Fumbling Through Exanima | Physics Dungeon Crawler

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damn why didn't i think of that before all right well let's go back to skinny skinny guy uh uh let's see uh repost uh let's take the parry one we'll take you know we'll take a change of shirt color this time we'll take blue we'll take the brown pants and unfortunately we don't have open-toed shoes so we can't show off those toes to our enemies to intimidate them alright so again we we end at the beginning as we fittingly should but there is some garbage in this main room that we could find all right let's uh let's head back here now did i see this before hmm for some reason why is my keyboard not working this is odd oh i was in combat mode i have no idea what's happening all right well very fine um let's add that back into our inventory so now we're here we are again back where we started i feel as though there are some secrets in the main room uh i'm just gonna go walk on some stuff there is something that you can make into a shield though in this main room i have to remember what it was wasn't over here let's run i think we have to run at something it's like the basket top to an urn p hit p oh that's very nice they must have added this in ah okay hang on we're stuck in a literally stuck in a box right now okay uh okay just push my body against that or was it the wagon wheel this i believe that we can yep we can was it equip that can't equip it but there are weird things that you can equip though was it the stool perhaps was it this box oh this thing yep i can use that all right so now we have an actual weapon we're gonna play it right this time we're gonna fight the there is literally a cave troll at the end of this game now was it here i mean oh this was it this was it yes i'm gonna put that into my inventory because that is effectively a shield now someone tells me that there's ladder armor is this true the truth or is this a lie i get the stick yes now i'm good but i need to use alt to stab all right so let's head back over once we begin now we can use our powers i can read minds i'm like raven from that so raven what's a raven who knows it is all right uh let's head back over to this room now ideally we want to gather up more stuff turn our enemies against each other and make our way for the through this dungeon for some reason i think i have made it through one level of this before but it's an extremely hard game now there's also a bucket helmet i believe yep oh no it's not a helmet oh i was wrong my god look at the size of the shadow it casts hey fried beef oh jesus hey thank you for the sub my friend yeah the bucket am i doing it wrong yeah i don't think i'm getting the bucket helmet but there is totally a bucket helmet in the game though yeah he can't get it in there he can't get it in his beautiful head all right well sad day can drop them on my head in the world so if i actually bring it over to my head i could do all right well then let's go back to the bucket hat so i could do that oh that's what it is well this is going to be a much better defense than what i had before because i don't need to see with my eyes because i have my own eyes which are seeing from above that's right from above yep just don't trip over any of those logs no still not see seeing anything in here all right well i could bring my first victim in here pretty sure though that you can knock down all of these logs or something there are all of these environmental traps can we bring this into our inventory too yep might be a better weapon we'll keep it with us we'll keep two of them with us for god's sake why not but it actually does get extremely dark if i uh i don't mean like figuratively dark i mean the game yes it is a dark game because there's fighting people for oh god p what are you thinking man what are you thinking i'm guessing that this guy is bad talk to my friends thank you for this up my friend am i i don't feel like i'm doing this right this didn't used to be in the game all right just you have a nice day have a great day have a great day i'm going to go in your room all right let's uh hang on uh we've got a chest wow amazing that guy is doing something out there am i locked in here no i'm not locked in here i'm totally fine totally fine did he have anything worth taking though let's find out with this guy oh by the way that he walks oh i could press one hi all right pressing one isn't actually doing anything unfortunately he's following me oh what a nice gentleman oh jesus hang on i'm gonna go in here you stay there and never come back all right now not all npcs are hospital oc and then one oh so that activates my power now this was never in the game back when i played it all right let's go back to that man i want to know what he was thinking though damn it walk man all right let's just use the right man okay this is a better way to walk him around all right i'm gonna find you man ah this is a much better way to walk i've decided all right hey hey whoa whoa hey hey all right c and one okay these guys are thinking blue don't know what that means but blue seems like a oh i'm just i just fell down all right okay don't really know why i guess i just collapsed under the weight of the bucket on my head that's fine that's completely fine absolutely now what are these uh potions here i assume i could use some of these to maybe increase the old health yeah let's just grab all of them that looks great would love to have some of that too hey that looks non-edible all right oh they're empty well could i at least you well you know i'm bringing them with me anyway let's get some plates too here just because i don't see why not maybe that box all right examine time i swear to god there's like 12 secrets i must have passed up in here i know there's a lot to this let's just keep going keep going yeah keep reading minds keep reading minds all right i'm getting a brain blast uh give me a second oh god why did i just press all the buttons okay good they're thinking blue too yeah i'm thinking blue as well all right you have stay there now all of these guys have slightly better weapons than me i have a literal stick so i'm not too thrilled about that i would like to kill one of them but i think then oh sorry but i'm coming in here yeah deal with it all right uh hannah moving out okay and me thinks i might not really need this torch anymore but i think i'm probably going to be better off with a shield in that hand simply because uh people will attack you for no reason i don't really know why all right let's just keep on moving generally forward is the way double click on items for more info oh i did not know that oh hey what a useful tip and a system in whatever way you uh there's potential for you and you recover any information is gathered and bring it back okay so i'm on some kind of secret agent mission bottle bottle of longer evaporating okay and a metal bar ah so