Dec 28, 2019 - No Hanukkah No Christmas Know Hanukkah Know Christmas

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let's this dictionary says when you look up Hanukkah in Webster's dictionary this is what it says a Jewish festival which it is a Jewish festival okay it's not a Levitical feast Levitical feast of feasts of the Lord this is a Jewish festival okay a Jewish festival lasting eight days celebrated from the twenty-fifth day of the month of Kislev okay we're on the lunar calendar or God's calendar moon account on the thirty days and it goes according to the moons so Hanukkah could fall out anytime between late November and late December but because people here the 25th of Kislev Christians just assumed it's Jewish Christmas so it falls out on the 25th day of Kislev and it goes for eight nights to the second day of today in commemoration this is right out of the Webster's of the rededication of the temple by the Maccabees following the victory over the Syrians under Antiochus the fourth characterized chiefly by the lighting of the menorah on each night of the festival so that's a textbook definition sadly enough in most Jewish circles like Christian circles today Hanukkah is more cultural than spiritual I I don't know if you've noticed but no matter how much you try to make Jesus the reason for the season he was never in the season so it's hard to put him in something he was never part of and I don't say that with any bit of sarcasm but you're fighting a world system the world celebrates Christmas not the way you as a Christian celebrated and you get angry but they're never gonna celebrate it that way but if you celebrated his birth when his birth was you would be fighting the world you would have to deal with them and the commercialism of it all okay so code is the reason for the season for Jewish people today they know about spinning dreidels and getting gifts and lighting the ha Nokia they don't really know the backstory oh the religious do you know the very religious do don't get me wrong I'm not making a blanket of statement but overall Judaism is getting there secularized just is okay the giving of the gifts is something very modern that did not happen till till recent and that's because Jewish moms felt bad that their kids friends were getting these massive gifts you know that's the way it was for me when I was young you know you had that just that one you know day of Christmas and these kids were like getting Harley's I was getting pencils and you know you know shorty pajamas and really those things but in most Christian circles as I said Hanukkah bears no significance you're not gonna really hear too many every now and then but you're not gonna hear a sermon about Hanukkah or even somebody mention Hanukkah as I said at best they see it as Jewish Christmas huh I want you to know that Hanukkah just like a lot of things in our Bible you know this is what I always tell you there's three evidences for any literary document it does not matter if it's the New England Journal of Medicine it does not matter if it's one of your school textbooks it doesn't matter if it's an autobiography it doesn't matter if it's a magazine article there's there's some way to authenticate it how do we know just because somebody writes an autobiography doesn't mean it's necessarily true so there's three ways that is what it actually says or their apparent discrepancies and then of course how it lines up with the facts dates and other information in other other books and like history books does it corroborate the evidence and I'm telling you God is very detailed of his books so detailed it's it's incredible it's hard to believe that some of these things were written before the event happened really hard but we have these sources so I just want you know Hanukkah is not just some legend that there's two verses in our Bible about Hanukkah is written about as I said in Webster's dictionary you can find it in the Encyclopedia Britannica you can also find it in of course the Encyclopedia Judaica also Josephus aka Yosef been Mario who Joseph son of Matthew he's the first century Jewish Roman historian and he's famous he's very very famous one of the greatest historians of all time wrote a book called war that in 75 ad it's listed in there the story of Hanukkah the Septuagint now the Greeks were very impressed with with the intelligence of the Jews they their language is beautiful the Greek language is beautiful so they decided to translate the Old Testament into Greek because the Old Testament obviously was written in Hebrew so they took seventy scholars that's where they get the name Septuagint from and it's the oldest Greek translation we have of the Hebrew Bible and it was translated from 283 BC to 132 BC because it fell in the time of Hanukkah Hanukkah is in the Septuagint the gomorrah portion of the talmud 580 the gomorrah was written and in tractate Shabbat 21 Chanukah is spoken of Magilla Antiochus it's an Aramaic Hebrew scroll from the second century it's in there many books have been written on the subject I'll just list three for you hundreds and hundreds of books one Rome in the Mediterranean - 133 BC by AE Austen fw wal bank and fw Frederickson - the history the ancient world from the earliest accounts to the fall of Rome Susan Lewis Dawa and three the Oxford history of Greece and the Hellenistic world john boardman I don't say this to sound intelligent I just want you to know that you don't have to have just blind faith you know if you want to really study it obviously it's not something that a lot of people want to do it's not exciting it's exciting for me what can I tell you I don't have hobbies I don't and I don't have hobbies not because I'm super spiritual I just don't have hobbies there's nothing I do I don't I don't ride four-wheelers I don't play golf there's nothing wrong with those things don't don't misunderstand what I'm saying I don't do sports I'm not interested but it affords me more time to be with God and that's what I enjoy okay that's what I enjoy and I think you enjoy that too but I think you've got a clear you played a little bit to have more time with God yeah it's just a matter of priority just priority you tend to spend time with the things you love you spend money on the things you love that's the way this you love what you love you can't deny that it's also listed in the Apocrypha now the Apocrypha is written in The Jerusalem Bible the Roman Catholics used the Jerusalem Bible but