"Wonder of Exercise" by Barbara ONeill

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morning ladies and gentlemen this morning we've come to a part of our lecture where it's incredibly exciting because we're going to have a look at movement this morning movement is life strength comes by exercise and activity is the very condition of life stagnant pools breed disease and stagnant bodies breathe disease and we've come to a time in Earth's history where people don't actually need to move that much because we've got cars and buses and trains and planes and vacuum cleaners and automatic washing machines and people don't even use elbow grease to wash the showers now they just use sharp chemicals and because activity is not a necessary part of most people's lives many people are getting sick because their bodies are not moving a couple of times this week I've referred to the blood as the river of life it is the river of life because wherever the blood touches it brings life it brings nutrition it brings water it brings oxygen and it takes away waste from every single part of the human body to every absolute extremity one of the problems is when the body's not moving as it should that river of life doesn't reach the extremities quite like it should I'm amazed at the amount of people even young people tell me they always got cold feet what is cold feet mean there's no river of life down there because the river of life is warm so any part of the body that's cold it's an indication the river of life is not getting there and if the river of life is not getting there death can start to happen in those parts of the body early in the week we looked at the kidneys and we looked at how many people are experiencing cold kidneys because they're not wearing enough clothing in that area that's when those little nephron start to die because the river of life is not reaching them and you know what the farmer does with the little lamb puts a little ring a little tight ring around the top of the tail and it takes I think a couple of weeks and the tail falls off why does the tail fall off there's no River of life in the tail anymore and you talk to any farmer they say it might sound cruel but it's actually very kind because our din the out in the paddocks when the when the rain comes and it can get moist under that tail and maggots can get in and even start eating away parts of the sheep so losing the little tail is actually a kind act especially when you've got thousands of sheep but my illustration is to show you the importance of that river of life so anything that you can do to ensure a proper delivery of the river of life to every single part of your body means healing to that part of the body because the blood is the healer and perfect health requires perfect circulation perfect circulation means my toes are as warm as every other part of my body but what usually happens in the night when you're sleeping everything slows down a little bit and we're glad because as we slow down that's when the body starts to revive and recharge but the river of life slows down to a nice quiet pace so when you wake up in the morning the blood tends to have pulled in the internal organs and the best time to exercise is in the morning because it brings that blood right out to the extremities and basically sets up a pace for your body to run it all through the day so even if you're going to be sitting most of the day the fact that you've done an early morning workout means you've actually raised the rate you've set it back a pace that the body will run it through the day for exercise to be a powerful healing remedy it must be done in the morning and it must be done regularly this is called frequency frequency means done frequently God designed that this living bishop machinery be in daily activity and in that activity is its preserving power for exercise to be a preservative it must be done frequently all the experts agree you won't hear me say that much but they do agree on one thing half an hour's exercise a day will keep the body in good working order that's your maintenance program have you ever seen a house that hasn't been maintained when we came into this health retreat here it was not a healthful trip when we came to it in fact the first time we walked into this building I thought it looked like a sickness retreat it had not been maintained all the draining areas were all blocked up in fact Michael chipped back the grass one day and he kept chipping and he kept chipping at the back and he chipped back a full foot and he found a drain and in the drain was old boot and some old clothes and because the drain wasn't hadn't been maintained the water was all coming in and there was a lot of mold in this place when I came here I thought how could this ever be converted into a health retreat it had had no maintenance program takes a lot of work to build a house but not a lot to maintain it well we came in and there'd been no maintenance and it took six months of a lot of workers to get this once again up to operating standards it hadn't been maintained we're maintaining it now I meet so many bodies that haven't been maintained haven't been maintained and some people say can you get me Rick can you get me fixed in a week I said woof the body is an amazing piece of machinery but wow that's a tall order of a week how long since you've exercised our 20 years you know with many human bodies that takes twenty years of not treating it right before it breaks down quite badly well I've got some good news it's not going to take 20 years to get it better again did you catch that one won't take 20 years might take two take a month for every year you've done it wrong it's not year for you that's the good news we couldn't get this place ready in a week it took six months of very hard work and this is not a living machinery your bodies a living machinery and the miracle of the human body is what some bodies survived considering the conditions they've been given but because the blood is the healer anything that stimulates the blood moving a little bit faster is square one power amount half an hour's exercise a day will