WOULD YOU SHARE IT OR STEAL IT? - The Evolution of Trust

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hello everyone and welcome to the evolution of trust this is a game flash thought experiment about them why we trust people or distrust people it sounded really interesting guys kind of has a little bit to do with philosophy a little bit about social science anyway it kind of explains it when you start the game so let's let's start the game during World War one peace broke now I've actually heard about this before guys it's really interesting it was Christmas 1914 on the Western Front despite strict orders not to chillax with the enemy British and German soldiers left their trenches cross-domain planned and gathered to bury their dead exchanged gifts and play games meanwhile it's 2017 the West has been at peace for decades and well we suck at trust surveys show that over the past 40 years fewer and fewer people say they trust each other so here's our puzzle why even in peacetime do friends become enemies and why even in wartime new enemies become friends I think a game theory can help explain our epidemic of distrust and how we can fix it so to understand all this let's play a game doesn't that sound cool guys like this is a real story this actually happened they got together and they just celebrated Christmas even though they're at war with each other you know in the trenches and stuff they still were able to just put those differences aside and have a day of peace that is just that is mind-blowing because obviously there's going to be a lot of distrust when you're around your enemy but nobody fought they just they just chill angst all right let's play a game so the game of trust you have one choice in front of you as a machine if you put a coin in the machine the other player gets the recoil hmm and vice-versa you both can either choose to cooperate putting a coin or cheat and don't put in a coin so I guess it goes one at a time so so you either both put in a coin and you both get coins or you don't put in a coin and then you get three coins so you either make two coins or you make three and the other person makes none so would be better if you both did it and then just kept doing it but we'll see what happens here all right so let's say the other player cheats and doesn't put in a coin what should you do hmm but how am I going to know if the player player cheated or not you know let's say let's cooperate I'm going to be nice all right so alas turning the other cheek just gets you slept if you cooperate and they cheat you lose a coin while they being 3 however if you both cheat neither of you gain or lose anything therefore you should cheat yes you're right but let's say the other person cooperates and puts in a coin what should you do now all right well I should have cheated I knew that guys but I thought maybe if I cooperated once it would make him cooperate later or something I'll cooperate all right sure seems like the right thing to do or isn't because if you both cooperate you both give up a coin to gain 3 plus 2 and plus 2 if you cheat and they cooperate you gain 3 coins at their cost of 1 therefore you should still cheap that's our dilemma Trust is nice but it can let others take advantage of you sure can guys alright or shoot you as you come unarmed out of a trench sometimes distrust distrust is rational but now what happens if we play this game more than once ok so this is where it gets complicated because because obviously now if you're cooperating multiple times the other person is going to want to cooperate back so you get lots of coins you know you know what both cheat or nobody gets anything that's no fun but then someone always wants to get a one-up on the other person let's play for real you'll be playing against 5 different opponents each with their own game strategy with each opponent you'll play anywhere between 3 to 7 rounds you won't know in advance when your last round is can you trust them or rather can they trust you oh I don't know how this is going to work I don't know what to do ok so it's the first move I'm going to go ahead and we're playing at least 3 rounds so I'm going to cooperate so we both put a coin in yeah we get coins good job buddy okay so this is opponent 105 total score - I'm gonna cooperate again mmm-hmm because if we keep cooperating there's no distrust as soon as you lose that trust guys it's really hard to gain back everyone knows that if you lose trust with somebody it's hard to gain back so keep on cooperating but as soon as this idiot that's what coins in I'm going to stop putting coins into and we're going to be in a bad situation more coins I want all the coins this is good this is great one more yeah oh yes I don't know how many times they're gonna do this but I'm making a lot of money goodbye see so together we work together you know and we made 10 points each great there was no distrust no reason anything bad to happen this guy's wearing a different hat isn't he oh I don't know how I feel about that yeah all right 205 total score is 10 and 0 to 0 what are we gonna do I'm going to cooperate first I'm going to try and establish oh dude you didn't do it well now I'm going to cheat cheat again cheating in c1 distrust that's all you need you only need to do one thing to screw up the entire situation hello m'lady if you are actually a lady I can't see any generals I just see a head okay and I don't mean with so many genders here but uh hi here have a thing there we go great so we just got a couple of coins I'm going to keep cooperating with her as long as she cooperates with me as soon as she ruins that trust we're outta here you know or could I maybe cheat and try and get a better score let's try that and see what happens to them Oh Oh get Rick yeah and now she's not gonna play any she is gonna