I want you to know something a lot of people think that it's legendary you know they use this term legendary it's not legendary it's not a legend okay the Apocrypha means hidden away and why was it hidden away why do the Jews regard the Apocrypha is hidden it wasn't included in the Old Testament when I asked people just I don't try to catch them but I go is Hanukkah in the Bible they don't even know Hanukkah is in the Bible but then I say I don't want to trick it is where would you think it is they only they would say Old Testament right they always just say well Hanukkah this Jewish that's Old Testament how could it be written in the Old Testament if none of the books after Ezra were canonized that's 425 BC the Old Testament stopped being canonized so this happened in 167 BC how could it be in there and in in reality it just it's impossible the decision was made to exclude all work post the age of Ezra the Apocrypha though I want you to know just so you know I've read it very several times you know you can read it if you pick up a Jerusalem Bible the Apocrypha does not contradict any teaching in our Bible the Apocrypha does not contradict any teaching in our Bible in fact it's sanctions the afterlife it teaches about spiritual fruits of martyrdom and it teaches about the doctrine of resurrection of the Dead so if anything it corroborates our Bible and then of course we have the New Testament which it catches people off guard and this is why let me show you the first slide I put up the King James Version the new American Standard Version and the New International Version it says and it was at Jerusalem the feast the dedication this is the Gospel of John 10th chapter 10 chapter is a very important chapter not only does he say I am the gate in the 10th chapter you can read that in the ninth verse he says I'm the gate meaning I'm the way to the Father simply put but he also says I came through the gate and many many people missed in the Gospel of John they miss it all the time they think he's saying the same thing he is saying something totally different when he says I am the gate he's saying I'm the way to the Father when he says I came through the gate that means I fulfilled all 333 Messianic prophecies about Messiah I am the Messiah that's what he's saying it's very very clear and very beautiful but it says the feast of dedication so what do people Bible readers do they just okay there's some feast that's not even important new American Standard does the same thing it says the same thing feast of dedication and Jesus was walking in Solomon's porch or Solomon's portico that was a huge area like three football fields where people hung out and taught like kind of the outer outer courtyard and the nearly the the New International Version I'm sorry it was called with an alien a final version because the book of Revelation is really missmiss spoken of and I would not recommend to read the NIV if you're reading it I would definitely put that one aside but I'll show you where you know a more modern approach with the New Living Translation on the next slide it says it was now winter and Jesus was in Jerusalem at the time of Hanukkah thank God now I want you to know then that this is not a paraphrase the New Living Translation is not a paraphrase it's not the Living Bible these are scholars Jewish and Hebrew scholars it's a wonderful wonderful translation okay he was in the temple walking through the section known as Solomon's colonnade and of course the complete Jewish version which is much more Hebraic says then came Hanukkah so we just we just miss it we just miss it but I don't think too many people realize how important this is now I'll get to why it's so important especially in John 10 why it's important in John 10 okay but let me show you where it's prophesied okay I'm just gonna give you a little snippet just a little snippet of Daniel one little snippet in the eighth chapter you've got to realise the Book of Daniel as far as its timing and its predictions was so ridiculously accurate that critics theologians have criticized Daniel and say there's no way it could have been dated before the event in fact I call the Book of Daniel Daniel and the critics death knocking them in the lion's den it's been criticized by many a religious person but the fact is it was written before the events and it is unbelievable how accurate let me just show you some of its accuracy I just have eight nine ten eleven five verses okay the whole book is like this the whole book of Dan'l is incredible I mean if you want to know the overall what's gonna happen in the end days you look at Matthew 24 okay if you want to know the details you look at revelation if you want to know the timing this is the only book that will give you the timing of the end days it says the male goat then became extremely strong but when it was strong the big one was broken and in its place arose what appeared to be four horns in the direction before winds of heaven I'll break it down it's really simple out of one of them came a little one which grew extremely big in the directions of the south and the east and in the direction of the glory it grew so great that reached the army of heaven it hurled some of the army and the stars to the ground and trampled on them yes it even considered itself as great as the prints of the army the regular burnt offering was taken away from him and the place of his sanctuary was thrown down the first said to me 2300 evenings and morning's after which the sanctuary will be restored to its rightful state guys I'm telling you the Bible is so crazy accurate and it's so crazy detailed all of it just because we choose not to dig into it just because we choose to read this and go whatever so I'm not even certain that Jesus is Lord I'm telling you that God put this there for a reason he was expecting us to go deep but we're very peripheral you know with very dry body we're very you know give me a snippet just get cut to the chase just give me the message I get it okay you shoe as Lord I'm saved I'm gonna get out of here because I got things to do that's where you find the body of Messiah on the eve of you shoe is returned I don't know it's it for me it's it's I don't know what to say but for me personally it's kind of heart-wrenching and heartbreaking because it's not like we don't have the time it's just where we're spending our time I don't know how we're gonna go before God and go look my business and my my activities and my political