(Mar 9, 2019) Torah Parsha: Vayak'hel (He Assembled) (Part 2)

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[Music] I have been in a little bit of a quandary with with this ever since I left the synagogue last week well let me let me just let me just read that let me just read the scriptures to you because there's not a lot there's not a lot there's like 14 verses of Scripture something like that so let's just read I'm gonna need the scripture up in order for me to read it I see Roxanne you caught Denise's disease whatever it was thank you this is the Sermon on the Mount and and to be honest with you and I know I say this is not a trick thing Yeshua only preached one sermon in this whole life one and I know it's like almost a trick question if you asked the question how many sermons they'll start going I don't know it no it's pretty easy one parables and not sermons parables are just stories told on earth with a heavenly message the Aerith or the allegorical they're very short and they really give just a little mm teaching just a little teaching this was something very different this was unbelievably classic they will never ever ever be a better sermon than this one and you can now adjust your phones to the off position good the Sermon on the Mount is known as the kingdom manifesto now for the intelligent people that should make you happy but for the non intelligent people like myself I don't really know what that means the kingdom manifesto but a manifest that was a public declaration of opinions and objectives issued by a sovereign that's what a manifesto is but let me tell you what the Sermon on the Mount basically is that everybody can understand it just describes the ideal citizen in the kingdom of God and for some of you that might be struggling with terminology the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven is the same okay they used interchangeably it means this synonymous so if you if you're born again you now are part of this kingdom right you're a citizen of the kingdom of heaven correct you're in this world but not of this world just kind of passing through you're now a member in good standing of the kingdom because of the blood of Yeshua and if you want to know how you should conduct yourself like what would be the model citizen in the kingdom of heaven that December on the mouth describes it perfectly you should consult this sermon all the time constantly to take inventory of way you all compared to what you should be it's beautiful and it's simple and it's just absolutely magnificent the only sermon well the the second best sermon that I've ever heard was Yeshua's mother she gave a great sermon she said whatever he says do that was so sermon but those two of my favorite so let's let's read it okay seeing the crowds is very early in his ministry Yeshua walked up the hill after he sat down his talmud dean for you they're not familiar with with like Judeo terminology that's disciples came to him and began to speak so make no mistake he's speaking to his students he's not speaking to just anybody and he goes on a hill because you can project you know we don't have microphones 2,000 years ago you can project and he began to speak this is what he taught them now I want you to know something all of your schewe did for the most part was teach today we just don't have a lot of teaching we just have a lot of preaching and a lot of application expository preaching which is to expose the scriptures and interpret them that was the way it all started Ezra was an expository preacher and everybody else after him but now it's anything goes anything goes you you read a verse of scripture and then you talk for 45 minutes and it doesn't have anything to do with the verse it's bizarre it's kind of bizarre but he always taught everywhere he went in the Gospels you see he looked at the people and he wept he said look sheep without a shepherd and then it says , and he sat down and taught was that's what a shepherd does a shepherd teaches his sheep about the ways of God and if the shepherd is decent they'll also teach the Sheep how to interpret the Word of God so they get study on their own was the Shep it might not be around further this is what he taught them how blessed are the poor in spirit for the kingdom of heaven is theirs how blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted how blessed are the meek for they will inherit the land I'm going fast cus we're gonna go over at all how blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be filled how blessed are those who show mercy for they will be shown mercy how blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God will continue how blessed are those who make peace for they will be called sons of God how blessed are those who are persecuted because they pursue righteousness for the kingdom of heaven is theirs how blessed you are when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of vicious lies about you because you follow me sorry rejoice be glad because your reward in heaven is great they persecuted the prophets before you in the same way now so you've heard this referred to as the Beatitudes that's Latin from the word theatis which means happy it's real simple happy before we go any further I want and you didn't note that it says how blessed are not how blessed will be he's talking about right now yeah make no mistake he's talking real time in the presence all right let's look at this word blessed because I think you're gonna see that it's a little different from another Hebrew word and we try to use them interchangeably but they're not supposed to be used interchangeably okay this is not to look we teach because I don't know it's really important so I don't want you to think I didn't come for this I just want to hear rah-rah-sis-boom-bah God loves me and I could do all things through Christ who strengthens me you're in the wrong place sorry but make the best out of it never no the word is mark got Ito's it's Greek because the New Testament in Greek okay but you didn't speak Greek so I think it's all the more important to go back to his mother language okay so let's look at the word in the Hebrew same word a share okay happy the word and the Greek means happy the word and the Hebrew means happy but this is blessed there's another word in Hebrew blessed right Brooke we hear it all the time totally different meaning when you say I'm gonna bless the Lord it doesn't mean you're gonna happy in the Lord right when you say I'm gonna bless the Lord look when David said bless the Lord O my soul bless His Holy Name it literally means to get on your knees