(Aug 18, 2018) Hypocrite or Legitimate? (Part 1)

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[Music] i-i don't title the messages i just don't but they have to be titled for for online purposes and and stuff like that so if I had to title this one this would be called hypocrite or legitimate and I want to go right to issue his words in Matthew 7 he only had one sermon and this is towards the end of his sermon and verses 15 through 20 and it says beware of false prophets of the false prophet so they were already around by the way we know they were around in the 1st century and in fact they were around before then Balaam was a false prophet they've always been around evil has been around since the beginning of time there's nothing new Under the Sun it's just really worse why because in this day they were obvious today that they're not so obvious I tell people all the time look this is the deal when I go to other countries you know you can have guns pulled on you had guns pulled on me in Kenya because the government is so incredibly corrupt our government is more corrupt we just do it professionally anybody know what I'm talking about beware of the false prophets not of false prophets up there round they come to you wearing sheep's clothing but underneath there hungry wolves you know there's a lot of sayings from the Bible that people say in the world you know live by the sword and all these kinds of things you know the Good Samaritan isn't it amazing they don't like God but they're speaking his word they come to you wearing sheep's clothing but underneath they are hungry wolves exclamation point you will recognize them by their fruit and then and then you know I know that Paul was brilliant and an intellect and of course she sure could have been an intellect but he chose not to be and Paul's led is a very obscure most people that try to understand Paul's letters they they probably do more damage than good because you'd have to you'd have to study and do a word study on the Greek like never before and and we know he's hard to understand because we hear people preach him out of context all the time and just destroy him and destroy the rest of the word and we know that for a fact was Peterson Paul is hard to understand in his letter he states that in the Bible and he says many people destroy his letters as they do the rest of the Word of God because they're unstable they just don't study you got to you know if you really want to understand I'm not trying to be a big shot you've got a daily start yet you can't just grab like Galatians 2:20 and think you're gonna know what it means I mean do you know who the Galatians are do you know what was going on in their congregation do you know when the letter was written where was he when he wrote it did he visit them is he writing back on a visitation is something going on there that he's responding to are you kidding me then he says you know Yeshua spoke that to five-year-olds to common people to uneducated so he asked rhetorical questions meaning the answer is obvious its inherent can people pick grapes from thornbushes I mean you can ask a three-year-old can I pick a grape for that phone dish no obviously about figs from thistles no likewise every healthy tree produces good fruit but a poor tree produces bad fruit a healthy tree cannot produce bad fruit or poetry good fruit is this like kindergarten people can't handle this today they need something a little bit more intellectually stimulating any tree that does not produce good fruit this is where it gets hairy let's cut down thrown in the fire yeah I didn't say it he did so you will recognize them by their fruit now looking at this first word beware he said it a lot of times all over the Gospels beware everywhere in fact in Matthew 24 of the section in 25 it's they broke it up in chapters but you shouid didn't there's 97 verses when they asked them how we gonna know about the end days tell us about it you know and if he didn't want anybody to know he would have said it's not for you to know but he went into 97 verses and he didn't speak a lot he only gave 1800 sentences and most of it is similar in the different gospel synoptic seen through the same eyes so he said about 600 sentences so if he's gonna take a hundred sentences which is almost 15 percent of what he said you know it's gonna he's gonna make a count it's gonna have punch so he says right out of the gate in Matthew 24 before he goes into any detail he says don't let anybody deceive you meaning they're gonna try to deceive you you don't tell anybody wear a jacket it's cold outside if it's not cold outside so he would have said don't let anybody deceive you if they're not gonna try to deceive you the devil by his very name is the deceiver of the Brethren and all his demons follow suit so just think about that deception is rampant it's coming it's coming for me it's coming for you it's come for everybody don't be paranoid well will you relax just relax he gives he gives a way out always the Lord doesn't want you behind the 8-ball he just want you duped no more than you want your kids duped that's why you teach them about things so it's beware it means to pay attention to or to avoid okay how many people are as old as me older okay have it your way your old good okay you remember back in the 60s 70s lost in space okay what was the big saying from lost in space the robot used to say look at some of your oh you are old you ain't gonna get a kid to watch that go home get pull that up on YouTube and let your kid watch that he will slap you with the graphics it is so like awful but but he warned him because he loved will and whenever there was impending danger see it's too late what's it