Gut Health, Chronic Fatigue and Irritable Bowl Syndrome: Barbara O'Neill

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I want to just one what the audience to know exactly how you came to the understanding of the health message and I guess just a little bit about your background okay welcome everyone good morning yes the question is how did I come to this because I grew up a fifth-generation Australian Scottish descent as grown up with mashed potatoes suppose the police which also sausages every night and arrests on Sunday and when I got sick I was taking you to the doctor and given medicine that's what I sport up with and then I began to work as a psychiatric nurse and I saw people who use drag medication I really didn't see people get better I just saw them managed it was a little bit of a frustrating work and then my partner and I became hippies in a rainforest up behind coffs harbour and now our catch word was back to nature we wanted to do everything natural and then when my daughter got an earache I was immediately confronted with what do I do now and everyone said to me you can't play with this or she'll go deaf so I have to admit I made my decisions on fear and as we go through these lectures this week I've been shown we shouldn't make any decision on fear but on fact but I didn't have any knowledge on what else to do so I went to the doctor after six weeks four courses of antibiotics that you see the evening yet they kept coming back I went to the doctor as he wrote the fifth script I said will my daughter be on antibiotics for the rest of her life he was challenged by my question so he wrote me a referral to an e nose and throat specialist the ear nose and throat specialist said the child's TV put her on these drops to keep these station ships clear any months later next child about 80 bucks gets an earache I don't tell anyone because if you tell the people what happens for pressure I went to the old lady next door I'm 25 she's she's 85 I said what did your mother do when you had an earache as a little girl she said mom would steam up an onion on the stove I steamed up an onion on the stove I put it on James here he was here last night he was 40 now I put the onion on his ear he slept for two hours and it was perfectly fine no wonder I went into natural medicine that was the start that was thirty-eight years ago and I had another four more children and little by little I began to investigate natural remedies I was up in a rainforest and I just had a few books and I just did whatever the book and my children have got better and so friends started to ask if I could help them which I did and I think heavy art was saying last night 95% of what you shares what you were retained and I have found the best way to learn is to teach and you might say I'm very shy no one surely could have been as shy as me very very shy all right on one-to-one but I'm very very shy but I have a passion to help people know how to give their bodies the commissioners have been hearing and at the age of 26 God tapped me on the shoulder and I listened I gave my heart to God and that put me in a whole new area and I was excited to see God has a way of healing he made the body to heal itself and he also has herds that have the ability to stimulate a healing response and as I showed last night hot and cold treatments the more I learned the more excited I got there is so much out there so James he was in my eldest son at the age of 40 this still has not had an antibiotic there's a hardly important role that could say that and if you noticed him he's a he's still alive still that you could working overtime in fact exceptional working order because it works out and he's very big so basically that's how I got into natural remedies so how did I get over my shyness my husband Michael and I we married 40 years ago yes don't worry I'm just going to be played okay it's a little bit better yeah yeah we ladies wear scarves that just no put on a microphone so when Michael and I married 20 years ago he was the business manager of the new no experience of retreated Kincaid's and we've been married a year and we moved down to Melbourne where we were asked to start a retreat there so what we married he came to children I had six the ages were ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen sixteen nineteen twenty-one there were the ages of our children now our elder children cooked and massage they were the message of the cooks Michael's daughter was the receptionist our three boys were the gardener's I said to Michael right now who's going to be the health director he said Jim I said oh no no no no I'm just a mother and I helped other bubbles he said you'll be good and he walked out of the room right and I know that all God's feelings are his enabling and I praise God that our first health program we had one gets that was easy for me and then a couple more and then a couple more tomorrow at our health retreat we have 48 people who did so little by little God he said would he eased me into it and I know that you are not interested in you're interested in what I've got to say and that helps my shyness I've got a message to give to you from the Great God of heaven and I have a I feel a great responsibility to deliver it effectively in an interesting way and God gives the power so if you're shy like don't let that stop you start little platter so I'm going to make my way up top now when we're going to be talking about your gastrointestinal tract today the gastrointestinal tract is a very interesting part of that you were hiding because it is a hollow tube but it's not part of the human I don't want to be by that our gastrointestinal tract is a hollow tube and it has an opening at the top that's part of the mouth but it has an opening way down the other end and it's about eight meters long the reason why I say it's a highly true but not part of your legs because it is all I do but anything that is in that gut is not part of us until it gets into the blood and that's the process I want to take you through today I'm gonna show you the amazing process that changes the food that's on our plate to microscopic substances that actually gets into the blood and then becomes a part of you and Men so we begin with the mouth we don't think that the mouth is an organ but it is enormous so organ number one is the mouth now the mouth is the only part of our gastrointestinal tract where we had say it or what's happening number one we have say over what goes in we have to say over when it goes in we have say over how is it in other words how long we chew it we also have to say over the where we're eating and we also have to say over how often it goes in so what what happens in the mouth basically embarrassed the whole of the rest of it and that's why it's very important to be mindful over what is going in and notice that it's the only part of the body