a crown of candy - lapin supercut

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zach could you please describe your character for us yes i'm uh chancellor lepan cadbury as you said the chaplain of the castle candy and then uh primogen of the bolbian church and i'm here to teach these princesses uh on all things i'm the royal tudor so i'm uh teaching the uh the young princesses about the kingdom of calorum uh i uh i look i'm a level three warlock uh with the celestial patron uh and i look like a chocolate bunny with uh with just like the foil coming off of it like the kind of easter colored foil as like as a cape and like my robes are made of that uh and i'm a little stuffy uh but i know that knowing these things will help the children and also will grant them a certain power we were at war with the uh the red people chancellor do they not have a spell that tells you what time it is do you want me to rush the education of these princesses do you want them to be stupid as they go about the world how dare you give me one reason give me one reason one reason to what nothing nothing i couldn't possibly list all the things i don't like about this i try yeah yeah you could have like three things it would take forever just droning on forever yes the princesses what they've just been like this for how long where they would i i assume they were you know wrapped in my lecture obviously they're made of straw chancellor oh well um who knows how long they were like i think they're gone you've finally done it this time just i don't know you lost you have to make up about an hour and a half of lessons when should be women you can actually is made up of chancellors bowed very deeply uh deeper lower hey that seems to me like a very bad idea okay the chancellor is varied very deeply even deeper no no no no no you guys um your majesty slightly complicated um they uh were there in that physical forms that looked a lot like them were there you were bamboozled by scarecrows bamboozled by scarecrows are you laughing at me should i be no are you saying a king cancun okay what makes it true has i'm sure gone over this many many times pretty much constantly he took notes he's just traveling no this is traveling no i know hey zeus traveling is that what you said no i said this is travis never he doesn't speak a yeah okay i don't speak a yeah and you'll laugh way too hard i don't know what that means i do not sound like i should make that yeah my queen i will have to make a very rigorous schedule for this trip with events i will also help you make the schedule okay great and it is very strict i wanted to go to gift shops yes can we go to the gift shops at the the chapels at least if there will be no time did someone say le pen oh my god wait what do you say hell did you go he looks you and says le pen we're discussing who should go on the envoy oh yes sure on the ice cream man i mean yeah he's funny it's funny like i don't know i feel like we'd get him drunk it'll be like a good time so okay oh no uh le pen goes out to you like uh pretends to like circle around the party but makes his way outside to where the uh sugar plum fairy uh area is japan uh just very exhaus in a very exhausted way like bounce to it and then uh looks at the cup that's broken it doesn't have mending or anything but we'll try to like uh put it together or like organize it in a way to perspective uh le pen uh you can tell that there's like a little bit of disrespect to this uh way it's a beat and then like it sort of bows and like a i have to do this kind of way good chancellor hello he broke it he is a sweet boy what would you like of me now i will do my best to be careful in absence of your standing stones i is there any advice that you have that you is there any it feels like you want me to luckily they believe you to be a member of their church and technically i am technically you are but i know we both know that there are other things that work and just nods so i will be careful and i will be bold if necessary what does that mean it means that though there will be great risk awaiting you the risk will be greater if you do not act boldness and caution alike will be needed to survive the coming challenges are you sure that this family is worth such boldness okay the cup is probably going to break again i don't know if you need me to do anything about that do you not know the mending kandra i happen to well it's just kind of one that i don't have but you have a lot right a couple other things [Applause] we're going to have to work that out if you want mending we have to work okay very well le pen and you see that she floats down gives you a little kiss on the cheek okay he says i know you don't like me very much but you have been a very very good servant i will take that and take my leave ramon i have just heard word that the ice cream man wanted to talk to you at the back of the caravan i surely used to beat me around the head and shoulders with a cudgel sure i am but a humble servant yes of course yeah for sure yes of course yes right right of course what do you it sounded like you and we're all good all right