BRSDA 20180531 31 May 2018 Health Camp Talk 02 Brain Disease of the Mind by Barbara O'Neill

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you mean I've got voice no no no can't hear me we've lost the man he's gone it's gone so testing testing one two three got them so the meeting tonight I'm gonna be talking about the mind in fact some writers claim that nine-tenths of all diseases are in the mind so how does disease happen in the mind I read an interesting statement once it said many might be well if only they thought so many might be sick if only they thought so in Australia you might have heard of our dark-skinned people who were there first so to speak which is the Aboriginal people now the aboriginal culture had a practice that was called pointing of the boned and if someone had done something worthy of death the elders of the tribes would point the bone at this person and within 24 hours they would be dead now there was no magical properties in the bone the person believed that they would die and they did unfortunately pointing of the bone is still happening how often have I met people who have told me that they've been given six months to live and they live for six months you know sometimes medicine makes mistakes that's why if ever a person's told they've got so long to live and they tell that to me the first thing I say is have you rejected that have you rejected it proverbs 23 verse 7 I think we know it it says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he and most people don't realize that happiness is a choice it's a choice and we have no right not to be happy you see feelings are a very bad guide because feelings go up and down like the wind is that right I remember when I was living in the rainforest we had no electricity things didn't happen quickly because my first husband was a drug addict and an alcoholic and he'd put up a bit of a clothesline for me from tree to tree and we'd had a lot of rain and I was so happy to finally be able to get my washing on the line and the Rope break the Rope break broke broke broke that's it the rope broke and all my washing fell in the mud and I sat down and cried and then I got up and fixed it you see things happen and you might say Barbara that's really not a big deal well when you've got a whole lot of children you've had many days of rain do you know it's important to grieve when something bad happens mm-hmm and I allowed myself a few minutes grieving and then got up and did something about it and when there's been a loss grieving is important unfortunately I have met people it's five years later and they're still grieving now if i sat under that tree in grief for five years about my washing life and yes you might say Barbara how can you compare washing falling in the mud compared to the loss of a loved one yes the loss of a loved one certainly is major but the fact is we've all got to die is that right and in most cases and not in every case the way we die is determined by the way we live obviously there are accident obviously sometimes things happened that we have no sale over but my father passed a week and a half ago and he'd been a vegetarian most of his life he didn't drink and he didn't smoke and I would say about four or five days before he died I was talking on the phone to him and we had a we had a great conversation how nice that the mind is still working right up until the day that we die and so at his funeral a few people talked and then I stood up and said I believe that we are all here today as a celebration yeah a celebration of quite an amazing life my father was a pilot he was an inventor he spent his retiring years inventing attachments for bicycles and all sorts of things for disabled people in fact it wasn't till the funeral that a lot of us realized how much he had done 50 bikes he had made attachments form so there my father is gone I allowed myself a little bit of grieving but I thought my father has now passed and he led a very good life and what a wonderful thing to have made a difference to humanity isn't that what our life is all about so the reason I'm talking about these things to you is because many are sick because of grief anxiety discontent remorse guilt and distrust and in the Little Book Ministry of healing she says that grief anxiety discontent remorse guilt distrust all tend to break down the life forces and invite decay and death into the body oh but are these just feelings do you know they are feelings and most people don't realize that we have more control over our feelings than we think we do so what I'd like to do I'd like to show you where all these things are happening and they're all happening in our mind so I'm going to break up the brain into two parts and I found a thicker pen the front part of the brain is called the frontal lobe now if you want to know what your brain looks like look at an look at a walnut I think God's got a sense of humor because the fats that are in the walnut are used specifically for brain function it's called omega-3 have you heard of that in the frontal lobe part of the brain this is where our reasoning powers reside it's in the frontal lobe part of the brain where our intellect is it's in the frontal lobe part of the brain where judgment takes place and it's in the frontal lobe part of the brain where our will is our will is the decision part and I read a little book called steps to Christ I've read it several times actually and on page 57 it's got the best description of the will that I have ever read the author says what we need to understand is the true force of the will this is the governing power in the nature of man it is the power of decision or of choice and the power of choice God gave to man it is theirs to exercise you cannot change your heart and you cannot off yourself give to God its affections but you can