"Sunshine & Rest" by Barbara O'Neill

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what we're going to have a look at now is the doctor in the sky he's called sunshine slip slop slap is not working did you know that it's not working some cancer rates have not declined since slip slop slap has brought in in fact something's risen and it's risen to a rate that has never been known in Australia it's called vitamin D deficiency you cease when the sultry violet rays from the Sun hit the skin they convert a form of cholesterol just under the skin to vitamin D now did you notice what this this is converted to vitamin D cholesterol you can have someone with vitamin D deficiency because they're on cholesterol-lowering medication so when the sun's rays hit the skin they convert a form of cholesterol just under the skin to vitamin D it takes two hours for the conversion to happen so if someone goes into a shower and washes themselves with soap straight after their exposure to Sun they will get no vitamin D you have to wait two hours you can learn the Sun dive in the creek and you won't lose it because you're not scrubbing your oil off vitamin D has been hailed today as the anti cancer vitamin research is showing that vitamin D can stop cancer cells developing and even reverse them now when you consider what we looked at on Monday the link between cancer and fungus what does Sun do to fungus annihilates it totally annihilates it vitamin D is essential for the assimilation of calcium in the body and calcium's got a nickname it's called the king because when calcium gets into the body all the other minerals piggyback on the back if you can get calcium in you can get all the other minerals in and the gardener knows it when the gardener increases the calcium in his sword he increases all the other Minerals automatically in the soil and calcium is essential for the strong bones and we've got an epidemic in Australia today another epidemic it's called osteoporosis yeah osteoporosis in a land of many people on cholesterol-lowering medications not having sun exposure not getting vitamin D not able to get their calcium the bones are starting to weaken and dentists are making a fortune on people's nails yeah how much does a filling cost today would it be $200 and the rest I know one lady she went and just had a they had a look at her teeth no cavities so they said I will give it a clean while you're here and she said all right hundred and fifty eight dollars who would look after these teeth that's where your oil pulling is such a fantastic easy cheap way to keep that microbial community in your mouth at the right balance because when the community gets out of balance and the harmful microbes increase they're the ones that actually can eat away at the enamel but we're going to strengthen these bones too by making sure we're getting adequate vitamin D the good news is you only need 15 minutes on your face a day to get all the vitamin D that you need for that day but there are days where there's not a lot of Sun so my suggestion is you have a little bit more something interesting about vitamin D is not only do you need to not have washed your skin with soap for two hours before or two hours after to get your vitamin D but you also need to make sure you're having that exposure if you're in the Sun for half an hour your body stops making vitamin D and it can have a negative effect on the bitty body being able to make vitamin D well so over exposure and under exposure to the Sun can both cause vitamin D deficiencies and where if the star in the Sun for half an hour we usually get burnt don't we and if we get burnt what's the body saying don't don't stay out in it for that long my suggestion is you do 10 minutes from 10 minutes back maybe a couple of times a day and if you do that after several days you will start to see a lovely tanned color come on your skin little by little by little the body develops a 10 and that's the best prediction against some cancer you sit on the side of the road there's a great big picture of a lady lying in the summer the bikini on in itself says skin cells in trauma I'd love to get up there with a paintbrush and write if she's dehydrated if she had margarine for breakfast because it comes out as a toxic a toxic fat on the skin and reacts with the Sun and can cause damage in the skin if she's a coffee drinker if she's been there more than 15 minutes Theo leaves that's the only time they would be in trauma but if she's well hydrated had a nourishing breakfast she's only been out there for 15 minutes they're not in trauma they're actually receiving healing your bones and your teeth need the calcium to make them strong and they can only access the calcium is vitamin D is present your eyes need Sun we have a book in the bookcase called better eyesight without glasses by dr. William Bates dr. William Bates nearly lost his credentials over writing this book and he shows how you can strengthen your eyes he says in that book that strain strengthens your eyesight the only time strain doesn't strengthen your eyesight is if your tie and how many people are straining their eyes late at night when they should pierce sleep you know how often parents say you you'll hurt your eyes reading in that light early in the morning night strengthens the eyes it's only when the eyes are pushed to their limit when the body needs to rest you know why because your eyes are an extension of your brain and when your brain is tired your eyes it's like whipping a tide horse further further and the poor old horse gets to the stage when you go to get it for work and it won't even get up and that's what's happening with eyes as soon as a person's eyes deteriorate when they start wearing glasses but the eyes now get lazy and get weaker and weaker how can you strengthen your eyes strengthen your eyes by giving them rest strengthen your eyes by allowing them to experience the Sun remember your eyes are an extension of your brain and your brain needs Sun and it gets the Sun