yeah so le panda i'm sure is talking about the history of fructaria i have a question are you like leaning out the window and holding the pan i have a question have you ever heard of the sugar plum fairy oh i hang my head in the window upside down yeah have you ever heard of the sugarplum fairy i think we have yes i've heard of it i just wanted to know more about it so in other places they may not be too fond of ideas of other religions uh like fruteria they may not like stories of the sugarplum fairy or other religion just so you know i know that you're working with the sugarplum fairy so heal my [ __ ] sister or everyone knows and then i'm gonna just what is going on right now hold on chancellor lepan cadbury get out of here we are all going to die i i look i know that you think you know something but that is there are a thousand bigger fish to fry japan you just said exactly what i asked you have my silence um tickle generally get us all killed try to not i think lapan has like watched this guy be such an idiot for so long that he's like a little like uh finally finally some pride like oh okay i see i see what he's about you're an old man leaping off of a wagon you're an old man leaping off of a wagon that is what you know that's the episode title they're so cute uh eight plus eight sixteen like for for bolbia [Laughter] plus we can all agree that this was very holy indeed we all agree [Laughter] it's a miracle that nobody died here i i know this was horrible uh you see he says um you are a well this is of course you are a primogen of the church yes you see he says um you are the king your life is my life just for the future okay yeah oh yeah i'm going to talk to the guard again and use the deception using deception say uh this one is touched by the bolby and faith amen 21. i got seven good thing i called you you're too stupid and i should check is it right um uh that's not mean uh lord crawler comes over and says did you speak to commander grissini yes exactly that's exactly right um if you don't if people knew what i did and where i got my power i would be dead [Music] and the life that you're living now is sorry that's rude it's not worth it to die for this that's can we gather all the children around let's get i actually want chancellor did you want to talk to yes i would like to talk to soldiers who were suspicious i uh i would i don't know it feels like what is done is done a little bit there but i can try to chat with them why is really cool he got stuck on the roof shut up don't talk to my sister like that's everyone that's getting the sometimes people come back to the scene of the crime oh oh there's people we killed yep we'd come back to this scene back from the dead excuse me princess jet yes your highness please uh join us for um if she comes just because i yelled for her first yes i'm gonna have to insist reign the meep together as it were god can we have a conversation that is very do i also think he's hot is there something swelteringly sexy about the fact i'm trying to spy on someone everyone needs to learn a little self-preservation here well put uh that's what we don't need did you have any dreams last night last night i didn't have a dream like before that yeah yeah maybe after we have a conversation about what dreams we all had do you have any dreams we're all going to die unless you listen to me right now a heavy dream lord lord carla goes over says i think it might be an overstatement that we are all going to die let's talk about we are all going to die if we don't le pan as a friend that is a condition you may be experiencing as true but it might say more about you than the situation i think oh [ __ ] you're not putting your place back i okay could i just say one to two specific things before we move on we're all going it's not bad if the the bulb created us he also gave me these powers right it's not from the bulb i would i would ask just just to be clear that we had a bit of a conversation before all of this started and i think i proved to you my motivations so i would ask that we not talk about that as well hey i gave you my word on battle oh i'm sorry i broke your teacup i don't know what you're talking about you've never had a teacup well i know we i just wanted to say that really quickly just like a piece of cheese can i see if he hates me did i miss something when i was in the other carriage we they're making things out um liam thinks that you love him you think this kid thinks that you're obsessed with it maybe i should talk to my buddy over here liam i thought we were hanging out liam listen uh am i here yes le pen you're here oh well thank you okay okay all right how are you feeling [Laughter] i'm feeling much better for pain and uh thank you for all your help during the battle it was essential um i forgot how uh how useful you can be uh out there as well as in the castle uh of course okay chancellor i would like to visit this chapel there will be time though i know about this milk lady and i'll tell you all about it before you do it all right le pen you see furiously in the carriage is jet changing it i'm reading in here i'm holding