FBI Agent’s $2 Million ABANDONED Mansion

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what's going on guys welcome back to another episode of Jeremy explores So today we're about to explore this amazing mansion that was once owned by a fascinating gentleman who lived many lives over the course of 96 years I cannot wait to show you guys what I'll have found inside this place so without further Ado let's get into the story of the gentleman who owned this mansion and why it's now abandoned welcome to the Glenn Iris neighborhood in Birmingham Alabama today we're exploring one of the most impressive examples of early 20th century residential architecture in the area the Lee c Bradley Mansion Lee c Bradley a prominent Alabama attorney Built This Home in 1907 as a tribute to the love he had for his wife they along with their two sons would go on to live here until Bradley's death in 1942. after the Bradley's moved from the home the following year a new chapter in the mansion's history was ushered in with the arrival of a young ambitious Man by the name of Ollie Smith just 21 years old Ollie served as the youngest FBI agent in the prestigious Washington DC Office later going on to getting a law degree from the University of Alabama after he married his wife Carolyn a local high school teacher and together they raised their four children in the mansion after his time as an FBI agent he worked as an attorney at a major Law Firm for many years until he decided to set his sights even higher when he embarked on a new career path as the manager of the Alabama Power Company eventually climbing the ranks to vice president all these entrepreneurial Spirit didn't stop there as he also pursued real estate Ventures building many homes and apartment houses in the area and so as the years passed the Smith family remained in the Grand Mansion until 2003 when Ollie's World was rocked by a profound loss his partner in life Carolyn passed away suddenly leaving him to carry on all alone in the house they had built a life in and ultimately it was Within These very walls that Ollie drew his last breath passing away peacefully at the age of 96 however with Ollie's departure the once Grand Mansion has now been abandoned a testament to the passage of time and the impermanence of all things so let's take a step inside and take a glimpse into the past a moment Frozen in Time where the essence of Ollie Smith and those who came before him still lingers [Music] okay guys so I found my way into this very creepy wet basement and I'm gonna try to find my way up into the Mansion itself so let's begin our adventure it smells like sulfur down here and um and cat urine and look at all this paint maybe that's contributing to some of the sulfur smell that room over there is leading Boiler Room or seller I'd rather not go into that area oh check this out we have a baby stroller down here thank you yeah no stairway up that way not to worry there's more to the basement we got a hot water heater over here little utility room oh in a toilet random and we have an old oven so maybe the man at one point had actual servants on staff and they maybe use this room as like a like a break room or something it's very wet [Music] and it looks like we have stairs [Music] so I say let's go up them see what we can find shall we okay now we're cooking with butter I believe we've now entered the mansion and I'm just gonna go from room to room all around the perimeter so we don't miss a thing [Music] there's a laundry room obviously storage room with a lot of China and glassware in here so we're definitely close to the kitchen I imagine already a bunch of clothes came down here to be washed that never happened oh look at this old light switch so cool [Music] oh my God look at this amazing kitchen [Music] oh [Music] these pots and pans Above This vent on the wall that was once used for cooking with the fireplace this is absolutely incredible you can tell this place is very very old definitely definite Farmhouse Vibes in this kitchen and you know me as always we gotta check the fridge yeah there's some stuff in here it's not too dirty kind of disappointing same there [Music] there's beautiful glassware [Music] here on the Shelf it looks like this is probably his Pantry definitely [Music] oh look at this kitchen we're up top so they definitely left a lot behind I hope it's about the rest of the house it's not the biggest kitchen [Music] it's definitely very utilitarian foreign wow look at this old phone incredible crazy to think that at one point that was state-of-the-art technology and check out all these keys damn some of these keys go to cars look at this or car keys all of these cabinets are completely full [Music] silverware of course high quality silverware [Music] I'm already very impressed with this place and we've only begun our exploration [Music] foreign this is odd I wonder what this room was for like a living room slash Office Space then it was turned into storage at some point [Music] put this Christmas tree down here in the Box and check this out different reading glasses office supplies scissors different papers we're seeing a bit of religious stuff you can tell at one point there was a TV right here it might have been looted maybe there was an estate sale this place at one point but all these bugs are still left behind Geographic book about Abraham Lincoln Edison yeah a lot of history books book of tax knowledge Civil War American Heritage