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[Music] all right here we go more backpack hero start game yep we've read all this before fantastic click me let's go and click me yes we want to have a nice little sword here a nice little buckler there maybe a little snack there and we're finished and we ride into battle and glory let's see who wants a piece of these sweet sweet cheeks yes we will attack you um you're just shielding up so let's just attack you a few times there we go we'll end turn let me turn you shield up again we're gonna block ourselves and attack you a bit more there and we could finish it this turn but we'll save that poop later never know might need it so let's hit you a couple more times there job done level up let's go ahead and uh get four spaces here let's do a little bit of some of this maybe a bit of that in a done now get some items here huh we want seven damage and weak for one energy just vastly superior no two ways about it huh and ooh actually got a nice little uh helmet here adds two armor and um adjacent colors get plus one armor so put you here i think this time i'm not gonna go for like the omega clothing build might mix it up weapon go can go here let's get our mana uh thing here gold stack we'll go there cleaver um three damage just why not just use the scratch why would you ever need this just use the scratch thing i guess you could like hit the wet stone or something is the real reason um that's for armor i mean an emergency scenario might be useful and adds 25 armor in a pinch i might end up throwing those away though and let's uh ride onto the next level click me yes we ride ride me here we go um and should start the next level of the map open my opinion check the unknown event mysterious fog clears the mysterious island platform in his hands to see a collection of golden coils did you take them yes let's take them final awakens so the combat begins cool sounds fun um what you got here 13 shield you're just a small rat wolf no big deal you are a little bee for experience um an item is used in this enemy this is one ratio itself so don't use items on it okay um and you curse you'll add honeycurson turn we don't like that i want you dead now at all costs uh so seven purses are bad what does what does this do oh oh so this counts as an item okay rage what's rage do weak will reduce one damage from attacking the weapon i just want to get cursed by you rage will add one damage one attack so rage it gets stronger i just i don't want you to hit me with a curse curses are bad you don't like curses you're going luckily he's not attacking strangers to take no damage but i would take the damage avoid the kirk's curses or evil in this game there's something weird where curses will hit you like it's supposed to hit you for two damage but like there's some curses will do like 20 damage in one turn i don't know why um i will shield that and then smack you a couple times for a little bit of damage and weak will reduce two damage attack the weapon aha so it's actually kind of nice to reduce your attack there huh and you're gonna shield up so let's hit you a few times and call good love to see it how about a few more for the road perhaps we've weakened him so much as let's do know that i liked that club with a weak on it actually that is kind of nice just like that's actually kind of sick i'm i'm super into that club um you are awesome four spaces how about one two three four done get items we want here um i do like the spikes we i'm not sure i won't go for like the old mega armor build again this time um oh eight trinette's two armor adjacent and diagonal helmets and footwear get plus two uh so you would give that helmet plus two armor if we put you right here so yeah now you give each turn that's four and you guys are kind of buffing each other unfortunately you're not gonna buff that arm uh this as well but it's fine um uh dagger five damage can only use one type return pass um i do like the spikes to be honest um each surgery has two spikes itself only adds one armor all right let's just compare them i think we're really good we're not gonna go for like multiple breast plates and multiple helmets we did last time keep it's a little more simple than that um two armor per turn um one arm returns so less one less armor per turn um adjacent clothes gets plus one armor um let's see uh comes to the right space above you should sell you so basically we get two less armor per turn because you're not giving that plus one and you're not you have one less by yourself so sacrifice two free armor per turn for two spikes per turn but the spikes stack over time and sometimes be kind of huge by the for long battles we'll go for spiked armor spikes kind of stack up nice and if you want yeah you know now let's let's go no we went we had spikes last time no spikes this time um 12 damage tall enemies that's not bad 25 armor um broken ring like it's nice to have that i feel like just get that meal out of here right get that total damage all enemies and max hit points you know i'm not sure i need that but whatever it's called good and uh locked door need a key don't have one let's go find some creatures huh battle start all right not so bad uh i already have enough armor to block all your stuff so we can just go ahead and uh so you're you're gonna next attack next turn let's weaken you so you don't do so much pain to us i feel like the type the token is more energy work nice with this club you're attacking for four want to get past us let's go ahead and bust you up here there we go wait wait wait i gotta pay more i tend to not look at this got pay attention to this stuff skull wand two mana deals four damage to all enemies oh man i could honestly just go for like a no mana build and save myself inventory for slots right deals four damage to all enemies you like what one mana per combat so like every other combat you can use that's just not great not worth the inventory spot i think all right well now five damage you can't mess up let's go ahead and body you a little bit here and you know i can just take you out right there we go and uh not so bad this this this club is nice reducing their damage is really nice come out of here a lot of armor there that's fine this is a very nice uh club to get here get out of here you nice we got arrows let's not go for an arrow build this time thread adjacent and diagonal armor it's plus one armor that's not bad i think that's gonna be better than this uh acidic potion right let's get out here you put this in here uh machular herb one use creates mana um i'll use this i mean we could uh this is a one time armor thing i don't feel like it's gonna be a long time before it need that right first guys are easy daggers like mid um bandages when this combat ends add five hit points except max hit points or like i mean heal up [Music] um keep the gold i'm gonna do a no mana build man this just soaks up room i'm gonna go with no mana build no archery build we're just gonna be like a brute with a little bit of armor and stuff right and uh we'll