grams you see we react to things we have to be pre-emptive we have to be prophylactic a little bit an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure pound so like you ever see these signs danger high voltage what does that tell you okay some of you go to the beach I lived on the beach you familiar with rip currents rip currents are just created by sand shifts under current wind sand shifts and it creates a gully so you get pulled out what do people always do they try to swim in listen just to save your life cuz a lot of people drown from this when you're at the beach your kids at the beach don't ever try to swim against the rip current ever let it pull you out relax for have I can't do that yes because you're gonna panic which most people do in life don't panic because the minute you start swimming trying to swing against the rip current you're gonna get tired you can start sucking in water and you're gonna drown you're gonna drown let it pull you out of the recurrent once it pulls you out it takes you away from the rip current and then swim at a 45-degree angle to shore or doggy paddle and you'll get to shore it'll take a little longer that's how you save your life when Vernon and I were in Israel in 1989 we went down to Masada and they had signs danger quicksand remember what I did I was crazy and I always want to experience anything jumping out of a plane whatever I want to do it so I wanted to feel what it's like to go into quicksand hey all I know is no no no no no here's one benefits we Pete I asked you to hold my hand so if you knew what was coming you should have let me go yeah okay good to know but I'm here anyway it's a danger quicksand and it roped it off which don't go in there right danger well this is what the Lord say he's just given us a warning you know why because people that give warnings love people when people are trying to teach you and speak truth to you even though he'll lose or she'll lose friends or lose face or lose reputation they love you and people that watch you go in the quicksand they could care less about you and people that tell you everything nice but care lad they are they are suck they're they're coming they're coming to get you they're gonna use you man woe to you when everybody speaks well of you I didn't say that Yeshua did Luke 6:26 woe to you when everybody speaks well of you rabbi everybody speaks well of me woe to you now some of you nobody speaks well of you that's a whole nother story that's not because you've shared the gospel and anointing of the Holy Spirit that's because you've been baptized in pickle juice or something that's like that's not a wolf in sheep's clothing that's a sheep in wolf's clothing you ever meet them yeah they're booked there supposedly they're saved but man you wouldn't know it by the way they conduct themselves they'll tell you things like this all I know is Jesus lives in my heart that Jesus needs to be exorcised so he's telling us to be aware be careful avoid danger danger false prophets who are these false prophets just look up the word we'll find out who they are one who is acting the part of a divinely inspired prophet they are acting like a prophet they are walking in that : court office uttering falsehoods under the name of the Divine prophecies in other words they're speaking by demonic influence and it says you'll know them by their fruit okay let's look at that word Harpo's it means the fruit of trees obviously we're not talking about that metaphorically symbolically you'll know them by their works their actions and their deeds that's how you'll figure it out Matthew 24 I told you this section where Yeshua is warning us and telling us about the end days I just have two verses it says for there will appear false but there will appear false messiahs and false prophets there will it's guaranteed and they will perform great miracles what rabbi we were in the carriage maniac movement listen to me the Word of Faith Movement totally demonic Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Copeland Benny Hinn and let me call on another one Frederic price it was totally demonic and unscriptural period they followed a guy named Kenyon who followed a guy named windy and they were mesmerizes and magicians and they got duped so if some of you is still operating in that get the hack out it's not true people that plead the blood of Jesus it's not in the Bible you want to talk about the blood of Jesus then be crucified with Jesus and let him live through you no such thing as pleading the blood rabbi did that great it was part of a carriage maniac movement which is in biblical rabbi why do you call these things out I don't know do you tell your kids to look out for pedophiles why do you tell your kids when they're crossing the street to look both ways for cars why do you tell your wife when she's on the side of the road don't just let any stranger come up do you tell your kids to look for ID don't you tell you doing this because there's bad guys out there why do you think cops carry guns because there's bad guys and they're protecting you from there bad guys so if I call things out I'm trying to protect you from bad guys by the way that's what a spiritual leader is supposed to do an undersheriff Yeshua did it and there's an under Shepherd of Yeshua you guys are maybe under shepherds maybe you have a ministry maybe you have a family that's your job make no mistake they will perform great miracles but I was on the impression that a miracle man right they'll do amazing things so as to fool even the chosen that's the believer Yeshu is saying that the believers will be will be fooled by false prophets and false teachers and false preachers doing amazing things and then he