FCY United with Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] caught up in my own hesitation [Music] show me life how [Music] oh are you ready to jump jump jump jump jump [Music] heads up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you guys ready to jump jump jump jump [Music] [Music] jump heads up [Music] now i'm alive [Music] then i found life [Music] [Music] oh come on let's keep those up hey all right i want you to repeat after me let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] the stars to is is [Music] all my jesus [Music] [Music] done [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] jesus oh come on i don't think we're done just yet let me hear you sing it one more [Music] time one more time to the way to the truth [Music] over everything oh come on lift our praise to jesus tonight oh we love you god [Music] me i remember where you brought me from my grace remind me just how far we've come and all we've been through and every breakthrough was here [Music] it's only here [Music] and all we've been through and every breakthrough was here oh it was only here every hand little let's see i've always had a hope [Music] you are the author you are the biggest [Music] come on let's sing this together you write my story let's see you stay with me through the [Music] we've been deepest and every breakthrough is here oh jesus calling you come on i know i have i've always [Music] [Music] this history is making me you never left you never leave this history is making me you gave your heart so i could see [Music] so i can see this [Music] history [Music] there's never been a doubt [Music] there's never been a doubt [Music] you [Applause] [Music] there's never been a doubt in your mind and even when i cannot see you are the author you want to fit i've always had a hope and love you to stand up in a darling [Music] there's never been a doubt [Music] [Music] in your mind even when i cannot sleep you are the officer [Music] [Music] i'll follow i will give you every piece [Music] is [Music] lord i am [Music] counting on your grace again [Music] and i just wanna see [Music] i am yes lord i am [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is here i am here i am you can have it all you sing here i am you can have it all you can have it all here i am here i [Music] am here i i am [Applause] [Music] here i am here i am here i am you can hear [Music] lord [Music] and for the one who gave me life nothing is a sacrifice and use me how you want to god and have you thrown within my [Music] [Music] i am [Music] we sing it again [Music] i am [Music] i give myself away i give myself away so you can use me give myself away [Music] i give myself away i give myself away so you can use [Music] i give myself away [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] i give myself away [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands and give god a great praise tonight praise the mighty name of jesus you sound so good tonight you look even better i love the way you're worshiping and praising so thankful for each and every one of you seeing us together like this it's just it's just powerful and the presence of the lord is here most importantly i'm thankful for that aren't you thankful for the presence of lord you could be anywhere i mean you could be at the mall of georgia right now but you chose to be here because you care about a man named jesus and he he's your lord i know that well why don't you take a moment get to know some people around you and you find a seat when you get to it we'll come back and worship at the end and come back down in just a minute but take a little time [Music] great job tonight that was so good it was so good so good excellent found your you found your your place telling you cope job proud of them hey while they're finding their seats i think it would be an order for us to show some appreciation to all of our youth pastors they're all here from every campus would you stand up if you're a youth pastor would you please stand up if you're a youth pastor can we give these big youth pastors a big hand jake hamilton all you guys we love you so much appreciate you so much you guys are amazing thank you for being here [Music] so i want to talk to you for just a few moments um i want to go for just a few minutes to the book of jeremiah chapter 12. i'll go to the book of jeremiah chapter 12. and um while you're turning there just really trying to figure out which way i want to go it's all good i'll probably end up going both ways either way i go but um you know it's so obvious to me that god is doing something in our church that is fresh and real right now with this group and we just want to fan the fire and we just want to we just want to feed it and we just want to see what god wants to do and that's why once a month we're going to gather like this i think the next time we do it reggie dabs is going to be here is that right and it's in about what three weeks about three weeks four weeks and we're just gonna keep feeding the fire in you you know the bible said that if the fire is going out you need to put wood on it do you know that was a scripture and so you have to put wood on the fire to keep it burning speaking of your soul your spirit and so we're going to help you with that and i think gathering together like this on sunday nights is going to be a powerful thing um i i want to take just a few minutes and i want to talk from my heart i don't want to talk as much about i don't want to talk as much about a sermon as i do from my heart i want to talk like