FTL: Faster Than Light - ROCK A Full Playthrough - Best Run I Have Ever Had!

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all right guys what's up welcome back so today i'm going to be doing another gameplay playthrough and it's been a couple days slash maybe a week or two i'll leave that up to uh to the time stamps but whatever we're back and today i think we're going to be playing a ship i actually don't really play or like that much um i think we're going to be trying the rock cruiser out now the rock cruiser pretty much sucks uh mostly because it only has missile based weapons which are good until you run out of missiles right um other than that has an interesting layout here with airlocks on the middle and it's got three rock crew which is pretty good i guess they're kind of slow but we're gonna do that and we're gonna be playing on normal yeah it's got rock plating which can help a little bit like the titanium system casing on the stealth ship but uh probably will sell that for something hopefully i mean i'll keep it if i can but if i need the money it's like 40 scrap which is a good deal so we will definitely be doing this um god i don't know i'm kind of nervous for this these uh these rock ships are crazy so let's power these up do this what do we got okay exits up here i think we swing down over this way hit all these beacons do a bit of nebula stuff right here oh we got a ship already nope intruders so then our shields let's just get everyone in there they're oh wow there's a lot of them in there huh jesus we're so slow there's four of them oh wow okay they're really strong so we're just gonna do the the vent uh just open all the doors except this power up our med bay they blow up our shields whatever they're gonna come to the med bay eventually here yeah there we go they come all right [Music] so this way we can just kill them easily this guy's just standing in here for no reason probably close the doors now almost got him all right and the last guy now yeah those guys were super kitted out for a first jump but we got some early combat skill you know sure i'll take it all right let's get all you guys up here super duper slow so what are we looking for first a weapon any laser weapon you know using missiles alongside a laser or beam or something is not terrible you're still kind of limited by your ammo supply but it's it's not nearly as bad so we're definitely looking for some type of weapon that event yes we got some combat skill but we got no scrap so kind of a bummer tip this other nebula though nothing here maybe uh honestly i don't really want to lose the fuel but five missiles goes a long way now we'll just ignore it i'm hoping okay a store interesting we go one two three because we don't have very much money and i want to get as much as possible if if possible yeah we will we will help we will accept five drone parts then now we if i don't know man we don't have a lot of money i don't think we're going to be able to yeah there's nothing i really care about well actually that's a complete lie long-range scanners are huge so getting those early is going to be really good we got to sell the rock plating but it's got to be done like i said i would like to keep it but long range scanners is going to help us way more than occasionally negating some damage so that's good we're still looking for a weapon definitely we got a quest though so i think we'll come up through here and then back down through the quest and then up this way at the end i think i think all right what do we got nope it's fine though so we're probably going to take a couple hits here in fact we'll do that because i already know we're gonna get hit by this thing or at least they're gonna try to hit us maybe we'll get lucky did not but they didn't hit anything they can't dodge anymore which is good so now we do this once come on whole missile nice we get another missile in okay they hit our o2 which is kind of bad get you up here to fix this we don't really come on take them out nice all right they're down 14 scrap not bad yeah we need another crew member as well like an ng on shields would be amazing because he can quickly run around much faster than these guys can please get this fixed i don't want anyone to suffocate nice okay send you back so 34 scrap not a ton another store well we're gonna go up here we might come down to the store with 30 scrap if we get a lot from this and like maybe something to sell that could be really good for a weapon situation we will definitely attack this it's cloaked kind of annoying kind of annoying not gonna lie it's all right though um they don't have missiles so oh that was pretty big miss i guess i do care about their weapons to be honest so i guess we'll do this for now they're going to cloak again at some point which is super annoying but hopefully we can at least take their dodge chance down perfect take their weapons down please don't cloak don't do it let's go perfect okay we got we took a hit oh man oh we hit it oh my god i guess they had no dodge so they only had like a 60 chance that's amazing that is amazing all right just to save time you guys are gonna switch you're gonna go heal because there we go 13 and 10 more that's that's a good amount of scrap to be honest that is a good amount let's do that okay i think we can go to the store i i will fully sell both my weapons for a better weapon setup i'll sell everything i own let's go now we could just sell this right that'll get us 89 which is more than enough i would consider getting this but i don't think that's going to happen sell the whole nest soul we can even keep the artemis we have now become the kestrel um but that's really really good so having this plus the missile is gonna let us no like that was super lucky i can't even get over that okay nice so one two three one two three four five six seven and diving no i think we go we skip one of these ships i think or one two three four five six uh yeah okay we'll hit all these ships this is like guaranteed stuff pretty much we'll definitely not be doing that this is unfortunate for sure but we're just gonna weed them down this burst laser scares the crap out of me we got 20 dodge which is not great but maybe we'll get lucky get one uh one or two misses okay that's down perfect uh do this honestly okay they hit o2 not great you gotta come deal with that so their shields are down i would like yeah take take their their weapons down first i don't want to get hit by another volley if i can avoid it come on huge huge now we do some shield damage we're definitely gonna take that 100 anytime you get a strander deal that has like an item pretty much always want to take it even though we probably won't use that drone probably we never know um that's that's easy just monetary asset we can sell so we will go yeah one two up to the quest and then probably just bounce around up top level two shields is our next priority now that we got a decent weapon okay this is interesting do this probably gonna get by missile unfortunately don't care about this heavy laser though what do we got okay that missed that did not miss but it's just in sensors their weapons are all the way down let's do this might as well fix it up while we're