You WON'T BELIEVE what I found BURIED under this $52million Mansion!

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guys this house is just gonna blow your mind [Music] whoa look at all those [Music] holy moly they're alive it doesn't help that i'm wearing sunglasses i don't i don't even want to deal with the intro i just want to show you come here this is just nuts we looked through this house and gosh i'm lost for words you're going to be lost for words you're going to be shocked i was shocked right here looks like a normal house right looks like a i mean it's a big normal house it's a huge normal house it's 36 000 square feet but but come here come here come here come here i've never seen you this excited it's nuts the house is nuts okay so this is all very nice right beautiful pool right this is gorgeous nice pool house yeah nice little pool house so guys if i told you underneath this pool underneath this backyard is a playground like you've never seen basketball court bowling alley indoor swimming pool spa theater crazy stuff and i don't know how many bathrooms and bedrooms down there as well should we show them now or should we show them this house first well let's go through this magnificent piece well i see this house it's all this house but there's an entire massive massive massive playhouse underneath here it doesn't make sense it makes no sense let's go see it you're gonna calm down you can give yourself an aneurysm and i got to tell you it's 100 degrees i am sweating like a dog and this house is not helping because it's mental it's making me sweat just thinking about the things i'm going to show you all right where are we starting uh well let's go back through to the main entrance shall we where's that this way you are so so jazzed i understand why i want to show them downstairs i know you do okay front door let's carry on what are the specs 36 000 nearly 37 000 feet 20 something bathrooms a boatload of bedrooms i don't even know how many but a lot it has everything a house could ever want to have plus a whole lot more and if there was ever like a nuclear blast all you have to do is put food in here you could spend the rest of your life and never get bored this is true i couldn't believe it when we did that little trip and we got to see what's down there i'm not breath thinking about it i know you are all right and it's hot let's go through the kitchen and then we can get to the fun stuff grand entry very nice which way we're going this way yeah let's do it okay so off the grand entry this is going to be all short because i want to get to the really crazy stuff okay i'm glad people are finally seeing the real you which is when you see a sparkly thing nothing will stand in your way to get to it that is the sparkly thing down there what is it down there yeah oh actually there is another sparkly thing quickly oh yeah yeah yeah look at that this is the first time i'm wearing it this is the producer michael jacob and co edition not jacob and co edition i thought you can get that right it's my watch the producer michael edition of the jacob and go epic x on a bracelet and it's very heavy mate it looks such a gangster watch isn't that beautiful that's so cool probably the nicest watch i've got i love this watch come on okay so did i mention this room we're in i think i did did this is the i guess the formal living room of which there are many but it's beautiful 20 foot ceilings come on corridors if you're in like a hotel i didn't notice this part before we'll come to that that'd be nice if you were hosting a party you could have your bartenders down there right so check out this kitchen this is really unique i mean i'm in love with this padini look at the sink this has been created i'm sure it's custom custom designed and the islands are interesting shapes right yeah it looks like they would slide together do these open oh wow beautiful right i mean that just to make this cabinetry is special oops yeah just i mean i think this has to be closed to close this one and then i took a quick peek at this i love these things so this is the fridge freezer melee which is fantastic and then in between them this is a spice rack oh isn't that clever in there and a wine cooler and then these are always fantastic where they have the look at me doing this very educational kitchen tour come on in here what's this this is where the knives live so there's lots of fun knives and i guess this would be a kind of buttless pantry yeah fun right going this way we have a little grill oven coffee maker another little grill oven two big ovens and the melee stove it's very nicely done this is lovely i mean it's all very very tasteful very very tasteful and then this is the breakfast area and that kind of chill area having a peek outside yeah which pool do you like better that one or the one downstairs that downstairs pool is wild i like the one downstairs you're not gonna believe it this is amazing i still can't believe that it's all down there and in the way it is there's balconies and women never believe that that could be down there they probably don't believe us trust me i'm so excited i'm falling over