and salute him that's what it means it doesn't mean to tell him how much you love him first of all listen God doesn't want your tears he wants your obedience just just to throw that out there but with that being said it's like you get on your knees and literally you salute reverence now the same word bro when it says the Lord blessed me doesn't mean he happy to you it means he dispensed peace prosperity and protection but that's not this word in the sermon he's not saying Barilla he's not he's saying as share okay however however it's not something temporary like a lot of times we're happy temporarily right something good happens we get good news maybe we go out to eat with a friend and we're happy we're happy for that moment it's more than just something temporary or a circumstantial feeling of happiness what Yeshua is saying is it's a state of well-being all the time to God that belongs to those who respond to issue is ministering to respond to his ministry so I think a great way to see the Sermon on the mountain I've read it a thousand times literally is I think you she was saying you have the right to be happy if you see a con institution you have rights and responsibilities everybody wants the rights nobody wants the responsibilities right my kids have a right to be protected a roof over the head clothed fed well but they have to hold their end of the Covenant they have to show mama respect they have to honor her you see there's a covenant with God it's a marriage covenant God told the children of Israel you'll be my he'll be my treasured possession if you hold up to your end of the Covenant can't be one-sided nobody likes that does anybody like a one-sided relationship you like that guy who calls you only when he needs a favor and he never starts by saying hey how you doing at least fake it hey how you doing by the way I need somebody to help me so I I really think it's the rights I think the Sermon on the Mount is the rights and the responsibilities in the kingdom of God you have a right to be happy if okay it's conditional Rob I know it's no okay grace is unconditional salvation is unconditional but you gotta move on you must move on that's what he's teaching here so I want you to see the root word certain Hebrew words have root words the root word is amazing because it's not just happy it's to go straight to advance or to make progress now to go straight is really important because you know how the Lord's always talked about not deviating don't go to the right to the left the road to life is what is it wide narrow if you're on a narrow road you've got to go straight you can't curve you're gonna fall off the road you definitely can zigzag so that's what he's saying he's really saying look I want you to go straight I want you to advance as opposed to going backward retreat so nice but I think we spend too much time retreating and not enough time advancing we're always like I need a rest I need to us what you've got a fight you got advancement word progress in this text it means to go towards a goal see advancing is you're just going forward but progression is I'm pressing on to reach the goal to win the prize of the high calling me to do that and that's why he said you know in his one of his last speeches in Matthew 24 he who presses on he who presses on will be saved he who endures till the when yeah it so not a one time hey I'm saved I'm good to go i I don't bother and the only reason I don't buy that is because it's really not look everybody's been marinated a certain way with the books you've read the music you listen to what grandma told you what Pastor Dave told you I'm oh I understand that but I'm telling you you have to figure out what the Bible is saying you must this is the authority without a doubt so I want to try to make this study not too academic because I'm not from the academia I'm not the intelligence II I don't really that's not my thing and I definitely don't want to make it mechanical because there's not a lot of formulas you know there's a few in the Bobby like if you're not gonna be merciful you're just not gonna get mercy if you're not gonna be forgiving you're not gonna be forgiving you reap what you sow there are certain principles but there's not a lot of formulas people trying to make a formula like if I do this and if I don't do this and then do this I'm gonna get that I don't want to make this a formula and I definitely don't want to spiritualize I want to avoid that like the plague you know what spiritualization is right spiritualization is when you just basically make things up you think it's from a vision but it really was from a bad pizza and you make things up and this is the problem of this let me tell you why it's such a problematic and I've listened I've been around more spiritual people than you know I mean you have no idea that the people I've met and the Dreamweavers and you name it all over the world but there's the problem it's not objective it's totally subjective to your thought so there's no proof there's no there's there's wisdom and a multitude of counsel there's no other counsel and because it's not in the Bible we don't even have a precedent and then they say well jesus said many more things that aren't in the Bible hmm no it's a bad catch-22 man and so sometimes it's just Fantasia you got to be careful well the reason why there's 16 sockets is because six and one is seven and we're being spiritually could slow down slow down how about we work on some basic things you know what I mean it's like I always tell people about tongues when you start to learn how to tame your tongue then you could be anointed to speak in tongues let's do some basic things first okay that's sorry but that's after 30 years of spending time with the Lord in and look I always tell you I I the reason I don't like this job is because I don't want you to think that I'm trying to make my theology yours I tell you all the time study study read the Bible every day get get a concordance I can't do that for you but I don't want my theology to be yours and I don't want you us to be mine I want to study the Word of God I want to get in his presence I want to know what these words mean so I can know what God is saying and I could discern right from wrong and I could discern the spirits plus that's very important all right let's let's break it down a little bit I won't have you here too long Matthew 3 of 5 3 through 5 the first section and there's basically three sections to this how blessed are the poor in spirit for the kingdom of heaven is theirs how blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted how blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth I told you that the tabernacle which we went over the last week and we showed you schewe in every article and they refurnishing in every element that the tabernacle is three pieces you've got the outer courtyard do we have the picture of that the tabernacle yeah so you've got the outer courtyard and then you've got the you know what I think I have a thing do I have a thing I think I have a thing what do you call this yeah now if I was in India in Africa my laser pointer would be this but see in America you get this in that cool so this is the outer courtyard alright there's the door obviously to the outer court you're they're bringing in their sacrifices there's the brazen altar the brazen Laver and that's actually a tent of meeting people think the tent of meeting is the whole thing but it's not the tent of meeting is made up of the holy place which will get a picture up there and the Holy of Holies okay there's three sections out of courtyard holy place holy of Holy's there's three sections to the Sermon on the Mount and I think this first section lines up nicely with the outer courtyard I think it encompasses the brazen altar of the labor and the door and it speaks about humility brokenness and Submission which is your first stage into God's kingdom now just because it's your first stage you have a stop being humble no you have a stopped being broken no what do you ever stop some submitted to God submissive to God no so I just want to show you how this lines up let's go back to the scriptures for a minute thank you so much so blessed are the poor in spirit this is where you just come to grips with your own helplessness I know the Holy Spirit does it but there's a human side to this you have to choose to accept that it's it's an amazing thing when it happens I remember when it happened for me before I met the Lord the risen Lord it was going on for a couple years before I just realized you're not a good guy you know and I was just I don't know I was being faced with things and I was just very unhappy and I was not pleased with who I was and I wanted a change I just didn't have the means or the power or the understanding to how to do that and I'm I'm telling you I say this only to say this because giving God glory but I'm a discipline psychopath without a doubt and I just couldn't do it so you come to grips with this helplessness and you just become desperate it's a beautiful thing you can't make believe you just become desperate now I've never stopped being desperate in fact I don't understand it quite well but I'm more desperate now than I was thirty years ago it's it's a strange thing the kingdom of heaven it's like nothing else you know when I meet somebody if I meet a doctor and he's a surgeon he goes I've been doing this for 30 years I just know he's good and he'll tell you he'll tell you look I'm better than I was when I got out of fellowship my surgical fellowship because this things you learn if I meet a plumber he's like I've been doing this 30 years I know he can fix my toilet there's no question but then you meet somebody in the kingdom and sometimes they go yeah I've been safe for thirty years and you think wow he must be strong in the Lord it's the opposite I don't understand that quite but I guess the closer you get to God the brighter that light is the warrant shows your deficiencies you recognize you need for God's help and you come before him very needy lord I need you that's my mantra every morning I need you I can't do this and I can't fake it I need you the kingdom of God is a place where self sufficiency is no virtue and self exaltation is a vice meaning independence and pride is poison in in the realm of the world you some of you guys in your careers you've got to be sharp you've got to be on and you've got to have confidence you know you don't want a surgeon coming up to you know and I've met plenty of them my two best friends are surgeons in Florida that's the best of buddies hang out with them all the time speak to them all the time but I've had plenty of surgery at least who knows twenty or so but I'm telling you if a surgeon came in I say how long you been doing this all right I just got out of school that happened once and I had a friend say run this is the first time he's doing it really well if you got a surgeon that comes in and says hey just congratulate me I was just reinstated so you good at this I will figure it out and that goes in any line of work you want somebody that's good at what they do right in the kingdom it's really different if you don't see real humility and brokenness and somebody's trying to direct your soul run run blessed are those who mourn alot of people think it's mourning for the sins of the world I'm sorry to tell you that's not true no it's mourning for your own sin I told you brass is reflective and when you put your animal on top it was a ramp when you putting your animal on top of the brazen altar yeah when you put your animal on top of the brazen altar whose face do you think you saw in the altar yeah the animal shouldn't be up there what the animal do so blessed are those who mourn you mourn for your own sin but you also actively share hurt and remorse for the world sin as well more importantly though it's personal as for your own sin but you you have this you're not angry at the world some people look what's going on in the world it's painful I'm in pain for what people in the world are going through and what's going on mark my soul is in pain it hurts the good news is though it says that the kingdom is there and the kingdom is theirs and they will be comforted now will we be comforted all the time in this life I don't think my heart will ever stop breaking I don't think Bernadette nigh as long as we stay in ministry we'll have a day where our heart doesn't break this we get emails you can't get an email about a two-year-old who has leukemia and not be broken the hardest thing for Bernadette is not getting together with people and getting things set up and helping in Shabbat school it's the hurt of the people and now that we're international we get emails from all over that's the but I thank God that that's not the end of the story you know revelation 21:4 says no more tears you know Kleenex is out of business we will cry no more yeah well for the two people that think that's a good idea thank you for saying hallelujah for the 300 of you I guess you like crying rabbi but just because I don't see how low you don't mean I'm not into it please stop okay if you go home and an IRS sends you a note and says hey you overpaid