where there is exposed bone what's that exposed bone and that's a key it's deep and teeth a very important teeth are there to chew and as I was saying to my little two-and-a-half grand wedding yesterday Sophia while I'm rocking her two week old brother she said why does he eat food I said because it's got no teeth you know that's very very important and you might say brother that's obvious it is in the play but so what does this mean having teeth teeth means we should chew and we should chew at least 30 times what's the old saying we should drink our food and chew our drinks what does it mean to our drinks so I say to I guess we're on a juicing program take a mouthful of juice and swish it around a bit and then swallow it Lisa's with the enzymes in our mouth what do I mean by drink health food well we should chew our food till it's almost like a cream because what we don't chew in our mouth is no teeth now beer there's no teeth in the stomach there's no teeth anywhere else the more we chew our food the larger the surface area and so the more surface area that the enzymes could work on now there are only two foods that are broken down in the mouth and I'm talking about chemically or it's broken down manually by our teeth and mixed with the saliva the pH in the mouth is an alkaline pH and the enzyme that is released in our mouth is Thailand and Thailand is the enzyme that breaks down starch so starch digestion begins in the mouth that's why we need to chew well now let's have a look at a baby and we're going to cover this in more detail this afternoon I touched it lightly last night no baby has Thailand in their mouth until the molars appear and the molars of the dryness but when the ballers are through then the human mouth releases Thailand to break down starch or another word for that is power this statues a novice many letters to find traditionally it's been called starch but more recently the term is carbohydrates so what are carbohydrates are starches that's all your brains that's all your pastures your grant your cereals thanks cookies I'm sure no one needs those things for donuts you know it said the healthiest thing of the donut is the hole in the middle so you're tiling breaks down your starch but there's another food that is broken down in the mouth that most people are not aware of and that is saturated fat now the best saturated fat is the coconut and we looked at the importance and the value of coconut I think it was Wednesday night we call our lecture fantastic fats saturated fats don't cause heart disease there's no proof if you've found some proof let me know because I haven't seen any and I've got about six doctors who've written books in my health center but from all over the world the saturated fat breaks down in the mouth see under the tongue there are some little glands and they release lingual lipase so the enzyme that's that breaks down the saturated fat is lingual lipase lingual lipase is the enzyme that breaks down the saturated fat so your saturated fat is unique in that the breakdown begins in the mouth so they're the only two foods that where the breakdown begins in the mouth now we go down the esophagus into the stomach and there's a little valve here it's actually a double valve and it's called the cardiac sphincter it's called the cardiac sphincter because it's a relationship or nearness to the heart and it's a muscle and when that muscle tightness you've heard of the term called reflux or heartburn a lot of people have reflux or heartburn and what does the doctor give them if they have reflux or happens and essence but you know that doesn't make any sense at all because the stomach is a very acid environment and it should be acid so stomach is acid now I will explain something before I continue about the reflux lining the stomach Arbeit false like this and those Falls aligned with gastric glands and these gastric glands two-thirds of them release mucus now what that does is that gives the thick clear codes of wall or lining to the stomach to protect it from the acid now down here in these little glands down here hydrochloric acid is released last night we talked about hydrochloric acid when we talked about the immune system the hydrochloric acid kills bacteria it kills fungus the other that is released there is pepsinogen and in a very acid environment pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid unite to produce pepsin and pepsin is the is the enzyme that breaks down the protein so pepsin breaks down protein protein is the only food that is broken down in the stomach most people think all the foods broken down the stomach well you see the saturated fat breakdown begins in the mouth the starch digestion begins in the mouth it all stops in the stomach because then we have a very acid environment so the only food that is broken down in this movie is protein and it's broken down under the action of pepsin now the connection of the pepsinogen and hydrochloric acid to release pepsin only happens in a very acid environment and pepsin will only work in a very acid environment said someone has reflux and they even thank essence what's going to happen to protein digestion can you see that to take an essence for reflux is like shooting all the horses because they keep getting out of the Gateway just shut the game then they don't have to shoot the horses everyone just shut the game without a shot okay it's a muscle and when it tightens it opens so this happened that many Aussies have of eating breakfast like a pauper lunch like a pauper and the cheese king and queen together and then they lay around at night and all the food because of gravity pushes against the cardiac sphincter weakening it now this is not the odd day it might happen but day after day after day it's happening in so many aziz and they're stressed out stress at work stress mortgage stress car payments that than them and what happens to the muscle when you stress than the muscles tighten so how can we close it the best muscle relaxant is magnesium taking magnesium having breakfast like a king lunch like a queen and tea like a pulp I will heal reflux how easy is that one taking antacids all it's going to do is keep your stomach acid say your pepsinogen and your hydrochloric acid kaki night and if a little bit of pepsin is release but break down your protein have can't unless it's in a very acid environment I've met people who've been on and acid type like mixing things like the 30 years is a work 30 years I'm not interested in something that you've been taking for 30 years that's still not working can you see them you see common sense isn't very common today is it and we should be asking why at every step where's my resident why is my resident why use third law of motion states to every action there is an equal and an opposite reaction proverbs 26 verse 2 states that the curse causeless shall not come Rudyard