viewpoints and my sports was more important okay so the male goat obviously is the Greek Empire okay the bighorn is Alexander the Great he dies 323 he took over Cyrus's Empire Midian and Persia he took over that whole empire one point five square million square miles in 12 years incredible incredible army he had incredible incredible military strategist and he just took it over it was vast I mean from Greece northern Greece to southern Greece to Egypt all the way to India and everything in between then it says ft died he had four horns he turned it over to for his four generals there was four regions there was Egypt or was known as the Ptolemaic if you're a historian the Ptolemaic Empire Syria or the Seleucid Empire Asia Minor that Empire in Greece I mean it this is this is history you'll read this in history books this aligns it corroborates initially Israel falls under the rule of the Ptolemies of Egypt that's what happened and all is good because Egypt was kind of good to them they were like look just do your thing you know you pay us this much do your thing we'll leave you alone we're not we don't care what what how are you worship and what you do so they're fairly liberal and they just allow Israel to worship as they wish but then 198 comes 198 BC and there's this battle of pontius up in northern Israel and it changes everything Assyria led by Antiochus the third Antiochus the fourth dad takes control of Israel then this little one arises Antiochus the fourth that's the little one Antiochus Epiphanes he takes over and sadly enough everything goes downhill for the Jewish people okay he rules from 175 BC to 164 BC and he's trying to hold back the Ptolemies he's trying to hold back the Egyptian Empire and he's worried about the rise of Rome those are his two issues I got Egypt to the south of me and I've got Rome rising Rome is getting strong and you know this is the way totalitarians are they want power they want control they want money and they're always fearful it's like a drug dealer they never smile because they're always afraid somebody's gonna take him out they have no peace so he's worried and and what is the weak link in this Israel is the buffer between Egypt and his empire the Seleucid Empire Israel's between Egypt and Syria and then how is the Roman Empire going to come in to the land via the Mediterranean into Israel so he thinks Israel's the weak link in his defense so he wants to control Israel he's also equally mad at Israel because Israel is thoroughly not into Greek culture okay the Jews will unlike any others they encountered they never encountered that people like the Jews and although they were impressed the Greeks were pressed with the Jews as far as they're intellectually they were impressed with them spiritual be impressed and legally they were the only monotheists in the world they were not Iran monthís I mean you got to realize you know Greece had hundreds of gods if you go with me to India and you speak to somebody and you go do you believe in Jesus they'll say yeah he's up on the wall with the other million gods so you have to be careful when you say you believe in God depending away you go America it's not an issue but they had they had gods for everything they had God for fertility they got the woman God for peace they got for agriculture they've got the prosperity do you name it they had a God and and they had obviously temples to those gods and they could understand they couldn't understand I mean he is Israel and they subscribed that everything that exists has been created and sustained by one infinite invisible caring God see the Jewish people not only they monotheists and believe that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth but they believed that God loved them they believe that God can was intimately and intricately involved in their well-being and this drove the Greeks crazy it just drove them crazy to think that God is caring was incomprehensible for the Greek culture and it was an insult to their very intelligence no no we do we do we go to our gods and sacrifice what we do we do now our God does our God does and to boot the Jews of following this ancient book called the Torah you might be familiar with it it was given to them by God here it is it's 167 it was given to them a thousand years ago seriously you're following this ancient book that supposedly came from God you're adhering to all his principles it doesn't make any sense the teachings was so far removed in the Torah from Greek ideals so what happens in his frustration he directs his hatred in the direction of the glory the direction of the glory is Israel that's where the temple is that's what God resides ok I'm not budging this thing it's a no-brainer it's really a no-brainer the army of heaven he comes after the army heaven who's the army heaven these were the Saints who were killed during Antiochus reign it began in 170 BC with the assassination of the high priest on I as the 3rd he figures him he could take over the temple he gets 7 Judaism at its core so he installs his priests he puts up a statue of zeus who zeus that's their father god just like in rome who's their father god saturn saturn is the father god and saturn gave birth to jupiter this is just their their religion their way of their way of worshipping so he turns his anchor and he comes back from a plundering egypt he's enraged by what he sees in israel he's got a pass through israel to get this area and he turns his angers towards the jews insurrection they're saying basically what daniel said to the king you know king nebuchadnezzar no offense i'm not trying to offend you you're asking me to do something I can't do I can't do it your asked me to do something I can't do I will not do it no offense no disrespect but you're asking me to go against my god no so what does he do and this is why it's look man I'm Jewish you know this is the story my people he kills eighty thousand people in three days if you do the math if he was doing it for 24 hours that's over a thousand people a minute I mean it's ridiculous it's awful so what does he do he negates worship on the Sabbath he knows the Sabbath is important to the Jewish people he knows that's what defines them they don't keep the Sabbath the Sabbath keeps them so he goes right after the Sabbath and causes the sacrifices twice a day than now in the three o'clock sacrifice is called the internal sacrifice to stop he stops all festival celebrations all the binnacle holidays he