here's $1,000 watch the course a hallelujah come out of your mouth the sad part guys is for unbelievers III don't you know I don't know about you but you have to ask yourself when's the last time you wept over over the lost people in the body Tommy I'm telling you people in the body have become so selfish they don't even we both lost there was an old saying in the 1700s you can't be a winner of souls till you become a weeper of souls I mean for unbelievers this this is the closest that they're gonna get to heaven and their pain here is only a foretaste of what's gonna happen for eternity I think I could picture the devil coming before the Lord like he did in job's cases saying why do you care about them they don't even care about them blessed to the meek of course you've heard this a million times the meekness is not weakness right you got a ride if you're gonna be a preacher you gotta rhyme every now and then right otherwise you lose your preaching card one of my mother goose or a teacher of the word meekness is just a person who accepts their lowly position stay low it's okay it's not about you you know people it's always about them even when they're telling you their woes it's about them you know the person that wants to be the bride at the wedding and they want to be the baby at the christening they even want to be the corpse at the funeral you know I John River said enough about you what do you think about me the meek person is gentle they are the gentle and mouth to their own cause but they are a lion when it comes to God's cause and they are a tiger when it comes to defending people that can't defend themselves that's a person who's me if you want to know if you meet for yourself it's okay but for the Lord's cause no I'm sorry what do you say that's how I feel right here's somebody wherever I am I'm sorry what'd you say about God the meek do not inherit the earth now know what they inherit is abuse and disposition but they shall literally inherit the earth when Messiah comes to rule and reign for a thousand years you practice try hallelujah God just try it won't kill you won't kill you won't kill you sing good you're good see you're good you know what feel better now right let's look you smiling I knew what happened okay the next section I think there's a progression that's where it starts you got to walk through the door God can't push you through the door you've got to want to walk in and the minute you walk in you see that that altar and you see that Laver and that's where you submit to God at the Laver you're washing your hands of your own plans you're washing your hands of your own desires you know it says deny yourself your and then you want to progress but you first got to go through those steps okay lord I need you you get immersed in the sacrifice of Yeshua so that you can be washed clean of your sins you get a new slate and then you wash this up and say now what is that is that it I'm done right that's what a lot of people believe I guys I'm telling you I don't know nothing about the church but when I came here I learned a lot about it that's crazy that you think that's the finishing line you're just starting it's just the beginning it's not the destination you're just starting on a journey so once you get through that you get to that next place do we have a pic yeah so that's the net you want I look to me I look look when I when I when I used to go to concerts with Bernadette that's what we did before we knew the Lord in New York City is music everywhere you're gonna have new Greenwich Village you'll see some of the best musicians in some you know fly-by-night bar right so we love music and we love dancing and that's we used to go let's go to clubs and music but if somebody called me up a friend of mine had some friends that had connections and they said look Prince's plan you want the last row of the first row so I don't want to stay in the outer courtyard and especially if I see a curtain I'm like either way play and let's make a deal Lord or I want to know what's behind there I want to you know what I mean I think it's almost natural wanna see what's not you know let these people play with their sacrifices I want to know what's in there and so you have the table of showbread or the table of God's presence 12 loaves representing 12 tribes of Israel obviously the menorah to guide us into the Holy of Holies and the altar of incense I believe I believe this section of the sermon lines up very well with this part of the tabernacle because it speaks about hungry and thirsting and mercy that's what those things represent hunger thirst and mercy so let's look at that section okay like I said not gonna be here forever how blessed are those who hunger and first you know you could be happy if you hunger and thirst could God make you hunger and thirst look if God can't can I no no so they will be filled that's a good part it's not just okay hunger and thirst and you never get satiated you know it's like man man God promises you're gonna get filled look I don't know if I should tell you this or not but I'm gonna tell you this morning on my prayer walk I just the enemy won't leave me alone and I couldn't breathe and almost had to cancel I've been you know I felt like I felt like crap the last 60 days I couldn't breathe and then I I the Lord told me cast the enemy out and I cast the enemy out and burn when I did that something lifted and then the wood said the Lord said don't stop there and I knew what he said and I said fill me and he baptized me I promise you he baptized me and I could not walk and I could not talk okay I was on my knees crying and who cares because everybody sees me do that in a neighborhood anyway so they were used to it but that's the good part of it it's not just a matter of neutralizing yourself or getting rid of something bad it's being filled with the Lord it's not a one-way street with the Lord it's always mutually beneficial he can't make you thirst and hunger but he's saying if you do I will fill you some people that want to be filled they just want to be now I'm saying I'm gonna go into heaven first of all if your life is hellacious don't bet you're going to heaven so fast there's got to be some legitimacy of a change there's got to be some some not just positional I sit in heavenly places no there's got to be some practical righteousness in your life that's like the proof text you don't have to prove it to me because I'm not the judge I don't have to prove it to you but God's watching how blessed are those who show mercy show mercy not who love mercy everybody cries out mercy glory it's to show mercy