Kipling wrote of all Polana he said I have six trusty serving men they taught me all I know they're nine so what why when when how who have you got your six trusty men we should all be private investigators investigating why these things are so there is always a reason reflux is not because of ant acid deficiency is a right it's like a headache he's not a cannibal deficiency is it you got to investigate and find out why so that's the very simple way to heal reflux everyone that comes to our health retreat with reflux goes home with hard so that's what happens in the stomach many people today have low hydrochloric acid I have never met anyone with high acid if someone says to me I've got a very acid stomach I say fantastic what does that mean you're going to be digesting your food very very well if someone's got very good hydraulic hydrochloric acid you know that did i just become a lot quicker my nice month ago to you all Sophia Wow sheets more than me before as later she's hungry whoa you know strong hydrochloric acid I have a book in our house retreat and it's called observations and the physiology of digestion by dr. William Bowman it was written in 1833 I'd heard about this book I'd heard about the story and I saw an article written about it how I got the name I got the author dr. William Beaumont and Amazon found that hobby in that college library in the southern States of America they charge me 20 cents actually had to pay $20 to talk by the way time it got to me fascinating book let me tell you the story dr. William Beaumont who is 25 at the time he was called to an accident in a trading store a young man named Alexis that Markham Alexis that Martin has sustained a gunshot wound to the stomach and this gunshot had blasted out half of his ribs and his stomach dr. Beaumont was called he tended the map and he said he would not live who did no every time when he visited him it was recovering dr. Beaumont put two things on the wind a low and isn't it nice when there was a time when doctors used herbs aloe and hurt to heal the wound deny him he totally hit in the after he had a hole in his stomach so the hole was about him and I've got some pencil drawings in the book and in the morning that was like false coming out of that hole and so dr. Beaumont saw his opportunity and he began to do experiments he'd given some thread he'd put a piece of food on it he'd put it in the hole then he'd pull it out again out of the one out put her back in the hole pull it out again after two it's put him back at all and he found that took on an average three and a half to four hours now in this book the first third of the book is the story do you know Alexis that man lived till he was a baby married have children dr. Berman said he could have stitched the hole but Alexis said leave him alone I can live with it and I don't want anything else to happen to me he literally was able dr. Beaumont said he probably could have lived longer if he had to keep the alcohol but eighties are pretty good innings now what what dr. Beaumont found was that digestion takes three and a half to four hours and then the stomach loves a rest of one hour proverb 40 verse six says knowledge is easy to him that understand what our very to dr. Beaumont or is that his book gives us an understanding of the stomach and what we've got the understanding then we've got the knowledge on how they look after it so that's how long digestion takes now one can many personal trainers tell people to do today it every hour it opened a couple of hours you notifies reason cows can do it they eat all day long but they've got four or five stomachs and go from one to the other to the other what about children well I watch my little two and a half year old Guinness because she was well fed what did she have the breakfast rice and chia seeds and goji berries and Elysee and banana she had a meal high in fiber generous amounts of protein and healthy fats where are the fats the pups are in the seeds and the nods I think she had some organic soy milk where is the protein he receives and the knots and the rise everything head father so even children can do it as long as you feed them she has her main meal of action at night she has a little bit of cereal in Assyria like especially that puffed stuff kind of banana that that's that's 40 like a former what dr. Beaumont found that there were five things that cause the food to be still in the stomach eight hours later and that's what I want to look at now ain't ask later and the food still in the stomach if he ovate and unfortunately when we've got an overabundance of food it sounds terrible to saying overabundance of food because there were times especially in the wars when there was no food but we've created another problem it's a variety it's called over eating over eating can be two things that competing every couple of hours or can be just over good in the stomach also often eating it be over eight or if he often ate food was still in the stomach eight hours later see right now this is my breakfast my breakfast is here and it's probably starting to go through because the pyloric sphincter only makes it through its broken down to the right state how many people right now mid morning are having a morning tea option LZ have it and many people are doing with the now without realizing how it interferes with digestion what does water due to acid it doesn't sit so when you drink with your meals you're diluting your gastric acid so it can't break down your protein we should be stopping drinking half an hour before the meal and resume drinking an hour and a half after the bell and the last one is alcohol whenever Alexis that Naughton had alcohol it delaying digestion and how many Aussies are doing all of that one leg is that all I get a tick for all the load that's why not leeches pouch so that's the only food that is broken down in the stomach let me show you before we move on to our next section this is protein and in the stomach the pepsin breaks down the protein to peptides and polypeptides so basically that's where protein is when it's coming out of the stomach it comes into the duodenum now the do it in a very important part of digestion because this is where most things happen now if you'll notice by my illustration there are two organs that are releasing into the duodenum the first part of the small intestine there's the liver there's the gallbladder the gallbladder is a reservoir for bile and the ball comes down into the neck of the pancreas and comes into the duodenum so that's the first one we'll look at is the liver now in the duodenum we're back to an alkaline environment and what happens now the liver releases file and file breaks down unsaturated fat so your unsaturated fat also called polyunsaturated fats that's all in your notes and you'll see all polyunsaturated fats so that's what the liver does the liver releases