the power of positive thinking maybe some of these books even helped the man become so successful and you can see how Vines are starting to come in on the building right here and all right here in the window as well at first I thought it was fake Vines but these are these are real Vines and look at this there's wheelchairs from right before right before there's something so haunting and ominous about seeing something like this in an abandoned building it's almost like seeing an extension of the person who used these devices basically in place of their legs this isn't just a piece of equipment sitting in an abandoned building it was the tool that allowed him to move around and navigate the world and now sitting here before us these wheelchairs are abandoned in this musty mansion foreign [Music] statin drugs oxycodone [Music] amoxicillin there's pills all in this [Music] painkillers too which tells me that later years he was in a lot of pain to be taking heavy painkillers like that because it's completely stuffed with things you can see some crutches back there I feel like this whole room right here is just full of clues of his older age maybe he spent a lot of time in this one room before he passed away outside this door right here is a wheelchair accessible ramp so I imagine he got to the point where he really could move around the house very much and maybe sat on a recliner here and watched The Morning News it was right next to the kitchen where he could have food without using too much energy and then right here we have a bathroom [Music] with an assisted um I imagine he had people coming and helping him bathe it's a very sad part of the house death is an inevitable reality of life yet it's a topic that's often ignored perhaps it's our fear of the unknown or the discomfort of confronting our own mortality but when we open ourselves to the reality of death we can make conscious choices about how we want to spend our lives knowing that one day our time will come to an end all right I say we journey on oh and another fridge gotta check that first priorities [Music] yeah kind of disappointing a little moldy but still not that good [Music] whoa look at this old sink it looks like it's from the 1940s in this very old stove wow amazing very retro very like atomic and I bet it still works too if you plug it in because things made during that era were made to last wow and now it looks like we're entering the dining room of this mansion [Music] the ceilings are probably 16 feet high and you can see how water or something right here has caused the floor to be damaged but what's interesting is up above there's no water coming down from the ceiling so maybe it was a pipe that bursted in the floor at one point I wonder what would have caused the floor to rot like that basically in a straight line too I can imagine back in the day these shelves had China and pottery on them and various like decorations walls had amazing artwork hanging on them and you can see at one point how there used to be a rug on the floor here where the floor is lighter and I imagine this was not the original dining room table I can only imagine it was something a lot nicer than this and check this out to my surprise we've now stumbled across an unexpected treasure a drawing room I can't help but wonder about the person who once called the space their own what dreams did they Envision as they mix their paints and chose their brushes what masterpieces were born Within These Walls and what were they planning to create next the room still seems to hold a sense of Creative Energy that lingers even after all of these years a great demonstration to the enduring power of artistry [Music] this is amazing all this pain and different supplies some canvases in an art table [Music] and an empty canvas waiting to be painted [Music] oil pastels all the paint brushes over here different pencils [Music] this is incredible good probably is more art supplies here looks like it and it looks like something got spilled right here on the floor and what a beautiful room we're now entering welcome to the Boudoir of the Bradley Smith Mansion this room is a shining example of how elegance and style is met with an undertone of societal Norms of the past it's common in Victorian architecture to find these private sitting rooms intended for the wife as well as a gentleman's room for the husband boudoirs were most popular in the 18th and 19th when gender roles were more strictly defined and women's social Mobility was very limited it's a space where a woman can Retreat from the world and shed her societal obligations it's a space that reflects the Beauty and the grace of the woman who inhabits it and it's a testament to the enduring Elegance of Victorian architecture check out this amazing glassware [Music] it's like a Chinese type design on it there's no telling how much something like this is worth and it looks like there's a matching one over here as well in this corner it's a set a matching set all of these wine and champagne cups and I imagine a lot of this glassware used to be over there on that shelf across the room in the dining room maybe it was all set out at one point to be auctioned off and I love this fireplace over here with this elaborate design in the wood [Music] these beautiful curtains and you know what's cool what I like about this room is it's very blue but then there's like a deep red rug a solid red rug that really offsets the rest of the