How to Balance Male and Female Hormones - Barbara O'Neill - 2018

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back ladies we're going to be talking about a very important subject now that's often the missing link in into why people are not getting well I've heard people say I had breast cancer tried the natural way and it just didn't work I had ovarian cancer tried the natural and it didn't work I'm always intrigued as to what this natural way is because yes definitely we need water we need exercise when there Durley nights we need nourishing food that's all fairly common sense isn't it but what I'm about to tell you today is the missing link into why those two ladies didn't heal in fact why many didn't help and it also explains why Angelina Jolie and did not have to remove her breasts and many women follow suit they actually just needed to balance their hormones so I'm going to begin by going through some of the symptoms of a female having a hormonal imbalance and then I'm going to give you the symptoms of a man having a hormonal imbalance so with a woman it would be early periods you know normal is 16 to 18 and you hardly ever hear that today we're getting young girls who are getting their periods at 9:00 that's a hormonal imbalance very heavy periods very painful periods sore breasts that period time premenstrual tension these are all symptoms of a hormonal imbalance also polycystic ovarian syndrome ovaries that have sis growing on them fibroids in the uterus endometriosis lumps in the breast breast cancer cervical cancer also polyps in the in the vagina in the uterus also depression and heart disease these are some of the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance what about a man for a man some of the symptoms are low sperm count a lot of couples can't have children today sometimes it's the man sometimes it's a woman also penile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction inability to hold an erection in Australia the current figures are 50% of men over the age of 40 having trouble with this that's crazy so I got that mixed up it's 40% of men over the age of 50 are struggling with this and also prostate problems a person with a man with prostate problems it's an indication of a hormonal imbalance too much of the female hormone can cause a man to be effeminate and too much of the male hormone can cause a woman to be masculine all of these are symptoms of a hormonal imbalance what I want to do this morning is I want to take you through the monthly cycle and then I want to show you what throws the cycle out of balance and then I want to finish by showing you what brings the balance back notice that our sex hormones are made from cholesterol and those why they've just added breast cancer to one of the side effects of the cholesterol-lowering medication if you don't have enough cholesterol you can't make your sex hormones from cholesterol in your body makes pregnant line and from pregnant alone your body makes progesterone progesterone is a key hormone because from progesterone estrogen is made from progesterone testosterone is made and from progesterone the adrenal hormones are made I'm going to explain the monthly cycle like a dance because it is like a dance different players come under the stage at different times of the month progesterone is one of our star players and progesterone is going to be wearing a green dress in this dance and progesterone znik name is happy hormone what's the old same happy happy life you know when you've got a happy lady who's running the home the whole family is happy we've got a lot of unhappy ladies because of a hormonal imbalance estrogen is the other player in the dance of the hormones and estrogen is going to be wearing a red dress and estrogens role in the body is that of a cell proliferate ER in other words causing massive cell growth so it is estrogen that causes the skinny young girl to develop into a beautiful shapely woman but if that beautiful shapely woman gets out of shape it's usually because of the estrogen has remained high and we're going to look at why that is so I like an estrogen to good slave bad master how we love our fires in the middle of winter but you know fire can get out of control and burn a whole town down we can't function without water and how we love diving into a stream in a hot weather but floods can come and wipe out of town so that's why I say I like an estrogen to fire on what a good slave necessary slave but bad master so estrogen isn't bad it's only when it's out of control as you can see as you will see in this presentation so let's look at the monthly cycle it's a 28-day cycle and day one is the day a woman begins to menstruate day one of the monthly cycle her progesterone levels are low day one of the monthly cycle estrogen levels are also low but by day seven they're starting to rise up until day eleven they're quite high so looking at this as the dance the star player around day 14 the middle of the month is estrogen so what effect does estrogen have on the body we're going to go to the stage where the dancers played out which is the reproductive organs of a woman's body so this is the uterus there fallopian tubes they're the eggs connected by a ligament that's the cervix and this is the birth canal at this time of the