a father i want to talk like somebody who cares about where you are and what you're going through because you have faced things in my opinion in my lifetime that i've never seen any other generation have to go through the hardships that you that you guys have have gone through it's just unreal and it just lets me know that you're chosen and you're special not in a bad way but in a powerful way there's this verse in jeremiah chapter 12 and verse 5 they can put it up jeremiah chapter 12 and verse 5 that says if you have run with the footmen and they have wearied you then how can you contend with the horses and if the land of peace in which you trusted wore you out then how will you do when the floods of jordan come that's what he's saying if you run with the footmen and they wore you out how can you contend with the horsemen when they come so jeremiah was this prophet in the old testament and he had this magnificent call on his life one of my favorite chapters in the bible is jeremiah chapter one when i was your age and god was messing with me concerning my call and my purpose that chapter would be the one that would push me out of my shell out of my insecurities out of my fear and intimidation to actually believe that that i could do what god was challenging me i knew it but i couldn't even go public with it and it was jeremiah chapter one before you were in your mother's womb he says things like this to jeremiah before you were in your mother's womb i called you to stand before kings and world leaders told jeremiah that he said i ordained you to the nations i set you apart one translation said for a special task and i would read those words and i would change jeremiah's name to jensen because he loves me as much as he loves jeremiah and i got a better name than he had he's been known more famous to be a bullfrog but i i come on y'all don't even know that joke you don't know jeremiah as a boy i'll have to try that on to old people he told him he said you're going to speak to kings you're going to go before great people i'm going to have you in places that unless you know who you are and who you've been sent by you will crumble because you don't have enough confidence and courage in yourself he said there's a huge call on your life jeremiah judgment is coming and i want you to say what other prophets so-called prophets are not saying he actually god actually called them windbags and he said they speak all nice things and they don't say the truth but but i'm gonna make you he said i'm gonna make your face harder than their faces and don't be afraid of their faces that's the one that set me free god told jeremiah don't be afraid of the faces of the people and their reactions if they suck their teeth if they roll their eyes don't be afraid of their faces you just stand up there and he said i'll make your face stronger than their face i tell you you start reading that stuff and it just gets in you and that's what happened to me when i was about your age and you know when god called him he was in a little bitty tiny town that's where he lived it starts small the call of god the plan of god the mission of god starts small and it starts where you are it doesn't start when you get there when you get this opportunity and that big deal it starts where you are right now matters concerning where you're going it starts here it starts now it starts where you are i thought it was interesting that that when they when he got called he didn't have a lot of people cheering him on did you know for example that jeremiah when when when he responded and said yes i i will answer the call as you were just singing he didn't have anybody cheering him his own family hired eventually later on they hired an assassin to try to kill him not making this up false prophets began to cry peace and safety while he was saying judgment is coming and the whole culture turned on him and they and the ministries of the false prophets blew up i mean just they became huge and he became insignificant and ultimately was thrown in a mud pit up to his neck and stayed there for days this is all in the bible he he got so discouraged he got so discouraged that when we pick up the story in the verse that you just saw up on the screens he actually was complaining to god and praying to god and going back to god after that a glorious calling you were called from your mother's womb i called you to be a prophet to the nations i called you with this huge task that i've given you and now in great discouragement in the toughest time of his life he turns back to god and he says basically what in the world is going on and he does it and he says lord you know nobody's responding false prophets are blowing up their ministries are growing and i'm just i'm i'm despised everywhere i go and the lord answers him with this answer if you can't run with the footman what are you going to do when the horseman come that's not what he was expecting he was expecting one of those verses again i say unto thee before you were in your mother's womb i ordained you and called you but he didn't get none of that the only response that he got was so you think that's tough you think what you're going through is hard this is just the footmen the horsemen are coming this is just the green slopes the black double diamonds are coming this is just the easy part of your life the tough stuff the big opposition is down the road and if you can't if the if the footmen are wearing you out what are you going to do when the horseman come you ain't seen nothing yet son you have no idea the magnitude of