the door of the carriage closed i'm i don't feel uncomfortable um uh i think le pen uh bows again and it's like uh i hope i i trust that the bulb is shining on you artifact and you as well primition le pen yes i heard the awful news that you were attacked on the way to commodore and that none were killed a miracle and only one as devout as yourself would have brought the presence of the bulbs so powerfully that none were lost that day it was truly a miracle uh the bulb did greatly shine on us this day uh we come now to pay our respects to the concordant emperor if you would like to join you are more than welcome primogen however i understand that there is business to attend to here at the cornucopian hall vices to be indulged wine to drink etc i would rather join you i believe uh let me make sure i have my leave absolutely um arc bishop oliver onion patch hello onion head uh pleasure uh pleasure to uh to make your point uh yes as well our king i was invited by the pontifex to join them at the i mean you're not a short guy yeah right you're a big tall rambler i don't i don't know what to say yeah i mean i trust my king's eyesight i don't know about what's going on with the two of you it it um as though it might be best if i join uh for the sake of the church that feels right we'll leave more of delicate conversations until you return uh yes uh lord swirly walks up and says i would also be happy to provide the social graces oh thank god i'm getting out of here your grace oh it's an honor to meet you i i don't think i've we've met in the light of the bulb an honor as always to meet an archbishop and primition of the church uh you see um the pontific says so keratin the uh the good primigen is not an archbishop does not actually uh [Music] how should we say administrate the church instead he is a miracle worker gifted with the light of the bulb itself his rank as primogen is not a result of his work as a bishop or archbishop instead he has been blessed by the bulb above yes the bulb saw fit to grant me certain powers so that's fine sir carried and looks at you and says even more an honor than your grace it's an honor to meet you if by my life or death i can protect you i shall okay katrina yes well from what i have seen in candia everyone in their cross paths with is quite touched by the bulb how are things in uh vegetarian how are things in vegetania oh yes i mean i wish that the bulb would see fit for some miracle to come to the the king himself she says yes good king belvedere you see that she looks up and says ah your holiness bows deeply about slightly deeper she uh uh she uh the pontifex brassica lets her ring be kissed by primogen alfredy uh she rises and says ah and do i have the pleasure of knowing the primogenin of kandia you do le pen cadbury i am the primition alfredy it is a pleasure really yes i understand that we are to make an envoy from the church to pay our great mother cathedral's respect to the ailing emperor yes i oh grace is everything all right have you spotted something over on that wall no i'm just taking in the sights of the city an enemy of the faith uh no no you can in the wall everything seems at this moment perfect and fine relax i hope those who perpetrated such an actor uh judged by the bulb i was so saddened to hear that you were taking the secrecy road coming from candia yes it was um a horrible thing we were attacked but by the you know a miracle no one was killed i believe that this was the bulb shining down on this and protecting us in that moment uh it's there was much going on no one knows exactly what was happening but it's hard for me to say some false idol is a plum sugar plum oh yes the sugar plum fairy yes we there are there's a deep history in candy of different you know more primitive religions i would not wish to see the good people of candia led down the path towards the hungry one it would never happen in my watch she smiles and you see that she actually puts a dainty hand on your arm uh and takes a hold of your arm as uh to to steady her as she walks so yeah would you remain here in the waiting chamber while i pay the church's respects to the emperor of course i make my i you know bow to the pontifex and say that i must rejoin the king of candia and uh make sure that everything is going well with my people you see she uh nods uh holds out her hand for you uh of course kisses oh le pen yes ah we're all going to die thank god we can't hear whatever lepen is thinking right now i'm literally i point she thinks she's casting message on you are you or not the pan says why is everyone using their hand in that way lots of thumb turning it is an amazing tourney yes i um i feel as though maybe we have gotten off on the wrong foot i have a request directly from the king he has asked something of both of you would you want to hear it or would you well if the king has entrusted us with a special favor then yes we must yes he has only you two are in the box near the king uh close enough to uh help him with this very specific task he was hoping that once this tournament is over he would be able to join us in the box and have four glasses