Game Theory: Give Me Your SOUL! (Minecraft Legends)

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vanilla Minecraft tells us the story of a race of ancient humans who ruined the world and then tried to summon Gods back to make things right again those Gods never arrive and as a result the ancient people eventually die out I'm sorry to just think this was a game about Mining and crafting your own fun in an open world think again we have three new Mini theories that are gonna shatter the Bedrock of your understanding of this franchise Ready set go hello Internet welcome to Game Theory where we embrace all Miners and Crafters regardless of whether you diggy diggy holes brandish butter swords consider yourself hunters or simply hunger for some Qs MP wall potatoes friends after seven whole months it's time to hop back into the blocky lore of Minecraft Keisha didn't know about a month ago Mojang released Minecraft 1.20 the trails and tales update an update that focuses specifically on Minecraft history currently the team and I are hard at work Excavating our way through that one but in the meantime I wanted to talk to you guys about Minecraft's other big release from this year Minecraft Legends this game honestly was fascinating Not only was it a complete shift in gameplay but the lore was just laid out smack dab in front of us we are a Minecraft player summoned by these god-like beings known as hosts all to help save the world that they built from the invading Pig lens it's pretty darn straightforward stuff but while it certainly seems simple on the surface what's fascinating about this game is that it's telling us the legends of the Overworld stories that villagers passed down from generation to generation about how they were one day saved by a mysterious hero and that's exciting because it means we're finally getting a look into the history of the Minecraft world no longer are we just piecing together the ruins of what's left behind we are there in person in the time that it happened walking around the ancient Overworld now admittedly I know that Mojang's been Shifty when it comes to confirming the game's canonicity and if people are asking you know is that fact is that did that really happen you know we're not saying that that's exactly what happened but uh maybe it did do you think it did but legends are stories based on some level of history and reality as opposed to myths which are entirely fictional which means that even if there's just a tie a tight grain of Truth within this game it shows that we've been on the right track for the past four years so today I'm gonna run you through a collection of three mini theories that I found while playing through this thing some that confirm suspicions that we've had in the past and others that open up a whole host of new questions so grab your legendary loot my friends we've got ourselves an Overworld to save or should I say destroy considering Theory number one ancient Builders cause the downfall of the Overworld the characters that we play as in Minecraft Legends are undoubtedly the first of the ancient Builder civilization that we've spent the better part of four years theorizing about we see them at the start of the game mining away having built a settlement until they're summoned Away by the hosts to save the Overworld of course we do what the game tells us to do and drive back the pigland threat but then we never really head home the hosts don't send us back to where we came from to continue our old life I don't need it here anymore and that's a good thing it is time for a new adventure for us there are endless worlds out there waiting to be explored change blows in the wind front where will take you good luck Good Luck Good Luck they decide that thanks to us they aren't needed anymore and so they go off on a new adventure leaving us completely stranded first off not a great look for these quote unquote benevolent Gods to just take a vacation and not even offer us a ride home but secondly I get that we saved the Overworld and that these mobs now think of us as a hero but a hero is very different from a God these guys literally brought the Overworld into being these Golems helped us shape the Overworld all I can do is Bash a piglet with a sword and sketch my face into the side of a mountain impressive to be sure but it is far from being a god leaving us behind though isn't just a bit awkward it actually causes one of the biggest issues that we've been talking about in Minecraft from the past couple years over harvesting of resources and destruction of the environment think about it we have now been stranded alongside a few other ancient Builders left to rebuild our entire civilization and livelihood that means that we need materials and lots of them we begin carving up the Mountainside chopping down the forests in order to make our homes and before you know it these exotic animals like the a brilliant Beetler the Regal Tiger have lost their habitats and end up extinct by the time we get to vanilla Minecraft and those are just the lucky ones we also need food and so just like in vanilla we hunt what's around us but instead of usual cows and pigs we find ourselves animals like the big bee can we continue to hunt them to Extinction hence why all these animals aren't appearing in vanilla later and this is all before we even begin to talk about repopulating which multiplies the issues further more people means more housing more resources and if you happen to have an abundance of a certain resource in your area it means you suddenly start to trade leading to the harvesting of more resources to sell for profit especially rare and valuable ones in Minecraft Legends diamonds iron copper and coal are literally everywhere just right there up on the surface of the world no digging required but when we get to vanilla Minecraft we gotta dig to at least Y level 14 to find diamonds and even then it's pretty darn scarce until you get to the minus 50 range we clean this place out all in the name of trade it works so well that even the villagers stopped just giving away their items in community chests