my calling on your life and if you can't if you can't handle where you are right now how can i trust you with where i want to take you you don't need to be talked out of quitting you need to be gripped with the greatness of your calling and so god says i don't want to focus on where you are because where you are is small in comparison to where i'm taking you and the pressure that you will face it's going to get harder now y'all don't want to hear this but i'm going to tell you because you're a chosen generation it's going to get harder and indirectly there is a phenomenal promise in this text he said you're headed for the horsemen which means you're going to get through where you are right now it's really god saying you may fail when you get to the horsemen but you're not going to fail where you are right now whatever you're going through right now is just the footman and that is not the big stuff that i have planned for your life and so you're going to get through this season i promise you the horsemen are coming and you're called to run with the horsemen not the footmen turn to somebody and say i'm going to get through this stuff god's calling on you as a generation generation z is to run with horses greater things than these shall you do jesus said he's got long-term plans for your life and for your generation he's got a a magnificent plan it may feel hard where you're at right now you may feel discouraged and you may feel like giving up because it seems like that all you feel is weariness but you've been called to run with horses now here's the point opposition escalates with opportunity and that means you have not peaked yet that means that your greatest days are not behind you they absolutely i tell you with 100 confidence you have not peaked yet your greatest days are in your future not in your past greater doors and with greater doors that will open will come greater opposition than you've ever experienced and you've got to be soldiers you've got to learn how to handle it you've got to be able to deal with running with the horses you keep saying i want the big doors you keep saying i want you to use me you keep saying it what you're asking god for is you want to run with the horses you don't want to be down here you want to be up here okay then with the bigger doors comes greater it opposition higher levels higher devils when god's people mobilize the enemy mobilizes against you so don't be astonished that you're going through things that the enemy is attacking you and you feel like quitting let the magnitude of your calling grip you in those moments and say there must you know the devil doesn't bother somebody who's not going anywhere he's worried not about where you are but where you are headed his family tried to take him out he was thrown in mud he wrote the book of lamentations he became known as the weeping prophet paul put it this way the apostle paul he set a great door has opened for me but the adversaries are many i tell you i've learned that that with the many doors that god opens the adversaries are many and if i can't be faithful on the level where i am i sure won't be able to handle the good times and the success and the opposition that will come when i move from footman to horsemen so important i want you to know that what you're going through god wants you to know that you are training for the trial you're not in yet you're training through what you've gone through in your family what's happening in your family what's happening with your sisters and your brothers what's happening with situations heartbreaks relationships abuse pain injustice that happened to you maybe someone harmed you someone hurt you someone did something terrible maybe you failed yourself made a horrible choice and and you just can't seem to get past the mistake that you made all that god wants to do with that stuff is not beat you over the head with it and let it destroy you he says train for the trial that you're not in yet by going through what you're going through right now if you're serious about living for jesus harder days are coming then you're in right now next year you should be harder than you are this year concerning not giving up god will bless you more he will trust you more but in this world you will have opposition jesus promised it and you're training god puts to use what he puts you through god will put to use everything he's put you through romans 8 for we know that all things work together for the good to them that love god and are called according to his purpose he's doing it right now it seems like there's no fruit it seems like it's been a wasted year it seems like there's no success it seems like the doors have not opened but you were just singing it jeremiah 29-11 i know the plans i have for you plans of good and not evil god puts to use what he puts you through what has he put you through what have you gone through the last year what secret battles what things have you had to deal with what kind of hell what kind of depression what kind of darkness what kind of a feeling like you want to give up what kind of discouragement god puts to use what he puts you through your strength will fail this is my last little point not don't come to the music yet i just i'm going somewhere your strength will fail if you want to run with the horses i'm going to let you in on a little something your strength will fail you want to run with the horses you want to drink bigger dreams i want to do this and i want to do that and that's good but your strength will fail horses are faster than people horses