choose to serve him you can give him your will he will then work in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure through the right action of the will an entire change can be made in the life you see God is not in every man you would never say God was in Hitler my Garbo No No God gave mankind choice and it was God's desire that we choose to serve Him according to our reason intellect and judgment you see the back part of the brain is where our feelings are and I believe that the enemy of souls the devil tempts us through our feelings so I call the feelings a bad boss they're not bad but they don't make a good boss whereas the front part of the brain is a very good boss you see every decision that this boss makes is made according to reason intellect and judgment I was reading the story of the account of when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness he fasted for forty days now I was have been hungry when I went to bed last night because I've worked hard yesterday evening but I said to myself get over it go to sleep you're not in a concentration camp you had good meals today do you ever speak to your feelings like that but if I said to myself I'm so hungry I'm never gonna be able to sleep guess what I'm never gonna be able to sleep and who's the boss there it's my feelings but I had frontal-lobe come in and say look you're about to go to sleep and when you're asleep you don't know if you're hungry or not is that right I woke up this morning at five o'clock and as is my habit I prayed and read my Bible and I went through my memory verses in my mind it's just like learning to play a PLA got to go over them and over them and over them did you know that a concert pianist will practice for five hours a day for two weeks before one performance how much you're prepared to put into this that's just for a concert pianist if you go over and over these things will stay in your mind and I was starting to get a little hungry so I drank some more water and then my walking partner came into my room about a little bit past 7:00 I was getting very hungry and I said to feelings settle down it'll come and we went on a great walk and my walking partner said well we go a little further I said no let's go back we did probably a little more than half an hour and I was so hot that I dived in there in the sea oh that was wonderful so when I come back I'm not in any fit state to go and sit at a table to whip my breakfast so I said to my walking partner I'll be three minutes so I ran upstairs and I had a quick shower the whole time my my feeling is my stomach saying I wanna eat and I'm saying settle down it's coming you see this is the good boss mm-hmm this is a very good boss and when I said to eat I ate well and I very much enjoyed enjoyed my meal that's a very simple illustration of this dialogue that happens between the good boss and the bad boss we're all familiar with it aren't we now the Bible talks about how Jesus appeals to us and how he knocks at our reason intellect and judgment and it's described in Revelation chapter 3 verse 20 where the Bible says it's Jesus talking he said behold I stand at the door and knock and If any man hear my voice and open the door he says I will come in and sup with him and he with me beautiful illustration of the intimacy with which God wants to know us didn't we have an item tonight eating together and isn't that what you do when you meet with friends I don't usually have much to eat at night and I had a light evening meal tonight because I had a hearty lunch but when I meet friends and we're going to go out to dinner I try and get in the restaurant early but isn't that so nice to eat together do you know the Bible gives a picture of another force and it's found in first Peter 5 and I'll start with verse 6 where it says humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God how do we humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God it's a choice humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God and he will exalt you in due season casting all your care upon him for he careth for you notice the next verse 8 be sober be vigilant knowing that your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeing whom he can devour whom resist steadfast in the faith knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that that are in the world now notice those two forces the roaring line where does he tempt us on our feelings and then the gentle Savior he is such a gentleman he will never force he stands at the door and knocks and says If any man hear my voice and open the door how do we open the door we open the door by our decision I remember when I first met some young people who live next door to me who were Christians and I loved what they had and I said how do you get it and they said just ask Jesus to come into your heart I said ah so when I was alone I'd say Jesus come into my heart nothing would happen and I thought howdy how do you get this how do you know god I couldn't understand it and I read a book called your Bible and youth and it's by Apple either Maxwell and it explains the Bible it explains how it was written it explains how so many authors and yet everything knits together because God wrote it it talked about different doctrines my mother had died six months ago and I thought she was floating around watching me that's what I learned as a presbyterian in Sunday School and now I read how when we die we go to sleep oh that is such a kind doctrine my mother's not floating around watching me getting upset when it when things go hard for me such a kind doctrine oh I couldn't put this book down and then it talked about the Sabbath is the seventh day I always thought the Sabbath was Sunday and then I counted the days on the calendar the seventh day it's Saturday my eyes were opened can you see