"Pure Air & Temperance" by Barbara O'Neill

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you a lecture this morning we're going to begin looking at the basic conditions required for healing in the human body number one is pure air you can go three months without eating though you wouldn't be - well you can go three days without drinking but you can only go three minutes without oxygen it is oxygen levels that are very high in pure air notice the law number one of the eight laws of health isn't air is pure air because pure air has a far higher oxygen content on it but what I want to do before we have a look at how you can increase the oxygen content in your body I want to have a look at what oxygen does let's make a list oxygen what does it do in the human body it invigorates this is the fact that it has the effect of taking great amounts of oxygen in the bodies that invigorates it vitalizes I would even go so far as to say oxygen electrifies to understand why it does that we need to take our minds back to our lecture on Monday where we looked at the aerobic self anaerobic cell is a cell that uses glucose and oxygen to give energy compared to the anaerobic cell which doesn't use oxygen the aerobic cell will deliver 18 times more energy than the anaerobic cell that explains why when body is well oxygenated this is the effect oxygen also soothes the nerves and everyone on planet Earth in 2012 go through times where they need nerve soothers am i right I remember when I had my first baby and she is 35 now an old lady said to me if your baby won't stop crying and you're getting upset lay the baby down go outside and breathe very deeply what was she telling me to do that for cause she knew that oxygen would soothe the nerves I put it s there we have many of them how do you know when someone's getting a little bit irritated you hear them go yeah do you know then I what they don't know why they do it but the body is actually saying well they're gonna blow up ears take a blast of oxygen on the other hand what does lack of oxygen do hypoxia is a name a medical term for lack of oxygen the severe symptoms for lack of oxygen a blue top lip blue fingertips and the paramedic looks for that I have a friend who's a surgeon she says you can tell when you cut into a person if you're into venous blood or arterial blood arterial blood is the system taking the blood away from the lungs goes into the heart that end of the lungs venous blood is the blood coming back you see oxygen gives blood the red color and when the oxygen is gone the color of the blood is blue that's why some signs of severe oxygen deprivation is the blue fingertips in the blue top limb but there are many people who are suffering from oxygen deprivation but they're not quite to the blue-lipped stage what are some of the symptoms fatigue the person feels like they've climbed a mountain they've only just got out of bed lethargy they can't even get out of bed nausea stomach doesn't have enough oxygen headaches brain doesn't have enough oxygen not the only cause of nausea and not the only cause of headaches but they are some of the symptoms of hypoxia one of our daughters we've got a few daughters that have adopted us as parents one of our daughters when Michael learned to fly she decided to learn to fly too and I remember telling me that when she was studying to be a pilot she had to study hypoxia because sometimes up in the plane this can happen and one of the symptoms she said is euphoria and one of the problems with euphoria is the person doesn't even realize these things and that's why they must study it because that feeling could be a symptom of hypoxia I find that there are many people today that are drifting in the haze that lies between optimum health and severe illness defined so and when you say to them how are you they say all right not too bad what's not too bad not too good how many people when you say how are you how many people say fantastic if people said that you'd probably go I don't know about you but I'm not interested in just existing I want to live live life to its fullest and experience so this right till the day I die there is no reason why not they've given this a name it's called chronic fatigue syndrome chronic fatigue syndrome has one cause it's lack of oxygen now you might have 20 people with chronic fatigue syndrome and the threads that come in to cause it can be different in every case it might be slow digestion it might be poor digestion it might be chemical sensitivity it might be heavy metal poisoning it the the causes are varied you probably have a look at almost over a hundred causes of lack of oxygen but everyone with chronic fatigue syndrome what are they wanting they're wanting this so let's have a look at the things that it can inhibit oxygen uptake in the body and let's have a look at the things that boost oxygen uptake in the body to look at that we need to study air some air is high in negative ions it's the negative charged negative ions are electrically charged oxygen molecules our negative ions made as water droplets pass through the air they cast off negative ions understanding that you can understand why you find them when the thunderstorm hits because you've certainly got a lot of water droplets passing through the air at that stage the thunderstorm you've also will find negative ions by the water form you'll find negative ions by the sea the waves of the sea are constantly creating shouldn't be they're constantly creating negative ions in the pine so you also find high negative ions in the air at a pine forest and the reason for that is all the needles on the pine tree just a slight movement in the air and they move and you know plants are constantly giving off a little bit of moisture and that's why in the rain forest the clouds are born we had a old friend news he was a German soldier he's well into his 80s now he would visit us and he'd look out into the hills he said look at the birth of the clouds and you know how the mist comes out of the forest so the moisture amongst the trees but the