BRSDA 20180531 31 May 2018 Health Camp Talk 03 Eyes Ears Nose and Hair by Barbara O'Neill

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you haven't heard that one yeah yeah it's here sorry so you want me to repeat that well the old saying says if a person's bald it's because there has gone in and it hasn't hit anything and if the hairs gray it's gone in and hit gray Messer brain I don't know what the saying is for it for dark hair so we most we'll start with hair the color of the hair a lot has to do with genetics my husband is white and both his parents were white at 50 and my mother died at 51 with brown hair and my father just passed at 92 with graying hair but a lot of black now there's my brother than me and three younger sisters and none of us have gray hair because from both sides of our family there wasn't gray now my father's sister she died at 68 with brown hair and at the funeral I saw my three cousins her sons that I haven't seen for a long time and they're all gray so they probably got that a little bit from the father's side so Michael and I are interesting because we're both extremes really both his parents white at 50 and my parents are not great but I also know that people have claimed to get the color back in their hair by drinking a lot of green drinks now what green drinks contain is a lot of minerals and when you consider what we talked about this afternoon that the mineral content of the soil is about 50% that or less what it was 50 years ago but a lot of the foods today have less minerals in them you see in Australia the soil is the plants have just put in year after year - yeah what should happen is when a crop comes out of the ground then the soil should be fed with rich compost because every time a crop is in the ground it's taking nutrients out and if you don't replace the nutrients then the next crop that's grown there is going to be nutrient deficient so that makes sense doesn't it so really looking at agriculture is the only way to change the farming habits and unfortunately because there's big dollars made in big industry and growing lots of staff and superphosphate I don't know how that will ever turn around but you can do the best you can you can grow as much as you can you can buy the best quality that you can and you can have green drinks so how do you have green drinks well you can buy chlorophyll you can buy green barley powder you can buy wheatgrass powder you can buy super greens so basically taking that three times a day making sure you have lots of greens in your in your daily salad well in short you don't lose the minerals when you cook your greens you only lose your minerals if you throw the water away that you cook them in now in many shampoos today there is a let me see there is a chemical and it's called sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate makes it foam and it kills hair follicles so it's important to buy shampoo that doesn't have sodium lauryl sulfate because that certainly can contribute to hair loss I don't know which ones my thick one they're all your stuff so that's the foaming the foaming agent in your shampoos a great thing that you can do with your hair that will really nourish it and help it is about once a month just rub coconut oil into your scalp and also pull it through your hair and bind your hair up and leave it and I do that I try and do it once a month it doesn't always happen once a month and just bond it up and leave it there all day and at the end of the day shampoo it out that's very nourishing for the scalp what about dandruff dandruff can often happen when using shampoo with sodium lauryl sulfate it can also happen when a person's on a high sugar diet because that basically feeds the dandruff so getting a better shampoo and doing a coconut oil rub or soak every our every month ideally and also looking at your diet because we are what we eat and I have a book at home called pure white and deadly and the whole book is about sugar and dr. yup can the author he maintains that it should be banned it is so dangerous and we don't need to eat sugar because we're going to honey and maple syrup and we and you've got a sugar here on your islands which is an excellent sugar it's palm sugar or coconut sugar it's just the crystallized nectar from the palm flower so that is here it is a good idea not to dye your hair because most dyes have chemicals in them and we've had guests come to our program that have had reactions to the to the chemical dyes I think there is an indian guy called henna if the mini with henna that's made out of plant and that that's probably a little bit healthier so we'll look at eyes now eyes are deteriorating too soon yeah now you have some short range muscles and long range muscles in your eyes the short range of course it should look at short long at long and by the age of eleven those muscles are set now I doctors are very being very concerned today about children's eyesight because children are having over exposure to short range that's in all the computers game boys television things like that they're having over exposure to short range and under exposure to long range one old doctor he made the statement he said we should spend more time looking at the mountains not many mountains in Singapore clouds tops of trees birds flying in the air say if your job is at a computer ideally every hour you should go and do a bit of long-range viewing and ideally if your job is on a computer no computer at night if you've had enough but eyes need to have if anything over long range and under short range and that's why children must be their time on the computer game boys things like that must be limited so this is what I advise to parents you say this to the children is your room clean is your cupboards tidy is your