we have impact balance and crush so oh god no white oh [ __ ] okay this guy hang on a second let me read his mind oh he is thinking red okay hang on a second i seem to be preoccupied oh you know i was using the alternate control system that is a shame okay hang on a second on the one hand this man is a literal zombie but he is carrying a block of wood ah jesus okay i stabbed him that seems like it should stop his aggression come on man ah jesus come on ah damn it take that uh [ __ ] all right maybe i could slash it no seems like it would be much more effective in stabbing maneuvers yeah good take that won my first battle all right victory screech all right uh hang on a second can i read his mind is he actually dead damn it man i didn't come in this world trying to kill everyone well let's see if his uh giant ass block of wood does anything better than mine uh wood debris nope uh you know what i'm thinking like a metal pole would be a dammit that takes two hands though no i think that that shield assisted me very well for that fight all right tally ho let's carry on no i'm sticking with this hard to tell i'll say this one thing about xanama is it's it's easy to forget what areas you've already been in okay clearly not been in here i don't remember these dead people oh well look uh opportunity at more uh stuff uh all right excuse me feeling a sneeze coming on all right i mean feeling the end of a sneeze really um okay well there's a lot of whining there could have been a great big wine party let's just let them uh let their bac calm down not seeming to get anything here okay this uh all right i'm not gonna question it now how do we loot their dead bodies though like is there a way to go on to their bodies i don't mean like for uh oh double click the corp salute oh thank you okay hang on a second these are clearly better boots than mine right oh that's fantastic look already i have grown and these pants are so much greener and truer than my old ones this guy had nothing oh wow we have improved so much because in the end you can get some decent armor all right keep on going hey thank you key there's a key hidden in that room oh jesus now where is the key in this room i feel as though if i find the key i'm gonna get something really good or just really awful on the other side okay where is the key not saying that playable and learnable i just think it pretends to have a complicated combat system when really it's just a horrible cameras i mean that could be it or it could have a really good camera system and a really awful combat system i wonder if they made it like not thinking that it would be so difficult maybe it's in one of these drawers all right well we did find something i didn't expect to find anything here we literal a pen another bottle and some cloth trousers okay this is this could be for me and it seems as though there is like almost no limit to my inventory um oh under the table hey thank you but here that no matter what game someone says no matter how obscure there's always people in chat that have played it oh probably because we cover mostly obscure games on my channel i don't know i've just always been in more into that it's under the table wait a second oh i guess i have to oh there it is oh jesus hang on a second all right now we need to go up to the door and then pull out the key to put a giant nope that of it clearly that was not how i was supposed to can this begin door double click ah double click the key then the door ah thank you man there didn't used to be this much in the game well damn all right i'm in wowzers okay here comes the man into the room great and i can't see anything all right well then it's time to get the torch back into my head oh god oh why well at least i can get his beautiful shirt and those uh nice shoes now i wonder what else this man had on him what is what is this garbage the jar of the conscience is okay so a lot of this is turned to dust but let's see if there's anything that's decent here well double clicking is so helpful god i didn't realize that examiner had actually developed this whole ui that is quite nice uh oh more bottles with nothing and what is this a bottle with nothing oh but this is a worn gambeson and this is better worn layered cloth gambeson and i assume that's the best armor that we'll find so let us wear that wowzers amazing okay i'm just going to bring a lot of jars in my inventory because i apparently have no limit no one can stop me all right i think that's everything for this room god this guy was in horrible shape though to begin with before this room happened to him hey i think all of the other jars are just garbage though so quite unfortunate but let's get back on with her day died outside protecting his voice oh is there like a story to the bodies damn oh well very well well we did get better gear and we kind of needed it so i'm fine with that i take great comfort in this all right let's go back out and fight another man it seems as though our health is recharged oh look at this wowzers all right uh hey uh hang on a second okay you're thinking blue all right most of the people who have been thinking blue before have been all right i've got another guy thinking blue inside too are you now thinking i am fishing in wow and bored out of my mind while doing so thank god you're here oh oh god bless say thank you very much booty pricks appreciate the sub my friend now that guy was thinking yellow when i like slightly pissed him off i'm thinking kinda maybe sort of that we shouldn't have done that i don't know what this is the key to all right well nonetheless uh this looks better than what i had i'm gonna take all of that that was that might not be as good as my fine leather gambeson worn leather boots and these love the boots okay impact slash pierce crush okay these apparently have better for crush i'm gonna nonetheless bring all of this in here because perhaps i could sell some of this gear and i think i will take my gambeson back coverage slash ah aha okay everything has statistics and stuff that is very nice oh but a buckler here okay this is better than my old one so i will use that in my other hand okay we actually have a viable character now i'm quite surprised that we managed to get that this early on did these people barricade this room nah just go that way that might have been the key to this thing let's go find out maybe i could get into this mine set him on fire i could set people on fire oh [ __ ] jesus no that wasn't the key to that all right well different room thinking i'm gonna need some light though um let's go back to that last room maybe i could use that key over here oh jesus i didn't even realize that you could do that literally just fall flat on your face a sad life all right what are you thinking okay you're thinking blue i'm gonna just stay awake cause you people in this universe are all having anger management all right what is behind here nothing