month these Regenesis is causing massive cell growth in the lining of the uterus causing the blood nest once again to develop the estrogen is also causing eggs in the ovaries to be developed estrogen is also causing a form of lubricant to be released in the birth canal now by day 14 a fully developed egg bursts forth from the ovaries those little filaments on the end of the fallopian tube pull the egg up so the egg comes up into the fallopian tubes and the fallopian tube is ever moving basically like this causing that egg to move up up up now the hole where the egg bursts forth develops a blister and that blister is called the corpus luteum I'm writing it in green because corpus luteum is the main site of progesterone production in a woman's body can you see the importance of a woman ovulating every month because when she ovulates her corpus luteum is made and when her court of corpus luteum is made that maintains progesterone and remember progesterone is the precursor or the balancer of all those other hormones so progesterone such an important hormone I'm just trying to give you a more symmetrical dress here so around day 14 estrogen gets the message it can go backstage because we've already got our blood nests we've got our lubricant and our egg there's no need for more estrogen with the development of corpus luteum around day 14 then progesterone levels rise progesterone that is now the star player in the dance of the hormones so what effect does progesterone have progesterone has a ripening effect on the lining of the uterus putting the finishing touches on the uterus progesterone also heightens a woman's mood at this time of the month to the point of increasing her sexual desire at this time of the month but progesterone has another effect let me magnify the cervix so you can see so the cervix is usually like this two lips and a Mekas plug under the effect of progesterone at this time of the month the mucous plug goes the lips come up a little tighter and a special form of lubricant is released around the cervix and this lubricant is very profuse thin and stringy and it is designed to facilitate the entry of sperm up into the uterus so you can see the stage is set for the entry of man did you know that between 200 and 500 million sperm are released with one ejaculation the sperm cell is the smallest cell in the body now sometimes up to half of that sperm comes straight back up if the sperm meet this cervix very difficult to gain entry if the sperm meet this cervix that lubricant literally grabs that sperm and shoots it up into the uterus and it's got a long journey long way to go some of them go down the wrong road and they basically die and get absorbed back into the blood some of them go down the right road and how they've found their prize which is the egg you know young man pulled up off the you tube a little video clip of this journey of the sperm it's quite fascinating and you wouldn't believe what they're up against no wonder God put between 200 and 500 militantly and I saw a photograph one day of 15 sperm all trying to gain entry do you know as soon as the sperm just gets the tip of its head in the rest of the egg shuts down it shuts down it even releases a toxic fluid to kill off the other spoon just incredible occasionally it just so happens that to enter at exactly the same time that's when the twins share this Lucinda just incredible as soon as that sperm is in there its DNA starts to unravel the DNA of the egg start to unravel it's just an incredible process and within a matter of days we've got the first two cells did you know that the DNA of a new human being is perfectly intact so when does life begin there's a lot of discussion on this and within days of conception because that DNA never has been and will never be I think there's going to be some surprises on the resurrection morning is that right yeah do you know one lady began to cry she had had a miscarriage and only only three weeks she cried when she realized that there will be a little a little salt incredible so what happens with conception with conception progesterone level saw 200 percent don't we say when a woman's pregnant she's just blossoming my daughter-in-law is just blossoming at the moment her baby's true I think in about three weeks if a lady said well I didn't blossom why would that indicate that she she's low in progesterone and there is a reason for that now there is one hormone progesterone but there are three hormones to make up estrogen there's East Road and that's called a 1 and a 1 has strong self proliferator action on the body there's East Road Isle and it's called e2 and it has strong cell proliferate action whereas East Ryles called the delicate estrogen so we're going to give it a little heart there because it's a delicate Estrin in estrogen in pregnancy it is e strong levels that rise with the progesterone but if there was no conception by day 26 progesterone is given the message to go backstage to drop down and by day 26 these region is also given the message to drop now when both of those levels drop the blood supply to the uterus is cut and when the blood supply to the uterus is cut then the blood Ness comes away and we are once again day one of the monthly cycle when my children were little just three and four eyes to tell them that