I TRANSFORMED the NEW 1.20 Trail Ruin into my STARTER BASE

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this is Minecraft's newest structure the trail ruin and today I'm going to transform it into the most epic starter base ever known there's only one problem this is a brand new world and I have absolutely nothing why because I died in the last world that I had being an idiot oh my gosh I'm dead Oh shoot that's it that freaking sucks in order to transform a trail Rule and actually need stuff and right now I have nothing so Step One is gonna be exploring and getting geared up step two I need to find and excavate the trail ruin step three I need to actually transform into something epic and then maybe we'll do something else after and I spawned right on a tree so how cool is that well obviously step one is to get some basic gear and tools going so let me find some Stone which I did boom bang bang I did see some nice tall mountains earlier with this stuff iron [Music] you guys ready for this bing bing bing bing boom that's right get destroyed in the boat now you will stay there forever you will be my new friend ax shovel um yeah I see you but I don't wanna be near you because you're stupid you got wrecked my friend might as well make a sword wait Trail ruins actually do spawn in jungles so I might wander the jungle see what I can find at a sheep oh a parrot that is definitely not a sheep I don't know why I said sheep this is serious business everybody and I also need cows curious what does this area have to offer I can find a village here oh oh my gosh there is a village what oh we got a flower Forest yes I might be able to find a million oxide daisies here because that is the secret ingredient to Regeneration suspicious soup which if you couldn't tell I am playing with no regeneration making healing extremely limited to certain items and these flowers mixed with some mushrooms make healing early game easy oh I can get diamonds in here definitely no diamonds in there dang it oh there's a horse I can get a horse oh this horse is complete trash dark oak you know what that means mushrooms you know what that means regeneration yeah mushrooms for days all right Trail ruin I'm gonna find you and then I'm gonna dig you out hey let's go break in get the chest oh yes we got armor trims I totally forgot about that it's 1.20 pandas oh my gosh there's one right here no way yes we got a trail ruin this is so cool um I need a I need copper right I need to make a brush I don't have copper what the heck is wrong with me oh copper and we got our brush all right here we go now we need to look for suspicious looking gravel like this that is totally yeah this is it okay so then you brush it and you get random items from it that's cool oh my gosh no way we have a we have a hoe oh it's such a good treasure oh we got a smithing template what is it armor trim an armor trim man this is so cool oh my gosh we have another one no way two back to back another one it's like three in a row what is that respect the respecting the remnants friend Pottery Shard another smithing template no way and another shirt we got a pot shirt oh that's one I almost broke that not today oh I'm so glad I didn't break it it's an armor trim no I broke another one and I broke my shoulder oh my gosh this is so cool it's like the the seating area oh shoot I broke one is that oh no way we got the music disc what is that the Relic right yeah Relic oh awesome well I feel like that's it I don't think there's any more alright the chest has been sorted this is everything that we got from that trail ruin pretty pretty good stuff I don't know actually how many armor trims there are but this is what we got that brings us into the next step which is to officially transform this Trail ruin into my starter base a project I have in mind requires a ton of digging and I do not want to do all that with an iron shovel or an iron pickaxe so I think it's time that I go get some diamonds and see if I can enchant them and whatnot do all that cool stuff all right we're in deep slate territory do I see any diamonds yet no I do not well this cave stinks I'm gonna Dig Down see what's down there [Music] whoa I could have just died there I totally just zoned out whoa oh we got skull wait no freaking way there's an ancient city right here you've got to be kidding me no oh but there's diamonds so it's worth it should I MLG that you know what I'm gonna MLG this [Music] boom just like that I'm too good oh my gosh there's an ancient city right here I'm terrified of these things the warden scares me crap oh love run oh my gosh there's so many of them oh we got diamonds right here don't spawn a warden please it's all mine Swift sneak two you know what that's pretty good diamonds here yes haha nice wait what this has no skulk in it oh my gosh that is amazing super sneak two there we go guess what you're done oh oh shoot oh shoot oh my gosh look at that he doesn't even know where we are because he's an idiot mayor lovely boom bang oh shoot power five and infinity in one chest oh my gosh that's amazing might as well get some XP while we're here if I can get to level 30 oh oh yeah more diamonds boom boom Channing table I'm gonna dig back up I'm gonna get some wood I'm gonna enchant some pickaxes all right let's see what we get on our pick I'm gonna do this some lapis boom that's it are you kidding me efficiency four Unbreaking three silk touch I'll take that that's pretty good all right now that we have a good pick the excavation can officially begin [Music] thank you [Music] the trail ruin has been completely dug out next thing we gotta do make it look good so I got a bunch of wood and then I started placing the wood all over the place to give the area structure and support okay the next thing that I would like to do is I want to dig a giant hole to where a crane can lower a pallet so that the workers can load up their dirt their barrels whatever I then went back and decided to add a bunch of detail to the walls to make it look even more alive and that this has been here a while [Music] and then when I was done with this the next thing I did was I spammed a bunch of barrels chests scaffolding made the place really look alive oh leave me alone you stupid whoa he just karate chopped me scaffolding [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this place needs a crane so I think I want to have that right here but this is a little steep so I'm gonna build like a little platform thing and then terraform some more of the landscape here crane will go like this [Music] I'm gonna do this and then we're gonna get stairs here some logs on the side and then we just load stuff up on it rails go like this foreign there's still a couple more things I want to do for this build I want to do like fences and railing maybe some Stones some rocks and then I want to get rid of the Torches replace those with lanterns and and whatnot the exterior of the base is completed we need to get a sniffer and a camel be our pets so I got some of my stuff together got a saddle some other things then I set off on a new adventure to find the newest 1.20 mobs all right off we go to find a desert oh we got a shipwreck wait is that our first golden apple of the world there's a treasure map there we go what do we got and uh oh no way I found a Mesa biome yeah we got a warm ocean yes we can get the sniffer egg and we have a village no way camel I see one there's a camel oh my gosh these things look so Derpy it's awesome dude this is so stinking cool oh yeah we got our first suspicious gravel or sand thank you well that's it for this ocean ruin we got a pretty big one right here no yes we got it it's right here we did it yeah this smells interesting yo the bird yes okay I have to get this bird this bird is so cool oh no way look at this we have a parrot we got our sniffer oh this is so cool all right I need three names I need a name for the parrot the camel and then the sniffer when it hatches here we go it's hatch time [Applause] [Music] oh oh we got a little snifflet look at its little nose oh my gosh this thing is so cool and that is how I completely transformed the trail Rune into the most epic starter base ever thank you so much for watching you guys are flipping awesome [Music] foreign
Channel: Shwep
Views: 24,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft 100 days, minecraft builds, how to, minecraft pvp, i survived 100 days minecraft, i transformed, starter base minecraft, minecraft 1.120
Id: CkPEvwc6UsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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