of wine now i need either of you to hold two full glasses of wine and hold them until the tournament's over so that he may join us in merriment this request is exceedingly normal and we should have dispatched with it perspective my good chancellor can we get a servant to bring them to you immediately someone's there with goblins okay so they now just hold them just hold them we're shunt take any little sneaky sips the crown uh we'll always remember you for this my good chancellor lepen's going to push both the lord and lady uh swirly onto um on to the other promogen and and with the hopes that their cups of wine blind her briefly i'll just can i can i just talk to alfredy and say uh alfred what what what what is going on what is what is the power looking afraid she's covered in wine and screaming at swirly and sure lord and lady swirly i'm just going to yell call off the fights yes my king me and the chancellor perhaps yes i will join you uh my lord do you wish to take any of us the tart guard with you um maybe all of you go with the kid yo can i pull them to a side yeah for sure to say i i noticed from box that it feels as though we could be in a little bit of trouble with liam um what do you mean he may have been found out for his actions at the very least i feel like i can try to talk to them do you think you do you have the ear of anyone important in the church can you i mean you know you're a primogen but can you what you think we would need the pontifex herself to be able to i have i'm not saying it's likely that you will help us but there is a chance that i could help with that well it sounds like between the three of us leave me alone with the prisoner i go oh you see that uh commander garcinia says i am afraid we cannot allow the prisoner to be left here your king was just attempted to be assassinated you can just step outside can you just step outside for a moment i i cannot step outside for a moment i'm afraid i you see he says if you nobody would blame you if you slit this man's throat and i cannot allow that to happen i've been ordered by the hydrophilics of the albion church to make sure that justice is dispatched by the church in this instance i am of the i'm a primogen of the church you will not allow me to have a conversation are you saying that i am a liar and that i will and then of my faith will kill this prisoner uh the room emanates with the status that lepan suddenly commands grussini bows says i am deeply sorry your grace um leave the chancellor in primordial do his business uh and clears the room sweet oh i'll walk out with him and keep an eye on him okay i uh i'm going to as they leave come up to the shackles and start to uh try to pretend like i'm unshackling him and say we do not have much time uh where are you supposed to meet them uh as a deception role okay you're trying to deceive gotcha um uh uh go ahead and give me a deception rule if you're actively going to free him i'm gonna say roll with advantage okay i don't have any tools to free him you're just like going for the chains or whatever yeah oh yeah still roll with advantage deception yeah 25. i'm gonna roll his insight that's a natural three wow um you see he says um he says there was no plan oh grace i was supposed to execute the king i was supposed to move but i couldn't get to him in time he moved out of the way the blade didn't find its purchase i was supposed to simply walk away and let him die on the field okay um there's still time for me to do this where could i find another blade like this who can i trust to help me with this action uh you see he looks at you and says um i know not where blades of water can be made i only know that the primition alfredy can if she was able to give me three she can certainly give you more great i uh uh i just slap him in the face i uh walk over to to the guards and tell them to go back in oh they go oh like you were in there i tell them to arrest primogen alfred holy [ __ ] uh they look at you and they say on on uh on what grants he just told me that that's where he got the daggers move now or we will lose our advantage i whisper to him where is your bulb now very well done chancellor hey thank you i tried it didn't go well well i have a headache now okay i think i should go with them do you want to join me i don't trust a lot that is happening here i think it would be wise if we figured out um if we explored our options in the routes of a boat he looks to you and my authority as primogen of the bolby of church uh she stands up she doesn't look [ __ ] shook for a moment until you talk she looks around and says what is the meaning of this i am the primogen of the church you forget yourself chancellor lepan you forget the bulban faith we have found you out we know you made the daggers i bow to the senator and say uh thank you for understanding i appreciate your decision making in this difficult time he raises the class and says i owe you my thanks i was trapped in a very boring conversation i don't find it brave on my end i feel as though i'm just following the steps laid out by the great bulb itself for the pout bay the way that the