room it's like they threw a punch of color in the room to balance oh and this is neat check out these little ornaments and decorations it's very like um like French or like Victorian and they kind of match perfectly with the aesthetic of this boudoir [Music] and here's more Chinese artwork check this out foreign at one point had a bit of a Chinese theme as well oh and I didn't notice this Pottery over here check this very nice items that are inside of this house and this over here is the photograph of this mansion from many years ago I imagine this photo was taken I don't know maybe around the 60s or 70s and this right here guys is when you first walk into the front door of the Bradley Smith mansion standing in awe I can't help but imagine how I must have felt to enter this Grand Mansion during its heyday it feels as though I've stepped into a storybook from a bygone era a time when the pace of life was slower and the skill of craftsmanship was beyond compare the blue walls the golden Chandelier the fine furnishings lining the hall each meticulously crafted with an eye for detail and a deep appreciation for excellence it's as though the pastors reaching out to remind us of the beauty that can be found in even the most forgotten corners of our world just absolutely incredible guys and check this out this flagpole I imagine this used to be outside on the front porch someone brought it in and more champagne and wine glasses right here [Music] and this huge pink rug I just now noticed foreign it's massive and it's so Royal but elegant and of course we have a grandfather clock here I'm guessing that used to be in the gentleman's room which we'll see here in a second and I love this wallpaper it's very light and Airy feminine with this baby blue trim [Music] covered ceilings up top [Music] such a beautiful structure [Music] and this is cool and maybe there's a Bible here at one point but it looks like this is an encyclopedia very neat though and it looks like one of those podiums you would see it like a Catholic church and oh my God look at this bench and again Chinese style artwork carved into this wood this is all hand carved such an amazing piece of art wow it's so elaborate and just to think that someone carved all of this by hand there's no telling how much this one bench is worth definitely thousands probably even tens of thousands of dollars in this very old column stand definitely of a similar style of woodwork perhaps they had a vase sitting on top of it at one point and there's no telling how old this thing is so many artifacts still left behind in this Mansion oh and I didn't even notice this check it out these are pocket doors that go into the dining room I love the radiator heaters in here man there's just antiques upon antiques in this place oh and check this out plaque from when he was in the FBI from 1940 to 1944. to this day it remains a mystery what he did during his time in the FBI agency nonetheless his brief but illustrious stint and the FBI was a testament to his tenacity and dedication to serving his country [Music] and this is going back into that kitchen area oh my god I didn't even notice this I walked right by this is the china cabinet built into the um built in the room and this right here check this out this is like a pantry room or or what it could be is a cigar room what do you guys think this could very well have been a room that was climate controlled that maybe had a dehumidifier in it and he had his cigars stored in this room or it could just be a pantry [Music] it's amazing nonetheless okay back to where we're at I want to see what this is [Music] so this is definitely more Chinese style artwork down here some more pottery and this Amazing Mirror with these roses carved into it [Music] incredible and I think on the other side of this door right here is the room around this way [Music] and it looks like this was probably a bedroom [Music] at one point but the beautiful fireplace I've never seen a fireplace like this look at this green tile this green ceramic tile [Music] looks like an it looks like it's an oak mantle [Music] and I love the curtains in here and all throughout the room look at this all throughout the room with family photos and all this artwork that was probably hanging on the walls in this room oh my God and look at this very elaborate piece of art this is amazing it's like when I see things like this in the Chinese style bench we saw in the foyer I'm just I'm Blown Away by the attention to detail of these artists it's like no matter how much you look at it you're always going to find something new so I'm having to be careful where I walk because there's not much space on this floor to move around uh this is a really cool old rocking chair it's amazing cannot believe the amount of stuff in this house foreign check this out this is the elevator can you believe that oh my God [Music] I'm not gonna step inside of it because I don't know how um you know strong it is but this is the old controls to it man could you imagine being this wealthy where you have your own elevator in the house never mind using the stairs we'll just take the elevator out makes me wonder what artwork used to hang up there above the mantle or maybe it was a big mirror on I didn't even notice this chandelier up top look at this and it matches the curtains I'm blown away by this mansion and I I have to say this is probably one of the best Mansions I've explored in the United States it