keep the body in good working order that's your maintenance dose one hours exercise a day will reverse major problems what sort of problems you name it start at the tip of your toe and go up to the tip of your head and any problems in every area of the body take a one hour exercise a day to get a reversal of major problems did you hear about the old Ozzie farmer happened about 30 years ago Marcus said it was in the news again recently being given six months to live I think he was in his late 60s he had cancer in his distress he just put a few belongings into a wheelbarrow and decided to walk he's going to walk around Australia and he walked and he walked and he walked took him two years how long did he have to live six months when he got back he felt fantastic he felt vibrant his body wood was not walking like this anymore it was almost sprinting and the energy that it took to sprint was less than the energy when he first started out just to walk my using things happen in the body when you start to move it he saw his wife and he thought who's this old lady he was tested no cancer Wow that's cheap medicine isn't it one guy said to me you want to be careful when this gets out Barbara there'll be a traffic jam of wheelbarrows if only it's one of the cheapest remedies there in how many hours in a day 24 it's not much is it it's not much at all I used to think that I didn't need an exercise program because I was busy all day I'm gardening I'm running here doing this I had 6 kids and they'd kids always busy and it was about 10 years ago I was asked to go to New Zealand to do a series of lectures the girl I was staying with it was out in the country a little bit she had ten years younger than me she's twice my size I'm about 48 50 kilo she was about 100 kilos and in the morning actually before went to bed she said I do a 5k work in the morning he said she said you want to join me then I said laughs - I don't have to get the children up and put the washing on and put the breakfast on and all the things that you do when you've got lots of children so when on our morning walk first kilometre was great started to come to some hills I could not keep up with her I felt very silly I'm the health teacher I couldn't keep up with her and she's carrying 50 kilos that I'm not carrying and I couldn't keep up with her it was very embarrassing had to stopped talking her breathing like this next day I wake up oh oh she said when I come this morning I said fine well she had a friend with her this morning they just were a long way ahead of me I was struggling but I just kept going when I went home I thought to myself lesson taken lesson learned I'm going to exercise now how I had to do it was I had to go to bed a little bit earlier and how do you go to bed a little bit earlier well you don't even evening meal and how do you get away with not eating an evening meal well you have a big lunch and you have a little bit of breakfast well a bigger breakfast I should say can you see where you start for today for the running of today you have to start yesterday and tomorrow I'm going to show you what part of the brain is does that it's the frontal lobe that's foresight you have to start the day before and so I did walk at 5:30 so anywhere I could fit it in 5:30 to 6:00 woke all the games at 6:00 was great I got the breakfast on and just put it on a very low heat so in Melbourne I had to walk in the dark I read this in an old book in a short while you will so experience the benefits of pure air and exercise you would not live without these blessings Wow can you see why I memorized it just love it it's actually one of my favorite parts of the day I'll look forward to it with the excitement because when I get back well a friend of mine young girl recently told me that she told me this last week she said she was going out with a guy they were having you know really enjoying each other's company and then he said look I want a bit of space and you break it off she's devastated she said to me I'd go to bed crying I'd wake up crying I'll have a shower crying and I thought she said I thought I've got to do something so she put a joggers on and went for a run 5k run halfway through the run she's feeling so good you see feelings went back a bit and decision part of the brain kicked in and she said what am i doing and she could not understand how at that point that she was crying all the time because another part of her brain had kicked in she got back gave a little shake and thought get on with life it totally changed the way she thought by doing that 5k so she started to do it everyday got slim got faith started to smile more well guess what they're back together again now in other words if you're sad if you're depressed if you're discouraged if you're overwhelmed what do you do put your joggers on and go for a walk dr. Neil Nedley and his book depression her way out if he gets very severely depressed people bipolar schizophrenia he puts them on seven hours of exercise a day hmm seven hours of exercise a day this isn't seven hours of aerobic the guy that walked around Australia I'm sure at first the pace was like this you just start where you are maybe the person walks around the village and then walks around the village again stops for lunch stops for a drink just keeps moving he said after seven days these people are so improved they can go to a one hour a day maintenance dose that's seven days of seven hours exercise a day now when you look at how this guy conquered his cancer is that a treatment for actually every single thing that happens he says restless legs exercise you name it he says exercise has to be an integral part of a recovery program and an integral part of a maintenance program what type of exercise by the way before I move on to the type that one hour a day that can be two half-hour spots or a half hour spot and a two 15 minute spots but there must be at least a half hour chunk in that day by the way my husband watched me exercise for three years and then he joined me I never said a word never nag because it never does anymore any good do you know when you go home you're going to be so excited