keep playing all right well she just got wrecked that's good ha ha that's a nice hat sir I like it opponent 4 out of 5 my total score is 19 I guess I'm trying to see how good I can do or something let me cooperate with you sir because I want us to be on good terms here okay great and I'm assuming maybe he'll keep doing it yeah this is good see this is what you want where you want to just have a nice friendly everyone gets coins because as soon as you as soon as you break that trust they're probably not going to want to play anymore now the girl she kept playing alright she's she didn't care she's like oh he cheated that's okay I'll just keep giving coins when I did it I did not keep giving coins I don't know when the last round is so I can't try and get a one-up on right am I trying to go against these people because I have a total score I just want to make money right this person mr. Sherlock Holmes here you go have a coin yay this is interesting because not a whole not a whole lot of happening but I'm going to cheat now yeah so now what now I'm going to go back to cooperating with you sir okay so we had a one up everything is better now the trust has been re-established because of the whole we're even maybe I don't know let's just keep cooperating here okay great so we settled our differences it's all good would work better if we just gave each other coins is fine good can each you're still here let's keep going yeah there's a good stuff it's good stuff you see the fact that he gave me a coin after cheating once show me that maybe he had a little bit of remorse or something you know so I I got back at him and everything was good so my total score is 41 which is pretty good the lowest and highest is 7 and 49 so I got almost the highest score the highest I can get is taking all the coins away but that would be that would be very nice so who were the strange characters you just played against so there's a copycat hello I start with cooperate and afterwards I just copy whatever you did in the last round meow we've got the always cheat the strong shall eat the weak so that was that guy I told you man it was his head wasn't a good head I was kind of a cool hat but whatever this lady will always cooperate that's why I managed to take from her we got the grunge listen partner I'll start cooperating and keep cooperating but if y'all ever cheat on me cheat me I'll cheat you back till the end of tarnation and the detective first they analyze you they start cooperate cheat cooperate cooperate if you cheat back I'll act like copycat if you never cheat back Oh like always cheat to exploit you elementary my dear Watson so what happens these characters were to play against each others never get to watch and see what they do okay so you got some people who never trust some people who have a lot of trust you know so what's a tournament each character will map play against every other character it's ten paired matches and tendon transfer Mensch who do you think will get the highest total score think carefully about it and then place your bets copycat the copycat is going to do the best because they start with cooperate and if you screw them they will screw you back until you're even that's why I did right when I got screwed I decided I would cooperate after they got screwed so that we were even so I think the copycats going to do the best now it would seem that maybe the cooperate would do the best but if if the detective goes up against her she's cooperating he's just going to take away from her you know that's what he's going to do all cheat I mean they're going to catch on and they're going to start cheating too he's only going to get a little bit grudge her he could do pretty good you know he starts to cooperate he'll cooperate until you cheat and then he'll always cheat but a copycat will will stop cheating if you start cooperating again so copycat is going to win alright you place your bet on copycat let's go through the matches one by one and see how the tournament plays out first match okay so copycat versus always cheat scores were minus 1 and plus 3 oh by the way by the way why wait what do you mean so the copycat was cheated and he he kept on cheating because the first guy cheated but this guy is he the one who always cheat yeah ok so the always cheater gets a small one up on that guy but that's it you know if the copycat goes up against someone else he'll do a lot better copycat versus always cooperate he's going to make 20 and 20 pretty good you may be skeptical about that Christmas true story about World War 1 trenches surely that was just a fluke maybe it was copycat versus Roger he also makes 20 good I'm wondering now is this maybe the always cooperate is going to win you know but if she goes up against some people she's not going to do was good but I think maybe only this guy will really screw her over so it might actually be her that wins next match oh crap I just miss something whatever not every trench joined in the piece but it was pretty widespread many front lines came up with the idea independently and again despite specific strict orders not to alright always cheaper has always cooperate she actually got -10 there and in fact even before Christmas several front lines already had established an unofficial secret peace hmm interesting so they were like hey Christmas we're going to chill look at how many points this guy's got the copycats got all the points it's about reciprocity it's about rewarding good behavior with more good behavior and evening out the odds that like that's what I did I basically played it as a copycat in a way so let's go to the next bench always cheat versus grudge so the always cheat is going to get plus 3 but the grudge is not going to let him have any more than that same thing with the copycat right so he's not going to do that