reminds me very much of some of the places that I filmed in France and check this out across the hall from the Boudoir we have the room specifically catered to the man stepping into this Timeless elegant room the air is heavy with a set of polished wood and musty leather books and imagine the flame of the fireplace casting a warm glow of the room at night friends gathered sipping Brandy and having Lively debates this isn't just a physical space but a for the man of taste and refinement where he can Retreat from the world and indulge in his favorite Pursuits and even though it's abandoned it's not a cold space but rather a warm and welcoming one filled with the spirit of the man who valued Beauty knowledge and the Finer Things in life this is the gentleman's room and usually in these Victorian homes the gentleman's room is usually placed either to the left or the right of the front door and they all kind of have the same Vibe like this masculine feel to them even this fireplace here is very like Brawny and fortified meanwhile the fireplace in the Boudoir was quite the opposite with its elegant and enchanting design and of course you gotta have globes in the gentleman's room you know to serve as a testament to your intellect and curiosity of the world perhaps also to point for your friends to all the all the places that you've traveled on the globe and here we have a large collection of his books of various encyclopedias and maybe some classic literature that used to be here but for some reason I get the feeling that a lot of these books are here purely for Aesthetics see when people come over you want to put on display your library of knowledge sort of in the same way one might show off his watch or car collection these days so yeah when you had a room like this you'd invite guests over Have a Cigar maybe some Brandy surrounded by all the things that reflect who you are basically your art your books and the things from it's required on your travels and check this out it's a gun rack where he was showcasing probably some of his finest rifles that he had and again check it out pocket doors going into the gentleman's room and of course we have a scale I imagine this was a decoration in this room to to basically reference his days as an attorney and again red carpet a common theme between both the gentleman's room and the Boudoir I guess you could say that it more or less marries the rooms together if you will and it looks like we got some checkbooks the date on it is 1979. some bank papers stuff for finances photo albums which I'm not really going to show for privacy reasons and now this is the hallway that leads to the base of the stairs over there and I love this Arts doorway with this window on it that's so cool and it kind of is a like a like a cathedral vibes and more of his book collection right here with a little run leading up to this room which we will see right now [Music] wow [Music] look at this wallpaper I always like go right to the wallpaper look at this wallpaper it looks like a lot of the wallpaper that I saw on castles in France a blue couch to match it through and check this out in this corner there's an organ and a mirror so whoever plays the organ can sit and look at the cells as they play melodies on the organ it's like a little art room of different things that he collected from around the world some fake flowers I know I get a lot of comments about plants in my uh my videos I rest assured these are fake plants and look at this this is a freaking Egyptian tomb what with a mummy inside of it [Music] the dude's got a tambourine a guitar over there yeah so this is like a little music room slash art room and um a very mysterious looking Egyptian tomb replica [Music] all right coming back through this area [Music] this is cool definitely Cathedral Vibes in here again an Arts Doorway to the toilet [Music] okay so I think we've pretty much seen the entire downstairs so I think it's now time to go upstairs before we do look at this we're finding more things that assisted him and his older age the chairlift Mr Smith relied so heavily on still mounted to the frame of the house holds a powerful significance to me it represents a time when someone's quality of life depended on this machine a time when their Mobility was Paramount and every trip up and down the stairs was a try this is very sad [Music] there's all this debris on the floor from the ceiling up top falling in on it and this huge window probably about eight feet tall with these big Royal curtains I love this the woodwork [Music] the brown and the baby blue [Music] [Music] so right here to the right we have like a walk-in closet slash storage area different pillows and comforters Linens some of his old jackets maybe use this when he was hunting so this room is completely full of stuff and judging by all the stuff in this room I feel like the upstairs is actually going to have a lot more stuff than even the downstairs [Music] looks like in this drawer a lot more prescription meds Flomax I believe that's an antibiotic this one right here is a Statin drug heart medication I believe all these clothes that have been laid out looks like someone fold them at one point and then someone probably came later on and ransacked this room looking for money or jewelry oh wow look at this more Chinese artwork this is incredible look at this this whole thing folds up [Music] foreign [Music] obviously the guy who lived here definitely had a big