about how you feel and what you've learned you're going to want to share but the only thing you can really share is what you do you've just got a bunch of lip and smile what are you smiling about I just feel so why do you feel so good oh well actually I've just come back from you actually can only speak when you asked it's like we used to have all the staff eat at our table and our health retreat in Melbourne and one day this guy came to me he said look can you talk to my mum who also was our cleaning lady and sat at the table can you talk to my mum about what to eat to lose weight because you know she's putting on too much weight I said I'm not going to talk to her he said why not I said because I have no right to talk to her now she comes to me and says can you help me with weight loss aha we can talk but until that time I cannot I said I want people to feel comfortable at my table he was a bit upset with me I said so be it two weeks later his mother came to me can you help me with weight loss I think sure do you know what I say to them you watch the slim girl at the table watch what she adds watch when she gets up and leaves the table and watch where she is at 6:30 in the morning she's out there walking there is a formula if you abide by the formula it works intensity intensity is the other part of the formula this is no gentle stroll this is hard work and I think when the farmer with the bill Wilber I came to the hill as a bit of hard work there wasn't there but notice when you're cycling notice when you're walking there are periods of intensity and periods of rest and the rest is just as important as the intensity you could call the rest recovery rest doesn't mean stopping rest means giving the part of your body that you're working out a recovery time and when you go to the gym you probably notice their circuits because this exercise will work the quads and then when the quads are starting to scream at you give me a break then you'll go on to maybe an other one where the quads will get a break and maybe you're doing push-ups on that one so the quads are getting recovery time and you'll find cycling you do it because you're up the hill and then you've got your recovery to an heal you look at children in a plague room what do you see dark here running over there stopping for a little bit running over here have you ever watched them that you watch children they've got periods of going for it periods of recovering now they're not choosing that recovery time this just what they do always watch the kids how do the kids breathe with you their abdominal muscles by the way how do they run on their toes on their toes I've got a friend who's a runner and he said I was taught to run like this you know heel up he said you know what they're saying now I sorry that was wrong you got to run like the children do watch how you run on your toes just watch the kids the way they naturally do it that's the way to do it so what is this intensity it's called interval training have you heard of interval training was probably in about the 90s I think there was a Japanese trainer who got his girls I think it was figure skating ready for the Olympic Games he got them to an incredible fitness and he did it by this interval training and what it is you absolutely go for it for 30 seconds that's not long is it it is when you're going for it that's all it takes is 30 seconds absolutely going for it and how many people when the heart rate starts and the respiration increases they back off how many people when they're going up the hill back off a little bit now you push yourself up the hill and when you're going down the hill that's when you can back off a little bit it's this interval training and depending on your fitness depends how many 30-second blasts you can put in half an hour's exercise a day putting in a 30-second blast that's not much is it there's not much to ask is it if there's no Hills you might jump down on the ground and do some 30 seconds push-ups you tried 30 seconds push-ups long a lot of time preserves can't get down on the ground do it on a tree I think everyone can do this push-ups on the on the side it's actually intensity you've seen really obese people 150 kilo really large they've they've done Studies on these huge people and they presume their muscles will be very strong because the muscles are holding all of that weight but the opposite is true they found that the muscles are thin and weak and sometimes paper thin in the back here and this was a real puzzle it's all to do with the way the body runs because the muscles aren't being called into use because the person's not moving and why don't they move because it's too hard because they're carrying so much weight and the knees start to crack did you know that under the weight the knees start to crack and they go on their ankles the ankle start to crack and so they you know it's too hard to exercise and what happens when they eat and how many of them are eating how many Aussies are reading high carb it all goes to fat it all goes to fat and the muscles almost start to sleep and the muscles start to break down because it's very expensive muscle um running machinery is the muscle so it starts to break down and so what they have found same was this Japanese trainer found if you can do a 30 seconds intensity what it does is it gets in roads of blood into those muscles wakes them up gives them a shock gives them such a shock they tell these are called little micro tears but when the micro tears happen then the body needs more fuel and so the person starts to eat more they're not putting on weight the fuels going to the muscles and the muscles start building getting stronger and stronger and stronger it's basically the same as waking the muscles up what wakes the muscles up is this you've got to do this intensity now this intensity can change depending on your fitness Michael and I have been doing it will we always do it when we get a hill and what we've started to do now when we get to the hill we start jogging you start jogging up the hill 30 seconds isn't long as it is a long time when you're absolutely going for it and your