juice reflects the light at the bottom it is yes the juice of the bay is quite stunning yes on a hot day you can really smell it you know it gets it i went out there on the middle of hybrid one year when i was here and i tell you he was like chunky yes i went for a swim and got stuck you know oh yes well i do not envy the strength of seresia i uh do you how well do you know alfredy i know alfredy more than i would like and i would say that most that know her know her more than they would like she is um going to be in the prison for at least this evening before the pontifex can see her move toward religious prison correct i would uh i would believe so what and i was like uh what you said what about the bulb i was like where's your bulb now oh a bunch of tart guard outside that shouldn't be listening i'll go yes yes le pen yes we're doing band practice they're anti-one type of other types of magic there are people who command the magic of the bulb who have real magic i i just had a question uh before we go forward good call have you thought about who you could possibly um yes um the islands are is there anything to say nominating president you're no king preston emperor preston your highness remember is there anything to nominating the person you fought today i'd consider this just as a show of faith just to help so before i when i left uh after we arrested uh afraid senator ciabatta gave me the offer of accompanying him to find out more about what's going on um and and said that i should just bring those who can be to keep a low profile um and that should happen later tonight i'm trying to decide um [Music] who specifically is in here uh you see that you hear a voice outside uh very sorry sir this is um the archbishop oliver onion patch on behalf of her holiness the hierophant rex you know elizabeth brassica the pontifex uh yes um um uh could you give us a moment absolutely we are happy to take a moment you see that uh he closes the door um senator chitabotta might come by while i'm gone you want us to stay here i'm trying to i don't trust you with the pontifex i don't the pontifex seemed pretty chummy with the lady alfredy um she may or may not be trustworthy but i feel as though calroy speaks up and says let's be very clear if primogen doesn't attend to summons of the pontifex there's no telling what happened i understand i'm merely wondering if we should attend him i why don't you go to the pontifex and we will go cowboy with christine that's what i was thinking but i was just or one of us could go with you um and the other could go colorado looks and says um i i will be very honest i think that the good chancellor can handle himself i'm not concerned about le pen it looks very strange for a primogen to walk with escort in the streets of commodore to attend a summons by her holiness we live in strange times we do live in strange times let's not make them any stranger all right um i feel as though i should go but if the senator ciabatta comes by i guess it makes the most sense for you three to go he says well i'm going to stay here but yes i think that's a wise choice okay um primition uh le pen approaches bows deeply primogen cadre from where does the strength of this church come i would say that the strength of the church comes from the bulb and the very people that it shines on i apologize for making this situation for doing something that makes your life harder makes the church's life harder but i was given very little choice you know what happened inside the church two of your very own people tried to kill the king of candia and please forgive me for saying this but i did not trust the inside of the church at this moment i of course swear to the bulb so you're just trusting the word of a serious soldier over image and a picture when will this happen right now as you see fit um i can do it um liam wilhelmina you're sentenced by the church what the [ __ ] on trial of witchcraft i'm uh it's not a very good situation but i think if he comes with us that will be the best outside of openly fighting these soldiers and going to the war with the church right now i think this will give us the best shot i look at lepan i say he won't be harmed what he will be judged as the church the bombing church sees fit in a public trial uh where all can see don't worry liam we're gonna be your witnesses what you would have to go to uh a jail cell you know look at rabasha and quietly say wow you're gonna let the king amathar take all the glory of fighting the bulb uh the neat lands will surely hear about this how your cowardice kept you from fighting i am that backpack there's your flowers in here flowers i will step forward and cast fly on theo so le pan is going to step forward cast fly on theobald and then walk over and stand in front of liam get in the way of him and the paladin and as bonus action heal liam for two d6 yeah for four i misjudged you chancellor oh shut up i thought i kicked your ass earlier uh le pen at you take um uh 18 damage okay from the first attack five nine um 14 from the next one so 18 and 14. and then from the last one you take six 19 points of damage from the