goes there I've told you in advance I've told you I love you I've warned you I've told you now it's on you demo some heavy words you don't hear the stuff no more gotta sell seats yeshuaa is saying that not all miracles are from God miracles indicate supernatural power but not necessarily divine power don't we know this didn't did not Pharaoh's magicians guys it's right there in the Bible it's not even like rabbi where you getting this from right out of the gate and right out of the gate from the beginning of time Satan's trying to deceive Adam and Eve right out of the gate you think he stopped his MO he hasn't changed he's the same old devil now let me preempt this by saying that I am not exempt from being deceived nor am i exempt from deceiving you better test the spirits who would say that me I would say that because it's true and I like truth the truth will set you free some need a little bound and I'm talking about needing more fiber in your diet okay you need truth to set you free you can't be operating in things that somebody told you that have no biblical reference it's very dangerous to you and everybody you come in contact with look at 2nd Corinthians 11 13 through 15 you could read these things at home and then read it in the context and everything I'm trying to give you as much context I give you in the short time we have together the fact is to fact that such men of pseudo emissaries that they're false apostles they tell lies about their work and masquerade they masquerade as emissaries of the Messiah there is nothing surprising in them he's saying you should not be surprised that what I'm saying Paula saying to them you should not be surprised what I'm saying for the adversary himself Satan masquerades as an angel of light if he does it his workers are gonna do it so it's no great thing if his work isn't I think this is so simplistic it doesn't get more simplistic than this so it's no great thing if his work is masquerade as servants of righteousness they will meet their end that their deeds deserve make no mistake God is a just God you don't have to play judge so in other words Paul is saying that these people are impersonators now some see Satan how especially kids is some horned evil looking red creature with the tail carrying a pitchfork right that's the way they want you to see it the world just like the world wants you to see angels like it Bed Bath and Beyond every time a person sees an angel they poop their pants no ball babies with wings is making me poop but you're getting your theology from the world Satan listen to me Satan is never more satanic than when he's carrying a Bible grab are you putting yourself out there and I'm putting you out there too you're not exempt so Hannah the agents of Satan pose as atheists no you keep attacking the world and your shoe is talking to his disciples the world is the world by its nature what do you expect all the world is so what water is so wet do they do they pose as infidels as false teachers no they pose as ministers of righteousness and false prophets are greedy for power gain and self they always point you to them I supposed to being a humble servant I'm gonna go out on a limb here I'm gonna go on a limb here how old his mother brand now 102 I met her when she was a mere babe I think she was 88 88 I met her in 88 you know mother Brown if if you don't you you should get to know her she came to our synagogue I think I think she had a drug problem because you drug Atheros I believe and she came to the synagogue and we had an O neg it was it when we were at we were at for a year at Emanuel than a year we were in that in the East Macon right remember God's house who knew God's house was so hot listen there was no air-conditioning it was about a hundred and eighteen degrees in there right people I thought nobody would come more people came they brought fans then the fans the only thing I wasn't down with was the Hawaiian shirts a lot of the war in there I just don't like Hawaiian shirts but anyway that's nothing to doing it that's none doing it somebody's watch from Hawaii I know it has done doing horns just your shirt son I don't like some mother brown comes and we have an O neg now she's 88 and it's not it's it's the way my parents raised me if you're on a bus and that's all I took was buses and trains if a woman gets on you give it a seat you never let a child are you kidding me if I would have sat in this seat I would've got my head knocked out my father would enough me out then when I woke up a stranger on the train would have knocked me out and then my father would have knocked me out again for making a stranger knocked me out those were the good old days there was no DFACS there were good days so we got all this food and I see this woman this old woman standing now the Torah says take care of the gray-headed but come on do you really need when it's on your heart do you really need to go over the Torah this person needs help should I help them seriously you gotta check with the tour you messed up it's not on your heart yeah it's messed up so I look at her she's no she's not even sitting so I go up to I put my hands on her shoulders and they said mother Brown here here's a seat she sits down with my hand on one shoulder I said what can I get you to eat she starts crying I'm like I blew another southern thing once again you know they told me when I first moved here and I yelled Jeremy they go you can't yell in the supermarket I go why not it's not proper I said oh it's proper for me and when he asked me watch how quick he comes he'll come fasten your dog watch this so I'm thinking this is like the worst day I made this poor old lady cry Cova Rose I said your mom's crying I don't