admiration for Chinese culture Chinese art and there's more down here look at this this is incredible I love these little birds right here on the branch then we have his entire record collection all here on the floor and these record boxes [Music] God I could spend hours going through this record collection but I don't have much time because it's gonna get dark pretty soon and I want to be able to see this whole house before that happens more books see I feel like the books that are up here were actually books that he read rather than the ones that were more or less for show in the gentleman's room [Music] again a lot of um a lot of history books a lot of books on War check this out Great War speeches captains and kings you got some Tom Clancy ethnic America FDR's folly and then more encyclopedias over here which he probably did use someone numbered them with a permanent marker oh and look at this a whole cartridge of 12 gauge shotgun shells yeah completely full box of shotgun shells and more right here foreign box and again a full box right here as well judging from all the the cassette players and the VHS players up here the records all the books I feel like this room was probably some type of um guest room or entertainment room oh and I missed this look at this guys this is a pouch that a pistol goes inside of and I bet this pistol got left when the house was abandoned and someone came and looted the pistol out of here it makes me wonder how many other Firearms were in here they got stolen it happens a lot more often than people think it does we got a bathroom over here [Music] and a sewing machine stand and a marble top that they used for a shelf [Music] I love these old style faucets [Music] and another hot water heater up here you know this house is so big you probably have to have several to keep the water heated this is all his old bathroom supplies more medications electric shavers look how the water is just coming in on this place you can really start to see all the water damage upstairs that's usually the case for abandoned buildings the hot rag look all these shoes for the most part they look like old men shoes and my orthopedic shoes [Music] oh no it's in the closet look at all these ties dude definitely did not have a shortage of ties [Music] all right I say we keep going further along into the house looks like a tub here of photos and mail and look at this I've never seen one of these before in a house look how this swings so I imagine there was a girls room probably right here and she would use this as her mirror to get ready even though there's not really great lighting right here on this wall [Music] we got another old phone and this one's a old rotary phone on top of this radiator heater [Music] I'm blown away at how much there is to see in this house [Music] and all these purses are still left behind and you can see they have mold spots all over them and these purses as well [Music] and I bet some of these purses are worth a lot of money because these people were very wealthy [Music] and looks like this wall is lined with men's clothing you may have used this as a big closet that was wheelchair accessible there's no telling how much this stuff is worth this big wool trench coat all these suits probably custom made tailored to his body and more water damage over there [Music] raining down on all this stuff look at this part of his hat collection completely ruined by water [Music] this to probably very expensive hats inside these boxes it's crazy that they're just sitting here in the floor getting rained on is literally the lid to it and it's drenched you hear on the out of the rain look at all this there's no telling what was in these bags the ceiling now has fallen in on it it's a really cool jewelry a little jewelry box [Music] there's no jewelry in it it's a really cool looking box oh there's some jewelry here pick this up got a fancy looking bracelet some cheap costume jewelry earrings looks like a safari hat very cool here's the record player for his record collection so maybe some of the records were in this room actually who knows looks like this drawer is broken I bet someone broke it see it required a key to the inside of it I think someone broke it probably looking for money Hooters [Music] of course all the doors are stuck because there's so much moisture in this room whoa this is strange maybe you guys know what these are let me know in the comments below also look at this door how the paint is chipping away I always say this but natural Decay almost looks like art going into this room which is definitely another bedroom [Music] with a very simple but beautiful fireplace I love this white mantle with a white ceramic tile a pretty cool looking rug down there yeah this was definitely someone's bedroom at one point in their books so you can see the personality difference these are a lot of novels and scary books and romance novels definitely someone else other than the man was reading these books and I love these floral curtains that are in this room very fancy and you can see where the bed used to be right here and these little light fixture extensions that used to come out above the bed there was a lampshade on each of them and look at this nightstand with this amazing lamp such a cool looking lamp and another very cool looking lamp over here so judging by the stuff that's in this room I'd say it was definitely a girl's room look at these gloves that are hanging