"Fantastic Fat" by Barbara O'Neill

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the title of this lecture is fantastic fats because that's what they are they're fantastic they're an essential nutrient in the human body but there are some fats as you don't miss book title States there are fats that kill and there are fats that heal so what I'd like to do today is I'd like you to I'd like to show you the molecular structure of the fat when you understand the molecular structure of the fats then you know what they do and then you know what the body does with them and then you understand the effect that they have on the body this is the 18 chain fatty acid that makes up a mega 3 which is found in its highest sources in flaxseed and chia seed I'm going to show you what that omega-3 is it's an aiding chain fatty acid meaning that there are 18 chains in that fatty acid link and there are hydrogen atoms either side that's the H and in the middle they're linked by carbon atoms there are 19 trillion of those in one drop of oil so that's the magnification we're looking at what does the 3 mean the 3 indicates the position on this fatty acid chain of the first double bond what's a double bond well let's let's count it up first 1 2 3 there's the double bond a double bond indicates that instead of one link there's two links and whenever you get this double bond these two hydrogen atoms are gone and these two hydrogen atoms develop an electromagnetic field between them and start repelling each other in flaxseed chia seed there are three double bonds so we've got 1 2 3 another one here one do another one here so these two hydrogen atoms are gone and these two develop an electromagnetic field between them and that changes the structure of the oil the oil now has three kinks in it and as a result it's a very thin oil it's a very fluid oil because it's got the is three kinks in it causing those hydrogen atoms to to move apart causing kinks in the in the chain so this oil Amiga 3 found in flaxseed and chia seed is given the name super unsaturated why is it unsaturated because there are three empty spots on the fatty acid chain it's a poly unsaturated polymeric more than one double bond that's what the poly unsaturated means poly means more than one double bond and saturated means that there are empty spots on the fatty acid chain let's have a look at the effect that these double bonds have on the body number one they create an electromagnetic field between them that electromagnetic field is very important because we are electrical people there's a spark of electricity in every cell in the body our electrical system is our nervous system so omega-3 is essential for proper brain function double bonds are also light-sensitive that means they attract the light they are heat sensitive they attract the heat and they act like a magnet to oxygen so when you eat this food you ensure your electromagnetic field balance you can absorb more light more vitamin D you can manage your heat better and you absorb more oxygen cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen so it makes a lot of sense to include these foods in our daily diet what are we told is the highest source of omega-3 fish oil no animal can put a meager 3 into their fatty acid chain only plants can so why are fish high they eat a one celled algae that is high we don't need to eat the one celled algae we can eat flaxseed and chia seed but let me introduce you to the omega-3 family the omega-3 found in flaxseed chia seed is called alpha linolenic acid let's look at the omega-3 family ala alpha linolenic acid it has three double bonds in it so it's quite a fluid oil one two three in the body ala is converted to EPA apposite ionic acid and it has five double bonds one two three four five in the body EPA is converted to DHA and DHA has six double bonds one two three four five six very fluid oil and that oil is used exclusively by the body for cell membrane function and repair in the fish ala is eaten in that one celled algae in the fish ala is converted to EPA in the fish EPA is converted to DHA then man comes along and extracts the DHA out and says this is a far superior omega-3 because the DHA is already available for your body but if three double bonds is sensitive to light heat and oxygen how sensitive is six double ponds and the fish that are highest in DHA are also the highest in mercury and where's mercury found it's a fat soluble toxin in the fat is it possible to extract not only the six double bonds without destroying it with exposure to that but is it possible to extract it and not extract the mercury I think it's far safer to have flaxseed and chia seed and when you only eat omega-3 in its DHA form you're actually not getting the ala and the EPA which are also used in different body functions the chia seed is very user friendly you can just sprinkle on on everything it can absorb up to 15 times its own weight in fluid and that starts the breakdown the flax seed must be ground it must be ground before you can use it but don't buy an already ground because in within about an hour and a half the light heat and the oxygen have all been absorbed into those double