through the eyes and different sun rays give different messages to the eyes that's why if you wear glasses make sure there's times in the day where you don't have your glasses so the ultraviolet rays can give their messages through never do I suggest that you look at the Sun your eyes will tell you not to do that it's only in the last 10 years scientists have discovered there's a receptor site on the I called melanopsin and it's not involved with sight melanopsin absorbs blue light and they found when adequate levels of blue light are happening tactical reasoning increases mathematical the ability to solve mathematical problems increases and the light with the most blue light is the sunlight so our brain needs the sunlight messages light and dark signals are fed through the optic nerve to a control center in the brain where your body clock is located and your body clock communicates with the pineal gland the pineal gland releases serotonin that's why you feel so good on a sunny day the pineal gland also helps you to sleep better the pineal gland it also interferes with many many functions in the brain and of course we need to have it stimulated by the sunshine another aspect of I connected with Sun or I exposed to Sun and dr. Neil Nedley brings this out he shows that about 80% of people who are depressed their circadian rhythm is out and to reset the circadian rhythm allow your eyes to experience the first hour of light in a day that early morning light absorbed through the eyes has an effect on the brain to reset the cicada in rhythm and how many people in society today are watching the box till midnight and they miss that first hour of light in a day is that a big contributing factor to the 45 percent of Australians they're suffering from mental illness if you're a night owl a beautiful way to reset your circadian rhythm is to allow your eyes to experience sunrise and sunset because that gives very clear defined messages to the brain and didn't God make it easy what a beautiful picture is painted in the sky at sunrise and sunset and our eyes need exposure to that dr. William Bates says even in the middle of a hot sunny day go outside close your eyes and look up with your eyelids closed and then put your head down and then open your eyes so you're actually getting some through the skin he also says to raise your eyelid look down and let the sun's rays touch the whites of your eyes obviously only for a few minutes it will increase circulation to the eyeball and increase eyesight one of the problems with eyes today is too much exposure of the eyes to just screens a friend of mine went to a really old optometrist he's probably dead now because this was years ago and she said my eyes are failing and he said I know why he said you've got too much time at the screen and I loved he'd what he said he said we need to spend more time gazing at the mountains the vastness of nature rather than their eyes going to these little boxes and he said one way to get those muscles working well because the muscles that you use in looking at the screen all pull in and too much is happening there so he said very gently you just squeeze your eyelid your eyebrows like this not harsh very gently because they're very delicate little muscles and he said that's all you really need to do so these are little things you can do to make sure those eyes are working well to make sure your eyesight is working well and to make sure your brain is getting some because your brain needs Sun and it gets Sun through the eyes we need to look at the doctor in the sky a little bit differently your body loves exposure to Sun any part of your body that's not working well put it in the Sun put as much of the body in the Sun as you do if your skin is very light just start with a few minutes at a time if it's nice and olive you certainly can injure more and the fact is that dark-skinned people need twice the sun exposure as light skinned people so when you do lay in the Sun make sure you've had no caffeine's make sure you're well hydrated make sure you had a nourishing breakfast and don't lay out there for too long rest let's have a look at rest there's a tiny little gland in the base of your brain called the pineal gland in my 1970s anatomy and physiology book it's there's there that not much is known about the pineal gland well we know a lot about the pineal gland today the pineal gland is a very important brain sorry part of the brain gland in the brain because it is responsible for releasing rest and rejuvenate hormones in the night and the pineal gland will only release these hormones between the hours at the moment of 10:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. in the winter and I think we've only got a few more weeks till daylight saving stops then it will be 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. that's that's your winter times because the pineal gland doesn't know about daylight saving light and dark signals are fed through the optic nerve to a control center in the brain where your body clock is located and your body clock communicates with the pineal gland so we've got dark happening I think I think dykes happening about 7 p.m. would I be right at the moment and we've got light happening about 6:15 so it's in these hours that you're you're hours of power I call them the hours of power because it's in these hours that the pineal gland releases the hormones let's have a look at the hormones one is serotonin and serotonin is your mood hormone what are the children like if they have a late night they're no good are they that's because they didn't get their serotonin and the parents aren't much better either girlfriend is to go to med at midnight every night and her children used to wake in the morning tiptoe around the kitchen grab a quick breakfast and try and get out of the house before she woke up because she used to bite their heads off she had no serotonin happening not a nice way the kids grow up so quickly than they you want them to have nice memories