HAUNTED AND ABANDONED AT THE ROADSIDE! Haunted Abandoned House left Frozen in Time

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if it's not Thomas that's here can you set that device off for me again please oh as if as if [Music] [Music] do you ever get that uneasy feeling of being watched even when you're alone well that's what happened in this beautifully haunting abandoned house I discovered rotting away at the roadside as I explored this time capsule house I couldn't escape the feeling of not being welcome almost like I woke someone up that was living here yeah the house hadn't been occupied for nearly two decades inside I find vast amounts of religious artifacts beds were still left made and clothes were still hanging in the decaying wardrobes I find that a family lived here 19 years ago and that a family member actually passed away in a makeshift downstairs bedroom as I explored this amazing Frozen in Time home I just couldn't shake off the feeling of not being alone here and that someone or something wanted me out join me as I explore Thomas's house and discover what and who may remain trapped inside [Music] okay Explorers so we are inside this time capsule house right now this place is absolutely beautiful completely Frozen in time I can't wait to have a look around we're gonna get straight into this and then maybe do a little investigation if the Vibes are right but what a place this is so immediately straight into this old style kitchen I believe it's a kitchen but it's actually got a worktop counter as well which opens and closes so I'm not sure if this front bit could have actually have been used as a bit of a store I'm not I'm not 100 guys from looking from the outside it doesn't look like it it does just look like an old house but what a strange thing to have in your entrance area but we are just going to start off in this side and check this out straight into this dining room which looks like it's been converted into a bedroom can see the single bed over in the far corner there but check this out obviously a religious family crosses and religious artifacts all over the place some sort of little Office Space they've got the lamp there little table set up very very peculiar house two armchairs as if it's a living room but then a dining room table got the old trinkets on the fireplace here all covered in dust and cobwebs debris look at this guys absolutely beautiful little house I actually have some holy water holy water from knock I prayed for you at knock so very religious we have a obituary here in loving memory of Thomas possibly a fella that lived here and passed away here range box on the side that cannot be opened oh yeah it can okay so that's got just a latter with an address on there but how crazy is this room like I said over in this far corner just an old single bed it's got bird pill all over it curtains still hanging you can see where the wallpaper is stripping away because of the damp but look at the light coming through that window absolutely beautiful place and this is just abandoned at a roadside what do we have in here whoa it's a wardrobe but it goes straight through into the next room I hope that is very strange we will make our way around there possibly see into that room better look at this posture coming off the walls just nearly went flying over a pillow the old cast iron fireplace a little necklace on the side and some glasses there is another cross there too but guys pillow paint peel on the ceiling what a strange little house this is so we're gonna head back through this way it's definitely like a shop vibe if we head over there look at this just heading through now some sort of counter an old flakka on there in 2004 so and then just bits and Barbs definitely a shot feeling here though I'm feeling post I wonder if it's an old post office Maybe got a little hidden doorway in the wall this is so weird check the old cooker portable cooker and some scales I feel like this could be used as a post office you know because the plants are dead on the side there but such a weird layout very strange and you know us guys we have to check the uh fridges got some ham and chicken there that should have a date third of August oh God oh that's been there a long time I don't see a year there a single AG pseudocrem in the fridge but that has all been there a long time oh wow check this little porch right out oh I'll knock it I'm trapping the place sorry sorry look at this the manger there and then we have this nun can you see her have I put that in such a strange place for the light but a nun on this old portrait that's not creepy whatsoever so let's head into these back rooms now there's the Wardrobe that we could see into another dining room table old sofa got a proper little Fire Guard there but look at the damage The Damp coming through this wall now wow wallpaper just peeling away oh my floor's a bit dodgy as well not another post office uh knick-knack I do think this could have been used as a post office guys so we have all the clothes falling all over the floor there and then there's the Wardrobe which leads you into the other room some clothes still hung up and folded away is there a year on this no no yeah that does look quite modern compared to the rest of the house but guys shoes and slippers at the bottom there fireplace this place does have some definite Vibes guys look at this so a little prayer to protect your home bless your house there's Jesus there throwing up some gang signs no I'm only joking guys don't go after me but this is such a strange house on the side here is that an old coin an old Irish coin yep on the Euro now 2004 again look at this dresser nice details in there oh we have all condiments down here salt vinegar all