can can can go 22 miles a day they can run for about four miles wide open if they have to you can't do that how ridiculous for god to imply that you can run with the horses isaiah 40 said even the young men will faint and they will grow weary but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they'll get a holy ghost jet pack and they'll mount up with wings as eagles they'll run and they'll not be weary you've gone through something and the enemy wants to tell you that it's just a season to give up but what you're feeling in this place tonight is life what you're feeling in this place tonight is a confirming voice of the holy spirit saying i by no means have taken you to your high days i'm telling you you're going to contend with the horsemen now let me say this and understand it here i am i'm not qualified to pastor i have no theological decree but god told me when i was your age i would run with horsemen i pastor people who are so much smarter than i am but i'm running with the horsemen i pastor doctors and lawyers through the preaching of the gospel i meet the horses of our society and right in that bunch here comes franklin jensen and i'm right in there running with the horses it's not my strength it's not my ability it's the anointing you know elijah outran the horses of the king he was running with the horses and outran them when the spirit of the lord comes on you you can do things that are greater than your own natural ability to do i'm running contending with the horses all kinds of people i'm running with the horses just doing things i never dreamed i would do with with a level of leaders that i never dreamed i would ever be asked to get around and get crazy phone calls from people and people that are household names sometimes that i can't even say out loud and they have come to our house and stayed with us and all kinds of situations all kinds of people from billionaires to whatever you can run with the horses even though you don't feel like you've got much to offer when you give yourself to god he'll pull you up by his spirit and qualify you to do and it's not about you it's about who you represent who you're carrying as you're running with the horses that is your secret theirs may be their success theirs may be their career theirs may be their fame theirs may be this that or the other that's how their education or their great achievement but you know what you can run with the horses when jesus is with you so i just want to encourage you tonight in i closing thinking about this and i want to conclude but you know there are uh there are gateway experiences that happen to us in life um there are many gateway experiences in your life first-time encounters the first time you encounter a different philosophy can become a gateway when you go off to college and you hear somebody get up i still remember when i had my first professor get up he took a bible i'll never forget it i used to hear stories like this and i didn't believe it and he threw it across the room and it was a and he then he began to list things about the bible he began to talk about how they slaughtered people the god of the bible slaughtered children and women and he begins to rip to pieces and what he was saying it was sprinkled and had a lot of truth in it if you don't understand the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant the old testament and the new testament and jesus is the embodiment of god and he never hurt anybody he only loved people he only forgave people he the monster of the old testament it shows up in jesus all the godhead bodily in jesus and i can't find one time where he ever treated anybody even remotely ugly unless they were a mean religious self-righteous critical somebody who was putting people down instead of trying to pick them up i thought about i thought about gateway situations gateway situations can i preach a few minutes is my 30 minutes gone have i preached my whole 30 minutes can i preach how what time is it 6 23 can i preach just a few minutes i thought about the first time i ever kissed a girl that was a gateway experience her name was janine manning she had braces she was 15 and i was about 13. and she was about this tall and i was about this tall i still remember i didn't know what i was doing [Laughter] charisse kissed her little boy too whoever he was but it was a gateway experience why'd y'all stop playing i thought about the first job i ever got at canton station it was a it was a gateway experience i actually had to get up and go to work and had a y'all don't know about this but we used to have time cards that you had to punch in and if you were late it showed up on the card and i remember getting my first paycheck and i looked at it and i saw the money that i'd made and then i saw that somebody named fdic so i can tell only a few of you have a job amen but fdic is the government they had taken about half my paycheck who stole 80 out of my 200 check it's a gateway experience you know if people are not covered they can get confused gender confusion when a young boy or young girl is molested or hurt someone encroaches on a young child in a sexual way it becomes a gateway experience and it will affect the way that child thinks they begin to internalize the problem and if it happens again and again they begin to ask the question why has this happened to me again a seed is planted this is what this is how god made you they go to school and they're taught that's the way god made you they come home and they see on tv and they see all of the culture that we live in saying