pine give off the most negative vines because of that movement of the needles so when we first came here I looked out the window and I saw a lot of trees and I thought we're going to cut a lot of those dance so we can get some winter Sun in but where the Sun sets in the summer is right behind the Kasserine of pines and I said good will keep the Kasserine of pines to shade from the summer sun but also so that the negative vibes can be coming in these large windows on the western side of the house on the other hand you've got positive ions positive ions have more carbon dioxide in their molecule than oxygen so they have the positive charge the way to remember it is they're positively bad they're not the good guys where do you find the positive ions before the thunderstorm hits and what's the air like before the thunderstorm hits heavy it's heavy with positive ions and if a person has had a broken bone or it's got arthritis they'll say all my arthritis is hurting there must be a storm coming I think we've heard that that's because the positive ions have a depressing effect on the serotonin which creates which can have effect to increase inflammation you ask the person what their joints are like once the thunderstorm hits there's no pain then because now their air is alive with negative ions you also find positive ions in the city what do we got in the city we've got a lot of people and the people are breathing out carbon dioxide and some of the people are smoking and cigarette smoke gives out another gas called carbon monoxide and carbon monoxide is a very dangerous gas for humans because it competes with the red blood cell site for oxygen what also you'll find in the city is a lot of cars so it's the cars and the smoke that both give off the carbon monoxide let me show you what happens in the red blood cell here is the red blood cell when it comes in contact with carbon monoxide it forms a very tight Union and because it forms a very tight Union it prevents oxygen being picked up when this red blood cell goes through the lungs and picks up oxygen oxygen forms an unstable Union it's an unstable Union so that it can be dropped again very quickly it's like picking up some shopping bags and just dropping them again very quickly but carbon monoxide it grabs to the back like a backpack that's all wound around you cut let it go quickly that's why if you go to a hospital to a ward where there and putative limbs toes feet most of the people are smokers because when a person smokes cigarettes they're taking in the carbon monoxide which means some of their blood cells can't pick up the oxygen and by the time the red blood cells get down to the toes the oxygen they did haves all run out and so that's when the toes start to die you see the most vital element needed for life is oxygen any part of the body that's not getting its oxygen will start to die and last night we learned about cayenne pepper cayenne pepper moves blood if someone's toes are stopping to get the blood and the oxygen what you do is you wrap them in cayenne pepper bring the blood down of course you've got to stop the smoking where else when you find positive ions you'll find positive ions in a lot of heaters and the heaters that are the worst are the ones that have the naked flame and take the oxygen out of the air this is a good illustration but how we love that fire on cold mornings but what we do is once it's going well we close the vent which means then it's not taking the oxygen out of the room you'll notice we've got quite a few plants in our room they purify the air you noticed we've got big windows have them open a little bit so if you have one of these fires just be mindful of it keep some of the windows open you can also put a bowl of water on top when it's going all the time you will find after a few days there's no water left there it just keeps their air from being flooded with the positive ions the best heaters are those column heaters where that don't have the naked flame tonight you'll see the series is your house killing you and in one of the series that was was gas heater the the flame that was robbing there of oxygen and making everyone sick and tight so heaters be mindful of the heaters you know gas heaters a banned in or they're illegal I should say in bedrooms now not only because the flame can go out and the person could be gas but because the air is being robbed of the negative ions where else you'll find positive ions is mold mold gives off carbon monoxide we spend a third of our life in bed and I mentioned earlier so be careful of the pillows you have be careful of your quilts your mattresses I like in bedrooms are like either tile or wood because you can get the mopping right under the bed many people don't diligently vacuum under their bed and the dust fills up and you know where what fungus loves it loves dark at loves a bit of moisture and it loves waste quizzes its food and as dr. Singhal shows in his series if you can keep the house clean dry with the air and the Sun going in basically it's just no place for this to to live a lady told me this story she said that her her little girl was at a school camp so she went and stayed the weekend with her and stayed in one of the cabins when she laid down to sleep in one of the bunk beds she was on the lower bunk she got a migraine and she had a terrible night because of this head she could barely sleep and she got up in the morning she left the room and and the head eased that night the same thing happened she just walked into the room and she went and got a girlfriend she said I don't know what it is in this room she said I just come in and I get this headache and her girlfriend said let's have a look at this mattress they picked up the mattress and it was just a little foam mattress on chipboard and underneath the chipboard had black mold on it the mattress had black mold on it now every time someone sleeps on that we lose a lot of water when we sleep the water is coming out of the body and what's it doing to that mole just feeding it just feeding it that's why