bonds and the oil is destroyed that's why if you buy flax seed oil it's always in dark tin or bottle in the fridge because the light heat and the oxygen destroy it you'll notice at the breakfast table the last thing to go on the table is the LSA which is linseed sunflower and almond and the first thing to be put away is the LSA the easiest way is to get a little coffee grinder there is a use for your coffee grinder and just grind up as much as you need every morning and sprinkle straight on your breakfast that's the best way to do it my suggestion is especially if you want to take a mega three-four inflammation and how many people that have arthritis are told to go on fish oil it's because omega-3 is the starting point for the anti-inflammatory chain or cascade in your body it reduces inflammation I would have a couple of dessert spoons of chia seed on your breakfast a couple of dessert spoons on your lunch maybe you'll also have a couple of dessert spoons of the ground flaxseed it's the easiest way to take it three teaspoons of ground flaxseed will deliver one teaspoon of flaxseed oil it's a very high oil plant what about a mega six sunflower is high in omega-6 what does the six indicate it indicates the position on the fatty acid chain of the first double bond one two three four five six there it is there and sunflower with its omega-6 has two double bonds one two three there's another one there so you've got hydrogen atoms here you've got hydrogen here you've got hydrogen atoms here and you've got hydrogen atoms along here so you've got two repelling actions so you've got the oil has got a couple of kinks in it it's also called the polyunsaturated fatty acid poly meaning more than one double bond unsaturated because there are some empty spots on the fatty acid chain what about olive oil and almond oil it's high in omega 9:9 indicating the position on the fatty acid chain of the first double bond these three are all eighteen chain fatty acids so one two three four five six seven eight nine there's the double bond there there's only one double bond in olive oil and almond oil so you've got hydrogen atoms along here hydrogen along here you've only got one repelling action which means you've just got one kink as a result the or found in olives and almonds is called mono unsaturated fatty acid mono referring to the fact there's only one double bond unsaturated because there's still an empty spot on the fatty acid chain and I think we can all appreciate olive oil is very thick oil it's very thick or because there's only one double bond in the fatty acid chain what about coconut coconut is different coconut comprises of medium and short chain fatty acids medium chain would be not a teen chain probably between twelve and fifteen chain and short chain would be between say eight and ten chains in the fatty acid chain there are no double bonds in so every spot is full so you've got hydrogen atoms on long no double bonds at all as a result when it's cold that oil is solid so it's called the saturated fat which oil is the best which body function are you talking about because the body uses them all for different functions so we need them all but let me give you an illustration which I think illustrates how the body uses it I used to work in an operating theatre in my 20s and I will give you an operating theatre scenario 3 double bonds from Amiga three is our surgeon 2 double bonds from the Amiga 6 that's our assisting physician 1 double bond from Amiga 9 that's the theater nurse no double bonds that's the trolley boy we had a trolley boy named Fred and he was very stocky it was very strong and he was very good at lifting the patient's because he was so strong and whenever you get an operation that might contain some pass then the theaters considered infected theater and it has to be scrubbed every tiny bit and no one was better at it than Fred he was a very hard worker very strong and we would say Fred it's time to take the patient into recovery Fred and so sure bang crash and we'll be saying Fred Fred Fred gentle there's a person on there gentle it was as if he didn't know what gentle man but it was a good trolley boy but we just had to keep keep sort of tapering him down a little bit it on his strength now if the surgeon didn't turn up would we put Fred on the job no they might lose a leg well if Fred didn't turn up would we put the surgeon on friend's job no we wouldn't because he wasn't very strong and he had beautiful hands can you see my illustration every member of the team is very important every member of the team has their roles when I was visiting my friend in Nakuru Africa she has an orphanage there we took a little girl named Rahab she had a big sore on her head to the hospital we wanted her to be tested for AIDS now the hospital had all of these buildings all separate just fibro with corrugated iron roofs there were paths linking them and there are lots of doctors with white coats and stethoscopes walking along the path some nurses in their smart uniforms and we went to the office which was right in the middle of this huge complex and when we got to the office the window was on the outside there was a terrible