last one oh thank you on the last stroke wait wait oh goodbye yeah mm-hmm yeah i had 50 and he hit me for 51. he goes false prophet how could you betray the ball three spit in his eye and this mace lowers you to the floor no um i'm going to need a death savings row lepansy the sugarplum fairy or anything interesting and do i do what i in this state hear the rest about that book as you slip into unconsciousness uh you discover that though people can form a relationship with the bulb in the same way and get magic from it in the same way unlike the sugarplum fairy uh you discern the true nature of the bulb and its presence as a spiritual entity in calurum the bulb is mindless it does not possess any intellect intelligence sapience or awareness it merely is and the people that are capable of accessing it may access it for whatever ends they wish death saving throne come on one two that is a failure the precedent is going to fly to you and curl up in a ball under you and give you advantage on your next roll preston's gonna take the help action and then this my friends is gonna be the nat 20 that breaks the window [Music] i had another wish you were supposed to i was supposed to do a third thing for you that is a second death saving through a failure you have one last death save there is only one thing that can possibly save you and it's a nat 20 which would let you regain one hit point and take a turn um i'm gonna get the box of doom i know you could fly if you still have a spell i don't know if you do okay he's this is the nat 20 right here come on sugar come on i [ __ ] hate you but please that's a 13. um on the ground outside of the cathedral [Music] you all need desperately to run as fast as you can um le pen bludgeoned and beaten by circaridins mace uh you're unable to cast spells but your eyes open blearly for a moment as you look up you see the pontifex and circaridin um staring down at you pontifex lips curl she says heretic apostate warlock the plum fairy [Music] you mock that which is bright and shining do you have any last words uh can i get inside check just to see if if she knows the true nature of the ball um yeah uh give me give me uh one uh with advantage it's only a 14. the blood seeps into your eyes you can't quite look at her she stares at you and you think um that this woman doesn't not only doesn't know whether the bulb is real or not or sentient or not you also think she doesn't care and you think that she gets what she wants from the bulb and that is power any last words knowing that i just want to say just loudly to everyone that the bulb cares for no one she whips her head to keratin and says end it you hear a voice in your ear they wouldn't have survived this without you my third wish is for you to come home in the alley outside you watch carriden stand up and a sickening crunch as chocolate splashes and covers the front of the church with a final twitch le pan is gone and i may have misspoken it's not a hand on your chest so much as it is a paw hello [Music] [Applause] get off of me i'm sorry i grabbed you by the throat that was crazy um it was a little bit of a stronger move than i meant i'm not mad at you you little ben how are you what is going on oh i um when you came down here i'm i guess i'm here just to pack up so to speak what do you mean i have to take these things to the hungry one whoa and i think lepan picks up some kind of magical artifact you see that there are some scrolls on like a weird sort of like stone altar and some candles and as lepan extends his paw to them you realize that these scrolls and candles are symbols manifestations of like dreams memories stories wishes prayers and they just curl up in his hand and he deposits them as moats of light into like a small scroll case at his side i've i've been feeling the hungry one i've been seeing visions that smell and sound just like this what what's going on um liam this place is is disappearing uh when ruby killed the sugarplum fairy it undid the illusion of this place okay the this quote-unquote afterlife that the you know uh king amithar's sisters and jack and i we're all in is not truly an afterlife it's sort of this sick dream of the sugar club fairy oh and so we all have have to go to the hungry and so is that a bad thing not necessarily would we still be able to contact you and like zuli and i don't think so judd they're already gone and i'm just well we're bringing up the rear preston leaps into your arms oh my baby boy my sweet why you look so good a haircut i gave him my little hair you gave him a haircut he won't stop following me around for some reason and so you press and blast out of your arms and goes and flies and nuzzles lapan's head leaves a little yeah have you been watching are you able to see what's going on in our world i we can see we were able to see we're [ __ ] what are we gonna do i can i'm gonna get that carrot i'm gonna i'm gonna [ __ ] ruin that carrot i'm a war guy now and at first i was just happy i was good at something but now it's all i think about and i just want to get better and better at killing um bad people well i do not like that care