bile now notice the other organ that's releasing into the duodenum is the pancreas and the pancreas it relieves and it releases an enzyme called pancreatic lipase a pancreatic lipase further breaks down the unsaturated fats so that's from your pancreas the pancreas also releases pancreatic amylase and pancreatic amylase it breaks down starch so let's go back to starch where did starch begin it began in the mouth under the action of toddler that we have had in our mouth since we're about 20 months of age and then is put on hold because the stomach is an acid environment then it comes to the duodenum back to the alkaline environment and the pancreas releases pancreatic amylase which finalizes the starch digestion the pancreas also releases trypsin trypsin is an enzyme that finalizes pretty it also releases chimey trypsin now remember I'm talking about Yulia and I've got some good news it's not going to get much more difficult for this now what trypsin and chymotrypsin down remember in the stomach the pepsin break the protein down to peptides and polypeptides now the trypsin and chymotrypsin break the peptides down to amino acids and the polypeptide down to an amino acid and peptide and then the chimay trypsin comes in and breaks that down to amino acids finally as amino acids that it can be absorbed into the blood let's consider something let's consider someone is eating every couple of hours and they're drinking with their meals and they've got heartburn you know what heartburn usually is also low hydrochloric acid the foods not getting broken down it starts to permit it stops a convenient okay I'm a bit better now so let's consider someone's eating every couple of hours they're drinking with their videos they're getting heartburn because the foods not getting broken down so it starts to ferment can you say that and as it comes up so they're not breaking down their protein because they're taking antacids so what happens is this protein isn't breaking down in the stomach so it comes down to the duodenum and trypsin and chymotrypsin they can only break it down to this but they're unable to break it right down to the amino acids because the first stage didn't happen so you know what happens now the peptides and the polypeptides they can't be absorbed into the blood so they go all the way down and they get down to the large intestine and the large intestine says what are you doing here and he says sorry but stomach didn't do its work so poor old pancreas it couldn't actually fully do its work and so now the colon has to create a lot of bacteria to try and deal with those proteins that have been broken down that actually produces bloating it produces a lot of wind can you see the problem that's why we have to start at the mouth we have all the way down the gastro intestinal tract there is one recent author who advocates breaks between bills there may be more and I might not be aware dr. Michael Mosley I'm sure we've all heard of that he's got some television shows on SBS I think he brought the five to die to credit the quietude on he broke fast died and he wrote fast exercise so he talks about the integral training in his fast exercise but in fast diet he talks about fasting he talked about intermittent fasting he talks about leaving a break between your meals our was so refreshing unit because that's the only thing that makes any sense he also talks about only eating two meals a day but he says miss out on breakfast and have lunch and dinner and that doesn't make much sense to me what's the good of fueling up he currently India journey and isn't that what every day is a journey so I breakfast like a king I much like a grain and I've teamed up the pauper yesterday for breakfast where was I at by Georges place I had red lentils and avocado on sourdough toast and I had an apple and some nuts that means pinefibre I'm proteins grifex and then I didn't need to give to a bunch time so at lunch time I made pesto sauce with pine nuts and a gluten-free pasta slices of zucchini in it isn't it nice to spread out you custom-fit zucchini we had a big seller my daughter-in-law made some quite a bread which was very nice and we had some baked potatoes and make sweet potatoes so that was that was a king and I did not even get to breakfast this morning and I stayed in a house that had dragon fruit and Papas brewing out the back oh I ain't very very well so there that that's the sort of meals that take the tension of distance so you can see here by what I've shown you and you should check it out in the you know in physiology book do you know every home should have an anatomy and physiology we should know something about the house we're living it so the main organ of digestion is actually the pancreas saturated fat and starch begin in the meth protein and protein alone is digested in the stomach if we better but it's the pancreas that is the main organ of digestion because the pancreas finalizes the unsaturated fat digestion the pancreas finalizes the starch digestion and the pancreas finalizes protein digestive most people who have pancreatic cancer or pancreatitis they die from malnutrition can you see why it's because they can't digest their food and if you can't digest your food your blood does begin you basically die of malnutrition a proteolytic enzyme is an enzyme that breaks down project so let's have a look at proteolytic enzymes pepsin is approached in living enzyme trypsin is approached in living enzyme and chimo trypsin there proteolytic enzymes and God in His wisdom and mercy is put some crazy lytic enzymes in some things one is grumbling which is from the neck or the core of the pineapple and the other protein making enzyme is a pain which comes from the pothole does that mean we have to eat a lot of pork or a lot of pineapple no you can actually buy normally and papaya extract in a tablet form I've got just've enzymes so anyone who has problems with their pancreas they should be on a supplement of primitive enzymes which is a pain and prevalent now students we are coming to the grand finale of digestion so where's the grand finale of digestion so you can see the breakdown is happening by the end by the end of the duodenum the sport the first part of the small intestine and why that small intestine of villi and villi look like this and up the middle of the villa is a lacteal tired of your lymphatic system and this week would be looking at the importance of the lymphatic system and how important it is to rebound every day to stimulate that lymphatic system and all through the villi is your capillary network that is your blood and remember anything that is in your gut is not part of you or me until it gets broken down into these tiny substances absorbed into the blood lining the gastrointestinal tract is a thick turf war and that thick turf war is made up of lactobacillus acidophilus bifidus bacterium now that gut