(Feb 23, 2019) Deck the Halls of Grace with Boughs of Holiness

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[Music] okay this is this is gonna be interesting you know the last three weeks we've been talking about Yeshua's crucifixion how life-changing that is how it changes everything everything it crucifies are thankless Ness it crucifies are covetousness it crucified our discontent that crucifies are complaining it's it's incredibly powerful the wisdom and power of God in that was over-the-top so you know the Lord and I got together and I was like okay I could talk about the cross and the crucifixion to Yeshua comes back but we got to kind of move on from it not ever forgetting it Jay Hudson tells that don't take me three feet from the cross but he had things to do and we have things to do we can't park ourselves there and you have to know and forgive me but there are major denominations that the finish line is being born again the finished that being born again is the starting line not the finish line you've just stepped into the kingdom you know what I'm talking about some of you've gone to churches and still go to churches where the whole objective is to get saved save for what is there something after salvation because the Bible speaks about it all the time I don't understand help me this is the Bible I'm not a scholar but this is what it says in the Bible and the churches are saying this and the Bible saying that how do you reconcile that tremendous discrepancy so it's time to move on and we're gonna use something that I think is something that a lot of people just kind of gloss over it's the letter that Paul wrote to his spiritual son Titus it's 46 sentences 46 that's like and there's a salutation and a conclusion to the letter so really there's only like 36 sentences of meat 36 sentences that's a page and a half and it is I'm here to testify to you that it is incredibly meeting a feast in 36 senses now it was written nineteen hundred years ago obviously to a little-known missionary nobody who's had this was on an obscure island you know he was creats and if you know anything about Greek history the cretins were the worst of the worst they had the absolute worst reputation and it was written by paul who is an aging senior minute missionary he's at the end of his life first Timothy Titus and second Timothy second Timothy was the end now we know that the letter had to be written before 68 why is that he died but who killed him Nero and when did Nero die don't you know your Roman history I'm only kidding I'm only kidding he died June 8th 68 this is at the end of his life and let me tell you why letters written at the end of your life is so important plus you've been matured you've know your mistakes you know I'm I'm I'm much more mature in the faith now than I was thirty years ago still have a long way to go but nevertheless this things I thought were important that we're not and things that I know are important that I didn't think were as important so you constantly constantly move from glory to glory in this sanctified state that were in that's what we all are so this letter is I can't begin to tell you how important it is but I'm gonna try now the question is what possible relevance could these three short chapters have for believers in the enlightened 21st century don't we know so much sure we do oh we have rabbi Google and rabbi Wikipedia and don't we well this is my take to the answer that question if these were only the words of some aging missionary to some unknown missionary on an obscure Island then it would only have relevance to a church history buff but the fact is these are the words of God spoken by the inspiration of the whole the spirit and as such they make a contribution that no other book the theme of the Epistle of the theme of the letters real simple guys the letter gives this concise summary of how a believer should adorn should adorn the doctrine of grace with godliness and good works let me repeat that again for some of you who are distracted the letter gives a summary of how a believer should adorn the doctrine of grace with godliness in other words we need to deck the halls of Grace with boughs of holiness falala Lala Lala let's take a look okay it's not all I have is 12 verses today it's all I got that's how mediate is but you can't get that many it's it's 36 sentences look at Titus 2:11 through 14 this is the most prized passage of the whole letter this is it right here it says for God's grace which brings deliverance or some of your version say salvation same thing has appeared to all people and it has it teaches us to renounce godlessness and worldly pleasures and to live self-controlled upright and godly lives now right now not when the Lord returns in this age while continually to expect the Blessed fulfillment of our certain hope which is the appearing of the Shekinah of our great God and the appearing of our delivery issuer the Messiah he gave himself up on our behalf in order to free us from the violation of the Torah now the Torah from the violation III heard for years like when I would travel around churches and stuff and just slip in and just want to see what's going on Jesus died for the law unlike no he died for us breaking the law that's a big difference Pig and to purify for himself a people who would be his very own his sagal out his special possession eager to do good so let's do what we always do in order to understand that we have to break it down you can't just grab a sentence if you take it out of context you're gonna misinterpret it not maybe not very possibly absolutely it's a guarantee and the devil is the master of getting you to take things out of context did God really say you can't touch it did he say anything about touching it right then he brought in the confusion and evil was sunk you can't be confused you have to know what it says and it's not a matter of interpretation if you read it in context you'll you'll be able to understand it you really will it's not that hard so let's look at the first screen Titus 2:11 the first verse it says for God's grace which brings deliverance has appeared to all people God's grace is synonymous with Messiah schewe Messiah schewe is God's grace and God's grace is Messiah Yeshua when he visited our planet and gave himself up for the forgiveness of our sins this was absolutely the quintessential grace of God that's the definition to me of the grace of God Yeshua on the execution stake now just for the record and I know you don't believe this but I'm telling you major denominations do this does not this verse did not equate to something called in the theological circles Universal salvation some people believe in universal salvation the teaching of universal salvation is one of the