like they do in Legends and picked up the bartering system for themselves by the time of vanilla and that isn't even the worst part Minecraft Legends is shown to be a land of peace tranquility balance before the piglens arrive everything is working together in Perfect Harmony heck a zombie literally gives a flower to a villager with no desire to eat its brains would we defeat the pigland the idea is that this balance is suddenly restored but take a look at vanilla Minecraft does this look like a world in Balance to you mobs spawning left and right immediately trying to shoot you with an arrow take a bite out of you blow you up Villages are getting raided by zombies the exact same zombies that used to offer them flowers there is no peace and Tranquility in this world anymore so what happened what changed we did throughout Minecraft Legends we see the effect that our mere presence is having on the surrounding mobs look how did they learn to fight by watching our hero once they've gained the desire to fight it never leaves you can't put the genie back in the bottle and this is made abundantly clear thanks to one mob in particular the illagers as as we've always suspected these guys just started out as plain old villagers minus some melanin but we now have actual confirmation that it was us that caused them to turn into what are now known as the illagers just like other mobs in the game they see us fighting for peace and they want to join into the fight much to the sadness of the host no others already fight to defend this world you don't have to we cannot stop this we must respect their choice the hosts then craft for them their very first axes so they can fight right alongside us but when we save the day and the fighting stops the illiters don't seem completely at peace their lust for violence remains this is what leads them to idolize the ancient Builders the ones who showed them the way and when the ancient Builders eventually disappear they do everything in their power to bring them back so us saving the Overworld ends up feeling more like conquering it for our own gain and while that is very clearly a bad thing in this game that's not always the case especially when you're talking about friendly competition which is a nice segue to me asking you to join me in conquering another game the sponsor for today's video Watcher of Realms Watcher of Realms is a brand new next-gen Fantasy game with a few interesting tricks up its sleeve to make it stand out in a sea of mobile RPGs like a huge variety of battle modes ranging from Tower Defense to Tactical RPG heck there are even boss battles in this thing and Watcher of the Realms strategy is the key to winning battles can be controlled in real time so dispatching the right Heroes at critical moments is crucial whether you're fighting thousands of incoming demons or teaming up with your guild to take down Dragon to win the day you'll be forced to mix and match different Heroes to unleash powerful combo effects and there is plenty of mixing and matching to be done here there are over a hundred unique heroes in this game each with a beautiful 3D design that uses the latest in Motion Graphics and facial capture technology and of course each Hero Comes packed with their own lore each of the hundred Heroes has their own backstory that ties into The overarching Narrative of saving the mystical continent of Tia and best of all you are able to get in on the ground floor of this thing in celebration of Watcher of the Realms launch you are now formally invited to join my official online squad for their new Creator competition that's right this thing is a Tournament of Champions and we have got to defend team theorists honor in fact they're putting me and my team of theorists up against the one and only Jay schlad how this competition works is that for each main campaign level you beat you add a level to our team's overall score seriously we can win this easily let's be honest We're not gonna lose this [Music] so I need you guys to head on down to the description and click the link or just scan the QR code that you see on screen right now to join me in taking schlatt down let me be clear you will be rewarded for your efforts if team theorist wins you guys get to walk away with a load of prizes and not just things in-game either the top three finishers for both teams will be able to win special prizes like a brand new iPhone or a Nintendo switch so if you want a chance to win those awesome prizes all while helping to carry team theorist to Victory head on down to the description and hit the link or just scan the QR code on screen to download the game on iOS or Android sign up today and join me in taking down my YouTube rival but for now back to Minecraft Legends in theory number two lapis is life lapis lazuli has always been a bit of an odd material in Minecraft you have to dig quite deep underground to find it and unlike iron or gold or diamonds it can't really be used to make armor or tools instead it's used to enchant other items with magical powers but Minecraft Legends actually takes it a step further one of the major mechanics of the game is building spawner owners that'll allow you to summon mobs to use in battle within this case burn the Flames of creation the Flames will call upon friends to fight by your side no spawners themselves are nothing new we've had them in vanilla Minecraft for years cages with a fire in the middle that'll spawn countless versions of a particular mob but in Minecraft Legends we can also sacrifice raw materials like Stone and wood and create Golems like you see in the game we are literally creating life from nothing inanimate objects raw materials things that shouldn't be alive are suddenly alive because of us and what was the price of creating that life none other than a couple pieces of lapis lapis dropped by the piglets can be used to fuel your spawners collect the lapis to keep your Flyers burning this stuff isn't just magic it is literally life-giving but hold on did he just say that lapis is dropped by the piglands that's not what happens in vanilla Minecraft Lapis