flora is very very important in digestion well the main digestion happens but what this gut flora does it does the final breakdown in fact one of the things it does is it releases the B models the gut flora is also important for the absorption of the nutrients through the gut during the brush border wall in each in the blood that gut flora is also important for protecting the mud this is your border protection this gut flora protects the blood against any harmful pathogens that in the food but if your hydrochloric acid is working well it'll wipe it out but if your hydropower against it's not working well can you see it might get down to the small intestine or God in His wisdom and mercy has put another protection there which is your gut flora your back toe bacillus acidophilus bifidus bacterium it does something else it nourishes the little cells that line the gut now those themselves are remade every three to five days they're born down here they travel up and away they go every three to five days they're the cells that line your gut unfortunately today there are many things that people are doing unbeknownst to them that are compromising Thorin let's have a look at them antibiotics antibiotics kill gut flora I think most of us know that antibodies come in and they just going to kill but I can't do that kill they just killed they just kill them that anybody's have saved the lives of millions granted but what a problem today it's the only use of antibiotics they should be kept as life saving that's it so when people have antibiotic and I meant work many who have little daughter had 22 courses in the first year of life or had hurt either what's the definition of insanity to do what you've always done in expect different results I'm very thankful for antibiotics because it was antibiotics that changed the course of my life I was so frustrated after the fourth course of antibiotics for an earache because the ma kept coming back and that what changed the course of my life so I'm thinking to endotronix but we need to find out why they're there so anybody skilled up flora so all your statin drugs killed but fora contraceptive pill pills gut flora core design prednisone pills gut flora your ibuprofen drugs kill that flora one lady said I get a tea for all of it so what happens when you've got compromised gut flora what have you got to compromise off now we've got a compromise of the breakdown of our food we've got a compromise of the absorption of that food we've got a compromise of projections and what's our border protection so if the hydrochloric acid didn't wipe it out and we've got compromised gut flora can you see that nasties are going to get into that but that should not be there no wonder you've already said all disease begins in the gut and he didn't know what I'm showing you now he just observed something else is happening these cells that line the gum have now lost their nourishment so I'm going to give you a little picture there's a book called gutter psychology by dr. Natasha care woman right and she does a very good job of exploring this I'll simplify it for you this cell here that lines the gas is very unhappy because he's mean up not he's got no flora two nourishing this got here is very happy because he's got lots of gut flora now as I showed you last night in the 1950s Weber and in that intensive crossbreeding it changed the and it changed the structure of the protein or the gluten so now it is a very complex structure now let's say someone's got compromised they're eating too fast the hydrochloric acid is compromised because they're really too much and all day long and drinking with their bells and when they break down that gluten it breaks them to gluto morphine what's more thing it's an opiate derivative and they also have a dairy intolerance so the deer is breaking down to K Co warfare now let me show you what happens in the gut so this is K Co morphine this is blue tone morphine so gluto and K Co morphine come here and that nourished happy gut flora can knock off the war theme so any blue tone and only K Co getting not a problem but if someone has compromised gut flora and K Co morphine and the gluten poor thing come to the area where there's no gut flora and that's an unhealthy cell because it's not getting nourished it cannot knock off the morphine so K Co morphine and gluto morphine get into the blood it goes to the opiate receptor sites on the brain and it's contribute to mental illness in her book gun psychology why dr. Natasha Hannibal McBride she shows the link there's another book called brain brain by dr. David Berkman he's a neuroscientist he quotes psychiatrists who taking their schizophrenic patients off wheat dairy refined sugar 50% improvement dr. Bryce dr. Bruce 5 in his book stop autism now and his other book stop and silence now he says you take them off wheat dairy refined sugar 50 percent improvement in autism 50 percent improvement in outside of dementia but how many posses have all of that for breakfast cereal milk sugar as well I grew up on so how am i doing in autism and dementia because the milkman is tampered with there that came in glass bottles on the on the doorstep the week hadn't been caught pirate otters they can use them but you know where it starts the compromising gut flora telling women they have to have antibiotics in pregnancy because they've got strictly and the women are told they hope to have strep be I mean they've got stripping they have to have the antibody called when the baby's born it will be blind or die so when they take their anybod because of this is that right but you know what God said in second Timothy 1:7 he said I have not given you the spirit of fear but of power love and of a self but do you know what a sound joined us it makes decision on this one fact did you know that no baby has died from getting stripping at birth but how many babies are being born with compromised gut flora because the mother has a compromised got four from the anybody's do you know that that's where a man need immune system is built I'll be now done flora can you see why this afternoon's meeting child nutrition each time you might not have any children but I'm sure they've got theses and nephews and if you were once a baby you should be there because it can explain so much what's happening in guys no wonder I call it the grand finale of digestion so the million-dollar question is how can we heal it because the the body was made with an inbuilt ability that heal itself and it will heal itself once you give it the right conditions so how can we build up our gut flora how can we heal that gun number one you've got to stop what's harming it and my kerosene horn fire is wheat dairy and refined sugar to a compromised guard so stop wheat and the next question is for what a week in the heat yes Ross this Valenza of this Midlands there's lots of things you can make dairy