biggest lives of the enemy the crucifixion is a bona fide offer of pardon and forgiveness which has been made to all however we have to receive him and the only way you can receive him is through absolute out-and-out repentance receiving him does not mean repeating Jesus I believe you died for my sins come into my heart I'm just telling you that's a force and you have to know that many people that sit in pews and they've been very faithful are going to hell they will pretty everybody has a different idea of what's pretty decent my feeling is good means no bed so if there's any bad and good you bet and that makes all of us bed but just for teaching purposes there are decent people is this this ladies that have grown up taking care of their family and and being a good mom and a good wife and sacrificing and they pay their taxes for the most part they pay their taxes right everybody everybody here pays their taxes for the most part right a lot of fudge but they basically a decent people right they're decent and then they get saved and they're the same and that's impossible if it's one thing you'll see in the Bible is every time Yeshua showed up people changed some for the better some force but you cannot come in the presence of the Holy Spirit of God and stay the same impossible and if you do then you have never come into the presence of God one of the churches I used to love to go see every now and then was Times Square Church David Wilkinson Church because those people were X hookers and drug dealers they knew what they were saved from the average person in Macon doesn't know what they've been safe from that got along pretty good I'm a good person and I'm glad Jesus died for me sweepy it's bigger than that it's so huge Titus 2:12 says it teaches us so this grace of God this is what the grace of God does this is what the crucifixion does it teaches us to renounce godlessness it doesn't teach us that hallelujah was saved you've got to move on not if not move on like put the cross behind you but what am I supposed to do now and you end up in a church a congregation you get discipled and you learn about godliness you learn right I was to listen I'm 60 years old so half my life I was totally in the world not a little I never thought I was a decent person I knew I wasn't and I was really good at being in the world excellent and then when I got saved it was radical which I think it should be for anybody and I totally made a 180 and I walked into this Kingdom I went through a door you shoe asses on the door I'm the door I'm the way in you don't hold on to a door if you want to get to the other side you don't embrace a bridge a bridge is to get you from one land mass to another the father's on the on the end of the bridge you can't get to them unless you go through Yeshua but you don't stay on your schewe I know many many doctrines say no no I'm here to tell you that's not I'm here to tell you what the Bible says and it says he's the door so when I went through the door I walked into this Kingdom that I knew nothing about and my deal was what do I do now I didn't know how to conduct myself in the kingdom I didn't know what was expected of me I didn't know it's not like I just walked in the kingdom and I knew every I knew nothing I had to learn how to conduct myself in the kingdom of heaven the gospel is not just the gospel it's the gospel of Yeshua the Messiah it's the gospel of the kingdom of heaven you've passed through a portal and the world is no longer your home and you press through this kingdom and you press through this kingdom till you get to the point of glory land that's the process and this is this is what Paul is saying to Titus Titus is a young man he's basically not been a believer for a long time but he was his spiritual son he raised him he took him on trips he discipled him he taught him he taught him by doing he was a journeyman and now Paul's moving on in he's like Titus you've got to carry the torch and this is what you have to do you have to share the gospel everywhere you go but let them know what they're signing on to disciple them didn't you shoot his last words in Matthew say to disciple them go in all the world and preach the gospel in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to obey my Commandments that's something that's always left off now I know you know this because you've been here a long time and it's like oh this again oh you're gonna talk about obeying God oh my god can we move on to what I'm gonna get blessed with so gauche it says the gospel of the kingdom teaches us that's you and me to renounce godlessness it's not just about repenting if we are renounce it we won't have to repent renounce it say no no no I don't care to be with anybody else I'm not burning that 35 years God has worked hard with our relationship we've worked hard with it what am I gonna do a few minutes of pleasure but for what to ruin my reputation ruin my marriage ruin my kids saying dad you're a fake that would that's the end of my life I'll kill myself if I hear that from them you've run too far what are you gonna do keep running what are you doing what are you an idiot and then you think you're gonna walk in blatant sin and God's gonna forgive you that's disgusting it's one thing to mess up I mean I mess not this week I took my daughter I was very sick I promised to take her away and I couldn't I said babes I'm sorry dad is feeling awful I don't even know if I could drive like took her and a friend to Atlanta and on the way up to Atlanta somebody cut me off really not nice and I said a bad word then I realized the friend was in the car and then I realized she goes to synagogue with us and I never heard a repet since off like that before but that's called something that's not a lifestyle it just came out and you might say how could you how could you say a word like that if you knew the old Greg I'm doing great because in my neighborhood you you had to drop certain words in every sense not one you didn't you didn't say those words when you angry you said those words when you were conversing it was accepted it was accepted but there's a difference between intermittence and sin that comes out of left field and in a life of sin saying to God you know what I'm leaving her because I've got to be happy we do you read that in the Bible guys just like people tell me well I'm gonna get a divorce but kids are resilient what do you read that in the Bible you think kids resilient ready kids are not resilient they're just kids and it buries them stop bringing in this stupid man-made doctrine into the Bible now some of you have been divorced two or three times you're saying I feel bad guys look first of all I have to protect the young ones I can't sit and be worried about offending adults