just waiting don't really need to dodge as long as the missile launcher is offline so we can afford to move them out of the engines feels good to be playing ftl again it really has been a couple weeks uh busy with work you know have a real job as much as youtube is fun yeah we're not gonna do that good stuff okay send you back one another ship all right we're gonna have to skip one of these uh let's go the one we were planning to originally okay kind of a similar setup the dual laser here scares me a little but they might be stupid they might not fire until it's more charged and we might be able to take it out before then not 100 sure about that big miss huge huge come on yaya perfect all right we don't need our artemis right now let's just finish them off hopefully at least with the burst laser boom so this weapon setup will definitely carry us probably for the first two sectors it's pretty powerful i'm actually really really happy it's a bit of like you know youtuber streamer luck to get the burst laser right there but you know take what you can get dock with the station investigate we will and free stuff oh yeah with 79 i think we definitely do this and we'll do that level two shields is a huge get and we'll go here and then finish off the sector awesome well we're gonna fight you i think you have a completely harmless weapon setup so we'll just use our burst laser here to take your shields down and we'll wait so if you did notice there were a couple like ui glitches like at the main menu and so my inventories that's because i was using the multiverse mod just in my free time a little while ago and i uninstalled it obviously for the actual playthrough here but it's like a super in-depth mod so it had some remnant like ui glitches because i didn't fully uninstall it but it's not the game is obviously vanilla yeah we're not gonna do that so if you do notice that that's why it looks a little bugged all right come on burst laser i i could fire a missile speed the process of but i refuse god dammit the resists annoying we're getting some good uh pilot skill i mean not really but i guess don't resist oh you the rocks man it's not like i'm a rock too sorry they're going nowhere we got we're in no rush here so we are looking for to pivot away from missiles i'll keep the artemis since it's a one power unless we really need to sell it because it's good to kind of tack onto a run much like the ion blast one but we are gonna pivot towards something more sustainable yeah we will definitely do this we don't need 29 missiles anymore 45 scrap is way better 14 missiles will carry us through the game obviously we'll get more along the way but okay i'm liking this line pirate controlled to get some red we're pretty powerful still get a green relax another red and then we can do a couple greens before a red or green depending on how we feel but yeah i'm liking the pirate controlled direction here we also have long range scanners which is just awesome okay distress one two three four and then into the nebula i guess and down maybe i don't know or maybe we go yeah let's hit these ships first i should get another power for my engine by the way okay so they can't hurt us amazing absolutely amazing we'll just do this and we'll wait again when there was a speed up button it was it's times like this that i wish i had somebody in shields because then i could just have them get a ton of xp from grinding like this but that's right that's something we don't need but i would like to get like i said an ng or really any crew to work in shields and be a bit more dynamic because the rocks are just so dummy slow it's actually highly annoying but it's okay all right burst laser here we go switch to their piloting so they can't dodge if possible that would be quite helpful good all right one more volley and they're done oh come on there we go all right perfect 24 scrap nice uh there's no storm here or whatever so we'll definitely hit this up a little bit of fleet delay he will definitely attack you hopefully this bomb is not too dangerous i will shoot a missile for now do this i kind of mistimed that but we're fine they missed their missile or their bomb which is good now we just wait we don't really need to take their weapons out anymore actually so go for piloting but yeah you guys you should let me know what you want to see because i'm not i mean i have hours in the game pretty good i'm not super good at i don't think i've really ever beaten hard even though i claim to be an expert i just like the normal difficulties i think it's fun but you know let me know what you guys want to see like specific ships there's a ton of ships in the game i have one with most of them i think maybe all of them i don't know if not we can tack some of those off will not be doing that and uh people like my gungeon video too i like the game a lot i actually did get this oh whatever i did get the finished gun in that game so i would be down to do some more videos on that if you guys want to see that i know it's not ftl but it's a great game as well i'm just trying to you know i have hundreds of hours in both so i'm trying to spice it up with the whatever i can do all right get to get in here i need reinhardt to come come heal all right perfect let's come upwards one two three and then we'll hit the nebula i guess maybe yeah we'll figure it out come on we have a ton of money by the way i'm kind of saving up because as i said before if you don't need to spend your money you shouldn't all i'm running into is ships that just can't hurt me so buying engines would be nice and stuff but i just i don't need it right now so i may as well just save up for a store or whatever um you know if there's a pre-igniter i could totally buy it and if i spent all my money i wouldn't be able to so unless you need to upgrade or you see a flaw or something you need to just improve directly right away you really shouldn't be spending your money and that is kind of what's happening right now which you love to see also let's not shoot their weapons again let's shoot their pilot boom boom boom all right we haven't found a store yet this sector hopefully we can find one get an even better weapon set up or good augment pre-igniter obviously is amazing lots of money from that guy okay there's a store so we go one two three four we skip the nebula this nebula will hit seven eight yeah okay perfect one two and then down to here three four yeah even though there's nothing here apparently i'll be the judge of that okay we got intruded uh let's just do this again that's just not what i meant to do i meant to hit z close that up open these up all right they'll move they'll move let's uh power this up like so perfect get some more combat experience it's always nice you know especially rocks they're actually pretty good in combat due to their enormous health pool and their immunity to fire i guess can help in combat depending on the situation boom they're down i think that's it right yeah oh my god he wasn't oxygenated heal up now go back uh do this good distress i should probably wait for my auction to come back a little bit but i refuse i live life on the edge we will investigate oh let's go we got charlie he didn't go crazy on us okay cool