nothing example where literally everything is worth a try there's so many puzzles so many secrets now this is the door that just had tons of garbage behind it right so let's just see if we could push into the door oh god why would they do that yeah actual barricading does work in this game i kind of shudder to think uh wait a minute what is he thinking now he's thinking blue yellow all right no i didn't do i didn't mean to anger you but i guess if you see an npc whose gear you really want not that lady but somebody use gear you want you want to fight them they're always fighting people stronger than you it's kind of a neat mechanic in the game though i'm thinking that this door is blocked by something as well alright you're thinking blue yellow so you're progressively getting angry around me angrier god say words rob can i grab the bodies i know you do you like what you see okay all right this gentleman wants to fight uh hang on i was just here in the urban room but this guy's weapon is actually better than any of the other ones i've seen this guy this guy could f me up pretty badly okay you went oh god fortunately the enemies in the beginning are pretty weak okay that wasn't so bad not so bad at all uh what do you have a heavy gambeson okay this is more like it this he also had some beautiful gloves we're gonna just take those gloves this what is this quilted trousers far better than anything that i had before oh god we're already amazing i don't know i like this meat cleaver i might not want to do this two-handed weapon hey hassamat thank you for the sub my friend best to start looking at the mat yeah you know maybe i could uh maybe i could up my powers or something confusion yeah i'm liking that mindsets thing because that before i when i played this game i just had no idea what people uh what people were thinking why they were angry at me all right let's uh okay this is a well of nothing though could you like just do that you could just put those in there yeah that's where they belong hmm back out over here i feel like i'm going in a circle a little bit but i also like i didn't see that last room before open that you do actually have to manually open the doors what is in here i feel like i'm losing my sense of direction though like it's very it's very much of a lost feeling to play example is what i'm trying to say dungeon oh god would you hold me at the front of the exam dungeon booty bricks like leonardo dicaprio yeah yeah might like that might like that yeah you know i've decided i think i'm gonna just murder everyone in this dungeon because there doesn't seem to be much other uh point to uh me being here hey thank you booty bricks appreciate it all right uh hang on a second i'll have the first strike oh he saw it coming god damn it i didn't even hit him no don't get your friends oh jesus wait a minute is he no that guy's thinking red this guy's still thinking blue i didn't do it he might be trying to get some allies though all right well i recognize this point this is where we began okay i know where i am again we have some sort of pyre over here oh look there's some gloves didn't even realize that these were so i could have just used these since the beginning if i had wanted to but i don't think that these are as good these are fine leather slash pierce and these are worn leather okay so fine leather is better than worn leather so let's do that all right i stand uh i stand justified in that hey duke of doom thank you for the 100 bits third tier in the are yeah the reason why i like the arena and actually one of the reasons why i started doing this before in the arena is because it's it's kind of like content action but i've never really made it much through the uh story not that there really is a lot of story in example oh you can have a secondary weapon set too that is quite nice hey i didn't even know that this was a feature let's uh let's just have that be torch just so that we can you know swap out to that whenever we need and then we can very easily just do that if we get into a combat situation ah that's much better suddenly liking this game a lot more okay let's take this extremely rusty terrifying handsaw balance slash weight and this is my impact balance slash okay so this is uh i think that the meat cleaver that i got is uh is pretty decent at least for me and you know other weapons might be better statistically but i'm more comfortable with one hand with defense than the other with attack the t switched the sets ah that is very nice um not getting t to switch the sets might be something different but thank you nonetheless you're right uh oh you're the oh you're the [ __ ] i was fighting from before right uh hang on a second i find the auto parry to be somewhat jarring but some of these guys just like like this guy just dies in front of me pretty much look at look at that this guy jesus this guy is extremely inaccurate god that felt kind of bad but look now i'm bloodied on my face but i didn't realize how the uh health recovery goes i'm wondering if i could sell all of this in like the uh next room but right now we still have that key we still don't know what that went to and i think that that's going to unlock the next place i got to go find that place where that jailer was like passed out um dead actually not just passed out but um deceased yeah oh it's r to switch ah it is artist bush thank you nani i got ghost thank you very much for the 300 bits all right i'll stick with my torch exploration no i didn't really get a chance to examine back here get it examined because we're playing exam now i don't know why they call it exanema i mean anima or really animus or that's not even a very good way to pronounce it animus means soul or spirit in latin x means out of or from like uh excommunicate for example so i guess like out of the salt but it isn't isn't also adjective doesn't it mean like alive or something to anima sanima moom believe that's a thing i mean it sounds latin to me i don't see what else it would be italian or something ex-soul yeah like out of the soul like maybe it's some sort of uh it really seems like a purgatorial type of game to me if i'm being quite honest here all right so let's try to discern what this guy's position was it's bringing me back to like where in the world is carmen san diego and stuff like that what was this guy trying to guard he is in a room full of wine he had keys that door was barricaded it didn't work on this great maybe there's a room that holds the switch to the grade or something like that maybe they just spelled anime wrong oh no don't okay yeah that's fine don't no kill no kill hmm maybe it means examine exam nah all right i'm actually kind of stumped here does anybody know what to do how i'm supposed to advance in the game because i feel like smackdorfed a little bit right here i uh can i climb the ladder on the wall ah maybe i should do that i'll thank you because i do feel like