and watching my young ones fall apart that's number one number two what's done is done if you repent and you've been forgiven then it's under the blood and if you still feel guilty something's wrong with your relationship with God okay can we grow up and move on and not have to worry about every little thing we say what's this going to affect the why people how is it gonna affect the black people how is it gonna affect the Hispanic people how is it gonna affect the young people how's it gonna affect the old people how's it gonna affect the rich how effective poor your exhaust you're exhausting me and this is probably why we'll never have a big congregation and I understand that I really do I do and I understand it I do I do but there's like thousands and thousands of people old the world that tuned in you know why because they can't take the fluff it's killing them they won't go anywhere because it's they can't they can't bring their kids into that realm and here the rah-rah-sis-boom-bah God loves you man you're gonna have a blessed life I mean I'll be honest yeah I listen to Joel Osteen once the guy is incredibly motivational talks like a five-year-old but he's incredibly motivational this is how I knew he was not a minister of the gospel when my mother who is this anti Jesus as they come when I went to visit us she goes my son who's this Joel Austin guy I've been watching him lately he's wonderful that's what I know there's no there's no if there's no anointing there's no conviction so he's a great motivational speaker and he seems like a nice guy he might have a really great marriage and he seems like a nice guy and let me tell you in my the words of my mother he has beautiful teeth my son which he does I give my eyeteeth F teeth like that to renounce godlessness and worldly pleasures and to live I'm not making fun of him I'm just telling you that there's people that administers the gospel and there's people that are not and you better discern who's who as I said I don't know him personally so I don't want to talk about him personally I won't do that I can't but as far as my job is to not my job and your job is to discern the spirits some of you can't discern the spirit because you don't trust anybody when you don't trust anybody the Holy Spirit won't help you discern because you just shut down I'm here tell you that there are many men of God in the United States that a men of God don't dare think you're the only one it's incredible elitist ISM to think nobody gets it but you the great Elijah tried that how did that work out for him there wasn't a ton of people in Israel that point he said Elijah I got seven thousand people just like you and then some to live self-controlled upright and godly lives now and then he says up in this state make no mistake I'm talking about now I'm not talking about when you get to heaven right now so right now the same grace that saves us the same grace that saves us and it is grace also trains us in the school of holiness that's called sanctification once you pass this phase I don't want to get fancy with theological terms but once you are saved by God's grace and you see it's unmerited and it's an act of love you got to kind of show him something not that you own but like what does he want from you ask him go home ask him what do you want from me God how can I pay you back you said I never asked you to pay me back pay me forward represent me well godlessness means lawlessness make no mistake and that is not an Old Testament definition that's a very much a New Testament definition by the greatest disciple that ever lived John and he says that sin equals lawlessness so this is what I'm saying if that's what the Bible declares and you know I'm not telling you anything new I never tell you anything new if sin equals lawlessness then righteousness would equal lawfulness right now I'm not the guy who goes well the Torah how many how many commands are still around rabbi okay we lost 300 with the sacrificial system and then I'm not a king so those laws don't pertain to me now are you any of mine you're really gonna put a scorecard together and say okay there's two hundred ninety seven left nobody knows how many but there's two hundred ninety seven and and I checked them all off today guys there's no freedom in that all you are is a legalist and your law you're lost if the Holy Spirit is running through your spiritual veins and the law of God is on your heart you are absolutely already know what's right and wrong you know I don't have to tell you you know but if you keep doing wrong wrong is going to become right Isaiah said there'll be a day where what's bad is gonna be considered good we're in the day but that's the world not you and me you know what's right now let me tell you the other danger some of you try too hard to do what's right to make sure that God knows you're right you're not moving in the power of the Holy Spirit you're moving in the power of yourself and let me tell you what's gonna happen because I did if he is you're gonna be exhausted you're gonna be exhausted see if you move in your own power and you get credit for that then you're powerful but you move through the anointing of God's Holy Spirit then it's all about God and who is it all about so don't make it about yourself don't go I'm in a witness to this lady listen just let me try this on you you're in a restaurant and the waiter has to listen to your spiritual talk because he's working for gratuities now if you talk to the same person outside he might say thanks not interested but he's gonna sit there and then there's what you say you go to church now you don't know that this guy was molested by priests when he was young so look what you just did you just opened up a womb that's never a womb that's never really been fully closed but he's trying to move on and you just ripped it right back open why you weren't working under the unction of the Holy Spirit and when you all working under the unction it's unbelievable it's just like night and day but for us who will believers we're supposed to say no to sin we're supposed to say no to sin worldly pleasures and most people equate this to sexual sin because sexual sin is so flagrant it's it's the biggest sin we have sexual sin but what about the lust for wealth oh no Rabbi Ana well look if God has blessed you with wealth and you're using it to bless him hallelujah but if you just have a lust for wealth I'm telling you that's not of God what about the lust for power what about the lustful pleasure what about the lust for selfish ambition what about the lust for fame anything that's worldly we're called to live out our faith in practical ways of righteousness in other words godliness is proof that you're saved it evidences your salvation it