for and it's not hey you sure what I have to do you've got to show mercy is that it no no then I'll show you mercy hey I'll take that I show a little mercy and I get God's mercy man that's rich so let's look listen to those hunger and thirst these are people who have a personal passion for righteousness I can't explain it but you know what I'm talking about like if you feel like you did the wrong thing you you just have to repent you're always willing to hear from God you doesn't matter who you do it to there's even people that have such a personal passion for Isis they'll apologize to you even if they didn't do anything you ever see that I might have hurt your feelings I'm gonna hurt your face I stopped doing that cause it's obvious I hurt everybody's feelings so I just stop I'm here to tell you that's like some kind of Alcoholics Anonymous I'm a recovering hurting and feeling person but there are people here sitting here in there people watching home that told me they wanted to actually fight me when they first came but then they realized after weeks and weeks it's not me it's the Holy Spirit I can't config nobody what do you mad at me for they did the same thing to Jesus didn't they if we kill him we don't have to deal with us feeling bad the Pharisees were totally ritual they will fill a crap they had external religious ritual no internal relational reality they could care less about people they had a system just like our government they protect their jobs they protect their own situation and he was messing them up and they couldn't deal with the truth so they hated him but it wasn't him it was what he was speaking they hated the truth because in reality people can't handle the truth weak my feelings are hurt my feelings are hurt I met a drill saw him the other day he just retired no he told me that when they go through drills now the people are allowed to hold up a stick with a red circle it's not true what the heck are you gonna do when you wouldn't bullets are flying over your head we've made things so soft that we've weakened ourselves to the point where we can handle life we shot ourselves in the foot maybe I should have when I was looking to shoot myself in the foot burn maybe I should hold up that stick I'm not saying being a soldier is easy ok my dad was a highly decorated soldier I'm not saying that at all and you know how I feel about the military man you know my saying if you can't stand behind them stand in front of them but it's the same thing here today in in the body of Messiah you just want to be told how great you are and how wonderful you want how God's got your picture on his fridge it's not gonna prepare you when the crap hits the fan and that happens on a regular basis so they're doing you a disservice by not being honest what doctor what are you gonna take a test and the doctors gonna come in and say to his nurse you guys got stage-four do I do I don't oh you're fine is that what you want people say tell me the truth baloney where were we before you rudely interrupted me they have such a love for righteousness let me tell you what happens when you love righteousness it leads to righteous action it just does because when you love something no matter what it is you're gonna get it right when you're emotionally you want somebody don't matter what anybody says right when you're in love with somebody and everybody that knows that person saying this is a bad deal you're still gonna go for it aren't you because you want what you want and you're gonna ask enough people right till somebody goes it's a good idea right I've asked a hundred people 99 said don't do it but that nut said do it on my seat conformation hallelujah wisdom in a multitude of counsel so I'm telling you if you want righteous if you thirst and hunger God's gonna fill you things are gonna change he promised and how many could say Amen yes in my life has changed so we have a witness we have people right here bearing testimony to that truth blessed are the merciful it speaks to those who are actively compassionate actively meaning they do something about it you know when somebody's hungry their tears aren't gonna fill them and neither are yours now in one sense though it's withholding punishment from those who deserve it that's what mercy is tender loving kindness is like you know I should really tell like oh I should really I'm just not gonna I'm not gonna defend myself I just leave it alone let God be my defense if you're in ministry you have to do that daily daily multiple times but that's on the narrow sense of mercy on the widest sense of mercy it just means to help people who can't help themselves I want you to know something when you actively act in mercy you're imitating God when we imitate God we operate in compassion this is the this is the kicker though guys for the you that are saved and that's most of us if you are not merciful it's gonna totally direct your rewards and decrease them accordingly when you sit at the judgment seat of Messiah sadly enough that's just the way it is okay the last section obviously you're in the holy place it's great you're thirsting and hungering for righteousness you're getting filled you're eating the bread of life you know you get an oil from the menorah you're being merciful it's like I'm good this is really good something even better but it's a tough place the Holy of Holies is a tough place I I struggle with it I get in there and I'm in there for a while and then I'm out I found myself back in the outer court but it's okay but you go through the steps again you know you humble yourself right your repent and then you start going through your thirst and hungry I feel this is this is the way it is it's like when am I gonna get there when you leave oh he comes it never stops it never stops you never arrive I mean look at the great Apostle Paul look at what he suffered the guy began it and he said I haven't arrived to be a foot here's I'm not there and he wasn't just saying that to impress them ago what a good teacher what an impressive spirit oh he meant it he didn't speak with a forked tongue he was genuine he said I can't why did he cry out why don't I do the things I know now is after he was saved that wasn't before and that wasn't an act Romans seven to struggle this is not for sissies you if you want to be in the kingdom this is not for sissies no it's the same thing with a lot of things you guys want to be married and you want your own way I don't even know if I could I don't even know if I could pray for you you know I feel like go to the Chinese restaurant grab the fortune cookie see what it says how you