Fantasy High Ep 1 but its just some of my favorite moments

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why does this a licensed private investigator it says well it says on its little but it's legal own I broke my bed again Oh sweetheart well that's that's no problem hey you know what sometimes the thing gets broken and when you rebuild it it's stronger for you know breaking things and bad you keep saying that but I keep breaking things very it's very big what's right thank you why would it be impractical to fight with a two foot diameter or I really do try my best I want to go to parties and dump my beer down the sink and refill the beer can with water so no one feels weird around me glare have you been eating out of cans again what my daughter yes I have been eating legumes as it were for I found this in my new living situation over at strong tower luxury apartments wow you really emphasize luxury go I cost ray of sickness underneath the kitchen table picks up the phone and she calls someone you can hear speaking in elven downstairs I know you're talking I'm not going to do with you get downstairs yeah I'm probably gonna be busy because I'm gonna make like I I so I figured like a lot of kids would just be like giving out their phone numbers on their phone but I made business cards when you feel a little mad it's probably because you really feel sad just remember your mom and dad and then you'll start to feel real gland that's right that's right but so just sing that song around the other high school is if you start feeling upset your prayers the cornelio praise be I'm almost done okay we're gonna be pretty late if you if you're we're gonna do a whole hour I hate okay hey I don't have a lot of friends even though I'm pretty social which is weird I had a weird dream where I got really mad and then I woke up in my bed was broken okay see you guys have dreams where you're mad all the time well sure I was just thinking I've never seen you mad well you didn't see me when the your old paw here dropped a screwdriver on my dang thumb I was fit you know I said hey you know watch it buster I really like my insides are boiling love you know it's okay to relax yeah getting relaxed get that's how we get them to tell us you know it's the secrets it's not to solve the mystery friends are for more than clues see hey who's my dad god dammit I'm not who's my dad I can't tell you who your dad is Galia who raised you and loves you I think I need some instruction like maybe from a dad god damn it who is he just give me a name I'll go find him myself there are reasons I can't tell you did someone mention the man of the house oh okay let me just go use the bathroom and then I'll come okay that sounds good um I go into the bathroom and I cast a sky self to make myself look like my mom and then I come back out walk back out he goes Sandra Lynn what the hell I thought you did you go to work I know I've changed I've I'm I've changed my mind I don't think she should go to school she made some really compelling arguments about how bards how bars need real-life experience so thank you so much and also thank you for keeping it a secret who her real dad is but between you and me we can say the name out loud you see he says well he's actually if you want to go talk to him about the paternity test we can he is free today yeah yes I do can we do it in the next hour sure that's fine okay oh you see he goes and gets in the driver's seat of the car okay I'm coming you sit what's the duration on your disguise also one hour you see that your father pulls up to the front of the school you see goes all right Sandra Lynn here you are your former lovers in there do you think I'm a fool oh I raised you and don't call me Galia all right I know that I saw so what else am I supposed to call you stranger stranger with no biological link to me I was willing to make that's a lot to say every time I address you Pig I'm sitting here with beans on my shirt no I saw you ate one on the ride here if Helio was here right now he would pop out of a corn husk he would pop into a million different pieces of himself and he would spread those pieces around to all parts of this there was a mean trick with the farmers from all that I don't never cast spells at you yes you do all the time well mine are always funnier she's hideous love you start cackling like a lunatic see for example I just said that my spells were funny and I've turned your laughter spelled back on you with his boots both ironic and funny which are the two things that I said my spells are like I don't even have to join one of those little arcane secret societies good I punch her in the face just read a newspaper the dates right circumstances last scene last person seen so it's good to have you around mom cigarette where the did you get a sick I don't where did you get that I light up another you gotta put the cigarette out while I'm in the room while I'm in the room you can't smoke just tell me who my real dad is and I'll call this war off hi papa and well-behaved welcome welcome new class all heroes today is your first day of school all right know what he never had much in the way of book learnin never was raised no school of any kind so here's what you do on your first day all right fast around the biggest and meanest strong or even to his stomach and send him to his knee yes papa oh you guys all arrived at the front of the school what are you guys all doing here together oh I look around for the biggest and the strongest man or student in the in the kind of the entry area he's the tallest person here and holding a metal flower hey how you doing buddy good it's my first day I guess it's everyone's day oh it's your first day do you want this metal flower I swear it I turned I say I'm very sinister son of Bill see cast on and I'm here to be great I'm trying to sing that song you seem really nonviolent I feel that's really cool violence isn't everything I go to rage I don't need to explain myself to you I'm Fabian C caster you 100% I'm sorry I got mad at you you can slide the flower if you want I'm gonna sneak into the teachers lounge while there's a commotion and steal from the refrigerator oh I don't know if that's really a skill I have whoo okay I got an at one see the door opens and this vice-principal guy walks and goes okay immediate detention hi we're voting today to reinstate prom king and queen hi we're voting today we're having a vote today hi thank you the flyer yes actually high risk uh CAC Oh nice to meet you hi yes that's fun oh you just please don't sing another song see your dad softly pushes ukelele
Channel: Baron from the Baronies
Views: 60,932
Rating: 4.9867988 out of 5
Id: RC0ZxlYOpQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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