know what I did I I emphatically apologize but please let me know what I did so I can apologize right so I never do it again and she goes over and talks to mother Brown she comes back to me schools rabbi that's not it you don't understand go back and ask her so I went back and I said what I'm so sorry you know when you're trying to do something so right and you're so happy and it goes so wrong anybody experienced that it just goes 180 to the other direction and you're like and and sometimes some of you do this on a regular basis so you ask yourself and God why can't I do anything right of course you are you that's why no that's not why because sometimes things go like that so mother Brown looks at me and goes I've been going at [Laughter] our granddaughter said she walked in the house no she didn't possess my body but this here's what she said she goes I've been going at shirts my whole life and they never a pastor ever asked me what I want to eat I've been serving pastor all my life and I looked and I said I am so sorry that your pastor never read the Bible Yeshua came to serve where does he get off being served I mean am i stupid I mean I must be stupid to read this book and believe what it says I'm as stupid as my friends in Kenya I'm as stupid as my you're too smart you're too educated you're not stupid enough that's your problem you're spending so much time analyzing the book that you can't live the book I'm like what are you serving it's okay you want to ask him what he wants but he should be asking you what you want you've been around a lot longer you're a lady you're an old lady the Bible says take care of the gray-headed where are you getting off sitting you a big fat butt on the chair wings how to serve you crazy ya ask s your mama she knows who that pastor was oh yeah you know what when I finished with him he just got served okay so getting back to what we were doing how do we identify them it makes no sense for for us to just go well there's false prophets Joey and it's easy it says in 1st John 4:1 it says dear friends beautiful this this this disciple this apostle was so loving he loved people he said don't trust every spirit on the contrary now some of you listen to me some of you are so messed up you're so you're so like conspiracy doubt that you have no discernment at all so you know what you do you trust no one and you know what that leads you a prison a prison in your own mind and heart that's not what he's saying he's not saying live in a cave that's what Elijah did it didn't work out he's saying on the contrary now some of you trust me so much test I tell you every week if it ain't in the Bible talk to me on the contrary test the spirits test them to see whether they are from God because many false prophets have gone this is first century they've gone they're already out there out in full regalia they're out there so he's saying test it examine it and then prove it the unseen spiritual influences that guides people's speech and actions can be tested by observing their doctrine and their conduct as well as by the gift that you supposedly have of spiritual discernment now the world even the body of Messiah today especially in America have a hard time with this verse you know why you're judging me you're judging me you bet your butt I'm judging you you're right when we do a background check if you've been busted for messing around with kids you think I'm gonna let you teach a couple of people they split right away because I said look I can't I can't tell you you're not forgiven of course you're forgiven everybody's forgiven you made that forgiveness but you still might have some issues so I'll be watching and so will some of my friends well I'm not comfortable debt okay if you've got nothing to hide then you should be comfortable with it but if you're not comfortable that you just sent up your red flag so bye-bye how about you crazy I'm not crazy you're crazy dude it says be innocent as a dove it means don't send but be sure it is a Viper you forgot that part look at Matthew 7:1 right back to it right back to your right back to your schewe right back to the issue is one and only sermon this is what they do they say don't even Christians don't judge so that you won't be judged anybody ever heard that you just you just spoke it you just spoke it we live in a world today that cries out times listen if you are my age and you watch that cheesy lost in space then you also know that we used to use the word tolerance but it always negative when I was a kid it's like we're not gonna tolerate that we're not gonna tolerate that we're not going to tolerate that zero tolerance for that zero tolerance I'm not gonna tolerate that I'm not gonna tolerate that number today it's we're gonna tolerate that we're gonna you have to tolerate that you have don't you see what the enemy is done and don't you see how he's infiltrated the church somebody saw the scriptures as saying said rabbi I'm praying for you because I know that you're gonna expose certain things and I know the enemy is not going to be happy tolerance is a doctrine it's a doctrine it's a way of thinking it's a way of life and it teaches permissiveness and open-mindedness it says you need to be a little bit more open-minded right what did you schewe say about taking a wide road and many will find it some of you have found it Eureka I love Jesus sure you do as long as you listen to me sin and joy don't cohabitate people today want their sin and they want their Savior don't judge so that they take out of context okay this is synonymous tolerance is synonymous with leniency tolerance is synonymous with liberalism and tolerance is synonymous with liberality live-and-let-live they're not