that's a cool fireplace it is and we have now learned that when you light these you can have a tv above it and it doesn't melt the tv so i think i use water vapor yeah it could be something like that but it still gets hot right i don't know wine this is how oh didn't come in here before oh there's another staircase where does this go this one i know and another elevator i forgot to mention there's three elevators and these are commercial elevators these aren't your mickey mouse in-house elevators these are what you'd expect in the empire state building well i mean it's got a credit card to swipe for access that's an elevator wow there are three of these are you gonna go on it no but still okay this way we're still discovering stuff we did do a what i thought was a thorough walkthrough but i've just found two places that i didn't see and i know a lot of people in the comments say that they would rather we just like explored the houses on camera but with a place this big it's difficult difficult yeah to know where to go dining room fit for a king or me isn't this beautiful this is lovely this would be a nightmare for fingerprints though yeah but i think you've got lots of staff that take care of issues like that i would think so there's also a driveway that you could park probably 20 cars in and a garage that we haven't found our way into yet that also houses a lot of cars okay here we have a little bar off the dining room which is a clever idea and a micro sink that is a micro sink so then we've done this little section right yep not so little this section we've done is probably 4 000 feet right i was going to say i mean it's enormous this house and we haven't even scratched the surface i want to go downstairs and show them do we have to do all the rest of it yes all right okay so here there's a loo i haven't seen this louisa this is a different lou lulu hello lulu was a british singer she was she is i think she's still around right office it smells so good oh look so this this is the house layout ah this will give people a good idea actually so we are somewhere here yeah right and we're going this way we did this little bit on the lower level and we did this bit in the lower level we've got the entire upstairs to do but from here literally this part going down all the way back to here there's another two stories i mean that of goodies is what people need to see like that goes all the way back to the house it's crazy all right yeah it is so beautiful office and it smells amazing in here it does smell good in here cedarwood okay what have i missed i need to go upstairs i think upstairs well there's all these rooms here well that's the oh these ones okay should we do these on the way down from upstairs yeah upstairs there's like 40 staircases in here so we'll take this one i believe is the main one or do you want to take that one no or the ones this one i just want to get to downstairs have you had some blue smarty oh you had that ice cream i didn't have any what it is ice cream chocolate ice cream that's what it is well what does ice cream do you popped up on sugar is that i would have never seen you this jazzed the outside the outside the downstairs has freaked me out i mean it's freaked me out which way we haven't been down here we actually haven't haven't let's go down here so this is new territory we haven't explored this yet here we have oh look another staircase what do we have here we have a bedroom guest room beautiful nice size guest room with a beautiful closet this closet's bigger than a lot of the main houses we've seen it really is and then there'll be a bathroom this is like a master bathroom in a lot of houses this is beautiful gorgeous i love these bathtubs should we have a peek oh look a walk-in laundry room for duvets i bet that's its twin is it oh i thought it i thought this like no that's different met it oh yeah cool right i've never seen a laundry room or a cupboard with a window and a balcony nicer very nice hurry i like this what does it say love is all i have you can read that yeah these are i like that okay next bedroom also nice walk in these these bathrooms are really large for guest rooms this is huge crazy wow remind me to show you when we go down to the spa the one shower with the setup of jets that i've never seen before and i i kind of questioned myself how you would use them it could be interesting okay another bedroom beautiful beautiful another nice sized closet put the lights on yeah oops i mean that was brilliant there we go look at that view and yeah you mentioned the view we are five minutes from the heart of beverly hills even though this is bel air we are five minutes from the heart of beverly hills oh i like these pictures could we go in here wait a minute there's another bathroom were we just in the bathroom on the other side no closet closet see i'm getting excited and confused okay you're gonna be giving people anxiety giving myself anxiety come on come on come on you don't need a bowling alley although there are two dedicated bowling undies downstairs because you could literally play bowls here couldn't you you could it's like a hotel it is but