you don't have any skills so you will work in shields even though you're a human which is kind of lame i'll take it it's nice what do we got here they're gonna board us they have a missile where they board us in here where are they going that is the most foolish thing i've ever seen in my life you go in here don't need the shields at maximum so we'll do this yeah we're going to get hit probably kind of annoying okay that's also pretty annoying but their weapons are down which is good let's just not shoot another missile just yet i'd like to keep as many as possible while we don't oh there we go nice this guy's pretty strong not gonna lie and he beams back okay okay keep their shields down not gonna be doing that get our own engines fixed i do not want them to get their weapons back online let's just go here one more hitting they're down again could shoot the missile okay really bro get the get the rock in here to hurry this up because i don't want him to explode and we're probably not going to die from his explosion but might as well all right let's get everyone healed up how's our xp looking pilot walker's getting good weapon xp all right good enough for me uh let's go to the store and then we're gonna upgrade at least one power to get shields and engines a bit better let's see what do we got okay some crew oh okay we i think we have to buy this this is gonna make our run a winner for sure i think we definitely buy that there's nothing else that i really care about here big laser tune uh we will sell this drone for sure we will buy the halberd beam we still have a ton of money as well which is awesome i won't sell the artemis yet again because i think it could be valuable for us now we need two weapon power if we go like this right can we make that happen it's gonna cost 85 we can and yeah okay well let's see what this distress we can always reallocate our power before the battle starts we just need a little bit more to get one more power we'll definitely do this we got wow you know what for a free augment that's one of the best you can get automated reloader is like really good if we're full on augments i'll sell it but this is really good to have especially for free totally so let's get that power like i said uh we can't get two yet so we'll have to do this again but now okay this setup is huge absolutely huge so we have three jumps one two three we will definitely be skipping that yeah i'm pretty happy with that all right this run is shaping up real well the the rock cruiser's biggest problem is definitely the the missile based weapons again with this guy they can't hurt us so getting over that hump is amazing [Music] all right so we're gonna be destroying like every ship we find now this is literally my ideal setup no no lie these specific weapons i would like a flak too that'd be amazing let's uh go like this like this well take cozar he's a human again you come to doors i suppose you have no skills right okay yeah that's fine dormant having to have someone indoors it's actually pretty helpful as well okay they're gonna board us not a fan but we do have better doors now hopefully they go to the airlocks or something stupid i think it's a rock that's coming based on the speed of which they are moving i'm just a genius it seems okay we'll vent him a little bit while he's while he's out there missile annoying didn't hit anything of too much value do this do this nice okay loki just get you out of here we'll just vent this guy because yeah i was gonna say i guarantee almost guarantee he will attack the other door instead of just going out the one he came in amazing oh these guys are dead nice just let this guy suffer could fight him i think not though there we go see ya wouldn't want to be a all right we will definitely get one more power now we can get at least two engines we have 20 dodge next upgrade is going to be more engines our weapons are insanely powerful for the stage of the game we will uh if he's a pirate just attack him bro screw this guy he's got pretty garbage weapons i would say all right do this and we'll do actually get his weapons you do this i think even that only hits three rooms i don't yeah i don't want to get hit by too many more of those ions nope oh thank you no thank you sorry i'm loving this i still want to get an ng just for those blue events really and a zoltan i just want everything man all right next sector speaking of zoltan i think i might skip that for the nebula since we have the advanced scanners it's actually a little bit easier to navigate a nebula so we can avoid all the annoying ones we'll go up i think and then up this way yeah like that i like that all right what do we got you bring it boarded again these are definitely mantis coming over where are they in here that is beautiful we can do this they're going to try to break through here vent the oxygen or the sensors prematurely and while we're just waiting we may as well vent everything else just to mess with them like that cool okay they have two layers of shields which obviously we're still fine with but we do okay they're coming into doors a little bit annoying gotta go let's go like this nice perfect so we can not only take down two layers of shields because the burst laser has three but the harbor beam pierces one which is awesome all right we have one mantis in we're gonna fight this guy for now bring you in here just get some skill as well oh never mind see you guys see we we have a lot of piercing we can technically pierce four layers of shields obviously that's not what we want to do but we can also tack the artemis on later in the game things are looking good no stores all right i think i am going to get 15 uh we need 50 or 40 sorry so yeah we'll definitely do that a little bit more dodge a quarter of all shots should miss in theory i took statistics in high school come on all right they're trying to run but they also can't hurt us beautiful the dodge on the drones is the bane of my existence though so we'll see if we can actually land any of these lasers okay we did perfect like this and they are literally done in one volley amazing amazing okay uh i don't want to go to an iron storm if i can avoid it let's just go here i know there's a ship there but ion storms are so freaking annoying we will attack you you are kind of a scrub-ass ship not gonna lie uh let's do this wait don't yeah come on time it better bro be better bomb goes into an empty room absolute jokes bro nope nope nope okay i'm just trying to think we don't need anything but we should be on the lookout more weapons will allow us to just ruin things even faster and steamroll the game essentially let's come here see what we got out of the nebula actually a rarity is there i don't think i need that really i have more than enough of both okay a store that is interesting four okay we're gonna go down two and then three to the store i want to get way more money i don't think we have too much to sell maybe the artemis if we really need to okay nice cloaking cloaking oh do you know what i completely forgot cloaking is something we absolutely need and that's like a luxury we can afford because we don't need to buy many other things like weapons are set um generally with their shields and