bed mate is the dishwasher unpacked shoes clean I don't know you have your lists all right you're gonna have 15 minutes well what tidy rooms and houses we'd have every minute on technology must be urge of course your love and affection is not it we're not even comparing that because when children leave home guess what everything has to be earned we do not earn the favor of God but I'm not talking about the favor of God it's unconditional but many children's eyes and minds and health are being damaged because of this overexposure to the tech to technology it's a very noisy microphone unfortunately aren't you glad this is the last aunt must like when I'm over here unfortunately eyes are deteriorating too early today and when you start wearing glasses your eyes get a little lazy some points to remember is that when you have eye strain when your brain is tired it weakens the eyes so when's your brain tied students into the day so I strain in the evening can weaken your eyes but eye strain in the morning when your brain is refreshed does not weaken your eyes it strengthens your eyes so do the do the small fine work in the morning rather rather than a bit of an evening and rebounding strengthens the eyes the reason rebounding strengthens the eyes is when your rebound you increase blood supply more efficiently and effectively through the whole body but the particular exercise that strengthens the eyes is when your rebound you focus on something where I'm staying at the moment where the rebounder is there's windows that have frames like this so what I do is I focus on the frame and the plant outside jumps in my peripheral vision and then after 10 seconds I change my focus and my focus on the plant outside and then the window frame jumps like this so if every 10 seconds on the rebound rebounding you you keep changing your focus can you see how that is strengthening the muscles in your eyes sunshine strengthens the eyes - never should we look at the Sun we know that but just being outside the ultraviolet rays from the Sun go through a neurochemical pathways and hit different parts of your brain you see your eyes are an extension of your brain so your brain needs Sun and your brain gets Suns through the eyes and Sun strengthens eyesight now if you don't like going outside because it's so bright and let's say we're in a room like this tomorrow and in a break we go outside and it's it's not a real bright room the eyes can find it hard if you find that so what you do is you're close let's put your head up and let the sun's rays go through your eyelids and just do that for even 10 20 seconds then put your eye your head down open your eyes your eyes will be used to the light that's an easy way to do it because sunglasses are not good for eyes mm-hmm and let's say you're going out into a hot summer day and you've got sunglasses on the eyes can't give a message to the brain whereas if we go outside on a hot sunny day the the strength of the Sun is being monitored by the eyes and the message is sent to the brain and when the Sun is very hot and very strong it gives a message to the skin to close up little receptor sites so you don't burn so easily but if you go out and into hot Sun with sunglasses on you can burn a lot easy because your brain didn't get the message that the sun's hot to close the little receptor sites now if someone's going to be driving in the city all day sunglasses can certainly help and if someone's going to go skiing white snow blue sky strong Sun they will need sunglasses because the glare from that snow can burn their eyes so common sense is necessary now what about glaucoma and cataracts do you know that they are all diseases of the Western world and it's purely reflected on the diet that people are eating so what should we be eating we should be eating a diet that's high in fiber so all plant foods have fiber so that meal we had tonight everything had fiber so your plant-based diets fiber generous amounts of protein because every met every membrane around every cell is 50% protein and the and you saw in my DNA lecture the body needs amino acids to build new cells so we need protein and the best protein the cleanest burning fuel protein is legumes and nuts and seeds so legumes that's lima beans black-eyed beans cannelloni beans chickpeas lentils soy sauce only a problem if it's been genetically modified nuts nuts can be overdone so 10 a meal and seeds so seeds probably about a quarter of a cup per meal most people don't eat that many nuts or seeds do they most people don't eat nuts for a month and then buy a packet of cashews and eat the whole lot in the afternoon is that right they are expensive but they're not expensive if you only have a few so they're the three essential food groups and where you get your minerals is your league sorry that's that's the protein the three essential food groups are fiber protein and fats so the best fats are your nuts your seeds and coconut oil and olive oil avocados fine avocado is another great fit but isn't coconut as saturated fat isn't that great there is no proof that saturated fat caused heart disease did you know that and I'll show you that when we talk about heart health it's a myth in fact I've got five books in my health center the great cholesterol lie the great cholesterol Cohn the great cholesterol deception the great cholesterol myth - done with the great cholesterol Watson hoax Cohn we're running out of words so there your three essential food groups your fiber there's your vegetables or all your plants your fruits proteins and your healthy fats they will give your eyes all the nutrients that they need because of a high acid diet that many people are living today with a lot of sugars a lot of caffeine's a lot of starches cereals breads the body releases calcium