gonna be in a relationship like marriage and and be totally selfish and think it's gonna work got really really quiet in here then it Rose didn't get quiet do you have a picture yeah there it is okay so that's like a whole nother place right so you know man yeah so let's take a look at the scriptures that relate to that not too many so this section I think lines up with the Holy of Holies the Ark of the Covenant speaks to me of purity it's the Word of God peace peacemaking and and the willingness to be persecuted it says blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God a pure hearted person is one whose motives are unmixed their hearts right now don't take this the wrong way but I know some of you do you know how many times you've talked to me about yourself not only did you forget to ask me how I'm doing which is okay because you know you get used to that but you didn't even speak about other people that are hurting there's always their thoughts are holy they think holy thoughts they think things of holiness and their conscience is clean that's a tough place to be I haven't met a lot of people like that seriously pure hearted people the pure in heart have a deep crazy intimacy with the father now they have this crazy connection with the father they hear from him and they converse with him but ultimately they'll see God right in eternity revelation 22 for we'll see his face and they're banking on that blessed are those who make peace this is not speaking about people with a peaceful disposition or people who love peace if we're born again we have peace with God through the blood of Messiah we have the peace of God but it's not talking about that at all some people read that and they go huh I feel peace I feel the peace of Lord nope has nothing to do with that Yeshua is referring to those who actively broke our peace they broke her peace meaning they conduct themselves as ministers of reconciliation they're constantly looking to see if they could somehow someway through the power of the Holy Spirit connect the lost with the father to broke of that peace and they're constantly looking to see if they can make peace between people you know how many times have I preached about unity of the body what forty seven thousand how many times have I told you that if we can't get along there's no hope people want to see revival in the in the country they want to see revival in the church have not seen revival in your marriage let's start there well how about revival in yourself how you doing with God huh when's the last time you read the Bible daily now the natural tendency of man is to watch from the sidelines right there's videos I've seen videos of a girl being a constant raped and people watching now I could tell you burn they can attest to this you know back in the day there's no way on God's green earth and there's times I got my head handed to me times I got guns pull on me by the way just note to self and to you if you're in an Irish bar and two brothers are incredibly intoxicated and they're fighting don't get between them I learned that lesson the hard way but the natural tendency is to watch from the sidelines the divine approaches to get involved to intervene even if it means taking abuse thank God that JB and Anne Mason stepped up to the plate and is doing counseling because it just got the better of me marriage counseling was killing me for years and I would sit there with couples and I'd be crying and they wouldn't be and the guy would say to me what are you crying about him like how are you not crying this is your marriage your kids that the enemy is railroading it's hard it's hard to be around you know people hate a godly life the world hates a godly life you know why because it exposes their own righteousness have you ever had somebody just hate you for no reason I had this happen all the time now some of you hate me for you think it's a good reason but I don't think so but that's okay but they have they've lived in places I've been in gyms and things where a guy would just walk up to me and I go I don't know what I hate you just recently what one of you guys you know I think rusty he's not here is he here anyway we were we were hanging out in Atlanta and we stopped at this this hotel in Buckhead and the guy comes out and I knew he was Jewish Sean what am I thinking right away I got to figure out a way how to witness this guy so I tell him a few Jewish jokes that only Jews get and he was laughing hysterically then he told us a few Jewish jokes and then somehow I worked in the Lord immediately I wish rusty was here immediately he manifest immediately he turned and he's still going I hate you okay I kid you not and then he turned to rusty goes but I like you and then I said to him wait you get to know him you'll hate him a lot more than you'll hate me but has that ever happen to you it happens to me a lot Birna then I were on a cruise and this little girl 90-pound girls start to manifest and throw waiters offer we're trying to contain her it was the last day of the cruise seven o'clock in the morning when everybody's getting off the boat so I started walking towards her I want to cast it out and they grab me and say sir you can't Kris insurance reasons right if I get hurt then I sue the boat for a million dollars and that's what would happen but as soon as I got close to us she rolled back her eyes and turn I wish Myrna that was here I'm not making this up turns her eyes back roll the head goes and You Know Who I am what do you think I'm so weird this is my life it's not like hey we had a good men's group and everybody brought the hot dogs was really neat so yeah they be they become hostile they really become hostile the last bit of this sermon the final beatitude if you will Matthew 5:11 through 12 it says how blessed you are how blessed how happy you should be if she was saying oh you're so blessed when people insult you and persecute you and tell all kinds of lies about you because you follow me and then he says rejoice what's that dear I'm a blessed man oh yeah more blessing I should be rejoice be glad because your reward see it's all about that it's all about that final meeting it's all about sitting at the judgment seat of Messiah because that that begins eternity this is very temporal very temporal I tell you all the time the end days aren't our end days it's the end of our bad days in the beginning of our good days you've got to think eternal you can't think temporal you can but it's not wise say says rejoice be happy because your reward in heaven is great listen to that listen to the company he puts you in they