here these look like really nice clothes look at this women's trench coat and this very fancy gown yeah I'd say this is definitely a woman's room and check it out the calendars for August 2003. I love how the paint's chipping on this wall and check it out another one of those types of phones we saw downstairs foreign here it's definitely seeing better days check out all the Decay that's on the floor and on the ceiling up top I love this closet tub and what is this this looks like like some type of old technology [Music] and I know you sit down in it and your head comes out right here but what's the point in it if anyone knows what this thing is let me know in the comments below in this bathroom sink with pills still out on the counter shampoos and soaps toothbrush is still in the holder it's like there's little pockets of this mansion that's like a complete time capsule again in the closet full of women's clothes look at this it looks like mostly old women's clothes I always wonder why stuff like this doesn't get donated after um the family moves out [Music] guys this room is incredible a ghostly dress that seems to whisper stories of the past perhaps Carolyn once stood In This Very Room admiring herself in the dress before walking down the aisle to say her vows to ollie or maybe it was passed down to Generations cherished and worn by countless Brides before finding its way into this forgotten Mansion as we approached the dress it almost feels as if we're intruding on a private moment as if the dress is still holding on to its memories unwilling to let them go foreign dress or perhaps the 1920s or 30s it's absolutely incredible and I love how it flares out like this it looks like a doll dress in all of these shoes [Music] in women's suit jackets all of this stuff just left behind [Music] and look at this artwork of a little girl in a very fancy dress [Music] it looks like a tea set some dolls right here thank you [Music] and I believe this could have been either Ollie and Carolyn's daughter on her wedding day or maybe one of their granddaughters there's a daybed in here [Music] for the chest and see what treasures inside of it oh just a bunch of Reader's Digest and magazines there's your treasure which makes sense though because it's right next to the day bed so I guess perhaps maybe someone would lay here have a little lamp on by the window have access to all their books and all these clothes as well [Music] probably very expensive women's clothes let's say for the most part it's pretty Formal Wear [Music] with a skeleton key still hanging out of it and of course more clothes in here looks like a couple of shawls some nightgowns some fancy clothes a big table linen and we're coming back out and I didn't even notice this chandelier up above of course there's an amazing chandelier above the stairway and look at this more Chinese style artwork hanging right above the stairway in a very important place it looks like right here we have another bedroom stepping into this room I'm struck by the sense of timelessness that permeates the space though I've stumbled upon a secret Time Capsule waiting to be rediscovered this must have been one of their daughter's rooms [Music] this one is definitely the most Immaculate Time Capsule room in the house so far I feel like I'm in a museum right now another Chinese little Chinese glassware and look how the nightstand curtains match the bed and it also matches the love seat right over there in front of the window [Music] and here's a bunch of her dolls [Music] doll and more dolls right here [Music] still in the box and it makes me wonder if these are collector's dolls if anyone knows let me know in the comments below and you can tell the girl who lived in this room loved cats because there's cat stuff everywhere in this room really beautiful glassware here too laughs and look at this cat ornament right in the window not gonna lie off camera I totally thought that was a real cat just staring at me from the window and another one right here in this window and more Chinese glassware right here foreign this right here I believe is the elevator [Music] yeah it definitely is here's the controls for right here up or down and the door won't open unless the elevator is up on this level [Music] and a really cool looking gold mirror with an elaborate design on it [Music] more Linens [Music] looks like some rugs pillows [Music] different supplies for this room pretty typical of a closet which I feel like the little girl moved out of this room at one point and this was made into some type of like guest bedroom or something all right let's keep going into this Maze of a mansion look how this place just keeps going and there's another hallway right here that goes back to more rooms we got a bathroom here with a closet tub again baby blue on the walls kind of matches the rest of the theme of the house and this bathroom is also an Immaculate condition toothbrush out on the counter Q-tips soaps the towel still up there rolled up on the rack hallway here and look at it's an entire room full of women's clothing there's I guarantee you all these shoe boxes are full let's find out [Music] wow would you look at that all of these boxes are full of shoes and I bet you a lot of these shoes have never even been worn those definitely have wow and I bet some of these shoes are name brand shoes if you recognize any of the the brands of these shoes let me know in the comments below man in all of