evidences your faith if you're walking in godliness that's evidence that you're a man or woman of faith if you're a man of woman of faith and you're truly born again then you're going to do these works because they're just gonna happen in other words the supernatural is going to become natural and the natural is become unnatural and this is what happens through this process for all of us again nobody has a corner of the market a lot of things are done in secret that nobody sees so don't please don't mistake blamelessness with perfection blamelessness is a state that Noah was in and others these were people who did all they can to walk these things out because they wanted to bless the Lord with righteous acts and when they fell they quickly repented they didn't walk in sin as a lifestyle that's the difference okay Titus 2:13 it says while continuing so try to walk to try to say notice in at the same time continue to expect the Blessed fulfillment of our certain hope because that's the reason why we do it this is what he's saying this will motivate us which is the appearing of the Shekinah of our great God now I don't like this interpretation too much because it almost makes like there's going to be an appearance of the father and the son but the Shekinah of our great God that means the glory of our God guess what Yeshua is the glory of God he is did he show up glorified in Matthew 17 on the Transfiguration Mount he is the glory of God so this is one of the same in the appearing of our deliverer or Savior it says in some other versions issuer the Messiah living good godly lives for the certainty of our Blessed hope namely the second coming now I'm not going to get into this because it's superfluous it's it doesn't edify people will fight all day long about eschatology about the rapture and about the second coming and are they different and when are they I'm here to tell you I spent 10 years of my life studying eschatology I became somewhat of a eschatology expert and I'm here to tell you there's enough scriptures if you want to believe in a pre-tribulation rapture or a mid-tribulation rapture or a pre wrath but listen to me sweet pea it doesn't matter listen to me some of you are not listening to me and all you're doing is turning people off left and right it doesn't matter when he comes are you ready when he comes sow some seed is the rapture the body where's that 1st Thessalonians 4:13 17 that's where it talks about the coming of Yeshua whether he's gonna take us away and up to heaven whether he's gonna hide us I don't care I don't care he's coming for me you follow I'm not gonna see the wrath of God that I know because wrath and tribulation are two words that have never used interchangeably in all the scriptures and never used in the same sentence so I know I will not see the wrath of God okay or some people see it as the coming as king in Revelation 19:11 16 where he sets up his kingdom and puts down his foes at the end of the tribulation okay what's the difference are you ready I just had three an yrs and repaired guess what I could have went before he came you follow look I spent a lot of my walk making a lot of mistakes and what I try to do a lot of is save you from those mistakes save you from majoring on the miners you know how many wacky pack Gentiles have come through these doors and focused on citizens and now they're sitting home in the Adobe house by themselves miserable wearing that sits it's you know what I've seen in 30 years do you have any idea whatever we believe Paul is speaking of here messiahs bridegroom coming for his bride well the king coming to rule and reign we should be prepared for his glorious arrival this is what motivates us to live good godly lives in the here and now this is what motivates us staying focused on this blessed truth in Pels a person to get ready for his return Titus 2:14 he gave himself yeshua up on our behalf in order to free us from the violation the violation of torah is death the wages of sin is death it's the same thing he freed us from that death his death was the death of my death death stung itself to death but don't stop there you'll be like so many mainline denominational people that's not the end of the story it's the beginning he came to free us from the violation and copulative kai in the greek meaning ones dependent on the other they interdependent to purify for himself a people who would be his very own eager excited hey FETs in the hebrew that means a delight psalm 119 I delight in your ways I delight in your commands not okay I'll do it well if I if after if I got to show my obedience do you find who likes that kid when I tell my kids I want you to take out the garbage if they said do I have to do it now that was probably bad because I'd be like I'm kind of asking you now well if they said okay I'll do it if they said okay I'll do it guess what I took out and throwing the garbage is a kid ever in America ever gonna wake them say mom dad what can I do for you today to make your life easier is that ever gonna happen all you kids do is take you like human leeches and then the government just took away our dependency exemption so I should have never had four he gave himself up on our behalf in order to free us and purify for himself he just wants and so while we await the Second Coming and we all want that bed and I don't blame you I want it you have no idea how much I begged for the Lord to come back I'm telling you and I'm not boasting you have no idea we can't forget the reason for his first coming to not only save us from the guilt and the penalty of sin that's what we believe that's what when people finish the race after getting saved they believe I'm saved from the guilt and the penalty which is true but he didn't just come to save us from the guilt and the penalty he came to free us from every lawless deed it would be a halfway salvation listen is what the Bible says if the penalty of sin was canceled without the power of sin being dealt with the Bible calls that a halfway salvation you can't be halfway saved we should be pumped like excited crazy excited that perform acts of kindness in his name we should be pumped to change into the image of Yeshua we should be honored and if not honored because that's a fancy word how about just yeah I'm becoming more and more like you shouid this is unbelievable he's my hero what person in the world doesn't want to become like a hero when I was young and I played basketball in the projects I was always Clyde Frazier anybody know Clyde Frazier that means you're well over 60 but I was Clyde right three seconds on the clock that's who I wanted to be now I got a new Idol so rabbi Greg you're an idol worshiper yep look at how men not just of the world men of the faith have such a zeal