call it good i mean we can keep it from now since i got inventory slot right now now let's just get the sick potion remember maybe he need to use his potion stuff more right all right guys just because i have it why not here take that um and uh sure let's heal up after the battle i didn't mean to i'm not trying to reorganize okay um you're trying to attack number seven i got a block just kind of body you there get out of here there we go i need to not be so stingy with my items because you might as well use them right get them out of here even if you can without them whatever you win get items oh that's eight armor as opposed to seven armor that seems superior oh it only takes up two slots off that's actually much better yeah yeah you're you um seven damage i really like that weak uh damaged knife i mean if i have the room for it i'm just passing the mana bandages i'm already at max head points out of here um i'm a pass on mana um wooden sword trash i mean just keep keep the man out no we're doing no mana run i think i don't have the key for that i don't have a key for that where all the keys i got from the last run right all right boyos um seven damage i got that blocked you guys are easy enemies seem to be randomized this game because we didn't have all these slides to start last time let's just slap you up slap you up slap you up honestly i don't need to but just to speed things along right whatever who cares i feel like the first levels aren't too tough if you like play relatively like strategically right there we go you can kind of be a little bit generous through items um go for no arrow run my first one adds one regeneration to self cost one man we're doing a no mana run get out of here you what's this amethyst weapons in this row get plus one damage that's sick i'm taking that for sure that'll buff you up to eight damage nice plus the week you're huge what do you do i saw you last run these one time each combat so an item in this column is destroyed this item gets refreshed and can be used against combat on use creates a random potion in this row so basically you can it's a way to like reuse a perishable item [Music] so i can like use my meal twice and then that's actually kind of huge for like that's like for free energy right uh so we use one time each comment so you you use it and then you use something that's common column like the meal like you put it down here you put the food like right here like this or something like that and then when um this thing gets destroyed um it gets refreshed it can be used again this combats wait wait it can be used again this combat does that mean that it doesn't come back for future combats which means it's not that good if i had more room i'd test it out but i'm not sure i want to throw it i mean we can try it might be good here are the bandages honestly we can try with something smaller like how we want to make room for this what stays what goes keep this keep this keep this um you it says in a column so like you here you hear maybe and um when an item in this column is destroyed this item gets refreshed and used against combat so put more things in the column with it and uh put like this is a this is all this i actually don't need this so if if i use this i know that's not uh adjacent and diagonal armor get plus one armor so you go here um actually works fine right and so if this gets gets this gets recreated get my club um i want this amethyst though that's the problem will i get rid of like the amethyst is pretty solid extra extra damage um extra armor is good i need the gold you know what we'll try some other time i don't want to get rid of my amethyst go put the stuff back to where it was i think chilled vibe here i mean we just hang out until i have a level up right the amethyst here this row we've got to go like this how do we you go here like this there we go we're not gonna get hurt forget it sure i don't know what i'm doing whatever problem scheme is uh it really is a i don't think it's a very watchable game unless you got else i'm wrong i feel like it's more games more fun to play than to watch dangerous idle mysterious fog clears to see mysterious island platform in its hands to see a collection of golden coins here take them yes reach for the gold out troubles he snatched the money run nice money baby is that 20 gold i don't know i wasn't paying attention i have no keys um a healer i'll need the heel uh little rat wolves okay i'll take that fight just valuables huh my missiles at the end of the world all right so we got enough armor to block you um so these are you're stronger because of that we just think we just attack right weaken you up and turn dude that week is just so good that week is just clapping let's hit you some more here i got enough armor to block that guy and you're done do i want this i can't that's 10 hit points unused it gets destroyed i wish i'd saved my energy because i'd be sick with the cauldron i don't have the energy no no adjacent diagonals i've been so good gotta pay more attention i'm too quick to act not quick enough to like watch those things up there now i've combined so nicely with that what are you um double poison potion pass dude the weakness of this club is just like amazing like not even worried about you nerds there we go easy collapse level up finally needed that um it says it has to do with the column so let's increase this column i think um what am i getting like even taller calm so let's flush out the top first right uh they'll be done there get items we got that no i gotta iron helmets sick poison all right so think of this column right um man i've got your mana stuff now we're doing a no man around a cap each turn adds zero armor for each space below it gets point five so one two three four like so two armor wands this column gets one damage as trash um for curses this is quite good um on use adjacent curses get i should leave one slot four curses to be fair on you jason curses get destroyed for each a jason curse it gets plus one energy all right so yeah you're we'll put you like here to deal with curses right and this is consumable and deals 12 damage all enemies unusually gets destroyed if we put it here um if we use this first so we use it and then we use this for one energy does 12 damage all enemy and then the item will get refreshed and used again so we can do 12 24 damage all enemies for exactly one energy right i guess and then we can see if it remains our inventory afterwards if the things don't remain in your inventory after the battle then like i question the utility of the cauldron maybe it's still good who knows i promise it's just so it's just so big i don't have any keys is the problem here just try um will you open it lock the door i don't have a key never mind all right leave the locked door for now can't get any of these sweet goodies here unfortunate all right next floor i guess uh yeah i guess you you're about to like reorganize before you switch floors i suppose if you want uh the crypt part two of three okay okay little b small rat wolf will be wants to curse