persecute a prophet you kidding me Amos he was just a uh it took care of some sycamore fig trees and had had a few lambs you know and God told him to go talk to the king of Israel so he wasn't a big-shot it wasn't like we have today you know prophet so-and-so and you have an offering he just went quietly went to speak to the king gave him the message they said where you going he said I'm going back to Judah I'm going what do you mean where I got trees to take care of that's it it wasn't like he walked around and everybody called him prophet he had a message he gave the message that he was out of there well that got him tortured beaten beaten you know with a club and dead Zacharias spoke to the people to get their act together what did that give him that kind of stoned and I don't mean how some of you think stoned in the temple Isaiah King Manasseh soared him in half so you want to be a prophet what I'm saying is that's beautiful guys Wow Yeshua says man how blessed you are the pure the peacemaker the ones that are willing to be persecuted your reward is great he's not just saying okay I want you to do this I want you to be persecuted that's just the way it is he's saying no there's something in it for you now that's not why anybody who's legit does anything right nobody does not anybody who's a god guy or a god girl you never do it for an over reward that's crazy but he's still saying that's not the way I work I'm a giver right I'm a bless her what did God do the first thing ft created man he blessed them what'd he do right before he left Luke 24 he great disciple said let me bless you the Bible ends on a blessing revelation 22 21 a blessing God's a bless her he's a giver there's no question about it so the suffer for Messiah it's a great privilege a great privilege again the reward may not come on earth that's the frustrating part but make no mistake it's coming I have one question to end this and I hear people saying have you ever heard people say that sin is sin sin is sin but not every sin is the same people that teach that that's it that's a demonic teaching it's really a demonic teaching my question to you is are there least and greatest in the kingdom or is everybody equal how many people think there's least and greatest all right well obviously you dabble in the Bible good they're people that will tell you there isn't it's almost like um how dare the Lord do that create you know least and greatest first of all let me just let you know a little secret okay God is God it's hard to accept you know sometimes I get it you know because a lot of times you know we think we're the center of the universe but not true God is gone and pretty much he does what he wants when he wants how he wants to whom he wants and he didn't check with nobody because he's God he doesn't have to look at what it says in the same the same chapter of Matthew I think the Lord is trying to drive a point home 5:18 through 19 it says yes indeed and what is he saying yes indeed - he says right before the verse for I didn't come to abolish the law now obviously people in the Messianic community especially we're not Jewish they love that verse that's like their life verse you know because they love the law look the laws god are good there holy and they're just Sosa's Romans 7:12 and then 14 says the problem is not with the law it's with us Jesus then died for the law the law is good I think he died for us and our sins and our sins a lawless nasur anomia like a spiritual anemia it kills you sin kills you kills your spiritual Bobby he says so yes indeed he saying exclamation point I didn't come to abolish the law he said and I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away now heaven earth is only gonna pass away after the Millenium not like pass away pass away but he's gonna restore and bring a new heavens if you will renew the heavens so clearly when not we haven't seen their millennium yet right and we haven't seen the seven years of tribulation yet right so clearly he's saying come on guys it's still in force not as much as he did what two year the smallest letter or a stroke a stroke would be to change the little like the way if you take an F in English and put one stroke it becomes an e a whole different letter he's saying not to let make no mistake I'm not talking about big things he he's saying even a little thing even a little letter or a stroke will pass from the law it's not going nowhere okay not until everything that must happen has happened everything hasn't happened because if it is I wouldn't be talking to you right now you she would be talking he'd be teaching so he says based on this so couple of so whoever disobeys the least of these Commandments and teaches others which there's a lot of bad teaching out there will be called least in the kingdom what do you mean now some of you teach no he'll be out of the kingdom no it's not what your shoe is saying and no offense but I'm gonna go issue on this one that's not how you get in the kingdom you might be in the outer courtyard but you are in the kingdom don't take away anybody's salvation if they legitimately repented and been immersed in Yeshua how dare you who you you just got might get a little surprised when you play judge and jury there in the kingdom but who wants to be least who wants the last row hey I got tickets to the Braves game we could either sit behind home plate or nosebleeds let's go with the nosebleeds why would you want to be least why would you just want to slide in it's so much better when you press in intimacy so whoever disobeys the least of these Commandments MIT's folks Commandments and teaches others will be called least in the kingdom but whoever obeys them and so teach so what so clearly issue is teaching that there's least and greatest right least and greatest now he's teaching this least and greatest Commandments in the kingdom right I mean isn't it blatant can anybody refute that I'm not a theologian but can anybody refute that that in this section he's saying that there are Commandments that at least in commandments that are great just like this sins that at least in this sins that are great there's different levels okay and I I can prove this to you because the rabbi's always discussed they called it light heavy discussion they were always trying to figure out what's least and what's greatest then who was he speaking to Jews is there a New Testament written here no so they knew the Old Testament incredibly well I can prove to you that there's least and greatest and if you shew his mouth forget about what I think look at matthew 23:23 he says woe to you hypocritical