that through my reason intellect and judgment I was actually starting to open the door I was discovering things that excited me I found the truth and I'm sure we know that verse that says the truth shall set you free I got to the part of the book where it had an illustration of Jesus knocking on the door of our heart I got down on my knees and I gave my whole life to God and when I stood up and sat back on the lounge my first husband who was a drug addict and an alcoholic he walked into the room looked at me and just kept walking he was going to another room I thought my first miracle if he'd come in and see me on my knees he would have got so angry he didn't want me to become a Christian he didn't want me to read the Bible at first I had to hide it do you know peace came into my heart a peace that I had never known and then when I read the little book steps to Christ that says you cannot change your heart you love yourself give to God its affections but you can choose to serve him I then understood can you see God appearance to us he communicates with us through our reason intellect and judgment our frontal lobe Isaiah 1:18 the Bible says come this reason together that's where it happens I was 26 when this happened do you know it's the best decision I have ever made in my life I had no idea what was ahead and God isn't so good not to show us what's ahead I might write very much so it was the best thing that I've ever found and my grandmother was a Christian she died at 99 and she had memorized great portions of Scripture so I began little by little to memorize in fact the first verse I memorized is in Philippians where it says in nothing be anxious but in everything by prayer and supplication let your requests be known to God by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be known to God and the peace of God which passeth all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ notice the Thanksgiving I nearly forgot it in 1st Thessalonians 5:18 the Bible says in everything give thanks do you know this keeps our mind I've broken my leg thank you Father I don't like it but when I say thank you I'm saying I don't like it I wish it wasn't broken but I believe that out of this broken leg God's going to teach me some things that maybe I would never have learned any other way it's a way that you see it that's why happiness is a choice and I have taught myself and you can rewire your brain and in another meeting I'll go into that in more detail and I'm touching on it now you can rewire your brain and I have taught myself I have trained myself that when anything goes wrong I laugh you know it's a great idea and practice makes perfect and practice makes permanent and repetition is the mother of retention and repetition deepens the impression there is another saying and says fake it till you make it do you know it's a good idea things are going wrong start laughing I don't feel like laughing your your feelings are a bad boss don't go there just start going like this ha ha ha ha you'll start laughing once you do that there's another verse in the Bible that gives another aspect to this and it's found in 2nd Corinthians 10 verse I think it starts of the verse about three or four it says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God do you know what that means the weapons aren't flesh and blood they're not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ do you know we have the ability to do that so when those feelings come that are wrong cast them down pulling down of strongholds so if there are negative feelings that are binding you pull down those strongholds casting down those imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ you see these feelings are like a wild horse and God has given us a bridle God has given us reins here it is it's the frontal lobe so when those feeling arise and you think they're not good bind them up bring them into captivity through the power of Christ when you give your frontal lobe to God you have got a power a power that's beyond human that'll give us the ability to hold that you see the devil tempts us here and in James chapter 1 verse 13 the Bible says let no man say when he is tempted I'm tempted of God so that defines it let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God because God cannot be tempted with evil every man is tempted when he has drawn us drawn apart by his own lusts that's the last and last when it is conceived bring forth sin and sin when it's finished brings forth death no it is not God that he's tempting you it is another power so when we give this frontal lobe to God we have a power that will enable us to conquer those feelings now what also happens is we get into the habit of feeling down do you know what that means we get into the habit of feeling happy we can get into the habit of laughing and I know when I lived in the rainforest sometimes my first husband would get very angry and he would yell and I would get very upset and I'll cry and my little William would come into me and I learned to smile while I was crying have you ever tried it because I knew that if my little one saw me smiling it was assigned to him what it's all right it's all right I remember one day he came in said mom next time dad yells at you run into the bush [Laughter] this little one trying to help his mother I held myself together because I had six pairs of eyes on me well huh how did I do that casting down imaginations by the power of God and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ so every morning every morning I do want first Peter 5:7 says sorry not seven we're starting at six humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt you in due season so every morning I surrender my frontal lobe to the Great God of heaven because it's a choice it's a choice now there are two verses in the Bible