hurting me the saying you're judging me is so grossly overused some of you even use it man you don't even know what you're talking about he just said discern so what does it mean Matthew 7:1 forbids pronouncing another person guilty before God look up the word pre no I don't have a right to tell you about judgment belongs to the Lord but I have a right to check you up and down spiritually I will spiritually x-ray you if you're gonna do something here however even though you're not entitled to declare a person guilty before God Yeshua never intended that we abandon our critical Factory Faculty of discernment this is a gift he's given us housed by the holy spirit this spirit helps us discern when we choose somebody to work in ministry we have to discern if our daughters or sons are going to marry somebody we have to discern if you're going to take a wife or a husband we got to discern these are all gifts of determinants all over the Bible about different times we must apply the gift of discernment look at what we just read in Matthew 7:15 20 just go back to that first slide for a second real quick real quick real quick no first live the foot the first slide D I said the first slide can we go back to the first thank you might want to lay off that cloth syrup sweepy okay right here it's asked us to discern if he's tell us to beware obviously we have to know we have to discern how we going to know if we don't use discernment so right out of the gate he's telling us we have to judge the doctor'll teaching of teaches and preaches by the Word of God we judge these teachers and preachers what they're saying according to the Word of God not according to their dreams and visions man it's crazy and you'll go with a dream that is anti-biblical not even extra biblical and you'll go with it but some jerk who you think is a prophet is telling you about this dream and he's collecting money for what where is his orphanages no he doesn't he works for a nonprofit organization all right go to John 7:24 so you'll see that there are apparent discrepancies in the Bible right he sure says I came to bring peace not a sword then he says i'ma come to bring peace but a sword so you've got to see where it is in what context and what's he saying there are 969 apparent discrepancies in the Bible look right here in John so he says don't judge lest ye be judged and then in Johnny says stop judging by service variances judge so he's saying here to judge Matthew 7 don't judge because this isn't about declaring somebody guilty in this context you she was telling disciples you got a judge just judge with the right judgment some of you were trigger-happy you know who you are you judge my surface opinions all the time look at the way he's dressed he must not be a man of God what does his clothes have to do anything try to accumulate all the facts there's two sides to every story and then there's the truth a lot of times there's extenuating circumstances get the backstory do you know the back story about what went on no you see you came you told you don't know what's going on for 15 years don't just come to conclusions based on external appearances don't be too quick on the trigger because if you're too quick on your trigger God just might be too quick on his and you know how how slow he is to anger you know look at Yeshua stabbed and kicked and punched and crucified and in the midst of it all he relents he holds back I could call on a legion angel 6,000 macho men to burn your eyes out in your sockets but instead I'm gonna go after this who deserves it on the cross and I'm gonna make sure my mother's taken care of crazy right do you know the number one complaint that non-believers or non churchgoers have as to why they want nothing to do with God or us for that matter hypocrisy and we go along and say something stupid like well just come to our church cuz we got room for one more hypocrite a hypocrite is not a hypocrite is not a good word if you knew your Bible you know it wasn't you think a hypocrite Oh some of you might think I shouldn't say what you think I don't know what you think but I can tell you that some believers think that a hypocrite is just kind of a nominal Christian they save their born-again they just don't live it out all the time look none of us live it out perfectly all the time that's a given some of you know you get angry over the littlest things sometimes you could yell at your wife and sound like a a mean ogre and if somebody saw that they would never buy your witness never in a million years nobody's 100 percent nobody's perfect everybody gets up on the wrong side of the bed everybody has troubles everybody has trials that's why he says I am and you're not but a hypocrite is not a good thing we think a hypocrite is just like I said a nominal believer somebody oh no let's go back to your schewe okay Matthew 6 where are we back to his one and only sermon if you ever want to study anything Matthew 5 to 7 priceless three verses in Matthew 6 it says so when you do two duhkha that's charity giving don't announce it with trumpets to win people's praise like the hypocrites in the synagogues and on the streets yes I tell you they have their reward already meaning they're not going to get a reward in the afterlife they got what they wanted they wanted the applause of men we want the applause of heaven when you pray don't be like the hypocrites who love to stand praying in the scenaries by the way he also goes into being wordy I've sat in some meetings where the prayer was a dang sermon how long do you need to pray you just want to hear yourself talk what is the matter with you here's a good prayer that Moses did Lord heal her what are you talking about all of this stuff