our engines defensively were pretty good as well so bomb again they just stay going for empty rooms i love the ai man ion bomb they missed so i do want to do this what i want i want to do this and then this well we can just do it right now i don't have shields i guess so there we go they're dead e z 33 scrap and a repair burst okay repair burst could be useful i guess i mean we might as well keep it on the hot bar we could like quickly pivot it on and pinch the situation i don't know well more than likely we'll sell it but you know we'll keep it for now okay you guys gonna board us with mantis again they are in here uh i don't know how many there are let's vent for now and let's actually just evacuate this dude let's do this okay so that distracted him from the door he's a titan again perfect okay so we shot a missile nothing i can really do about it we lost our dodge we're at 20 the med bay kind of annoying that it got hit but i think we'll be okay let's go for shields and do something like this let's do it the other way though to get the weapons first boom nice okay so he's coming through this way he's through we did not take their missile launcher down he beamed back okay oh that's not great but we do have a rock in there to put up the fires close the doors up please all right they're down as soon as come on uh hull bird beam don't let him shoot another missile no we have zero percent dodge so yeah that was bound to happen that's okay though that is okay that is okay okay those guys healed this back online need to do some fixing but we're not too bad off right now it's been worse definitely has been worse okay but we're gonna hit the store anyways 139 we can definitely sell something get a cloaking they don't have cloaking okay bummer advanced ftl navigation is not useful or is that an ng is tempting but i'm not gonna buy one hacking we don't really need that extra offense or utility really just yet i'd rather save my money a little bit could get a chain burst laser could be pretty good actually but i don't think we just need any of that yet you know with these three weapons right here we could definitely take on the flagship is it ideal no but i think it would definitely work so i don't think there's worth i think we'll just uh let me make sure it's not another store by chance no there's not okay we will buy fuel up to 12 and we will fix just a little bit because i don't know don't want to die that would be annoying i played a run with the rock cruiser at one point and i had an amazing run and i just never got any repairs and i never got a store that could repair and i actually just died just by slow attrition it was really really unfortunate let's come back down this way though so we got nothing seems like there's a lot of nothing this way but that's all right whatever whatever okay i'd like to not have to deal with that if possible anyone want to fight yeah we'll fight you okay you got a lot of weapons but i think we're gonna be all right really wish we had that cloaking right about now just click through the flack 25 i actually went pretty well thanks considered do this do this come on oh the misses i should have shot the hubbard probably still definitely should have oh baby okay that's really unfortunate but we should be okay there we go okay they're all birds down that's all i really care about and we're still gonna probably get hit here a couple times while our shields are bunked matter of fact get you in here to help but they're down all right cool cool cool they're pretty stacked to have four weapons like that gotta respect it you know got to respect it okay 151 lots of money i just refuse to go to that i'm gonna go one two and three even though there's like nothing here apparently you know again a little attack they're hacking us on engines not great but i'm not too scared of their weapons is this online why is it so hidden like that yeah i don't really care about the engines that much big miss do this we'll do oh come on i know you can reach bro well whatever that's well maybe you can't reach just do this then okay lots of misses just do a little bit of damage anyways should have done that last time the bomb i guess hit us i wasn't really paying attention it's fine though okay they're trying to escape the hullberry beam will kill them unless they get their shields back online so we don't need to worry about timing anything see ya all right stick come here oh a breech bomb now that's a mark ii which is not really that power efficient will definitely get sold but that's amazing to get just free uh free stuff like that all right get your ass back there man come on okay we'll go here okay so you wait for yep no attack comes okay nice and then to the exit we go and we'll yeah we'll demand they're gonna try to run don't think i care do not think i care once our weapons are charged up you guys are in trouble i'll tell you what okay big mess and let's do this there we go boom not going anywhere come on there we go they're down all right perfect six fuel not a lot to be on oh don't tell me i'll do another dual beam run do not tempt me okay this not a fan of mantis we're gonna come in we're gonna check for a store and then we're gonna do some major upgrades because we have a ton of money there is a store awesome i was kind of hoping for one because there's a lot of stuff i really would like to get no cloaking again man wow there's nothing i'd another store ah okay buy all the fuel do a little bit of fixing sell this we'll keep the pipe beam like we just don't need the money right now i don't think but we'll keep all of our cargo really yeah okay and then let's do some upgrades more dodge is going to be huge with a mantis sector i'm going to get the doors i don't always do this but for 35 to get extra protection with doors plus we have someone in the doors manning it it's going to help a lot with the borders and i don't think we get shields yet we could but i think i'd rather save a little bit more so we're up to 32 percent dodge pretty good how's our you're at green max you're almost at max okay it's good we will go here we will not probably go down here yeah let's go here and then across okay we got a ship obviously it's actually not a mantis ship they're boarding us with a drone i think like coming right into shields pretty annoying but we might be able to kill them quickly this weapon setup is very threatening by the way very very threatening they timed it pretty poorly one miss no miss okay that's fine if we do this and this we can take their drone out maybe nice come on take their drone out uh it's out perfect now the breach is still up unfortunately so let's get you to heal all right we actually got pretty lucky there we didn't take very much damage at all i think we took one hit oh no okay yeah we took one hit cool so he's down you start fixing this i mean while enemies only have two layers of shields we can put the pike beam on and just ruin ships to be honest it's gonna start becoming a little less good once i don't know actually i'm kind of thinking about it i don't think we need to do it yet at the very least there's more important things i'd like to upgrade on our ship slash save up for the store there's a weird sector this is the