i'll just be kind of roaming maybe uh the doors at the start open with that ah maybe i could go back to those two ones at the beginning put a shield next to my i could do that too i need to descend descend into that other part well let me go ahead into the to the ladder room oh go back to the spawn thank you okay so i'm gonna head back there now let's go back clearly this is an examema type of thing because you know it would have you going back and regressing and progressing in yada yada um but can you even climb to this one i'm just legitimately interested in okay so you can't at least as far as i can tell right here you can con but nonetheless let's run back i will do as you have asked me i will run back to the beginning i am a good person docile and obedient i'm not up to anything i'm not going to try to uh change it all oops tripped over a crate with my reflexes we'll need to be more methodical with my searching random monitoring is very ineffective because the layout is very repetitive and it's very easy to lose track of where you've been that is uh part of the lost feeling here okay but we go back to the original area now this is looking more like the original area to me oh perhaps this is the door of which you spake in fact it was okay so we have unlocked doors literally i will now use that door as my base camp how will i mark this door by putting something down maybe this would be a good way to keep track of where i'd been i will put this urn here so that i will put not only one urn but i will put a wall of jars there to remind myself that this was the special door excellent i knew there was a reason for collecting this jar collection and also these shoes okay so now we will never get lost again we will run into doors however now there's all of these naked people trying to sell me something i'm going to open the door on this woman and see if nope she's fine with that all right the people the people in this world make me laugh oh god yeah that girl's ah she's overcompensating for something with that axe now what oh god why hang on a second closing the door on you he's literally hitting a door this man needs a psychiatrist hang on a second i need a glass of water before i all right oh wow i can do that okay um i don't want anyone to see what's going to happen though all right uh what do you what do you have even no no no no you stay out of this you stay out of this judy nope that's that guy is literally a walking corpse i think that they can hurt each other though let's uh let's just allow that to happen i did they get mad at each other too no janet stay out of the fight [Music] which one am i engaged with fun this is no why i couldn't control myself now i'm having convulsions on the floor damn it yeah that was pretty ass positioning but i somehow woke up maybe i was resurrected i'm still trying to get up under the table it looks like they took my meat cleaver and i'm now just kind of doing something to the table all right that's fine though because actually oh god you're still there hang on a second let me get this other really why did you let me get back up why didn't you put me in prison or something a penny for your thoughts i got a second we managed to take out that other guy i thought we were friends damn it uh okay no no uh right i'm defeated again well let's see what happens this time we'll they'll probably take out that saw from my hand i went to go turn off my phone alarm and i died all right i am still alive is the good news the other good news is that that other guy is now down i've also seem to have lost my other weapon though unfortunately but now i have this big ass axe so that's great right and more importantly is that damn it that weapon is not it is on the floor however and that is what i wanted oh wait no it's not a weapon but it is in fact a candlestick so that is somewhat unfortunate all right let's go over to this chest because it has a a fork all right um i mean that's kind of neat you could wheel the fork in this game you know let's just wield a fork because i feel like that no one else would do that right waste a waste coat a worn curse that looks good could i put this in my hand no well that's fine a seal all right i'll take it i mean i could mark my territory with it that's literally the only reason i could see to use some of these items what is this like a scroll of parchment oh you could make your way through the game reading the time um fluff consent has arrived i must find a suitable case and begin work room so you could probably follow along with these scrolls personally i just enjoy the gameplay the smashing gameplay examine my other hand too i still have that torch i do still love the torch very well the boss that only does blunt damage and does not feel like we constantly knocked unconscious mind my weapons oh my weapons are on the ground i didn't even notice them wowzers hey thank you i did not see that let me go get my weapons again that guy's stuff just looks worse than mine okay so i have that shield there so where did i leave my other garbage this like a buckler no that's just a plate yeah i should be able to use a plate as a shield though this is xanama oh there it is fantastic hey thank you okay let's make that my main again that was a far better weapon can't seem to find my buckler though hey duke of doom thank you for the hundred bits an eey thank you for the sub my friend appreciate it me thinks shield here and i like the larger shield even if it's wood i have multiple of them so i could always just replace them but you do have an encumbrance that is neat am i familiar with extinction rebellion i'm not unfortunately is it a game like this press k to level i can level up my combat skills honestly i did not even know that that was a thing but that is good to know that is good to know abandon your attack to quickly parry so then there is a leveling system wowzers that's crazy um i guess this might be useful if i kind of like sidestep on combat could be couldn't be not though uh courier thank you for the sub my friend okay hang on we're gonna actually defeat this woman now oh for god's sake i hate her so much i got a second can we fight where it's more light out though i cannot see you here at least i want to see your face it feels sad to me that i'm best with the meat cleaver though but that would happen in a game like this all right so we'll let her get it hidden it's like the art of war sun tzu you know let the opponent strike first so that you could see what they do play with black in chess so that you could see your opponent's strategy no all right respond response attack response no that's not working don't you do don't you think of combat games like that that's like the little miniature dialogue that's going on in your head except for some reason i seem to be taking a lot of damage right now i thought i was blocking those that is sad all right well now at least i've been defeated three times i