of home if you want to feel great every day all day go to bed early and get those hours where you'll get your mood hormone number two is Argan Envisat Osen Argan o in visitation is a hormone that is your natural painkiller if you are suffering from any type of pain go to bed early and your natural painkiller will kick in but it's very important I'll make a list here of things you can do to increase the output of these hormones if you do one hour's exercise a day that can double the output of these hormones at night and it's very important for your natural painkiller because your natural painkiller when it's used by the body it gives off a waste and if you exercise the next day you release the waste if you don't release the waste then that next night you won't release the organ on visitation I know a few friends who are managing back pain by exercising every day which ensures not only that their muscles and their tendon and tendons and their ligaments are strengthened to compensate for the injury they have but it also causes a release of the waste from using their natural painkiller which means every night their natural painkiller can kick in again argh and I invested Tosun also puts a person into a deep sleep I know many people who can't sleep so they go to bed later thinking that they'll get tighter but the opposite is true the earlier you go to sleep the more likely you are to fall into a deep sleep I had one lady come to me and she said she said i tries me crazy I wake up at 3 o'clock every morning it just drives me crazy when I was it must have been about a year ago Time magazine did a whole article on sleep and I was reading it and it said in their sleeping tablets don't really do much because they're not fixing the problem and the person doesn't feel great they're actually showing now that a lot of sleeping tablets are causing other problems they said there's one thing that helps and that is cognitive brain therapy cognitive behavioral therapy let me explain and I'll explain it by using this lady when this lady heard this lecture and realized that she was getting her hours of power I said all you have to do now is when you wake up in the night it's 3 o'clock instead of going on what am I going to do why does this happen when you wake up at 3:00 now you can say this is fantastic I've got my hours of power I'll just doze I'll just plan my day that's cognitive behavioral therapy she just changed the way that she looked at it and because she changed the way that she looked at it she actually started to doze back to sleep wasn't a deep sleep but then if you understand your sleeping patterns you don't have your deep sleep there you have your deep sleeps here that's the sleep that's powerful number three is epithalamus epithalamus is a hormone that slows down aging everybody over the age of 25 likes that one so if you want to slow down aging go to bed early I was reading about a hundred and sixteen Russian man and they were interviewing him as to the secrets of his longevity he had a couple of points he said I rise with the Sun I go down with the Sun and the other one was he said I hold anger with no man very important we'll look at that on Saturday what's the old saying early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise when that saying was said or made they didn't know about the pannier gram it was just observation epithalamus not only slows down aging but it increases learning capacity we should never be out of school and we should never stop learning and on Saturday morning when I look at how you can make your brain younger with age you will realize you can never stop learning if you stop learning you're basically brain cells start to die we should never stop learning so one way to increase our learning capacity is to make sure we get these hours of power number four is melatonin and melatonin is your fix and rejuvenate night time hormone so basically when you sleep in those hours your batteries are fully charged many people wake with a groan in the morning unable to get out of bed or even function without their cup of coffee because they just go to bed too late and they miss out on their hours of power this is especially important for people who are wanting healing to happen in their body because this is when the healing powers of the body are the most effective are the most vibrant are the most powerful so these hours of power must be adhered to so that you get more out of your life more out of your day they also very important to adhere to be adhere for for mental health for healing in the body let's have a look at how you can decrease and how you can increase the output of these hormones you'll like this one laughter the old proverb says a merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit dries up the bones my daughter gave me this one she says she found it somewhere a quote it said against the onslaught of laughter nothing can stand we should laugh more and on the other hand worried the old saying says worry is blind and cannot discern the future doesn't change anything doesn't if you can't sleep because you're worried about something get up and write a solution write a letter or put it down on paper and then go back to bed and sleep what can also increase the output of these hormones at night is sunshine through the day not only sunshine through the day but sleeping in the dark because remember my initial statement was that light and dark signals are fed through the optic nerve so when we give it a very clear clear messages of sunny day dark night the pineal gland gets nice clear messages so sleeping in the dark very important if someone leaves needs a bit of light in the night I suggest getting one of those little night lights that you can plug into the PowerPoint that will not interfere with the pineal gland it's like moonlight so you want about the light of the moonlight so sleeping in the dark does it also fasting because when you're fast and there's very little activity in your gastrointestinal tract especially