that Malarkey does look like it's been cleared out but I'm absolutely loving this guys this is what an incredible find for just on the side of the road it doesn't happen often but when it does we love it all the cutlets are still in that drawer just gonna whip the K2 out we're not going to concentrate on it we're just going to look at it now and again because there is some definite Vibes in this place I am feeling it guys here's a creepy one so another prayer there for the house for Jesus on the side for a second if there's anyone in this house with me that would like to communicate you can do through the black device on the side would you like to move towards it or touch it we don't mean any harm whatsoever my name's Adam I just explore abandoned old homes possibly plan speak to anyone that resides in them I'll just keep a check on it and see if it goes off at all uh so you can see it's been abandoned quite a while cobwebs all over the back door there a classic sign that an older person lived here with the toilet Aid I suppose you'd call it seem just wearing some back kitchen now look at this guys still got tea towels hung up still got utensils cooker kettle oh some old cup wood there too that's a bit dodgy is that for protection or or what another huge dresser a few little bits in there but nothing major but this is completely Frozen in Time guys this house isn't it even if it is early 2000s whoever lived here didn't live a very modern lifestyle a couple of big down there they definitely live a vintage oh way of life 1999 on there wow check this out guys staircase all crooked deteriorating all the wallpaper is peeled off completely let's head up let's check this as we're going if there is any Spirits in this house you want to come towards me don't mean any harm my name's Adam I can see broken windows oh my God it's nearly been killed by Falling ceiling absolutely beautiful day but it is quite basic up here look at the views stunning if there's anyone up up here would you like to come towards me let me know that you're here I'm on edge guys all right I'm just going to put that away whilst we navigate across this old floor look all trinkets boxed away up here glasses teapots kettles or China and things like that clothes thrown all over the floor a few boxed away bits but you can see wardrobes I'm not sure if there's anything in them we'll have a quick check anything in here there's a bathroom up there obviously look they've just tried to DIY this wardrobe with a curtain across it so it's obviously been broken a long time we've got some ties over there and this like makeshift wall as well check this out this is pretty cool we've got Jesus pinned to the wall absolutely amazing place the floor feels quite dodgy in here but it looks like we've got some sort of back room dining room table up here which is strange his tax Panther but look at this guys everything's just boxed away there's some strange makeshift wall this you can see the Decay there the ceiling coming down oh it's actually got his belt hung up here as well look there's old leather belts or some more there ceiling's falling down here there is some sort of log book I'm just looking into this other gear on it maybe I can't see you here it's all hand written too obviously it's been abandoned a while with the ceilings clapsing now you just got to be so careful because I don't want to be on the floor while it goes through so I am just navigating as well as I can but the rest is more handwritten notes ladders just completely so much left in here now loving these makeshift walls that he's obviously built himself this probably was just one huge room or two rooms at one point the damage on the walls there oh the floor is so sketchy guys wow heading into a bedroom look at all the wallpaper just all over the floor that's peeled up over the years there's this old jacket I was going to say coat or something but look at that white mold on it curtain Stella there's no old suitcase here with some blankets it looks like I don't know it's an old coat an old coat there another suitcase if everything's left guys anything in this wardrobe oh what are they like curlers hair curlers there's obviously more of a female's room soaps in there we've got some leather driving gloves why is the newspaper line in the wardrobe is that like an old style thing I'm not sure but we've got all perfumes on the side here wow big double bed contrast to the little single bed that we have downstairs ceilings clap from the bed oh brilliant old photographs so we'll have a look at the people that once lived here look at the cobwebs over it wow so these possibly were the people that lived here older people lots wow any gears on these no looks like they had a good time in the pub all these pictures are from the pub there's another old photograph and it's a little boy with two little boys with their mum see if you can see that obviously Jesus cobweb's just covering everything appearance it's not really we're in an abandoned house but there we have a saint is it Saint Maria above the bed there oh my look at these look at these statues active concert conservation what's that a holy Mary Virgin of Mother of God 1954 though that's very nice look at these statues absolutely beautiful just sitting decaying in this house look at the fireplace the details in that is that cast iron as well yeah it's all filled with bird nests now this is absolutely beautiful the fake flowers down the bottom there gonna have to step over some stuff now what do we have oh just little tip bits in here oh look at this ring some sort of orange emerald in there I don't believe it's real gold or anything like that I just need to move this wallpaper look at this guys the ramp under there we've got some