only way occur while up here too go here i guess we'll go up bounce around i don't know we'll figure it out okay we'll definitely do this zoltan oh i thought it said zoltan shield only i was like no way okay this i mean it doesn't really help us probably sell it at this store right here i don't foresee us using i mean honestly a bomb maybe no fire bomb another automated reloader i will sell this mostly because although we could keep it if we find another augment we have to get rid of one of them right because we're full but you don't get to sell it so you just pretty much eat it throw it away so we will sell this so we can at least get some guaranteed money out of it in case that niche situation happens but just buy all the fuel i don't like how we're sitting a little low get a little bit more of that 215 still we have a lot of like artemis pike beams that we could use so buying a fire bomb or something is not really in my wheelhouse another reloader would be cool but not really necessary uh okay cool we might as well get an upgrade i think shield it's gonna cost us a hundred plus 150 for level three shields easiest decision in my life loses with 60 left over defensively we're doing great we just need cloaking we just jettison the uh we're gonna probably just i don't want to lose a crew member i'm not i'm not risking it it could give you a crew member but again if it was like get nothing or get a crew member definitely open it obviously but we'll do this and we will pretty much just kill you in fact we'll just do this i think bro come on there we go actually not do that wow should have done this whatever they're done they are done good stuff okay this has an asteroid field doesn't bother me with three layers of shields that much which way do i want to go though we have what uh seven jumps one two three four five one two three four five six seven that makes more sense yeah yep i've thought it out in my head who do we got you now you don't have shields you do a cloak in granted this frightens me but with the shields and my weapons okay yeah this guy what are you doing out here bro go to sleep go to sleep bro i was just gonna say we have been known recently to get screwed in asteroid fields by some powerful ships that was not an example of a powerful ship so yeah we're gonna come one two three four five six boom and we're out of here out of the manta sector i was going to say we also did not get bored of by manchester once but this time we did okay so this is actually just terrific this guy's an idiot we could fight him in here but i just can't be asked to move my rock all the way down there so we'll just let him do his thing this would have been a smart idea as well but it's probably too late too little too late now let's do this and this nice do this i hope he beamed back decided to die with his ship fair enough huge miss it was also just an iron bomb really so you had to come back huh and just do me like that okay well screw you i'll get combat skill then surely we win this with 2v1 right yeah okay we're we're doing damage it's close but we're doing it there we go perfect i'm feeling myself this running i want to jinx it but i'm having a good time with this next we probably get the artemis online if we don't find a different weapon like a flak or another laser or something another laser will put us over the edge 100 i would like to get hacking as well but i prioritize cloaking so we're going to be on the lookout for that first free system repair drone absolutely love to see it the sun not a big fan of that not a big fan of that at all to be honest might be okay with three layers of shields will negate a decent amount of fire damage we'll uh do this bro okay well they don't care whatever we'll use 15 missiles five hole points again eight missiles is still more than enough we haven't been using them for like three sectors in a row now and yeah lots of lasers here we're not gonna get boarded which is good weapons man is doing really well so we'll probably get a volley off before them i had to guess okay we got some good misses there huge okay they are in trouble and we are pretty much good to go might be able to kill them before a solar flare even comes in see if we can charge fast enough 28 nice come on get me out of here yes boys one and two perfect all right what do you guys want don't ask for fuel please because i don't have that much of it it's like the third time we've had a rock crew event like that absolutely blessed rng on this run we'll definitely do this don't care too much this missile is annoying but it probably won't be able to do too much damage i reckon big dodge big dodge smallest dodge of all time go like this all right missiles are down that's all i really care about they do still have two layers of shields but if we can take one down okay well fair enough dude there we go want you to fix this 20 scrap 38 more scrap wow we are mad rich right now this is amazing because we just we don't need to spend the money on it like we're insanely powerful i'm not playing on easy emma okay good i was just making sure like this is going really knock on wood really well and let's go to the next sector which is ng homeworlds or a civilian sector i want to go to the ng homeworlds i think yep because i want ng to be honest store and there's three stores i guess there's three stores in civilian sectors too i'm just gonna go right to the store here to be honest i think it could be helpful show me the cloaking scrap recovery arm's really good flak two oh baby this is also pretty decent to be honest actually buying this i might rather have than the no i think i'd rather have the artemis because by the flagship we'll have a ton of missiles so we can just autofire it pretty much you we don't need i think we'll actually keep the artemis around for the the final fight do i buy this this will absolutely break the run i think we do it's 50 bucks we are so rich right now it'll just we're already snowballing i think we definitely buy that it's a little late but it's not too late we're only in sector five this is interesting okay i think that's actually going to make us ridiculously powerful not a whole lot we need but i will get one more engines just to to get us up to that almost 40 as soon as you get maxed out we'll be at 40. let's hit all these then head down a little bit find the rest of the stores oh i should about fuel don't do me dirty like this man save the ng say less bro you're good at weapons which unfortunately we don't need necessarily but we'll put you in sensors which is awesome our wish has been granted we'll hit these distresses don't ask for fuel man you know i don't have it okay save i don't know if i did already lots of lasers here still looking for cloaking that's that's what we need to really break the run in my opinion do this do this okay we timed that pretty poorly but we did hit them still which is good i don't think we actually got hit either just kind of auto fire here because i think oh i got the missile off it's really annoying get the engine here he's not doing much else nice come heal give them okay this gives us med bot dispersal which is good but i don't think we need so i'm just going to give them 25 scrap which was a complete