mother has a blood nest and if father puts a seed in a baby gross but if no seed comes in the blood nests will come away do you know that's best way to start is when they're little with just simple little descriptions like that and then as they get older they they can ask you and there and there our understanding of it increases I can remember because we lived on a farm that father duck would get on top of mother duck and he'd start pecking the back of her head and my little three-year-old when he would run and push father doc often get mother doc and protect her from that naughty father doctor you know when children grow up on the on the farm you know yet they also get a very simple and and yet then I believe that the way God meant it to be the education just as they're just as their understanding is is able I'd like to talk for a moment on sperm because sperm is an alien to a woman's body and when sperm enters woman's body her immune system rises to attack but when sperm goes through the prostate gland of a man it takes on an immune suppressant property so when woman's immune system rises to attack the immune suppressant property of sperm knocks back her immune system and sperm gets through otherwise none of us would be here now woman's body has memory and every time her husband's sperm enters her she sees familiarity and she based the immune system rises and goes arts just husband will just stand back and sperm enters but can you imagine how dangerous it is if a woman has multiple partners you can imagine how dangerous it is in the area of anal sex how it can just wipe out that immune system what's up up smear a pap smear is a little scrape or a little nick taken out of their cervix that's a woman has a pap smear that night she is intimate with her husband her immune systems trying to hear that but in the presence of sperm what does her immune system have to do stand back let's say it happens before she goes to sleep that night and so the immune system can't deal with that even all night and in the morning gravity causes the sperm to come away let's say she's a very sexually active woman and this is happening two nights out of three six months later she has another pap smear they just so happened to take it on the same spot what's the result abnormal cells what caused the abnormal cells the first perhaps me that was never allowed to heal women should be told that for four weeks after a pap smear to allow sperm to enter her would it take four weeks not in a healthy woman but there are some women that go to bed too late that don't exercise don't drink enough water live on too much coffee a reading devitalized food it would take four weeks in that woman then a healthy woman it should be healed in about ten days one lady said my husband can't wait for weeks I said well he needs to wear a condom but that sperm must not enter until that cervix is healed so let's have a look now of what's causing the imbalance because as we've looked at Newton's third law of motion to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction there is a reason for the imbalance that we are seeing and the main cause of the imbalance one of the main causes is the contraceptive film 1957 the first contraceptive pill was introduced to women 1960s is called the sexual revolution women wanted to be out to have sex without falling pregnant so they were given the pill the one writer in Australia she calls it the mass murder of millions and women men and women have are and will continue to pay a very high price for this so-called sexual freedom what is the pill what does it do the pharmaceutical companies grow acres and acres of Mexican wild young now that mexican war again contains a plant chemical called dioxin and in a laboratory diester none can be converted into progesterone pharmaceutical company can't patent that it's like they can't patent sodium bicarb either because you can't patent something that's already there so what they do is they add a few more atoms and come up with a synthetic progesterone they add a few more atoms and they come up with a synthetic estrogen you see in the eighties the pill contains pure estrogen and they quickly acknowledged that that pure estrogen was feeding cancer so every pill today has to contain the synthetic estrogen and the synthetic progesterone has that fixed everything nice because it's produced tin or produced tone and it blocks your progesterone receptor sites it really hasn't fixed anything but when the woman takes the pill it's fed into that biochemical pathway that your body uses to make its own hormones and of course as a disruption and the body says must be pregnant so it stops releasing the egg so the woman doesn't feel pregnant so for three weeks she takes the pill and then for one week she stops and takes a sugar pill and the body goes off muscle be pregnant touken bleed after a week back on the hormones ah must be pregnant can you see this imbalance that's starting to happen but what I want to illustrate to you is what's this causing you see your number one hormone should be progesterone because it balances all the others month after month on the pill no ovulation no corpus luteum where's progesterone going month after month on the pill with its synthetic estrogen where's estrogen going we've got a problem