us we don't want none of that just mess up that little bee there huh a little slap you slappy and you're done next let me end turn my little energy token i missed that thing huh plus this guy oh man it's a shame you're going to get past our armor with your little weak soft pathetic attacks huh and you're gone man this club with adding weak is just really good um cap is trash no mana run uh my first one no mana run mmm cool drink i didn't try this crap don't try next well actually you're an item might work well key nice i'll get it and we'll brace it i feel like [Music] hmm um wait a second no that's outside of battle do we want another one these uh emerald braces on uh on use adjacent curses get destroyed i thought i'm not sure both of them would work at the same time it's fine keep going grab it huh should be easy [Music] 52 hit points slot we got that blocked um i want to try this so if i click this first i use add volatile potion oh so it makes the item first deals 30 damage on you some gets destroyed unfortunately i have room for it what do we want i guess i can replace the cool drink with it sure cannot place here well so i'm not allowed to reorganize here i have no room so i can't like i put it inside it so if you don't have room for the potion it makes you're just out of luck here unfortunately i use chris random potion in this row in this row so if i put in the same row no he's all right well that's just so we used it use one energy makes a potion i can't use but it's also supposed to um when an item is when an item in this column is destroyed i'm not even sure if i have to use it to activate that we'll try it um so we'll use replace the scientific cup adds one errant well might fill the slot let's use the u because you get destroyed we'll use that it damages them the item's not back um i guess i can use it again here okay so apparently if you click it first it doesn't um automatically do it so it's not like you have to click it first and then use item you have to use the item first and then use the cauldron okay so now we'll click it and it didn't recreate the potion so it's not like it recreates the items okay so it's just it's just all right so i'm not i'm not sure if that is all about then put the uh potion can't place here because all right let's because it's not in the row you have to leave room next to what i see all right well now we know so i guess we don't really just mess with we can do a little bit there all right we'll figure that out next time i suppose so we gonna put the key down there and have the potions because it says in the row so uh when item in this column is destroyed this item is refreshed oh this item gets refreshed when an item in this column is destroyed the cauldron gets refreshed and can be used again in combat unused creates a random potions so if you have other items so that it doesn't refresh you can't like put a potion out here refresh itself so so basically it creates a random potion in the row if you have if you have an empty slot that you can use in that battle or in the future um and if you want to use it more than once per battle other items can do it okay i think i get it now okay not sure how much i love it per se it's weakening up here a little bit i feel like there's probably something that can be done with it you know for like a cauldron run cauldron build or something right we're learning we're learning okay what's this now that i know how it works i'm even less interested in it so i guess what you can do is like have a consumable use the consumable to like like you know next turn like next turn like so all the consumable below it does is refresh it so you can use it again so it's not like you can use infinite times off itself so like next battle i could go in use it for one energy get a potion use the potion use this for zero which reactivates it spend one on it get a zero across potion use the potion like it's all right for potions spamming but i've already got like a pretty good attack weapon that i'm pretty pretty a big fan of honestly um adjacent gets plus too much i think now that we know how you work like i get it it's cool i see potential with the builds you can do with it not currently what i'm looking for in my life i'm looking to like get this thing strong and swole really stuff like this adjacent it's plus two damage yeah like this just just seems simpler and better and easier poison potion if you wanted it mana you you know spike club seven based damage here get over here um you're huge that's a problem give so much space um 10 damage but hurt yourself now get out of here you huge and hurt myself so now you got 10 damage i really i mean we can just have these here might as well whatever i mean i can still keep if i want i guess we can still make it work get the key down here um it needs room next to it so we can just not bother refreshing it or use the item it creates a refresh itself i don't know it's a zero cost i can just use that let's just keep the zero cost there and use it right sure um which is better to heal ourselves the problems increase the empty cup which like takes some space call it good merch with selling goods here what you got buddy um hatchet oh hello uh you can use one time each turn deals five damage five free damage and armors presence time gets minus four damage oh so if i use armor so five free damage per term if you have armor it's only one pass um i already got the shield already got it uh one for three three amps for one energy cost no dice i've got a poison potion already i've got an emerald bracelet star potion oh it's like an rng sometimes it's good sometimes it's a curse also do you have room for it you have to use it in battle by passing that dagger it's mid spike club we pass we sleep debuff potion it's neat but whatever um ooh king cleaver um one it does four damage on use adjacent cleavages get used okay i'm starting to see some synergy here in this game okay so if i these take up one slot so if i put u here and you below it and i use u you'll do four plus three you'll do seven damage compared to using one energy to do base seven so that's actually um questions like adjacent weapons does adjacent i mean like diagonal that probably just means like horizontal right one way to test it is um to put them diagonally alright so let's just diagonal counts of jason probably not but let's see um put you here put you here do you still buff it no the problem so if i didn't have if i didn't have the um i'm not getting like ripping the sails here if i didn't have the uh these i could put these in here um [Music] i could like save up for a cleaver build be kind of neat i mean eventually i get another cleaver four seven another cleaver becomes ten damage for one i kind of like when life gives you the opportunity for a cleaver but this weakens the enemies though it's such a fun idea to like get a bunch of cleavers but this weakens the enemy and that's so good plus these things both buffing it another run maybe sweet prince king cleaver another run um darts cause zero one use pass um flower zero consumable