phosphate to neutralize the acidity and that calcium phosphate can build up as crystals in the kidneys in the gall bladder on the eyes cataracts and there is a way that you can get rid of cataracts and that is one drop of castor oil wiped over the eyelid it'll go through the lashes the castor oil will penetrate in through the eyelid and also into the eye through the lashes castor oil penetrates deeper than any other oil and wherever it penetrates it breaks up unnatural formations which a cataract is I've had several people get back to me and testify that their cataracts are going by doing the castor Oh usually you would do it twice a day glaucoma can also be benefited by the carceral on the eye one lady said that she read on the internet that it's not safe well that's ridiculous that's incredibly safe Carol's very very safe is it never harms it never hurts now there is an eye washer yes I have heard lemon may help you can try it does it sting does it hurt lemon in the heart only a little while it probably hurts maybe about as much as Cain pepper and cayenne peppers very good for washing the arm with for glaucoma but not many people are brave enough did you hear them brave no try it if you like you know I know I can see that people are distracted well I'll just use my loud voice but I might not be able to go for an hour with my loud voice but let's just hope by tomorrow we can remedy remedy that situations so there is an eyewash that is very beneficial for sore eyes for bloodshot eyes for dry eyes and this can also be used for glaucoma it's a half a teaspoon of goldenseal and a half a teaspoon of eye brine and one cup of boiling water so you cool and strain and then you can wash wash your eyes with a little I wash know that the lye bath you can wash your eyes without a couple of times a day I've had guests come to our program with dry eyes and some people with weepy eyes they're always wiping their eyes and they have found that this tea has helped them the health food shop should sell it I heard it's a route so I bright a leaves and that's a route usually abide in a powder form do you know when I come into Singapore I thought I'd better declare my books so I was going into the declare station and they said what are you doing and I said I've got books I said I'll just go through you know I could have brought anything through no one checked me for anything is it like that in Singapore no drugs they didn't even check me for drugs it's the easiest airport I've ever come through so if anyone's traveling maybe they just bring some gold and sell back with them you can get it in America it's a it's a very powerful herb it's called king of tonics - all mucous membranes and your eyes are meatless membrane I bright is a leaf you buy it from a herb shop in some health food shops they actually have I Brighton goldenseal drops I've seen that but I bright herb is a specific for or eye problems yeah if the person is almost blind from cataracts ya have the surgery but if it was me I'd probably do the castor oil for a month or two and see if that helps remember eye surgery has come a long way in fact all surgery has come a long way i-i-i think it's the only area in medicine that has really advanced is surgery but regarding drug medication I I think we're we're still in the dark ages there twitching eye or floaters in the eye the twitching eye magnesium can help them flood you see your eyes nose is and mouth are all connected by eustachian tubes is some foods that cause a blockage of those tubes and when those tubes are blocked it can affect the eyes it can affect the ears it definitely can fact the sinus and it's wheat and dairy and refined sugar can certainly feed that along so that brings us through to nose and sinus post nasal drip has one cause it's allergy to wheat and dairy now you can have a slice of wheat it'll be out of your body in 24 hours but the effects can remain for at least two months I've seen people get off their sleep apnea machines postnatal drip clear off because they stopped the wheat in the dairy and I talked about it last night how the the wheat has been hybridized it's not the wheat the original weight you can get some original wheats it's spelt and come watch they are from the original wit they have not been hybridized if someone is silly act that means severe gluten intolerance they can't even have that but most people who are gluten sensitive or gluten intolerant they can usually handle the spelt and the commode like light flashes in it's usually maybe can be sometimes a pinched nerve or sometimes people that have had injury had head injuries can do it it's also a matter of trying different things than seeing what has an effect and some people that get migraines have those eye flashes before they're going to get a migraine and migraine can be caused by injury can be caused by the cranial out or the spine out there that's why you investigate and look at the history and how long these things have been happening things like that so with sinus stopping wheat dairy and refined sugar will clear up the sinus there is another contributing factor to sinus problems and that is breathing in mold in 1919 a group of scientists in the Mayo Clinic in America they proved that sinus problems are due to fungus we had an ear nose and throat specialist to our program and she said she's a specialist nurse she said we do a lot of sinus operations and the surgeons pull the green slime out of the sinuses and they all acknowledge it's fungus so how does it start because of analogy to wheat and dairy and so the mucus is building up there all the time and then the microbes start to feed on the waste that's there there's your fungus so how do you get rid of it stop the wheat dairy refined sugar check the air that you're breathing check