great there he's going to get a little bit but that's about it and obviously it's going to do well against the lady who always cooperates they called it the living wet live system basically you don't shoot me and I don't shoot you and this worked in a lot of places because they know that there's going to be reciprocity they know that you're going to reciprocate whatever they do if one person shoots you all end up dead pretty much nobody wants that you much rather play some football or whatever you know I don't know if they they probably didn't have balls in the trenches but they sure they had fun ok ok next match so the obvious cheat versus versus the detective they always cheat will win you may still be skeptical most soldiers don't spontaneously form piece of the enemy what's so special about trench warfare bench I always cooperate vs. Roger they'll do ok they'll get some points good stuff here's what's unique about the trenches unlike almost every other form of war you have to face the same specific soldiers every day we might even think about that so you got to learn about these people in a way right they always cooperate versus the detective the detective is going to do great it's a repeated game and that makes all the difference so yeah she's always cooperating as soon as he finds out if she's cooperating he's going to cheat you know he cheats well hang on a second so two and two he cooperated that he cheated then he cooperated cooperated because she was still cooperating but then he realized that she was always going to cooperate and then he cheated her a whole lot interesting a grudge adverse is detective not that great because of the fact that he knows that if the detective tried to screw him over he's just going to give up drum roll please all right know who one copycat yeah you place your bet on the right horse I know how it works guys I got my thinker ready okay yeah copycat goes by many names the golden rule reciprocal altruism what did I say reciprocity right I took some philosophy in school guys it's very interesting stuff there's so many weird situations I mean I did that game with the car and the self-driving car and hitting people and killing dogs and that was a little bit controversial but it was really fun tit for tat or live-and-let-live if you don't do anything to me I won't do anything to you you cooperate when I cooperate the first time and we have a great relationship going until you screw it up and then you can actually make peace with me if you just cooperate again then I'll just remember back to cooperating with you good times that's why peace could emerge in the trenches of World War one when you're forced to play the same game with the same specific people not just the same generic enemy over and over again copycat doesn't just win the battle it wins the war what if things change a lot when you play multiple rounds of the same game what if we play multiple tournaments when how's that going to work is there going to be the same oh well not if you have things being different within the game how's this okay let's say our population of players evolved over time it's a three step games so you play a tournament let's let them all play against each other and tally up the scores so the people who always cheat versus people who always cooperate the cheaters will always do good they will always take advantage of people who are always nice but you don't want to always be nice you got a copycat now and then and repeat for as long as you'd like you don't have to wait for people to literally die and reproduce for culture to evolve all that's needed is that unsuccessful behavior goes away and successful behaviors are imitated so now so I guess they thought decided always cheap because they learned that the only way to get ahead is to cheat you want to get ahead technically the only thing you're going to do is you're just going to you're just going to have zero at the end but it's better than losing and that's what these ladies decided on instead of losing I'll become a man and male priviledge lets me win not really not at all all right so so we start with the following population of players 15 always cooperate 5 always cheats and 5 copycats we ignore grudge or detective for now because they're complicated right they're complicated dudes we're going to do the tournament eliminate reproduce dance a dozen times or so so let's make another bet who do you think will win the first tournament place your bets again well most of the people here are co-operators right so I think that the all cheats are probably going to win because they're going to make the most money off those people makes sense always she has a lot of always cooperates to exploit let's see if you're correct so play tournament so who won the first round because that's what they said right just winter the first round of the tournament and it looks like these guys did win the first round which is why I predicted so we limit the bottom five which are going to be they always cooperate because they get screwed over goodbye ok and now we reproduce the top 5 which is the cheaters huh sadly you were correct the always cheaters won this time and their numbers increased by 5 let's try a few more rancis so what's going to happen now now it's going to be a little bit closer to the copycat I suppose they're not going to have much of a lead maybe none at all it really depends we need more copycat play the tournament okay so they're still winning sadly you were correct they always cheater won this time the number is increased by five eliminate the bottom five reproduce the top five always sheet is still growing at the expense of always cooperate the the copycat is not being taken away here so play the tournament and we eliminate the bottom five and we're left with always cheap and now all the always