puts an end to circumcision he puts an end to reading the Torah and he puts an end to kashrut so if you as a Christian ask me rabbi why do you do those things seriously in in honor of those who wouldn't give those up why do I do one because I'm commanded to do two because I'm Jewish and three because it would be in total disrespect to the millions of people who died over the centuries because they didn't want to give that up it's an honor for me to do it it doesn't make me any more holy guys it's not gonna make you any more holy but some of you are Ruth's some of you are just Ruth's you feel grafted in you feel like the God of Israel is my god the covenants of mine the pay trucks of mine which you're right you're right and I want to do these things I want to honor them because this is your history if you've been grafted in I don't think there's no argument you might not think that because Christianity has been ungrounded the enemy unrested first century it wasn't a question guys it wasn't a question in the first search of Cornelius absolutely knew he couldn't believe he was allowed in you mean I'm in yes you're in I could I could do your face yeah your paint trucks of mine yeah your product this is unbelievable this is the most unbelievable news of Gentile pagan has ever heard today it's like seriously I'm gonna do Jewish things your back would but it's 2,000 years removed a lot has changed and when your family looks at you and they see you crazy why why are you crazy to honor those who went before you why are you crazy to do the things that Jesus himself did what makes you so crazy now if you do it crazy and I'm not being funny sometimes you know you can get very weird and you can explain it very poorly and you make people very uncomfortable and you almost put them on the defense we've all made that list I have seen it I'm trying to tell some of the newbies don't make that mistake don't under on everything in love and be kind and nice but if you explain it 50 times they have look I had friends over heroin addicts okay I didn't get into heroin but I did just about everything else they were heroin addicts what crack would be like today okay you don't get off they put you on methadone which is just another and what and they're always man they just their life falls apart they always need it people today need their traditions you're not gonna mess up my Christmas it's not Jesus Christmas he's the only one that doesn't get a gift and it's his birthday it's mine this is what I do and I love my traditions guys I love my Jewish traditions but I gave him up now I'm not telling anybody to give him up but sometimes your traditions are more important than the very word of God and if you check me on this yeshua only got mad at religious people and their traditions right he didn't get mad about nothing else he never got made at the world we get mad in the world we're always talk about how bad the world's a christians it's so bad the world's always been bad it's just getting worse why are you attacking the world discipline starts in the house of the lord not in the house of the world don't worry about the world what are you worried about the world why you comparing yourself to the world and its system to be playing yourself to God in this system traditions are hard and some people just love them and have them and let go you're not going to change them like what is it are you trying to change so bad because you want them to walk in truth are you uncomfortable in what you're walking in think about it are you insecure in your own like some of you like maybe this is the first year you've celebrated Hanukkah and this is the first year you didn't put up a tree and it's rough cuz you've been doing it your whole life I you don't know how much I understand okay but even more than me God understands just try not to be too weird and I think some of you know what I'm talking about he also desecrates the temple he puts up a statue of zeus and what does he do he forces every jew to bow down and eats warning if they if they won't eat swine they die they die I mean the the level of evil killing people over this can you imagine I mean even the Spanish Inquisition hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed because they won't eat swine hundreds of thousands if not millions and you know they even did when they found out that certain Jews had converted but it was a false conversion Cole Morano they dug up their bones they exhume their bones so they could burn their bones how crazy do you got to be to go dig up their bones and burn them they're dead it's evil it's I've said this before it's a harsh statement if you are anti-semitic you have this spirit of the Antichrist he comes after the prince of of the army that's got himself he refers to himself as a piston ease God manifests on God and he tries to seventy is emitted sources I said this would go on for twenty three hundred days it says 171 BC to 165 BC is 2300 days and in 167 now that he's got the temple controlled he extends his reign of terror and he sends a Seleucid troop commanded by a peles to the town of Modine which is just 17 miles northwest he's branching out he's like I got the temple I got these Jews in Jerusalem now I'm gonna get the Juicin and all over the nation of Israel so he goes to Modine which is you know just 17 miles northwest of Jerusalem to the home of mattiyahu the priest and he comes to the priest Kassabian get the priests to bow down the people follow get get the ship and you get the Sheep that's the way it is right strike the ship in the sheep's cannon we know that from our scriptures so let me show you just a few verses in the book of Maccabees okay because this is where the story is really detailed first and that can be second chapter I just got two verses for it says the king's commissioners then addressed so app Ellis and his troops address mattify us and there's what they said in quote you are respected leader a great man in this town now by the way in the book of Daniel you'll see in the eleventh chapter I think the 25th verse it says the word blandishments and if you look up the word blandishments in hebrew means flattery or smooth talk Satan will try to flatter you and smooth you you know this right you've seen some people want to get something from you what do they do I don't mind a nice compliment but I don't like that when it's attached to something your rabbi doesn't like it because I feel like it's the spirit of witchcraft almost I don't