that talk about the frontal lobe but before I share them with you let me explain the feelings once more they're like a wild horse and they need the bridle they need the reins and this is the bridle this is the reins your frontal lobe that's how come you can cast down your imaginations you can bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ now let's say I say to a man I say to him could you take this wild horse for a half-hour ride he's only just being run in so he's a little bit wild eight hours later the man returns I said what's what's going on he said well the horse wanted to go out there and I wanted to go down there one wonder go up the other mountain and I said what do you think the bridles formate pulling in your bridle is your frontal lobe your feelings and your thoughts are going to go all over the place when everything's going right we it's not hard is it it's when everything goes wrong yeah when everything goes wrong that's when we're most tempted now if you've got a voice that's accusing you you're an idiot you're no good no one likes you you can't do anything you're stupid I don't know if you get those voices they come into my mind sometimes the Bible tells us who it is in Revelation 12 I think it's about verse 8 8 or 9 where it says that the accuser of our brethren is cast down and it defines it it says that that in fact let me do the whole lot cuz it's so good well we'll start at verse 7 and it says there was war in heaven did you know that there was war in heaven and Michael and his angels Michael is another name for Jesus and Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon and the dragon fought and his angels and prevailed not praise God and prevailed not neither was there found any more place for them in heaven so that's some verse 7 verse 8 this is verse 9 that Great Dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan so that defines who it is which deceiveth the whole world notice what he uses deception what's deception not as it appears got that often in books Satan is drawn like he's got a pitchfork and horns do you know the Bible says he comes as an angel of light no when I look at him if he had a pitchfork and an angel of light he was cast out then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come salvation and strength and the power of our God and the sari and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down so can you see those verses defined who's the accuser that great dragon that old serpent the devil and Satan hears the accuser of our brethren he's cast down which accused as them before our God day and night you know what that means he's not even sleeping so when those voices come they come through here what do you do when they come do you listen to them do you believe them no you are so important that if there was no one else on this planet Jesus would have died for you for you and our love Galatians 2:20 - Galatians 2:20 - says I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live and the life I live now I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me you see how wonderful memorizing is who loved me and gave himself for me that's just me that's just you that is the gentle Savior it's not hard to cast all your care upon him is it you see he knows he knows how many hairs are on our head he knows the way that we take trust him give it all to him when I understood that it allowed me to surrender all to go it's so important to do that because once you've do that you've got that power so let me give you the verses now they're in the sums that talk about this bridle these reins one is found in some 16 verse 7 some 16 verse 7 says I will bless the Lord who hath given me counsel my reins also instruct me in the night season my reins that's why I love early morning because early morning is where God instructs my reins also instruct me in the night season the other some is some 39 verse 1 that says I will take him to my ways that I earn not with my tongue I will keep my mouth with a bridle because out of the abundance of the heart the mounts mouth speaks is that right that's why the wars in here it's up here we're going to deal with it up there and if we don't things are going to come out of our mouths shut then should never come out of our mouths and you can never take those words back is that right I will take heed to my ways that I earn not with my tongue I will keep my mouth with a bridle there's the bridle getting upset go for a run have a cold shower cold showers not that cold hearing no later have a great glass of water don't speak until frontal lobe is again the boss mm-hmm do you know what takes that frontal lobe down dehydration late nights bad food coffee alcohol cigarettes Oh takes it down that's why we got to do our part in fact the Bible talks about armor and it talks about armor in your visions chapter 6 verse 10 where it says finally brethren stand firm in the Lord and in the power of his might that's first ten and then verse 11 says put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil for we wrestle not against flesh and blood that's similar isn't it to what we just had in second Corinthians verse 10 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood it's not here is not it's not a physical fight we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places therefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all to stand have you done all so what does it mean having done all to stand are you well hydrated are you going to bed earlier you're getting that technology out of your bedroom or in the far corner are you eating nourishing food have you stopped the caffeine's have you stopped the refined sugars the alcohols are cigarettes having done all having done all we've got to do our part God gave us the mind God gave us the reasoning God gave us the body we have