the bed always should have slats or wire so that the moisture that you lose in and life can actually be evaporated and that's also why you should try and get your mattresses out in the Sun at least once a year ideally twice a year dr. Singhal he says you get the vacuum cleaner and you vacuum clean your mattress be very mindful of that that's why we never buy mattresses from the second-hand shop do we always buy clean mattresses and try and replace them I guess it all depends on how how clean and airy and dry your bedroom is obviously they can be maintained but many people wake up in the morning miserable no energy because of the air that they're breathing in the night and because they have no energy what do they reach for Australia's darling drug today coffee to try and give them a little bit of a lift if someone says to me oh I love my coffee it just gives me that lift in the morning you're not my next question is why do you need a lift you see that and that's why you have to put the detective hat on and find out what it is is there something in your bedroom that is responsible for you waking up with low energy levels now if a person goes to bed late and has a huge meal before they go to bed well we know why they have no intention their loss and that's why you have to tick tick the box you know how have I done this have I checked this have I checked that but mold gives off the carbon monoxide creating the positive ions you can do a lot to increase the oxygen content of your body by just being mindful of the air that you're breathing you can even buy little waterfalls to put in your lounge rooms now can't you we're at a it's in Madeira last week and we went to a Thai restaurant and they had this magnificent waterfall you know it was just wise and the water runs down the why's that's creating your negative vines there's something else that can inhibit the oxygen content in the blood and that is hydration something most people would never think about one morning I looked at the blood slide of a lady at 9 o'clock in the morning and her blood looked like that I always presume I've spoiled the slide five blood slides later the blood looked like that I said have you had any water to drink this morning she said no you see we would lose between two to three cups of water every night that's why that lady had that terrible situation with that moldy mattress I said what have you had she said I've had a cup of tea now many people think they're hydrating themselves with a cup of tea but tea contains tannin it contains some caffeine both dehydrating agents and if you put that pure white crystal in as well called sugar you got three dehydrating agents so if a person wakes up in the morning and has a cup of tea at the end of that cup of tea they're more dehydrated than before the cup of tea oh I said what else did you have she said I had a banana now banana would have fluid in it but did you know that your body needs two cups of water to produce enough hydrochloric acid to digest the meal so if you have three meals a day on Monday on Sunday you have to have at least six cups of water just to supply the hydrochloric acid to break down the food for the next day huh I said to her I cannot read your blood it's all cooked and by the way when this red blood cell goes through the lungs how much oxygen does it pick up when that goes through the lungs how much oxygen does it pick up can you see the surface area that's been lost so a person can be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome because they're dehydrated and dehydration doesn't just mean not drinking enough water dehydration can mean the person's having too much of the stimulants which cause dehydration also medication medication severely dehydrated I know when I was a psych nurse I could always tell if someone was a lot of medication when they spin then the mouth is sort of sticky and I know that they're medicated because it's really dehydrating them you can also inhibit the oxygen uptake in your body by the way that you'll breathe I never have to ask a singer how they breathe if you were to learn to sing your first lesson your teacher would teach you how to breathe with your abdominal muscles because your abdominal muscles are designed to aid in the breathing process you ever seen a little baby breathe the whole abdomen goes in and out with every breath well many adults have lost the art on abdominal breathing and one of the reasons is often the way they sit now we spent a lot of time sitting on lounges before we we bought this lounge because of the lumbar support because it enables you to sit upright now my husband is a very good illustration of the worst way to sit that's it I'm always saying husband sit up it's impossible to use your abdominal muscles in the breathing process if you're at all slouched that's why Pilates is so important Pilates exercises strengthens the core which pulls the spine into alignment which allows you to a breath with your abdominal muscles so that's another plus for doing your Pilates another thing that can inhibit abdominal breathing is tight clothes see your skirt your pants you should be able to put your fist in to allow the abdominal muscles to go in and out with every breath I'm quite liking the more hipster fashion I know in the 70s we wore these tight little skirts when pants with tight little belts shocking for abdominal breathing I was very glad to be able to home-school because with my children at the age of six my children would do half an hour a day by the time now I ain't they're just about getting up to an hour a day by the time they're in high school maybe three hours a day you see growing children should be equal physical and equal mental and if you're gonna veer to one where do you hear physical the physical many children are sent to school at a very young aged over desks and so the habit of slouching actually is encouraged so you can do a lot to increase the oxygen content of your body by just being mindful of the way that you breathe very important to breathe through your own personal air-conditioner