think it's a blatant witchcraft word it's that spirit of manipulation I don't like it so that's what the enemy uses first okay that's what Martin Luther used smooth talk but then when he couldn't get them to bow down what did Luther do kill all the Jews burn down their synagogues their synagogues are nothing more than cool houses this is what this great Protestant reformer that the Christian religion celebrate and they celebrated in their ignorance did he did he reformed did he put the 95 theses on the Roman Catholic Church well there's some issues with the sale of indulgences and other issues yes yes yes but did he go in a bad direction yes yes yes I mean how do we honor a man that says that and then he says don't just burn down their synagogues burn down their homes because that's where they study Torah the synagogue is just a once a week thing they study the Torah with their families every day in their homes would that be neat if the Christian community could grab on an act I mean this guy was evil personified he didn't start out that way but I'm here to tell you it doesn't matter where you started out it matters where you end up so he says you are respected leader there flouring a great man in this town you have sons and brothers everybody supports you everybody loves you he was a great man and he was a great priest and he had a great following and that's where they went out there they went after the kingpins first with the most followers chases be the first to step forward and conform to the Kings decree as all the nations have done they say to him look bunny all the nations are doing it many of Persia they all fell to us like you're this little nothing nation just come on just bow and eat some swine just do it and the leaders of Judah and the survivors in Jerusalem you and your son shall be reckoned among the friends of the King machen that listen to flattery you'll be the king will know this and you and your sons will be honored with gold and silver with buying it the enemy will try to buy you better buy you it's not worth it it's not worth it no no no no so here he is he comes to the family of the colony and he comes to manipulate the priest he tries to get him look look at this if this response doesn't inspire you I'm not sure what will look at the next couple of verses raising his voice not cowering mattifies reported even if every nation in the King's Dominion's obeys him each forsaking his ancestral religion to conform to his decrees I my sons and my brothers will still follow the Covenant of our ancestors and then it's not a big shot look at the next line he's asking God for help may heaven preserve us from forsaking the law and it's observances you want me a Jew to forsake the law as for the King's orders we will not follow them we shall not swerve from our own religion not a little you're barking up the wrong tree here not us I've trained my five sons I trained the people in this town I have proclaimed the laws of God and the ways of God and we will not bend this is what the Jews believe in their time some of the Jews like Mary aho there are things in this life worth dying for things that are more meaningful than life itself Jews are willing to give up their lives for Judaism not because God needs people to die for him but because the ideology of Torah is something without which Humanity is doomed in other words the Ten Commandments is not a Christian idea okay it was God's idea and God gave it to the Jewish people and had they not been willing to give up their lives for the Torah you'd be cutting your kids and throwing him in the fire you'd be having some sick satanic orgies you'd be willing to do whatever you could for an extra buck you wouldn't use honest scales you wouldn't care about the poor the widow and the orphan adultery wouldn't be an issue lying and stealing would be commonplace which is what we have today but this is what we have it's infiltrating the church the gospel of accommodation I need more people we need more of God we don't need more people they were dying for you and your children they were willing to die to preserve the Word of God for you just a couple more verses from the book of Maccabees that's it you can read it on your own if you so desire 3rd chapter 17 verse to the 19 verse it says but as soon as these saw the force advancing to meet them they said to Jews because that was armed okay you're not bowing just like we got to regroup obviously this didn't work now we're gonna bring in an army and we're gonna take you out bigmouth you didn't want our gifts you don't want a flattering now you're gonna pay so as soon as they saw the force advancing you can imagine how scared most of them were wives and children just like you guys they love their wives too you know and their kids yeah and they will overcome with fear as you would be and they didn't know what to do how are they gonna fight against the solution army these bloodthirsty Greeks and he says how can we whew as we are engaged in such overwhelming numbers we are exhausted as it is we have nothing left we haven't even anything need it is easy to be answered it's easy for a great company be defeated by a few indeed in the sight of heaven deliverance whether by many of my few is all one for victory in war does not depend on the size of the fighting force it is from heaven that strength comes [Music] if you were willing to fight for God God will be willing to fight for you let me show you a verse in Daniel just one verse that I think is very important forgive me I know it's getting long Daniel 7:25 it says he will speak now there were many people who had the spirit of the Antichrist okay many many during during Purim during Hanukkah many Titus Hitler many many people over the years but this is talking about them but it's also talking in the future about the Antichrist now I think you're going to be able to relate to this I hope he will he will speak words against the Most High and try to exhaust the Holy Ones of the Most High now I know the body of Messiah the devout body which we have a very high percentage of here I don't know all of you but I gotta believe you do not travel as far as you do on a setting or less to come here if you weren't devout I know that might sound arrogant but this is not a place we just sit around just have a good time there's not a bunch of skits you know what I mean I'm the gospel of accommodation you're good I'm good we banged out 45 minutes let's get out of here with a few songs so