Heres How I Save Massive Money On the Ferrari BBi Boxer Project.

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hey guys a warm welcome back to the channel in today's video we are back on the boxer now when you take on a project of this magnitude it is very easy to become a bottomless money pit now today i'm going to show you though how you can save some vast amounts of money without sacrificing anything other than a fancy cardboard box so kick back grab yourself a uh we'll do that bit in a second and enjoy cheers [Music] now it looks like i've got no choice but to pull the engine out on this i was hoping i was going to be able to do quite a lot of work with it in situ but uh i'm going to get crane we're even going to do that here and move the test roster or i'll look at other options but today there's some other things i need to do first of all we're going to look inside the tanks and see how bad they are if they survived if we can use them a look at the fuel system and start working our way around it while it's still here first things first though let's give it a bit of a cleanup in that area [Music] me [Music] so [Music] next thing i want to do is take a look in both the fuel tanks to do that i've managed to get my cheap scope working and it's not too bad actually okay so just pushing it to one side there i'm putting it in and see what we can get on the screen now here you can see that is the fuel level sensor now as you're expecting to see that's really all fired up but i'm going to change that that's not expensive you can see that there is fuel inside the tank still and you can see quite a lot of muck at the bottom just having a little push around in there this is me if i move the uh that is the tank level sensor well i don't think there's anything bad down there that can't be cleaned out so that's that is a good sign it's not too bad i was expecting a lot worse to be honest let's take a look down there shall we it looks pretty clean down the bottom of this one so that is happy happy days the only thing that is bad is actually the pipe but ever fix that that i'm very happy with i wasn't expecting that so the other side needs to be cleaned out which means the engine has to come out we've inspected both fuel tanks on the car and the one on the other side seems to be miraculously very clean in there there's no fuel evil which is probably a very good thing this one however has got some old fuel in it and it looks a little bit cruddy at the bottom so i'm going to start by draining the old fuel and then we're going to just do one other job that might just save me a bit of money on this project so a couple of things we're going to be doing here we're going to be looking at these so we've got a fuel filter here we've got an accumulator up there and also the fuel pump and we've got the same on the other side over here so i'm going to be taking one of those off but first of all i need to drain the fuel now we have this pipe that connects with the two tanks and i've just started to loosen that off which is great if i have my gloves on this time oh look at that completely dry so okay okay i put my finger up there i can feel some sludge you can just see my finger is slightly wet i don't know if i put a screwdriver in there or something like that and thin screwdriver here you can see it's gonna just well you can see it's starting to drip now there we go you can't smell this guys but uh it doesn't smell too bad for 12 year old fuel so while the last few drags of fuel come out of the pipe i am going to start up here so like i said i've sprayed all of this just to loosen off all our connectors uh this whole thing comes off as one unit it's on a little plate here so i'm gonna take that out and then we're gonna inspect some numbers on this one let's have a look expecting a bit more fuel to come out here not too bad all right so that's one and then i've got one more connector up here to take off this fuel pipe not bad okay so now i should be able to take two brackets off and two connectors and then we're good right so we have our fuel kind of bundle out of the car here now there's two reasons i want to do this number one is just test it and number two is more importantly get some part numbers off this so if you have a look here there's one down here it's zero four three eight one seven zero zero zero four that's on my accumulator i should have one on my fuel pump as well we've already got a fuel filter as part of the uh service kit but if we have a look at this oh five eight two so both of those are bosch parts i'm going to show you what i'm going to do with those part numbers in just a second but first of all let's test this to see if it actually works now i'm going to be replacing all three of these fuel system items the accumulator the fuel pump and the fuel filter in fact i'm going to be doing it double because it's exactly the same setup on the left and the right side of the boxer but i think after 12 years it deserves it and i don't want to take any risks with this one however it would be a good little test to see how well these have fared up just sat around now it wouldn't surprise me if the fuel pump and the fuel accumulator were actually original to the car so probably 1983 build got my battery tester we've got it hooked up this is bucket of water so this is mimicking my fuel tank that's drawing water into the fuel pump round to the fuel accumulator down into the fuel filter and then this would go all into my injection system let's just put that there just to see if it happens so we're gonna put our negative and then if i just carefully tap that so you can hear something is happening with the fuel pump nothing is being dragged in and nothing is coming out of that [Music] so something is blocked somebody's not working correctly now i can narrow this down very slightly so if we run the same test again this time we're going to narrow it down to our fuel pump