your pillows very important especially in the moist environment of Singapore Malaysia that you have fresh air in your homes do you know if if I were you guys I would never turn the fans off because fans keep that air moving now when we close our Health Center for a week we shut all the windows all the doors everything's being cleaned and then we put the fans on and the fans are on all week and if you were to go near those rooms you'd hear this and what what that does is that keeps the air circulated so when we come back a week later to open the rooms ready for our guests open the windows and doors we turn the fans down a little bit and the air has remained nice and fresh it also prevents the development of mold keeping that movement in the in the airs and that is one of the beauties of the air conditioners is they take the moisture out of the air but one must be careful that air conditioners are regularly checked because where the water's taken out that can even grow mold so they can be the source of putting mold into the room coming in through the air conditioner I know I was in a place recently and when I walked into the building I could smell mold all air-conditioned so one must be air conditioners can be very helpful in this moist environment but they must be regularly checked that they're not sources of mold themselves so this is assessing the that area is tinnitus no time ringing in the ears it's usually caused because of a wheat and dairy intolerance again it's those tubes when those chews get blocked hearing is effective when the tubes get blocked breathing's affected when the tubes get blocked I sites affected so that whole area is affected now there is a way that you can clear out the sinuses because you stopped the wheat and dairy but there's still this thickness build-up and that is sniffing goldenseal powder so the easiest way to do it is get probably about a sixteenth of a teaspoon and get a straw and just sniff sniff it slowly up into that area and the goldenseal remember what its nickname is king of tonics to warm mucous membranes and it is also strong antimicrobial antifungal anti-bonding and that can clear out those sinuses one night he started to do it and she said Barbara I'm blowing green barley out of my nose and when she told me that I thought she might have drunk it and inhaled it but then I realized no the golden feels doing its job and she's blowing it out some people when they blow that out they think ah no I've got to take antibiotics but what's their antibodies gonna do to fungus you see anybody just come from a fungus all that'll do is calm it down for a little while but it's basically feeding it and if you don't blow it out how we'll see you gonna get it out if you're blowing out some strange colors rejoice it's out it's like if you had a boy you wouldn't want to push that back into your body would it no the body has four organs of elimination - your skin one also is the lungs and when you're coming things are coming out of the lungs through the mouth and through the nose and also your your kidneys and also your colon the waist has to get out and so there's some of the avenues of leaving it out what about hearing loss hearing loss can happen can happen in a few areas and this can also be of cause of tinnitus and ringing in the ears we've got a guy he's our maintenance man and here's to work in the mines jackhammering well he's going to have ringing in his ears for the rest of his life because his ears were exposed to very loud noise and there's been a bit of damage there but he said to me you know it's better than it was since I stopped the wheat and the dairy so so he's managing that also rock stars you know this thing having that really loud music or even people that are listening to round loud me it's gonna damage the ears that's the fine mechanism in the ears it done like does not like that loud noise so people say people I meet in their 50s 60s with ringing in ears I begin to investigate and I find out that they were handling heavy loud machinery or working in the mines or working with explosives you know people that have been through war - who've been exposed to loud noises there is some damage there so all they really can do which is quite a lot when you think about it they can manage it but you know that the damage the damage has been done so there was one other thing I thought of so hearing loss that's what it was rebounding can help reset the balance in the ears you see when you when you're jumping on that rebounder two things are being stimulated that that control balance and one is the bottom of your feet so you bottom of your feet are part of what sets your balance and also the fine machinery or little mechanisms that are in your ear every time you jump on the rebounder it's readjusting readjusting readjusting so that can help with your balance can help with with ears are there any questions yes yeah vertigo tinnitus ringing in the ears is very similar much the same thing just different names yeah everything I just talked about will help vertigo okay migraines there can be a few causes for migraines chocolate and red wine and caffeine certainly can cause migraines if someone has migraines the questions I ask are have you ever had damage to your skull or to your spine because that can cause migraines also a hormonal imbalance can cause migraines so I like to use the process of elimination and eliminate anything that may be contributing dehydration can cause migraines so if you go through with someone with migraines you check whether they're fully hydrated you check whether they have a hormonal imbalance you check if they're if their spine there if they've had damage to spine or head so some of those things can cause them they're probably the main causes yes ah caste are all