Torah teaches and parish team Pharisees you pay your tithe of mint dill and cumin but you have neglected the weightier the heavier the greater he's saying that least is tithing your produce that's least compared to justice doing the right thing caring about others having a true faith in me that's heavy now look what he says cuz this messes everybody up you know everybody says well tithing is just in the Old Testament how many times have you heard that okay he says these are the things you should have attended to what are those what are the things you should have attended to justice mercy and trust without neglecting now how do people get away with this how do they make such an asinine statement and they teach the asinine statement from the pulpit to other people who are asinine enough to listen when Jesus himself is saying that's not true now I mean 17 years of I've ever taught on tithing nope I've ever begged and told people how are we gonna pay through the lights how it nope have I ever taught on money at all nope and guess what we have a plethora we can do so much outside with ministry so much it's never an issue we don't even need a budget and I'm just saying this on the side note if you guys all leave we'll still have a plethora so I'm not even you know what I'm not handcuffed I don't have to I don't have to kowtow to the whimsy of stroking everybody in tickling I don't have to God has freed me from the fear of man [Music] you know how you get free from the fear of man you get baptized in the criticism of men you get baptized in their criticism and then you get baptized and baptized it keeps bearing you and hurting you and bearing you until God says who cares what they think what do they know and then you get released hallelujah wait let me have my own hallelujah so again 5:19 not only their least in greatest commands but their least in greatest subjects humans we tend to think of social status right political clout pecking order I told my daughter on the way here I said don't care what they drive you know how many rich people I know they got a look at the stock markets 15 times a day they're incarcerated by their money incarcerated the stock market goes down five hundred points they lose five million dollars in their got friends like that five million in a day that's not what brings joy political clout pecking order he's not talking about that he's not talking your least it's not talk about a pecking order Yeshua is warning his own not to use earthly criteria when it comes to ranking a person in the kingdom what's it about it's all about humility submission righteousness mercy purity peacemaking and the willingness to be persecuted it's all about his sermon and the more we do those things the more we are an ideal or a model citizen in the kingdom there's three aspects I told this to Tabernacle there's three aspects to the Sermon on the Mount and there's three main themes look at these few scriptures and then I got one more and you're off to the races how blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness righteousness is important for they will be filled how blessed are those who make peace peacemaker you know I've met plenty of peace takers have you met these people they're really rough they just want to you know I've seen families I see mother in-laws pulling this crap mothers pulling this crap it's not good stop it you're not you know you're born again act born again make peace why are you making war why are you making things difficult why are you creating more friction and more tension is that how you want the Lord to find you when he comes back and then of course rejoice be glad so you've got three aspects here you've got righteousness peace and joy maybe just maybe even though Paul did not know Yeshua personally he was very good friends with Luke and Luke wrote a gospel and Luke heard from the others because Luke was very good friends with Peter and Paul was good friends with Peter how do you think Paul heard the Sermon on the mountain wasn't written of course of course he heard it maybe just maybe he had the Sermon on the Mount in his thoughts when he wrote the following in Romans 14 the kingdom of God is about eating or drinking it's about righteousness peace and joy in the rococo dish I've tried to warn you the best I could that the kingdom isn't about eating and drinking I tried to warn you about least and heavy I told you if you go after the least things and you make a federal case you're gonna have no joy when you're enjoying its very unattractive I'll leave you with this the kingdom of God is the sphere where God is the supreme ruler not URI the subjects you and I of the kingdom are not intended to be foodies gourmets or wine connoisseurs the subjects of the kingdom should be characterized by lives of practical righteousness dispositions of peace and harmony and mindsets of joy in the Holy Spirit anyone and everyone who lives like this pleases God let's stand together I don't know if it that's the clap because the holy spirit was moving law thank God it's over you know oh gosh never thought he would end I was told that people really hate like holding hands and last week I spoke when everybody was holding hands and that probably made a bunch of uncomfortable but let me let me just say this this stuff is not easy it is not easy you will absolutely positively need the power of the Holy Spirit and even then here if it's easy for some of you write a book I'll read it it this stuff is not easy it isn't but you can never go wrong with being nice and you can never go wrong with really loving people never now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and medal and lift up is very countenance upon you in the name of the Prince of all peace Yahshua you've a wreck on annoy the East Mariah you're out annoyed point over liquor [Music] yes I don't know who poor novela be I am we've got poram next week I gotta be honest with you it's the greatest thing to preach on the greatest thing to preach on next saturday poram I asked the pastor friend of mine in 46 years I said did you ever preached on quorum or asked he said no I go it's the best thing to preach on the power of God in that is it's crazy you got murder you got mayhem you got mystery and miss Bernadette ordered 60 pounds of hamantaschen
Channel: Getzel
Views: 1,670
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Hershberg, Getzel, Vayak, Assembled, part 2, Torah, 3/9/19, 03/09/2019
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 41sec (3701 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2019
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