this is the way that god made you and really what they're dealing with is a gateway experience opened up an internal picture and they began to talk that life and walk that life and live that life out of the wound as a man think it's so easy gender confusion sets up a child's mind as a man thinks so is he they begin to live from an internal picture they see themselves that way young girls who have not had a strong father figure in their life will seek out a relationship with a man and men that they want love that they never got from their father and we know from statistics that young girls who become prostitutes and who who who end up in in promiscuous lifestyles many times it's because some male tampered with them and it opened up a gateway experience that began to create an internal picture that's not true that's why they hate themselves that's why they hurt themselves that's why they starve themselves that's why because there's an internal picture that came from a gateway experience they believed that their only value is the value in life through their sexuality gateway experiences let me keep going i'm almost done gateway experiences are validated in a person's mind and so they just keep pushing down the pain and pushing down the pain and pushing down the pain and it's like a jack in the box and you just keep winding and winding and winding and suddenly if you go through something like that and you don't get the help of god's grace and then you don't talk about it and i'm believing and i think i'm hearing from god that that this generation is being prepared to run with the horses but they're going through things and they've got to be able to talk about the depression talk about the darkness talk about the fear talk about the hurt talk about the abuse you've got to talk about it to somebody or it becomes like you know that little jack-in-the-box and you put press him down and then you start winding and he comes out listen suddenly wild anger becomes bizarre behavior where did this come from there's something there i want you to get this verse i'm almost done come on lean in here with me be angry and sin not everybody say that with me that's from the book of ephesians 5 be angry and sin not say it out loud be angry and sin not it's not one commandment it's two we think it means when you get angry don't sin that's not what it said it's two commandments number one first commandment when something wrong happens get angry when somebody abuses you be angry when you see injustice in your generation be angry when you see evil in your generation be angry when you see life being treated as though it's nothing be angry but then he gives the second commandment but sin not you've got to find the proper way to release the anger on the inside or it will become a time bomb i want to say boldly tonight that god is not afraid or intimidated by your anger and what you have to do and this is just this is just your pastor talking to you when you're angry about something or someone or something that has happened in your life and it's just instead of being jack-in-the-box and the anger causing you to go get drunk or go get high or lose yourself to on drugs and or give yourself to another guy what you've got to do is you've got to talk about it and sometimes i had a friend call me not too long ago and it's a pastor friend and he called me and he and his family were going through stuff and he started telling me how bad it was and he just started telling me this and telling me that and telling me this and telling me that and i finally told him i said well the good thing is at least you told me you're talking to somebody because if you don't tell somebody what you're going through that's where the enemy will defeat you the most get it out tell the whole story get in a room and scream if you've got a scream but don't keep it suppressed and pushing jack back down in the box because i promise you he's going to come out matter the next time turn to somebody and say let's talk about it let's talk about it i'm not going to drink myself to death well let's talk about it i'm not going to get high and they're going to find me in a suicide situation in my bedroom ah let's talk about it yeah i've been depressed but let's talk about it yeah i've got some low self-esteem let's talk about yeah i feel like i'm a nobody let's talk about cause if you talk about it god will heal you if you'll talk about it somebody will help you if you'll talk about it help will surround you but you gotta talk about it some of you guys you're acting so tough now but the truth is you've been so crazy depressed and you got a right to be kind of you got a right to be angry look at what happened to your senior year look at what has happened to this year look at what happened that last year be angry but sin not and the only way you're going to sin not is you better talk about it talk about it to god and then talk about it to your friends and call them up and sometimes i better not say what i just thought sometimes i talk about it to the lord in my car all by myself and i would never ever ever cuss out loud in in around any of you but every once in a while i said jesus i plead the blood but at least i talked about it i'm not recommending that now some of y'all holified people out there y'all but please give me a break i'll follow some of you on okay let's just keep turn to somebody and shout talk about it what god has said about you will override what others have said about you so just don't worry about what they're saying about you and trash on the internet and