smell I said to my friend mate what's that smell she starts the public toilets behind you what is the use of the white coats from the stethoscope and the smart uniforms is that there's a set of toilets in the middle of that complex that are just putrid I said to me if I wasn't married if I had no commitments I'd come to this hospital and I'd apply to be the head cleaner that hospital needed Florence Nightingale you've got to clean up the place the trolley boy the cleaner is a very important part of the team that's like turning the tap off so you see every part of the team is very important because the body uses them for different things let me show you how the body uses them in the digestive breakdown because it's actually a totally different system with the different oils here is the stomach first of all we've got mouth that's where digestion begins in the mouth then we've got the esophagus coming down into the stomach the stomach basically looks a little like this then we've got that liver and underneath the liver we've got the gallbladder the gallbladder has a bile duct that comes down and it connects with the neck of the pancreas so there's the pancreas and it releases its enzymes into the duodenum this is the pyloric sphincter so this is the duodenum here your large intestine basically is here but this small intestine travels down waves around here before finally it comes into the large intestine here that's very simply how it all looks let's have a look at how these fats are broken down here is the villi now there's villi line the gastrointestinal tract basically like that up in the middle of the villi is a lacteal that's part of your lymphatic system over the lacteal is a capillary network so let's have a look at these three long-chain fatty acids they come down into the stomach they're not dealt with in the mouth they're really not dealt with in the stomach they come down into the duodenum and bile from the gallbladder breaks up the fat into tiny little particles it's like emulsifies it and then pancreatic lipase comes in and further breaks it down to glycerol and fatty acids see what you've usually got is you've got a glycerol like this and you've got these fatty acids there they are these ones here three of them all connected well those enzymes break them all apart and then they're absorbed into these little villi straight into the knocked eel the lacteal goes to the thymus the thymus goes to the liver and the liver says oh the surgeons have arrived store them to use for cell membrane function and repair and then coconut comes down coconut is a medium and short chain fatty acid it comes into the mouth and in the mouth is the tongue and underneath the tongue there are little glands called sublingual glands and they release lingual lipase and this lingual lipase breaks down medium and short chain fatty-acids no other so coconut oil is actually started to be broken down in the mouth and when you all pull and put that coconut oil in your mouth when that lingual lipase connects with the coconut oil then it becomes antibacterial as it is sitting there the coconut oil is not antibacterial but when it hits the lingual lipase and it starts to break this connection down it releases the antibacterial properties and when you put it on your skin there are tiny enzymes in your skin that also convert it to antibacterial properties isn't that fascinating as a result coconut does not need bile coconut oil does not need pancreatic lipase coconut oil is absorbed straight into the bloodstream taken to the liver and burnt as fuel it's an amazing oil now ladies and gentlemen if someone wanted to use an oil so if someone wanted to lose weight would they eat or oil that the body burnt as fuel or would they eat oil that the body stored Burges fuel if someone wanted to lose weight what would be their oil of choice it's difficult to say isn't that we've been so brainwashed against the poor our coconut the coconut it's the best weight loss of illyrians and if you wanted a high energy fuel which oil would you eat one that's stored or one that burnt the burning see where the misconception has come from is people's understandings of calories glucose burns at four calories per gram fat burns at nine calories per gram so when people want to lose weight they say I will not eat the fat it's going to give me more than twice the calories that glucose will give me but what they don't understand is what a calorie is a calorie is a unit of energy so if you want a high energy food what are you going to but now if you eat more units of energy then you can burn obviously the body will store it that's why we should be eating breakfast like a king lunch like a queen do you like a pauper best time to lose weight is while you're sleeping best time to be hungry is while you're sleeping you don't even up it's the easiest way to do it that's why your coconut cream is one of the best additives to your protein shakes your protein smoothies give your high energy fuel coconut is 40 percent antifungal it's a perfect food for that hot tropical environment where there's a lot of moisture and warmth where fungus loves to grow and it's a protection against fungal