sadly too common today called in stretch and dominance progesterone deficiency good slave bad master is now the master and what does the cycle look like now estrogens up here instrument with its cell proliferating action causing massive cell growth in the uterus there's the fibroids massive cell growth on the ovaries there's your polycystic ovarian syndrome there's your cysts on the ovaries there's your endometriosis this is your abnormal cells on the uterus on the cervix these are your cysts in the breasts this is your breast cancer this is your uterine cancer your ovarian cancer and the lady cannot lose weight because of the highest region and the ladies were the baby-boomers now they're going through menopause how are they faring they can't lose weight they're having hot flushes estrogen causes capillary dilation causes all the blood to rush to the skin then for our heart wears by the way where's progesterone in all this down here the woman's depressed got no happy hormone at all she has no desire for sex and when she has sex it's painful because the cells lining the birth canal have become so tender there is no lubricant she is of all women most miserable and she knows she looks at her husband he's starting to look at his secretary it's a terrible state of affairs so the woman goes to the doctor she's in a mess so he gives her something to hunt to stop the hot flashes and it will that's called hormone replacement therapy why does this stop the flashes because now the body thinks is pregnant again and instead of putting its energies to the skin it puts his energies in the breasts and the interest six years later she has a lump its breast cancer her doctor takes her off HRT immediately why he knows so if you say to the physician why do you do it if you know he says well she was suffering and it brought her relief that is true but you asked a woman what would you prefer breast cancer or hot flushes what's the answer bring on the flashes I'll build a pool I'll get a second and the other thing he says is not every woman gets breast cancer and that's true but I don't know I'm not interested in paying Russian real life with my health Russian roulette with my health no it is it is certainly not the answer now let's have a look at the daughters of the baby boomers they're the women that are getting breast cancer they're the women that are cutting off their breasts they're the women who are getting polycystic ovarian syndrome they're the women that are getting the fibroids the system the endometriosis one 25 year old girl said doctor says I've got in Dmitri OSIS he says I'll be all right when I go through menopause what's that another 25 years of suffering what's he just acknowledged when a woman goes to through menopause her hormones drop he's just acknowledged is that high estrogen that's feeling it because when you go through menopause it drops now if a woman's balance is right and she goes through menopause they drop if a woman's imbalances like this and she goes through menopause what's happening can you see the imbalance is still there someone would say nothing about but there was 30 years ago I was on the pill so that's wrong then the balance is still out some women won't have Wayne gained weight gain some women will get Sprint's breast cancer some women won't get breast cancer or flushes but they'll have migraines so that there's all different scenarios one lady who'd been on the pill for seven years but she lived quite healthy she went through menopause and got all the symptoms and she thought she'd be right because it was 30 years ago then she'd had no symptoms up to live and I've met some people who've never been on the pill their mothers have never been on the pill and yet they've got the imbalance what's happening to the men the sons of the women who are on the pill they're the ones with penile dysfunction they're the ones with low sperm count they're the ones that are experienced this effeminate behavior I have to be careful what I say in Australia on that one it's a touchy subject do you know it's not the only cause but it certainly are contributing factors there's more what happens when a chicken is fully developed in five weeks that's a bit scary so growth stimulants it's against the law to give chickens growth stimulants now so they've genetically modified them to produce more estrogen that's why if you want to have your own chuck's sorry hens you call hens or chickens you have to go out to an old guy living up in the hills he's got the same chickens that his father and his father before him hares are fine you need to get ones that haven't been touched what about fish for when you got 80% of women on the pill or HRT the sewage goes out to the sea the fish are feeding on that and there's something else that's affecting the fish and that is the plastics mm-hmm in fact it's huge it's it's causing terrible problems and say life now the plastics what about cattle well you know what God meant cattle - wait danger grass grass but there a lot of grain fed cattles now and a lot of that grain can be mold you know have been touched with mole because it's not fit for human consumption so they give it to the animals you've also got growth stimulants being given to cattle even though it's against the law that the pharmaceutical companies have