cooperates are dead but wait ooh what's this what just happened here now okay so we eliminate the bottom five but how do they win so the copycat isn't he going to cooperate once and then cheat cheat cheat cheat they have each other the copycats have each other that's the thing I was thinking you're going to screw it all up because now there's so little of you and so many of them but since they have each other when they play with each other they do okay because there's a lot of lines here guys look at that thing that's crazy a big old thing all right well let me at the bottom five and then reproduce the top five and we have half and half that's right the always cheats became a victim of their own success because there's only so line that you can refuse to help other people before you get no help yourself okay so remember that being selfish doesn't always help you okay and being nice to people all the time doesn't always help either be nice to the people who are nice to you and try and grow together that's what we're learning here guys the exploit naive always co-operators but once they ran out of them they had to face the copycats who are nice but not naive and they will help each other and they will make sure that you get screwed out of everything now you notice they only had like 24 because they played against five copycats and they'll cooperate first so they got three coins from each of those that is an add up does it whatever there's something about that they're all right so now these guys are really doing bad they're not making any money we eliminate them reproduce okay by simply copying the other players moves copycats can play nice with each other we'll always cheat just cheat themselves not only that but it also means copycat can give always cheat a taste of their own medicine I love this guy's because screw cheaters man I hate cheaters cheaters and thieves and all those people who just they don't play nice reproduce top five oh there's only two left and as a result what's going to happen here these guys are going to become copycats they are going to cooperate so now some of the copycats were done as well but that's just how it works because we had no other choice reproduce the top five we're all copycats we've inherited the earth imagine that so in the short run you were right always cheat won the first year ends but in the end it's exploitative 'no Swizz its downfall this reminds me of a quote we are punished by our sins not for them okay sure oh and by the way this result is similar even if we put grudge and detectives back in because grudge you're in detective don't make the most money copycats make the most because they help each other and they help anyone who helps them the detective will eventually get back on the right track with a copy cats because they do cooperate cheat cooperate cooperate so after to do that a couple times the copycats will cooperate back and they'll realize okay these guys want to make me money good and the grudge's obviously they're not going to have a problem with these guys they'll be nice until you're not nice to them so start the evolution process look at that they just disappear they disappear over time and then we're left with just copycat and it's just going to keep going which is cool all right well permanent evolution of just then sometimes a few grudges may stick around because when all players except grudge or and copycat are eliminated the to tie but since eventually you get to do this got eliminate the bottom five even if they're all the same so they will eventually statistically get removed but yeah if you just have grudges and copycats they'll just be the same so it seems a massive game theory is telling us something that copycats philosophy do unto others as you would have them do unto you may not just be a moral truth but also a mathematical truth however I mean this is a very this is a very isolated incident right here there's a problem fart noise that's the problem okay look around the world's full of total jerk wads if copycat is the strategy in this repeated game of trust that's so powerful even soldiers in World War World War one trenches independently evolved a similar strategy called live-and-let-live why that are there so many untrusting untrustworthy people what's causing the epidemic of untrust I would say it's the fact that you don't know who you're going to get you don't know what kind of person this is and once you get burned so many times you just get really cynical and you become them you copy what they do because you're in the bottom five now you had to have enough trust to get the ball rolling against a close in the sentence itself in this repeated game of trust so far we've only talked about change in the players what about a change in the game what could lead to the evolution of distrust so you at a game if the game is changed obviously we're going to have some issues because you need to both benefit and you need to have that going on before everything goes to heck let's start with something nice here's a world filled entirely with always cooperates except for one always cheat in one copy can use the buttons on the right to start the sim and go through it step by step or reset it so this is going to be a bit weird because I'm pretty sure these people are going to become the bad people because they're too nice right now they're gonna they're going to eventually realize that cheating is the way to success or something let's start okay no it's good it's good we're actually getting some people becoming the copycats as well and eventually they disappear good as you already know copycat wins handily in the long run under our current rules that's under our current rules which say that players play against each other for 10 rounds per match does copy cat still win at seven five three two