on facebook and this and that and tick tock and everything else all fooly on it all just find you a circle just find you some friends and say hey i'm gonna run with the horses and i need you to come up to my level and you hold me accountable and i hold and when you're down you call me and when i'm down i'll call you and we'll get together when i'm about to get a jointer when i'm so low i'm about to kill a pint of whatever lord i'm gonna talk about it [Music] some of you need to talk about it the shame the guilt some of you need to talk about the fact that you're vaping your little life away and the more you keep it secret and play that little place and show that little face right now like [Music] talk about it i'm struggling tell somebody i'm struggling it's hard i want it so bad i don't know i don't understand it all but the older i get the more i'm learning talk about it and here's the last thing i say to you tonight the lord told me to tell you isaiah makes this promise number one when you start talking about it you'll hear jesus say if you were abused if you were hurt if you were raped if you've gone through something horrible if you were beaten if you were if you were abandoned by your father if you've gone through hell as they did it unto the least of these jesus said they do it unto me he'll say talk to me about it because when they did it to you they did it to me so let's talk about it but here's the word the lord told me to give you from the book of isaiah for your shame you shall have dub double for your shame you shall have double many of you were left uncovered but god says that you're going to recover you're going to he's going to give you the power to recover what was uncovered you should have had somebody protecting you you should have had somebody watching over you they weren't there but what was uncovered god's going to give you the power to recover and so i want you to stand to your feet and i want you right now to receive what i'm saying that what you have done for god not what you have done for god is what we're focusing on but what god has done for you through the cross and tonight i want you to raise your hands and say lord i'm going to contend with the horses i'm called to the high places come on say it your words are powerful and god i'm not gonna quit down here with the foot and then when i know that there's bigger days ahead there's greater days ahead and i'm gonna talk about it and lord i've had some gateway experiences i've had some first-time experiences i've had some situations that were game changers during this pandemic and it opened up a little gateway of the enemy to creep in and cause some stuff to come into my life but right now lord i just i just look to you and i say shut that gate and heal that place in my life and show me who i am and let me contend with the horses i'm not called to be a footman i'm called to be a horseman so lift those hands and i want every one of you that would say yes get out of your seat and come feel the front tonight we're going to worship god just a few minutes i want every one of you who would say you know you're preaching to me you know you're talking to me you know you you you've hit right where i've been during this pandemic and stuff i've just been in my family and in my relationships it's just been man it's been hard and i almost have been weary pastor just about at the point of giving up but you know i hear a higher call i hear a higher call so just lift those hands up all over this room come on get down here with me come on a call to worship a call to worship a call to worship a call to worship come on worshipers come on worshipers [Music] let's worship him tonight let's worship him tonight [Music] i want everybody who will just just get in you feel comfortable doing that just get in here with us let's just worship i want some of you youth pastors to come forward and come up on the stage with me and let's just lay hands and let's just minister the rest of you would you out there not just kind of float around mentally but since we're here could we just give god the rest of this year and say lord i'm ready to mount up with my jet pack of eagles wings i've been wearing but i'm ready today for you to cause me to mount up with wings as eagles [Music] come on guys where you at that's it come on come on come on come on let's lay hands let's minister let's [Music] pray i want you to give him those gateway experiences [Music] i want you to give it to him those situations something happened and the enemy told you your life is on a downward spiral but right now jesus just gave you a word that says that's just not true that's just not what i have in your future and if you let this stop you if you let the footman weary you you'll never know what god had for you concerning the horsemen so right now stir yourself grab a hold of the cross of calvary and worship him worship him his blood cleanse [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on talk about it talk about it talk about it open your mouth and talk about it god where are you i need your help right now i need your help right now i promise you he'll hear your cry he'll hear your cry don't don't let the enemy get too cynical about god's love he loves you [Music] so much [Music] so much [Music] you better [Music] me [Music] you knew where i am [Music] is [Music] can i challenge you to do something would you find a little group right where you are and join hands together or lay your hand on somebody's shoulder and just pray for them if you feel comfortable if you know them that well