good for your hair I I think it would be very difficult to get the castor oil out of your hair it's so thick yep I think it would be hard because it's so thick okay I guess you can mix it with coconut oil because I know coconuts good coconuts strong antifungal and that's why it's so good on the scalp if there's dandruff Parma and coconut or very similar coconut oh you could you could but palm oil doesn't have the antifungal properties that the coconut specifically has depression we need another meeting for that one that's a huge subject dr. Neil Nedley and his book depression a way out he says there are a hundred causes of depression there there can be many so I I think we'll be covering that in another meeting on the mind Healing the mind I think that's on Sabbath is it yep where we where we look at depression depression is not of course depression is an effect then there can be a whole lot of reasons why that is so we touched on it a little bit tonight if someone's feeling sad after a tragedy and told that they're depressed sometimes they can believe that they're depressed and now they have depression where if someone said after the death or a tragedy and and that person's told no wonder you're sad you've just had a great loss but you will recover every day it'll get easier then in a month they don't have depression can you see that I've seen that happen so many times a tragedy happens the person's told they've got depression they believe it and ten years later they've still got depression so as a man thinketh in his heart so is he but there there are many causes and there can be some physiological causes too but dr. Neil Nedley he states that genetics cannot cause depression is not good news and how many people have depression because they think they're going to get it cuz their parents had it can you see that dr. Neil Nedley says genetics cannot cause depression and lifestyle tragedy cannot cause depression because every heart has it sorrow everyone has suffered in some form so that's what happened to you it's what you do with what happens to you but he says you throw into that things like dehydration addictions damage hormonal imbalances a hundred of them and they can tip the scales well I think we can really have an early night one more question yeah the the issue with palm oil is an ethical issue because they are cutting down rainforests to grow palm oil so that the ladies in the Western world can have their chocolate because you can't put coconut oil in chocolate because the chocolate just tastes like coconut whereas the palm oil doesn't have that strong flavor and so there it is an ethical issue that we're losing our rainforest to grow all this palm oil for confectionaries but you look at it nutritionally it is similar to coconut oil it's not a barrel so it's a saturated fat and saturated fats as you'll learn through this week are fantastic and they do and they do not harden the arteries they do not clog the arteries because the South Pacific Islanders ate coconut every meal for thousands of years and never had heart attacks yeah palm or similar to coconut oh so you buy cheap oil and the heart attacks continue is that right yep doesn't stop them so you consider this we're told don't eat saturated fat have a fat-free diet go on cholesterol-lowering medication and the heart attacks keep coming it's not stopping them and The Strokes keep coming number one killer in the Western world so basically all the things they're put in place to stop them they're not stopping them because that's not what causes heart attacks yeah rice bran oil I can get my mind around coconut oil I've seen people make it I can get my mind around olive oil I've seen people make it I can't get my mind around rice bran or if you cook rice there's no oil on the top is there so you know when I think how much rice bran is there in the world today lots because everyone eats white rice so some klouey marketer thought let's just press this rice bran oil and tell the people that's a good oil I don't touch it I don't touch it because it doesn't make any sense to me you see them and I like to keep away from the list refined foods as possible no woman could make rice bran oil in her kitchen could she know yes grapeseed oil mmm no woman could make that in her kitchen either so I don't touch it that they would need high heat chemical equipment to get oil out of hard seed so the only oils that I eat are coconut and olive and they're the two worlds that have been used for centuries canola oil is one of the most dangerous because it's been genetically modified to reduce the uric acid levels in it because your Asik acid is toxic to humans so it's been genetically modified so don't touch canola oil I wouldn't touch it and ever kind of oil on a big avocados all I just eat avocados well we thank God again for this amazing body that he's given us and no wonder he says I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present a living sacrifices and thus in the Bible say you're not your own you're bought with a price that's in 1st Corinthians 6 verse 19 therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods so let us bow to clothes father in heaven thank you so much that your mercies are great enough to give us the ability to present our bodies in a fit state and we also know that we are the winners because we're the ones living in it may we treasure this trust that you've given us in these bodies that our minds may be clear to communicate with you is our prayer in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Chinniah Alakappan
Views: 94,178
Rating: 4.8353252 out of 5
Keywords: Seventh-Day Adventist, Religion, Worship Service
Id: HqWervFT-XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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