alcohol little lamps broke torch look how old this torch is it's just sat here a little makeup set is it oh look there's a little Mary hidden in here hello oh just try to get away look at that it's hidden in there is that a ring oh we found a gold ring guys wow just shows it's not very often you come somewhere and the jewelry still laughed but this is absolutely beautiful the wind's blowing that curtain over oh look another statue there wow what a place as a dead respects anything in these drawers looks like the cement might just knickknacks bits of clothing are these like prayer cards or yeah very religious oh no like obituaries or you know from like services wow look at the ears just all laughed that's absolutely amazing we'll put them back in there try not to disturb them too much oh can we get in this drawer there's like insurance papers I'm just trying to have a little nosy guys to be honest I think it's all like bank and stuff so we don't really want to go through there anyway hello I'm pretty sure I just heard like walking in that hallway hello the curtain moved as I shouted hello again oh check this old photographs nuns there you just stack them there instead of there all wedding photographs obviously of the family that lived here oh here's the house ah there you go it's office it is a post office wow that that's the house that's probably the owner so it was an Old Post Office downstairs that's amazing absolutely stunning fine this is so it was obviously an Old Post Office there's the house there and they lived here as well doesn't look like that outside now guys no it does not there's literally prayers everywhere just a few boxes more little trinkets little statues look at this snow globe of some sort of saints I think but it's not snow globing anymore but wow what a fine this is up in the bedroom air now just gonna check the K2 see if we get anything if there's anyone in this house with me now do you want to come towards me if anyone in these photographs is still in this house you can let me know by grabbing hold of this black device it'd be absolutely amazing if you could try and contact me in any way let me know that you're still here is that possible at all right we'll head back down but we'll use the K2 as we're going is anyone in these photographs still in this house with me can you let me know can you come towards the bad can you touch one of these photographs what I'm gonna do guys as well I'm gonna use the uh spirit talk app as we're walking through just in case just in case we get something so we'll get that going if there is anyone in this house you want to speak to me through this device you can pass on any words or messages it'll let me know that you're here if you've got a message to pass on Etc so we'll just pop that in the pocket and listen out for it and we'll walk with the K2 if the owner of these clothes is still here was it Thomas or his wife look at this on the back of this door guys his wife's jacket little old handbag there as well which has been like a netted handbag so we'll just head back down see if we get anything the floor is so sketchy and hit every single fly and bird moving around if there's anyone in this house with me do you want to come towards me come towards this device let me know that you're here so as this was uh in my pocket it says it's very nasty here maybe there's some bad vibes knocking about maybe someone passed away and doesn't like the feeling in the house we'll just make sure that we can hear that pop it in the pocket that's strange so the K2 is literally just gone off for no reason obviously the people that lived in this house were very religious if you can contact me in anything photograph we were just looking at the photographs and look at this up here I've just noticed we have Mary hiding behind the door there so we've got it's very nasty here and photograph we'll just keep listening to that we were literally just looking at the photographs all right guys this is very strange if you do have a message that you'd like to pass on you can do so through the device you can touch me throw something [Music] time you're all right but something about this place maybe not evil I just don't feel very welcome at all I know obviously it's somebody's house and we're knocking about in here and if there's anyone in this trust me that just said [Applause] pop that on the side if there's anyone in this house do you want to touch this black device trust me as I was saying I don't I don't think I'm very welcome in this house oh maybe jump when that went off so if there is somebody here do you want to touch this device in my hand gonna take hold of my hand I know you've uh touched it once for me can you do that again I'm just going to place it on the dresser if you'd like to touch the dresser that would be absolutely amazing I'd like to walk over towards that device with the green light we like to try and speak through this device on the dresser as well I do feel a bit nervous now you know definitely don't feel alone if there's anyone in this house would you like to make some knocks or bangs you can repeat after me my name's Adam I don't mean any harm whatsoever get to the right look to the right are they stood next to me it's where this wall goes through into the next room where the bed was I wonder if they're trying to tell me that they passed away in the bed downstairs maybe they got quite old and couldn't go up and down the stairs that's why it's quite a lot more decayed up there maybe we should head into that room would you like me to head into the dining room area with the bed would you like oh floor nearly went then can you repeat after me keep doing keep going just as I did that was very strange can you repeat after me so it said