in your colon tryptophan is made and tryptophan is a key amino acid used in the production of melatonin and serotonin that's why you sleep so much better when you go to bed with an empty tummy let's have a look at what decreases it not only worry but artificial lights and I'm referring to the screens so we've got our iPhones the iPods computers televisions they are very handy tools and we all use them and have them but the most dangerous time to use them is in your hours of power that's the dangerous time to use them that's one of the biggest contributing factors to mental illness today is the brain is not being recharged when it should be but not only not being recharged is getting overstimulated from the flashing lights of the screen that really causes deterioration of brain C our brain should not deteriorate the day before we die we should be the smartest the wisest and the brightest of our whole life but that's not happening is it it's not happening in this society there are many societies where it is happening look at the honza's in the Himalayan mountains they're not considered wise enough to hold positions of responsibility to let 70 rule they play volleyball and the under 50s play the over 50s and they often tie so I'm not saying get rid of them because we need them that's unrealistic and they're very very handy instead of taking two or three bags of books to the Bronx when I teach I just take a little computer and it's all in there very very handy but just make sure that computer is shut off by 9:30 in the summer by 8:30 in the winter but I've got an assignment to do I can't we'll get up at 4:00 four years ago I had one week to do a 10,000 word thesis from my nutrition course I did it in one week when did I do it I went to bed at 8:00 and I got up at 4:00 and I had two hours of peak study time and when I read my thesis today I go for who wrote that that's very well said that's when the brain is sparking so I say to parents you've got a monitor this in your home with your yet with your teenagers because I think it's a huge problem today many kids are taking the iPhones to bed under the bed covers watching videos SMSing friends not my my sister does father says phones please I'll charge them in my office overnight so we don't need so that those hours of power the brain and the eyes are being able to get their rest and rejuvenation coffee or caffeine as a whole it cuts it in half for six hours alcohol alcohol 41% reduction in the output of those hormones so if a person has some red wine before they go to bed it might put them to sleep but they will wake with half charge batteries it's not worth it well why does the doctor advise it because he does it but the research shows it does not work meat meat is very high in an amino acid called methanol and methanol when its levels are high it blocks the action of tryptophan that's why Colin Campbell he showed in his book a 5 percent animal protein diet is not dangerous but a 20 percent animal protein diet is and in many ways and this is another way where it is having this information you can get more out of your day more out of your life when I married Michael he used to do a lot of his work at night because he had two little children and he said no one rings me at midnight when he's discovered no one rings you at five o'clock in the morning ever and we've been married for 14 years and for the first few years about once a week he'd say to me I got to do it I got to get into that office I just got to get on top of everything he never doesn't know if but a couple of times I've seen him he said so I can't walk this morning I've got to get it over in that office and put an hour in you see what do you remember at midnight when you're falling asleep you don't even remember it do you you're far better to go to sleep and then get up early because remember they're your hours of power and if you get those hours your batteries are recharged before we move on from rest there's one other part of the body that I'd like to look at that really gets a rest it is stomach we have one stomach just to remind you of that fact I put a big number one there because the way many people treat their stomachs I don't think they realize they've got one stomach cows sheep goats they can eat all day because they've got five maybe four maybe three stomachs and just goes from one to the other dear we've only got one I read a book recently I mentioned it early early on so the physiology of digestion by dr. William Beaumont he wrote it in 1833 and a friend of mine found it on Amazon they found it in a library in the southern states of america and they charged me 20 cents for this old book it's in the book shelf there I paid 20 dollars by the time it got to me but it's a fascinating story I had heard of it and I've heard it referred to but I finally got the book it was in the late 1700s an Alexis and Martin a young 18 year old man he sustained a gunshot wound to his stomach dr. William Beaumont was only 25 at the time and he was called to assess the man and he said the man would not live long part of his stomach had been blown away part of his ribs had been smashed but the young man actually began to heal so dr. Beaumont took him to his home where he could tend him what was very interesting I found it very interesting is about once a week a big tumor would rise up and then it would burst and a two-inch piece of rib came out that happened five times notice why the body made a tumor to get rid of a piece of rib now this is before antibiotics and what dr. Beaumont would do he would put aloe aloe vera he would put myrrh wouldn't it be great if doctors did that today I know some doctors to do but not many do but Alexis that Martin finally totally healed except for one thing there was a a little hole in his stomach and it was like a mouth it never actually sealed and in the book there's a little pencil drawing of it so what dr. Beaumont did he started to do some experiments he would get a piece of silk thread he would put a piece of