coming um it's only a one time thing though twelve pace eight week pass ooh token energy we do like that do you have room for it we do have gear with the cauldron later skater doink we get more attacks and uh poison potion i mean we can see this whatever give me some money right now might as easy come by um if we get a curse we need to we need a spot to put the curse so get ready for the gold and move this over here and the curse can get put there perfect always i always leave room for the curse wait don't is there is there like a spot back here no i guess i thought there's like a somewhere back there i could use like a key or whatever because not little being small rat wolf okay now we got four energy prepare to get like just bodied 10 damage there we go just get shreked and wrecked and annihilated we are a swole boy swole boy doing soul boy things get wrecked easy claps level up nice let's get these uh three slots um there's fine right i guess you win good items let's keep you for here perhaps do i want this i feel like my arm is already adequate what are you do drink get the manic out of here a crossbow pass around doing a bow build tower shield adds five armor armor to left this get plus the armor to itself so [Music] you give me i think you're think you're actually gonna be better than this you only give me five armor but this gives me like plus two free every turn right because right now we're getting uh four uh eight now it's uh ten so two free each turn it's nice it'll only give us five when we use it but it's supposed to it's hey but we have to use every turn overall i think it's a good deal what are you all about um zero consumable four uses ads on energy when i use ads uh i don't feel like bloating myself with stuff that you know i mean like i guess for now unless i want you each turn adds three armor adjacent uh helmets oh don't like trade you who's better three uh two um but you give uh so three for yourself and you give one to the helmet is for total armor from you you give two to yourself and you give two to this is four total also i just realized somebody's been screaming cg the bronze plus bite breastplate you know better it buffs the weapon we should rearrange this then you guys go over like this like this and now you're doing 11 damage there we go so i had like that the whole time and wait a second adjacent and diagonal armor gets plus one armor so adjacent and diagonal so if you yeah you're buffing this no yeah that's good you can chill and in case you need a cool drink you can vibe over here right and oh emerald bracelet we keep that in case we got to destroy a curse and go there just keep it here like so and we're looking great there we go bowser all right either i'm too good this game was too easy first run i mean we did die in the last round so maybe it's not um let's just oh i can do eleven twenty two three i can take one of you guys out let's go ahead and body one of you guys right and weaken you up for the next one's attack i guess we'll see [Music] let me just clap your cheeks this turn there we go oh we are just we're a wrecking machine we are a one a one mouse wrecking crew or a mouse i really pay much attention to that have i am killing my own kind my cousins mana pass no mana build spiked club hurts yourself pass damage knife it breaks pass um we don't create samantha we don't need mana what are you all about you are three slots what do you do it's a mana you take mana and energy it does 11 damage but man isn't that easy to come bypass slimes all right ready to get your cheeks clapped there welcome to the clapping there we go let's heal it up anyways there we go oh man we are we are just racking shop just wrecking these nerds don't need to click them and automatically click someone when somebody dies there we go get bodied ah we're so good i'm so good at games don't need you um [Music] adds 10 hit points i mean i feel like that's probably better than the uh energy in case you get hurt maybe uh empty cup deals six damage all anti-cops deal damage okay it costs zero oh that's so easy it's not bad um energy there i think these turn into empty cups right uh adds one energy so get one energy deal damage this heals yourself uh i think we're fine i need to keep the rest of stuff i think i need to leave room for uh when you gotta leave room though um rip the energy you gotta leave room this has to stay open for you from the curse has come maybe four uses adds one energy yeah i think it's probably better right um here we go now they need it frogs sit by pool of man of the lounge lazy beneath toe stools we dip a paw into the pool of mana plus when max hit points i don't care about the mana let's get some uh whatever i'll take it's one hit points who cares you taste mana pool it's an odd sensation the frog's glare chooses runoff okay they didn't like that they'll take the hit points or whatever could save your life who knows next floor um click me i'm already getting fast with the game on my second run still kind of slow because you're still learning right the part three three more how long like if you beat crypt part three do you win or is there another part after that uh emmy's here fair king let's do it let's see if there's more afterwards right all right fair king i feel like with the power of this weak club you're gonna be like just like easy clap easy clap pretty sure to be honest right this week club is just kind of like make this run easy sauce so i'm over here overthink things oh you're gonna summon enemy too bad you're dead easy easy collapse get wrecked three spaces yes please one two and i think three see uh more items we want here oh add seven armor as opposed to your five armor takes up four slots that was a problem uh on use adjacent weapons get plus one damages combat i mean that's nice but i don't like inventory space at a premium you taking four compared to those two is just like a no dice kind of scenario really plus you don't buff that thing this to the side like this one does and uh i'd have to like shield up a bunch just to buff him by one damage a wet stone boston by plus three no one takes one slot one sword no thank you debuff potion i mean if you have room for whatever um quiver legendary each combat adjacent arrows get plus to add to stack that's so good which is good plus if i was a bow guy right now they'd be sick or not brutal spear deal seven damage on use this item gets plus and damage this turn that's good but is it good enough to get rid of the weakness no the weakness is like amazing for reducing my need to armor up man of gone uh i think he's passing all this stuff to be honest later keep it going just the valuables we got click me we're not going for the bow stuff footwear we could do actually um yeah uh we put i don't really think i need this disposable thing here move you up a slot that'll be the supposed slot what you hear that gives us a four more innate armor that's one raged itself [Music] i have to use two mana to make a happen pass um you uh destroyable i mean we have room for it i guess which i'd rather have this