and by the way you can still get a week that it hasn't been hybridized it's called spelt and you can get a spelt salad that bread dairy cows milks excellent milk for baby comes but if you give a baby a newborn calf the milk in the supermarket it will die be scary and refined sugar nothing wrong with the sugar cane can you see all of these foods today we don't have them as God made them and if you eat Shirley came how long does it take you to get through two inches about half an hour Dion is about 10 teaspoons in a can of coke so anyone who drinks a can of coke should be eating 10 meters of surely can can you see God knew that the only way we really should have it is locked up in that in all that fiber and although minerals then it's not toxic I've got a book in our health but you know I'm actually about three books one store sugar blues because sugar causes the blues it gives an initial I then add up the other book is pure white and deadly by dr. yoken he's a British doctor in one chapter in his book he claims it should be banned nearly so toxic and the other book which you may all be familiar with is sweet poison by David Gillespie all of those books show that the danger of this room sugar so they all must stop number two we're looking at how you can heal the lining of the gut prebiotic antibiotic that word means an against life probiotic means all life and you can get powers that have lactobacillus acidophilus bifidus bacteria in them the best time to take it is three quarters of an hour before breakfast when you're pyloric sphincter is open it will go straight down it'll go straight down to them to the lower parts of your gastrointestinal tract that leave that gap for number three in Psalm 104 verse 14 the Bible says that God gave hopes for the service of man I like I like that verse that's like Curtis thing where would you like it where would you like me to go do you know this intelligence then medicine cause it's still in Chisolm these herds were with the needs of the body and the three the two hopes I should say that Curtis soon them heal the lining of the gut is still real you put water with the denickers of its slippery but that's alright because that God loves that slippery this and the other curve is a levira I stayed at happiness place last night ah he showed me the most magnificent proper Bella Pyrrha this wine this wine beautiful we should all have some aloe vera you go in a climate where it crisis so easily so how do you eat it you have been doing Isabel shipment she has passed now but she wrote a book called how I can use hurts in my everyday luck I think she she lived round beyond give me area and she says that Oliveira you cut the leaf and you sit it on a plate or we send it in a glass and you wipe out all the yellow slime drains out you see remember the yellow slime that is lining in the leaf can be irritating to the gut so in an hour all the trains out you cut the bottom this is what we do it this T and then we slice it up maybe cut the sin of mining like slices and with one big leap we will put that in two liters of water in the evening so let us do that every evening and then in the morning when our guests have lemon water they have live in shallow water and that aloe vera has a great stimulant that aloe vera has a natural variability in there aloe vera has a special type of type of polysaccharide that stimulates cell to cell communication so there's are a lot of muscles and so did you see heavier he might even give you a little pop right beautifully in this both slippery elm and Oliveira have great stimulants in us and they stimulate rapid healing in the lining of the gut let me tell you the story of a man that came to our health retreat I said to him what is your reason for coming to our health retreat he said because well I wanted me to she wanted to come and I said to her what is your reason for coming she said well I wanted to come a long time ago but I didn't want to give up my three best friends I said oh she said chocolate called me and cheese now I'm not there not this lady was so sick so sick she was vomiting I said he is still golden your three best friends because if that's what best friends do do I know what best friends anyway with by Tuesday she was feeling very good a lot of people don't realize how toxic this stuff is till they stop it so I said that this man what she recently said on me because my wife wanted me to come I said ah are you putting the medication he said yes I'm on prednisone and armaan anti-inflammatories for irritable bowel syndrome I think the bullet colitis I said I said now they'll give me old man who said all 20 years I said are you interested in coming off the beds he said I don't think I can he said and recently the doctor no more for me is it working I said to you what do you have for breakfast Arkady I said what do you have for lunch she said I have so age and another cup of coffee I said what do you have petite said I have stayed there I have passed out and it said and I love my scotches at night he said I have two scotches every night and another cup of coffee I said ah you know that's often all you can say Oh interesting you can't say this is terrible because he doesn't realize he can't say right because it's fun you just go on I said um would you be interested in me trying some herbes I do he said sure he said to me that he walks every morning and he does a half-hour walk but he walks along the coast he has to because he has to be near the toilet because it is half hour walk he goes four times this is on the medication so I gave him stick three or four times a day so about eight o'clock back twelve o'clock about six o'clock and then just before he went to bed that's all I did I wondered how he'd go through the juicing days I thought that right might really give him diamond so I'd say to him every day hey no he's pretty good by the end of the second day and he said you know I've stopped bleeding he's still bleeding on the medication is a dillmouth can you see how we need to question these things I said right he said them I haven't got the cramping I said great he said now gone from six movements a day down that's all the juicing so Wednesday when I guess begin to eat I said to him in the afternoon he said I said how's things he said really good really good he said I'm just going four times I've gone he went from six down to five they had before on Sunday morning the morning he left he came to me smiling he says I just did the dog walker morning walked for one hour I didn't have to stop and do any visits now we'll just go back to Wednesday when I saw the bleeding had stopped and when I saw that he's cramping and stopped and I saw that even on the juices he'd slowed down so Wednesday with the food I said I believe that you can stop your anti-inflammatories stop your Han teamkermit reason we'll see what happens because if it came on full