outbreaks in that environment coconut is very high in medium-chain fatty acids you might have seen that there's your medium chain fatty acid there's only one other food that's just as high and that's breast milk so coconut milk is very similar to breast milk and there's another reason why it is so coconut is 48% lauric acid and lauric acid is a fatty acid that's antimicrobial butter is 2% lauric acid but there's another food on the planet that contains lauric acid in good amounts and that's breast milk so that's another reason why coconut milk is very similar to breast milk let's have a look at the planet you would it be good for children to make a tea take a teaspoon of coconut all the day yes be great let's have a look at planet Earth here's planet Earth here's the tropics of these foods what food is grown in the tropics the coconut and it's a perfect food for that environment in Fiji the green coconuts juice is prized they call it boo juice bu boo juice and the lining of the coconut in the immature coconut is very thin and it's like almost a soft white jelly and when you drink the Buddha's it's just rich and beautiful very high in minerals but when the coconut gets old then the lining gets really thick and dry and that's the coconut we know and the the milk in the middle doesn't have much properties in it at all it's all gone into the thickness and when I was teaching in Fiji which I do every year I said one year I wouldn't be surprised if you could give a baby boo juice well I had a few women run up to me after the minute because they're very shy and one lady said my girlfriend was born on a farm island in Fiji she's 48 now and her mother died in childbirth and there were no women on the island so the men collected the boo juice the green coconut every day and fed it to a newborn baby and then some of the other ladies started to talk because they're very shy and they said are traditionally all Fijian women give their babies blue juice it's a beautiful milk for the baby I was in Fiji in December and one of the guys ours with us and you know there's a crisis in Fiji at the moment because their Fijian government will not allow them milk formula companies to put a happy Fijian baby face on the packet so the milk companies in protests have stopped supplying and there's a crisis in Fiji babies don't have milk to drink and they're getting it from Indonesia and I said well what about the bird juice the coconuts are rotting on the on the ground I said to my friend and one of the guys is a doctor I said you need to write a letter to the newspaper you're a doctor you'll you'll have say for those who need the magic of the MD put that name at the bottom same others put your babies back on the Borgias because i tell you those little fiji and babies are sick they got the thick thick green coming out of their nose they're chesty they're the cow's milk babies you see cows milks good for cows is not good for human babies the only way humans can really tolerate cow's milk is as yogurt or feta and that and that's milk that's what the cow's milk starts what the cow's stomach does to it so we're not out 5 stomachs we've only got one let's go up to the Mediterranean what foods are grown in the Mediterranean I lives in the almonds there's your Omega 9 as you go up the planet you'll find the foods grown further up high in omega-6 right up the top they're very high in omega-3 you don't rust misquoted research where where a plant grown here was tested and it was very high in omega 9 same species of plant grown further up the planet higher in omega-6 same species of plant grown right up the top higher in omega-3 in other words we should be eating the food that's grown in our area because it's perfectly designed for our body's needs in that area in that climate at that time of the year when I lived up the top of Australia I ate a lot of pawpaws I never realized poor boys could taste so nice off the tree I had a lot of pineapples and then for several years were we live down in the bottom of Victoria I own a lot of apples down there a lot of stone fruit it's best to now down in in Melbourne in the middle of summer sometimes would have a mango but predominantly we ate the fruit that was eating that it grown in that area you go into an Eskimo I grow in the middle of some in the middle of winter where you get the long long winter nights in the short winter days you'll hear a lot and laughter there's no such thing as depression their electromagnetic field is sparky they've absorbed that what little vitamin do they get they absorb it well manage their heat oxygen vitalizes and invigorates what are they eating not a seal lot of fish and that fish in that seal is very very high in omega-3 because the seaweeds are very high in omega-3 and that's what they're eating I think if I went and lived with the Eskimos I just take a big bunch of cheersing but you know Rasmus tells the story of a man who went to live there and stayed on his sad diet you've heard of the sad died standard Australian diet very sad standard American diet very sad the sad died and after two months he became very very sad to the point where they had to fly mout he was getting depressed