i want to see what haste does let's just use it um if we don't lose a run for it right next area here we go slow and dramatic this time here we go we ride deep caves part one three oh this game's long i thought huh shouldn't be playing this way tonight's it's 10 p.m i need to go to bed i'm tired okay save it no i adjust the volume it's too loud every ride i'm getting tired badger mushroom mushroom mushroom all right so i want to see if this does that's 12 haste that's eight week let's use it alright so haste we'll add 12 armor wind blocking so if i use a block we'll give me eight more it does okay so haste is not what you think it would haste you think about to attack haste has to do with defense that's counterintuitive so it basically just it makes your shield items much more effective by 12 okay weak will reduce eight damage when attacking the weapon so the flower is all about defense as opposed to attacking so it's not actually yeah that's boo to that very well whatever at least i can weaken your attacks too all right i think we'll be fine though wait is this is that stacking with what these things do so we got 51 over i think it's stacking what those guys do get weakened so the flower makes us a wimpy wimpy boy which could be bad if you if you have like a really weak attack it's kind of bad but luckily we have enough attack to slowly get him down can make for a really long fight i suppose i feel like if i use that flower in the wrong fight i would have lost or if i had like if i had like a weaker weapon i could easily like lost the game right there so eight week is reduces your weapons attack down to eight which is kind of a problem it's kind of cool to see ourselves stack up so much of weakness in this guy though they don't have the spike helmet either it's not like they could slowly damage themselves either good thing we uh had a little bit of strength on our weapon there huh now some weak little aoe thing there we go um uh finally hit points i think one's i mean if we get cursed get some more rail where the curse out last time was getting cursed like crazy to have we needed i think one will be fine get out get out of here um add spikes to herself just in case don't need the mana and only they are you don't need it don't need it it's this a healer i'm full health don't need it blue slimes let's go all right boys uh here's the cursed ones we'll add poisonous weapons curse poison chris maybe curse curse of spikes so they're gonna do bad stuff can i like take you out here before you do it i mean we could just do this right no that's i could just add 10 hit points and hurt you you know what let's just go ahead i'll wait that's for slow that's four week i should get rid of that um whatever it's quite encouraging put this thing to use right you've been cursed poison weapons curse adjacent and diagonal weapons get plus one poison itself this comment ends this item gets plus destroyed itself or i can do this and uh be like yeah yeet get out here and uh boss them up beautiful get wrecked finally get some value of that um mace same size deals 10 damage adds one slow and when we finally upgrade to our weapon but it costs two energy slow slow to slow like affects their armor but not that much to just by costing extra energy 10 damage versus seven so 10 12 13. it's only two extra damage but take some extra energy it's not worth the extra energy cost thought i would say if i didn't have the week on this maybe but the slow is not worth it for an extra energy you're basically spending one extra energy doubling the cost to use it for two more damage in one slow not worth cool drink brass bow this uh guppy um i'd rather have you than that i think and i guess we could have this one we're not we're doing a no mana run here um i don't need to heal badger let's ride we ride [Music] shouldn't be too tough here just slap you down this guy to be honest honestly that club is just kind of carrying us through the whole run what a great weapon to get so early huh i have spikes oh because i have like the rose thing huh i think that's not that big of a deal at this point um soldiers buckler pass rough buckler pass lucky blade ooh eight damage what kills emmy adds great luck it's kind of big though it doesn't have the weakness the weakness thing is key to our strategy here star potion tempting but i don't want to play the rng a lot of we're having such a good run right [Music] who's this guy mole experience defensive abilities and stench um let's just go ahead and well before you armor up now just just get you out here real quick right perfect amount of damage and you're done we're just so strong we're just so strong oh yeah let's weaken you up there no big deal starting some tougher enemies here keep it going not a problem clappy clap clapping those cheeks easy we're so good um pass on you quiver no herb no my first one no brokering no no i'm just going to pass all this and unknown events let's do it magical fountain heel 20 hit points uh let's get up our max hit points seems great burns your lips you feel great strength inside you fantastic and we ride into the next floor those healers wasted didn't need them here we go i regret doing two runs in a row the game's longer than i thought um i need to still need to edit tonight rip sleep show map um over here let's attack this axe man what are you all about um weapon is using this enemy this adds spikes to itself that sucks for me i think it's so hard anyway so having weak aoe weapons are bad against axe men huh all right how's this work i hit you you get spikes the question is do my armor block your spikes yes they do thank goodness [Music] i may need to shield here actually you are changing the meta with your spikes my friend did you damage yourself 13 am i confused here or something i don't know i think you're kind of done though actually i use a shield that's crazy um seven armor warm bracelet unused jason curtis gets destroyed for each adjacent curse item gets plus five healing it's a good way to heal ourselves we know if i use you so i give myself options if i like move this and put you here i get a curse here i can choose between removing the curse um for free and getting some energy for it or remove the curse and get some healing give yourself options i think it's not a bad idea um smelt i definitely want to keep you over there this one we can like this is something i can replace if something else catches my eye more like one energy or um adds more energy i think this is better this just gives us one energy this um gives us one energy and replaces the cup that does six damage [Music] seems good don't need to heal so we're just clapping cheeks do i i think i have a key [Music] right and hang onto a key for like a while uh yeah door we got okay we gotta like mainly go into into it do something good we got oh if only i kept the king cleaver unfortunate sorry cleaver another one perhaps other bracelet another form bracelets liquid armor on use this item gets destroyed i mean i guess not the best uh chest waste of key i feel waste of a key i feel for haven't