called nose nose purifies the air nose humidifies the air and nose cleans the air mouth does not do all that one lady said to me but I can't breathe through my nose what's my next question why not because it's all blocked up why well it just always is well it should not be so the detective had has to go on are you taking one of the three common allergens refined sugar dairy products and gluten I've seen many people throw their sleep apnea machines away by stopping the three common allergens if someone has sleep apnea it's usually because of one of two things or maybe a combination carrying too much weight so at night the the fluid sort of comes up near the chest apartment or they have an allergy and so there's always some you smoke us around we had a 35 year old guide to our program on the second night he stopped using his sleep apnea machine I talked to him six months later and he still has not used it he had an allergy to gluten and he had an allergy to Dairy and whenever he ate those foods because he had an allergy to them the body would build up this mucus in this area you see in China they never even heard of tonsillectomy you know taking the tonsils out and still in the country regions that eat the native food there's no tonsillitis but you go to the city now where they're eating what Time magazine cause the meat sweet die Jaime high dairy high gluten high refined high sugar the tonsillectomy figures are exactly the same now as in the Australian cities interesting you know what the tonsils are they're veges the Watchmen at the gate they're saying do something something's wrong here so what do we do just take the Watchmen at the gate out who's going to call out now something's wrong they're the largest lymphatic or vessel that that goes straight out of the body and God didn't make a mistake when he put them in yeah remember keep your six trusty serving men with you everywhere you go why why is it happening you can see by what we've discussed this morning that you can do a lot to increase the oxygen content of your body by just being mindful of the air that you're breathing the way your the way you're breathing using your own personal air conditioner and by how hydrated you are very important subject especially when you realize that cancer cannot live in the presence of oxygen that statement alone means we should be looking at how we can get more oxygen into our body the most powerful way to oxygenate your body is exercise and it's so important I'm going to devote a whole lecture to that on Friday the next law of Health is sunshine the sunshine is not the enemy in the sky he's only been hailed as the enemy in the sky for about the last about the last 50 years is that right but we're going to miss sunshine for a minute and we're after the break we're going to come back I'd like to flip over to temperance now what does temperance mean it's not a word we hear much anymore is it in the dictionary the ditch the dictionary definition of temperance is not taking anything into the body that will harm it so there are some things that should never enter the second part of the explanation for temperance is taking in moderation the good things so moderation some people say moderation in all things would you say moderation in cyanide would you say moderation in a snake there are some things that should not enter the human body if you're looking for optimum performance so we'll start with moderation all good things even good things can become poisons if overdone I have a book by a doctor William I'll remember his name in a minute Beaumont dr. William Beaumont on the physiology of digestion because of his years and years of research on digestion he came to the conclusion it's not quality of food that is of the most importance its quantity of food he showed that even good food even that food you had for breakfast which was prepared in the best way predominantly organic even if that's over it and it can turned to poison in your stomach he came to the conclusion there's only so many digestive juices released and if too much foods put in the body actually just can't deal with them so all good things should be done in moderation or work and no play makes Jack a very dull boy we've come to a strange time on planet Earth where a lot of parents are not teaching their children to work have you noticed do you know when they love to work when they're about this big encouraged it oh but the China will get broken you stay nurse still get unbreakable unbreakable glass because the children love to work when they're little I had a rule in my home child Dirty's plate child know how to clean plate even if it's just a little one to get them to carry it just something that they're contributing to my daughter Julia she was working in a restaurant a few years ago and she had two 18 year old girls there and she said could you just clean the toilets this morning and they just stood there she said what's the matter she said we've never cleaned a toilet in our life have they ever used to toilet I'm sure so so I say to parents encourage your children to work teach them to work you know there's a saying in the Bible it says if a man shall not work neither shall he eat my children knew that saying and when you teach your children to work you've now got time to play with them it should be a balance of all of these my daughter in America she said I did my kids work hard this fall so what did they do I think the twins before I think the next one was about seven and I think the next one was about ten I said what did they do she said they weeded and mulch my whole garden I said what did you do this afternoon she said we went skating now if Emma had done the whole garden there would have been no skating in the afternoon that's why I say to parents when you deprive your children the joy of work you deprive them the joy of accomplishment because isn't that what you experienced when your work and you talk to you talk to traders today tradesmen do they do they apprentice young people they say no you say why don't you that I come to work