would you just agree right now because y'all been through something you've been through something you're a chosen generation i am convinced of that so strengthen one another pray for one another talk about it in prayer right now one for another let the holy spirit touch you sing whatever you feel whatever you feel thank you jesus thank you jesus that's it just worship just worse just worse just worse just worse just worship [Music] it's the fact that somebody's touching you just a fact that you feel his love and his grace here i am here i am you can have it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know i want you to make up your mind you're not gonna suffer in silence i want you to make up your mind you're not going to go down quiet you're going to talk to somebody you'll tell somebody i'm really struggling i'm really struggling it's okay i don't know how we ever got the church people were perfect people church families were beautiful lovely families oh no sometimes it's a mess sometimes they're going through stuff that people in the world don't go through because because of whose you are because of whose you are but you make up your mind i'm gonna talk i'm gonna talk i'm gonna get the help that i need i'm not gonna stay in that solid dark place i'm not gonna let the footmen weary me the magnitude of my calling is to run with horses [Music] struggling i'm doing it every day drinking every day i'm getting high every day come on just get real you know it's not making you who you want to be you know that's not who you are you know there's no life in that you know that at some point it bottomed out a long time ago you're partying but it's not there anymore it's not there anymore let his peace come come on talk to him get real take the mask off get real [Music] you can have it lord i'm tired of the fight i surrender to you jesus [Applause] [Music] i love it pray i tell you you guys are praying i love it i see you you're praying one for another somebody's just now beginning to feel something that you've needed for a long time something that you've wanted and missed something's been missing and it's the presence of jesus he's here right now all the way in the back he's here he's touching people all over this room worship him worship him worship him [Music] don't be ashamed to talk about it they'll be embarrassed to talk about pastor i'm so angry at my dad he left us he wasn't there for me i'm so angry at it it's not a sin to be angry it's a command to be angry but then the second commandment but sin not go hate it don't don't don't don't hate him don't go there refuse that say god i give you that i'm talking i'm telling you i need you to heal that gateway experience in my life or i'll take it into other relationships here i am [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] this is shannon ruff she and her husband javon pastor our spartanburg campus she is a counselor certified counselor therapist will soon have her doctorate's degree no you will because you've got a lot that god's gonna have to do through you for this generation i'm just telling you i see it i see a massive need talk we've gone through stuff in our own family during this pandemic and we had to go get help and if somebody who knows the word like i know the word has to go get help to deal with the stuff who do you think you are that every once in a while you don't need to turn and say i need to talk to somebody and anything that you want to say shannon encourage them you know we got some help available yes guys listen to me i grew up in church i know it all genesis the revelation and when i tell you if you are struggling it doesn't matter you reach out for help do you understand me sometimes guess what your girlfriend they don't know they may not know it all professional help i think and and hear my heart when i say this i know in the church we just want to pray it away sometimes we just want to say god just i'm just going to ge i'm going to come to you and and trust me he can do it because he's god but sometimes it takes you reaching out pastor i just did a divine um devotional and my three points were reach out speak out and then help out and almost and i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell you reach out what does that reach out look like what does that reach out look like some of you may not reach out because of pride because of embarrassment because of fear because you just don't even know how to reach out but there's a story in the bible of a man with a withered hand and jesus told him he said stretch forth your hand this man had a deformity but jesus told him to stretch it forth and guess what happened he was healed but but it goes on to say he was restored so let me tell you something restoration comes on the other side of you reaching out your restoration is on the other side of you reaching out so it doesn't matter call somebody call we let me tell you i worked at this church on this staff before we moved to california in a council we have a full-blown counseling center right here so guess what there is no excuse mom dad if you're in this in this room in this auditorium youth leaders if you know there's a kid in your youth group that needs help we have help help them but guys you got to do it you got to reach out and then you got to speak out what does that look like yes i can reach out but i got to speak out i got to say what's going on because guess what i'm not a psychic i can't read your mind you got to tell me what's going on you got to tell somebody what's going on you got to speak that