adding up all the parts and then they give me a written estimate in paper estimate sixty five hundred to seven thousand dollars before taxes it's just not good now I wanted to do the Porsche dealer partially because most of you don't have access to the car wizard a gifted mechanic like this that cuts you a break on its labor rate and parts but also because the Porsche dealer they're doing contact free service to where I don't have to get within six feet of people but this is so bad it's so bad I have to go to the car wizard and we have to look over this car properly to see if if this as bad as I think it is and if it isn't I'm sorry but surely there's more yes surely surely there's more so off to the car where do we go every time I see the wizard he's on top of one of my Lamborghini parts hey I got this thing back together well transfer it over anyway I see so all this robotic Borg assimilated stuff went from the old transmission which is smokes to the new one huh yeah resistance is futile it looks like something a Borg would wear it does so that's ready to go back in more or less yeah put that back in and it'll be time to drop the motor in okay well I was going to leave you alone for a while too to do this but I had an inspection done on my Porsche 911 that I bought for $6,000 and I'm not real impressed with the inspection oh yeah come take a look at this thing okay still is pretty amazing and running and driving 911 convertible the top works for $6,000 $6,000 yes and it's not in that bad of shape but you know a little little scruffy but it'll clean up yeah but the inspection that I got at the Porsche dealer it was contact free and everything was I mean fine in that sense there's the service it's a beautiful facility but I kind of think they halfway did the inspection I don't think they went as deep as we normally go or they should go when you take a car in and pay a hundred ninety dollars for a pre-purchase inspection so they charge me $190 but then that didn't include pulling codes they wanted 1.5 hours just to see what the airbag light is 1.5 hours at $190 an hour and my prices are high you're overpriced yeah yeah I've had a lot of customers actually probably over ten or more that have come from that place that they're just fed up they got they feel like they got taken advantage of they decided to try me out and I have now have long-term permanent customers out of it right and a few misdiagnosis is in there as well right and a stripped out oil drain blood mm-hmm yeah well I don't want to pass him too much so let's see maybe their inspection was fine and we won't find anything extra but I have a feeling I mean there's no way but I guess we'll see yeah we will see hey wizard listening to this one Oh a bunch of cables being crunched yeah not a very pleasant noise hmm that's bad it's obviously a window regulator yeah okay wizard I dropped a little hint on you with the window regulator because that's pretty obvious and also they recommended all the services for something that's deferred you know fluid spark plug it's that kind of stuff so other than that I'm not gonna give you any more hints on what else they found I just want you to go on your own and just go through this car and see what you think okay tires yes yes quite bad wave our links pads are pretty decent but the rotors are getting pretty thin ice a deep deep lip on them oh yeah yeah this one seems like it's got a little bit of a clunk to it yeah so the struts getting worn out that one's really bad mm-hmm so he's found multiple suspension issues and you're peeking around in there yeah yeah the boots are leaking on the steering rack pretty wet in there yeah all right I need a wreck at some point that could probably such a small leak it could probably be fixed with some stop leak for now you're not gonna damage anything because it's already needs to be rebuilt to replace so okay these rotors are pretty grooved - looking for oil leaks on the valve covers these are typically leaking you would smell it for sure uh-huh look at those motor mounts are shot bad mad motor mounts yeah I noticed that when the idle it definitely shakes the car okay now I can lower it down and look in the little engine bay there looks like about a 2002 beetle it does not look like a 2002 beetle so there's something you have in common both Tech's have insulted this car you said it looked like a beetle and the other text said that it has melted headlights melted heavy it was serious though I mean the 911 it does look like it has melted headlights but and they aren't they aren't a little melted in there but I think yeah I don't think he meant as a joke he's meant but the insides were kind of melted well fixed red is not holding the hood all right there's a inspection flaw it doesn't even register on the stick it's low very low and power steering so much probably cuz the boots are leaking over time it stripped it out I see yeah there's a few burned-out bulbs mostly in the back yeah and the airbag life is on yes that too we'll have to connect the scan tool to it to see what's going on there okay all right you got your wireless thing hooked up yeah I've checked all the different modules and I can communicate with a car just fine it says there's a signal from the airbag that if I try to go to the airbag control unit it'll try to connect and it's like the modules dead huh I'll need to dig a little deeper and see what's going on there so it could be an issue with the module or the power yeah or it could be that your thing's not able to talk to it mmm I've used the system to talk to a 996 before so I know that the airbag portion