body will start screaming at you give me a break quiet it's only 30 seconds and of course that will change depending on the person for someone who's not fit carrying a bit of extra weight that just might be a walk up the hill but if a person isn't carrying extra weight a lot fitter it might be running for your life up the hill so you actually gauge it as to where you are and the beauty on your morning walk when there's a whole heap of you you might have different people blasting here and blasting there and blasting there and then when it's recovery time you can come back together you need to breathe deeply don't go for sometimes you feel like holding your breath don't you need that oxygen to go in the more oxygen that comes in the more cells are getting the oxygen and remember the more aerobic cells that you're going to get so it's very important to have that little blast of intensity time yourself is easy you just count one two three not like this one did we professor member a second is one and two-and three-and michael I've been doing it in the creek because we swim every morning and since the flood there's more Rapids in the little part where we swim so we get in there and we swim for our life it just go for it and at the point where you usually stop because you're just so tight you just push you through yourself through it and you go for that 30 count and when we stop well like this but it's really nice because it's in the water and the water's hot then we allow ourselves recovery that recovery time that rest time is just as important as the tensity many people don't get to the intensity and so don't quite get the rest time and the pain that you feel the pain that you feel the next day rejoice the little micro fibers of torn and now they're rebuilding in a stronger way the metabolic rate of that little energy cycle in the cell has just woken up and it's ready for fuel now I mentioned the other day about this guy that came here that walked across Australia he said to me by the end of the walk he could eat five times the food that he was eating at the beginning of the walk because he'd woken up the metabolic rate inside those muscles and it's a bit like a fire if this fire was going the more wood I put in what's happening the more fire the hotter it burns when you wake up that metabolic rate of your muscle cells the more fuel you give them the harder they burn and the stronger they get I was reading about dr. macguff recently and here's a guy that's written a book on this science by exercise I haven't read the whole book I've only just started and he just got the book fascinating stuff he says in there regarding weight loss which is what so many Aussies are very interested in he says 80% is diet now this is the exercise guru he says 80% is diet and he shows the importance of dropping these carbohydrates right down increasing the fpf fiber protein and FASS so you get a fuel that is not going to be stored that he's going to go into that cell to be burnt into those muscle cells he says 20% exercise but when you go to this intensity you increase the body's ability to actually kick into that protein burning that fat burning see what you're looking for is a release of the human growth hormone with the release of the human growth hormone you see he talks about ancestors and running for your life because there's a tiger after you or there's a man with a gun after you or there's a dinosaur after you or whatever the the theory the body starts to think we're going to get rid of this excess weight we're going to get these muscles a bit stronger so we can actually run from the tiger a bit better that's one of the theories however you put the theory in it's the same thing you can change the metabolic rate of your cells to become fat burners to burn off the excess fat and to strengthen those muscles dr. Atkins he showed in his book that if you're eating adequate protein you will never lose muscle and so you see the cycle that the obese overweight people get into the more carbs they eat the more it is stored and the less the muscle is being used what does the human growth hormone don't the human growth hormone stops burning glucose as fuel and becomes a fat burner and you can see why because burning the fat will give more than twice the units of energy that the glucose will give the human growth hormone also triggers an enzyme to be released that directly goes to fat stores to help break them down so they can be burned as fuel the human growth hormone also increases the body's ability to utilize protein this week we've looked at the importance of protein we've looked at the fact that every membrane around every cell in your body is 50% protein we looked at the double banded helix strand which is the DNA and the amino acid bands we also looked at the ribosome where the new cell is made and it's brick upon brick upon brick to make the new cell what are the bricks amino acids body cannot heal without protein so number one it's very important to be eating adequate protein number two is very important to be mindful of your gastric juices so you've got enough hydrochloric acid to break down the protein and number three it's very important that you move that body every day get that at least 30 seconds going for it causing a release of the human growth hormone so you can better utilize that protein that also explains why once the human growth hormone is moving once those muscle cells have been waken up the more fuel you put into that fire the hotter it burns the more effective it burns and the more healing happens in the body the human growth hormone also increases the circulation of the blood to the skin no wonder the movie stays payer they the movie stars pay $1,000 a week for that stuff you can see why Wow keeps them young well I'm offering it to your cut price today ladies and gentlemen half an hour's exercise the day containing a maintenance of 20 minutes aerobic and your 30 second going for it will kick you in to that aerobic aerobic running Eero beak do cardio it's called why is it called aerobic because it gets more oxygen in because you start breathing a little deeper very important