now we've got the pipe coming off to our accumulator so what we should see is water being drawn through and coming at the end here let's try it so again you can hear the pump working but as you can see absolutely nothing not even a dribble coming out of the end so we definitely have a problem at least with the water pump it wouldn't surprise me if we have these things don't last uh forever so we uh are gonna replace all of those anyway but that is just peace of mind that i'm not wasting money putting parts into this car they're actually working and it doesn't surprise me because i had exactly the same problem with the 308 and the tester also both of which had been sat around for years and the pumps and everything had to be replaced on those as well let me give you an example of how you can save vast amounts of money on a project like this without having to sacrifice originality or quality so if i go to ferrari and i put in here the uh fuel accumulator the fuel pump and also the fuel injectors for the bbi now remember i need two accumulators two pumps and 12 injectors all of these are made by bosch as you saw on the part numbers that came out of the car and the only difference being these come in a ferrari box now when you put these in the car the boxes go in the trash anyway right so the grand total for these with that is 2 121 pounds now if i go online and i have a look on ebay here all of these are from the same supplier they are all original bosch parts they even say on some of these look this is the ferrari part number for the fuel pumps two of those two accumulators and 12 fuel injectors the grand total is 632 pounds that is a saving of 1488 pounds in other words for the cost of boxing those bits with a ferrari box you are paying almost three and a half times what you can buy those parts for and they are exactly the same part so as you saw these are the 12 injectors we're going to be replacing at the same time now at that price it's just about the same as paying someone to take these out test them and clean them we may as well just put some new ones in we can also save money in places like fuel distributor we can buy a repair kit for that that's about 100 pound uh cold start valves these were using mercedes at the same time even i think on some vws and it's the same story of many other items on the car for example these spark plugs are just champion now if you check out the part number on those you'll find you can save a load of money on things like this too now whilst we have that scope working and it's all cleaned up here let's pull some of the plugs get the scope down there and see what our state of play is like inside this one keep those fingers crossed well this is about as good as i could get with the camera and the angle unfortunately my scope's only got one camera on the end so this kind of gives us a good indication though and all of the 12 cylinders look much the same as this now thanks to everyone who commented or sent me a message about our problem with the uh engine ignition system here the dynoplex now it appears that people have got bbi's or ferraris of the same era even porsche 911 sc's i think the model was um from the 80s that run a very similar system and the noise seems to be the same with everybody else now i'm not sure from the videos if mine is uh slightly noisier if that's on its way out but either way there are other options um you can't buy them new but there are people who repair them and there's a lot of information on websites like this so very very cool thanks guys for uh the help on that one i also just managed to get this fuel tank level sensor out of the car that was a bit further up i cleaned it up i thought it could actually be recovered it didn't look too bad but as i started to do that this arm that has the float on the end sits like that normally but as you can see what happened is all of that just started to kind of rust away and it was so thin it started to bend and then it just snapped off so that has got to be replaced now which is not too bad i think it's about 70 pounds now that i have all of the fuel pump off uh all of the pipes off even the fuel sender unit out of this tank it's a standalone tank i've also plugged up those uh the pipe everything like that so it's all sealed so what we're going to do now is i'm going to use some cheap brake and clutch cleaner i'm going to pour it in here and we're just going to leave that for a couple of days just to work its magic and hopefully ease up some of that gunk down the bottom there okay so that's five liters gone in and that can stay in there until we decide on the next move with this one so there you go guys that is just some of the tips that i use to save lots of money on big ticket items when you are crazy enough to take on a project like this so i'm going to go away now i'm going to order up those bits i'm going to try and also figure out how the heck we're gonna get this engine out of here but more to the point where we're gonna put it when we get it out until i work that one out you guys can check out what i get up to on a daily basis over on my instagram account and i will see you very shortly in the next one ciao for now [Music] you
Channel: Ratarossa
Views: 197,290
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Keywords: Ferrari, ratarossa, 512bbi, boxer, 512, bbi, bb, barn find, abandoned, rare, i bought, rescued, restoration, diy, rebuild, rotting, driveway, barn, find, gas monkey garage, monkey garage, rattarosa, goonzquad, SamCrac, legit streetcars, sam crac, ammo, chrisfix, chris fix, tavarish, vpn, ammoNYC, Ammo NYC, larry kosilla, larry, kosilla, smoking tire, cost, price, how much, dde, doug demuro, supercar blondie, shmee150, salomondrin, salomondo, $20000, stolen, thief, help, parts, seenthroughglass, sag, stradman, vinwiki
Id: 0jo-C7uxMAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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