thing out to get it out because guess what the longer you suppress it the longer you suppress it is tearing you up on the inside in the bible it says when i kept silent my bones became brittle because i kept silent you got to speak it out so your bones won't become brittle young people do you hear me i know a lot of times it's so hard and trust me i've got two kids sitting in this room right now cindy and jacob are in this room and they live with the therapist they live with the pastor but i promise you sometimes mom and dad can't do it they gotta reach out they gotta speak out to somebody that's outside of their mom and their dad [Applause] and youth pastors you may be that one that they speak out to you may be that one that they reach out to but then young people get this this is the beauty in all of this once you've gone through your go throughs and you've reached out and you've spoken out then guess what you get to do you get to turn around and you get to help out you know why because god says that he's going to comfort you're going to be able to comfort somebody with the same comfort that you've been comforted with amen so all that means is i've gone through depression i've gone through suicidal ideation but guess what i get to go to my friend and say you know what i was there i've walked in your shoes but guess what now you can reach out to me you can speak out to me and i can help out that is what it's about people that is what it's about [Music] but i'm telling you professional help is available because guess what we don't always know it all we don't always know it all your youth pastor may be great but they may not know it all so reach out get professional help if you need it do you hear me do you understand me do you understand me because i want to see each and every one of you you are the next generation us old folks about to be out of here well we ain't dying let me let me correct that but we gotta pass the baton right i ran track when i was in high school and i loved it because when some that person behind me i had to take that baton and i had to run to the end of the to the finish line right i was the anchor leg and the 4x1 but my team couldn't win if i didn't get to the finish line amen so that's what we want to do we got to pass the baton to all of you but we can't do it if you're not here for us to pass the baton to so all i'm saying this wasn't planned i didn't know pastor franklin was gonna call me up here i wasn't i was in the back trying to get food ready for you guys but but that's all i want to say i want to leave you with reach out speak out and then you'll be able to help out amen amen [Applause] all right who's coming up i don't know what's next they're gonna do one more song y'all wanna do one more song you wanna do it you wanna do a joyful song a happy song let's do something let's rejoice who's coming jake come on up jake give jake a big hand we're gonna have one more song but you want to do your thing now what yeah we're gonna do our thing now whatever y'all want to do yeah we can go if you want to join someone doing this evening hey can we give a big hand clap for pastor jensen hamilton good to have you welcome hamilton this is his second sunday i think i'm glad in jake a couple weeks three weeks we're so proud we love you guys appreciate you yes sir hey listen i i just wanted to take a quick moment before we sing and let you guys know this is a very busy week for pastor and um it was a big deal that you made the decision you you cleared everything so that you could be here with us this evening and so we've been honored honored so honored by the seeds that you've sown and everything so thank you so much for the word it's been an amazing evening it has been it has been but i got a quick announcement for you guys this was good itself but even next month our next united night we have uncle reggie dabs come here april the 25th yeah so please make sure you're telling everyone about that it's gonna be powerful yes it's gonna be so amazing we hope to see you and listen bring a friend ask everyone to come with you it's gonna be a significant evening again and listen i will i want to say this pastor jensen was talking about hey let's talk about it you got to talk about it so what that looks like for those of you who are not actively engaged in a campus at free chapel we've got a number of different campuses planted and located specifically so that you can get involved and we launch small groups and we have a space created for you to speak out to to show up and have conversation about the things that we're all going through so we just want you to know that we meet every sunday at 5 00 pm and we want you guys to be a part of what we do every week and yeah after this last song right here cause i know you guys are probably hungry we're gonna eat right after this but they're gonna sing this one last song let's go out with a banger let's celebrate whoa [Applause] oh come on [Music] is [Music] set my heart opened up my eyes washed away my [Music] to the sins you give jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh freedom jesus gives to your glory he is [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] hey you guys we're so amazing tonight we're gonna dismiss you guys to dinner thank you for coming [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 14,902
Rating: 4.9196429 out of 5
Id: bWk3CNPxmVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 58sec (5338 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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