arranged at such that you can do a blood test five days before market and not picked up the great stimulant they're scary isn't it so if it's in the meat it's in the product we're going to show you how to make lentils taste fantastic so you don't have to go to this one you see in in fruits vegetables nuts grains and legumes are all the nutrients that this human body requires plastics I think it's impossible to get away from plastic as handy stuff but we need to be very mindful of not storing things in plastic so you're drinking bottle it should be stainless steel or glass or I have one that I travel and it's a hard plastic and that hard plastic doesn't have the the chemicals in it you see estrogen in its molecular structure has a phenyl ring and that phenyl ring unlocks the door to let the estrogen into the cell so there are some chemicals today they're putting in plastics that have the phenyl ring there's nonylphenol an Ahnold phenol is what makes the plastics soft so you can squeeze it and another one is bisphenol-a what's often called BPA you know you can get plastic that's bpa-free and they're usually the hard plastic you can get some healthy baby bottles so that the hard plastic but notice what they all have they all have the phenyl ring and that's quite that's why plastics is they're called xenoestrogens that's estrogen mimickers they mimic estrogen they get into the Easter Egger and receptor site that's one of the reasons for this hormone imbalance epidemic that we're seeing is the exposure to the plastics one of the worst is hot soup into a plastic takeaway container also if I'm traveling and I'm thirsty I'll buy a bottle of water and I'll drink it but then I'll put that in a bed when you keep using those bottles they keep breaking down so be very careful of what's stored in there long so I try and store all my food in glass or stainless steel but also have been mindful of what's touching your skin especially ladies there are there are three plastic fabrics one is acrylic polyester and nylon and how many bras are made out of those do you know I've I've going into the shops and the investigate and you can get a very nice sports bra from Fruit of the Loom and it's 95% cotton do you know a little bit of polyester is alright because you want a bit of stretch in there also Modell mo da L it's the cellulose sponge from the birch tree also tinsel rayon and viscose are all made out of wood pulp so they're basically can be considered natural fibers now it is true that cotton is the most sprayed crop in Australia so when you buy cotton you should wash it and put it on the clothesline you know in Australia we hang everything out on the clothesline because you know what that Sun does it disinfects it cleanses your clothes I was said to one lady in America I like hanging my clothes on the clothesline she said all my grandmother used to do that we need to bring we need to get those clothesline specs what also is estrogen mimickers is these xenoestrogens in herbicides insecticides pesticides chemicals a lot of chemicals break down to substances that mimic estrogen I'm going to tell you a story about one other aspect this happened in about 1995 in Puerto Rico there was an epidemic of children going through puberty at five years of age and they traced it to an anabolic agent that they were giving to cattle to make them grow quickly and it was a breakdown from a mold waste and this mold waste is called Zarrella known and the product was called zero long now the farmers thought because it wasn't actually a chemical they could give it to the cows right up until in a couple of weeks before market but as I showed you on Monday there's mild ways are quite toxic so that's zero alone that mold waste has an estrogen ik effect on the body in fact brains grow it easily that's why people on high wheat diets they can be getting a little bit of an overload a zero and a no because a small amount is allowed through otherwise no we did ever be past so they discovered that women were eating meat in pregnancy that had been that it had the zero long causing it to grow quickly and then that was affecting their babies so their babies were going through puberty at five years of age this is in Puerto Rico 1995 so I'm going to show you four different types of estrogen now these are four cells and these are four estrogen receptor sites on the cell so this one is the xenoestrogen and xenoestrogen is 20,000 times stronger than the plant so there's the plant there so sorry I've made a mistake there that's human so how big xenoestrogen it's huge and this is zero alone and it's 1,000 times stronger than the human so it's about this big well how BIG's human human estrogens that big and it's 20,000 times stronger than the plant so how BIG's the plant the plant is only a tiny little thing that just slips into the receptor site like that so where do you find the plants estrogens you find the plant estrogens in red clover in some greens in soy and this plant estrogen because it's a plant it comes to the receptor site and it knocks excuse me can I come in and the cell says no we've got enough so you know what the plant estrogen does sits in the receptor site protecting that receptor site from these two guys who are the nasties but if it knocks on the door and says to the cell do