these clothes probably thousands of dollars worth of clothes in this room sitting and collecting dust and mildew all this stuff over here as well and then all these tubs too look at this guys [Music] this is insane and luck all of these shoes on the shoe rack I cannot believe all this stuff is Left Behind why would they do this some of this stuff still has the tag on it [Music] this is insane and look a tub full of purses all of these purses this is nuts nuts and there's no telling what's in the rest of these tubs and look at this [Music] got more purses right here sitting on top of a jewelry box [Music] no way are you kidding me wow I believe this is actual sterling silver and I wonder if those are real diamonds I know it's hard to tell through video but if anyone knows anything about this or if you think this is actual diamonds let me know in the comments below it's pretty heavy see I don't know anything about jewelry this looks like sterling silver as well this is a very old piece and this right here is heavy my guess would be that this is real gold earrings and I bet you this right here is gold as well but it's hard to tell I'm not really knowledgeable of jewelry oh and there's more down here it's amazing how this is just left behind I bet you there's more on this bottom drawer as well nope nope there's not not really holy cow and this looks like an office slash I don't know whatever area yeah definitely an office with like file cabinets probably a bunch of tax papers records of the property different properties that he managed and probably even papers from when he was the vice president of the power company look how the ceiling is falling in on the floor right here crazy what water does to a building this drawer right here is locked guess we'll never know after a degree this guy got his doctorate degree one and also a master's degree in theology wow this guy was very educated you check it out it says reference material for properties there's definitely a lot of paperwork and tax information from a lot of the properties that he managed definitely like 80s Vibes in here especially with this old thick leather chair and check out this lamb made out of a power meter definitely from his power company days this is fascinating so I imagine he lived in this house for a very long time throughout a lot of different eras of his life and um I wonder what's down these stairs right here oh okay I see that goes back outside all right so it looks like we only have one more section of the house to check out and that is the Attic So let's go up there and see what we can find here we go all right it looks kind of spooky I'm not gonna lie you have to be very careful where I walk I don't know how to study the floor is up here how rotted it might be look at all this water damage wow really spooky up here wow attic is huge and it looks like there's so much stuff up here oh my God laughs look at this light picture imagine this used to hang somewhere in the house at one point old Christmas decorations wow wow [Music] even in the Attic [Music] just to think all the treasures that are probably up here that you would have to dig and find there's so much clothes look at all these treasure chests there's so many of them up here this old typewriter I would open these chests but guys it's so dusty up here and there's definitely birds that are living up here so I don't want to stir up much dust and breathe that stuff in [Music] relax man and more trunks they're all these suitcases look at this I think this is an easel an art easel is makes me wonder if some of these suitcases were used during his FBI days look at this cute little lunchbox on the handle for it's in there too [Music] oh and check out what I'm literally leaning on it's an extremely old wheelchair this thing has got to be from like the early 1900s I've never seen a wheelchair like this before and this amazing chair right here with this elaborate design all on it there's just so many trunks up here the boxes Antiques and storage chests scattered around the room seem to hold secrets from the past and the rare glassware suggests a time of luxury and extravagance it's tempting to spend days sifting through the artifacts but we must move on and leave the mysteries of the attic unsolved I guess some Treasures are better left undiscovered to be to be favored only by the imagination all right so that pretty much wraps up this expiration and if you guys made it this far in the video I just want to thank you for coming along with me on this adventure if you guys enjoyed it leave me a like comment let me know your thoughts below subscribe to my channel for more content like this and until next time stay off the beaten path
Channel: Jeremy Xplores
Views: 260,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban exploration, urbex, decay, photography, abandoned building, abandoned house, abandoned church, abandoned car, abandoned school, abandoned prison, abandoned insane asylum, abandoned factory, abandoned photography, travel, abandoned places, abandoned mansion, documentary, video tour, abandoned nashville, abandoned castle, abandoned chateau, abandoned france, abandoned manor, jeremyxplores, outbackwilderness, subaru, overlanding, murdaugh, murdaugh house, murdaugh murders
Id: pi0c-1IoJJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 43sec (4483 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 06 2023
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