they don't work you say can you get the hammer I don't have to get the hammer so a lot of tradesmen aren't even hiring young people whose fault is that I have to say it's the parents fault so teach your children to work and then you'll have time to play with them balance all good things should be done in moderation but there are some things that should never enter the human body if you're looking for optimum performance and I'm referring to the pure crystallized acid that's been extracted from the sugarcane plant I consider sugar to be one of the most lethal substances ever to be introduced to mankind it is as closely related to the sugar cane as heroin is to the poppy plant and yet actually it's more lethal it's just a matter of degrees about 80 years ago heroin was considered safer than sugar well heroin will kill you quicker but sugar is just as much a killer there is more death torture suffering surrounding the traffic of sugar cane than the traffic of anything else even the traffic of cocaine doesn't come near this one's history and I'm referring to the slave trade it is estimated 19 million Africans perished on the sugarcane fields some black countries won't touch sugar because they say it's tainted with the blood of the ants but the slave trade has mostly been abolished what effect does sugar have on human beings let me show you when sugar goes into the body blood sugar levels rise dramatically not when sugar cane goes in because in sugar cane the glucose is all burned up in fiber and it's slowly releases it which is exactly what your brain needs the breakfast that we served you this morning even though it was a vegetable breakfast it had a lot of glucose in it but it was all bound up in fiber and it's going to slowly release glucose your number one fuel all the way to lunch that's what fiber does but when it's extracted and put into foods blood glucose levels rise dramatically brain says Wow overload danger quick pancreas release insulin you see high glucose demands high insulin insulin is the hormone that gets the glucose out of the blood and into the cell or into storage so very quickly blood glucose levels start to drop but because it was a crisis and more insulin was released and it really should have been blood glucose levels are dropping down there the brain goes well we're running out of fuel quick stop the insulin and Reese release the glucagon glucagon stir hormone that gets the blood glucose levels up again but what does the person do down there jelly beans cup of coffee three teaspoons of sugar I need a left Mars bar cake will that give a left is up again honor brain says pancreas stopped the glucagon release the insulin oh no which is stopped have you ever worked under such conditions your we're out and that's exactly what pancreas is are doing but before pancreas is we're out something else is happening here's the cell membrane and here's the insulin receptor side and when that's happening it's quick insulin get that glucose and get that glucose in more insulin eventually the insulin receptor site says I'm done I'm sick of the side of you so you get instrument resistance you've heard of insulin resistance the the receptor site just gets to the point where I don't want to even look at it anymore and it's not long after that that the pancreas goes on strike I'm worn out I've just got nothing left and what's that called that's called diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus was first documented in England just before the Black Plague and you see died ladies diabetes mellitus means sugar in the urine and a doctor found sugar in the urine of some of his wealthier clients wasn't in the country because they couldn't afford the sugar and what's interesting is the Black Plague got out of control in the cities where the people were eating the sugar but out in the countries it didn't have as much an effect because the people weren't eating for sugar and these microbes flourish where there's a lot of sugar around whether it be in the body out of the body so we've got pancreas is wearing out in Australia to the point of 400 diabetics are diagnosed daily in Australia that's scary isn't it that's epidemic proportions Hippocrates has got no mention of it in his writings because sugar wasn't well established when he was doing his writings mom a lady got quite upset me with with me one day when I said before sugar was well-established there was no diabetes she said what about the children who were born with diabetes why why is a child born with diabetes that means a child's born with a very weak pancreas why because of the parents sugar abuse and their parents sugar abuse in Australia they look at five generations of sugar abuse let's go back a hundred years where the cart took all the supplies out to the country homes there were big sacks of white flour there were big sacks of white sugar when I was a little girl and there was a fight those of my era what was it the fight Toffees toffee apples fairy floss Anzac biscuits Anzac biscuits don't go splat until they've got heaps of sugar in them but I tell you the consumption of that is nothing compared to the consumption of Aussies today we'd have fate's twice a year the amount of sugar that we ate at that fight kids are eating every day today that's the scary thing on Saturday morning when we look at the mind I'm going to go in a little bit more detail on how sugar affects the function of functioning over the brain but what I'd like to do now is introduce you to its deadly mate I call them the deadly duo or the dangerous duration cooling the Dedes caffeine when I was in America last April a lady gave me a book called caffeine blues fascinating book it's in the book shop I always have spoken against caffeine but I tell you this book opened my eyes even to a greater depth and what I want to show you is how he explains because I think he explains it in an interesting way of how caffeine affects the body this is the nerve zone you have one trillion of these in your brain and these are the receptor sites you see these nerve cells