you need me in the cell says oh yes please it will come in some 104 verse 14 the Bible says God gave herbes for the service of man I love that illustration because plants come in and say where would you like me I am here to serve you whereas these chemicals they said get out of my way I'm coming in whether you need it or not I know xenoestrogens have this song this strong cell proliferating action can you see that now here's the soybean grown in America today it's called Roundup Ready why is a quart Roundup Ready it's been genetically modified to resist roundup problem number one and a farmer told me this he said five times before harvest the field is sprayed he said all the weeds died and the soybean keeps growing that's a bit scary isn't it so that's soybean not only has it been genetically modified but it has five doses of chemicals in it that soybean will increase breast cancer that soybean will increase prostate cancer not because of the natural estrogens B because of the Xena can you see that there's a lot of a lot of controversy on soy some here one lady I know she did a thesis on soy and when people ask her about soy she's got a one line answer she said it's real easy God made it good man mucked it up in the story so if you eat soy I don't need a lot but I might have it once or sometimes twice a week I make sure it's non-gmo organically grown then there's not a problem what most people don't understand is what I have just explained to you is the difference in the difference estrogens so how do we turn this around number one ear lemonade turn the tap off if you don't turn the tap off you're still going to be mopping up in the other corner stop the pill well how how are we going to stop having babies popping up everywhere well sex is two parts so contraception should be two part the woman's role is to know when she's ovulating and the man's role is to wear some sort of protection when she's ovulating so let me show you the three signs that a woman's body will give her one sign is her temperature will changed so she takes her temperature before she gets out of bed every day and she will find it'll do that over the month and go up under a higher plane so that drop and up onto a higher plane will happen around day 14 it might be day 13 or it might be day 15 but when she monitors her temperature she allows her self to be able to define when her ovulation starts the second sign is that the vaginal mucous changes now in estrogens hi it's more thick and creamy and not as profuse when progesterone levels are high it's very profuse really clear and stringy so as she just tests her mucus every day she writes it on a chart so she makes herself a monthly chart the third sign is that her cervix changes so every day she just tests her cervix and comments now first she's got nothing to compare it with but as she goes on week after week after month after month she'll start to be able to decipher the changes and she will find those three signs will come together usually in this month here so she will say to her husband I'm safe I'm not safe I'm safe so when she is not safe he needs to wear a condom or muster the other withdrawal apparently the Italian men used to pride themselves in not getting their women pregnant by mastering the outer withdrawal I love that story because how often has it just been put on the women but you know it should be it should be two-part so my daughter Jessica and her husband Matthew they though are married for nearly four years before baby amethyst appeared how nice to have a bit of time together before the little darlings appear the darlings that can make or break or sometimes it can be very challenging so that is how you can eliminate the pill so this is this is the three several steps to get the hormonal imbalance eliminate the pill stop the HRT this list here will show a woman how she can manage her hot flashes without the HRT eliminate the meat in its products if a person loves meat in its products must be organic it's actually unsafe today but we'll show you here how vegetarian food can taste very nice I think it's impossible to eliminate plastic but just do the best you can don't have your food in there 4:13 Horton I know when I travel there are some things I've got that in fact oh how I love plastic to put my shoes in when I travel if I was going on a picnic and I had a in the car with lots of things rattling I might put some of my fingers in plastic but if I put it in plastic containers I'll often line up with them grease proof paper something like that what about children at school you can't send them to school with glass containers but you can get BPA free plastic today so you just do the best you can have a good look at the clothes you're wearing go organic as much as possible get the chemicals out of your home and this fourth one to be able to protect yourself from zero unknown try and cut out the wheat I don't eat wheat hardly ever sometimes if I travel late a little then I can handle it because I hardly ever eat it someone's got a health problem they need to totally stop it and once they've conquered their health problem they might be able to have a little now and then so number one is turning the tap off number two your liver has the ability to detoxify you from environmental poisons there's the liver and