food on it and he would put it down into the stomach and after an hour I'd pull it out and look at it put it back in pull it out and he did this over many years did you know that Alexis and Martin lived till he was about 80 he married had children every now and then dr. Beaumont would contact him and say please come and stay with me for a year I'd like to do a few more experiments I'll put your children through school I'll give you a nice house dr. Beaumont found the digestion took on an average of three to four hours that's how long digestion took and of course in America at the time people ate breakfast like a king lunch like a queen and tea like a pauper it's only a recent phenomenon that people are reading their main meal at the end of the day I was talking to Henry this morning who grew up in Malaysia he said I we always had our main meal at breakfast just a recent phenomenon and it makes no sense our day is a journey who'd fuel up their car at the end of a journey but isn't that what most Aussie said to me dr. Beaumont found that digestion took on an average three to four hours the stomach loves a one-hour rest and in that one hour rest all the digestive juices can be replaced we should be eating breakfast like a king wishy we should be eating lunch like a queen we should be eating tea like a pauper the only way you can do that with five hours between the mills is to make sure that you're having high fiber in the diet to make sure that you're having substantial protein remember these are the three essentials we looked at these the other day and sufficient fats most people have insufficient fats because these are the three foods that keep the food in the stomach longer and the reason so many people are reading every couple of hours is they're reading high usually refined carbohydrate and the brain says there's nothing in there for me give me something else give me something else and that's why I found this book so fascinating because he proved this that we should be eating breakfast like a clean like queenside lunch like a queen until like a pauper but surely not the children well I did and I see a smile from Dell who's got six children now I'm sure you find that too I say five children zone yeah I stayed with my daughter in Tazi recently and she ran away and I fork up for a little bit and I minded the little girls three and six and so three and five they were the cherries were on for breakfast we had cherished then we had sourdough whole grain toast with olive oil avocado and savory lentils on top and some nuts and seeds I didn't hear from those little girls for five hours I gave them a meal that was high in fiber everything had fiber good amounts of protein in the Megan's in the nuts great amounts of fat in the olive oil in the lentils and the avocado on the toast and the few nuts if I'd given them to weet-bix they would have been wanting something in about ten in the morning so to be able to have this rest we need to be eating like this and our food should contain this what was interesting is that in his experiments dr. Beaumont found that there are some things that cause the food to be still in the stomach eight hours later overeating it was dr. Beaumont that made the statement after he noticed this he said it's not quality of food as that is of the most important its quantity now we know quality is important but he went to the point of saying I think quantity is even more important you can be adding beautiful food but if you overdo it overburden your stomach it can turn to poison it can start to ferment and rot he also found that if Alexis aunt Martin ate often so often eating in other words eating every few hours if he had something to hours after breakfast and then another two hours at the end of the day the food was still in the sky you see this pyloric sphincter 'he's got sensors on it and he found the food goes round and round and round and stops and when it stops the senses go out that's not broken down properly yet round and round and round and stops ah yeah we can start to take a few things and then a biscuit comes in mid-morning round and round and stops pyloric sphincter says up there's something new in there it's not broken down so it will not open until the food's broken down to a certain state and that is why the food can still be in the stomach eight hours later I remember when I had my first little girl Emma and she was about 14 months old if she got a little bit wengie or cry I'd give her a little bowl of sathanas and she'd be happy for a while and then an hour later she'd be a bit windy I'd give her half an apple then she'd be happy while she's eating her but then she'd be windy again and then I read a book that talked about the stomach and how we need to have that rest so if she got a little bit wengie I'd give her a drink her I'd give her a cuddle or read a book I wouldn't do the food thing and I'd make sure that there was more fiber protein and fat because never should we overeat because that causes other problems danai fan-xiu is a happier child many children are irritable because their stomachs are just overworked and they never get a rest and how many kids say I'm hungry when they're actually bored I've heard them tell you what I'm hungry a helicopter lands along ago there the window there's a helicopter it's diverged and most parents know that if my husband says to me and we're traveling and we've still got two hours to lunch and he says I'm hungry I say must be one of the body's many cries for water yeah I give him water and often a hunger pain between a meal is dehydration our body actually needs the water what also dr. Beaumont found caused the stomach to hold the food longer was fear and anger he found that whenever Alexis and Martin was upset it seemed that the hydrochloric acid levels stopped and you remember what I said about drinking coffee tiger on the path digestion stops because when a adrenalin crisis happens all the energy goes to the working muscles because you got a fight-or-flight my daughter