don't touch each other they communicate with each other by little chemical messengers this is the arm where the messages come out into the little boot tones and then the messages are released and they communicate with the dendrites of another nerve cell one nerve cell has the ability to communicate with 20,000 other nerve cells Wow so the chemical messengers come in they're encapsulated they're sent down the axon the arm into the little boot ons and then they're released out to the next nerve cell what caffeine does is it interferes with these little chemical messengers when someone has a cup of coffee what happens in their body is equal to if they're walking along a mountain track and suddenly they met a tiger on the path now just picture what's happening in their body when they meet a tiger on the path ruff what happens then you get a fight and flight response an adrenaline response immediately the neurotransmitter called adenosine drops and the reason adenosine drops is because it's the fusebox adenosine is there to help keep precision balance in the brain the fusebox prevents the nerve cells over firing well there's a tiger on the path the fusebox has to go we're going to pull all stops out meanwhile the body starts developing extra little receptor sites to bring up every bit of adenosine in an adaptation process because as you'll see in a bit later after half an hour the body says there mustn't be a tiger on the path because they're not running they're not fighting but everything in the body gets set up for this tiger on the path another neurotransmitter that's affected is acetylcholine acetylcholine Rises and it has to do with front brain function this is where your reasoning powers are your judgment your intellect and that increases because you've met a tiger on the path room you ought to make some quick decisions are you gonna run you're gonna fight this tiger you're going to climb a tree can you see why that neurotransmitter rises the other neurotransmitter that's affected is dopamine and dopamine makes you feel good don't be mean levels rise when Kathryn goes in so you've met a tiger on the path why is starting to feel good because Adrenaline's pumping you're gonna have to fight for your life something else is happening all the muscles stand up it's like the trumpet goes soldiers ready to fight these muscles are ready to run for their life run like you've never run before climb like you've never climbed before and I think we've all heard stories of people in a crisis doing superhuman efforts this is what happens when you drink a cup of coffee digestion stops because we're going to forget about that right now we'll run blood pressure rises blood pressure rises because very soon that part pumps going to have to supply extra blood to those muscles that are running for their life but there's no tiger on the path there's no tiger on the path the person's not running they're not climbing the tree they're not fighting for their life so the body goes wow we're going to bring some balance back in here that's when there are septa sites develop body says why too much acetyl coline body stop making so much acetylcholine acetylcholine levels start to drop what about dopamine well day after day after day this happens dopamine levels start to drop the person doesn't feel good anymore Wow how would you feel if you met a tiger on the path every day how would you feel if you met three Tigers on the path today how would you feel if you met five Tigers on the bull seven cups of coffee a day causes mental illness well documented three cups of coffee a day it'll just take you a little bit longer to get there but you can see why most people love their coffee their brain function increases and they feel good if someone says I love my coffee I said no wonder you've met a tiger on the path to men a tiger on the path you don't go there's a diner oh and that reaction is what happens when you have that cup of coffee it's interesting the guy that wrote the book he said it was very difficult to get the research because the researchers are drinking coffee and they don't want to look at that when I was in Los Angeles Airport in in March no it was actually December just gone I had to catch an early morning flight Starbucks cafe wasn't open yet there was already 10 people lined up I think it opened at 6:30 and when they come away they don't have a little cup of coffee they have a cup of coffee this big but I have to tell you about my son-in-law because a lot of people say what about Italy they drink their coffee all day long they don't have mental illness my son went to Italy to Venice to look at all the architecture he just had a backpack and a bike and he went to one restaurant he's never had coffee in his life it's been a vegetarian all his life never smoked never drank never had drugs now pushing the coffee or you must have the coffee all right had a cup of coffee couldn't sleep for three days you mentioned this guy you know made a tiger on the path you know it takes three days for the nervous system and just know now I know I don't touch that stuff last day was there it was morning he was having a beautiful restaurant and a little Italian cafe five waiters came up you haven't got coffee he said all right I'll have a coffee they gave him a tiny little one call a shot he had it there was no bitterness in it he said it was rich creamy he got no reaction he went home and he talked to his mate who's a skipper who grew up in New York he said I tell you what happened he said I grew up in New York I worked in an Italian restaurant two years they trained me to make coffee and I thought I had it right and I went out one morning talking to the boss they smelt it threw it on the on the footpath he still hadn't mastered it there's a certain way to make it where you don't get caffeine and this is what the Italians do they pack it just right it has to be ground just right and the boiling water has to pass through that coffee in four to six seconds and no caffeine will be drawn into the coffee there's your little shots so I'm