was doing so well too is there really any disadvantage of dying in this to drop the torch maybe it's because i'm so encumbered ah that makes me upset ah but there is the meat cleaver you're right so i do always drop those right where i was standing all right well i didn't like her anyway maybe i should get a longer weapon maybe i you know i'm gonna go ahead and try that axe that axe that axe and i'll always have it on me until until i need the torch for light okay now this is looking more ah this man must be a boss so let's read his mind he's blue surprisingly much so i will activate the levers and make them the opposite of what they were before did we just set him on fire no we did not okay okay that controls the fire what do these two control if i put them both up what does that do that puts a different man in here who's also blue i feel like that there's some greater philosophical meaning to this game and what is he gonna do he's there's literally enough great right there that i could walk through yep he oh okay i'm just coming through with my axe nope i'm not gonna push you because everyone in this world wants to kill me when i push them is the game with wonky but cool combat yes that is that is this game examiner this game is legendary what are these oh leather vam braces okay take those to the races uh let's see no nothing here all right just keep on going around oh hey look some actual weapons guys we've been searching oh my god we've been searching so long for some actual weapons uh yes that we like this one much better because we fought well with it in the tutorial which was uh alarmingly uninformative um oh now we do have too much hang on a second this is like the gap in my inventory there's just so much uh let's put down the stuff that we don't need because i assume that there is some sort of encumbrance system going on in here that i'm just not aware of all right let's put down all of this my god we folded these clothes so beautifully oh wow oh amazing oh amazing look oh wow the store employees will be so glad with us wow i don't know why i need three of them in my inventory i just feel the need to bring a lot of sharp objects with me who knows where i'm storing them don't even have a backpack bill hook so is that what it's called the bill hook i like this thing in the uh arena that we were doing so i'm gonna look at this guy jesus christ hang on a second you think i could get somebody to fight me and then just put them over the fire but there is a lot of environmental stuff like that and there's also like locking or knocking down of logs that's closed what else do we have though let's get back out the torch torch stays with you the whole game and the pod is near what the health pot oh is there something that gives you greater health my god though you might be able to die if you step the wrong way on like one of these beams ah all right hammer okay i'll give away one of my bill hooks for that uh or whatever that is some of these things i don't even need just in case if i decide if i make that decision that's my decision put this trash on the ground i don't need two shields that's fine okay equipment doesn't seem to wear out i might be wrong about that but i legit don't know it's kind of doing everything off of intuition here these better slash pierce ah these are about the same leave that on the grounds take that with me all right you know what just screw that sledgehammer uh you know what better all right we have options now hi all right enjoy the mines wow we've made it to a new area i've never actually made it to a new area in this game all right uh god keeping track of where you are is gonna be a whole other animal wow i am farther in the game than i have ever been this is amazing can i fall down apparently yes oh i fell into a pit wow i didn't even know that was available that was amazing i didn't even know that they were i think i'm actually dead i feel sad but like that was kind of good i wish that there had been more lead up i i can provide you with some lead up now because we can do a little bit of arena to actually make sense of that tragic death that was the farthest that was amazing i was like wow there's a new area and then just everything gone all right i mean that's examines story mode clearly it can be gamed in some ways now that we've had some more experience at the combat let's go back to the arena though are gonna play as jungus again uh don't ask about the name uh no really don't ask about the name since we had so much success with the meat cleaver we're gonna use it again why does he have actual boxers though uh unfortunately now i have an opportunity to show my toes to the world and i'm gonna wear this and this because everyone knows that fashion is the most important part of this game uh wow we could actually forget a technique okay well fantastic we can have like a shorter more gratifying uh life now now that i remember how to play exams sort of again yeah apparently so apparently you can just fall down a pit and die but uh what i'm kind of more looking forward to about this game and i've never actually gotten to in in the story but we might get a little bit of in the arena is uh some of the actual decent armor you can also fight a troll if i get the opportunity i will fight the troll because it is probably my at least that i've seen when i last played i was one of the neater things about this game and i wouldn't want you to go through it watching any eggs animal without seeing it otherwise i hope to have a lot of uh compelling fist fights with old ladies all right we get we're gonna have to rely on our what is difficult about okay i got some of her arm there no go in for those hits fortunately you know this is an even match-up god i may not i may not be good with this it's more like giving her a hug you know i'm thinking it's good i blocked it all right now i think that was my blood all right that was clearly hers that was also hers yes uh god only knows why i think i got some of her patagonia vest right there hang on a second i love it he has like a bar fight with a very angry customer yes yes now can i loot her oh wowzers this is amazing i didn't know that you could do this in the arena all right let's oh wow this is really going to change my life the fact that i can wear other people's stuff let's bring all their stuff into my inventory i did not know that you could do this in the arena all right uh ignore that let's go uh next fight patagonia would not support cage fighting i don't know about that hold up a second oh god why right in my trousers why did she get that weapon this lady's crazy she's gonna what did i do did i key her car or something why are we fighting like this hold up a second okay great that was this is the advantage of wielding it oh my god i live for this oh god why jared leto no oh so good yeah the hook is a far better weapon but that was unfortunate okay do i at least get to keep any