waste by the way but we have enough so whatever yeah i think they give you the med bot dispersal which is good but one we wouldn't we'd have to dump one of the augments we had and two it's like not that good you know i'll have my med bay de-powered like most of the time anyways oh [ __ ] i actually moved him whatever so if we had space i would have definitely done that and then sold it probably plus it would have taken two fuel and were very low so excuse me so that was my thoughts on that okay let's skip this one i guess what is this an asteroid field okay interesting still low on fuel man a trap okay that is pretty annoying to be honest this is a wow this is an amazing ship we might have to run from this holy christ this is an insanely kitted ship with cloaking we'd be so much better off i do not like the ship at all wow i'm not gonna be afraid to run here oh baby i think i want to run already i'm just scared of what this could become um like three layers of shields a zoltan shield three of the best weapons in the game are you kidding me oh my goodness okay big tommy josh we got one dog med bay i don't care we'll hold that for now okay the hubbard beam can't do anything to us we might be we might be able to make this happen if we get lucky on that yes do this okay we take out the flack which is really really good it's a lot of damage get me out of here i i'm not gonna risk it we're probably gonna take more damage i refuse to lose a run this good because of one bad ship like that that's amazing as well okay good okay you two to heal i could foresee the absolute destruction that ship was gonna bring to us there should be two other stores in the sector so i'm hoping we can find them somewhere i need to fix up i need more fuel and i need cloaking cloaking just negates so much damage you take that ship would have been i don't want to say easy but like way easier dude what is all this garbage pulsar ew we're gonna come down this way wait one two three four no we're not well we are going to come down this way but we're not going to go all the way over there we're going to come here i don't want to go to the pulsar those things are dastardly we will offer for a quest marker oh this is the okay well now this is okay one two one two three oh you're too far okay we're gonna have to skip this one we're gonna go one two three four five and then dive maybe this will be the right one i don't know we can't hit both and still make it out decently okay this is actually pogged oh my goodness we definitely take this first i mean we have so much money take all their fuel they don't have a lot fix up a bunch take this 100 really we should take this too do we take keep them how long does this charge 11 seconds all right this is actually a dream weapon set up this might be my best run in a long time okay i'm just trying to think what i want to do do i want to have the auto fire missile drones hard counter it to be fair or i take the iron blast which is also insanely good i think the ion blast is going to be better for us we sell all of this we buy this we will not be able to get online for a little while or both of them online at least but that's fine no cloaking still wasn't there another store no well there might be maybe one of these two is a store that'd be really helpful okay we bought all the fuel we could we bought all the repairs we need really get one more for good luck okay i think we're good i think we're good let's come up here we'll listen we will have a human i offer you definitely smith nice good at fighting you i guess will come on oxygen you don't really have any other systems you could work in not a store but it's fine yeah so diving is not something i like to do a lot yes free money we could ignore the quest but i think i'm gonna do it especially because this might be a store and if it is we do need to go there definitely so let's see is this the right one okay they're trying to trying to run they're gonna hack us somewhere that's really annoying haha really freaking annoying okay that's fine we might be all right this missile is all i really care about it's just big miss 42 dodge let's actually go okay just wait do this i need to i need to take their weapons out but i need to take their hacking out as well i think hacking's gonna be more important right away come on break two thank you thank you thank you okay their hacking's down good so now we can freely we're probably gonna get hit by some more missiles here yeah that's super annoying you help please get ready do this get this ready okay this was the correct ship thank god all right get him out of here get smith healed up that worked really well good luck because one of them is always fake i'm like hi you it was a trap you idiot and i was hoping it wasn't this one which was good so we can do that next sector i'm really hoping this next jump is a store it probably isn't but if it is that's going to be huge i need freaking cloaking man greedy if not it's not of course and it's a freaking sun okay well here's what we're gonna do right get our flak 2 online for maximum destruction we're still so low on fuel man okay what do we got i'm gonna do this all right like cloaking just negates the ship entirely bro get ready fire this fire this to this turns out we just negate the ship entirely by definition love to see it give me the heck out of here before the sun does anything can't upgrade so we're diving i don't know if i've ever dived on a video before but we're doing it so yeah you have asb shooting at you this ship is insanely powerful by the way um and the only reward they ever give you is one fuel so unless you like literally has no fuel just jump as soon as you can they're gonna board us not a fan okay they bought it in here which is pretty okay because you can just dip do this okay so we will shoot at this ship while we're here um like this and then this and then this there we go nice don't really want to get hit by asb but there's really nothing i can do one of them being back that's interesting they missed us the missile missed us too let's go oh my god bro the actual luck we're gonna go to energy control because we do have an ng now and i kind of want to just ride this this run out we're very powerful we don't need a lot you know we don't need to get a bunch more scrap or anything so i'm pretty okay with going with the slightly easier sector quest right there beautiful but we'll do it we're low on fuel man okay they're gonna board us with two humans it looks like they came in here amazing okay this is perfect we'll just vent these dummies do this while we're here just about everything right weapon wise i am not really scared get ready we'll do this this and this like that get ready okay we did take one hit firebomb big miss they beamed out flat comes in again see ya perfect so we're insanely powerful please give me some fuel man okay they did not give us any fuel this is that's fine titanium system casing is pretty good but i kind of like what we have instead i guess we could get rid of the scrap recovery arm but i don't think we need this but we get lots of other good stuff other than fuel there's no ships apparently let's come here i suppose we'll do this again give me fuel man i can't even be