one and change the number of rounds with the slider below and start the same and see what happens feel free to experiment okay so let's try it with spike let's try with three so with three we're going we're going to have these guys winning right well what's what the hell is happening continue huh as you saw if you don't play enough rounds always cheap dominate okay I get it because you have to yeah to cooperate with each other and make money and stuff in 1985 when Americans were asked how many close friends they had the most common answer was 3 in 2004 the most common answer was 0 we now have fewer friends across class racial economic and political lines because we have fewer friends period and as you just discover for yourself the fewer repeat interactions there are the more distrustful Sprint no mass media doesn't count it must be two-way interaction between specific individuals okay reset then just chill and it gets worse there's another way to breathe distrust here are the payoffs for the trust game yes the normal payoffs copycat wins but now change the both cooperate reward from 2 to 1 then click start oh no in that case you either lose 1 or you gain 1 so now you've got a really big issue here we're cooperating is not worth it anymore because these guys are going to end up losing even though +1 is still more than punishment for both cheating what happens well let's see look at that it's still won or did I or is this the same thing again hold on side continue same thing happens okay with a lower win win reward always cheat takes over game theory has has two powerful ideas about this Oh way hang on a second all right guys I'm a little bit confused here so I just want to explain why I'm confused it's saying the same thing happens to the lower win win reward always cheat takes over but if you actually do the thing on the side copycat takes over so I don't think this is the right simulation showing here let's just move on zero-sum game this is a sadly common belief that a game for us must come in a lot to them and vice versa so you're saying you can't have both and there's the nonzero-sum these are the game theory two powerful ideas in game theory the nonzero-sum game this is when people make the hard effort to create a win-win solution or at least avoid a lose-lose without the nonzero-sum game trust cannot evolve yeah because I mean if you don't help each other then you can only help yourself make sense speaking of which now let's look at our third and final barrier to the evolution of trust miss stay as cool as copy-cat is it has a huge fatal weakness I haven't mentioned yet to understand the problem let's say two copycats are playing against each other being nice players both of them first both of the first moves will be cooperate so again they get coins normally they just pay back each other with kindness and sing Kumbaya until the end of time mistakes miscommunication misses interpretations accidents happen all the time in real life so in that case since they can't really see each other he doesn't know what happened he just knows that something screwed it up and maybe he said maybe he just doesn't trust his explanation for it maybe they can talk to each other and he said sorry I fell down and they say no you didn't you're a lawyer you just want to steal for me what now but the other person doesn't think it was an accident then he's going to take it away you know so now you've been punished for an accident you had and that's not good either that's going to make you sad so the other player be a cop again had to retaliate and you being a copy-cat as well will also have to retaliate oh so this is where it gets crazy so now you've established so much distrust that you'll never get it back now everyone's cheating right what what oh yeah this is cool so now they're doing whatever was done last round by the other person so they're still making money right it's still 3 1 plus like the Hatfields and McCoys these two copycats will spiral into an endless cycle of vengeance that started over a single mistake a long time ago well what if they make a mistake again if they make a mistake again they could be in a constant cycle of nothing or well eventually then it would make a mistake and go back to the other way but you can also make mistake and accidentally put it in and then all of a sudden you're both cooperating again that's interesting tragedy but now are there other types of players who can deal with the steak yes there would be right I mean let's meet some new faces or new hats anyway alright I hope you guys are enjoying this video I know this is a bit of a bit more of a philosophical kind of thing and it's a bit longer but I'm having fun reading all this stuff so hope you guys are too okay so new faces we got copy kitten I'm like copycat except I cheat back only you cheat me twice in a row okay so they're forgiving after all the first one could be a mistake per house three and then there's a simpleton I try to start I try start cooperate if you cooperate back I do the same thing as last move even if it mistake if you cheat back I do opposite thing as last move even if it's mistake what okay so I think they have like a system where if you do something bad to them they just switch what they're doing that's what it is they switch and then if you keep doing bad they'll switch again until they get the right thing and then it is a random there's a monkey robot ninja Pizza tacos lol I'm so random purple monkey dishwasher am i right just place cheat or cooperate randomly with a 50/50 chance let's see how these peeps do when they play in a tournament it's going to be fun so let's start with a Doug oh there's all kinds of people here now okay doesn't always cooperate versus our old winner the fair copycat a new three characters the forgiving copy kitten the dull simpleton