down in Mildura with my daughter who works an Italian restaurant I said have you have you got anyone that works for you that can do it he said out of my staff of about 15 there are two that can do it it's an art so that explains why the Italians drink it all day and they don't have mental illness because there's this special way when you don't get the caffeine and you don't get the bitterness but careful it might take two years to master isn't that interesting because how many people quote that well I tell what those guys are drinking is not instant Nescafe coffee how much mental illness are we seeing in Australia today - forty five percent of Australians at some time in their life the figures show a suffering from mental illness that's big there's something wrong is it because of Australia's new darling you know the the shop death by chocolate they're right they're actually right nothing wrong with one little square of 85% lint dark chocolate occasionally but not many people can do that every year and for registered nurses have told me this at different times over the last 15 years every year children are admitted to casualty with chocolate poisoning that one doesn't reach the newspapers doesn't mercury mercury is neurotoxic so any dentist that tells to you there is no scientific research to show that there's anything wrong with mercury why is it classified as neurotoxic it is one of the most toxic metals now the it's such an interesting metal it's the only liquid metal and I think as children maybe most of us a thermometer braked and it's such an interesting thing to play with but it's a neurotoxin you've heard of MADD Cather's disease the the Hatter's used to put mercury on the felt hats because it's a fungicide is a fungicide or I don't kill everything and they went mad because through the pores of their skin the mercury was going in in America mercury was banned for a hundred and fifty years the American Association of dental surgeons had the same guidelines as the European dentists which was no mercury and some of the dentists were getting irritated because they liked this mercury you see they put mercury with silver and tin and silver tin and copper I think it is and there's no there's very little sensitivity to silver you know something like ten percent of people are but there's a high sensitivity to mercury and and when they put the mercury filling in the mouth it's sort of moles to the tooth and then sets and that's why the dentist's love it and it's antimicrobial it's antimicrobial all right it's any life so in a group of dentists in about the early if he was very early eight 1900s they formed the American Dental Association's called the a da and they used mercury so this substance that had been illegal for a hundred and fifty years they legalized that just because they had quite a few dentists and they had a bit of push some that was banned now became legal did it suddenly become safe no no history shows with the within six months of mercury fillings being used in France the first case of multiple sclerosis was documented what's multiple sclerosis this is the myelin sheath it's a protective sheath around the arm that takes the messages out when that myelin sheath deteriorates there's your multiple sclerosis dr. Hal Huggins has written a book called solving the MS mystery and he shows the clear link between mercury and multiple sclerosis he was interviewed a few years ago on the link and he said if I see a thousand cases that clearly link multiple sclerosis and mercury I'll write a book well he's written the book and it's a big thick book showing the link between multiple sclerosis and Mercury it's too dangerous it shouldn't even go near the body there is no safe dose of mercury in the body no safe dose in other words we're going to get right away from this stuff I don't know about you but I want every nerve cell I've got I want every brain cell I've got when that brain cell dies it's gone it doesn't remake itself but on Sunday morning I'll show you that there is a part of the brain where they're showing that neuronal stem cells can be made but once that cell goes it's gone and Mercury's our killer when mercury from the mercury fillings in the mouth goes into the mouth it unites with the bacteria in the mouth and it converts to methyl mercury that's methylated mercury it is now mercury in an organic state now that's its most dangerous because it now it can be absorbed into the body remember you've got a hollow tube here and when it's broken down to methylated mercury if now gets into the body goes through the blood-brain barrier goes through the placental barrier and it starts to kill I was reading recently on that on YouTube there's these researchers have put up a little site and you can look at a little video lit of mercury chomping into brain cells like little pac-men whoo so what's the most common way mercury gets into the body it gets into the body through mercury amalgam fillings if you've got them in your mouth please start to have a look at how you can get them out because mercury accumulates in the tissues so the longer they're in they the more the mercury is accumulating in the tissues its bio accumulative meaning it stores up and it's a killer so it's in the mercury fillings and in the fish the safest fish are the smallest fish the most dangerous fish are the big fish so there's your tuna there's your shark so if you like fish go for the small ones go for the stop swimmers and make it a rare treat not a regular part of the not a regular part of the diet but you know the most common ways today because a lot of people are aware of the danger of mercury in fish and in the mercury fillings a lot of people are getting their fillings removed if the dentist said there's no proof to show there's anything wrong with it you know they just give them the name dr. Hal Huggins and say hey I have a look at this work a lot of scientific research to show it they just have not been seen it Senate they do not know it because the people that sell them the mercury fillings are not going to