for sports guys it's a sickness I don't have a problem with you passing the time watching a game that means nothing it's okay it's fun but when you're a fan you're a fanatic you're a lunatic about this it's fun it's fun to watch people jump around and run around they're great athletes make no mistake they've sacrificed a lot but let me ask you something they're your team do they know you when you're sick do they show up to help you when you're financially destitute you're rooting for the guy that's making 12 million dollars a year does he write your check how about politics when did you guys become so political you don't know what you're talking about you don't know what goes on in the City Council in your town you know what's going on in Washington so much time talking about politics today so little time talking about godliness all I'm saying is these are fine topics sports and politics and business all I'm saying is we should have a great a zeal for God his kingdom and its righteousness and that's and I'm sorry but that's their refutable that's just their refutable doesn't matter if you believe it or not it's irrefutable Titus 2:15 the final verse in this chapter that says these are the things you should say these are the things you should Titus you're a young man I'm leaving you in Crete you're one of the elders you're one of the overseers a point of the eldest because we need multiple elders one person can't run the show so you need a group of elders how many it doesn't say we have three rabbi why don't you have four it was hard enough to find three do you read what's necessary to be an elder the husband of one woman what does that mean well I'm the husband of one woman now I was married seven times but I'm the husband that doesn't cut it kids that are not rebellious and walking with the Lord I mean look look at these are called the pastoral epistles look at first Timothy second Timothy and Titus and see what it takes to be a deacon and you'll find out if you go back to your church nope some but nope it doesn't say he has to be influential don't have a lot of money just go home you'll see in 1st Timothy 3 you'll see it these are the things you should say saying I'm out of here I'm at the end they're gonna kill me I'm at the end of the line my ministry is over I'm passing you the baton I'm giving you the torch and this is what I want as your spiritual father this is what I want you to do encourage and rebuke not just encourage not just rebuke both you know what the Spirit does the spirit disturbs the comfortable and it comforts the disturbed he said encourage and rebuke with full authority you have the authority God ordained don't let anyone look down on you why did he say that he was young what else he was a Gentile Gentiles weren't highly regarded Titus was commissioned to teach now let me just tell you something I don't mean to call anybody out but when Jesus was teaching people weren't yelling and talking back because when you're in a school the other people the other students can't hear you can you imagine if you was sitting a lot of you go to college right and I was just yelling the whole time the teacher was teaching would that be conducive to you learning this is a school this isn't a rah-rah-sis-boom-bah I Got News for it's not it's a school you come here to learn because a disciple is a student now if I'm a lousy teacher I understand I don't think of myself as a good teacher but if I'm lousy find a good teacher but any idiot can come up here in rah-rah-sis-boom-bah you're not gonna learn from that you're not gonna grow from that that is not discipleship you read the Gospels and you'll see every single time every single time every single time it says that Jesus looked was sad because they were sheep without a shepherd comma and he sat down and taught the Desco teaching the ways of God and doctrine that's discipleship that's what a Shepherd does a Shepherd brings his sheep to a pasture that's rich so they could feed on so yes it I could rah-rah-sis-boom-bah but I choose not to because you don't learn from that I remember the first week I was here boy did we get every kid felt like I was back on the right to Atlanta we got I thought we were going to change our name from Beth you sure - Beth granola because we got every fruit flake and nut every nut that came in and so this one lady it's what I'll never forget it this one lady we had just a few people you know maybe thirty people at the time for I don't know but Kevin's up there my first person worship leader a good friend of mine and very gifted and he's singing we adore thee and she stands up we had all these weird are thee now you might say well you you know that if you try to quiet her that's quenching the spirit she already did quench the spirit we do that Oh hallelujah say it with me so I was like Lord what's up she's she's not right she's not right she's bringing attention to herself it doesn't matter how zealous she claims she is she's disturbing everybody else don't think about it if one of the keys to being a believers humility and selflessness and you're distracting everybody else how selfish is that so I go behind her and I say sweet Bing everybody's kind of distracted it seems like you love the Lord but he said she beelines out and runs out I start to cry because the last thing I want to do is hurt some of these families but listen the Holy Spirit will hurt your feelings I cried I went home I cried all afternoon finally the Lord told me he said if she was so mature why does she beeline out why didn't she talk to you if you're easily offended that's a litmus test for being immature in the faith and it kind of freaked me and and it when you have a congregation like Betty sure you're gonna get everything you're gonna get a lady going up in the pulpit and just rants right you're gonna get it you have to monitor it you don't want to quench the spirit I was waiting to hear something from the Holy Spirit spoken to us I'm good with that somebody once stood up and spoke in a tongue and I said that's great is there an interpretation and there wasn't so I said look I'm not saying it isn't from the Lord but I can't let my people receive it because biblically there must be I just stick to look I'm trying to offend anybody if 10 people at one time speak in a tongue that's not biblical that's not of the Lord period is this you know away there's an order this is the way so all is to say he said rebuke those who contradict these teachings if somebody comes against these teachings with their own duck rebuke him and rebuke him strong do it with boldness Paul says to Titus and authority and don't apologize for having a forceful ministry you know today if a guy preaches just the word he feels like next week he's got to come back with