when you're exercising they have that mouth open so you've got oxygen going in nose and mouth now the other day I said we should be breathing through our nostrils but when you're exercising when you're going for that thirty Seconds aerobic when you got that human growth hormone type exercise happening you need both one lady said you said we should breathe through our nose Barbara I've been exercising walking up the hills I'll have to open my mouth I said so do i we all do aren't you glad God gave us too and when you're really going for it you need both absolutely that's your aerobic what's your cardio cardio is referring to the cardiac muscle which is the heart muscle and when you start moving that heart muscle starts pumping a little bit faster so they're your signs that you're doing the intensity your intensity is your aerobic cardio doctor macguff is a cardiovascular surgeon and that's why he started at this theory to get his heart patients heart muscle running a little bit faster but then he found all of these other benefits very interesting reading the proverb says keep the heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life absolutely keep that heart with diligent how do you keep it with diligent you make sure you're lowering your carbs eating the three essentials and you're moving the body every single day one lady said to me do you ever wake in the morning and think I won't go today I said no it's actually not even one of the equations of the morning when I wake up in the morning my thought is is it raining do I need a hat is it hot do I just wear a t-shirt ninth of March this morning first day I wore my leggings was a bit cooler that's the only equation in my line so the human growth hormone easily accessed half an hour's exercise the day containing the 20-minute aerobic will cause them a release of that human growth hormone and remember your 30 seconds that's the beginning of the maintenance of your cardio yes you have recovery but that 30 seconds kicks you into aerobic running basically when I'm in running the cell running your metabolic rate running when you maintain that 20 minutes aerobic the human growth hormone is active for 24 hours Wow you know what that means it's forever running I told you it was a bargain no matter where I am I do it when I was in Fiji early December early morning along the beach that was so nice and then we just ran into barefoot barefoot running on the beach nothing better and then we dived into the sea at the end I had about a hundred Fijian kids between the age of 40 and about 30 14 and 35 I remember there was this young Fijian man taking the exercise program and they're walking and I ran up to him and I said can we run he said yes and we went for it he said he'd you know because you're safe sadly some of those young Fijian kids are overweight and they can't run but you know you just start where you are maybe a brisk walk you just do what you can and what if the ankles or the knees aren't working get an exercise bike still doesn't work swim swimming is excellent exercise I was in foster a couple of years ago doing meetings and we got an apartment by the sea via ever booked an apartment by the sea or with sea views on the internet yeah we had sea views about two foot of it between the buildings anywhere were one street back when you read the Internet you think you're right on the beach anyway we walked on the beach every morning and it's time to get aerobic there so I just kept running keep doing bursts of running or jump down and do bursts of your your um push-ups and there was a seed pool how I love see pools high tide the sea pool gets a beautiful flush out so every morning I dived in the sea pool do you know what that that quick cold does now it's July so I'm in the sea pool ten seconds of the most but the the sea water in the winter is a lot warmer than the creek water because of the warm currents that come through so I'm only in there about second ten seconds and I don't know if you've experienced it this week please try it if you'd like to mention it to Howard take a little towel leave it down by the bridge maybe and at the end of your exercise dive in and you'll find when you're coming back your muscles are energized we find after we've done our dip in the creek we can almost run up those hills because that's what that quick goal does it just energizes those muscles and just gets that blood in very quickly so I'm down by the sea pool diving in every morning so good and there's a lady there I saw her there about three mornings she had a wetsuit on she had a little wetsuit hat on she had a kickboard she had flippers and she would just go backwards and forwards so one morning as she was coming near me I went over near and I said excuse me can I ask you a question and when I got nearer I looked at this lady she was in her 70s whoa I said um can I just ask you a couple of questions she said sure I said why are you doing this are you doing this for an injury she said no this is my morning exercise program she said this works really well for me Wow knees or feet don't work swim cold get a wetsuit can't swim kickboard and flippers there's no excuse there is there that would have been the best investment she would have made I said to her if everyone in Foster was down here doing this those those medical surgeries would nearly be empty casualty would nearly be empty is it that simple and is quite simple exercise is not negotiable exercise is essential but remember what dr. macguff says diet is 80% I've got a book in the library by John Gabriel I don't know if you've ever seen it there's a picture of him on the front page he looks like Howard you know fit muscular body and he's got a pair of pants on and they come out to here and then inside the book there's a photograph of him I think it was a hundred and eighty-three kilos and he was now down to 80 kilos and the slogan on the book says weight loss without dieting and what he does is he kicks into this he kicks into this intensity and that's what he says on your morning walk suddenly jump down and do so seconds push-ups and you'll find that many exercise gurus weight-loss