FEED THE CYCLE | We Become What We Behold

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(Whoosh!!! )Top of the morning to you ladies!!! my name is JackSepticeye and welcome to a small short little game called "We Become What We Behold." According to this the play time of it is only five minutes, but it intrigued me because it says down here It's a game about new cycles Vicious cycles and infinite cycles, so I don't know what that means I think it's just you know this is cool... The mouse actually repeats down here. That's a neat effect. I think it's a game kind of showcasing the The new cycles and how barbaric they can be or whatever because here it says warning the following program contains.. But because normally when I go to the itch.io website to look for games I go to the popular tag But because normally when I go to the itch dot io website to look for games I go to the popular type I've never gone to the top-rated one and this is one of the top rated ones on itch So it really intrigued me I want to see what it's like But yeah be warned its only five minutes long for all you people out there as it seems to think that longer videos means better youve been warned!! Like that. We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and they're our tools shape us oh Like that. We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and they're our tools shape us Marshall McLuhan Miss attributed Hello. Hashtags just like just a normal peep Crickets, okay, good wait. Did I get the cricket lil' Cricky Crickets, okay, good wait. Did I get the cricket lil' Cricky Those are three crickets wait if I keep For keep taking pictures of the crickets okay, that's too many crickets I System repeat again, okay does the guy going around with a hat? Maybe you should take a picture of him? Oh, haha. Hello Miss you! oh!!! Nice hat! oh! Now everybody is wearing hats so everyone, so it's a thing got to do with the news Let's take a picture of them in a second, so I take a picture of something it goes up onto the news that the one guy who is Difference ended up on the news and then everybody else thought and it's like wait that's different We need to be like that. I get it. That's clever look at these lovebirds Gross go get a rope. Oh no. They're embarrassed You see what happens you do something you Fucking Jesus christ you do something and it's normal to you, but everybody else is weird And then they take a video of it and it ends up on the news Who the fuck is this is this jacksepticeye Gonna run yelling at people? No more yelling for you. You got to catch them doing something interesting, okay? So I have to catch him in the yell, okay come on Yeah, that's the one Got him got them crazed squared attacks. Oh He's all sad now Man, because that is what can happen? Is that people see something on the news and then it repeats or it can make people feel bad? Serco Fear square, this is an analogy for racism square snow circles oh no Well the surface getting angry Who's this who shoots in to watch people get along see that's not newsworthy people getting along is not newsworthy you have to find someone who's Outraged you have to find their tragedy you got to catch them doing something interesting, okay, I will He's about to have murder someone in a second I can tell What are you doing? Circles hate squares oh oh, they're all angry now circulation Okay, they're not that bad anymore. They're everyone's yelling at each other Are we just are we just spreading to cycle around or more and more people going to get into it? These people are protesting Peace is boring violence. Goes viral sadly. Yes It's weird though because violence cause viral until it goes so viral That the peace thing is the one that goes viral and then it all just repeats again it all just goes around again but it Just missed it, Mr.. Opportunity means we need that virality Almost everyone hates everyone let's keep it going let's keep this hate train rolling Then everyone hates everyone some of these people are still love each other everyone hates every Clone eat all these people appear our night and in person is nice Manitoba's back acting cool. No more haven't you heard that clever Okay, everyone hates everyone we knew that oh What the f**k!? Be scared Be angry Freaking the fuck out man everyone killing each other oh god What the f**k!? Jesus Christ My God they took a very f**king darK turn very quickly. Oh it zoomed out and we're watching it on a laptop What the f**k? Well, then holy shit That was five minutes of mind-bending awesome. That was so cool Holy sh!t. I can't believe you got so much other that with so little and and last but not least. Thank you for playing. Oh, oh you And then people hold a vigil and the cycle repeats That's f**kin awesome so the whole point of it, oh point of it was It's a play on the media and what happens around certain events. Is that everything sets off normal It's just like oh, its just a normal person walking down the road But as soon as someone is different the media Shines a light on it And then everybody else who doesn't have that thing? Feels like they're left out so everyone ends up doing it everyone gets their hat and then everyone fits in and then You're going along and just there's just a couple loving each other But then somebody finds something wrong with it and change the light on it And then they feel insecure somebody goes around yelling at someone But the real one that got they got everything going was that Everyone was getting along normally everyone was fine. Everyone was good But it's when the media tells you that there's something wrong with that that you started questioning it so they started being like hey You're a circle Have you seen those squares? and then the squares has a light shone on them and they feel bad so then they end up hating the circles for hating them first and then of Course that's analogous to racism or Sexism or anything like that anything were so many different religious beliefs as well it's all compounded people start hating each other this whirlwind of hate goes around and Then it's because the media keeps shining a light on it Then all of a sudden violence breaks out and we've seen that happen time and again over the last couple of years with With terrorist attacks where you have people? They see a certain religious group, and then they're like. Oh, no, they created a terrorist attack I don't like them, but it's like it's a small fringe of that religious group that Have different beliefs and extremist beliefs That cause this stuff, but people don't see that people see what the media shows them So then everyone ends up hating the entire religion or the entire race or the entire nationality whatever. Have you? So that was really well done And again for such a five-minute short little piece. It did it so well that was cool, cool and horrifying at the same time the fact that Something so ridiculous is actually like a real thing that happens It's weird See my other words. Have you made other games? Wow, you have this is called parable of the polygon the playable post on the shape of Society Drag And drop unhappy polygons, so it's like a puzzle thing got to do with moving people around until they're in their happiest Space I Get it that's kind of neat this guy's indifferent though. He's not happy. He's just everybody else is smiling. He's just like This is fine. This is okay Okay, can move you over there, and then move you up here Boom I did it that's cute So this is another play on humanity again. I'm not going to do all this I just want to see what their other stuff was like So this is like It supposed to be a play on like not being happy with your neighbors and moving and all that kind of stuff. I like this These people have a play on society. I like that. I like what you're doing I I might check out some other some of the other stuff in a different video, but for now Thank you guys so much watching this one If you Liked it, PUNCH THAT LIKE Button, IN THE FACE!!!! LIKE A BOSS!! And High Five all-round!!! *Whoopsh!! 2x** But Thank you guys and I Will See you dudes, IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!!!~~~~ (Outros- I'm Everywhere By Teknoaxe) called we become what we behold
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,948,952
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Keywords: jacksepticeye, We Become What We Behold, We Become What We Behold game, We Become What We Behold gameplay, We Become What We Behold jacksepticeye, download link, indie game, free game, let's play, We Become What We Behold let's play, itch.io, mind blown, mind blowing game, news, news cycle, negative, satire, parody, funny, funny game, flash game, newgrounds
Id: iGTsQzZ1U90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 18 2017
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