I know that you're devout in a in a way you think God why am I doing this why am i pressing in to God I'm here to tell you you're doing the right thing you're doing the right thing not by being here but by pressing into God don't don't don't ever think you're doing too much or a stone but I know the true body of believers that I talk to all over the world you know my brothers are all over the world okay I just had this talk with somebody in the or when she said be careful now because I had said something about makin and I said do you realize you have Kenyan brothers and Ethiopian brothers and Indian brothers you know this is this is a beautiful town in a lot of ways but this is you know it I just hate to say it but if you're not southern and you're not white you're not Baptist the family of God is all over the world guys the true the true body of Messiah and I know that's you for the most part you're exhausted you're exhausted and and you keep thinking you know I just need to get away but it's gotten to the point we used to go we're on vacation twice a year now you're going away every other day it's not working you think it that can't work it won't work you're exhausted and for good reasons because it says that the spirit of the Antichrist will exhaust you but this is this is the part he will attempt to alter the times and the seasons in the law so the Antichrist is gonna try to change God's holy days and you want to know why I honor them he's gonna try to change God's Torah and you want to know why I still try to adhere to it and they'll be handed over right the time of Jacob's trouble is he's talking in the future at times times 1 year 2 years and a half a time three and a half years now just look at this word exhaust it means to wear away to wear out to harass constantly I'm not I'm not boasting but I'm telling you I feel like I'm constantly being harassed for the things I say for the things I do I feel like Satan's just like you got a big mouth you keep pushing and pushing we're gonna push back and push back to you quit you are gonna give up we're gonna make you you're gonna bow down you're gonna bow down repeated attacks to persecute can can anybody relate I would hate to think I'm alone in this as don't you don't don't you feel alone a lot of the times don't you feel like even even if you're married and you have a good marriage you still feel alone it's it's normal when you're pursuing God and pressing into him to feel alone it really is Hanako was an ideological spiritual war between Judaism and paganism between Jew and Greek but this is the part they never tell you ultimately Hanukah was a war between Jew and Jew that's the point you don't hear it's a pattern in Jewish history but it's a pattern now in Christian history a world culture comes along which is enlightened and progressive and changing the world do you hear what I'm saying this is my message in 2019 for Chanukah and this if you're willing to to buy into it is gonna dovetail into what's gonna happen in 2020 I'm not just teaching when I Celeste about Hanukkah you can go home and study it on your own and get more information that I can give you I'm telling you something very important to you if you're willing to hear it okay it was Jew verse Jew and the upper class Jews who were rich and sophisticated and had way too much time on their hands got sucked in and they bow down let's get modern and forget that ancient stuff what did the prophets of old always say return to the ancient past Jeremiah 6:16 but but but some of them are like it's not cool so what did what did they do first they put a gymnasium next to the temple a gymnasium with drinking and partying and orgies do you know that they wrestled naked and in order for the Jewish boys to wrestle naked they had to reverse their circumcision do you understand the pain of that operation going back 2200 years but what were they saying the smooth talker you guys olds are you really having fun in that temple is it really fun obeying that harsh Torah the husband of one wife not lying not stealing is that really fun come to the gym let's workout with a party we're gonna have a good time today that that faith uses old men get with the program you know you're not having fun look at your people they're a bunch of sad sacks come to my church it's blocked out we've got smoke machines our band is kick butt man we have fun we got bookstores and we've got everything you want and we only make a little profit and you don't have to do nothing just give because we got a staff of 65 people we we got somebody for every but we got a minister for everybody we have a jump your car minister your battery's dead Elvin get out there jump ass car the body of Messiah now has hallelujah polish to combat the pagan holiday of Halloween do you think do you think I know I'm saying it with almost rhetorically you think that's what God really wants us to combat pagan holidays what do you have to do with pagan holidays what do I have to do with the Loch Ness monster what am i combating trunk-or-treat well I feel bad for them you feel bad for them that they want to honor God I feel bad for you I feel bad for you that you're getting sucked into a world system and infiltrating Christianity and infiltrating what Yeshua did on the cross the pain and suffering I feel bad for you we are not called to combat pagan holidays I believe we are called to embrace and celebrate God's holy days yeah it was Pope Julius the first not a man of God who in 385 declared December 25th as the day for celebrating issue his birth why he chose that date according to history to challenge the pagan celebration of the Roman god Saturn which was characterized by social disorder and immorality the December feast to the God of Saturn called Saturnalia of course dates back to 217 BC and if you want to read up on a desert book called The Book of Days by Robert Chambers this is my point I don't think he was combating the pagan holiday I think he was a totalitarian that wanted more people in his church and if they were used to this day and he could sprinkle Jesus on the day they're going to feel comfortable now does that mean when your mom were you celebrating it doesn't but don't you want to know why you do the things you do and then when you find out the origin if it's not of God why for the life of me John 10:22 23 is what we find it says then came Hanukkah in Jerusalem it was winter and Yeshua was walking around inside the temple area now even now as a messianic