of that stuff i did get to keep my meat cleaver so i'm gonna put that back into my hand um didn't win you know you win some you lose some can we uh can we get this what if i offer up my meat cleaver no i still can't do it what if i give them my shirt and my pants yes i actually can get this weapon i'm sure i'll get them back at some point it's fine sandals and bill hook it's a good deal uh did i not take the transaction where where did my weapon go i think i think i bought that wrong oh i can't use it oh damn it what am i like too weak with it all right sad variate the strikes uh manage inventory oh manage oh for manage inventory yes i got to choose which things to bring into combat thank you thank you i appreciate yeah i've got to do that over here right all right thank god thought i lost everything right let's manage him ah good yeah so he's one of our fighters we're gonna bring this into his inventory he's already got on some flip-flops i mean sandals they're all the same great job dang your boy may be 90 pounds soaking wet but he packing schmidt yeah i mean you know he's like uh he speaks softly but he carries a big stick literally uh in several ways i suppose you could my god where did the oh wait no it's pugilism yes i forgot about this which just means uh fist fighting so even though that i have a weapon i'm still just gonna be fist god damn it why are we fighting again now these are kind of like a battle of attrition in some ways too if you don't damn it i think i got that one yeah i got a good hit in yes that was a great hit but it wasn't really a closed fist unfortunately oh yes taking your clothes uh taking all of your clothes i is that a dress all right whatever it is uh great great exhibits do i somehow get these clothes nope quite sad alright well we got that i mean you know i have six dollars again now i can't even afford some shoes can i afford a shirt at least i can't afford a shirt so let's get my shirt back could have gone for the pants first but i think you know i don't want i don't want to get cold equip the weapon the individual loadouts for each ah so we could you know like if we get a lot of fighters supposedly we could manage our uh squadron better let's put this shirt on him great okay and it's actually a dress but you know at least with nothing but a t-shirt on you know he looks amazing is he is he actually wearing it for the next one okay it says that he is so that's fine with me uh think we're good all right jungus you get back in that arena fight somebody else go out there and be somebody all right let's make sure we get them in some uh actual like non-pugilism this time all right well we've got a a duel here all right i think uh this is inept let's do another oh wait a minute oh no i kind of want to show you this when we going all right we're going up on the three hour mark on the stream now and i kind of want to show you this so i know there's not as much lead up but i want to make sure that you see ah we can't see the beast you know if even if i don't get to it make sure that you google the beast in uh i don't know why is he not why do i have fists lily i did something wrong here oh i didn't equip it on his ah god damn it all right i'm just gonna try not to die here yeah i'm pretty good at dodging though so i think i might survive some of this one fists yeah this guy is ass and nothing man that wasn't even rope okay all right all right i'm gonna stop gloating my advantage is that i'm skinny i'd make a great wrestler i mean tall that's what is gonna help here all right uh oh no no no all right there we go i think i got something there yeah all right okay no how did i block that with my arm all right gonna have a bruise there oh god that was right in the might not be able to have kids anymore yes amazing oh somehow survived that all right well let's make sure that we have that equipped for god's sake the cr the hook is what mr krabs wanted spongebob oh jesus okay we've got to equip some of these other things on him how do we get him to do that uh hey master mary mouse thank you for the 100 bits um skills can we improve well we can almost improve that double clip the weapon to see the rank it's for oh very neat very neat oh aspirant okay so we need to be doing a battle against somebody who's an aspirant rank if we want to use this we did still get the gold but what is the rank of this can we find out hmm even realize there was a system like that in it old war hammer of average color so maybe you need to get different weapons of different like level qualities and stuff like that for uh various fights at least we did get our shirt in the last battle i stand justified in that let's make sure that we get some pants too so that we at least have that basic armor for our uh for all of our fights hey not bill murray thank you for thank you very much for the sub my friend appreciate it all right there we are sleeveless and tough i may not have a weapon but i do have pants on not out here for some reason though all right let's go against the aspirant and the fray is a good matchup if you're inept you can't use it as no rank and eps can use it ah win two challenge battles against the rank you want okay aspirin oh because i'm not at that rank i don't i see what you're saying now all right so uh i don't think we really even have enough money to afford anything anymore so we have to fight with our fists again it's unfortunate i sold that i should have waited longer but i think i'm good enough with my fists might be able to win this somehow it's more gratifying to win with your fists you know like the idea of starting from nothing i think that dodging is way better than parrying uh not dodging is worse than dodging i am still alive i am still alive i think you can actually lose your character though like there's a difference between being knocked out and dying though i'll see can i can i i could lit i can't afford anything i have driven myself into i think i'm gonna have to do pugilism for all of these novice okay well you know what if it's inept i'm just gonna have to do it because i'm gonna need to earn my money by fighting people with my fists i accept that reminds me of domina that looks good uh wait why does that bring back up uh is that the game about like gladiators yeah it's definitely uh definitely similar to that it's kind of like two games for one you have the story campaign and then you have the arena i believe i did do a whole campaign a while back where i did uh just the arena and it reminds me a lot of god damn it reminds me a lot of banner lord in that way damn it i mean i could sell this thing nah i think i'll just keep trying to get better now once you get a hang of it then it's uh i am not good at it what is it what is the warning message he keeps showing me i i don't i play games to get away from reading consuming so much information damn it oh god now this is just getting sad maybe i'll see if i can uh can i