and the silly random in each random match players have a small chance of making a mistake on say five percent who do you think will come out on top think carefully then place your bets hmm I'm going to say copy kitten because there are now mistakes that's kind of why they introduce copy kitten because it's someone who can kind of make up for that starts will cooperate only retaliates it with a cheat if you cheated it twice in a row but maybe the simpleton is better here you know because this simpleton he's going to flip depending on if you cheat him and then if you if you cooperate again he'll flip back or something I don't know him he's a bit weird you cooperate a last round repeats the last move even if it was an accident but if you cheated in the last round it switches its last move even if it was an accident okay so copy kin I'm going to say copy kitten and we'll see what happens alright you bet copy kitten wins let's find out these two controls two studs to your left to start the sim in quick mode or go through it step-by-step let's go step by step so who got the most there so it looks like cheese so it looks like copy kitten didn't do as good as the random well the random is good because these guys right but it's going to get different so if we keep going they get eliminated and then I'd say is the NZ always cooperates go away we should have more in favor of the copy kitten instead of in favor of random because he's just randomly doing things to cooperate winning step so this time hmm all right what's okay they're gone I'm not really sure what's gonna happen here man oh sure the copy kittens are leaving me it's the simpletons who are winning I thought maybe that would be the case because of the fact that they have a different method here they have a different method of fixing mistakes alright look at that there you go start that and give her that and bye-bye your babbles close but no cigar simpleton wins because simpleton is actually capable exploiting always cooperate they both start cooperating but if simpleton makes a mistake and cheats always cooperate never retaliates and it will keep cheating them now let's try the same thing is before except instead of half always cooperate it's half always cheat it's a much less forgiving more hostile environment who do you think will win them think then place your bets so the simpletons are going to flip back and forth between cooperating and not cooperating because that's how they work so they will get exited by these guys but the copy kittens will stop getting exploited after the second round let's go and copy hitting this time we'll see I'm just going to go ahead and start it we'll see what happens Bam Bam Bam complicated stay in here cool stuff and since mistakes are being made guys only the copycat is able to forgive those mistakes and the copycat decides as soon as you make a mistake that means that you wanted to hurt them but since it's only a 5% chance for the most part there isn't double mistakes happening and you can see that it's kind of fighting back and forth here but I would imagine eventually the copycats will go away three left three left again four left five left cheese I don't know man okay see around the money Kappa Kane wins this time the surprising that within even meaner starting population Copic eight in a more forgiving version of copycat was the most successful okay so complicating is so forgiving it doesn't even entirely wipe out copycat it shares room that's kind of cool actually in this case a bit of miscommunication five percent chance of mistake each round could lead to more forgiveness but it's this true for all levels of miscommunication use a slider below to change the amount of miscommunication then hit start but five percent copy kitten wins what happens at 0 percent or 20 percent or 50 percent it only goes up to 50 because at that point every move is a coin flip okay during each round is a five percent chance a player makes a mistake so I think a five percent we already know what's going to happen but we bring up to ten more mistakes we're still going to be forgiven but if there's too many these guys are going to get wiped out because they're going to start withholding their cooperation if it's twice in a row twice then we're always going to get more likely as you bring up the odds here so I have that ten percent I would imagine probably the fools are gone okay so at 10 percent it's enough it is enough for them to make enough mistakes to just die let's go up all the way to 40 percent so these guys are going to win because they cheat and easier to cheat when you have a higher chance of failure now if you have two percent the copy kittens are probably going to win again right yeah no problem okay yeah and the fact that it's only two percent means they're not going to make enough mistakes that they're going to get pushed out by the copy kittens continue okay the result turns out something like this at 0% the fair copycat wins and one to nine percent forgiving copy kitten wins and at ten to forty nine the unfair unforgiving always sheet wins at 50 percent nobody wins ever okay cool this is why miscommunication is such an interesting barrier to trust a little bit of it leads to forgiveness with too much and at least a widespread distrust okay I think our modern media technology as much as it's helped us increase communication has increased our miscommunication much more texting men who knows what you're really trying to say when you say well now you know what does that mean at last let's experiment with all the numbers the knobs and sliders let's play sandbox mode now you can do whatever the hell you want oh my god geez let's just start the way it is payouts are going to be the same you can change whatever you want here guys I encourage you to do it go to the description play