we're specifically talking about estrogen now if the liver puts the estrogen down the hydroxy 2 pathway it goes out of the body if the liver takes the estrogen down the hydroxy 16 pathway it comes back in a hundred times worse so you can see ladies we don't want the hydroxy 16 pathway we want the hydroxy 2 I'm going to call it highway 2 on highway 16 and I'm going to make a list of foods and herbs and vitamins that stimulate highway to getting rid of that estrogen and inhibit highway 16 which wants to keep it back in one is the cabbage family the cabbage family contain a plant chemical called indoles and these indoles stimulates highway 2 and inhibit highway 16 so it can be very simple of just eating the cabbage family every day so that might be broccoli brussel sprouts cauliflower kale bok choy and of course cabbage high estrogen opposes thyroid function so people that have a thyroid problem it can be a hormonal imbalance and people had that have a thyroid problem they need to be cautious of raw Brassica raw Brassica or broth cabbage family contained goitrogens and great Riggins inhibit thyroid function so if someone's got under active thyroid gland they need to cook all that cabbage family because cooking disarms the great chickens if someone has a hyper thyroidism hyperactive thyroid go for the rock cabbages because you want to slow that fire road down can you see that difference just a comment as we talk on the cabbage family so now we're looking at what else can stimulate highway to and inhibit highway 16 is flaxseed so that's a really easy one to grind up for your breakfast every day and licorice if you've got high blood pressure forget the licorice also vitamin B particularly vitamin b6 9 and 12 now the highest source of your B vitamins is raw nuts and seeds but if someone has a hormonal imbalance they made an initially need to supplement so this one's turning the top off this one's getting rid of the excess estrogen and there is a cream called the Anna's wild yam cream that is our third point the Anna's wild yam cream contains the plant chemical dye astana and when this cream is applied to the skin the fat cells taken up and it stimulates the pathway that your body uses to make its own progesterone in America you can buy progesterone cream but you keep putting that in the body gets lazy and every year when I come to America I meet women who've been on the progesterone cream and it's just not doing it anymore but if you apply the yam cream can you see what it's doing this is why I like it it's stimulating your body to make its own so it's superior so the the directions are one finger dip that's just past the nail bed so finger in past the nail bed that's about the right amount inside of arms one time abdomen another time inside of thighs another time chest so you alternate your spots and a woman applies it morning and night so to two times a day for three weeks a month so ladies who are here on our program who were interested in beginning the owners wild yam cream I think Sunday's the first of April yet so if you apply it first of April or nearly the 1st of April then you will apply it for the first three weeks of every month and a lot of women find it easy to eliminate the first or the last week of the month and then it's easy to remember how long would a woman applied for at least one year one lady said I tried it for two months and it didn't work I said well let me show you what's happening at two months so this lady had the imbalance after two months we're about there where do we want to be here she said well how long do I have to be on it and I said well it's been out for 20 years the good news is it won't take 20 years but a mate may take one or two I met a 9 year old girl when I was in the Bronx who had already had her parents develop breasts at 8 so she went on the energy hand cream I met a 90 year old woman who was on the Anna's wagon cream for her osteoporosis you see when you boost progesterone cells you boost osteoblast cells there your bone building cells so if you're between 9 and 90 do it for depression I've seen many people especially women get off their antidepressants by implementing what we're going to start looking at tomorrow which is the eight laws of health so that's fresh air sunshine nourishing food early nights stopped the stimulants implementing the eight laws of health going on the NS wild yum cream boosting progesterone easing off your antidepressants isn't that good news what about men well a man would go on they am cream and and they make a cream now called his yum cream and it's the same really as the annus but it's got a few herb specific for men so the his yum cream a man will apply just a little bit just the very tip of the finger twice a day he doesn't have a break because men aren't cyclic like women why would a man be honored to help if he was a little effeminate would help with his masculinity to help get the testosterone levels down to conquer prostate problems one man said forgive the French he said this cream just puts let in my pencil so it helps with penile dysfunction so let's go back to the menopausal women they're overweight yes this will help they've got no desire for sex yes this will help sex is painful there's no lubricant the cells are bright you know they're very very tender