Daria what do you do you just go back on here to competitors can you see you playing with it well you have to stay on it no as the implements this lifestyle he gives a little bit off a little be not you know that's why you're the doctor listen watch and adjust accordingly well nothing changed I said well so now he's off his anti-inflammatories on Friday I said what having your courtesan he said my home was he a happy man he had that no bad reaction he said what about the rest of the courtesan I said don't touch that yet I said give it another full month of implementing this so if you know I have to tell him on the last day you got to stop the alcohol did I have to tell me that no he was watching did I have to tell him he's going to stop his company can you see why doing a lifestyle watching what happens and adjusting accordingly he went home a very heavy met remember why he was at our health retreat Chris what was the interest in stopping the medication died because he didn't think he could he basically thought he would die on the medication he's going six times a day after the medication he probably got ten times then people lose so much fluid and so much blood he possibly can you see why this man respondents so quickly because those cells that line the gastrointestinal tract they've remade every three to five days you give it the right conditions now if the man if the man started to diarrhea a little bit more as he stopped the anti-inflammatories you know and I would have done I would have put him on stood me up every hour every hour it's so sad just the pattern back in this debris on the train rather than go back on the ante Kalama trees and as things slow down you ease off the slippery elm can you see that you you were just accordingly adjust accordingly so what happens if it's the other end of the scale which is the person's got constipation what do you do constipation dr. Kellogg very famous doctor he said three intakes of food a day should equal three evacuations a day going once a day he calls that constipation going what's in it so how can you get this to go more and if you notice if you tell it to go it won't and if you tell it to stop in mind the colon has a mind of its own so what is the common need to be working effectively the colon needs Warner you see some of one of the main needs Warner wolf one of the main functions of the colon is to take water out so stools are formed you see what comes from the small intestine into the large intestine is this like Dario's liquid so when it gets into the large intestine waters taken out so stools and so it can pass for these but you some training you see we need to be drinking at least eight glasses of water a day we lose two and a half liters a day we lose 1,500 through our kidneys we lose 500 from our skin we lose 300 from our colon and 200 from out from our lungs that's two and a half liter lost today mind you if you're outside being done you might get up to three or four beats at loss so if you're not replacing that notice there's no reserve tank on the back the only water that goes in is the water that we put in and the best way to treat water is little you would utilize it better if you just have half a glass at a time half a dozen and time often you can accomplish every 10 minutes if you want you'll get a lot of water in that way but just little by little by little by little then the body can use it if you put a huge amount of water in at once it's not long before a huge amount of water has to come out it can always bypass yourself if you weep if you drink too much at once so the colon needs water the colonies fiber in countries that you know Jaime died and a hundred find a colon cancer is very high you see all the little grooves and corners they need to be swept everyday and fiber sweeps at the highest fiber food is your vegetables we should be lots of vegetables and try not to peel that I do peel my pineapples my bananas and my oranges but try not try you know i think jamie oliver's taught australians not to peel potatoes it's alright so try to try to try to eat mostly the peels your I injure something I don't use your apples and pears and your well some eat the peel and McLean reading something I'll leave that up to you so far but we should be eating a high-fiber diet what also exercise what exercise does that increases that blood supply to the column also by that stimulates the collar just imagine on your morning milk every step you take your colon is moving rebalance every every jump on that little track the way your colon is getting strengthening to perform its work now you might be surprised at the next one it's called position what do I mean my position will let us draw the throne here's the throne and when a person sits on the throne this little muscle that I've drawn in bread it's called pubiic talus and that little muscle holds up that last little loop at the end of the colon and we're very glad for P about reptiles because that prevents incontinence and when you sit on the throne P of a wreck Thomas is still taut but if you put a little stool in front of the throne or you can by sporting potty from bed bath which is reps around the toilet and so when a person has a stool their their knees are up and when the knees are up which basically limits the squatting position then in pubiic thomas relaxes and when pubiic talus relaxes like this coming down like this because it's a muscle then the calling opens and the content passes Epis I was in India only two months ago when I stayed in New Delhi but not before I flew out after giving meetings to report in new people it was a very beautiful apartment that was three-story all Marvel I had my own bathroom I went into the bathroom there's the toilet and it's a hole in the pool now it's all very nice and it's flush and everything in it many Indian countries people still squat Asia China India if you've been to any of those countries it's quite common for people to squat to go ScienceNOW proves that this is the best way to go because when you squat or maybe we're very civilized and have squatty potty around our our toilet when you mimic that squatting position by getting your knees up in the air it relaxes pubiic talus which tightly opens the colon that last part and the contents come out in ease one lady said to me since I've been using this I wonder whether I'm fully evacuating because there's just no heaven and she said then I have a look and I certainly evacuating now if someone is sitting and then constipated was there not drink enough water and not enough fiber and they feel responsible to help things along never should we push you put strain on that area and horrible little things pop out called hemorrhoids something's going to do is our own reflect there's so powerful and I'm going to quickly rub them out again because we don't want to know about them we're not waiting the operating for do