that mad like i i bought fuel at pretty much of it every available opportunity i just didn't really get lucky okay they're trying to run not so bad just wait do this like that and we'll fire our laser and then we'll get this ready to do that and they are completely screwed beautiful comes another flak right away it just fires so fast it's so good their shields are hurting just do this well i break that up but they're dead i i thought the hallbury beam was going to charge oh we actually got fuel obviously okay nice we have to go to the store we definitely do we have enough for cloaking we need to buy all the fuel they have come on bro please let me see it let me see the eyeball he sees the eyeball oh my god there's another oh no no no um i don't think we really need it i think well one we can't fit it instead of the ion blast we could get rid of our flak for it which there's something to be said for but i don't think i think the flack i like a little bit better do this do this sell we don't really have anything to sell okay and we actually got that that power from that event so we're good let's go down i like down a little better here right we got connect from both ways it looks like but go this way we're at max hp we will try to shield you 330 scrap absolutely god tier let's come here and then up a little bit i'm very very happy let's continue this i'm gonna get boarded again it's pretty annoying not even gonna lie but if we bring you in here we might be pretty okay so yeah now that we got cloaking now all of our problems are pretty much uh solved i would say we can just click through this boom so we are winning that fight in our cockpit all right can you do two to heal you know i'm gonna do it because a couple reasons one we need the fuel two we i guess we don't need the missiles anymore actually never mind so i mean still and it gives us these amount of scrap so whatever they were about to die anyways but it's all good so yeah all we got to do is get this iron blast online by the flagship and we'll be sitting pretty hacking is the last thing i would like to get we don't need it because we have more than enough to take down four layers of shields we can take down like seven something absurd asteroid field probably down to hit that considering there's like nothing over here one two three four one two three four five six okay that's what we'll do waste my time into the asteroid field okay they're not gonna board us this time which is good this vulcan could spin up and be a problem but i i pretty sure we're gonna kill them before that ever gets to happen cloak please that's coming in do this and then get this ready to just hurt them like that perfect a lot of fuel again but i think at this point of the game we're we're good enough on fuel all right the asteroids will finish you off if my beam doesn't we're gonna get hit by another flak no we're not awesome oh a store okay well we're going one two three four so we'll definitely hit the store i can't really do any other order for these but that's fine 105 is is more than enough to get hacking oh baby well we'll definitely do that don't have anything to sell so we got to wait a little bit to get that online probably won't need it till the flagship so that's actually more than okay now we just save up pretty much until the flagship we'll cut them out perfect let's come here you want smoke bro seems like you do all right we'll do this do this i saw by the way that the missile or the laser hit our flak i'm unconcerned there we go yeah they are actually so screwed good stuff i got 105 dodge while cloaked oh man this is that dream run right here especially starting with like such a kind of bad ship with the rocket i mean we'll do this that should last us the rest of the game for sure rock homewards home worlds or zoltan controlled i think with cloaking the missiles that rock tend to have will not be a problem relatively speaking everything's always relative in ftl you never actually know okay we got pirates uh okay nice cloaking bro okay they're beaming over it's kind of not prime uh what do we do do we fight them yeah we can fight them we can fight them i think let's get this ready to go here i don't care about this cloak please send this send this oh what the let's pause that the nintendo direct's about to start i gotta check that out later okay um but anyways so we got everything fired right get ready for the auburn beam there we go all right we're winning the fight mostly didn't actually take their shields down at all it's tight we'll move them out in a second there we go okay they beamed out perfect to get you two healed auburn beam should be able to finish the job if uh well if i timed it better whatever they should be down we have cloaking again come on bro damn the resists though they're going crazy okay continue uh okay you guys are healing perfect 187 is a lot of freaking money i'll tell you what okay good store interesting what's the last sector so we'll go one two three we don't really need anything at a store at all i don't oh there could be a pre-igniter though come on you never know right if there's a pre-igniter oh baby this is actually the most broken run of all time we will search for the ship nice you can probably ignore all these asteroid fields we don't really need anything else um i don't think cut them out again perfect proper nighter do it i dare you to do it i freaking dare you oh man you know at this point buying a zoltan is actually pretty good when we just have money to spend and getting the free power that he gives us is pretty helpful put him in cloaking so we get someone to be able to fix that jump to here i guess get the free power which you can actually put into hacking lots of missiles on this bad boy click through that send this off send this off and do something like this oh that fire is huge they're all rocks of course but that's kind of annoying but the fire still prevents them from fixing the system which is good so their weapons are or their shields are kind of back online bit annoying so let's time this out for like that goodbye goodbye all right get him healed up good stuff i'm really excited for this flagship i have a feeling it's going to go down pretty well now again i'm not rushing but i don't think we need anything else so there's no use putting ourselves in risk we don't need to do it do it do it do it damn damn okay it's fine let's go can't actually bounce down here let's go one nah let's just go one two three look guys come on i should be making more use of these jumps but i just cannot be asked at this point this run is as good as it's gonna get the pre-igniter would make it better but i don't think we're gonna find one so this is a very poorly equipped ship i would say yeah look at that i mean the two ion ion twos are pretty solid but it's not going to be enough probably do this do this and do this do more like that cloak nice okay we only took down one layer of shields they had a lot of buffer points i guess oh okay well we actually did hit them which is good they got a how they got their second layer back kind of annoying wait for our flak to come in and we can hit them with the hall bird for the kill perfect 59 scrap that's just a ton come up here we'll