is usually just a resource underground this change has to mean something important and I believe that it does I believe it tells us exactly what gives lapis its life-giving powers unlike most other resources in Minecraft Legends lapis is actually scarce but you can certainly get some from the villagers Community chests implying that just like in vanilla it's a resource that can be gathered we don't actually have lapis or just lying around the world like we do with iron and Diamond instead our primary method of collecting lapis is killing piglets in Legends piglens are the only mob to drop lapis and that's notable because they're the only mob that we are actively going out of our way to kill it cannot be just a coincidence that when you kill these mobs you gain an item that allows you to bring life into the world even in Real History ancient Sumerians believed lapis howls The Souls of gods that is what I believe Minecraft Legends is trying to tell us about lapis it's not not just magical it is powered by The Souls of the monsters you slay now able to be recycled to bring new life into the world it's a vicious cycle of life and death we kill piglens we get lapis we use lapis to summon more mobs to kill more piglens and it goes on and on and on and this would also confirm some of our past theories about the villagers and their ties to the magic of life and death their use of lapis block inside the head of an illager statue their Gathering of steve-colored wool blocks The Mansions being filled with zombies they're trying to bring back the ancient builders that are no longer around they're trying to use the lapis that they saw us use on inanimate objects to try and create their own versions of the people they now worship however the illagers aren't the only ones trying to bring back people they've lost because Theory number three ancient Builders were trying to bring back the hosts after we save the Overworld the hosts peace on out leaving us behind to inadvertently destroy the Overworld we've already talked about that however I don't believe that the ancient Builders were entirely oblivious to the damage that they were causing as the Overworld became more and more dangerous with Mobs that were once called allies turning violent on them it appears that the ancient Builders felt like their only chance of survival was to beg for help from the ones that brought them here in the first place the hosts the gods of this world but how does one go about summoning God's back that have been gone for so long The Well of Fate where the hosts used to reside isn't in vanilla Minecraft or Minecraft dungeons at some point it was clearly lost to time so I think that the ancient Builders began building their own take a look at the well of Fate's design from Minecraft Legends it's a four-pillared prismarine tower on top of a prismarine pyramid prismarine has always been a special block not necessarily through anything it does but it's the only block that shifts in color from Blue to turquoise it like lapis seems to have itself some magical connotation now where is the only place that you can find prismarine in vanilla Minecraft deep underwater in the Ocean Monuments in fact if you take a look at their design doesn't it begin to look a bit familiar a four pillared tower on top of a pyramid made entirely of prismarine you've even got other little structures around the pyramid just like the Improvement towers that you can build out of prismarine in Minecraft Legend I suspect that the ancient Builders took the prismarine that they were holding on to for years and built monuments to these long gone Gods where they could pray they could worship they could call on them for salvation these Gods came from a tower of prismarine it was intrinsically connected to them so surely building an entire Temple Monument to them out of the exact same stuff would get their attention they even took some of the gold that they'd kept as The Spoils of their war against the piglens and put it inside these monuments as an offering to these Gods just like I talked about in one of my earliest Minecraft theories ultimately though their plan failed the hosts didn't hear their cries for help they never returned and things only got worse and worse from there the Ocean Monuments would eventually be swallowed up by the Sea and so as a final line of defense they built the Guardians out of the same Supernatural prismarine the monument itself was built from in order to protect these now abandoned houses for the Gods in the hopes that maybe just maybe the hosts would be able to come back and use them as a portal to one day come and rescue them from all the dangerous mobs that had conquered the Overworld but that day it never came slowly but surely the angel ancient Builders died out leaving behind only fragments of their history and the ruins that we can find in vanilla and the story is told by villagers of an ancient race that once upon a time were considered to be the heroes of that story but hey that's just a theory three game theories thanks for watching and if you want even more Minecraft lore you can always go back and watch the entire playlist that's just full of this stuff or if you fancy yourself some strange Minecraft food science there's our episode over on food Theory to figure out whether dream could have actually killed Tommy in it using a potato as always my friends don't forget to subscribe because I want to see you next week
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 2,226,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.2, minecraft lore, minecraft legends lore, minecraft mob, minecraft update, minecraft new update, minecraft legends gameplay, minecraft legends theory, minecraft legends game, minecraft legneds story, minecraft survival, minecraft challenge, minecraft theories, minecraft lore solved, minecraft legends lore explained, minecraft legends ending, game theorists, matpat, game theory, matpat minecraft, game theory minecraft, gt minecraft
Id: tZkK7DdKD9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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