we give some camera in kameez or us young nurses were just horrified they just put a stitch around the neck and cut it off you'd become are they going to feel when they wake up after that operation nothing compared to having in a pill when they do their first about illusion and remember that I know about squatty potty so sitting like that puts a huge amount of pressure and they've just had an operation so they've had anesthetic which dehydrates and they're in pain so they take painkillers more dehydration making what's in heat more like cement and rabbit comes Oh torture saliva so it's used to have to pay $50 for a squatty potty do know one of our guests said oh you get a $15 today so that's attractive if you can't afford $15 maybe you can afford two dollars and get a plastic schoolmen crazy cracks or something like that when I talked about exercise I talked about the imperfect importance of strengthening your pelvic girdle and squatting like that kind of strengthening that pelvic girth the main function of the larger column is really just to take water out so schools of porridge because men or your digestion basically has happened by halfway through your small intestine there is one thing that is absorbed way down the bottom and that is b12 b12 is very interesting because you know vegetarians vegans and meat-eaters all get b12 deficiency you see b12 is a bacteria so it's found on your homegrown vegetables is founded on your Tomatoes and rockets that you're growing in the garden it's also found in your organic root vegetables and you don't need much b12 so in the stomach member those folds way down in the bottom where your hydrochloric acids release something else is released that's called the intrinsic factor now let me explain what happens with b12 I'm going to explain with my fingers b12 is bound up with an our protein in food and when we've got nice high hydrochloric acid it releases the b12 from the our protein and in the stomach intrinsic factors release so now b12 out of the way sorry our proteins are out of the way now b12 an intrinsic factor they float along together until about halfway through the small intestine intrinsic factor and b12 unites and then they're absorbed here and what parents are into is the internal hepatic circulation so there's a circulatory system that goes from the liver back to here and the line of your b12 is just continually recycle a person can have no beat while in their diet for 30 years before they show the deficiency so - someone has b12 deficiency is not dietary what it can be is guts not working well why would we cut work well because they're drinking with their Mills because they're eating every two hours because they stress it out with their mouths because they're eating too much credit limit that can you say all those things so how can we improve hydrochloric acid you're taking a little bit of lemon and hot water before each meal I don't increase it taking a little cayenne pepper with order before every meal that'll wake anything happens now what if someone is drinking enough water is having enough fiber at exercising do have the right position but the colon still isn't working enough you know ourselves have happened have you notice that and now that you're doing everything right they actually still back into the habit the hood of columbic irrigation season like a bowel clean out they can help but we have a home team and I'll write you down the recipe and this verb T revives and restores colon function because remember Sal Mahan really poor verse 14 the Bible says God gave moves for the service of man so this herb tea we call : tea and you can order it up our website so common tea it contains one part cascara Sagrada and that's a well known : heard two part licorice it's an emollient and three parts buckthorn and buckthorn is a relative of cascara so these herbs gently revive and restore gut function see they are so cascara and macro in a box and licorice is a root so they are boiled up so it would be one teaspoon to 1 cup of water 1 teaspoon of those herbs that have been mixed to one cup the water and because there barks and groups you simmer for 10 minutes now the dose is 1 cup before bed then 1 cup before bed it's you're going 6 times the next day you've taken too much but most people that have trouble with their colon they might need 2 cups maybe 3 cups a day we had a lady last program and she went once a week with help so we put around the colon t because she went to bed we put her on the colon t about gave her another count about midday and then I'm Tunisian whence these times she was so happy and so cheerleading two cups which he told me the story I thought well this will be a 3 cup Lanie so again you're the doctor listen observe and watch if someone comes to us that regularly go four times a day we don't give them any common tea so again we adjust accordingly and thus ends our journey through the gastrointestinal tract it's an amazing journey and it's an amazing process and I'd like to encourage each one of you to buy an anatomy physiology forming and read this again or maybe you get the DVD and go through it again because as proverbs 14 verse 6 says the scorners thing of wisdom and find it but not but knowledge is easy to him that understands as we finish that we give you a quote from an old book this book is called councils on diet food and this is on page 30 it says write physical habits promote mental superiority now this is a good introduction to our next lecture right physical habits promote mental superiority intellectual power physical strength longevity depends upon the immutable laws there's now happen so no chance about this matter nature's God will not interfere to preserve men from the consequences of violating nature's law there is much sterling truth in the adage every man and every woman is the architect of their own force isn't that true and in our next lecture we're going to headquarters we're going to the mind I'd like you to just bow your heads with me while we ask God's blessing to help us retain what we heard this morning Father in Heaven thank you so much for this amazing body we live in we pray father for wisdom and discernment as we implement their simple treatments we pray in Jesus [Applause] [Music] one beam is one feed I see in your nose Oh Oh Oh always Oh [Music] I cry Oh Oh my buh-bye Oh [Applause] [Music] my desire is to see you it's to see you say [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh whoopee is to say mr. Sager [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Bilingual Advent Church
Views: 34,423
Rating: 4.7954888 out of 5
Keywords: Adventist, Present Truth, Barbara O'Neill, Seminar, Bilingual Church, English, Health, Education
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 54sec (4614 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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