Lord we know you're the great dude he could do it he doesn't need all those words when you pray don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners so that people can see them yes I tell you they have their reward array now when you fast don't go around looking miserable you know those folks right Oh haven't eaten in three days I'm fasting suffering for the Lord like the hypocrites they makes our faces so that people will know they are fasting I tell you they have their reward right now if you read this on the surface it just looks like okay they believe is they just need some fine-tuning and we all do right so god forbid we say anything negative just we old Rob are you saying that you got all together I've said it many times that I don't I don't know how many more times I can okay and I've also said you shouldn't be looking at me anyway it has nothing to do with me today theology has become me ology I've never pointed you to me and I never will and if you are looking at me you're messed up but I ain't looking at you I'm looking at him look at the word hypocrite it's not good don't tell them come along we got room for another hypocrite like you're a hypocrite if you're a hypocrite you need to fix it a hypocrite is an actor it's a stage play it's a pretender a hypocrite a phony the word came from the Greek actors who wore different masks to portray various roles Yeshua criticizes the religious leaders now he criticizes them in here for a particular kind of hypocrisy namely doing the right things for the wrong reasons yes their motive which I don't know your motive and guess what you don't know mine that's the beauty of it but God does God knows the motivations of a heart Matthew 23 is an incredible section depending on what manuscript you read this either seven or eight woes okay yeshua basically is i don't know how to say it nicely lacing into the religious leaders of his talk these these were the pastors and preachers and teachers of his day and I just have one row for you because it takes a long time but you really should read the section it's absolutely stunning in my Bible this is the sixth floor when your Bible it might be the seventh walled like I said most manuscripts add a little section that I don't think was really part of it it says woe to you hypocritical teachers Torah teachers and perishing Pharisees you will like whitewashed tombs which looks fine on the outside but inside are full of dead people's bones and all kinds of rottenness likewise you appear from the outside to be good and honest but inland ly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness you imagine hearing that from him you know they're the big shots who were you you know you're from Nazareth Nazareth is the hood what good come out of Nazareth read about Nazareth you'll find out why I say that I come on you're not even from Jerusalem you haven't been schooled you didn't go to law schools you didn't go to law 7 Aires who taught you oh woe is not a good thing it's not like you know you're on a horse and you're just asking it to slow down that's not this wall oh whoa is a is an exclamation of intense grief distress and lamentation of mourning for what's to come on those people in other words Yeshua's heart is broken for them he's not poking fun he's not lambasting them he's acting in a role of a prophet now prophets speak for God but he's the Prophet he speaks as God there's a difference and in that office he is trying to get them to repent because he loves and he's so concerned of their soul not poking fun like some do today this woe concerns with something called the theologically external ISM external ISM and it's a fancy word but what was going on is the religious leaders was showing this religiosity in this morality on the outside but their hearts their hearts you know back in that day they they painted the tombs white they whitewashed them because of course there was no lights and at night if you touch the tomb you were unclean for seven days so they highlighted that that's what he's saying he was comparing them to the tombs he's saying on the outside you look great but inside dead spiritually you dead and it was it was rough to hear look at these words rottenness it means physical uncleanness which means ceremonial thing which means you have to have a mikvah but he's dealing with this word in a moral sense he's saying they're so lustful for luxury that's all they want and more and more can't get enough of it in other words they really taking care of themselves just you got to understand something guys and I'm sure you do so I'm not trying to tell you something that you don't know but I'm here to tell you that there's something very different between our person and our personality I don't I'm not on Facebook I don't have time because I have to put my face in his book I'm not knocking it per se but what I'm concerned about is that how much time you spend on Facebook versus how much time you spend in his book something's radically wrong okay I was told to go on Twitter they said Twitter would be perfect for you because it's just short things and I put out things after my meditation time things that God tells me that I would think encourage people and it seems to be doing a really good job but it takes me a minute less once I finish less boom I don't and it's over so I don't have to occupy myself with it I know there's other social sites but this is the problem with social media social media is depicting people's personalities not their person and because they're struggling trying to put forth this personality that's not real and they know they're real person it's depressing them because they're showing themselves as something they're not and they