fantasy high freshman year ep 3 "after the afterlife" | favorite bits

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i'm going to crawl into your backpack and if you can just go ahead and walk through the gates they're going to straighten all this out you're going to unzips your backpack and just starts to crawl in it's all good just want it it's all good oh good we see his face peering out from the backpack as he zips it closed it's all good just walk in there and we're good and you you just want me to walk through and everything will sort itself out just go ahead and go in there as you walk through the gates as he's hugging you you feel your backpack jiggling around you see he's got clearly got his eyes closed in the hug you feel arthur slip out of the backpack now that he has passed the threshold of heaven [Music] don't tell anybody and winks and sprints into heaven as fast as he can he was so fast you see helio looks up and says what hmm what are you talking about oh i was mentally saying goodbye to a friend i was remembering hey can i ask you something yeah why is why is there so much suffering in the world later it's so weird that you lied to helio you lied to your god i don't i finessed the truth i just i don't know if helio is as smart i need another god maybe you look through your hand to see the ground beneath it what and uh you see the add-in is the only one covered in someone else's blood uh the sleeves of her coat you only have an hour all right i'm with the cop mama let's just go home and talk about it tomorrow pretend like nothing happens no you're we need to be more proactive this is the worst idea but that is a bad idea yes oh man his mom could have called my mom oh boy don't be spiteful yeah please don't be smart all right struggles i wasn't yours i did lots of moves and spells and stuff that was a really big part a frat boy god was wearing the sandals that have the beer bottle opener at the bottom of the sandal like you want to put the bottom of your shoe on top of something you're going to drink we're going to cancel your detention early oh yeah obviously so wait can we never say hell yeah no no you're gonna get all hot and bothered you guys i was saying exactly this guy it's weird cause you are halfway this guy could be your dad are you my dad no because he's a half-orc and you're a half-orc i'm a human oh i'm a full human if the teacher is your dad they have to tell you right what there's there's got to be a rule about that somewhere teacher is your dad are you thinking of a cop if they're a cop they have to have to if a teacher no i think i've heard that if a teacher should they have to tell you you couldn't even get through them you see that your mom her eyes are over to you hiding and you see that she's sort of writing things in a notebook she looks over you and goes no no no i made friends you made friends oh sweetheart that's great they didn't trust the guy why are you in the murder scene quickly can we like exchange numbers in the parking lot or something so we can start like a text chain good group taxi let's just talk tomorrow that sounds good that sounds like a problem are you guys on line i gotta go yeah tomorrow morning tomorrow okay but i do once a week i it's not a bible study um i just rolled down the window and just put my whole head out you see that both of your parents are just like bully persons just stare ahead with this look of like we can't understand our son we just drive off together um i have actually a lot of questions after meeting helio do you think we could stop at the bookstore on the way home the books what uh do you mean the church yeah oh no the church bookstore i need to get some books that explain other religions also okay okay okay your father would like you to get into the car he doesn't want to step out and be seen here i don't have to have him step out for me to get into the car i'm not an idiot he wanted to let you know that he wasn't going to step out oh really oh really how very mature i don't think that this is a proper time for you to be chastising your mother you are first of all sleeveless second of all i understand that you defended yourself through your martial prowess i say nothing to them for the rest of the night you see that your father doesn't say anything other than anything until you're right about to get home and your father says i never thought i would have a daughter that would receive detention and he steps out of the car and walks into the house and internally i'm like that's the thing he's mad about my parents sucks so much i know i kind of want to [ __ ] up your parents i really hate you papa do you remember the first time you watched someone die the first time i watched someone die it was me father he was lying in his death bed and i had a dagger up under his ribs in his heart and i looked him in his eyes and i said you'll never speak to me out of the side of your mouth again and then mama took me back to first grade oh um right uh is that is that relatable to your experience this is possible in this world but is there a way for everyone when they wake up to get an alert of some kind that i've added them to a system called prayer chain i use my thaumaturgy to make prayer chain erupt in flames golden rod golden rod [Laughter] it's different than my name and i guess that's funny to children what's the deal fig huh i don't know i should be asking you that god damn it look i'm gonna i'm gonna level with you all right you know i actually took a class on managing you know um students that are you know you're attracted to everybody bye now what does rage mean to you i don't you weren't asking specifically me but you know you elected to start talking i know i heard myself out from outside myself i don't know that's what's everyone else everyone just give them a minute just give them a minute um they're just ready to be i don't know i don't know what i'm g it confuses me every day so you come up against that and there's a bad feeling right and you can't get what you want right and there's something in your way what you do well my mom and dad would say sing a song at it like let's see everyone else please stop get out of my way it's like a song my mom or my dad feels bad so she tries to play along with him a little please stop don't get out of my way is it get out of your way or don't get out of mama it depends on how much they're in your way even in your song you're you you don't want the obstacles to remove themselves yeah i'm sorry i just was trying to share her answers so right i wanted to piggyback off of it all right well you know what we're going to take a break here's a little tip generally speaking barbarians don't use words like piggyback and he takes out a business card and hands it to you well boy do i have something for you give me a break dude oh god oh man cool very cool dude do you want to join dude yep i do i do i think this is really good for me give me that what's up man yeah yeah that's awesome this is awesome uh eric hocker turns around and goes like it's been crazy here people have been coming in left and right it's been nuts if i met you guys yesterday i'd be so pumped um you gotta have like a sherlock vibe dude that could be like your nickname i need to go right now but this is really fun you guys can i can i test friends on the liquor in my flask um so that anyone who drinks from it will have friends cast on them um that's for sure not how the spell is used but i'm going to allow it because it's cool you're that kid who like sliced it up on the field yesterday right ah guilty as charged because dad is bill seacaster right again guilty as shot if we were ever to have like a party and like we couldn't have it in my place for some reason you think your dad's place would be like an option guilty and [Applause] you cannot hear what they're saying but you see a facial expression that looks like deep hurt and worry um i should have gone over there rizz throws up in your backpack [Music] um i see the vomit dropping from your backpack did your backpack just make a [ __ ] it stinks yeah of course my tupperware spilled you know gross [ __ ] lunch does your dad pack you then you [ __ ] he's generally eating it's just a lot of citrus and raw meat so actually do you mind if i leave my backpack here i'm gonna go grab the that i would rather you stay and the backpack go okay you know what actually uh i just shot my backpack um i'm gonna say that you rizz take uh six points of damage as you are hurled skyward and slam into a car three glass shatters weebly i think that freak loser just stole your backpack out of that car you hit oh what a [ __ ] loser oh get that back you [ __ ] freak that's your deal you're [ __ ] creep this kid's a [ __ ] creep i have like some of your shirt i'm small no you can have like a crop top i just started biting his shirt marriage well if these people are disappearing and if he has something to do with it maybe where's i'm saying a man who maybe he thinks that if he waits then that night oh my god i don't i should we could just waited so long you have a lot of potential and i don't say that lightly thank you i'm sorry i sang earlier it just came out you were there too i've been quietly standing here for a minute gorgas also has total potential yeah is this a friend of yours from i was in your do you i was he was in the class you signed that's right i'm actually in your class yeah in the classroom well keep at it and you know uh you got uh potential were you gonna say i have potential where's the rest of this sometime hey keep at it and i'll see you i'll see you next time and you see that he walks away hey you know what this is our turf and the guys started going and they started doing this incredible dance they are the jets what they're the jets what are you talking about i don't catch everybody so they they dunk i don't think it's actually rock and roll to be rude to wait stuff i'm not being rude just know that i have been praying for you each night uh each of you so literally yeah if you would just take my hand uh and let's close this out uh let's pray uh dear really big god maybe not helio anymore cause you were kind of you kind of looked like you've been you johnny you're getting in your car does anybody know johnny spells goes all right gang let's rumble
Channel: kristen applebees
Views: 6,280
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: dropout, dimension 20, fantasy high, dnd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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