even suicidal he was totally deficient in omega-3 and you know the set there there is a condition called the sad disease that's happening in them in the European countries that are further up the planet they've stopped eating their traditional diet there's never been a lot of Sun it's not the Sun it's actually what they're eating that is causing the sadness it's the deficiency in the in the in the Omega threes the question often arises how we're going to get our calcium because I think we've definitely assessed the protein well what about the calcium what are we told is the highest source of calcium glass of milk probably is for the cow but humans can't access that calcium it's very high in animal protein and very high in calcium is a glass of cow's milk but that protein is animal protein and it's very dirty burning fuel only 58% is burnt as fuel in animal protein 58% is fuel that leaves a 42 percent waste and that waste is the sulfur waste and it's very acidic and so what the body does is it uses the most alkaline mineral do you remember students your most alkaline mineral it's calcium it uses the calcium in the milk to negate that sulfur acidic residue from metabolizing the protein how much calcium is now left for the body none the countries in this world that consume the greatest amounts of dairy products have the highest incidence of osteoporosis and the countries in this world that don't consume the dairy or hardly any that aren't have osteoporosis because if someone has a glass of milk and a steak there's not enough calcium in the milk to negate the sulfur residue from the steak so where is the calcium taken from now from the bones osteoporosis is basically epidemic proportions in Australia today an osteoporosis is happening because people are ever eating a diet high in acid forming things leaching the calcium out of the bones they're not exercising tomorrow we'll look at exercise you've got to exercise those bones just as much as the muscles hormonal imbalance member in the hormone lecture I said progesterone stimulates bone building cells so many women who've been on the pill get osteoporosis because of those high estrogen levels which displaces the progesterone where we're going to get our calcium from we can get it where the orangutangs and the elephants and the giraffes where do they get their calcium from where does the cow get its calcium dark green leafy vegetables we don't have to eat grass we can have rocket and coriander and lettuce and kale and lots of dark green leafy vegetables soy soy is very high in calcium chickpeas they're quite high in calcium they're the two highest in the legume department but the highest is sesame seed sesame seed is something like I think 1400 milligrams per cup of sesame seeds now you're not going to eat a cup of sesame seen but hey very high higher than any dairy product and an easy way to have sesame seed is tahini and tahini lasts a long time because it has an antioxidant called says Amal which prevents it going rancid and hummus is a very nice way - eat your chickpea and your tahini also baba ghanoush falafels a lot of Lebanese food combines the chickpeas and the tahini so when the children come home from school instead of giving them a glass of milk have a platter of raw veggies and a bowl of hummus I get a lot more calcium there and when they've polished off the raw veggies and hummus you can say they'll say we're finished and you can say are good here are the baked potatoes and the lentil stew and the sourdough bread because the kids hungry when they come home from school it's the Pope a Catholic they're starving it's a good time to eat a good time to feed them and a lot of mothers have told me that that works so well is to feed the children the main meal then because that's when they're very hungry most people are having too many acid-forming remember the acid side too much meat and dairy too much of your caffeine too much of your alcohols which leach the calcium out because of the high acid they create most aziz don't exercise most women have a hormonal imbalance no wonder osteoporosis is out of control and the milk won't fix it so you look at your hands is living in you in the Himalayan mountains they have no doctor no nurse no hospital no police no jail they play you know that's where polo originated they played polo some times before someone falls off a horse they heal very quickly no broken bones and they don't drink milk they have meat about three times a year on festive vacations and they have little sheeps yogurt some days where are they getting their calcium you know look how big the cow's bones are and he's not drinking milk they're getting it from grass so those green leafies are very very high when I was at school in my common sense cookery class we had a book the common sense cookbook had a triangle in it and the triangle stated that we should be eating a lot of meat and dairy products and then we should be eating quite a lot of grains and we should include a few fruit and veg and the smallest amount would be the fats and sugars that was when I maybe in the 60s when I was at school in about the 80s they changed the triangle they changed the triangle