can't deal with who they really are and it's not working well more and more teenagers are depressed and the suicide rate is just out of control right now just out of control now you need to know spiritually that your person in your personality is different we tend especially in church settings to emphasize our personality what we want others to think we are God emphasizes our person what we really are now I know you just can't bring it all out you know because that would be a little much but hiding it all it's not good see because of you if you don't if you don't bring it to the surface god can't heal you he's not gonna go deep in your soul if you don't invite him he won't it says in in Revelation 3 and he's speaking to the believers people use it applicable to share the gospel but it wasn't an evangelistic call he says I stand at the door of your heart he's speaking to the church at Laodicea the church which means he's speaking to us and he says I stand there and I knock if you'll let me in he won't he won't dive into your soul and go for it he won't because that's not loving that's not gentlemanlike he's not a home invader so if we don't really come clean with who we are he won't be able to heal us I mean you're talking about the Messiah you told her not the Son of God you're talking about the one who was part of the Godhead God who came in human form right and and and he took on flesh and tabernacled oh you're talking about the one who received the spirit without measure that one couldn't many miracles in Nazareth what does that tell you that's unbelievable isn't it how could he not perform miracles because you know what they said we're good man we don't need you you know some of you say we're good you think you are are you serious you know how deceived you have self deceived you are that's crazy you think you're holy because you don't need pork and you don't do nothing on Shabbat you think that makes you holy you think that's what God's gonna be impressed with is that is that part of the thing yeah but it's a small part you think that's the greatest how you treating other people you taking care of people that's the least it's important but it's the least he says that these religious leaders were were hypocrites the word is dissimulation I know who know who understands that that's what's in the lexicon but let me break it down for you take a look at the word hypocrisy dissimulate to conceal one's true motives and thoughts to pretend to pretend Annie says they're lawless look at the word lawless I know MIA well we get the word anaemia some of your doctors you know anaemia is a lack of of red blood cells in the blood so it's not oxygenated right and it's it's it's killing you when you have anomia it's spiritually killing you it's it's it's lacking it's the condition of without law its contempt for the law not just violation but contempt look at Matthew 24 back to that this is the parable of the wise and evil servant and you know what this might be overload for you I feel it so I'm pretty much gonna stop some because it's a lot to digest I wish we were back in the first century you know you know when I was in Africa and I preached I'd preached into midnight 1:00 in the morning in a mud hut I preached in India in a hut it held 55 people this thing was not built for more than five you ain't never seen anything like it this is the parable of the wise and evil servant it says if the servant is wicked and says to himself my master is taking his time masters away he's left the building it's not Yeshua who lives in your heart it's the Holy Spirit if she was at the right hand of the Father be I don't want to be technical but he's away but he's coming back if that servant is wicked and says to himself my master is taking his time and he starts beating up his fellow servants and spends his time eating and drinking with drunkards then his master will come on a day the servant does not expect at a time he doesn't know and he will cut him in two and put him with the hypocrites now when I read this the first time years ago you got to understand he's saying the hypocrites going to be cut in two so when you say to somebody come and join the hypocrites that's not good because if you're a hypocrite you're outside the kingdom so now you have to be canceled the words used because Satan is telling you oh it's not so terrible being a hypocrite there's so many the Bible says that hypocrites are going to hell so what's Satan saying and what God is saying are two different things where people will wail and right now what do we know about a place where people well and grind their teeth it's not good it's not heavenly so a servant manifests his true character by how he behaves when his mast is not around you know when the parents are in the house you know but when the cat's away yeah it the the behavior of this servant is showing that he's a false disciple he's hypocrite let me tell you something this is crazy I'm at one time I was sitting in a restaurant you know and makin you know how making is like unbelievably segregated have you ever seen it yeah you know there's so many different segregation some believable just unbelievable in fact yesterday I was it getting some fish and there's nobody in this store and I didn't realize somebody's behind me and I know everybody there rabbi hey hug him pray from the believers pray with them and non-believers tried to witness and then I realize just talking for like about a minute I'll tell them no I said there was a lady there you're following the story got to lunch somebody was behind me but I was talking to the lady who has helped me with the fish and then I was telling her about she asked me about one of my kids and I was