well there's something that a woman can do that will get help with that within a couple of weeks and that is yoni stones now these were developed in the Chinese Denis Denis trip to get the concubines sexually toned for the Emperor they're made out of nephrite Jade nephrite Jade is the best it's like a marble you want a very dense stone and the first on the largest stone they're like our egg is about that big the next egg is a little bit smaller and then you've got one that's smaller again and then and the largest nephrite Jade yoni stone is inserted right up until through into the birth canal until it touches the cervix now these Yanni's stones have little a little holes at the bottom so women can put a little bit of dental floss in so it can be easily extracted now what a woman will do is she'll wear the largest stone for one hour a day week one two hours a day week two three hours a day week three four hours a day week four until she gets up to the fifth week where she's wearing the stone for five hours a day she will wear that stone for five hours a day for about six months by then her pelvic floor is very strong and and several times while she's wearing it she can do kegels she can strengthen her muscles against it now I want to well before I tell you the results and the feedback that I've been getting from women after five months she can go to the middle-sized stone and she will start wearing that five hours a day for about six months and by then her pelvic floor is strong enough to hold the smaller stone so what's happening with women wearing this yoni stone because it's so strengthening their pelvic girdle that it's healing prolapses you see wherever Fighting Gravity yeah where it drops down but if your pelvic floor muscles are strong you will never have a product so also I'm seeing women that have been incontinent no more incontinence after wearing the Oni stone now several women have said to me sex is no longer painful it appears that when you strengthen that pelvic girdle it pulls the blood to the area which feeds all the cells and strengthens the cell lining the birth canal so sex is no more painful I've had several women say to me Barbara my lubricant has returned I've had couples say them in their 50s Thank You Barbara our sex life has returned our husband it can now perform because of his Yin and the lady doesn't find it painful anymore Taniya if God meant for human beings to be enjoying their sexual relations as a married couple till their eighties but I find people in their 50s and sometimes if the man is very sexually active if he gets very frustrated because you know his poor wife he doesn't know what to do he needs to be relieved but his wife it's so painful so I've seen many couples return to that enjoying that part of their relationship again my daughter Jessica she had a home birth Oh her baby seven now seven years ago and the Midwife who attended her was in her 50s and she told her a story she said I had a prolapse of my vagina and partly uterus she said I went to the doctor he said you will need an operation and I will have to use the mesh you've heard of the mesh in Australia there are 800 court cases at the moment because of what that mesh has done where does the problem a lot is that the mesh the poor doctors they have to use the mesh because there is no tone in the muscles can you see that if there was tiny in the muscles they wouldn't need the mesh but actually if there was tone in the muscles they wouldn't have been a prolapse can you see all that she didn't want that so she went and googled yoni stones came up with nephrite Jade she ordered her three stones they come in little velvet bags she began to wear her largest stone after three months she went back to the doctor he said what have you done no need for you to have an operation you don't have a prolapse anymore one young woman I know had twin girls both were six pound can you imagine the weight and never after whenever she cried or coughed or laughed she'd lose a little urine she just thought well this is what I have to wear because I I carried such heavy babies but muscle knows no age you can strengthen those muscles she began to wear the yoni stones she said within two months she could laugh cough cry no more incontinence so can you see why they're becoming popular and really it's just a way to strengthen the pelvic girdle to strengthen that pelvic floor well answer questions in a minute so there ends my lecture on which is freed and revolutionized many women and men thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Living Springs Retreat
Views: 343,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot flashes, hormonal imbalance, estrogen, Barbara O'Neill, hormones, Living Springs Retreat, Cancer, Premenstrual cycle, Fibrous lumps in breast, Fibroids in uterus, Cyst on ovaries, Cyst, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Heart Disease, Depression, Prostate Cancer, Estrogen, Anna's Wild Yam Cream, His Wild Yam Cream, natural remedies, fibroids, heavy periods, Breast, Progesterone, Penile Dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, sex, intimacy, romance
Id: GD2T3fghLBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 45sec (3165 seconds)
Published: Sun May 13 2018
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