because of heart disease being the number one killer so on the bottom they put grains a lot of research came out about the phytochemicals the healing properties in fruit and vegetables so fruit and vegetables were encouraged even more and Menten dairy because it was acknowledged the harm in the animal fats that went up a little bit higher and the fats and sugars stayed at the top in many nutrition books today you will still see that triangle but what's that done for ZZZ here it is over here that's another reason why I ZZZ are having their high carbohydrate diet this high carbohydrate releasing this high glucose is wearing out the pancreas is 400 diabetics diagnosed daily in Australia it's produced a nation with 62% overweight just have a look at flood scenes you know sins in the on the television and look at the crowd scenes what are the size of the people the big very big it's also causing cancer to be neck and neck with heart disease you're what was bought on the scene margarine margarine was bought on the scene in about the 70s I think because of heart disease they said that's the butter that's making the thick clogging up the arteries but did you know the Frenchman loved their butter and they don't get that cholesterol problems how do you make margarine it's a bit scary let's say we're going to make margarine out of our some flaxseed oil well it's liquid that's the problem so we have to make it solid so they saturate they saturate it with hydrogen ions and what that does is that causes this hydrogen ion to kick over to the other side so we've got a hydrogen ion up here now the double bonds gone the electromagnetic fields gone and now the oil is straight now the person can spread it on their bread but that's structure that I've drawn for you there's not known in nature it's one molecular structure short of plastic so if a person eats margarine they really should eat the container it comes in because that's how close it is what about the ones with the FDA tick on it what about it I'll leave that up to your imagination every tub of margarine is a saturated fat because if it was polyunsaturated you'd open it and it would be liquid that's the polyunsaturated that is saturated well why do they say polyunsaturated margarine because it was polyunsaturated before they saturated it it is so destroyed and so deficient in anything that can be called nutrient that it can sit on the bench for 10 years and not deteriorate that's scary isn't it skin cancer rates have risen since margarine came on because the body sees it as an enemy is this I don't know what to do with this so it releases that as quickly as possible out of the skin there's your skin cancer rates going up heart disease has not dropped since margarine came on the scene so what should be the triangle what should be on the bottom of the triangle vegetables no limit on the vegetables fruit for some people the fruit can equal the vegetables but for some people what people should limit the vegetables sorry no one what people should limit the fruit people that are conquering cancer people have a yeast condition in their body people that are diabetic people that want to lose weight they need to reduce that fruit right now legumes we need to revive the leg ooh seeds and notice where I put grains up the top now this middle section that can be played with a bit I'm sure my boys with all their hard work can put grain down a little bit further and up the top we've got our oils we've got maple syrup we've got honey we've got nuts beautiful food but they're concentrated foods and they should only be taken in a small amount let's have a look at that triangle through several windows let's look at it through the pH window does it get a tick on the pH window yeah because your vegetables are your most alkaline the most acid are up the top it's a tick let's have a look at that through the liver window does it get a tick through the liver what does the liver need a lot of beta carotenes found in your orange in your green coloured vegetables it needs the proteins which are here and the good fats it gets a tip from the liver window what about the colon let's have a look at it through the colon window colon needs to be swept every day what's your highest fiber food vegetables to tick let's have a look at it through the cancer window cancers favorite food is sugar what should we're being a lot of vegetables we need the proteins to help the liver detox and recover from cancer it gets a tick from the cancer window what about availability there's always fresh fruit and vegetables available isn't there there's always fresh vegetables available when I started gardening at the age of thirty in my rainforest home I I thought you can't grow lettuce in the winter because we got big froze well there were some lettuce not quite ready so I let them go they'd frost over and by 11:00 in the morning they were beautiful I found out that lettuce is a winter crop because in the summer it bolts so vegetables are always available so availability gets a tick what about cost how much do you get for fifty dollars in the fruit and veggie shop compared to how much you get for fifty dollars in the health food