it's like a hotel that you could live in it's not like it's not like the one that was unlivable this is this is cozy okay so this is the master suite which has a kidney bedroom attached to the master suite they do that in europe sometimes i don't know if you've seen that before no i never have so this bedroom and closet is actually part of the master and i'm assuming it has the bathroom it does nice bathroom not so little has the cleansing toilet come on come on come on okay there's another elevator so you have access directly into the master in the elevator there's a wet bar here we have so this is the bedroom part of the master which is beautiful all electric drapes nice fireplace gorgeous bathroom oh yeah look at that tub love that tub it's huge it is look at the champs oh they're interesting are they interesting mermaids lovely bathroom shower a b day lou and b day how about that if some is good more is better hello yeah and then there's a closet here and there's another closet where was the other closet there was another door to it there was doors by the elevator here there's a door here to this part of the battery don't forget this is his and here's another hello toilet hello toilet oh it's not plugged in so it's not going to welcome me another shower another closet oh this is lovely not lovely built in safe in the wall impressive right it's very nice and then here this is i believe this is just a very large power room you can make that into a closet actually and then this is a i don't know whether it's very thin closet for a vacuum cleaner maybe okay so downstairs we'll go this way so what we've just power walked through would have been in itself a very nice house oh my gosh absolutely spectacular spectacular little powder room here we went in the office and now we're going this way this would be the east wing elevator and here we have early oh to the garage maybe maybe it is i don't know let's see we haven't been down here never ending shocked there's bedrooms more bedrooms bedrooms this must be staff quarters yeah bathroom this will be a closet i am shocked at the number of levels that this house has there's next to the driveway outside okay this must be the garage oh another laundry room so yeah this is the staff quarters so yeah so there's two washing machines here two here smells nice and then here we have did we just come from here no no oh wow there's what what's that i don't know my gosh look what he found i don't know what elevator control this is what i mean this house is just cavernous control area oh my gosh nuclear bunker this is ridiculous we've just gone from okay it's dark in here i'm not going down there there's no lights oh look at this and then there's a jail and there's a cage it's a jail you could lock somebody in here couldn't you i mean if you wanted to let's go down here but look yeah let's go down here i don't think there's anything yeah dead end after you no because you're in the closing door no no you go you go no there's a corner there is yeah what mate come down here look at that what's there this is why it's dark now you've taken the light away it doesn't help that i'm wearing sunglasses i hate you i i swear to god i'm done doing videos with you anybody want to do some videography then i'm auditioning mate it keeps going oh my god it's just unbelievable we've got to explore this i'm not going down there what okay that's locked i don't like it down here me neither but come on hold on there's like another entrance here nobody cares oh spiderweb yeah they do this is like urban exploration okay that's locked nobody cares this is what people come to watch the luxury channel for mate exploring haunted corridors why didn't you get shocked because i saw you whatever this is crazy though right and we still didn't find the garage maybe this wasn't the staircase to the garage put your phone away you went professional videographer oh my gosh look i'm trying to tell you yeah yeah yeah okay was it here yeah it has to be oh look this elevator and garage no okay i just can't get over this house is this the garage carriage oh my god light yeah whoa clean all those holy moly they're alive it's crickets switch the camera off adam get me out of here i don't like this oh my god they're coming after me this is crickets i don't like it they're just crickets literally look they're just like i know what they are they won't don't like it oh they're fully off the top they don't like it they don't like it they're just crickets look i don't think it's so crazy come on don't try going around i'm going to the front door are you i'm not going through there you can come through here i can yeah just don't tread on any of them there's babies mine out the way i'm glad you're amused that's off right i i don't like you i really don't like you god i don't like you you're not a nice human being i didn't you're not a nice you're not a nice human being i didn't come and plant the crickets did i no but you tormented me oh i'm losing consciousness that was one of the funniest things the only thing funnier than that was when your shoe fell off so glad i moved you oh okay okay 22 minutes in and we