believer doesn't it occur to you that like why is this showing up here why is Hanukah mentioned it's like I didn't wait with it why in other words if that wasn't in the in the buck in your Bible it would not change your walk one iota right it would it has they don't must have it means nothing to the body of Messiah what is what I'm saying so if God did put it in there must have been a reason there had to be a reason for this to just come out of nowhere comes out of left field so why does the biblical account mention issue in Hanukkah not only did you schewe celebrate Hanukkah of course he did why it was incumbent on every Jew he was a Jews Jew guys okay as Jewish as they come so he's honoring them and why is he honoring them because these were people that were dying for the Word of God he is the Word of God so an essence they were dying for him and he was impressed with that they didn't even know him we are 2,000 years on the other side of the cross we have so much information so much evidence so much bibliography so many fragments were found I mean the Dead Sea Scrolls 250 BC with the whole book of Isaiah the whole Book of Psalms almost the whole Old Testament and it's exactly what we read today the proof is incredible and this is before they're dying just for an old book and he's impressed he's impressed with Hanna and her seven sons please read that story please read that story a woman and her children who she loves you're a father you're a mother you know how you feel about your kids she was giving them up she was giving up her children for the Torah she said to the second son make your brother's proud they cut up their tongue they burned their bodies horrific torture in front of their mother and when the youngest woman finally he leans in and he says come on what happened to your six brothers come to your senses I'll make you special I'll give you gifts he stuck out his tongue and said what are you waiting for take it you want to know what I celebrate Hanukkah he's in the same temple that had been rededicated just a few generations before but there's a deeper meaning to this there's a deeper meaning because Hanukkah is a celebration of deliverance but after deliverance after 165 after the temple is rededicated it birthed and birthed a messianic hope and the hearts of souls of the Jewish people all of a sudden they were hoping again for the Messiah they fell asleep but now the Messiah is going to come the Messiah is going to come when he'll uh sure in the reign of peace why do you think the next verse says when it says look in the next verse so the Judeans and by the way the New Testament just it when you take Hebrew and you translated into Koine Greek into mana Greek and to Latin into English it's gonna have some issues they weren't the Jews they were some Jews from Judea you just can't say the Jews in your Bible it's like saying to Chinese or the blacks it's pathetic it's stereotypical and incredibly anti-semitic there were many Jews that followed him so the Judean surrounded him and said to him this is right after he's in Solomon's portico he's walking around on Hanukkah the feast of dedication he's walking around and they see him and they rush him and they go how much longer if you're the Messiah tell us by God because they knew that God had made a covenant with David called the Davidic covenant and they told Solomon somebody will always sit on your throne and he was declaring I am that so amid the festivities the rabbi's ask him this all-important question and he gives an answer in the rest of John 10 he says yes I am I am Messiah just as God has promised so they said then take your throne with being so persecuted all families being so fish Guerrero take your throne and give us the promised peace and the grace with your reign and here comes the answer to the question I get all the time rabbi why did the Jews believe first of all a lot of Jews didn't believe number one remember the 12 disciples they're not Catholic boys from Rome they Jews from Judea okay they're not blonds hand and blue-eyed and they're not having a loaf of bread on Pesach many many many Jews did believe many many Pharisees that believed but he blinded the eyes of Jewish people so you could get in your question is is is a question from an ignoramus if everybody if every Jew believed you and I would be talking right now the millennium would have started and it would have been over and the new heavens and new earth would be here you would not be counted in the kingdom it was by God's incredible grace incredible love incredible mercy that he would take his own and Blyden so that you and I could be having this conversation thank God all the Jews didn't believe [Applause] but what if I'll just end with this what if let's say there were no Maccabees there were no Jews who are willing to die there was no Hannah in her seven sons or Elias of the priest no they bowed down and they gave their life to it to a Hellenistic culture and they assimilated they just assimilated which is what's going on in the church today just assimilating just a little bit at a time they won't notice what if they will assimilate it what if all the Jews assimilated into this pagan culture in the second century BC then there would be no Chanukah there'd be nothing to dedicate there'd be nothing to celebrate because there'd be no Jews but but that's impossible well I gave you a scenario what if but rabbi it's impossible right according to the Bible let's take a look at Jeremiah 31 this is the section where where God through Jeremiah makes the new covenant this is the only section in the whole Bible where a new covenant spoken of I'm gonna make a new covenant I'm gonna write the ways of the Torah not writing the Torah on the cross but to be crucified I'm writing it on your heart for to be obeyed I'm gonna take it off some monuments of stone and I'm gonna put it on the tablet of your heart and then he says at the end this is what I'll annoy says and he describes who he is who gives the son meaning this is the creator of the universe this is just any I don't know this is the creator and sustainer of the universe who ordains the laws of the Moon stars to provide life for they Jeremiah is making sure God's making sure to the Jewish people through Jeremiah they understand what he's about to say okay who stirs up to say this is the lord of lords the god of gods who created the universe I've annoyed so votanis his name meaning the God the Lord of heavens armies this is