a part to play it is not by accident that each one of us are here right now but we had a part to play in getting is that right have you done all having done all to stand having your loins Girt about with truth and having on the breastplate of righteousness truth almighty thing isn't it and that's what I am giving to you is truth because there's a deceiver out there what did Jesus say in and we know this one well it's in John chapter 14 I think it's about verse 6 where Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me so we're back down to verse 5 and having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of truth and six is an above all take the shield of faith what's the shield of faith do you know faith is the substance of things hoped for says Hebrews 11 verse 1 the evidence of things not seen we can't see our Savior but he has given us so much evidence and without faith it's impossible to please God he could not do more than he has done having the shield of faith wherewith he shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked gen a strong fiery darts at you where does he throw the darts in here you're an idiot you're no good no one loves you you've never been any good you're hopeless are they dance how can we quench those dance the shield of faith believing that Jesus loves us that he died to save us verse 7 and take the helmet of salvation and the word of God which is the sword of the Spirit the sword of the Spirit is the word of God sharpen your sword and as I shared with you earlier this afternoon Hebrews 4 verse 12 says the Word of God is quick powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart neither is there any creature that's not manifest in his sight for all things are naked and opened before the eyes of him with whom we have to do he know that seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heaven Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast to our profession for we have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but who was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly how boldly to the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace to help in every time of need we need to take these weapons seriously sharpen your sword I have not got a good memory now you might not believe me but the things that I share with you from the Word of God I go over and over and over and God gave us a brain that is such we can do this like the concert pianist like the violinists they didn't start learning the piano yesterday they didn't start learning the violin yesterday it's over and over and over and do you think it's going to take us any less work to get that precious Word of God in our mind so that our swords are sharpened no we're up to verse we've done verse 9 verse 9 is praying always with all prayer and supplication of the Spirit sorry this is verse 8 praying always you see I hide a number in the word and I've hidden 8 in the s of always that's how I can remember the number playing praying always with all prayer and supplication of the spirit and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for All Saints and the next verse I love its verse 9 I love them all and for me that utterance may be given me that I may open my mouth boldly to proclaim the mysteries of the gospel because without God I cannot do that and the next verse the final verse is verse 10 where it says for the which I am an ambassador in bonds that I may speak boldly that which I ought to speak the Bible tells us that the war is here that's where the war is there was war in heaven and the devil was cast out with his angels and then if you go down to verse verse 26 sorry no it's verse 17 in verse 17 that says and the dragon was wroth with the woman the woman in Bible prophesies the church and the dragon was what wroth with the woman are ment and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ so where's the war now students us and remember is not flesh and blood it's right here that's why every morning put your armor on put your arm wrong because remember what it said the accuser of our brethren who accuses them before our God day and night would you go into battle with an armor many diseases happen in the mind because people do not understand what I've just explained to you this evening they don't realize that there's an enemy out there they don't realize that those fiery darts that he's throwing into them because that's what he does he accuses we don't have to take and remember having the shield of faith because you can quench all those fiery darts by laughing by singing by quoting scripture by singing Psalms and hymns and you can get into their habit of being happy you can get into the habit of being laughs of laughing you can get into the habit of quoting that scripture if this was properly understood diseases of the mind would be a rarity it would be something like someone fell and hit their head and damaged part of their brain that that'd be almost the only time we would see diseases in the mind did you know that the pharmaceutical company markets madness they have created the madness industry and did you know that antidepressants cause depression did you know that the side effects from these drugs are actually intensifying they might appear to alleviate symptoms but they do not heal drugs never heal if someone is on antidepressants or some mind-altering legal drugs they cannot just stop them first of all they must implement the eight laws of health get their mind hydrated well nourished well exercise well slept limit technology time totally eliminate any violence games and videos that are going in they must take their steps and then read the Bible surrender the frontal lobe to God and then little by little they can ease off those antidepressants and when they feel a panic attack coming they laugh have a big