find something i used to be able to fight cave trolls well not be able to fight them but um die against them that was interesting challenger aspirant frey all right you're about to enter a manager oh it's the manager one well we don't have anyone else so that's the sad truth yeah i think you're right i think we are better off at this point just restarting the arena and we'll give it one more good go but i like the challenge the uh arena ones because you have a lot of different fighters and you can always play people off of each other to win you know kind of like in real banner lord all right just kill me oh my god that was kind of a low blow he hit me from the back give one more shot by not selling our meat cleaver um can i surprised i didn't actually die there let's get another one though one new career what will it hurt um i'm thinking same thing but morbidly obese and gandalf hair why is he shaking why is he shaking his arms not questioning it let's also give him a different hairstyle something like this next maybe not quite that fat because i think it will be an easier target you know what actually let's make him muscular what's the small height we'll leave him tall so that he has good reach i don't know if that makes a difference i doubt it i think it's just for show but very well it's fine take that pants flip-flops show them toes brown shirt good create these weak weapons are hard to heal that's why he's ah that's true so maybe it's easier to die in like later battles especially if you don't have armor still don't think we can really do anything from the beginning though maybe we could find ourselves a shield see what the uh store manager has uh i know these are gonna be way too expensive uh too expensive for us that one i yep can't afford either one all right sad but true okay this is where you can view and choose participating currently right so match from those drag the characters you want to okay that much we know participants both seek to react ah so that was why we couldn't do things before yes very well okay um inept duel would be okay because you can't get outnumbered horribly so let's do that again and again we've got to run with our manager now we can't do this oh god why do you have that weapon right it is i who has drawn the first blood my god oh [ __ ] okay that was good um this is kind of what i felt like exxanama can't be came to me after a while though oh my god she took off my jesus two hits it's hard it's hard my god this became like a rhythm of combat to me though and i i think i did about one video on it a while back because it felt like i had kind of run out of things to say getting ninja ads oh didn't he do something for like uh well then get uh what a get some takis didn't he do an ad for takis oh that was an amazing swing takis are actually pretty good you know if i were ninja and if i got the bag from takis i would have done it wasn't it taki's isn't there a twitch talkies ad oh it was yeah it was the taki zed yeah get some talkies everybody likes takis man now you make i'm gonna go get some takis damn it okay all right all right you win you won this one samwise gamgee no ah damn i could control my arms better i feel like some people could really play this game well i like it how it's just a double oh my god i really thought i had something going there did the meat cleaver on meat cleaver fight uh one more redemption one more redemption i've gotta i did actually die that time though but see like that's how that's why the arena is interesting is because you can you can be knocked out in fights or you can die so it does feel like that there's a lot at stake i forgot how difficult ex-animal was though and how rewarding it is when you actually get good at it it is a skill no i mean i'm not knocking at not knocking it uh let's see duel the only thing that you could really do you know you could block you could dodge i do find the camera motion really jarring though i will say that uh ah damn he's got the hook to start with this is a really bad first fight but you can do like an alt stab okay that was good yeah such better weapons such wow much sad let's give it one more yeah i'll take it till the end of this guy's death then i'll probably call it a day try the two-handed rod i'm not a big fan just because it's two-handed i just feel like i get more slice out of this you know maybe the key is to just move my camera behind me and okay there's my opening oh god [Music] i think it's it's all in this that why would you swing like that i think that was him damn it i question that yeah all right well sad oh wait no i have another one i have another i have another life the other thing is that if if you uh if you win or lose or really mainly if you lose you start to snowball because you can't really recover your health so every fight gets more and more bad oh god no stay in there man don't let this lady show you there we go god it's like american ninja warrior she didn't block that no [ __ ] okay oh that could have torn a ligament or something yeah it's like that doesn't really feel like a side side i don't know why he's stepping back ah dad that must have really hurt my knee jesus still not dead though i'm a man of my word i'll keep it to my death elimination doubles let's play doubles see if i could uh no can't do that all right i have literally one option why is everyone fighting because there are so this is what actually happens in nursing homes everybody's afraid to tell what really happens come on man all right it's it's very frustrating when you get in the first hit and then you die oh god it's like i hit him equally well alas still not dead though you know you could make a living failing in combat to people who don't oh look at this the pugilism that's why i must great see i already got in the first two hits we don't need weapons we could just do the man way hand to hand yeah hey jafster thank you for the sub my friend oh jesus no yeah see i died to only one punch he's one punch man he's one punch man can you die from pugilism well let's find out always go with two handers for the first weapon they get a skill that makes two handers better come on that looked like it that sounded like it really hurt this lady i'm fighting against like princess leia all right all right yeah why are you stepping around so much just make a decision commit who is watching this fight too it's literally taking it place in a dungeon for no one it's like something out of the matrix except everyone is completely uncoordinated the opposite of the matrix this is like if neo at the beginning of the matrix had been like yeah i'll take the blue pill this ethenics animal was what happened okay one one oh his uh jesus i had a really bad streak there purely for gains i'm fighting i wonder how your character's like overall health comes into play we've got nine if any other in-app weapons nothing here looks really much better you could just keep doing pugilism