a grace message they even apologized sometimes I've heard it I know last week was hard because she preached the word he's saying it sighs don't apologize for a forceful ministry apologize for a weak ministry and don't let anybody hit you up with your so-called natural disabilities about your youth about your Gentile background no and why shouldn't Titus have any qualms why shouldn't he feel bad because he's speaking the very words of God not his own not his own where does the time go all right who wants me to finish this up all right last set of Titus scriptures Titus 3:5 through eight I'm sorry but these things jump at me and they're so median they're so rich I don't know I don't know how people just run through them I don't know okay this is how he sums up the letter this is what he says to Titus on basically on the end at the end of his ministry he delivered us it was not on the ground of any righteous deeds we had done but on the ground of his own mercy his love and his kindness Paul was a psychopath about protecting the gospel a lunatic because there were so many Judaizers and Gentiles trying to add to it so if you read every single letter he wrote he was he did this by means of the mikveh the baptism of rebirth really the way you get saved is you repent of your sins you don't just confess that's not repentance you say I don't want to walk this way anymore I'm done I'm walking this way and then you get immersed baptized in the name of Yeshua not not in a bucket of water it's in his name that your sins are forgiven and it's in his name that you receive the Holy Spirit to help you walk in that way you follow you can't walk in that way yourself listen what God asks of us in the Bible it is impossible to walk out without being regenerated some of us change a little bit right we've come a little nice that we bring flowers home we curb our language but that's not walking that that's just a smidge to do what God is asking us to do we cannot do that without being regenerated and receiving the Holy Spirit I'm here to tell you it is impossible absolutely positively impossible he did this by the means of the mikveh of the rebirth and the renewal brought about by the Ruocco - the Holy Spirit whom he poured out on us generous generously through Yeshua the Messiah our deliverer our Savior he did it so so why did he do this why did he save us why did he give us access to the Holy Spirit so that by His grace and it is a total act of grace we might come to be considered righteous by God and become heirs with the certain hope of eternal life now is that positionally righteousness we sit in heavenly places or is this some practicality that's got to come out of it let's find out you can trust what I've just said Titus Paul saying you know me I raised you I'm your spiritual father you know I don't speak with a forked tongue I'm telling you this is from the Lord you can trust what I've just said in those aforementioned verses and I want you to speak with confidence about these things be confident about these truths so that those who have put their trust in God may apply themselves to doing good deeds so it's not just about getting saved these are both good in and of themselves in value to the community he sums up his whole reason for preaching the gospel and seeing people get saved he's saved from so much by such a great salvation he's saying we should live a life worthy of that calling there's an old saying about this pastor it goes like this when he was in the pulpit the people wished he would never leave it why cuz he was so eloquent and so gifted when he was out of the pulpit they wish he would never go back to enter it you know that means that means that he was one way in the pulpit and one way out of the pulpit he was like a spiritual schizophrenic there's somebody here today I remember years ago they came they were young boy and they grabbed my son at a dinner we were having and I was like why is he grabbing my son I don't know him and he grabbed my son and he pulled them outside and I was kind of trying to watch but I couldn't it was nighttime and then when my son finally came back in because Jeremy was just you know he's a nice boy he's gonna it's nice kid I said Jeremy what that guy said yeah he said before I get involved with your dad I want to know when he's at the synagogue is he like this at home and Jeremy said my dad is the same on vacation in the synagogue at the amusement park at Walmart this is who he is he doesn't get it all right but he doesn't hide nothing either I'm not saying gotta be like me but it's a it's a terrible thing to see like a spiritual schizophrenic they're gonna nail you nobody's perfect but they're gonna nail you many today seem incredibly pleased with the doctrine of grace but apparently they have very little interest in displaying it and good works or godliness such an attitude is wrong and it's a misinterpretation of the true grace faith without works is dead there's no evidence no evidence at all the issue is last prayer before he was crucified was for our sanctification deeds a simple the word is argon in the Greek and it means works just works and good look at what look at what the Lord calls all works when we do it in his name he says it's beautiful this is the Lord it's excellent it's magnificent it's surpassing and its praiseworthy now look second Corinthians 5:10 says this and Paul was just dovetailing on what he said into Titus we must all appear before the Messiah's court of judgment are you aware are you aware about the judgment seat of Messiah are you a that will probably happen when he comes for his bride it's not gonna happen that the second coming when he sets up his kingdom it's too late he's gonna come take us and we're all gonna sit before his judgment seat it's not scary because it's not a judgment of salvation like the great white throne after the Millenium it's not that judgment clearly it's just not but we're gonna be judged nevertheless judge for what where everyone will receive the good or bad consequences you imagine those that just skate in and he's like yeah yeah sorry I mean you're here and I'm really glad to hear but I'm looking at your life and yeah wow yeah so self-absorbed yeah what he did while he was in the body and look Yeshua himself said this two more verses that's it Matthew 16:27 this is what he says right after penises you're the Messiah you're the Lord he says yep he said but don't forget this Pete the son of man will come and his father's glory with his angels and then he will repay everyone according to his deeds what he's done the Lord reminds his own that the glory that follows the suffering he points forward to his second Advent when he'll return in transcendence glory hallelujah and he'll reward those that live