gurus now are kicking in - that's called in - interval training the training of intensity and rest and remember after your 30 seconds intensity you're not sitting down you're actually doing something a little bit differently but you're resting the parts that we're just going for it like climbing a hill or cycling up a hill and then cycling down the hill there your recovery times so you just got to find out what to do where to do it and how to do it I'm not near the sea I don't like swimming in chlorine and my knees and my ankles don't work fit ball fit balls are fantastic just one ball and it takes up a small room and you know if you're in a high-rise building and it's snowing outside you can use fit ball but when you do your fit ball make sure you open the windows because you're going to need some oxygen some fresh air that's why we need plants in the house and you can get quite a workout with your fit ball Pilates one day so I can't get down the ground fit ball that was the only thing we could do with one lady who was about a hundred and twenty kilo we got her a fit ball and we put a near the stairs and she held on to the banister because at first she couldn't even sit on it when you sit on a fit ball your core is working really hard otherwise you'll fall off the football and your quads your quads and your and your course that your abs start to work really hard and you can get quite aerobic quite intensity by by doing your football so not negotiable subject you just got to find out what to do and how to do it it's good to have a few options for if it is hailing or snowing or or whatever where you can do a pilates workout pilates is great because many people in Australia have sore backs dunno back problems and you notice that the biggest bone in the body is the femur biggest muscle mass in the body is the quads and you know why that is because we should bend and lift right here and the only time we don't bend and lift there is when we bend like that when we bend like that we're not putting any strain on there all the strain goes here but if you keep that back straight all the strain goes here in the quads and in the in the femur and that's why they're so strong because they're supposed to take the weight and the strain many people's backs bend like that instead of like that because of they sit on lounge chairs like this so be mindful of your posture when you get those ABS strong they will automatically pull in to line that spine so it'll be a lot easier now I can bend down with my back straight much more than I used to be able to because I do it every day every day little by little when I was in the Bronx in o4 there was a 70 year old Jamaican man weeding round the when you get weeds in the Bronx well there's about an inch between the telegraph pole and the cement sometimes not much he was bending down waiting his legs were straight his back was perfectly straighten his weenie well there's not many people can do that it's nothing to do with age it's nothing to do with genetics and of course it's nothing to do with money it's just time it's just what you put into your body so let's have a look at exercise it's got to have frequency intensity and the last one is duration and the duration of course takes into consideration not just doing your 30 seconds and then stopping but you keep running the human body and the recovery happens by changing the different muscles that you're using see when you're swimming it could be breaststroke one lap it could be freestyle another it could be backstroke another so alternating the different parts of the body that you're using but you're actually maintaining that aerobic you just flip from one for one exercise to the other so part of your body that you've just worked to its absolute limit then you kick over and give it a rest now what this Japanese trainer found that when his when his girls exercise like this then when they went for a big long endurance skate they had more energy to do it they had more ability to do it because all week they were doing this this interval training it's quite simple isn't it and when you know those keys then you're able to use it we had a girl come here and she told me that one day she was going to a basketball she's about 15 when this happened she was in a hot car cold morning and all wrapped up in blankets got to the basketball court jumped out what in little skirt shoes and socks and she went straight into it and she snapped her Achilles tendon that's why it's very important with your half-hour exercise that you have at least a three to five minute warm-up very important to do that before you shock those you're going to shock your muscles but you've got to do a little bit of a warm-up so they know something's coming and you want that intensity but you can't go straight into that intensity you've got to have at least a three to a five-minute warm-up and I think Howard does that quite well with you doesn't he we had another guy do our program and he was a international soccer competition and soccer player when he was young he was 40 when he came he said at the age of 26 he noticed that his foot started dragging one day was just dragging behind him and I mean this is his life so he went to the doctor and he said my foot and the doctor says what do you do he says I'm an international competition soccer player I need that foot the doctor looked at him and said when do you play the game the hardest he said well Saturday afternoon at the game he said all right do you push yourself to the absolute limit of human endurance and the guy said well of course we do we want to win the game he said is that the one time of the week where you demand from your body the absolute limits of human endurance and the guy said well of course and the doctor said and what do you do after the game the guy looked at him he said what do you do what do you do to your body after the game do you take it home and give it a well-earned rest of course we all know what happened Saturday night don't we they go out and party he said nah you'd take your body out after you've pushed it to the absolute limit and you beat it up don't you the guy