of man very much like but before he killed me i i found some information what before i could tell any of you i was struck down well what was it that's why we're talking out this way okay are you gonna teach me something i will tell you something cool i don't know if there's much time to teach um so the interpretations of the bulb and the hungry one have been very complicated and a lot of agency has been put on them for as long as any of us have been alive but the truth is that they are truly just light and dark you know one is creation one is destruction they're just purely forces they're not alive they have no dog in the fight um the because of that the church pontifex whoever can attribute any meaning to any of it without with impunity yeah so they don't care about any of this and what is going to happen what has always happened is that the hungry one and the bulb both do what they do the bulb creates the hungry one destroys so without the sugar plum fairy the sugar plum fairy yeah is not they're not gods the bulb and the hungry one are not gods the sugar plum fairy is also not a god they're more like the sugarplum fairy and the other magical beings in this world they're all just more like living spells they're closer to mortals than they are to anything else so they were the sugarplum fairies of the bulb and she was able to use the power of the bulb to create this area we are now but without her it's time for it to go i don't know is it there's no way to get back to people that everyone is so upset about losing we're going into some huge battle at a house i is it worth killing even more and more should i keep being like a war guy i could still be a seed guy i just need a therapist there's nothing wrong with being a seed guy and i think that's when the balls of light that are hovering in lapan uh come forth so one of these looks sort of like the sugar plum fairy right this is a the bulb this is that energy this is the energy to create one of these is like the cinnamon dragon you know the hungry one so it has the energy to destroy and it's this third one yeah is something else it's the energy to change and i think that's what's happening to this world is things are changing and that's what happens when we leave this place the energy that is created by the bulb is also destroyed by the hungry one yeah and that cycle keeps continuing and i think that's it's not a bad thing but the way that i can help you is that i can offer you one of these i'll take that one which one the change one the change one cool [Applause] never mind what's up [ __ ] so people are so hell-bent on on using their time alive to either homage creation or destruction but wouldn't change be the only thing that the living have to do with i think that is there fine is there a religion associated with this wish i don't know that there would be a religion associated with it but i think it's associated with living okay i'm just wondering if we made the wrong choice with killing the sugarplum fairy no she sucked okay okay and one last question does the queen now have a mini hungry one that she's treating as a pet that feels bad remember when i said a living spell it's kind of like a living spell okay cool that's cute then it's not gonna grow up and then eat everyone maybe i don't know it's good to see you again it's good to see you too laven are you in pain at all [Laughter] as you're thinking of le pan you look back and see a memory of lepan uh in a sort of city town in the great stone candy mountains as a young scrappy urchin like a pickpocket thief kid with no birthright or inheritance lowborn and you see some standing stones of the sugarplum fairy and you see a holy place where different scrolls and stories the sugarplum fairy have been amassed by the priests of the sweetening path sort of freer to go about their business here in the mountains and you see a young lapan break into a small monastery of sweetening path druids and steal an ancient bound tome with a ritual on it to summon the sugar plum fairy bind it and get three wishes granted and you see this little kid do this ritual with not even necessarily really being able to read or know what they're doing do the ritual and the sugar plum fairy herself showing up and the bindings not working and instead of being bound uh in an act of mercy the sugar or perhaps in an act of manipulation the sugar plum fairy saying uh i'm not going to give you three wishes in fact you're going to give them to me and uh the young rabbit replies you know or what does love young lapan in this memory say oh no he always sounded like that and the sugar plum fairy saying but your wishes won't be of much use if you have no magic to grant them and you see her granting the first magical powers to lepan and making him a warlock [Music] yeah there's nothing wrong with being a seed guy preston come on
Channel: maiya
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Keywords: dimension 20, a crown of candy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 43sec (3403 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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