look to the right that's where the bed is downstairs through that wardrobe and you touch the device on the dresser would you like me to head into the other room is that where you are foreign such a freaky feeling do I have anything else you'd like to say to me you can do through this device that'd be absolutely amazing if you could do that for me or if you could touch this black op device with the green light was this your post office did you own this place did you pass away in this house you can make any knocks and bangs you can speak through the devices or touch the green device black device all right let's head through guys just see if we get anything isn't it obviously they spent a lot of time in this area just going to close that up behind me what did that say oh look at the K2 now guys now we've come in here just gonna move the phone just so it can't be interpreted of being that I'm pretty sure the spirit talker said Joy it the phone is on airplane mode always is when we come to these places look at that the phone was literally closer when we were in the other room and that didn't get anything now we've come into the post office area it has started going off a bit more can you touch this black device there you go can you speak to me through this device on the counter struggling struggling this is definitely flashing more now in here can you repeat after me if you'd like to knock on the walls ceiling on this counter like I said my name's Adam I think her name was Thomas that I read is that right if I'm wrong as well do you want to knock on one of the walls if it's not Thomas that's here can you set that device off for me again please oh as if as if thank you very much can you just do it one more time now as it literally went off as I asked then can do it one more time for me please such struggling maybe they are struggling seven no idea what that means can you explain what you mean by seven there's a seven up there you like seven up I don't know guys but we are gonna head into the room where oh wow there's a big ass safe here size of that right so this is the room where it said look to your right just gonna pop that in the middle of the table just make sure was it Thomas yes Thomas so Thomas I'm in the room where you were guiding me with the dining room table and the bad is this the bad that somebody passed away in can you let me know just gonna place that on the bed just in case so Thomas did you pass away in this room or was your wife in this room is anybody here with me now can you repeat after me no that's wrong no that's wrong what am I wrong about what am I wrong about is it not Thomas is it somebody else is there somebody else here maybe they didn't pass away in the head blow to the head headache uh illness like cancer or Summit brain tumor photo again so it's repeating photo here's a photo is this you is this who's in the room with me now oh it's just not standing up the clockwise all over it is this who's in the room with me now is it Thomas or is it somebody else you can let me know by touching one of the devices you can speak to me through this device is it not Thomas oh is it somebody else here would you like to make a knock or a bang is there anything you'd like to say to me besides get out there's not a very welcoming feeling here guys at all it's very very strange these have gone pretty quiet now as well okay too they did guide me into this room which is weird I only got the most in the other room so maybe if I head back into that room and do an acrophonic see if we'll get anything so it seems to have got the most activity in there so we'll head back into that room and see if we get anything suddenly suddenly they die suddenly the path away suddenly maybe this is where we got the most activity it's gonna pop it on that table there and then I'm going to do a necrophonic and just see if we can pick anything up right so if so if there's anyone in this room with me you can speak to me through this device if you've got a message to pass on that would be absolutely amazing is this Thomas or his wife that's still here hi Young did you pass away in this building see that picture on the sides a younger man the pictures stood outside are of older people aren't they so I wonder if they were Thomas was that son who passed away because they did say I was wrong is Thomas your son did your son pass away here can you tell me how many people are here with me seven that sounded like keep trying is there anyone in this room with me right now it's me do you mind me being here and I welcome here or would you like me to leave leave if you'd like to I was just gonna say if you'd like to touch this device is that you touching the black device on the table if you'd like me to leave can you just notion it over that's maybe a bit too much to us to be honest K2 still going off I know I'm repeating myself but one more time just to be clear right I am going to leave that there because I have not had a very welcoming feeling in this house whatsoever it is a strange house they keep saying go so guys we're going to leave it here this has been absolutely amazing this Frozen in Time house I've absolutely loved it I hope you have too remember to like comment subscribe hit notification for future explores straight on to the next one and I hope you enjoyed it we'll see you next week cheers
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 137,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, abandoned places 2023, haunted, haunted places, haunted mansion, haunted abandoned, haunted abandoned buildings
Id: Rb55vw-JPVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 32sec (2252 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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