fought four yet hmm all right let me just go ahead and take one of you guys out real quick right start clapping those cheeks just enough damage we might open that thing's damaged sometime soon right right who's next 8 16 damage if i weaken you with a hits or i could just hey what's this old log creates herb in a space as in this rail pass i might just um i could one damage rather than take the damage i could just like weaken you i hit you with this what we can do the armor yes and then i'll block all that and then i can like kind of work on taking you out there we go just trying to avoid shielding if i don't need to right all right and go ahead and get this guy out of here right and then start working on you fellows and there we go a little bit extra energy from this thing there huge valley takes four spots but it's it's quite good get you out of here keep clicking to attack maybe use that to attack there we go oh i just i just i just keep never looking up there i got this habit like because it's not there every single time i just get in the habit of not looking up there probably missed like so many good items keep going more on the left huh all right well um let's keep it simple do this huh the items no no no i mean just let me have it adds ten hit points adjacent and diagonal consumables get plus five healing okay who else heals around here you heal there we go obviously keep it in there to buff the other heels right the damage thing wait wait adds five points oh it'll buff things don't even do healing neat we can make so the disgusting food doesn't actually take away our health cool um i thought you need these items very much to be honest i find i seldom need the items you guys are who i lost to the last time you're gonna do nothing special is going to get you out of here i lost them last time i was trying something dumb and i paid the price well what's that 10 damage a shame that meant nothing to me we're clapping those cheeks no worries there we go easy no uh no room just need the slot open for curses uh lucky blade pass um warm drink probably better than uh disgusting food right and uh sure i'm not that worried about these uh consumables you guys again you weren't hard last time what makes you think it'll be hard this time you thought you were tough last time not there we go just burn through their sweet sweet hips like they're nothing nothing at all which this game had like a save feature or something but it's a browser game so if i i can't just like save and stop the recording come back tomorrow brutal spear nope not better we've got uh shiv uh more thorns might be nice uh get you out of here put in some more thorns i guess sure um might help chest the valuables we got um mana no we already got a emerald bracelets um tunic yeah i think is inferior to the bronze press plate plate armor um slowing yourself i'm gonna pass that on that too i think we're good these uh chests aren't all they're cracked up to be sometimes we ride like me i will part three of three pushes how long are these runs in this game a lot to it for a little free browser game huh uh there's oh my god there's just how long is this game it wasn't planning to play this game for like hours oh you a lot of health 120 blademaster you'll get 40 experience each combat an item is present this emmy adds five regen to itself well there's always gonna be items present because everything i have is an item right each comment if an item is present and spikes to itself so it always has region spikes okay you see me decent fellow i hate to kill you sounds like you seem you wait you seem a decent fellow i hate to die haha i knew the quote that's from princess bride classic movie show two kids if you got any or if you're you know family whatever it's like i say show to kids because it's a family friendly movie and i was a i was a child when my parents showed it to me that's why i say that um it's but even if you don't have kids it's still just fun it's a fun watch it's no movie but holds up at least i think it does i mean maybe just like childhood nostalgia but i enjoyed watching as a kid i think my parents i think it was shown to my parents by their parents maybe oh i'm not sure uh focus suji we want to i think just 20 damage a lot i think we need to shield up here if i attack you i'm gonna might need to shut up more than shield up more than once here i don't want to take damage and turn the man's gonna get a lot of spikes by the looks of things he's not attacking as hard this time a little clap and uh 14 12. and i need to armor wait i'll have the energy to reorganize rip um cold cleaver adjacent anti no threes get plus one damage oh man there's definitely some meta for like doing flavors hit you again you're intact for 10 and i've got 12 uh your spikes you only have one spikes your spikes aren't stacked you know they got its specs to spack stacks spikes so yeah we're fine here i fought an enemy in the last runway every time i hit him his spikes got increased 16 damage but i keep weakening you what's this poison no clapping remember got items if need be you need the armor here just in case there we go we end up this weapon is just like busted peanut i love it um pick up no thank you i think that's about it for you nice get clapped um making boss is easy machete no seasoning be fine you didn't use this stuff like i'm just doing so well i need to i'm needing this stuff a little chest there more stuff i don't need what's this rogue's mask legendary helmet each turn adds one haste to self what did haste do haste makes it so you get more armor per turn off of your arms armor things so i think it counts for these two so i would get extra like one two armor per turn it's okay i don't think it's hmm actually i could do i could almost do like a double helmet thing here uh when a space is above this so it needs to be the top so i can actually like i could move you out move you down move you in yeah you'll get a minus one um armor to you numb but the thread counteracts that the bronze plate gives you plus two bronze plates hitting diagonally yep and uh wait one of spaces wait what does it say when a space is above this this i guess my friend hey it's okay comes right soon so we're actually getting more armor now by having it there um and even with that debuff say we were i said we weren't going to do two helmets but like we got to mess around that haste stuff right um do i want energy or that's yeah it's better to have options if you need that energy no no not that i might need that energy pretty seems like a really well programmed game this definitely like this game is definitely gonna like go on sale for on steam or something like that right i wish i was getting cursed more so i actually get more value out of these right wasting three slots for them i'm barely getting cursed what's the point you know there we go slow dramatic walk through the next little room here and onward we go next area look at that one pretty quick huh magma core okay and uh pretty cool are we going deeper into the i just like going deeper to the earth is the meta