shop and it's not easy to make olive oil or grow nuts or make honey or maple syrup but I tell it's very easy to grow vegetables very easy so cost and availability no matter what window we look at that triangle through it gets a tick on my website barb health there's another two articles you can download they're entitled how to show respect to the delicate organs of digestion part one the stomach and part two the colon and it's got basic principles to look after stomach and colon and a graphic designer did me a triangle and in that triangle he drew all the vegetables and then the legumes and the grains so he can scan it blow it up color it in put on fridge coloring in for the children yeah it gives a beautiful illustrate he did it beautifully you know the plants are sort of overflowing out of the triangle I noticed you donors website this is his triangle now my son James told me yeah this is the bodybuilders triangle now because this triangle is not working it's not working what I endeavoured to do this morning was give you some illustrations so it's not hard for you to work out for yourself what is the best food for human beings and the best food for human beings is the most freely available if I said for breakfast this morning let's go to the garden and hopefully when you come back next year we'll do that there'll be a big garden happening we've found out where the floods won't go and you are hungry you had broth for tea last night how it took you on a mighty walk this morning and you are ready to eat and I and you go into the garden what would you have in your mouth in minutes I think I'd be under the cherry tree your fresh fruit and vegetables that's the easily available it might be when like William when he was a little bloke I'd go out into the rain forest on my veranda lunchtime could we you know the coup ECAL mazing I've got six kids it's been five six hours since they've eaten and they're not pulling up my skirt that's because they drink lots of water between meals and they have mils that are high in fiber substantial protein sufficient fat well kids had jump out of crews jump out of the creeks all come running we'd all sit down and we're just about to start eating where's William he was the littlest lake quite little bloke and I'd look at James he knew where to go cucumber patch near he'd be sitting chomping on a cucumber it got a little bit hungry and mum hadn't called yet so he'd go and sit in the cucumber patch for people that can't have the fruit fast food for them might be cucumbers they might be carrots they might be tomatoes avocados I put my husband Michael on the strict diet one day of no fruit for six weeks he had a problem that I wanted conquered I said six weeks he was in town one day and he said I'm hungry I'm not going to get home for lunch what'll I do I said buy a couple of carrots and a little bag of macadamia nuts jump on them and I'll have a nice big veggie scent for you tonight for tea see people say what can you do when you travel well where we hit America are late one night we stayed in the airport motel the night and then the next morning we had to travel a more getting to the health retreat we're going to to run for lunch so we just traveled until we found a big supermarket and we went in and we bought a few selections of fruit and a couple of little bags and nuts I tell us fast food isn't at least in Australia you can get baked beans you can't even get that you know at a like a restaurant for breakfast in America all you get is white bread margarine and eggs and lots of fried foods so we know we're not going to even go into there but because he was on the low sweet diet I thought he can get a couple of carrots a little bag of macadamia nuts that'll keep the hunger pangs at bay and then when he gets home I'll have a veggie soup for him that night so it's good to look at your options it's good to look at no matter where you are people say it's alright when you're up in look at look at where you live and how you live it's easy I said yes it is easy but I said we travel too we have lots of friends and relatives who don't eat as we do and there's always something you can do I was staying in a friend's house and I was looking at the food they are eating and it was just high carb high carb all refined and I said I've got a little bit of salad in the car do you want me to make a salad she said I all right in other words there wasn't configure salad oh I just happened to have a jar of olives I tell lives are easy on thing so we had a big salad so we're able to do that and as you found it doesn't matter if some meals it's very light I bought the body survives thank you for attention this morning tomorrow we're going to be looking at three very important subjects exercise water and salt so we will cover those in our next lecture
Channel: BeyondPatmos
Views: 282,900
Rating: 4.8340406 out of 5
Keywords: beyond, patmos, misty, mountain, health, retreat, cancer, barbara, oneill, seminar, natural, healing, medicine
Id: E-c-xfEVtns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 52sec (2872 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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