tell them about it of course but when that you see the other thing about mercury which is different to all other poisons it's naturally-occurring and it's in coal so in the coal burning fires the mercury goes into the air and the wind goes and it can travel for a long way you'll also find it in fluorescent lights so in incinerators where people are burning batteries fluorescent lights and a lot of some paints have mercury in it that's when it gets into the atmosphere alcohol is also neurotoxic these are the two main neurotoxins interesting they're both banned in America for many years they're both legal in America today does that mean they suddenly become safe no I'm afraid we're not going to spend time on this dollar sign here but there's a lot of vested interests that are more interested in the dollar than you or my welfare alcohol is neurotoxic no safe dose of that the Australian Health Department have issued a warning there is no safe dose of alcohol it shouldn't go into the body at all because it's a brain cell killer and remember these guys don't recharge in America today it's illegal for a young person to drink under 21 and they put adults in jail parents for giving their children a drink of wine after a meal Wow even when they're 20 but you can go into America and you see 15 year-olds driving cars and there's no real danger because they're not drinking while they're driving tragedy is this Saturday and Friday night there are young people that will die there are people that will lose their lives because of this that's why education is power many young people think there's fun that's why I say to parents show you kids how much fun you can have without it drugs this is bigger today than most people realize and the body does not know the difference between legal and illegal trucks all have side effects there is no drug that does not have a side effect we hear about chemical warfare one of the biggest chemical warfare units is the pharmaceutical company if the body is designed to heal itself we shouldn't be putting poisons in their tobacco there's some pretty graphic signs on the side of the road today's and they're on tobacco one of the sign says tobacco affects almost every organ of the body no no no no every organ because it affects the blood it thins the arterial wall it narrows the arteries that causes the blood to go thick so it affects every organ of the body it also has a terrible effect on the respiratory every person that comes here as you would know I say are your parents still alive if the answer is no what did your parents die from and at what age and everyone that died from lung cancer what's my next question I've asked Micah and in every single case yes it's a poison lungs aren't chimneys monosodium glutamate monosodium glutamate causes the nerve cells on the tongue to over fire and when the nerve cells on the tongue over fire the food tastes fantastic but you know what that means if you put MSG in a lump of mud it'll taste fantastic that's a little scary isn't it we're going to show you how to make beautiful food without ever having to resort to the stimulants if someone has to resort to MSG they've done something wrong with their cooking okay and as I mentioned the other day when you have organic food food just picked the nutrient content is very high and the flavor is very high high flavor high minerals if MSG causes the nerve cells on the tongue to over fire that means that causes nerve cells everywhere to over fire and that absolutely happens in the brain so MSG in a roundabout way can cause death of the nerve cell chemicals one of the scariest place you'll find the chemicals as is in many bathroom laundry cupboards many people are using harsh chemicals to clean their stoves to kill weeds around the house to even wash their hair with you know this kill meant alleys everything's got to be antibacterial antibacterial well anything that has the potential to kill something small has the potential to kill you because there are more microorganisms in our body themselves keep the house clean as I said earlier you don't have to go to the chemicals and you've heard of elbow grease just scrubbing just scrubbing you do a maintenance dose on your house you never have to go to the big guns you do a maintenance dose on your body you never have to go there so get the chemicals out there are some little books in the bookshelf chemical maze there are a few little books there that show you what all the numbers mean it's very important to become number readers and find out what's in the food that you're eating what's in the shampoo you're using what's in the toothpaste you're using what's in the clothes that you're that you're wearing very important to have a look at all that because like the dripping tap on a stone all of these things come together to cause disease in human beings notice that I've put a very socially acceptable list all of these things are very socially acceptable there's no need for me to put heroin arsenic cyanide there we all know that they're dangerous it's a pity that I have to put mercury there but it's surprising the amount of people and don't realize how dangerous it is it's a killer and it's a neurotoxin one of the most dangerous things with mercury is when there's mercury in the teeth and goals because a chemical reaction happens between them Gold is not as nasty as mercury so if you've got gold and mercury have the mercury out as soon as possible because the gold it really doesn't react near as bad it's not a neurotoxin like Mercury's this is why education is power many Aussies are killing themselves without even realizing the effect of all of these let me give everyone a break now please help
Channel: BeyondPatmos
Views: 41,946
Rating: 4.8494625 out of 5
Keywords: beyond, patmos, misty, mountain, health, retreat, cancer, barbara, oneill, seminar, natural, healing, medicine
Id: MI5O6pq-3z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 51sec (3471 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2012
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