haven't shown anyone the downstairs another raw fish oh didn't we we didn't do this office no this is quite quite fantabulous yeah it's very ornate yeah i'm really aggravated and annoyed with you what about what another lou why why are you aggravated because you planted them there i know you did you probably brought them in one of those drawers in your truck cricket drawer okay so my cricket trip another living area i wouldn't call this formal although it is formal so i would call it formal and there's a bar let's see if there's any goodies behind here there's no goodies there's actually adam's camera bag you don't have to see it you know what it looks like but it's cool right it is it's very okay so now let's go down and see some goodies are we ready are you ready ready another elevator what's in here hopefully not crickets i'm actually scared to open things now so we've done now less than half the house yeah come on this is exciting try not to fall down the stairs okay so what do we have here we have oh we need the other side be careful now that we're in the garage from the opposite side it'll hold one two three four five six cars yeah six cars ah five five yeah and the driveway a ton well that's the thing yeah is if you don't mind about them being covered then you can keep as many as you like all right let's go here is the fun part not this although this is really fun it is but nowhere near like what you're going to see and it's so hidden isn't that crazy this little door here that's so unassuming it looks like a closet takes you are you ready i'm looking for crickets now are you ready we're now underneath the house this is level one there's another staircase in another elevator look guys look this is underneath the pool that's above us and if you don't believe us there's water look through that hole up there that's the little fountains either side nothing insane my mind can't compute how they've excavated all of this so that not only is it this deep but there's so many different levels of like view points into it it's crazy so here we have a full two-lane bowling alley shall i send a ball down i think you could okay all right it's not switched on but let's see okay i'm not wearing the right shoes but i'm sure i have some here we go look at that beautiful what are the odds i could knock them all down with one more ball would you bet me yeah how much twenty dollars twenty dollars yeah 20 20 that you don't get a strike okay guys you're all witnesses 20 20 one ball ready yeah is that cricket oh you did that to me one more ball okay that's not fair okay i've used up all the balls that tip this is my fingers here we go so this one counts are we ready ready okay i'm consistent i think i owe you 20 bucks we need to go bowling not after that okay so i love how like retro this is though like look at that it's like an old diner yeah and it's all digital look so here we have the aviary not really but it could be again the level change is just wild look where we are here i don't remember this room wow look behind you i know this is just stupid and this is all underneath the lawn and the board underneath the pool right now and there's another floor below us lobby to the to the theater and i never saw this oh you didn't see it this is like a full theater yeah i thought you showed it you didn't shoot no look at this i'll show you how big it is ah amazing right i had no idea oh you didn't see this is through that little door oh it's with a little door of all the houses we've toured this is the most like shocking to me as in there's just surprise after surprise after surprise there's nothing that we've ever seen that comes remotely close okay so now we started to go look at this i know right and it goes down yeah so there's more of this floor which is accessed from the other side but let's just go down here and see what we've got so this would be the fifth floor right and it's staggered levels too because look we've gone from this level to this level but there's a whole outside patio area with the kids play area out there this is my favorite house of any house we've ever toured yeah okay here we have a game room and it's not just a game room i mean you could play soccer in here it's enormous my bowling skills weren't very good were they i'm i mean i know kind of embarrassing but look how beautiful this is even though we're subterranean the way that it's been built have glass and windows lights coming i don't know how they did this this is what has shocked me the most is how they've managed to excavate underground like this while still retaining all of this light another lou another huge storage area jim adam look i feel like i'm in a hotel like a spot i didn't look look you won't have played tomb raider on the playstation but in lara croft's house she has a pool just like this i i mean that's the pool above this pool yeah a bar kitchen actually it's a full-blown kitchen elevator look at this so many houses would love to have a viking range and professional equipment wine what's this here oh another staircase what happened now it's the same staircase that was so funny whoa so here we have party oh look they