is that it's what it is hello oh boy we've actually reached some like real competitors on the challenge begins uh 43 damage holy crap and they're shielding that's rage to itself we've got um haste with add1 armor when blocking spikes two damage of attacked oh boy they're attacking us really hard these are the guys to take us down huh why are you so strong i guess this this area is the run ender what do we do here use an item um yeah uh unused time gets destroyed we need that armor though let me use you all right so you seem to be the weaker of the two as far as stats so 43 damage i've got 43 shields so we can start attacking that seems good i think we have that item huh yes you guys are something else i guess it's really hiding items is kind of like key right you guys are no joke down here huh oh boy uh i don't want that 26. oh boy we need to kill you and shield hmm attack three times is 30 if i attack four times you die and that stops 13 damage then i'll take five which i can theoretically just heal up with items i've just been throwing away um or i could shield up once take no damage let's kill you next turn right maybe wait no no no i'm stupid because now i got block 13. oh boy am i screwed that up huh um now i have to block 41 uh seven armor oh the haste gives more so i need to block let's mess this up uh that'll block uh all of it haste is actually kind of helping out a lot a little bit here huh and uh keep it going let miss play this but it might be okay they are spiking themselves a little bit my spikes are stacking what's a rage do we'll add six damage when attacking with a weapon ooh yikes 19. looks like this monthly attack with varies get you out of here oh man good thing we were kind of like min maxing on the way because the difficulty spike was quite a lot here [Music] i need to deal with you 29 damage 29 shield that's perfect and i can like weaken you faster than you would rage that's good here we go man if this one club all the way i'm carrying us okay we're flying here the haste is like the haste value is like sick if you didn't have that haste might be in trouble here we go level up oh nice this this this okay all right i guess you only get five commons up five columns up and down get items yeah i guess it makes sense boards are kind of getting there mana i'm almost tempted to get double down on some armor actually based on what's happening here or making another token of energy that's actually kind of huge that's actually kind of huge for us um do these guys even curse down here do i even need this um deals 30 damage that could like save our lives here it's cost zero i feel like two thorns per turn is nice but honestly i feel like like when they have 75 hit points them hating me and damage themselves for one two three five like it adds up i guess um do i really need that's what energy i've got plenty of energy let's just do this instead and call it good okay i just got games got real selling goods what you got for me what you got give me something amazing um that's eight haste to self it's not bad actually um crossbow wooden sword are you selling a wooden sword down here warrior spellbook one creates mana unused adjacent and diagonal weapons get plus one damages combat hmm [Music] giving extra like i'd rather just have a wet stone than that to be honest disgusting food pass um brutal spear no no it's like the best weapon in the game right here the weakness so good oh this might actually be a lifesaver i might just like having two of these is not helping us out i feel the energy is more useful than the plus five healing so it's geared to you and uh let's get a liquid armor up in here there we go because like was the last time we got cursed right why double down two does it happen very often huh let me see your snake this knowing the game will be better like oh i want you to the third area there's no more curses or things whatever oh my god poison oh no you bypass everything oh poison sucks all right that's a problem that's a problem i guess that's where having some healing items is useful ain't having like high damage to kill him quick this would be good too oh actually that's nice um shield does nothing it's silly poison wait it does no no no i bypa it bypassed it okay all right let's uh do we want this brutal spirit no i want you your poison spot out of here i guess you've shielded first time some poisoning all right so we can find a healer or something pass spikes attempting um double poison potion no i remember the spikes i don't think i need the spikes lucky ring chainmail three armor um no i think you're fine do i want another rose of thorns what i'd remove for it an item i feel at this point we need a few items i think enough rows of thorns keep going i don't know events um misters fog clears do you take them yeah keep it interesting i'll wait until comment begins that's fine keep it fresh oh boy what are you guys all about oh they got poison though that's bad curse oh i got a thing um slow um 25 damage if i attack five dimes that'll take it down to eight plus twelve is twenty wait five times eleven fifty five i actually just kill one guys throughout the bat i can kill the curse guy but i have to think the curse lad weakness curse slow but i have the ability to remove it and stopping 13 damage one poison is probably a better choice we're gonna armor up you're dead and uh we get a curse we can remove it with our thing oh it takes up two slots it sucks each turn adds one slot itself adds 10 rachel enemies i used to get destroyed i didn't realize their curse got bigger oh i can't move this book we got that though we lose one energy but note itself curses get bigger than one slot go to now all right poison's not great for us per se um it has to be adjacent to it crap i could reorganize or just focus on killing these guys um they're gonna fill my inventory with curses too quickly i can't stop him from cursing me i could reorganize and then remove take all four energy and hit me with again i'm just focusing on killing these guys let's uh deal i can just make sure you all right we'll hit the guy up front whatever make sure he dies no poison at least hit you a little bit and i'll freeze some inventory space later right didn't know they could get to this big that's a game changer all right poison damage not great for us here per se got to heal up at some point all right good items these things are supposed to unuse i have to use wait i can use it to destroy it i don't use to use this thing for it i guess i could have just got rid of this rip all i have to do is use it to get rid of it oh no that's ten region dynamics now i got like bloated space here pass um for regen i actually do want this right now i see um i think we need well this one's already messed up in space for now so let's just mess up entirely you can't move a curse crap but i can't move this near the curse um we could use energy to help on the next battle compensate for the lack of energy from these guys don't need the mana um reach into ourselves we just i'm gonna use an x-ray to heal sure [Music] fire