see what's up here for the record absolutely nothing of course of course why would why would there be final beacon we will we'll yeah take 12 bro we don't need this we don't need that many at least we need like three maybe maybe like three to six at most okay repair station interesting let's go yeah let's go here and then repair i will do some upgrades so level four shields get it what else do i want this online 100 and that's pretty much all the money we have i would like get cloaking a bit higher and hacking a bit higher but if we hit this repair and then here i think i will go to one ship fight because i want a bit more money 34 scraps pretty decent yeah we'll go he's got a couple jumps actually so let's go let's go here what do we got okay we got it so they're hacking us they got a lot of lasers piloting not great but really not that bad either okay let's send this in i probably have this we can just auto fire the ion blast on that flax coming in do this as well something like this there we go uh with that down let's quickly get our like i said we have way more drones than we need might as well use this while we're here get him come on oh it barely snuck in all right nice so four i thought i had on auto fire i think i must have un done it we're gonna cloak through the first laser three i'm going to fire this while hacking we're going to fire this and we're going to do this for a ton of damage actually we're going to do this for even more damage and there we go they're dead booyah 31 nice i think that's well let's see let's do boom boom we don't have the power just yet but i think that's okay i'm just gonna wait and we're gonna jump so hopefully their hacking doesn't go onto our weapons or shields anything else i'm pretty okay with let's see what does it do okay our own hacking is really not that bad at all that's like might be the worst play they've ever made but it's fine like look they're hacking it what am i gonna do while you're cloaked bro come on there we go send it in now we'll wait don't care about that click through this press n fire this off fire this off and then do this there we go i again just forgot to have this but it didn't really matter in that scenario but just keep the flak on auto fire as well damn near oh unfortunate that's fine though they're hacking or hacking again okay it does interesting it destroys our packing it's like kind of whatever okay we got hit once it's pretty annoying actually so you get in there and help in fact you get out and you get in okay uh let's just do this if we can keep their shields 100 down there we go they're down perfect all right we took one damage from a missile not bad at all if i say so myself smith the heel please uh power this back up get you two to heal that was an excellent first phase finish that in record time this is this setup right here i'm not lying these specific four weapons is my dream weapon setup not even like oh you know it would be cool if i had you know a flak too no this exact weapon setup it fits perfectly in the amount of weapon power slots you can have let's get a power and it's just so fun it's so like compatible and meshes so well all right so now they got drones which is fine let's do our usual little uh cheese here shoot it just wait moment the laser comes out i think they hit us it's fine try it again they boarded in hacking which is annoying wow they keep getting really lucky trajectories it's kind of annoying dude what the hell they keep all right well just a fire anyways all right whatever we can't seem to land the hacking that's okay we're doing a ton of damage they're taking our hacking down dude this is ridiculous though all right they're shooting us let's cloak yeah whatever forget the hacking i give up through the missiles their shields are pretty much down for good there we go now we can just auto fire essentially we're gonna get hit by a burst here but they might die before that no off this okay we're good we're good perfect took another one damage because they destroyed our packing again i am just unconcerned get this fixed up powerpoint bay okay so this is almost a guaranteed win it really was almost a guaranteed win from sector five but we'll uh leave that to the judges really depends on the luck you get after that 24 bucks is not really left a lot to do anything you could get autopilot i think i'll just probably hold off whatever let's follow the ship here everyone's healed we got our power where it needs to be okay so yeah they're mind controlling which is annoying oh everyone's dead that's kind of annoying actually how did everyone die wow we were that powerful wait i'm so confused did how did the guys up here die huh it's kind of annoying actually but we'll probably still be all right he's beating up the engines kind of annoying so let's send our ng in there to distract him we'll just auto fire most of this stuff to get their zoltan shield down cloak please all right so uh angie's gonna die get him out of there just gotta just gotta wait man all right the rock is being a real pain in the ass not gonna like it okay get this here so this is coming in we did not get hit but they do have a missile coming in which is unfortunate we can't really do anything about it just use our 30 dodge hope for the best we actually dodged one of them you come back fix the sensors okay helper beam's ready so we will in a second here launch flac launch this hack get our hubbard beam ready to take all of this out we got insanely unlucky but the hacking pulled through for us this one we can cloak through 100 dodge on the dot okay stop shooting uh we didn't have enough if i didn't shoot that volley we would have had enough it's okay though these guys are pretty much done for their mic control is still online pretty annoying we're gonna get hit probably never mind we're just gods and that's the game if i do this correctly there we go i've never won with the rock cruiser apparently because it's kind of garbage i may have like i said my achievements got deleted a lot of time or most of them did when i got a new pc i don't know what the deal is but there's a victory that was an insanely good run i will not lie you know i got pretty lucky with some of the drops some of this stuff but that's ftl for you and it you know even a bad ship with with some good items can take you to success so yeah thanks so much for watching guys hopefully i can make more ftl videos in the future when i get more time it's a lot of fun let me know what you want to think or want to see tons of ships out there i still would like to put on youtube and also enter to enter the gungeon or any other roguelikes i have a ton of roguelikes in my steam library so if there's any suggest or or want to see a lot i'll definitely do that you know like there's crying sons i have i've eaten a couple times that's a really fun game kind of ftl like it's reminiscent but whatever yeah thanks so much for watching guys and i'll see you in the next video thanks
Channel: Spearmintz
Views: 11,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: z7ROAr-aMvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 11sec (4511 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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