looked down doctor said no wonder your foot won't work I just started writing something and the guy said well what'll I do he said I will I could inject some cortisone in might bring it back to life the guys beside himself he said well what about a personal trainer and the doc said I am personal trainer might might bring it back to life I'll refer to a friend of mine he went to the personal trainer personal trainer did exactly the same thing how what do you do Saturday afternoon and what do you do Saturday night and the guys getting a little bit sick of this now he says ok ok ok yeah that's what we do but he said what will I do now the personal trainer said swim 40 laps a day you might save it and he just walked away he did he said I saved my foot it's very good advice because that foot it needed a little bit of rest you know when someone's got an injury there needs to be times of rest and times of working it because you've got to get that blood into it and that's why you're the guy if it's a sickening pain don't do it if it's a pain of give me a rest soon you can do it I think only you know your pain we all know that sickening pain if don't even think about that and we all know the pain of it's like when the massage therapy therapy massage is those rock gardens in your shoulders it's like ah that's so painful but please don't stop and so you know there's that good painting he saved his foot you see swimming was excellent advice because he was really working out he had to get that human growth hormone released by the intensity but he could not do any intensity on that foot at first the poor old foot sort of gave a little slip every now and then but after about a week the foot started to move a little bit after another week that the foot started to kick I think it took about three weeks and that foot was a strong Wow when you have an injury don't cradle it don't put it in the nursery obviously can't quite do what the others can do but you must move it you look at any kid that's had a broken bone and got plaster on the doctor says you can't walk for six weeks have a look at the kid at three weeks they're running around the place drag and that play to be part of them and no does they recover so much quicker and I tell you what if it hurts they won't do it and that's the body side you know pains your friend pain is there to tell you don't do that or please do that yeah it's like when your muscles get very saw in the morning walk it's the lactic acid what do you do you stop you look at the view maybe you'll start working at the top part of your body while you're resting that the saw part and when the pain goes keep walking because the more oxygen you'll get into your body the less a rope the lesser lactic acid that you will get so it's very important to to keep moving that body there's the story of a guy told me the story he said I broke my my tibia and my fibula he said I was in hospital for three months I said three miles he said well the the pin and plate didn't quite take so they actually had to do it again he said I came into that hospital a fittest I've ever been I said excuse me fittest sitting in bed for three months he said I set up my whole bed like a gym he said every hour I'm working out working out it was probably like walking seven hours a day what a great idea I think if he hadn't been doing that he might have been in that hospital five months he couldn't work the leg but he could work every other part of the body get that blood working and a better rate which meant more blood was going into that leg you'll find most physiotherapists they're getting people up within a few hours sometimes of their operation and some people think that's not right it actually is right yes they do them to get them home quicker so they can have the bed for someone else but they can only get them home if the person is actually well enough to go and what gets them well enough to go getting them moving as soon as possible you know fifty years ago for a woman had a baby she couldn't get out of bed for her she couldn't get out of bed for a week now they get the woman moving quickly I had a few home births you know after you have your home birth you can actually get up and tend your little toddler you know you've heard stories of the Chinese squatting in the fields planting the rice oh I better go behind a tree baby's born baby gets wrapped up you know we hear these stories well I've met a few people that have seen it do you know what one of the things is that woman is active right up until she gives birth to her baby it's not a sickness I say to people it's a physical event you got to start training I say to women as soon as you fall pregnant you got to go into training how many women sit back I've got a craving for ice cream I've got a craving for chocolate and they get bigger and then when the baby comes out they've got stretch marks all over them because they just got so big I remember one of my babies he was neat and a half pound baby I went in and the lady said he you sure you're ready you sure you I said yeah I'm nine months and I gave birth to her I ain't no half pound baby because there was just no excess weight on there's no need for that excess weight you got all going to training a woman should be her fittest as she goes into labor and I had the great privilege of actually delivering my fifth baby they thought I had ages to go and everyone left me so I started marching around the room and I felt the urge and I was able to deliver my baby myself on a beautiful thing to actually take out of your body a baby how many women don't have that privilege you're going to be very fit you've got to get ready for this physical exertion it's called labor and it's hard work it's hard work and if you're fit and able to do it you won't get women fearing childbirth none of my girls feared childbirth they all had home births and delivered their babies naturally because they'd never heard any scary stories because they grow up in a home where birth was spoken about as a very natural thing that the woman can do it easily the attendant should be just there to be called upon if if needed to be it is