for him I think just my opinion toss it if it doesn't make sense the only way to have a successful life in the spiritual realm is to project oneself forward to this glorious time and then decide what really will be important then and then go after it with all your heart in other words occupy until he returns don't just be preoccupied with his return I'm I'm occupied with his return I read about it all the time and I pray for it but if I'm just waiting for him to come when I sit at his judgment seat he's gonna say wow you really waited for me to come this this is the last verse and it's just a beautiful verse and I want you to know something about this Israel was so greedy the rich landowners forced the poor workers into the city they couldn't make it in the city and greed was an all-time high 750 BC so if you're wondering it's so greedy now today it was greedy in 750 BC horrifically greedy the rich taken advantage of the poor two classes the haves and the have-nots and this is what he says to him in this time of extreme greed and materialism this is what he says God rehearses all the kindnesses that he gave to Israel and this is what he finishes with human being you ever say this to your kids I'm so good to you I always give you the car and whenever you need something I'm there and you rehearse all the good things you've done right hoping that they'll come to their senses ago I'm sorry mom I'm sorry dad you've given me everything I haven't really been that great of a son or a daughter that's what you hope but by golly if there are they dents or what just like the chill of Israel was God rehearses all the things I've done he's saying I've done so much for you this is what I would like you know what's good and you know what the Lord demands of you not challenges you with demands no more than this this is all you need to do act justly love grace and walk humbly with your God that's all he's asking this is across the board Baptist Methodist Presbyterian I don't care if you're born again you're in the kingdom this is what God is asking no more no less no more no less act justly listen to me you are what you you all what you do repeatedly you all what you do repeatedly excellence ought to be a habit not an act don't say well ten years ago I had this ministry in the prison what you've been doing for the last ten years excellence ought to be a habit not an act there are people who have HT LW it's an awful syndrome in the body you familiar with it H tlw syndrome hi talk low walk I really don't want to hear what about everything in every vision and dream you have just walk in the ways of righteousness be a good man be a good husband be good dad be honest with people hear from love them and do whatever God tells you to do love grace you may be tough but always be kind um I'm gonna share this with you because I don't think it happened haphazardly I told her I took Luanne a friend to Buckhead because they have some theater up there never seen anything like it lazy boys leather lazy boys anybody ever been to something like this what lazy boys listen by the way best sleep I've ever gotten I didn't even see the movie I woke up at the end I felt like a new man yeah you Kimberly Buckhead is not one of the richest areas in Georgia it's the ninth richest ZIP code in the nation in the nation I leave the movie and there's a guy outside we're getting picked up by hotel burned that is inside with the two girls I want her I want to make sure the car is gonna comment and a guy goes hey you want to fight I was thinking this is why I left Macon to come up here it's exactly why I drove two hours not to fight now why you know something and this is not braggadocious but I was trained I was trained to fight full contact karate before MMA was full contact punch kick in the faces that's what I was trained in a school in the Bronx it wasn't the belt school I can the parents come and Grandma claps you know you got broken noses and broken arms that's why I was trained and I was trained that if somebody comes into your space you either knock them out because you don't know who they are or you run one of the other that was my training okay I'm not proud of it but that's the way I was training if you lived in my neighborhood you would know why you had to be trained that way and in my in my class was Marines and cops and and pimps and nuts I'm telling you it's like Mad Max in the Thunderdome when you went to this class you'd know if you were gonna get home or not this guy hey you want to fight and he comes towards me he comes towards me and he is nose to nose and I'm thinking wow you've really changed I was a total piece and I said no no I don't want to fight he goes well I like to fight and then he kind of hit me in the chest but it was he was way inebriated but I felt this hand he's a fighter I looked as Hanyu you you know these things when you do this stuff you look at a hand you you know I also know he was a lefty because the way he put up his hands he didn't put up stands this way he put up stands this way then all of a sudden I had this Sherlock Holmes moment I saw my knee go into the groin I saw my palm going up to his chin and I saw my other thing is going into his eyes I thought no no change this plus I'm 60 and I'm post-op like a month the guy was a fighter and a young guy and big and strong and then we talked we talked a little bit and that's when he put his hand on my head he goes you're a good soul aren't you I'm trying to be I really am you could be too then the nut walks out they called security and the cops and they would try to arrest me they said we've got complaints at the mall about you I said me I said I'm trying to to defuse this whole thing you want to arrest me cuz you better get out so that's when Bern comes out cuz the thing came he got a little riled up again I diffused it this guy robbed him up again I'm thinking and then burn comes out and she says to the guy come on just go home cuz she was raised did he that's when he got riled up again right and then you said you said again and you said I wouldn't do that for you are still thinking I'm 30 in her mind and her mind I get still you know do it and I'm keep telling her I can't do it Lily takes me down I can't get it through your skull but then the guy goes she's nuts and the guy goes I love you and she says shut up and then she says to me wow that's the fastest I love you I've ever gotten totally not worried about the cops arresting me but listen I think it I think I mean I think something like that happens to show you the legitimacy of your change you know what repentance is repentance is when you're put in the same situation you were in when you sinned and you said no to it that is legitimate repent so I think God out of his grace and mercy was