drink of water and run around the house three times and that panic attack will pass the proverb says as a man thinketh in his heart is he but a panic attack comes and a person thinks oh no here comes my panic attack there it goes and if someone feels a panic attack coming on throws their head back laughs out loud gets a great big drink of water runs around the house can't run gets on the exercise bike can't exercise bike get on the rebounder can't rebound to have a cold shower can you see all of those physical things will just help that person to get over the tip of that panic attack and then little by little if they do that with every panic attack they can rewire their brain so that they no longer can get a panic attack it sounds too simple doesn't it try it it is not simple at all especially when you are in the habit of reacting a certain way you know the old saying it says you can't teach an old dog new tricks well they're proving that to be totally wrong our brain can be rewired right up until the day we die God is able he is able to do mighty things through those that humble themselves under the mighty hand of God because then they will be exalted in due season just before we close are there any questions we have five minutes yes I have a book in our library it's called stop Alzheimer's now by dr. Bruce Fife and dr. Bruce Fife spends the first few chapters showing that Alzheimer's dementia Huntington's chorea Parkinson's disease multiple sclerosis are all due to damage in the brain it's damage in different parts of the brain it can be damaged from heavy metals it can be damaged from chemicals it can be damaged from bad teeth you know bad teeth especially root canal fillings you've got no nerve there now so you don't know it's bad behind it and those poisons can go through and poison the brain so the brain can be damaged through poisons the Dame can the brain can be damaged by actually physical force and that famous boxer Muhammad Ali yet Alzheimer's in the last 20 years of his life because he'd been beaten around their head so much so remember the page 1 to 7 of the ministry of healing that I first talked about in my last lecture and it says in the case of sickness that course needs to be ascertained so with Muhammad Ali it's too late all the beating was done 20 years ago but we are all inquisitive and we want to know why and God put it that made us that way the cause should be ascertain unhealthful conditions changed so if someone's living in a moldy house they've got to get out mold can poison the brain if they've got exposure to chemicals still if they've got bad teeth all of that has to be a sin and then wrong habits corrected so the person's got to stop smoking stop drinking coffee stop drinking alcohol stop their sugar addiction start getting good habits like drinking water going to bed early and then the last ones is nature is to be assisted in her efforts to expel impurities and reestablish right conditions back in the body there is an oil that God made that can heal brain cells and it's called the coconut and in his book depression away sorry stop Alzheimer's now he shows how when we take the coconut oil the liver converts this the medium-chain fatty acids in the coconut oil to ketones and ketones and neuro healers ketones are neuro protectors what's neuro that's brain sound neuro protectors in his book stop Alzheimer's now he has stories about people who have turned Alzheimer's around in fact it's the best formula that I have ever come across and it's one sentence in case of sickness the core should be ascertained unhealthful conditions changed wrong habits corrected then nature is to be assistant now depending on the different ailments and you'll see this as we go through these lectures different things would help I don't take coconut oil every meal but if I had any trace of Alzheimer's or any sons I would you start with the teaspoon three times a day and you build up to a tablespoon three times a day of coconut oil and guess what people who are eating that diet don't have heart attacks or strokes because fat doesn't cause heart attacks and strokes and we're going to be doing a lecture on heart where I'll show you that in detail it must be the oil you must have that concentrated it's very very high in medium-chain fatty acids and that's the fatty acid that the liver converts to ketones and then euro healers it's called the ketogenic diet have you heard of the ketogenic diet it was it was basically discovered in the night about the 1921 by a group of doctors and they were healing epilepsy with the ketogenic diet now the ketogenic diet traditionally has been high meat high dairy but you can do it by dropping carbohydrates down and having legumes every meal lots of vegetables and supplementing with the coconut oil yes start with the teaspoon three times a day and build up to a tablespoon three times a day will that help a person put on weight if a person can't put on weight it's more a gut problem yeah it doesn't matter what you do with it because it has no double bonds on it and in that molecular structure if there's double bonds it's susceptible to light and heat well the coconut doesn't so it doesn't matter what you do with it you can have it in the cupboard for 10 years then it will not deteriorate hmm it's an amazing oil so let's have a break I'll close with a prayer father in heaven we thank you so much again for this amazing body and we thank you for coming close and teaching us tonight in the name of Jesus amen
Channel: Chinniah Alakappan
Views: 23,689
Rating: 4.8881121 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-Day Adventist, Religion, Worship Service
Id: 0zysQTR0f8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 6sec (3006 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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