not a sickness we had an organic farmer and his wife to our program a couple of years ago there's nothing wrong with this couple they're in their 60s nothing wrong I could not find any ailment in this couple they said to me we've been organic for 30 years they have an organic dairy farm they said but everything we eat is organic and they're and the farmer said to me do you know I'm never called out to a cow in distress at childbirth now Wow he says before we went organic once a fortnight I'd be called out to a cow in distress giving birth to her baby he said never now isn't that interesting every cell in the body is so well nourished it works well and what a sickness industry almost is surrounding birth today yeah and yet if the woman's body's strong healthy well nourished birth should happen with with ease tomorrow we're going to talk about what happens between the years and I'm afraid many women fear childbirth so that's the fear thing you know fear and faith are polar polar opposites when a woman believes that she will be able to deliver her baby and the baby will be healthy that goes a long walkway to producing that I remember there was one book written childbirth without pain and it was this guy grantly dick-read his name was and he was an English physician in about the in about the 40s and here's to watch women scream all true the childbirth and then one day was called to a woman who was giving birth to a baby in one of the little homes in the slums he went down there he went into the room it was dark and he said there was a real peacefulness in the room and there was the woman going through labour breathing breathing through every contraction in control and he decided to just stand back he thought this woman done need me but I'm going to watch and as the breathing got heavier he knew that the contractions were getting stronger and she would just relax and breathe deeply between every contraction he knew when she went into contraction he could new it by the way she was breathing she'd breath up to the intensity and breathe down and then her breathing changed and guttural sounds became began and he knew the baby was being born so he went over closer and just helped her a little to deliver the baby he went home that night puzzled he thought why did this woman just birth her baby naturally with no screaming no terror and he just thought of the woman in hospital who just scream and one help was such a marked difference and he went right in to what happens in the stomach wall see we have muscles that are involuntary and muscles that are voluntary and in labor the involuntary muscles tighten with every contraction pulling that cervix up and when a woman is fearsome her voluntary muscles tighten against the tightening of the involuntary muscles and there's the intense pain it's not interesting so he wrote a book childbirth without pain by grantly dick-read and again where did it all start just between the years it's the way that the woman way that the woman saw it and the reason the Chinese women give their birth give birth to their babies out in the field I'm sure they go home and have a little rest is because they have no fear because they've not known any fear in childbirth tomorrow we're going to spend a whole lecture on what happens between the ears but one of the best ways to get that brain working a little bit better is to exercise exercise is vital it's the very condition of life more people rust out than wear out this amazing human body is different to any other machinery the more you work it the stronger it gets the more efficient it gets and the stronger that heart gets and the more efficient that heart beats it's almost like your bank account you put a little bit in your bank account every day within a year or two or five years you got a nice sum of money it's exactly the same with exercise you put a little bit in every day by your morning exercise you have a look in a year or two and you'll be amazed that strong your body is I just do half hour exercise a day containing always approximately 20 minute aerobic I don't consider that I am peak fitness but I would consider that I was average fitness and I did a a walk one day up a huge mountain hour-and-a-half walking like this and in the team we had one of the guys was about 35 and he had all those little machines monitoring your heart rate and your breathing and we got three-quarters the way up and he's monitoring it and he said let me have a look at yours and he looked at mine and he went your one fit woman I was actually better than him and he was 35 you see it's just some such a simple thing when your body's fit and running well it's like you're running you're driving a Rolls Royce of a body how nice to live in a body that works it's got nothing to do with age it's got nothing to do with genetics it's all and that's the same with your bank account it's got nothing to do with age or genetics does it it's purely what you put into it it's exactly the same with the fitness of the human body you put a little bit in every day when a crisis comes if I've got a bank account I've got something to fall back on when a crisis comes whether it be physically mentally spiritually or emotionally if your body is fit you got a bank account there and I think one of the reasons so many Aussies are coming down with mental illness is they're forgotten square one which is exercise because not only does the blood improve to every part of the body it improves into the brain as my initial story showed you the only time you'll have trouble with exercise if you try to exercise in a body that is not well hydrated and not well mineralized I'm going to give everyone a break now and after the lecture we're going to have a look at those two vital subjects water and salt you you
Channel: BeyondPatmos
Views: 175,729
Rating: 4.8488822 out of 5
Keywords: beyond, patmos, misty, mountain, health, retreat, cancer, barbara, oneill, seminar, natural, healing, medicine
Id: nlxkGzovuEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 2sec (3482 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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