for a while i suppose they don't know kung food pugilism all right you know let's stick with pugilism a little bit longer i feel like that might get me somewhere here yeah i'm good at this okay come on that was two excruciating punches damn she took like half my health off yeah it's the camera it is the camera a little bit ah you didn't even block that yeah good i like that hey utmost toast hey thank you very much for the sub my friend oh jesus okay yeah and now we're playing with silver again hmm oh this looks wow that looks insane there's so many things that look crazy one of these days i gotta get in a tryhard stream of this once i okay okay i got back this meat cleaver okay here's where the real fight no don't just fall down on the rock oh my god this is ending exactly like the campaign he just literally took a knee he took an arrow to the knee on that rock phantom red thank you for the sub my friend okay great got him right at the back of the head that beautiful haircut ruined all right okay we are both ah okay all right oh man he got my wrist yeah i got his small intestines though he needs those more i just got him again that guy just let me nah very very good very good i see you have learned i see that you have learned but i am still the master oh no [Music] okay that didn't even draw any blood i think you just faked it oh there's a next fight in it oh jesus what do you even have what is the story behind this no i'm taking an arrow to the knee again i'm not even going that way i swear to god i'm not even pressing that direction all right that was just why would anyone let that happen all right uh hang on a second this apparently this game requires extreme it's like i said it's like bennett foddy getting over it but with gladiator combat i think you just gotta master each weapon's reach too like one would think that the meat cleaver could be effective at close range but it it seems to be farther than i had given it credit for oh if i hit somebody then their attack stops yeah okay that lady should be dead look that was two times i drew blood look how could anyone fight she looks like reservoir dogs i didn't even she didn't even draw any blood on me quentin tarantino's gonna come in here and blow up as he always does in his movies maybe this is just another one of his side projects yeah ah god well that's how the cookie crumbles and i'll stay here until my death though i'll stay here till my death pugilism elimination yeah let's go for it again yeah let's just go for it sometimes you can get the quick win yeah okay we've taken out like his entire abdominal or oblique muscle i'm sure it's just gone now all right you know i think meat cleaner cleaver versus hammer i think meat cleaver wins can i stab him with it let's try this try yes try stabbing the meat cleaver somehow okay that worked i'm not gonna question it i guess he hit him with like the cornered tip of it apparently that's my new attack bugalism only challenge like all the way up to a really high rank oh god well he had a hook yeah he just harvested me for christ's sake do we have money um now i lost my money all right keep it up though keep it up um yeah let's go for pugilism again we were good at that i feel like that when you're in pugilism you're just on such even ground i don't think i've lost the puke did i lose a penalism match maybe i did i win more of them though percentage-wise dude we're not hugging this is fight to the death come on this looks like somebody i really know i just saw him today actually ah jesus now what what even healed what is this message uh you don't have access to your powers here do you have more pugilism all right let's just see if we survive the pucalism maybe that's like a good way to take advantage of your fighters who are weak it's gotta be like a whole it's like roller coaster tycoon except with oh god yeah he recovered health though that's wild so if you do pugilism only i suppose then can you not die wow oh no that was my punch to be had can you imagine if they made this multiplayer online who gets they will become real try hards at this [Music] that was weird i thought i was punching yeah but he keeps recovering okay so apparently if you need to recover health and if you are like uh if you're in a bit of a pinch you just keep doing pugilism and then you recover health after every single match that's wild did not know that but i just learned that while i was doing this i mean at least i think based on everything i've done god this guy looks like ringo starr kind of except like with a beard did he grow a beard yeah he's like what would you think if i sang at a tune yeah keep recovering health wow that's wild okay don't have any pugilism here though do we have the now we can't do the beast ah that's my favorite one though all right we'll do a duel recruit another character to up hp that'd probably work as well i think i found what works though is just just simply use the stab uh no that did not work in fact actually all right it took me so long to wind up an attack there it's wild okay i think it's dodge dodge than attack yeah but maybe i just need to simplify the motion here i was doing too much like roundabout why don't i just dodge backward yeah that's it i think that that's the simple truth back up yup that's it okay i figured it out took me long enough i was trying to do all this sidestepping but your character just swings so wildly that it's easier to just make it like a forward back you know lower the number of dimensions in combat see what i'm saying here like if you just let it take place on right there i got way too close to him again i'm starting these with low health so it's not helping i'll give it one more shot i'll probably get killed this combat but let's just see if this works i went too far forward okay this is the witcher yep that works you know you gotta find the one thing that works for you when you're searching for the right technique yep that was two for two sort of works kind of like that here's my strategy let him attack slightly advance on him and then you get a swinging you just gotta have good reflexes for when he attacks now okay that was lack of coordination but still the principle works and it's pretty safe come on yeah but then he swings so fast ah damn it it was worth a shot yeah it's not an easy game but example guys go check this one out this is a weird one it's tough though it's tough but it's worth it i can't remember how much it was on steam but it's worth a look
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 58,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exanima, exanima arena, exanima combat, exanima gameplay, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, exanima campaign, let's play exanima, exanima let's play
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 4sec (4564 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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