have water oh we could have come here for their water and white claw yes watch white claw uh it's really good sparkling water you just try one i might do that wow so here's another room with a spare refrigerator a spare oven spare stove unreal unreal i mean can you imagine just being down here alcohol how's that you imagine being down here and having a chef come and cook while you and your friends hang out chill on the pool there's much more come look come look see guys i didn't exaggerate did i this is mind-blowing spa in little caesar's area here here we have a basketball court okay i have to do this when we were down here before adam really did a great shot from back there he did one shot i'm going straight in let's see if i can improve on my bowling you can win you can win you 20 back if you get this in first time okay does that couch does it count it was close okay i get another shot at it i'm not very like i don't have the correct pose for it getting closer i just want to see if i can go two for two probably not but oh you can't repeat that it was good it was from like here wasn't it yep literally from here and i just went y definitely can't do it if i do that no that's more like the adam i know okay watch down here here we have darkness what is down here light switch light switch oh it's the back staircase oh and another what is this so it's that remember it's that big alleyway oh wow there's a different one yeah there's so much room to store stuff down here it's insane in the fridge and then it goes all that way i'm not going to go down there that's to the elevator so this takes you up to the kitchen it's the elevator yeah all right okay let's continue there's more oh i got the heebie-jeebies down there i know strange i didn't in the other one but down there i did this is indoors guys and then you have your other pool right there another chill area and yet another bathroom there's no shortage of bathrooms and here we have what do we have here we have this it's a whole nother house this is a bedroom living room family room kitchen behind you look come come come look this is just crazy but like i say this isn't like the one this is livable yeah beautiful beautiful bathroom very nice oh i know what you missed oh we haven't been to the spa yet let's go to the spa can you imagine if you put your phone down somewhere in this house though yeah it would uh be a chore to find it and never find it okay so let me just pop into the kitchen oh there's a kitchen as well and what's in here pantry uh no like a washroom a little bathroom interesting wow and then that i'm assuming goes outside yeah so you're on separate guest entrance and there's a walk-in closet so this is like a house this is probably what 1500 to 2000 square feet right easily i mean if if this was being rented out in beverly hills as an apartment as a one-bedroom apartment 10 grand a month i mean maybe not 10 but like beverly hills yeah i would say probably four or five thousand a month not for this really you get like a studio for that really yeah unfortunately that's what they are right now okay so where is the spot i remember the spot is this way you have to go through the gym that we didn't go in right i can't get over how beautiful this is okay so we go in the gym it smells nice in here too and i believe the spa isn't in here just wanted to trick you there's a nice gym right it's beautiful jim yeah okay so jim where was the spa the spa is the spa back there could be uh that's the door i came out of why would there be a door there um in case you didn't want to walk because if you look here you can close it and close this off with this shutter this is not the spa okay so where's the spa i mean we saw it we did we went i don't think anybody moved it here it is found it no that's a toilet maybe this one that's the electronics box electronics box okay what's through here there's another bathroom there a level above us it could be let's go look i can't believe how many tunnels and nooks and crannies it's got yeah i mean really you could put 20 people in this house and not know they were here imagine trying to build this house above ground and how tricky that would be and you couldn't do it and now factor in well no i think it would be easier but now factor in that this has been built subterranean where is this bar where did they put it where's the spa there's a spa there's a big sauna and the mega shower is so wild it's got to be down on that level i think it's here where here it is oh good found it okay let's uh this one okay i haven't found it we've literally been walking around here so okay so let's start with this sauna which is on the pool level by the way so and it's a big sauna this is uh how many people could you get in here comfortably eight four five yeah easy easy right yeah easy party sauna town and then here we have a lou and this is what gets me you ready okay so rain head wonderful big kind of nozzly things whatever these do and this this is it here so this is the steam control these are body jets but you'd have to climb on there right yeah you have to sit back there wouldn't you you'll sit on it and then it does you