Julia works in with well she manages to fine auntie Fieri's restaurant she said mum we've stopped coffee after the meal Wow in this fancy restaurant says mums too heavy she said I've bought antique cups and sauces and we serve herb teas after the meal if someone wants coffee they'll give him coffee but they don't actually offer coffee someone asked they do fine and she says we do it was just too heavy because they do the six actually I was down there last week they're doing nine courses mind you some of the courses are two mouthfuls there was a pre dessert which was an egg shell that had been washed out and then they put like a little yellow custard in and a white yogurt and it looks like an egg yolk and there's about three mouthfuls in that Julie said one day they went to get it and the egg shell was gone God just eaten the whole but fear and anger and that can be produced by drinking coffee and I think we all know that when we're upset we can't beat can't we we cannot digest the meal that's why I liked him one writer she said when we sit to dine we should cast off care and thought care and anger that's why at the table no controversial issues discussed should be a happy time even if my nine month old baby started crying at the table because something went wrong I would quickly pick the baby up and put the baby into its room in the cotton shut the door I never even that the baby cried the table and you know what the baby quickly learns if I want to stay at that table I've got to stop crying it's amazing how quickly a nine month old baby will learn them and when they stop crying you open the door and say would you like to try again no okay you can stay what also can happen is large fluid with the meal now someone's thirsty with a meal by all means have a mouthful the problem arises when you know two glasses of water straight after the meal and drunk write down what that does is that dilutes the hydrochloric acid and then and then what and dr. Beaumont found this because you see he got a bird's-eye view of digestion with this hull he said it's as if the body the stomach has to get rid of that Warner so digestion stops the fluid has to be taken out to bring the pH of the stomach back up to a high pH and then digestion can be resumed again the last one number five was alcohol dr. Beaumont found that when alcohol was taken with the meal the digestion slowed right down he found by observing those little folds you see it's there are like little Falls that were just at the opening he said when alcohol was taken he could see raw bits and even Pasi bits on on those files and Alexis and Martin could feel no pain in other words the stomach has two Broke be broken down fairly badly before the person actually feels it and this is why I put stomach under the wrestler our stomach needs a rest between meals now even when the stomachs empty do you know where the food gets absorbed into the blood down here down in the small intestine so even when the stomach's empty you're still getting nutrients taken in that's why you can go five hours between a meal and if you're hungry between a meal have a glass of water one day my son Peter came to me and said mum the water's not doing it anymore I looked at my watch and I said oh good it's lunchtime and that's what you find when the water doesn't take the hunger away anymore it's usually time to eat we are bodies that run according to rhythm and the whole body is a rhythmic body and your stomach loves that when you eat at the same time every day when you drink at the same time it doesn't mean that you have to eat on the start of 7:00 every single day you can be put in a seven one day I'll coordinate pasta or have passed another day what the body doesn't like is five o'clock one day ten o'clock another day eight o'clock another day and of course the odd time doesn't matter sometimes I have to catch an early morning planner I have a very early breakfast remember it's not the odd day you do it and the odd day you don't it's what you do every day that has an effect on the human body so be mindful of the stomach stomachs a very important organ because if you're not getting the nourishment out of that stomach remember you've got a hollow tube and if it can't break down the food effectively the food can't even get into your blood to become part of you and it is in the stomach where specifically the protein is broken down and we've looked at the importance of protein this week so it's very important to eat sufficient protein very important to make sure your stomachs working well so it can break down that protein so stomach working well is just as important as eating for the right protein so look after stomach and if the personal trainer says no no no you got to eat every two hours what you do is you just prove what works with you one lady said I only ever ate breakfast lunch and tea and the personal trainer said I got it every two hours she said ever since I've just had bloating and discomfort you see if you're having that it's a sign your body's saying something's not working here remember what's the definition of insanity to do what you've always done and do different was expect different results if it's not working make a few adjustments make a few adjustments because the fine-tuning is yours you're the doctor there is no body like yours the good news is tomorrow we're going to spend the whole morning on food our first lecture tomorrow we're going to look at the acid alkaline balance how to keep that balance in the body and the second part of the lecture we're going to have a look at fats I call the lecture fantastic fats thank you for your attention this morning
Channel: BeyondPatmos
Views: 102,857
Rating: 4.8248906 out of 5
Keywords: beyond, patmos, misty, mountain, health, retreat, cancer, barbara, oneill, seminar, natural, healing, medicine
Id: NYGyy9V59DM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 6sec (2706 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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