the warrior God this is the Almighty God the old knowing God the ever-present God if these laws leave my presence meaning if you don't see the Sun of the moon if it leaves my pet then the offspring of Israel will stop being a nation of my presence meaning the Jews will never be exterminated they can't be exterminated because they got a deliverer the world just as Joseph delivered the children israel the children Israel deliver the world yes salvation is of the Jews and I don't care how you take that sir if you don't embrace that you're an anti-semite but let's just say that it is possible then there would be no Israel if they all assimilate that there's no Israel let's just say it happened let's let's rip this let's rip these two verses out of the Bible Webster did a good job of doing something like that let's just do it let's rip it out okay so now there's no Israel and there's no Jewish people right there similar to the Greeks they don't even know it's four generations now okay 165 BC first century four generations removed we don't even know who the Jews off some ancient people right says no Jewish people if there's no Jewish people they can't be a tribe of juda right no Jews no tribe of juda but that's impossible that's impossible just look at look at the prayer that that Jacob spoke over his son Judah in Genesis 49 it says the scepter will not pass from Judah and all the rulers staff one between is look until some of it some of your scripts say Shiloh Shiloh means obedience belongs the obedience was the Messiah meaning Judah will not disappear till they birth Messiah but let's just rip that out too so we got no Hanukkah we got no Jews we got no tribe of Judah so if there's no tribe of Judah they can't be Kings because the Kings have to exclusively come from the tribe of Judah so now there's no Kings in Israel to draw funds right but that's impossible because it says in 2nd Samuel 7 in the Davidic covenant when your days come to an end David you'll sleep with your ancestors I will establish one of you succeed you Solomon one of your own flesh and blood that was set up his rulership he will build the house of my name which he did and I will establish his we're all thrown forever forever thus your house in your kingdom will be made secure favorable for you your throne be said Kings will always come this kings coming from from you David from your loins from your tribe but you know what I get it let's rip that out so now there's no Hanukkah there's no Jews there's no Israel there's no tribe of Judah there's no Davidic covenant well if there's no Davidic covenant then there's no kings in Israel so then Matthew 2:1 through two we got to rip that out - right after your shoe is born in Bethlehem the house of bread in the land of Yehuda during the time when Herod was King Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked where is this new boy king of the Jews if there was no Jews for 160 years they could even ask the question where's the king of the Jews have you lost your mind there are no Jews they haven't been Jews for 160 years they would never have come no Jews no star well if there's no Jews no Hanukkah no Jews no tribe of Judah no Davidic covenant no King then we have no Christmas Luke - 10 through 11 the angel said to them don't be afraid because I'm here announcing to you good news that will bring great joy to all the people this very day in the town of David there was born for you and deliverer who is Messiah the Lord the miracle of Christmas can only take place after the miracle of Hanukkah the Jewish people of the second century BC were the only monotheists in the world had Judaism be eradicated Christianity would never have come into existence in other words that there's no Hanukkah there would be no Christmas well Benny had to know Hanukkah is to know Christmas Hanukkah was a time of slaughter on one hand but of spiritual brilliance revival on the other it's an or inspiring event in our that's right Jew and Gentile in our history to encourage us to maintain our hope and our faith even in the midst of great trial and great tribulation there are things in this life guys at Anna Rock control one the weather you could plan a picnic but you can't control the rain the other is traffic and the third is other people's decisions I know some of you want to control your kids you want to control your spouse it will never ever work and the more you try to control them the more at some point they'll rebelled today the Lord is calling us to decide to be men and women dedicated to God that is why I believe Hanukkah 2019 is so significant it's time to clean up our acts guys we're not Martin we might not meet a full blown haircut but we all need a trim yeah we all just kind of fell asleep I think and we all got caught up in stuff that doesn't count and doesn't mean anything Hanukkah is about being dedicated and committed and devoted and surrendered towards God and 2020 things are going to change drastically may God grant us the strength to remain faithful until the very end and may Masari issue the ultimate dedicated one come speedily and in our days and let everyone say Amen let's stand together next week will be the first Shabbat of the new year and we'll do a Torah portion the Torah portion just happens to be Joseph which falls totally in line with all that we're talking about as a savior to the people it's a beautiful Porsche it's probably one of the most moving sections in the entire Bible and and then after that week I want to share with you a little message about what what I think is going to happen in in 2020 so I'm just hang in there I love you I know that it's important to celebrate this thing with with you know festive attitude forgive me but I just wanted you to hear kind of that side of it because I think that's the side that's not being told and that doesn't mean you should be mortal in and be you know miserable and leave here not happy but just as you're celebrating understand the reason for the season now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace in the name of the principle peace be sure you have a replica Ninoy the East Maratha Helen - oh Vanessa Vanessa yes I don't know boy poor novela they are sent shabbat shalom hug the map
Channel: Getzel
Views: 7,132
Rating: 4.8740158 out of 5
Id: Y5jNItHOu4Q
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Length: 62min 17sec (3737 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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