geckos a single snake snake's poison but we hit myself for the generation we're gonna beat him so fast let's use the regeneration here all right i'm gonna say poison too we are going to oh that's 10 rage rage is like we don't do this at the end of the battle i think let's give ourselves a little regeneration there i'll destroy this near the end of the battle um and we use that later maybe and now let's try to knock it cursed again enough energy quick fix for that huh why am i so why is he doing a little damage oh because i'm weakened to could actually hit to take them out anything like anything that helped me with that hmm more energy reduce these curses right and hit you next i guess here poison i got regeneration oh they're actually going to get past my um shield 24 damage 17 i have something here armor a bit wasteful but it needs to be done trying to avoid getting bust up here huh all right now we're both going to curse me rage gives them more damage i don't want to destroy this until like the end of the battle let's uh bob you don't have room for all this stuff um hmm i might just have to use this to use the cup to finish them off costs zero i won't have enough damage i need to like i have no items to finish you off this turn i'm not going to like throw some i'm going to throw an item away for this curse i use this it costs energy [Music] i can put wait i can just use this unfortunately it's going to give you a rage but you're not attacking this turn and then put those curses there right i guess it's not great but they're both cursing me so we got to like put them both here you guys are nasty oh you guys are nasty you have like all the space for these guys oh my god rage we gave them it's not great um well first of all we can just uh hmm we can just take you out right so weak and though is the problem you guys are nasty um i'll need to rage you more man we're gonna take some damage here's all it's gonna be you guys are you guys are gross these things how much my weekend oh my god they're waking me so much i'm gonna lose we have spikes that helps i don't want to give them rage anymore but i have to use this otherwise i throw away an item these things are weakening me so i just gotta get rid of them they're gonna wake me up so much i can actually damage them um this is really bad they're gonna be so strong with the rage right oh wait no the rage wait oh the oh the rage doesn't stack so we're not giving them more than we're not stacking the rage like it's just they're just chills that's flying here though the weak there's more of a problem the rage the rage doesn't stack i thought the rage is attacked they'll be like 50 60 damage they're not okay so we just giving them more rages flying i need to like stop getting weakened into oblivion down to zero damage we'll have to let spikes do the job then i guess um i can actually like reorganize in that case i can move you closer to it and um wait i still did one damage why i thought it said zero whatever all right so we're gonna block all that what's that plus 30 that just happened there oh he's got 30 regeneration that's disgusting are you kidding me 30 regeneration all right let's get rid of this oh i'm adding regen to them not rage oh well that's a problem i'm editing regents i'm not rage uh-oh issues have been discovered how much will speak guys somebody with 40 regeneration are we just screwed by scratch oh if i'm weak and too much i can just scratch them but they're regenerating 40 energy 40 health what what can i do i didn't realize i was i'm doing the regeneration how do i what do you do get somebody who rejects 40 health return [Music] did we just lose the run because i was not paying attention all right well i we really lost the rungs i wasn't paying attention to this and also because it's like two squares and i attack the wrong people i think it was dead here first i can reorganize this to give me more energy right around it like this unless unless i can like wait oh i can stack thorns i can stall and stack thorns until i have 52 thorns the the roses of thorns are gonna win me this actually um just shield i guess whatever wait slow minus two wait can i reduce my slow generation weak slow release two armor when blocking i don't know i have too slow on me why did i take 12 damage because he's stacking poison on us god i'm gonna lose the poison i guess we can heal i'm gonna die to poison before i kill him with thorns that's an issue curses again wait a second i can reorganize to get a poison motion yes that's huge reorganize yoink fish reorganize we don't want to give him more regeneration else eat the weakness for now and uh hit him with some poison that'll that'll add up i don't want to get actually at this point we might as well give the regeneration right rather than weaken ourselves i guess i don't know scratch scratch and so once we get to enough spikes you might as well give them a maxillary time right whatever rather than weaken ourselves for when the time comes i need i can do five times scratches i can do 15 damage because it doesn't weaken the scratch so i can guarantee 15 damage so if i get into like 30 i need 37 spikes i need to last until i have 37 spikes let me just win this um why do you have 38 damage he's got four poison i don't know 33 83 spikes or more items why do you have 20 rage now it's like a time based thing oh wait if i hit him the club weakens him what am i doing the club weakens him i should be weakening him the 10 poison though it's gonna be just devastating i'm weakening him though zero damage um that's ten hit points i need like the poison's gonna kill us though is the problem these things are so brutal poison and attack and rage this last area is tough we're gonna die of poison before we win though without a poison next turn right [Music] third wait he's at 30 health he's at 30 health but he's going to i can't deal 30 damage right now um i should have been hitting more clubs that brought the poisons what's getting gonna get us i need to heal up uh see 15 health to live i don't have that wait wait unused it gets destroyed aren't you supposed to give um adjacent and diagonal consumables plus five healing is this this feels like a consumable didn't heal unfortunately i have no other consumables i regret throwing away all my consumables now i can heal myself i think we're dead to poison i don't need to wake him up right now oh man i only hope is that he like i don't i think we're just dead to poison oh man this sucks this is the god run we had the club but with the weakness we're dead to poison this bites yeah i've been cursed i know i should have not got so much regeneration huh and poison kills us right now ah man we're dead all right smash that like button if you like backpack hero and you will see more of it on this channel let's go
Channel: CG Plays
Views: 5,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cg plays
Id: 7pxCmgQPP4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 11sec (4031 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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