this game yourself and see what you think of it see if you if you want to like play around the sandbox yourself and and find out what kind of things make people win and lose that's cool this is just all standard three people there's four randoms just to make up the full amount and random is the best one to put in there rather than another person to offset everything cuz random is just random you know whatever it's a coin flip and that's what they do per sentence and that's why everyone loses so anyway let's start it here I'm imagining if the if it's a 5% then the copy kittens are probably going to win eventually yeah it's happening look at that no the simpletons maybe are you going to push us out here simpletons oh Jesus okay so with everyone playing simpletons win okay say my phone's totally optional feel free to skip it play around once you're done let's recap I'm not going to mess around this too much because obviously this is already a long video and some people are probably asleep by now but this interests me okay so games there is shown us the three things we need for the evolution of trust repeat interactions Trust keeps the relationship going but you need the knowledge of possible future repeat interactions before trust can evolve you need to know that they're going to be there for you again and again right you need to know that your friend is going to have your back no matter what kind of thing possible win-win you must be playing in nonzero-sum game a game where it's at least possible that both players can benefit off a win-win and I guess that kind of is how it works anyway if you do something for someone they'll probably do something back that's the way we tend to you know do our thing you know reciprocating when someone does something nice that is a win-win situation and low it means communication if the level of this communication is too high trust breaks down but when there's a little bit of miscommunication it pays to be more forgiving if there's just a little bit it's enough to forgive but if it's too much it really gets to you and that's funny guys and I'll talk about why in a second of course real world trust is affected by much more than this there's reputation shared values contract cultural markers blah blah blah let's not forget the biggest lesson if there's one big takeaway from all of the game theory it's this what the game is defines what the players do our problem today isn't just the people are losing trust is that our environment acts against the evolution of trust this may seem cynical or naive that we're merely products of our environment but it's game there reminds us we are each of each other's environment in the short run the game defines the players but in the long run it's us players who define the game so do what you can do to create the conditions necessary to evolve Trust build relationships find win wins communicate clearly maybe then we can stop firing at each other get out of our own trenches cross no man's land to come together and all learn to live and let live and there's the Christmas truce between opposing trenches illustrated by AC Michael published in the Illustrated London News January 9th 1915 little heart clean all right man what a trip a what a what a what an experience so what I was going to say guys what's funny about that and I think about this a lot because I mean nobody likes to talk about politics too much because politics is a bit of a crazy very crazy world you know but when it comes to politics what do you have you have people who think that you are someone that you're not if you if you meet someone on one side of the fence and so on the other side of the fence they automatically assume that you think a certain way and there's a lot of miscommunication if you type something out on the Internet they will find the miscommunication there and they will use that to create distrust and it happens everywhere look online look at your favorite political website whatever and read what people say and you will you will notice that a lot of what happens is subjective people take a certain thing and they assume you're saying a certain thing and there's distrust because of that because it's probably greater than 10% miscommunication right miscommunication is greater than 10% tons of miscommunication on the internet it's text there's no real emotion in there and if you miss communicate enough you just distrust each other and that's why there's so much conflict right now on the internet when it comes to politics that's why Blanc supporters hate Blanc supporters and vice versa because we're not working together because government is not a win-win situation isn't it it doesn't work like that you either have people trying to do one thing or you have people trying to do with the other and if there was more win-win when it comes to debates online there would be more fair debates and more people trusting each other and there would be an evolution of trust that's this point that goes I'm going to get I'm not going to actually talk about my political preferences I just think that when it comes to politics these days people don't really listen to each other they love miscommunication because it allows you to distrust someone and for some reason people like to distrust each other I don't know whatever this is the evolution of trust guys really cool check it out if you want link down below in the description thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like and I will see you next time goodbye [Music] you
Channel: MattShea
Views: 2,260,877
Rating: 4.8184047 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, evolution of trust game, evolution of trust website, let's play evolution of trust
Id: 2CieKDg-JrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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