saying I know you think you're the same I know some people think you're the same but you're not and I'm here to say none of you are the same I don't care what sin you've committed I don't care how bad it is I don't care how hard it is for you to forgive yourself or your wife to forgive you I don't care I know what the Bible says you are forgiven it is forgotten and you were greatly loved and move on act justly do the right thing love grace do you realize how many people that you meet a miserable but their life sadly enough has caused them to be miserable you meet somebody and they're kind of weird and standoffish and you don't know that they were sexually abused for years well they came out of a sex slave trade well their dad used to burn them with matches you can't be too quick on the trigger guys now some people are just difficult it's almost like they're subsidized by the government but you don't know which guy that is so you have to give them the benefit of doubt there was a guy George true he was a pastor First Baptist Dallas 1897 in 1944 great man of God he accidentally killed his best friend while they were hunting his daughter said that she never heard him laugh after that day but he was a wonderful pastor tremendous pastor and loved people he had a radio program and each day when it came to a close he would say quote be good to everyone because everyone is having a tough time last but not least walk in humility stuck-up people and arrogant people tend to suffer humiliating experiences brought on by the Lord I'm sure at least one of you can say you've been humbled by God several times and so if you want to walk with God and you're walking in Pride he's he's he's full the Bible says humble yourself before the Lord if you don't he will and I'm here to say you'd rather do it than he do it these humiliating experiences are designed to deflate our ego it only takes a small pinprick to deflate a huge balloon make sure your servants towel is bigger than your ego if heaven's hero can become a common slave where do we get off being anything less maybe you ever see these leadership conferences you know what my feeling is I've only been the one I walked out because this world-renowned leader said find out who your biggest tithers off and go to lunch with them I immediately walked out and I never went to a Leadership Conference again you know what we need we need less leadership conferences and more servants conferences you never see them do you so let me give you the Greg Hirschberg version do the right thing love love and stay low guys to take-home message is this it does not matter how long we live what matters most is how we live that's what matters not how long 70 80 90 maybe like mother brown 102 we still all die right I'm no statistician but one out of one still dies and you never know when that's gonna be so you know the right thing to do I don't have to tell you you don't have to tell me you know if you're not operating in love it's totally misappropriated and the Holy Spirit will run away and you know it's always safe to stay low right the tallest tree gets hit with the lightning just stay low I had to be a little calm with my situation so if you're wondering if something's wrong I just didn't want to die today I just wanted to keep living keeping you prayers I don't tell you everything that's going on because everybody's got stuff going on you know but it is amazing to be a child of God it is amazing to have somebody in your life that is so willing to forgive you and not only forgive you but say I don't know what you're talking about when you bring it up it's hard to embrace I know it's hard to believe guilt runs rampant in me but you've got to get into the word and realize this is God's Word and if it says it do all you can to believe it you follow don't listen to yourself don't listen to the enemy how many times the enemy says you don't deserve this and I know it's not God's voice I'll pray before the Lord and say I've I know I've fallen short in any ways go you sure have you got to know what that word says and you got to embrace it look at how much you love your kids look at how much you love your spouse it's it hurts the love is so strong right it hurts me the way I love burn it hurts I still whenever she walks in the room I still see you like that first day I saw her whenever she walks in the room I get excited just excited when I see my kids I have so much love for them when I see the kids here I just love them if a bum like me a bum could have that much love how much love do you think God has for us the creator and sustainer of the universe when we sit and go we're not that good he says stop my kid it's a terrible thing when God's telling you how much he loves you and you keep telling him what a bum you are do we deserve it I mean - my kids deserve it do I owe them anything really except maybe an education a roof overhead why do I do it they're mine and I love them why does God do it because you're his and He loves you walking that this weekend walking the love of God walking the forgiveness of God walking the mercy of God and I bet if you walk in enough you'll share it with others and you'll show them who God really is that's the way to do it let's stand together is faith here no faith how come you always have to share and stand on a chair when I call your name nobody else is staying actually except you so is it true that the Philippines are putting together an NBA team or no what's the joke faith the faith when did they have to is there a cut-off date to signing up for the forum party so when we hit maximum that's it what is maximum 120 so we still have plenty of room right or no all right let me know so we get you send out any bless just let them know we're not gonna be like one of those people are you gonna buy but you got we got to let them know if they're thinking about how how many spots are left okay so let's try to do that this week I should probably talk to you after synagogue about that right yeah I'm sorry when God was giving out filters I know I was on the line I know I wanted one I did and then the guy in front of me went and then God just said last filter so sorry middle Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the Prince of all peace Yeshua yeah everything I face my wrath your errand open over liquor the who never yes sir I don't know how poor novela ha yes Emily ha [Music] I love you and I mean it this time you
Channel: Getzel
Views: 3,230
Rating: 4.9679999 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Deck, Halls, Boughs, Holiness, 2/23/2019, 02/23/2019
Id: Zt3DE6ncYm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 48sec (4008 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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