telling her and then I looked at the lady and I said I'm sorry you don't need to hear about my kid you know you're probably thinking I want to hear about my kid I just want to get my fish I apologize I said you must be from Macon and she said yeah how'd you know I say cuz of you from New York you would have tapped me on the shoulder and said look buddy talk on your own time this is in a coffee shop it's a fish store I want my fish and seriously they would say that they would say that okay but I said you're from Macon you are not going to say anything but when you get in your car you're gonna make a phone close that I can't believe there was this man from New York City in front of me talking about his child I could care less about my child I just want Michael Apia but then then you're gonna go higher than the blood of Jesus but you want to repent she's gonna say bless his heart and you're exonerated she wasn't happy but she said you're right at least she was honest it's nice to come clean it's nice to be real it's nice to get back to God and be real with one another I got so much more to tell you we got out we got to talk about what it is to be a real disciple and had to get a hold of the Holy Spirit because we cannot be empowered it's listen some of you are trying to do this without the Holy Spirit if you could do without the Holy Spirit then you wouldn't need the Lord you follow because the Holy Spirit comes through Yeshua he connects you with God you're the lamp God's the power source and he's the court and if that court isn't connected and if it's not flowing you won't get it and you'll try to do what God has asked you to do within your own power you will fail miserably does anybody know what I'm talking about and in this society we live in with the amount of frustration with the lack of respect with the level of incompetence with customer service being an absolute oxymoron or just the people in customer service being morons with all this frustration with seeing how the world is changing so rapidly seeing how people are pumping us with tolerance and telling us to coexist making us look like the bad guys we get frustrated right and then this Christian is at the store and he's like you're dead you are dead you're definitely dead you lose it without the power the Holy Spirit not power to speak in tongues not spout ooh do summersaults nots power to be loud power to love those who don't really deserve it we desperately have to be the change that we want to see in others and I'm here to tell you it is impossible without the Holy Spirit and it's tough enough with it because when it comes upon you and it says put the gun back in the holster put it back shut your mouth you're gonna say something that's gonna be so disturbing and you're not gonna be able to take it back words hurt don't do it don't go there don't bite the fruit don't take the bait you're gonna need so much power from the Holy Spirit to defer we'll get into more of that next week all right there'll be another week if not if if I get taken away before next week it's all over your Bible you can read about it I'm not giving you anything I'm not getting any revelation from some mountain or some guru or some prophet it's right in the Bible so you got the scriptures get yourself more into first Corinthians and Galatians 5 especially and we'll get into Romans 12 and and we'll finish this up okay if you don't mind I just think we have enough to chew on you have plenty of studies people always ask me rabbi I want to be discipled you just were and if I were you I'd study Samuel when he watches these things he fence he fast and prays and he sits there with a book and he gets out his Bible he gets there and he he works that he wants to understand it more so some of you want to be spoon-fed with another service that's I'm not gonna do that I'm not him do that if you really want to study it's there for you you just need to make the time you follow him saying I was like remember on though feathers remember when that girl came to me we had a synagogue in Ormond Beach and you know we always got the people from other churches that needed counseling or needed understanding about eschatology but they never came to bet Judah they just came to me to talk you know what I mean and then they were they I was so revealing then they go back to whatever but it was fine because we were doing it for the glory of God but not Dorothy no that's it that's another story that's a crazy story no remember the girl with the dog that slept our house with the dog remember her she said my brother he's a day he's addicted he he I know you can get to him I know you talk to him I know you can Robbie get through so I said okay how about Tuesday and she goes he bowls on Tuesday let's stand together hallelujah will tell you the dafif story maybe next week that's unbelievable you won't believe it okay guys yeah yet yet get a hold of the Holy Spirit life is very short attorneys very long but attorneys taking care of you you're already on eternal plane okay you're on the infinite plane but this time is very short your life here on earth is very short make it count make it count and be careful you know he would contain tame lions and tigers about this tongue of horse it's a mess so I made a Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace and the name of the principle peace issuer ever Illinois face maratha your Erin - oh Vanessa Vanessa yes I don't know hi for novela ha BR Sam I love you guys shabbat shalom
Channel: Getzel
Views: 7,889
Rating: 4.8190045 out of 5
Keywords: Hypocrite, Legitimate, Hershberg, Getzel, Part 1, Shabbat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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