works okay so we won't need it a dealer for it no it's I might have burned a bridge there okay well I guess you can start adding everything up and we'll meet in the office huh okay all right here's the Porsche dealer what they said on my 911 so we can compare notes it's it's not very well organized they didn't break it down by job by job I have to do math like in the labor in the parts and there's a lot of typos in here but anyway let's go ahead you you start and then I'll try and match up from here we'll start from the front on the bottom the front sway bar links yes $40 to get a place they even notice the front sway bar links were bad the front struts so we know if they're cloaking their 552 do both Wow well that's not too bad but it's not even on here they missed it Wow yeah sway bar links and struts but we're obviously bad yes yeah they definitely were brakes would be 325 okay that's another thing that was not on here but you know it's kind of optional I s since I like to go and do track stuff those those thin rotors wouldn't be good but no rear sway bar links 140 not on there so far we have nothing yeah the steering rack I thought we could put stop leak and when we do the flush add some stop link to it it's not like it's a $30,000 force just 6,000 over course mm-hmm some some areas we can save a little money I could for 50 bucks I can add that okay probably take care of the leaks for a while so they noticed that they didn't notice the pain leak and they put 3.5 I guess because you can reseal it yeah like you can replace the seal so you've said 3.5 hours of labor at 190 and then some seals which oh I'm fine so they're not very expensive and then the window regulator that's kind of a big job yes $300 you get it rebuild really and add that to the labor you're at five fifty five hundred fifty dollars total so they want four hours at four you know so that's seven hundred dollars in labor and a thousand dollars for the part from Porsche so rebuild is three hundred dollars and then you want you want another so you're you're saving me twelve or thirteen hundred dollars for a window regulator crazy I can replace both motor mounts for 350 350 see the motor mounts that's another thing they completely missed they didn't even how could you not notice the way that thing ran with the peeling metal on metal and how disintegrated it is you can see the rubber crack in kuching you know right front hatch struts $100 from the pair install the rear one will be 60 that's about the same here getting all the services caught up with brake fluid coolant trans fluid oil change air filter the whole nine yards 750 bucks 700 bucks for all of it and you're using like Oleum spark plugs well the tuna will be separate that's 250 and okay so $1,000 for all the deferred maintenance and you're using OEM like Bosch or whatever all Mobil 1 all om supplier stuff because they want something like $4,000 for all the fluids deferred maintenance and all that stuff the filters because they want 83 dollars for cabin air filter you don't have the cabin air filter on there yeah so they want a $3 for that air cleaner $56 and then they want 1.2 hours to change the air filter well that's why it's $4,000 right now for a 10 out of 10 minutes of work yes exactly oh other thing I noticed you missing you they had to clean up the exterior radiators I think hose them out they wanted to charge half an hour for that so I don't think it's gonna cause a breakdown yeah you missed that you missed the pollen air filters you didn't note that the bulbs were out yes and tires you didn't notice the tires yeah I came but I can find my own tires and they're estimate was sixty-five hundred to seven thousand dollars before taxes and that was before they even dug into the airbag light which you're kind of in the same way you need to do some more digging yeah like I saw we hope the scan field to it it's not communicating okay so but before airbag like 6500 to $7,000 is what they wanted so what do you want 3650 3650 dollars adding a whole bunch of things in minutes right yeah breaks that's expensive motor mouth shut front shocks and sway bar links I'm getting all that and it's still almost half of what their estimate is a Porsche dealer I mean they then they're just gonna charge more this isn't like this individual portion dealer here in Wichita is particularly liked this is them being really bad this is all across the country and I feel like a lot of dealers are getting so far out of reality that they're just running away a bunch of good customers but the ones that would pay this I guess would more than make up for it I'm not mad about their estimate being high I'm just mad that they didn't do a thorough job and do a proper inspection and and just spend the amount of time that that $190 that I've spent deserves maybe just obvious stuff that they meant they could have added more to the list it would have been more money for them exactly this estimate could have easily been double and that's why I'm angry I guess fix a lot of things in this 911 and and enjoy it yeah for the price you pay for I'm still gonna have under $10,000 for a sordid 9/11 this a little scruffy looking but it's still it's awesome so maybe you should buy a cheap Porsche 911 although you need a wizard good good mechanic yeah thank you for watching you
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 1,373,010
Rating: 4.8827972 out of 5
Keywords: 996, review, drive, problems, check, engine, Hoovies Garage, Hoovie, Tyler, Hoover
Id: VZA49-53osY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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