shine yeah yeah let's do it well it's better than in my house while you put them on and it shoots out the door exactly we'll sit down on the stack i'm not sitting there this is a crooked i'm not sitting there do you want to sit there i'll hold the camera give me the camera yeah go sit there come on there you go so you'd sit here now switch it on and it would just blast yeah i couldn't be any more wet than i already am you look like you sat in the loo but wild right yeah thanks for finding it i knew we had it somewhere okay so now where are we heading that's it we've done it no there's outside the back by the back garden we haven't done the pool i swear i've lost like five pounds in weight okay here's where normal people swim this is just crazy spectacular and look at me walking on the grass very proud how beautiful is this i didn't notice there were two of these so there's two fountains both to look downstairs olympic sized that's a big pool it is deep too very deep and then we have opulence you could be anywhere in the world you'd never know it could be on the mediterranean you could be anywhere it's just so picturesque and beautiful okay let me cook you a burger wow so this is serious too come back here we've seen cupboards but this is serious yeah you do a lot of damage back here yeah okay so what's this guy here see if there's any crickets in here yeah nope okay what's this that's a hot plate oh no it's a huge wok burner oh how cool is that make chinese food right i think that's a hot plate probably oh no two two burners i can't even lift it that's hot that's why it wasn't the weight that bothered me it was the temperature well this has been absolutely epic absolutely epic this has been one of my favorite tours the weaver i think it's it's my favorite ever for multiple reasons yeah but i mean the house is just spectacular so let me tell you how much it costs this house is currently on the market for 52 million dollars it's 36 000 something square feet 22 bathrooms i believe 20 bathrooms is it 20 bathrooms eight official beds there's eight official bedrooms and then there's a bunch of staff bedrooms which aren't counted in the listing set on i don't know how big the land is going to be what an acre in a bit it's a lot more maybe more and it can be yours for 400 grand a month is that what i rented them for 400 i have no idea but if you want to find out if you look in the description listing agent is there patrick michael his phone number over there his email will be there and you can call him and say how much to stay here because i promise you you're gonna have fun so that's it guys hope you enjoyed it as much as we did i'm still freaked out by the crickets go to what else in it to win it hit the like button hit the subscribe button get a producer michael jacob co watch i love this watch my favorite of all my watches i think at this point that's it bye what's white claw uh it's really good sparkling water you just try one i might do that did you check it yeah now i'm watching this before so what they say is there ain't no laws when you drink white claws do you want to just tell everybody what happened because i didn't get the beginning of that not quite sure what happened so i was on the lower level which is a long way from here and i was thirsty so i went to the refrigerator and i saw what i thought was sparkling water it said black currant sparkling water i also told you it was sparkling water when we looked in the fridge well it was sparkling water it is what it is yeah absolutely and i drank it because i was really thirsty it was a big one during the thing and then i was okay and then all of a sudden i was a bit dizzy i thought what on earth is going on and then also who knows how old was it cold not really i don't think that fridge was on it wasn't on i don't think so you drank a warm white claw that's left over from some pool party god knows where i drank but i thought it was sparkling water and then i didn't have my glasses on i never had my glasses with me but i struggled to see what it actually said and then it says something about i don't know 8 or 12 they're pretty strong yeah for a man that doesn't drink i know i'm going to sleep okay well i got b-roll to film so you sleep it off and yeah and then after that i should be okay because i'm driving i can't drink and drive even though it was a water don't drink you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,869,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mega Mansion, Los Angeles Modern Mansion, California Modern Mansion, Los Angeles Mansion, california mansion tour, los angeles mansion tour, Beverly Hills mansion tour, modern house tour, Mansion tour, Modern mansion, beverly hills, house tour, hollywood hills, los angeles, hollywood hills mansion tour, modern home, hillside mansion, mansion, hollywood, hollywood Hills, california mega mansion, Real Estate, Rental Mansion, Luxury Rental Property, bel air, producer michael
Id: iG5GzWFonPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 20sec (2540 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 13 2022
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